Mexico, Latin & South AmericaMarriage in Peru????
We got married in Peru (both ceremonies) and as Mercuryroad said it's very difficult to have a religious ceremony without having a civil ceremony first, I visited several churches and all of them said no, so my husband had to go to Peru and we attended the classes at the church (precana??) for 1 entire week during March. I'll recommend you to check MARIA REYNA CHURCH-San Isidro, they have a beautiful chapel and the priest speaks english so you can have a bilingual ceremony we had the CIVIL ceremony right after the religious one that was the only way the allowed us to have the religious c first.
Good luck

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-07-14 07:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAPPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!!!!
Felicidades!!! :dance:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-03 06:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWe got the visa! We got the visa!!!!!
I'm very happy for another peruvian-american couple :dance:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-05 09:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
Really?????? :unsure:
That expensive???????????????????????????? plop!! I thought that february was considered low season, and my sister is coming to visit me. Maybe if you wait a little bit and check the prices later?????
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-25 06:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
The owner of the travel agency (Miami) is a former student from my school in Peru, she always gives excelent prices, I don't remember the name of the agency but this is the number 1-800-490-8942 ask for Susana,Angie or Monica.

Good Luck!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-24 06:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru

Te pasaste!!!!!!!!!!!! encontre en un super precio, $1185 via Lan with 1 stop in Guayaquil (1.30) I will try to buy it as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.... :thumbs:


Me gusta travelocity por que te da muchas opciones para escojer y siempre hay que ir chequeando por que los precios varian.
tambien quiero viajar a peru para comienzos del prox año.
:P ya estoy emocionada contando los dias que faltan :D


Try found a one-way ticket to Lima for $622!

I'm leaving in 2 weeks...... :dance: :D :dance:

$622 for one way??? That's pretty expensive :(

Try found a one-way ticket to Lima for $622!

I'm leaving in 2 weeks...... :dance: :D :dance:

$622 for one way??? That's pretty expensive :(
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-11 06:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru

Try found a one-way ticket to Lima for $622!

I'm leaving in 2 weeks...... :dance: :D :dance:

$622 for ONE WAY??? that's pretty expensive :( .
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-11 06:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
I'll definitely enjoy it, and I agree with you we got very good prices. Tkt prices for january start to go down after the 15th.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-09-15 05:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
Sorry for the late response

I paid for mine $ 1119 Dec 18 - Jan 2
For Sil $1437 Dec 21 - Jan2

both direct flights. Departure from JFK
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-09-12 16:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
Thanks Guys!!
I bought my tkts last weeks, I got a very good price for me and my hubby, I'll be leaving for Lima on Dec 18th and Sil on the 21rst both direct flights via Lan Chile (we always use that airline)'cause is more convenient for us.
Anybody else going to Peru for Christmas????????? :dance:


Vi ;)
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-09-05 19:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
We always buy them tkts, we call one of the office here in New York and there is a peruvian lady that always helps us to get amazing prices, but I think that this time we are just going to use the internet.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-08-25 06:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
Te pasaste!!!!!!!!!!!! encontre en un super precio, $1185 via Lan with 1 stop in Guayaquil (1.30) I will try to buy it as soon as possible.
Thank you very much.... :thumbs:

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-08-24 08:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
I still looking with no luck, we'll see what happen in the next weeks a few travel agencies put us in waiting list.... wish us luck.....

Vi :crying:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-08-24 06:23:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru
Hey Guys!!
Just want to know if somebody can send me information about some travel agency that offers good prices on th tickets, yesterday I tried to buy my tkts ($1110) and the travel agent told me that the prices went up
$ 2028 via Lan Chile NYC-Lima leaving on Dec 18 and coming back on Jan 2.
Can you believe that?????????? I planned to go with my husband but spend $4000 just on tkts???? :no:

Hope to get some responses soon...


Vi ;)
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-08-22 07:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFlying to Peru tomorrow!
Don't worry Tracy,I'm sorry about the inconvenient you had I'm sure everything is going to be fine, be patient. Tell Luis to be prepared... and enjoy Lima!!!!!!!!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-27 06:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFlying to Peru tomorrow!
We are sure everything is going to be fine...... and next week you'll be coming home togeher.
Enjoy Lima!!!! :D

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-24 05:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americadoes USC need to attend interview in peru?
It's funny that you mention that 'cause that's what we brought, A LUGGAGE!!, photo albums, dvds of the weeding, print sof more than 300 e.mails,cards, stuff animals, was so funny 'cause the only thing they asked for : 3 pictures, 1 of the wedding day with both families, our honeymoon, and our engagement party. That's it. It only took us 5 minutes. Don't worry Tracy we all know how are feeling right now, try to relax, I'm 100% sure that you are coming home with Luis. By the way, what is he planning to do in the US?? What kind of job or is he going to school???

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-10-18 07:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americadoes USC need to attend interview in peru?
Relax!!! I know how are you feeling.... I had my interview last year (June) and my husband attended the interview with me, I remember that we saw three other couples, as Oly and Dider said is highly recommended that the US Citizen attends the interview. I had a friend that meet her fiance on line and they denied her the Visa, they rescheduled it for them next week and she got it.
I was very nervous since the moment I got the interview date, a very nice lady interviewed us and she she asked alot of questions to Silvio, it helped that she was from NY and they ended talking about restaurants and food.
Don't worry I'm sure everything will be ok..don't forget to post your experience....

[size=3] :yes:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-05-22 07:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americadoes USC need to attend interview in peru?
I'll say go to the interview...... :yes:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-03-29 08:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaVISA APPROVED!!!
Felicidades Tracy & Luis!!!
Now enjoy Peru...... :yes:


Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-11-06 07:41:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvians..
Why don't you celebrate New Years in Peru?? we have really cool celebrations there. We are going back home next week (monday) and we are planning to celebrate in the beach ,we both love to go camping with all my family :thumbs: . I can't wait to see them again after 1 year and a half and enjoy the nice sunny weather.
Jamie, you live in NY?????

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-12-13 08:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeruvians..
Hey Guys!

Wha are you doing this Navidad and New Years???? cooking something peruvian??? any peruvian celebration??

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2006-12-12 09:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeru: Interview on Jan 31st
I had my medical exam with Oscar Situ almost 2 years ago, very nice doctor, I brought my card with all the vaccinations I had and they didn't charge me $$, but I saw people paying alot of money ( A lady paid about $250), tell your fiance to be prepared and bring some extra money.
For the interview I'll recommend to wear professional clothes I mention this 'cause when I went for my interview I saw a couple (the guy) wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt, didn't look good at all. As MandyR says sit in the back, we made the mistake to sit in the middle and I remember that our backs were killing us. Bring all the documents in order, they will tell you that at the entrance. Bring extra $$$ in case you have to pay for fingerprints.

Mucha buena Suerte!!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-01-10 06:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHow did you meet?
I was a tour guide, he was my tourist...
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-02-28 07:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHelp!!!
Hey Guys!!

. We are about to start this process (I-751), I would like to know if some of you hired a lawyer, I know that this is the easiest part of the process but my hubby wants to hire one, do you know about fees??. I'm sure that when I tell him the fees he will change his mind. I posted in the "Removing of Conditions" forum but I want to hear from from your experiences (latinos/peruanos).

. Do the letters from my friends and family need to be notarized????


Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-04-06 09:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaStarting the I-751 ...
Gracias for the fast response!!!

I just called my hubby and convinced him to do it without a lawyer, you are right with that $$ we can easily go to Peru but that is not in our plans this year (my little sister is coming to stay with us for 2 motnhs and my parents are coming for Christmas) :dance: .
Sorry for changing the subject but how was everything in Peru??? I'm sure you had a great time!!!

Saludos a todos
Vi :thumbs:
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-04-06 10:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaStarting the I-751 ...
Hey Guys!!

. We are about to start this process (I-751), I would like to know if some of you hired a lawyer, I know that this is the easiest part of the process but my hubby wants to hire one, do you know about fees??. I'm sure that when I tell him the fees he will change his mind. I posted in the "Removing of Conditions" forum but I want to hear from from your experiences (latinos/peruanos).

. Do the letters from my friends and family need to be notarized???? :help:


Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-04-06 09:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDiscrimination
I lived in Peru all my life and nobody used checks, everybody uses credit cards or cash, and we too pay the rent with cash. Our landlord wants just bills, no checks. I prefer not to use my credit card always cash, why ? I don't know.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-05-08 06:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaDiscrimination
Hey guys.

I will like to know if you had some bad experience with discrimination in this country, I'm a latina living and working in NYC, specifically in the Upper East Side and if you are not familiar with NYC this is one of the richest areas of Manhattan.. The population is mostly white and jewish and honestly there are just a few latinos living there so if they see a latina they assume that we are cleaning people or nannies. I'm not against those jobs and the people that perform those activities is just that upsets me the fact that they get surprised when I tell them that I went to school (Peru) and had a very decent life. They think that 'cause we are latinos we are all here ilegally, NO!!!! I COULD BE LIVING IN MY COUNTRY BUT I FELT IN LOVE WITH A WONDERFUL MAN AND HE'S THE REASON WHY I'M HERE.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-05-04 07:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFans of Peruvian Journalist Jaime Bayly?
I love Jaime Baily..

We have DIRECTV ULTRA, we have Sur Peru and right now we are checking the tv and can't find that channel. MEGA???

MandyR : How is your wifey doing? how did she enjoy her trip to Peru?

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-10-06 16:42:00
Same for us, this Christmas we are staying in NYC, not so bad, hubby wants to be fair and spend one Christmas here and one over there. I'm counting the months already wacko.gif hohoho.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-02 21:05:00
We do love foreigners in Peru but I understand your concern, there is a big red flag about americans going to Colombia but as Mononoke28 said you are going to be inside the aiport,everything will be fine. Don't take me wrong, I love Colombia good.gif , I have been there before ,I have family there but they always warn americans about going there (I planned to go on vacation with my hubby to Cartagena but he checked a website with this "warning" and now he is a little afraid).

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-01 21:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPeru 7.5 Earthquake
I called my family the day of the earthquake around 8pm, they were ok, just a little nervous. The problem was yesterday, all the lines were down but he internet was ok. I'm worried 'cause I have a lot of friends in Paracas an Pisco.

Hope everyhing is ok with my 'compatriotas " in the VJ. :unsure:

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-08-17 06:11:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAguinaldos y otros en colombia
En Peru el aguinaldo es una pago por adelantado que a uno le dan.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-12-01 19:39:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru..
Thanks for the info MandyR and LaGreeneyes, I ask for time off from my job but we have 4 poeple going on vacation the same week :( , I really wanted to go to my cousin's weeding but it's not going to be possible.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-06-11 07:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaTickets to Peru..
Hi guys!

Just to let you know that COSTAMAR TRAVEL has great prices to go to Peru during June. I found tkts NYC-LIM-NYC for $580, cheapest price ever.....I made the reservation yesterday but haven't decided yet.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-06-05 06:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaGetting Married in Lima, Peru
Don't get married in Peru, trust me, is a pain in the.....
We had both ceremonies the same day, actually first the religious ceremony and right after that the Civil ceremony. Somebody recommended "Maria Reina church" in San Isidro, there's where we got married, they have a beautiful chapel and the ceremony was in english and spanish, Father Edward was our priest and the ceremony was beautiful.

Good Luck
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-05-04 06:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaLima Peru on Spirit Airlines
NY-LIM-NY for $671??? donde ? cuando? como??? I'll definitely go for it!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-05-08 06:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaFELIZ AñO NUEVO!
Feliz Ano a todos desde NYC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Toda la mejor vibra del mundo a la familia de VJ.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-01-01 19:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCost of vaccinations in Peru..
Your are bad! poor Angie...
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2007-11-05 15:52:00