United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
Our interview is coming up quickly, and I have a question... can you take food into the Embassy? It lists backpacks and electronics, but doesn't mention food. Our 12 and 14 year old are going with us, and if we're going to be there hours I'd like to be able to take sandwiches or chips in for them to snack on.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-04-05 17:05:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Here's a map I made that shows the Embassy, medical office, and a few cheap hotels where people have stayed. You can zoom or move the map around. Zoomed in you can see coach stops and more detail. In the upper right, you can change to hybrid or satellite on the map drop down. Going to the interview MAP

We stayed at the Lincoln House and found it cheap and close and clean. They had a computer for getting online free. They held our bags, phones, electronics while at the Embassy, even after we had checked out. The room was small, but adequate. We came on coach and many coaches stop or pick up on that street or the next one over Baker St. If you call the hotel you can negotiate a better rate than they publish.

That's a great map, thanks for sharing it with us. The best I have found for a reasonable price (under £100) with two teenagers is the Travelodge near at St Pancras. They have family rooms, which even that will be small for us. I just don't want to spring for two rooms. I'll take a look at those places and see if they have rooms for four. Maybe I'll get lucky.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-04-02 02:55:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Unfortunately, our visa is going to be delayed by the medical. Our medical was yesterday and our interview is a week from yesterday (April 6). The Knightsbridge doctors said they wanted verification that my fiance's bipolar means he won't harm himself/others. Because his bipolar is now so minor, he hasn't seen a doctor for it in years. So, when Knightsbridge asked his GP for sign-off, the GP applied to central services for his basic records. Those are going to take at least to arrive. Once they do, my fiance has to have a psychological evaluation that is "anything up to £50."

I guess we're no longer looking at an April POE.


I'm so sorry. Can you go ahead and book the psychological evaluation now? At least then if there is a wait to be seen you'll have already gotten through part of it by the time the records get in. Just a thought.

Edited by Hokie97, 31 March 2010 - 02:08 PM.

Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-31 14:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

So I suppose in retrospect they are advising me not to bring him, not saying that I can't. It is so strongly worded though, it made me assume there is a rule against it. We will be in London with him, maybe we should just all show up and see what happens?

Normally I would not mind him going alone, its just that I am self employed. If they have questions about my taxes ect for the I-184, he'll be a bit stuck answering them.

Ergh. Will be happy when this bit is over.

The links that were posted were from last year, but they were also the official Embassy site. I would print out the pages and take them with you as well, just so you can show them if they say anything. A change to their policy should have updated immediately if it happened, so that this problem wouldn't arise. I'm sure there are lots of people who are in this situation.

Our children (my step children) are 12 and 14, so 14 year old has to be there, but the 12 year old doesn't (I think, I couldn't find the link to quote it). We'd be in a bind if we couldn't take one or both of them because we have no local family, and it's a two day trip away from home. Unlike you, I would never let my husband go in alone because he hasn't touched a single piece of paperwork this whole visa process except to sign where I've told him to. I've got everything ordered and labeled, but if a question arose and he couldn't answer it and it delayed us, I don't know if I'd be able to forgive myself. So all four of us are going.

It is interesting, though, because the children's interview letters were all the same. The 12 year olds did not say that he did not need to come. I've been trying to mentally prepare them for a boring day with no ipod or gameboy, just a book and a lot of sitting.

On a side note, I just thought of this, can you take food in? One of those links posted before said that there was a snack bar (which I assume is overpriced), but it did not say whether you could bring your own. I know you can't take a backpack/large bag in, but other than electronics I can't find any other restrictions.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-24 04:39:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
I just got my email from the Embassy. They've moved our interview up from May 17 to April 16. We're very excited!
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-19 11:42:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

My finace was told that i shouldnt book the medical until we recieve package four? I have already booked mine and its next week (what can i say im eager to get things done and over with) has anyone encountered a problem with going for the medical too early?


We booked our medicals the day we got Packet 3. As long as you have a case number, you can go ahead and book it. The reports are good for 12 months last I heard. We're really glad we did go early because my husband's blood pressure was slightly elevated and he'd had an ecg that was slightly off prior to a routine surgery the year before. They wanted both rechecked and the results sent to them before they'd send it to the Embassy. All totaled, it took about a month to get that done because of going to the GP, convincing them why he needed another ecg, and why he needed his blood pressure re-checked. Then we had to go to the hospital to have it done, the wait for the results to be sent back to the GP... make an appointment with him... get a zerox of the ecg... it was a whole thing! We mailed them in and were worried that they would want more, because their instructions said get them rechecked and then make a treatment plan, but both were normal, so the GP just scribbled that in the margins. We called a few days after mailing them and they said they got them and already had forwarded everything to the Embassy.

Not that this is likely to happen to you, but if something unexpected does come up, you want time to resolve it.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-17 10:08:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Thanks Jenny. Nice to know that the time they spend with you is short. About the flu jab, on the list of required vaccines it says annually for 60+. Why did they do the flu one? Maybe I'll go and have that one done before I go too.

To be honest, I don't know why they did it. My husband got called back first, and he went alone and I stayed with the kids (11 and 13). When he came back he said they told him they all needed one (and he got his MMR re-done which we expected). They offered to let him get it done at our GP, but we'd already had some difficulty coaxing our GP to give the Hep A & B, so he figured it was worth the extra cost to just get it done. I assumed at the time that I had missed something, only looking at my records later and seeing that it was not on the list, but by that point it didn't matter. I think they cost £20 each.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-16 11:57:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

APPROVED!!!!!!!!! Such a huge relief. Will write a review soon.

Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-16 09:16:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Hokie, how many of you were there and how long did it take per person? Just trying to guage what time to book my return train.


Three exams, my husband and two step children. Our appointment was at 1:10, and they took them back one at a time starting at about 12:50. They got vaccines (The flu vaccine wasn't on my checklist - not sure what happened there) and then we went into another waiting room. Then they took each one back and did the physical. Then my husband had to have blood drawn and an x-ray. I think we got out of there about 3:30. It's a pretty busy place. We went to the one nearest Bond Street Station. The people working there were really nice.

As far as per person, they had my husband back for vaccines for maybe 10 minutes. He got two (one my GP wouldn't give him because he was "sure he'd had it as a child" but we couldn't find record of it, as he moved a lot as a child). They also discussed the children's vaccines and everything. It probably only took 3 minutes with each child for the vaccines. Then the exams took maybe 5-10 minutes per person, and my husband's bloodwork and x-ray 10 minutes? You sit and wait mostly. We weren't sure how long it would take, which is why we booked our train out so late. Better to sit around and wait for it than to miss it and have to buy more tickets.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-16 08:11:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

I chose a mid-afternoon appointment and I plan to travel down early in the morning and spend some time at the V&A or Imperial War Museum, go to the appointment, catch up with some family friends for a drink and then head home late in the evening. I hope it works out, even if I have to miss my activities. I just didn't want to have to spend money on a hotel room twice!


That's what we did. Got to London around 11, took the tube close to Knightsbridge, then walked to the Embassy just to familiarize ourselves with it. Got US passport photos taken at the pharmacy near there, then walked to the doctors office. We were about an hour early for our appointment, ate our packed lunches in the lobby. Even though they started taking the family back 15 minutes before our appointment, we were still there for about 3 hours. It was hot and boring! We did have time to go to one museum though, on the way back to the train station. I think our train left London at 7ish and we got home 9ish. It was a looong day, but since we'll have to stay in a hotel for the interview date, I felt better about saving it this trip. Plus, then the kids would have missed two days of school instead of one.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-16 07:12:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Well my valid reason was that on my DS-2001 I thought I had indicated I needed a visa valid UNTIL august (i.e. August should fall into the 6 month validity, so an interview date in or after February), but in fact it was read as actually needing to enter IN August.

If you don't actually need an earlier date I'd suggest not abusing the system by calling, but definitely if you need to enter sooner then its worth giving them a call/email.

Well, in my opinion, moving in June is enough reason to want a date earlier than May 17. The kids are out of school May 29-June 6 and we were hoping that they could visit the grandparents one last time that week and then we'd move right after, since the end . The reason that I used the word "valid" was because they (the Embassy) may have thought that 3-4 weeks was enough time to finalize moving, but as far as notifying our landlord of our exact date and arranging a shipping company, which said they need a few weeks advance notice, I feel that it is cutting it awfully close. So to me, it is completely valid, our request.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-14 08:56:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

That other member was me ;-)

I followed the advice from this thread. It cost a £20 phone call to the extortion line and saved 3 months in waiting time, definitely give it a shot :)

£20 is worth it to maintain my sanity. What did you say to them when you called? Do you need to have a "valid" reason for moving it, or is piece of mind enough?

I'll let you know how it goes.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-14 08:29:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Thank you so much for your advice (and the other info on my profile as well). I had found an email on the board here, but the thread was from 2007 so I didn't want to rely solely on that. I did put a move date of June on my forms, and I suppose that technically it's enough time to move, but I really feel that is rushing it. I've already contacted a moving company, but I don't want to finalize things until I know for sure. We've started getting rid of things as well, as we are only taking one piece of furniture with us.

I would love to be able to pick a date and book flights as well. It's so hard to keep putting people off when they ask when we are moving. People don't understand that we just don't know. Though, being the second time we've done it, with me just arriving here last year, they are a little more understanding.

I'm going to call tomorrow and see what they say. If they can't, then at least I know we tried. And hey, while the plane tickets may cost more closer to the move date, at least the train tickets to London will be a bit cheaper this far in advance. That's as positive as I can be right now.

Thanks again for your advice, and good luck with the rest of your process! :)
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-14 08:12:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

8 weeks? That's shocking. The UK is one of the slowest. The irony of that is enough to finish me off, if the pernicious effects of the wait just to be logged, the wait for packet 3, the wait for interview then the wait for the actual visa itself doesn't finish me off first. Funny how other embassies, with higher numbers of applicants, in high visa fraud countries, where most applicants are then put into AP, all seem to get it all done in a quarter of the time, including AP time. Would love to know why that is deemed acceptable.

What's the most frustrating, is that another couple, who mailed their Packet 3 three days before me according to their timeline have an interview date 4 weeks from now. What happened in that three days that pushed me back to 8 weeks? There is so much to do, and while I am not concerned that we will be denied, I can't finalize things until we've got the visas in our hands.

Then there is the added frustration and anger at myself, because when I mailed my Packet 3 I left out a document, so it took 30 days for them to write to me to tell me that I needed to file it, then 30 days to tell me that my interview was in 8 weeks. If I hadn't screwed up, we could've (in theory) already had our interview or be about to. My husband has been my rock, and he says getting the interview date is good enough, but I just can't believe I missed something. It's pretty much all I've been focusing on for months.

Edited by Hokie97, 13 March 2010 - 02:52 PM.

Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-13 14:51:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread

Im getting so ichy to keep things moving.

This has to be one of the hardest things i have ever had to do. Everything seems so close yet so far away all at the same time..

Come on London, get those letters moving out and lets get our interview sorted. Even if the date is 6 weeks away at least we will know.

COME ON!!!!!!!!

I'm with you on that one. We just got our interview letter. It's in 8 weeks. We were hoping to move in 13 weeks. I hope you hear something soon. I just didn't think back in October when we started this process that we'd still be this far from the end. It's such a strain, the not knowing.
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-13 14:03:00
United Kingdom2010 United Kingdom Interview Thread
We just got our appointment date (well, my husband and children's appointment date): May 17th.

I am so frustrated, though! There is another couple that mailed theirs 3 days earlier according to the timeline, but got a date of April 22. I figured it would be about a month between notification of the interview and the date, but over two months?! I'm stressing out. We're planning on moving in June, but I can't book anything until at least May 17th.... everything is going to cost more... flights to the US, trains to the airport.

I can't find contact information online (though I may have better luck once I've calmed down). It would be so much easier to handle if only I didn't know that someone so close to our submission date got booked a full month earlier than us. I'm just gutted :(
Hokie97FemaleEngland2010-03-12 08:10:00
CanadaI'm in the USA visiting my fiance!
That is very good to hear.

I hope my trip on Monday to Chicago from London goes just as smoothly! :thumbs:
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-28 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPolice certificates
Hi everyone,

I am only just at the NOA1 stage, but thought I would start to get everything ready to save time at a later date. I live in the UK andI have applied for my new birth certificate as I only have the short one, and was going to get my Police certificates. How many do I need to get?

I lived in South London until I moved to Leicester 5 years to go to Uni, however I was still registered as living at my parents until 3 years ago. I have now lived in 5 houses in Leicester during the last 5 years, but within the LE2 post code.

Can anyone help me with how to apply/how many I need?

Thank you.
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-19 16:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresbirth certificate
I have just had to apply for the bigger certificate in the Uk.

The short certificate just has my name, sex, d.o.b, and place of registration.

It mentions nothing of the hospital or anything to do with my Parents.

The short version is not accepted in the USA so you must have the big certificate.
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-19 16:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTies to the country for US Visit
I have now booked my tickets to fly to Chicago to visit Leticia on May 1st. I am just trying to get my ties sorted out. Work have said they will write a letter. Does anyone have any ideas what to write? I have to be back at work on the 12th May.

Also, my current accomodation runs out at the end of June, so will that look dodgy if I use that contract as a tie?
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-21 07:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting my fiancee in the USA
Ok, Ihave spoken with work and they are going to write a letter for me to have to hand. My problem is that my contract for my house runs out on the 30th June (I am planning on going May 2nd for a week) so that is not far away. I have to be back in the UK on the 11th May as it is my sisters 21st birthday. I am then living at a friends until my Visa is (hopefully) approved so I can keep my job.

Any ideas about the letter from the Estate agent?
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-20 11:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting my fiancee in the USA
I don't really understand the point of entry stuff? Could you explain what you mean by there is one in Dublin?
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-19 17:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting my fiancee in the USA
I know that it is not recommended after applying for a visa, but has anyone visited the USA after applying for a K-1 Visa?

I have recently received my NOA-1 and had planned to go out in may/June to visit Leticia, as her sister has just given birth, but then I read on this site that it's not recommended. I hacve not seen her since the first week of March, and will have to wait until I receive an approval if I wait as Leticia has just got a promotion at work and cannot have any time off until the autumn.

Before I decide to spend £500 on a plane ticket, has anyone gone while applying, and what precautions would I need to take? I have a full time job and a rented house that I would be returning too, but by June I may have my NOA-2 and be waiting for my medical etc.
Andy DMaleEngland2006-04-19 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures2nd trip to the US
I have just got back form a two week trip to Chicago. At the POE they asked the purpose of my visit, and I just stated visiting my girlfriend. He just asked me how long I intended to stay, and how long I stayed last time I visited.

I had absolutely no trouble at all. If you haven't petitioned yet it should not be a problem
Andy DMaleEngland2006-05-13 18:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCase transferred from Nebraska to California
I got the same thing and wondered if this was a new NOA1 or not.
Andy DMaleEngland2006-06-14 16:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAffidavit of Support
Hey, I haven't written on the forum before but have thoroughly enjoyed all experiences on here. I now thought it was time I shared my problem.

After a reading a previous experience from someone who attended there interview on Friday 24th they stated that they handed in their Affidavit of Support or financial support form.

When my Fiance (Faye) and I read the "evidence to support" etc we thought that it would be OK if we just submitted a formal letter from Faye's bank stating how much funds were available (it is a very high amount so we thought that would be ok) and a second letter from her boss stating that she has a regular income and had this for a long period of time.

We figured that this evidence alone was enough for financial supprt, but after reading about someone else handing in this form I panicked and thought oh no, what we have just might not be enough.

I did speak to Faye and was going to get her to fill out the affidavit but it seems it needs to be co-signed by and official and we weren't sure if a faxed copy would be sufficient.

Question is do I actually need the affidavit or is the evidence I already have enough?????

Oh yeah, my interview is Monday 27th Feb 11:00, hence the sudden panick!!!

smyatt1980Not TellingEngland2006-02-25 02:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support

Officially, no you don't need to submit an affidavit of support. As long as you can prove to the consular officer that you will not become a public charge, you don't need an affidavit of support. Unofficially, most embassies and consulates require one, regardless of your ability to prove you won't be a public charge through other means. This is especially true in poorer countries. The London embassy is fairly easy from what I've read. I would prepare one just in case.

You have to have an original affidavit with original signatures and notary seal. It's too late for you to obtain an original affidavit since your interview is on Monday. I would get a faxed copy and be prepare to present the original later.

Most likely you won't need one since London is a cake walk compare to other places.

So if my fiance signs it and faxes it to me, where can she get it signed officially also? notary sealed?
Thank you much for your advice so far
smyatt1980Not TellingEngland2006-02-25 01:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support
Hey, I haven't written on the forum before but have thoroughly enjoyed all experiences on here. I now thought it was time I shared my problem.

After a reading a previous experience from someone who attended there interview on Friday 24th they stated that they handed in their Affidavit of Support or financial support form.

When my Fiance (Faye) and I read the "evidence to support" etc we thought that it would be OK if we just submitted a formal letter from Faye's bank stating how much funds were available (it is a very high amount so we thought that would be ok) and a second letter from her boss stating that she has a regular income and had this for a long period of time.

We figured that this evidence alone was enough for financial supprt, but after reading about someone else handing in this form I panicked and thought oh no, what we have just might not be enough.

I did speak to Faye and was going to get her to fill out the affidavit but it seems it needs to be co-signed by and official and we weren't sure if a faxed copy would be sufficient.

Question is do I actually need the affidavit or is the evidence I already have enough?????

Oh yeah, my interview is Monday 27th Feb 11:00, hence the sudden panick!!!

smyatt1980Not TellingEngland2006-02-25 01:35:00