IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMisspelled name on registration of marriage in India

Do whatever you have to do to get the marriage certificate corrected.  What that will be, is up to the court.  I don't see a reliable way around it.  I take it you signed this document with your name misspelled.  Is that correct?

Yes, both my husband and I are surprised that we did not catch this. I am thinking of sending both the registered marriage and the Hindu marriage also which has my picture on it to prove its me till I can afford to return to India to fix.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-05-06 13:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMisspelled name on registration of marriage in India

I tried to get help with this before but have yet to find answer on this. On our registration of marriage my name was misspelled by 1 letter. Malissa instead of Melissa. My husband called the court in Delhi to see how to fix this and they told him it would be a month and I cant fly back to India in a month to sign the registration of marriage again. I fear this will cause a RFE when I file for the petition to bring my husband over. Has anybody had this problem before and how did you handle it. I thinking a written letter by me explaining the situation and getting it notarized might be a good idea. If anybody else has any ideas on what we need to do, it would be greatly appreciated.  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:  :rolleyes:

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-05-06 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 help please
I think so. I have yet to fill out the I-30 form, since I am waiting after my info pass appointment. That question sounds confussing to me lol.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-05-16 06:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot sure what to put as answer????

Is the CSC filing and the Mumbai result one in the same petition?  If so, then the final determination is what I believe to be the correct answer here, i.e. enter an X in the "YES" box, and the name of the person for whom you filed the previous petition, Mumbai Consulate, Denied.  I might even add which type of petition (K1, I-130, etc)
Good Luck!

Yes the petition was approved but Mumbai denied and its for the same person. I have gotten confused because the form used petition in the question and techinally that was approved., but I am also Thinking that uscis wants the final results. Thanks for your reply.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-06-18 15:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNot sure what to put as answer????

OK, so I am finally filling out the I-130 petition for my husband. On section D question 2 it asks "have you filed a petition for this or any other alien before? If so name, where, date and result." Here is my confusion and I most likely making it harder than what it really is. Are they wanting California Service Center which was approved or they wanting Mumbai Embassy which was denied. I am so afraid to make a mistake.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-06-18 10:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresArya Smamj Wedding for Spouse Visa
Husband and I gotten married there and his parents and mine did not attend the wedding. We toke lots of pictures and dressed up. I know of another couple who did the same thing and he is in usa now.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2014-06-27 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnderweight


Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-09 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnderweight
We have not received anything yet except for our NOA1. It seems he heard this from a friend. We are glad to here this and thanks for responding!
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-08 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUnderweight

Some told my fiance that he can be denied his visa due to the fact he is a little underweight. Is this true? I cant seem to find the answer for him anywhere!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-08 11:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused... denied

hmm. no divorce no kids, clean slates. he is muslim, so we were already expecting to be checked extra heavy, but felt confident with nothing to hide, i am 'white' and he is arab. we are only 2 years apart so no problem there. 


So sorry for your denial Unfortunately New Delhi is not kind to interacial couples from what I read, and the last I heard you could attend the interview there. Most interracial couples that have  gotten approve l was because the UC was there at the interview. I have read up on this alot due to the fact that we are a interracial couple and my fiance is actually a Indian. So I do wish you good luck on your next move!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-02 09:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConfused... denied

hmm. no divorce no kids, clean slates. he is muslim, so we were already expecting to be checked extra heavy, but felt confident with nothing to hide, i am 'white' and he is arab. we are only 2 years apart so no problem there. 

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-02 09:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYour answer is my Aspirin ....

Well I dont write in Hindi and I sent the documents to my fiance in India and he wrote his information in script for me because I just could not do it ......came out all wrong!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-11 20:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance Identification??

I never had to show my fiance ID. All was sent in was showing proof that you are a USC. I hope this helps you a bit and good luck!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-11 19:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.


Photos must be 4x6 on individual photo paper.

like this:


They should contain the names of everyone in the photo on the back (indicating if its Left to Right. or Right to Left), a date, a location, and a brief description.


DVDs/CDs inadmissible, electronic evidence is not allowed, must contain a paper trail.

Data files for FB & Screen shot of skype calls: Print these out, on paper -- also this is more the stuff they're looking for when asking for "proof of ongoing relationship".

Oh names was suppose to be on the photos? I did not put our names on the photos and we was approved and i just received the noa2 yesterday!......Now i am a bit worried something will go wrong 

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-16 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresheartbroken :'(

I am sorry this has happened....does not sound denied to me, but if your having this kind of problem I am afraid I will have the same problem too. I work 40 hours a week, $3000 under to meet requirements and the only co-sponsor I can find right now barely makes the requirements........cray5ol.gif

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-17 22:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent
Well my fiance and I did not put our address on our letter of intent. What info are you putting on them?
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-07-27 14:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat if us citizen doesnt have job at the time of nvc processing?

Well it depends on which embassy you will be doing your interview at. Since we have received our NOA2, things have been moving very quickly. Both Mumbai and Delhi do take co-sponsors. My fiance interview is at Mumbai and he got his interview little over a month after NOA2. Do wish you and your fiance the best of luck.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-25 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo you really need employment letter for I-134

I thought the employment letter was in case you could not get pay stubs or w-2 forms, but I most likely  wrong.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-25 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they google you?

Yes and we discuss this last night and both of us desided that it's best to stop calling each other husband/wife. Rather be safe than sorry!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-15 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they google you?

So u cant call eachother husband n wife? Wow! Thats retarded lol i guess we better stop doing that... Altho we also mention our excitment about getting married. Its just natural to say "husband" or "wife" wen ur engaged


Yes fiance and I do this all the time but mostly in private chat!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-15 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they google you?

Oh so  calling your fiance husband or wife could cause problems with the process? wow.gif Guess we should stop doing that lol if that is the case!


Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-05-14 22:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance in Another Country
Are you starting the whole K-1 visa again? I think I read somewhere that it might be a denial again.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-27 23:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied
I have to be postive or I will go crazy! I know the day off I will be frantic witth worry and I told myself no more worry over something I have no control over, but still I am hopeful and we have chatted and I have the same red flags as you and your fiance and when y'all got denied it has my me frantic, but I am hopeful as well as my fiance.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-11-26 22:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa denied



Residency Requirement And Waiting Period

Individuals marrying in India must have proof that they have been in the country for at least 30 days prior to appearing before the local marriage registrar. There is a 30-day waiting period for couples marrying in India. Therefore, couples can expect to spend at least 60 days in India before exchanging vows.


Intent To Marry

India's Special Marriage Act (1954) requires the marriage registrar to post notice of a couple's impending marriage in the local newspaper as well as on the registrar office's notice board. During the 30-day waiting period, anyone can object to the marriage. If there is an objection, the marriage registrar will make a ruling on the objection, and the couple can go through an appeals process, if necessary. If there is no objection, the couple can marry after the notice has been posted for 30 days.


The Ceremony

Both religious and civil ceremonies are recognized in India. Additional Divisional Magistrates can perform civil ceremonies at the marriage registrar's office. Three witnesses must attend the civil ceremony, per the Special Marriage Act of 1954. Marriage certificates issued by most religious authorities are sufficient, and couples do not have to obtain an additional certificate from the marriage registrar. However, the Hindu Marriage Act, which applies to Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists, requires couples married under these religions to obtain a marriage certificate through the marriage registrar, though their ceremony can be performed by a religious authority.


The Marriage Certificate

Couples must visit the local marriage registrar office, usually located in a court complex or municipal building, to obtain a marriage certificate. In many cases, each individual must secure a "no objection letter," which can be obtained through the U.S. Embassy and will state his or her "marital status and eligibility to marry." After a marriage is solemnized following the 30-day waiting period, couples will receive their marriage certificate as legal proof that they are married.


Legal Documentation

Couples who were married in a civil ceremony must provide a number of documents to the marriage registrar after exchanging vows. They must submit the "no objection letters" they obtained through the U.S. Embassy. In addition, they must provide a passport or birth certificate to verify their age. They also must prove that they have been in India for at least 30 days; a ration card can indicate length of stay. They also must submit two passport-sized photographs for each individual and a marriage photograph. Individuals who have been previously married must submit the divorce papers or death certificate of their former spouse.


thats who told me.. I got it from a website ...and one other said the same(http://www.huffingto..._n_1263653.html)


I read on this and only 1 person needs to live in India for 30 days, that be your fiance, secondly,  one thing I learned about India anything is possible with a little bit of bribery help. My fiance and I originally wanted to marry in India and he was going to bribe them to marry a foreigner. Its really not that hard to marry over there in India, and if his interview goes bad, we already planned on doing this in March.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-11-26 20:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRed flags

the most important is different age, and the majority of couple ahave this red flag, woman is 45 for example and the guy 27 or the guy is 50 and girl 20 mostly from philipine or black ppl, and sorry religion is not red flag cause how can uscis or embassy know religion its not automatic that u leave in cathloic or muslim country so u are in this religion, ME I SAY EACH CASE IS SPECIFIC, and lot of couples here are fake, u can see it just in pictures, thanks 

I would judge relationship by a pic....almost as bad as judging all relationships as what is normal and what is not.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-12-14 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

You visited him once, how many times has he visited you?


I would guess he has not been able to visit her. I dont know why but it seems hard for Indians to get a tourist visa to the USA. My fiance was denied one and I know at least 10 others that have been denied as well.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-02 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai

You visited him once, how many times has he visited you?


I would guess he has not been able to visit her. I dont know why but it seems hard for Indians to get a tourist visa to the USA. My fiance was denied one and I know at least 10 others that have been denied as well.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-02 08:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Denied - US Consulate Mumbai
I am sorry to hear of your denial. Now I very worried about our interview when it happens. I am divorced with kids!
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-02 06:48:00
ThailandAnybody have problems with your family excepting your new foreign spouse?
My family was ok.......his oh no and still not to this day!
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-09-15 16:40:00
IndiaPacket-3 Confusion Mumbai Consulate K-1 visa


Hmmm....seems odd to me that you received the interview letter before the packet 3 in the mail! From what I have read you get the interview once they received packet 3 but what can I can I say, I am still new in this process and my fiance has yet to receive anything from Mumbai and the consulate has had the petition for almost 3 weeks now. Well good luck to you on your interview!

Well seems we have an interview date too now and bad things is he never received a packet 4 or any kind of letter.

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-09 22:40:00
IndiaPacket-3 Confusion Mumbai Consulate K-1 visa



I received my interview letter through mail. But I haven't received Packet 3 and Packet 4. I know I can download packet 3 and packet 4 through the website. http://mumbai.uscons...ov/ivforms.html


But I am not sure if I need to send Packet-3 to the Mumbai Consulate or wait until the interview to take it with me. If anyone has gone through K-1 visa process at Mumbai consulate please let me know what I need to do.


I would greatly appreciate any insights on this.




Hmmm....seems odd to me that you received the interview letter before the packet 3 in the mail! From what I have read you get the interview once they received packet 3 but what can I can I say, I am still new in this process and my fiance has yet to receive anything from Mumbai and the consulate has had the petition for almost 3 weeks now. Well good luck to you on your interview!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-09 22:21:00
IndiaMumbai consulate number answered by machine?

Yes, its very difficult to get ahold of a person at Mumbai Consulate. My fiance been trying for a long time and we can never get hold of a person. I did once but it was a very bad experience. Try this We had more luck going though this then with calling them. You can also go to  Go to contact us and at the bottom of the page, there is an India flag, if it says online you can actualy talk to a person and they can help you. Wish you luck!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-27 11:02:00
IndiaHelp on DS-260 questions
Yes I hope not either. I keep going to the actual Mumbai website to see if that ds 260 pops up in the forms needed but it has not yet. Both Lalit and I figured either which way we go we will be delayed since his medial brought delays.
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-09-15 21:12:00
IndiaHelp on DS-260 questions
Hmmmmm......I was reading can't remember where; that form ds 260 was not for k 1 visa yet but again who knows, there's so much confussion. Maybe that's why its not in the drop down list for petitioner! I was going to have Lalit do that form but I think we barely reached the deadline on that form ( does not help he is in Mumbai now).
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-09-15 08:05:00
IndiaShould I contact congressman???

Thanks for your response!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-23 22:34:00
IndiaShould I contact congressman???
Can I the petitioner ask Apollo Hospital this information? I am not sure if there are same rules as there is here in USA because of hippa?
Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-23 15:52:00
IndiaShould I contact congressman???

I am not sure where to stick this, but here it goes. As of tomorrow its been 45 days since my fiance had his medical done. The Mumbai Consulate said they will not interview him until they receive his medical from Apollo Hospital in Chennai and the consulate will contact my fiance when they receive it. The consulate told my fiance that it takes up to 45 days for them to receive the results of the test he had done at Apollo Hospital. Well our petition expires November 9, 2013. This month is now coming to an end and I been very worried about this. My fiance said he has yet to hear from the consulate. I am beginning to wonder if maybe I need to contact my congressman on this matter. I do know when his second interview scheduled they will move the expiration date back to accommodate for the interview. So I was wondering if I should go ahead and contact my congressman or just fight getting ahold of Mumbai Consulate? 

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-10-23 09:35:00
Indiaim reading about lots of denials for k-1 india...

I'm linking an old thread of mine that I started a while back. It contains a lot of useful information pertaining to red flags that come up frequently at Indian consulates (and many others as well!) http://www.visajourn...ples-post-here/

I am also 1/2 of an interracial couple. I used to think that the Indian consulates had it out for interracial couples but I've changed my views since spending a significant amount of time on VJ. I've seen plenty of interracial couples get approved, possibly as many as get denied.  

I have read some of your threads and they have helped us out alot! We just need to get though the interview now and just thinking about it I get so nervous!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-11-26 20:29:00
Indiaim reading about lots of denials for k-1 india...

wow. im so sorry that you didnt get approved. it really is a crazy world that someone else gets to decide if you are a legit couple or not. that brings out my side that fights for justice. we had our interview 2 weeks ago and got approved, but found out a week later that they made a mistake and didnt update our case which has delayed him getting his passport back. i was so angry because their actions affect the lives of others, and sometimes it seems they dont take it very seriously.


keep fighting. do everything you can. apply for a k-3 if you have to. 


and for us, we didnt have finances either to do anything traditionally and it didnt stop our case. so maybe it just simply is the age and religion (though i think less of the latter because they approve people with different backgrounds and america is all about freedom of religion).


ill be keeping you in my prayers! 

Glad to hear that the 2 of you got approved, Congrats!!!!!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-11-26 20:27:00
Indiaim reading about lots of denials for k-1 india...

Ive been going through the posts and I see a lot of denials for k1 visas in india. Are there any approved?! What can we do to make sure we are not denied? This makes me worried because I am pregnant with my fiances child and I do not want to have to raise our child alone! Any suggestions?


I have also notice this as a trend, but from what I have read most of the denial seem to come from Delhi, and I have read that the consulate actually wants USC at the interview. All you can do is just make sure  you have plenty of evidence, address all the red flags, and pray!!!! Which is pretty much what we are doing and we have lots of red flags cray5ol.gif  Wish you luck!!!!

Mel&LalFemaleIndia2013-08-28 22:34:00