Asia: SouthQuestion about religion on Islamabad Embassy

Same here with me. I actually worked in a church setting and because the youth were getting ready to study about islam and judiasm i thought it best to read evthing about both in my research had begun before my husband and i became friends. When we did I asked him more questions and talked to him more and decided to convert. But his family had already accepted me as a christian wife to him before then...he proposed with their blessing long before i converted.

Fast forward...i flew to him to be married and while i was there i told them i wanted to convert...they reminded me that they loved me jjust as i am but i explained why i wanted to convert. So the same day we did our nikah at the Masjid...i also converted. I actually received a certification of this with my new muslim name.

We included this withour ds230 and i gave him a letter explaining simply why i chose to convert and that i knew i was accepted as a christian wife to him before my decision.

Im not sure if your situation would be the same as mine or different since as a muslim man he can marry women from the book christian and jews.... and the muslim woman is required to marry only a muslim man.

Thank you what a interesting story maybe if I would`ve gone over there to marry her and have a nikah ceremony things would`ve been easier makes me wonder why I haven`t thought of it in the first place :bonk: I understand that it may raise some eyebrows as far as them mistaking her for wanting to marry a "catholic or a christian" which is one of the main reasons why I`m planning on flying over there in hopes of showing some evidence

Edited by Erik And Anum, 05 June 2011 - 03:46 AM.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan6/5/2011 3:45
Asia: SouthQuestion about religion on Islamabad Embassy
Salam everyone!

I am currently in the process of petitioning my Pakistani fiance to America. Prior to getting engaged I have made the biggest and most effective decision that I have ever made in my life! I officially converted to Islam. This of course did not have to do anything with my fiance as Islam has always been a religion that made much more sense to me. I studied it and did my research prior to converting and boy don`t I wish I converted sooner. On March I went to Pakistan to propose as well as to convert. Now the issue here is that I`ve been told that in MENA countries the consulates can be picky as far as issuing visas for interracial couples especially if they have to do with religions. My main concern is that since my name is not a muslim name yet they may hesitate to believe that I`m muslim. She of course is planning to tell them but is there any evidence that she can provide as far as showing that I`m muslim just in case they give her any problems? Would a letter from the Imam that converted me work? Has anyone ever had a similar experience and if so has the consulates given you a hard time as far as granting visas to people whom they believe that are different in religions?
Erik And AnumMalePakistan6/5/2011 0:11
Asia: SouthAnyone knows how to obtain a Police Character Certificate from Lahore,PK?

just the biographical page of the passport if i remb correctly and yeah take passport size photos too i dont think my husband did he just went and supplied the information to the police dept and told them what he was getting it took 2 days to obtain the final certificate. he picked it up two days later.

Thanks for the info =)
Erik And AnumMalePakistan6/18/2011 16:18
Asia: SouthAnyone knows how to obtain a Police Character Certificate from Lahore,PK?

CCPO (Capital Chief Police officer) office near secretariat mall Lahore take 3 Photographs & Passport Copy, fill the English and Urdu form there, then they will send those forms to your concern police stations, usually takes 7 days to get Police certificate. It?s easy to get with no 042-99211567

Thanks what type of photographs should she take and I assume its 3 passport copies correct? I`ve been told that they come to ur house to investigate or can this be done by just bribing them by just paying them? Its a lot of hassle having them show up at her house we don`t want her parents getting a surprise knock lol

My husband had to take his NIC card, birth certificate and passport copy in karachi to the police dept there... sometimes they ask for the interview letter but i doubt they will. Takes ususally just a day or two somtimes a week...

Not sure about Lahore but I'm sure its similar process

Thank you as for his passport copy did he had to make a copy of the entire pages of the passport or just the main page where it has his information? What if this is her very first passport? She wont get it until the 22nd of next month since she just applied for it today.

Edited by Erik And Anum, 18 June 2011 - 12:29 AM.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan6/18/2011 0:29
Asia: SouthAnyone knows how to obtain a Police Character Certificate from Lahore,PK?
Hi guys

Does anyone know where my fiance can obtain her police character certificate and what documents are needed for this process? Thanks in advance for the help
Erik And AnumMalePakistan6/17/2011 18:22
Asia: SouthPassport Clearence certificate?? Pakistan??
Hi this is a different question how will the embassy send packet 3? is it through postal mail or TCS and is there any way to track that package or should I email the embassy once its in their system? Thanks a lot for the help
Erik And AnumMalePakistan8/18/2011 6:25
Asia: SouthPassport Clearence certificate?? Pakistan??

Both countires has different laws, In pakistan we don't need Passport clearance certificate once passport is ready that's it. all you need is Police report Birth certificate and Medical Report,

Thanks that`s a relief
Erik And AnumMalePakistan8/17/2011 10:46
Asia: SouthPassport Clearence certificate?? Pakistan??
One more question.... Is Passport Clearence even a requirement for Pakistan embassy?
Erik And AnumMalePakistan8/17/2011 8:47
Asia: SouthPassport Clearence certificate?? Pakistan??
Hi all I just started reading a couple of threads in regards to Police Clearence Certificate but now I`m starting to hear many in India asking for Passport Clearence Certificate. Are both certificates required to present to the embassy? I thought that Pakistan only required Police Clearence Certificate. I`m confused!!!!
Erik And AnumMalePakistan8/17/2011 8:39
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
Thanks for asking. She`s doing a bit better she had to go to the doctor last night because she forgot to take her night meds the night before (she fell asleep). Her white blood cells are pretty low but the doctor said that this is normal with dengue. He told her to drink a cup of juice for 14 times everyday. He wants her to remain indoors with a lot of fluids. The good thing is that he estimates for her to get completely healed in 2 weeks. Hopefully by that time we`ll have our packet 4 and be ready to take the medical interview. The only problem is that she doesn`t have her vaccine records but does remember getting vaccinated before :-/
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/15/2011 11:32
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
Thanks for always coming through Jan.
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/13/2011 11:54
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/

Erik! OMGosh! I am just seeing this posting. :( I am soo very sad to learn about your finace and this sickness. My thoughts and prayers go to her and her family. Stay safe and God Bless.

Thanks for your prayer I`m hoping by the time we receive packet 4 that she should be all healed up so we can get the medical done. Aside from that thanks to Allah she seems to be slowly healing.
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/12/2011 15:55
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
Thank you Eabbas. Lahore has been very busy this month going around from block to block spraying pesticides but even they know that the only way to combat these mosquitoes will be for the monsoon season to end. The good news is that its only a month from now till it ends. Eabaas my prayers are also with you. I hope your husband gets out of AP fast.
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/9/2011 14:20
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
She is required to go to the hospital everyday. Her mom will be staying at home all week to provide all the care that she needs as well as taking her to the doctor everyday. We`ll see how her immune system acts up. Its very hard not being able to be there
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/8/2011 23:22
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
Thanks man your right guess I was being a bit paranoid lol. Anyways this is a bit off topic but do you know of a way to prevent from getting Dengue? I`m planning to travel for her interview. I was hoping to take some repellent but I`m not sure if that will be allowed at the airport.

Edited by Erik And Anum, 08 October 2011 - 10:19 PM.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/8/2011 22:19
Asia: SouthFiancee just caught dengue fever :-/
As many of you know there is a major dengue outbreak in Pakistan especially in Lahore where my fiancee is currently residing. My fiancee just caught the dengue virus yesterday. We haven`t gotten the interview letter as she just submitted packet 3.5 last Monday. We`re hoping that she`ll get better by the time she receives packet 4. Will a history of Dengue make a impact towards her interview?
Erik And AnumMalePakistan10/8/2011 22:07
Asia: SouthDiplomatic Shuttle Service Islamabad PK
Thanks for the response so in other words her relatives are allowed to use the bus not enter the embassy correct?
Erik And AnumMalePakistan11/17/2011 13:25
Asia: SouthDiplomatic Shuttle Service Islamabad PK
Hey guys

I have a couple of questions in regards to the interview process.

Where is the Diplomatic Shuttle Service located? Is the shuttle service only for visa applicants or is it for everyone including US Citizens?
How often does the shuttle operate?
Are family members such as my fiancee`s dad and her brother allowed inside the shuttle service center? how about the consulate area?
Can me and my mother accompany her to the consulate area?
What is my fiancee required to show to the shuttle service center? I assume the passport and interview letter but how about the documents?

The thing is that I am planning on coming 15 minutes later to meet up my fiancees inside the consulate since my flight will be arriving a bit late.I will be carrying all of the financial documents as well as the evidences and I was planning on giving it to her inside the consulate.
Erik And AnumMalePakistan11/8/2011 18:20
Asia: SouthAwful Experience with Pakistan Embassy in Washington
I despise their service on how they told me that my visa would be ready in 8 days and it wasn`t ready. I was told to come back yesterday but I wont be able to until Thursday. Their communication is terrible they rarely pick up the phone and they have never answered to any of my emails. The unfortunate part is that they also have my mother`s passport and her`s was submitted last Thursday. I just hope we receive it before our Nov 12 flight :-/

Edited by Erik And Anum, 02 November 2011 - 01:28 AM.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan11/2/2011 1:26
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTips to prevent AP if possible
OP, my prayers goes out to you for your hubby`s interview I wish him lots of luck and hopefully he wont have to deal with AP for a very long time. With the situation that`s currently going on in Pakistan its a pretty much guaranteed process to get a AP. Seems like i`ll have to brace myself with the AP game. Btw Is it true that a female usually waits less than a male? if that`s the case hopefully we will have the same luck
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-06-11 21:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPakistani Embassy I-134 Questions
Mods please delete this I will repost it to the K1 section as I don`t think I`ll be receiving any replies here. Thanksss
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-08-20 10:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPakistani Embassy I-134 Questions
I am about to prepare my I-134 and am planning on attending the embassy trip with my fiancee. I am a full time student with a I.T summer job in a private school with the possibility of being promoted to work there permanently if approved by HR. I wont know the answer to that until next month. I have only been employed at this current job for 3 weeks and before this current job I was employed at the same school but as a summer camp counselor. I have worked as a camp counselor at the school for the past 5 years every summer. The list of supporting documents that I am planning on taking from both affidavits (me and my dad) are the W2s,Tax Transcripts, my dad`s letter of employment, my future letter of employment (if rehired) and our 1040s. I have a couple of questions in regards to this matter.

-My father has agreed to be my co-sponsor but he has filed jointly with my mom do I only list my father`s income? Is he required to list his assets?

-As many of you know a student doesn`t have much assets only ones I could think of is my computer,laptop,clothes and my car then again I am not dependent from my father. Am I required to list my assets even though I am using a co-sponsor? If so am I required to provide proofs of the assets such as receipts? I`m not sure if I still have the receipts only one that I may be able to show is my payment history from my car.

-My boss has told me that if HR hires me they will wait for me to start work until after I get back from Pakistan. Would a letter stating that I will be employed on the date that I get back be equivalent as a letter of employment?

-Before the 2011 summer season started I was working with a private video company since September 2010. If I don`t get rehired at this current job would a letter stating my wage and position from the video company be necessary?

-Is it necessary to show my previous paychecks as well as my father`s paychecks? How about bank statements?

Thanks in advance for your help fam.

Edited by Erik And Anum, 19 August 2011 - 07:50 PM.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-08-19 19:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionGot Passport with VISA.. So far so good
Congratulations. Have a safe flight!
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-08-26 22:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionE mail responce from islamabad embassy
Thanks for posting this email although 2 things still confuse me. I think this email goes to all non immigrant visas in general but was the form DS-160 a requirement for K-Visas? It says here that its a requirement for all non immigrant visas which the K visa falls in but on the DOS site it states that a K visa applicant is only required to submit the DS 156 and DS 156 on its behalf. It also states that a conversation between the applicant and the consular office is required. Has anyone else needed to submit this? So far I was the only one that emailed the consulate back and fourth with questions.
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-10-06 12:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical Experience
Did they test you on which vaccines you needed? My fiancee doesn`t have her vaccine records :-/
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-10-21 23:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionOMGOMGOMG!
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-11-24 04:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNO AP. K1 VISA approved (INSIDE story from ISLAMABAD)
Thanks for sharing this information =)
Erik And AnumMalePakistan2011-08-17 12:46:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDid VO mess up?

During my wife`s visa interview (K1) we weren`t asked to present a I-134 therefore I don`t think you`ll have any problems. Her visa came within 4 days with no AP

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-05-30 00:47:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGoing abroad while I-751 is in process

Dido- Yes I still live in the area. I hope to receive the appointment letter before her trip so she can go for a early walk in.


Kzietu- We are planning on sending it out on the 26th so it can be in USCIS`s office by the 28th.

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-06-29 21:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGoing abroad while I-751 is in process

Ok and how can a appointment be rescheduled? Would it be best for her to call or email? 

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-06-29 15:56:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGoing abroad while I-751 is in process

Thanks guys. After trying out the calculator the earliest filing date is July 28th , 2014 therefore I`ll be sure to send it out on the 26th for it to arrive on time. What happens if she can`t make it on her biometrics? Can a biometrics be rescheduled? I have also heard of April filers having their last biometrics from AOS used is this true? 

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-06-29 14:37:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGoing abroad while I-751 is in process

Hello everyone


Me & my wife will begin our last phase of the journey on July 24th of this year. Would there be a problem if she was go to back to her country on the 27th of August and coming back on the 14th of October? Would she still be using the same Green Card since it wouldn`t expire until the 24th of October? What about biometrics? 



Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-06-29 00:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSend after the 90 day window?

Maybe you'll get the appointment letter before then and she can do a walk-in.  She takes the letter to the ASC and goes early, because she'll be out of town.


Or, have someone check your mail and reschedule the appointments.


Yea my parents will be staying until the 20th of September so I`m hoping to hear something in regards to biometrics by then. 

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-07-28 21:19:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSend after the 90 day window?

No, just keep rescheduling the appointment until you get one that works for you.  Is she abroad now?


No we will be leaving on Aug 27th. 

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-07-28 15:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionSend after the 90 day window?

Well I was trying to get the package intercepted but it seems as if its already been delivered. Is it recommended for me to attach a letter asking to have the appointment taken after Oct 15? 

Erik And AnumMalePakistan2014-07-28 15:41:00