United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones


I took a handbag. Was a larger handbag which had space for a change of clothes, ipad, documents folder, a water bottle and travel-sized toiletries, but a handbag nonetheless tongue.png


Can't think whether I saw people with messenger type bags there on the day. Hopefully someone else can weigh in.


Sounds like a pretty large handbag tbh! Guess I'll leave it in the hotel and hide my envelope under my jacket if it starts raining. And now I can go back to worrying about if my interview letter is going to show up in time for my interview. With only 6 days between when they mailed it and my interview I'm not holding my breath...especially since i won't be home for the 5th and 6th day lol :(

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 15:09:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy, mobile phones

There have been lots of recent reviews, posts etc (mine included) which report mobiles being allowed in to the embassy. I had my ipad and ipod nano in my bag too. They were fine.


The only things they don't like are electronics with buttons, soooo the old-style kindles, laptops etc are no-nos.


When you say your bag do you mean a handbag? Or something more substantial? I was going to show up to the embassy with a messenger bag but not sure if that will be too large or not. Debating just leaving it at the hotel.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-13 14:53:00
United KingdomQuestion

I have a very strange question, I did try and do a search on this but nothing came up, when I went to visit my fiancé in England this past September I took my hair straightener with me but I ended up frying it. I'm going back to England in May and I'm worried about taking another straightener with me only to have the same thing happen to it. Has anyone had any luck on which hair straighteners would work in England?


I was under the impression any electronics would work as long as you had a voltage converter since the UK and US use different voltages for their electronics. Can probably find something on ebay or amazon. Or a random electronics store when you're in the UK.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 10:04:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Thanks for the input guys I feel a better more relaxed about it now. Well, as relaxed as I'm going to get in this situation. :) And yeah I figure I'll take some extra proof of relationship such as photos and plane tickets over christmas just in the unlikely chance that they request it.


Good luck on Wednesday, Broe!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 12:09:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Looks good to me as well, I wasn't sure if I needed duplicates of all my documentation or not (i-134 etc, tax returns etc) I guess we don't which is just as well as im taking along my own financial information etc as I rent property in the UK so I can luckily support myself when abroad.  I wasn't looking forward to spending a couple of hours at a photocopier.


I hope it all goes well Tuesday.


I have copies of all the affidavit of support stuff too because we figured we would need the originals for adjustment of status... thinking back on that makes me think it was a dumb idea because it'll be a different tax year by the time we do that so we'll have to get new copies of that stuff haha.


I just feel weird having all this stuff organized now and ready for the interview because it feels like there's pretty much nothing there and i feel like there should be more to bring, but nope. That's all of it.

Figure I'll take some photos from my visit over Christmas just incase the subject comes up.


But thank you for the good wishes! I'm kind of terrified even though there's not really a reason to be haha. :)

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-15 11:53:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents

Oh, forgot updated letter of intent to marry as the NOA2 will expire before the interview.

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 16:26:00
United KingdomDouble checking that I have all the required documents
Passport ( Obviously )
Birth certificate + Copy
Police Certificate + Copy
Passport Photographs
Affidavit of support + Co-sponsor affidavit of support both with letters from bank, employers, wage slips, bank statements and taxes.
Visa fee and courier fee receipts
Instruction page printed off from as the page requests
Interview appointment letter
DS-160 confirmation print out
Am I missing anything or am I all set for Tuesday? :) Should I bring any photographs of me and the fianceé or plane tickets and the like? I'm assuming no but just making sure.
Hopefully the next post from me will be saying I'm approved!

AlanTNot TellingUnited Kingdom2014-03-14 16:02:00