US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotarized Letter

It makes no difference when a document is signed in front of a Notary. The Notary is an officer that whitness your signing of the document and indicates that it was signed by the person doing the signing and that the signing was not under pressure or against the signer's will.

There is no time limit on how long a notarized signature is valid.


Thanks for your response - This is also what I thought but the London Embassy are telling me something else (helpline) I have sent a further e-mail to london consular clarify this with them

The letter I have is from my son's father and it was sent to me in July 2005. I would rather not ask for another letter if I can help it - more hassle than anything!!

Thanks again for your response

Jackson1975Female02006-09-02 11:13:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotarized Letter

Thanks for your response, this is a letter from my son's father.

Nothing to do with I-134

Thanks again

Jackson1975Female02006-09-02 09:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNotarized Letter

Could someone please advise me how long a notarized letter is valid.

I have been given several different responses and I am now unsure.

Some advise indefinitely and others advise valid for one year

Your help would be greatly appreciated


Jackson1975Female02006-09-02 09:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Medical.....What to expect?

I had my medical last week Friday.

I went to Basil Mansions, Knightsbridge.

Firstly I had to hand in the Medical form that was issued in your pack from the US Embassy London. At this point I handed in one photo (us style) and my passport and both vaccination books. Same for my son.

Then I needed to complete new forms same info as the other form but a little more detailed plus a form relating to the HIV test. I handed these in and the was handed my ID back.

I sat around in the waiting room for a little while and then was called in to another room for my xray. my son was not allowed to enter the room with me, he waited in a different room and quite happily played with lego!!

The man doing the xray was quite plesant asked a few questions about where I had hoped to be moving to etc.

I had to take of the top half of my clothes and get into one of those gown things. Then have the xray which was simple enough.

I then went into another waiting room back with my son. After around 15 mins I was called to see the doctor.

He measured my son and weighed him, had him lie on the couch (clothes off) and checked him from head to foot.

He measured me and weighed me and the I had to get on the couch ( I was still in gown)

Then he took blood for the HIV test. He asked me a few questions about if I was talking any medication and general stuff. Then I had to sign the photos and paperwork, he signed them and that was it.

Back to another room to make payment. I was given a recipt and a copy of my vaccination paperwork, I was told this would be useful for when my son needs to go to school.

I was on my way home all done in a hour.

Problem when I returned home I noticed when checking the vaccination sheet that they had put the wrong date on my sons records stating he had some injections in 2008!!!!!!!!! Slightly annoyed because all they had to do was copy the info from my vaccination books!!! I called them they appologised and sent me an amended sheet the next day.

Note: Please check all paperwork before you leave the office.
Jackson1975Female02006-09-06 06:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLaw Enforcement Record???

My fiance received his packet 3 today. In the packet there was a letter that reads the following:
"A namecheck reveals that there exists in the U.S. a law enforcement record possibly identifiable with you. We must obtain that record before issuing a visa, and need to take your fingerprints in order to do so. Thereafter, the wait may be up to three months. We would ordinarially do the fingerprints in the afternoon of the day of your scheduled visa appointment, but if you wish to avoid delay by appearing earlier, please write to the above address or e-mail this office to schedule an appointment"
Then it just goes on to tell you how to pay for the fingerprints and that you can bring a pre-paid international express envelope with you to expedite the shipping of the prints to the US.
Has anyone else received a letter like this? My fiance doesn't have any record in the US and doesn't even have unpaid parking tickets. We are thinking that because he has an Arabic name (even though he is from Australia) they are doing extra checks on him and don't want to just come right out and say that they are racially profiling him.
Any insight would be great! I just hope this doesn't add another 3 months to the process. At the rate we are going it will be a full year before we get approved! AHHHH!!!!


I had this on the front of my pack 3 too. I panicked too.

I went down to the US Embassy (London) the next day and they asked me a few questions, firstly they had my date of birth wrong. They never explained what the problem was at all.

It was a bit of a wasted 130 mile journey really.
Jackson1975Female02006-09-11 08:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUK Police Certificate
I waas advised by US Embassy London it's good for one year
Jackson1975Female02006-09-21 10:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone postponed an interview?

UPDATE: well i called the embassy phoneline £1.20/min - the guy looked up m,y case number and the date he has for my interview is 10 December at 10am - although officially i havent got this in writing as they havent repied to my email - so i guess they have postponed it - i only hope David comes to his sences before that.

Lina - check the date again

Your previous interview was 12/10/06 now it's 10/12/06 (maybe american style date for 12/10/06?) was your inteview time the same?? I don't want to worry you or anything

You know how these help line people can be for getting certain things wrong sometimes!!

If it is correct - sorry for worrying you and I hope everything is sorted out by December!

Jackson1975Female02006-09-27 14:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone postponed an interview?
Lina - Sorry I didn't get to talk to you again at the weekend - Things were hectic and my son was ill all weekend. Laura has just said everything I would have said again and more.

let him calm down again, sort himself out.

Call me in the evening if you need to

Jackson1975Female02006-09-26 03:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHas anyone postponed an interview?

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.

I just wanted to let you know that Steven and I went through a similar issue and we broke up at Xmas, I held back on the visa application. We got back together a few months later and just continued with the process - Eventhough I went to the embassy to cancel the visa application.

We were able to retract the cancellation and continue but it was touch and go for a while.

If you want to PM me please go ahead.

Good Luck I hope things turn out ok.
Jackson1975Female02006-09-21 07:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionExample email to London Embassy
asking about pack 3 was the reason I e-mailed - you should be able to get a RHL reference number for that if as I was e- mailing them around a week after sending it Registered post.
Jackson1975Female02006-10-03 07:51:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionExample email to London Embassy
I would suggest that you call the helpline first.

They will then assign you a reference number to quote RHL *** (3 digits)

They work on a certain number per week. Then when they respond usually in 3 working days if you need a further question answered then you simply reply to that again.

Hope this helps as this is what I did
Jackson1975Female02006-10-02 07:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow Long Does it Take?
Yep the people in Glasgow - their computer data never seems to be updated.

I called after going to my interview on 10th October about another issue on the 19th October and they didn't evem have my interview date on their.

I'm also waiting for an e-mail response from someone.

Somehow I managed to call and speak to the person that interviewed me - SO if you remember the name of the person you could call the switchboard number for London Embassy wait for the recorded message and speak to switchboard - They transferred me straight to her.

She wasn't much help but it was worth a try!!
Jackson1975Female02006-10-20 10:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionaddress problem
I am the Uk citizen, my BF is the the US and in the military. When we first filied he was in Iraq.

When he sent the I129F he also used his parents address, on the I134 he also used his parents address even though he was back and living in SC.

When I had my interview this did not cause a problem as they didn't even question the address. I would think that they understand that you move around a lot.

When I finally get to the US we will change the address when filing for AOS.

I hope this helps

Jackson1975Female02006-10-21 03:19:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionStill no police certiicate
Try this email address

She was very helpful in advising me on the status of my police check.
Jackson1975Female02006-10-21 13:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionchange of address for petitioner
I am the Uk citizen, my BF is the the US and in the military. When we first filied he was in Iraq.

When he sent the I129F he also used his parents address, on the I134 he also used his parents address even though he was back and living in SC.

When I had my interview this did not cause a problem as they didn't even question the address. I would think that they understand that you move around a lot.

When I finally get to the US we will change the address when filing for AOS.

I hope this helps

Jackson1975Female02006-10-21 03:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionP****D OFF!!!!
I explained to the receptionist on the phone that I had messed up my form - she advised me not to worry as they had some there, furthermore, when you get there you need to complete their medical forms anyway.
Jackson1975Female02006-10-21 14:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionP****D OFF!!!!
You could try this number on Monday

0207 589 8965 - This is the number for Kinghtsbridge Doctors - Basil Mansions

Give them your case number and explain that you have had your pack 3.
They should either assist or give you a different telephone number.

Hope this helps
Jackson1975Female02006-10-21 03:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionP****D OFF!!!!
I think that DOS has more up to date info than the telephone line covering London (based in Scotland! Confused?)

The UK line has very limited info.

I was advised to wait the 6 weeks by email from Londonconsular.
Jackson1975Female02006-10-20 10:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionP****D OFF!!!!
It took 5 weeks for them to action my pack 3 paperwork.

I would wait a little while longer - when you e-mail them they would probably advise you to wait until 6 weeks after the date it was sent and then - e-mail them again for next action.
Jackson1975Female02006-10-20 10:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHELP Packet 3 lost in the mail!!!!! (K3, London)
My pack 3 took 5 weeks to be actioned - from date of sending.

When you ring the expensive number their systems are not updated regularly - so the info they give you is not up to date - e-mail isn't that much better either.

When I suggested that I should send in further copies of everything they suggested that I SHOULD NOT provide duplicates until 6 weeks has passed
Jackson1975Female02006-10-20 10:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhy FBI check???
WOOOO HOOO - too happy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jackson1975Female02006-11-09 15:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhy FBI check???
The FBI check is a fingerprint check but it is done because of - what they call a 'hit'

A name similar to yours is listed on the FBI records and the fingerprints are taken to ensure that you are not that person

The following may explain it a little better
Jackson1975Female02006-11-07 16:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhy FBI check???

wow, I reeally hope they dont need to do one!
After all this waiting, i guess everyone assumes that as soon as the interview is here your done and thats it!
Thanks guys x


It's fair not to assume anything unitl you have your passport/visa in your hand.

I went to my intervew 3 weeks ago thinking that everything would be ok and we just needed to be finally approved. I was advised at that point that FBI Name check needed to be completed. I was also advised that this process would take one week. Now 3 weeks later I wait............

You poor thing. oh no now I am even more worried!
Good luck! Hope you get it very soon. Was there any reason to expect you may have needed an FBI check? Aything like many visits to the US? did they give a reason at all?

No reason at all - just one of those things i'm afraid.
Jackson1975Female02006-11-06 13:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhy FBI check???

wow, I reeally hope they dont need to do one!
After all this waiting, i guess everyone assumes that as soon as the interview is here your done and thats it!
Thanks guys x


It's fair not to assume anything unitl you have your passport/visa in your hand.

I went to my intervew 3 weeks ago thinking that everything would be ok and we just needed to be finally approved. I was advised at that point that FBI Name check needed to be completed. I was also advised that this process would take one week. Now 3 weeks later I wait............
Jackson1975Female02006-11-05 03:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhy FBI check???
The FBI name check can be done at K1 stage prior to issuing the visa or at AOS stage, it's the luck of the draw - if you can call it that.

The results from the FBI name check can be avalible in one week to a couple of years and the people that are waiting for their visa to be issued must just sit and wait, nothing can be done to speed it along.
Jackson1975Female02006-11-04 18:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPhotocopies for interview
Yep regular is good and I would say 2 copies of everything
Jackson1975Female02006-12-07 17:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice certificate or CRB check?
A police certificate is required for the interview - not CRB, it's stupid really because the CRB has so much more information on it.

I had both as i needed my CRB for work. It's good to have in the US too

Hope this helps
Jackson1975Female02006-12-07 17:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnyone had an interview at London?
There is usually someone outside checking documents etc, the same person has bank giro slips - There is a Barclays Bank very close to there
Jackson1975Female02006-12-15 10:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAny military sponsors out there for K-1 petition?
A letter from my fiance's Commander was also provided and very nessesary
Jackson1975Female02006-11-30 09:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThread on special k-2 issues?
I brought my son to the US from the UK - I was a single parent I still had to obtain a sworn statement from my son's father - living in the US and Jamaica at the time.

The US Embassy advised If I was unable to provide this I would need to go to court and obtain a court order
Jackson1975Female02007-01-25 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVIsa Interview in London
Thanks Ange

I feel soooo sick - I don't know how I'm gonna sleep tonight.

I'll be e-mailing you as soon as I get home

Good Luck to anyone else that has an interview tomorrow!!!
Jackson1975Female02006-10-09 13:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFingerprinting
I'm not in Australia but I too am awaiting fingerprint results.

I have already had my visa interview and was advised it was approved pending this fingerprinting check with FBI.

The person that interviewed me was certain that it should be back in ONE week. It will be 3 weeks tommorrow and it's still not back.

How long has it been for you??
Jackson1975Female02006-10-30 13:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFBI Name Check

i'm waiting but my fiance is in Mexico.

Wow - That's a long time - Have you had any follow up from uscis as yet??

I'm waiting too for FBI name check... but my fiance is in Germany. :(

Good Luck :thumbs:

Awaiting FBI name check for over one year - This makes me want to cry I don't know how you are coping with this at all.

It would be different if you could be together while this is being sorted out.

Please keep me posted on your status updates - Thanks!!
Jackson1975Female02006-11-03 14:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFBI Name Check
Is there anyone at all??
Jackson1975Female02006-11-02 14:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFBI Name Check

I would like to hear from anyone who involved in filing K1 visa and is awaiting FBI name Check.

If you live in the United Kindom please contact me.

I am aware that some people are waiting at AOS stage, however, my interest is only with people that are still in the UK awaiting this check.

Many Thanks

Jackson1975Female02006-11-02 01:20:00