United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thanks and your welcome!

We had agreed if the price of flights wasn't too expensive he would fly over. I was worried that because it was in the middle of the Olympics and we had 3 days notice of the Interview the prices would be sky-high. But they were ok, I bought the ticket on the monday afternoon, he flew over tuesday night, arriving wednesday morning and our interview was thursday morning at 8am! I was so happy he made it over in time, but I was still a bag of nerves at the embassy!
My fiance works for 2 old high school friends and they had actually booked the week off on holiday (they weren't going anywhere), but they cancelled it so he could come over. Now that's a great boss :)

I'm really pleased for you. Hope my VJ goes as smoothly without my fiance at my interview! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 16:09:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

They did say it was forwarded to the consulate on Friday (I called the NVC again today to confirm that information), but another VJ member told me that is what the NVC told them too, and there was only 1 DHL shipment going to London this past Friday. Do they group applications leaving from the NVC by country?

Yes they do group shipments. DOS told me that DHL doesn't take more than 3 working days to get packets to London. Mine arrived in 48 hours. Do as Photomile said, if you have your police certificate then book your medical. In the mean time, get all your DS forms ready to send back.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 13:13:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

It's not mandatory and yes aslong as you have the other evidence, you can show that. I had the chinese/Asian woman at the first window, who collects together all your paperwork and she asked me for the I-134 and the letter from his employer, if I didn't have the letter I would have shown the tax transcript/pay slips/W2.

Ok, thanks so much for the info. Congrats on your approval again :) It must have been lovely having your fiance with you. I know I am going to be such a bag of nerves! I wish my fiance could come & join me for my interview but he came last month & was here for 3 weeks so getting the time off work again is not likely.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 09:32:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Photomile, at the interview they don't ask for a copy of the I-134, but I took a copy for my own records. They also asked me for the letter from his employer and then in the interview the woman had obviously read it, as she asked me questions about where he worked and what he did.

I didn't photocopy the supporting evidence, w2 tax-transcripts and pay-slips and I wasn't asked to show any of it. BUT I think this depends on how how far you are over the 'amount you have to earn' and the interviewer at the time. Every case is different!

s.m.1804, my fiance sent me the I-134 May 16th, 2 days after we got our NOA2. I had my interview August 2nd and nothing was said about it being 2 and a half months old. However my fiance was with me at the interview and the night before we printed off another copy of the I-134 so if needed he could sign it there right infront of the interviewer. The date wasn't mentioned, but she did ask my fiance if he was willing to support my son and me.

I don't have a letter from my fiances' employer but I have all the other evidence. As long as you have at least 3 types of evidence, that should be sufficient shouldn't it? My fiance earns way over the amount necessary & has provided details of his salary as well as other savings & assets. I just want to check if the employer letter is mandatory or not as from reading past posts, my understanding was that the supporting evidence could be a variety of paperwork as long as it proves your fiance is financially stable & able & willing to support you.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 09:00:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Whoops, I think I wrote my original post wrong!

I absolutely 100% have the original signed I-134 and supporting evidence in front of me. (phwew, started to panic there!) , what I meant was, in addition to this, does the interviewing officer want a photocopy of the I-134 and supporting evidence? (I think no, but just double checking)

No I don't think so, they want original forms but there's no harm in taking a copy. Also you may want to keep it for your own records. I have made duplicates of every form I have filled out since we began the I-129F, signed & everything so if one goes missing or you have to provide exact duplicates (sometimes they ask to see that) which in some cases you do with packet 3, then you can just pull one out. I always worry something might get damaged where it's not readable so I always keep copies. Good luck :)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 19:43:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Sorry guys but do I need to give them a copy of my I-134 and the supporting evidence?

For your interview? Yes I am afraid so. Not a copy but an actual signed form from your fiance which they will need to send by post. Read the instructions on the evidence you need to provide, i.e letter from employer, pay checks, bank statements, tax transcripts. You're up next week yes? You still have time so get your fiance to FEDEX them overnight in the next 24-48 hours.
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 18:29:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

regarding driving. call Progressive Insurance. they are pretty much the only company who insure foreign nationals on an international license.

the driving test in general is stupidly easy compared to the UK.

Thanks Robert. I also researched this & apparently (I may be wrong) the wonderful State of Texas is one of the few States that doesn't accept international licenses from permanent residents...believe me I have looked at every avenue to not have to re-take my test like I'm 17 again lol. I have heard from everyone how easy the test apparently is, that is worrying & comforting at the same time lol, Thanks again

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 17:15:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hey, I'm going over to Texas and the driving side of things has become a big topic of discussion for me.

YES you have to take a full test again. That part is 100% guaranteed.

You can drive for 1 year on your British drivers licence, however I'm trying to clarify if that is 1 year as a visitor or 1 year as someone who is living there. I'll let you know.

As for getting a licence, the DPS requirements state that they will accept an I-797 to show you are adjusting your status.

The link is on the DPS website here and specifically says the following on page six

It states you'd get a limited term Drivers Licence or State ID with this information

Thanks Nick & Photomile. Firstly yes you're right Nick, I suppose we're paying to be given the right to live in another country that is not our own & why should it be free? The fee just hit me as I knew the fees added up over time but that was a big one.
In terms of driving in Texas after entering on a K1, this is my understanding :
- We can use our UK licenses for 1 year as visitors ONLY (Doesn't apply to us so if you get pulled over for anything & lie & say you're just visiting, you are obviously lying to a Police officer which I personally could never do)
- Immigration is different, I believe it is 90 days or until your I-94 is basically up, hopefully you will have gotten married in that period before your K1 expires, then you apply for AOS & the temporary license with proof that you are in fact adjusting your status.
- Once status is adjusted & you are a lawful resident, the State requires you to take the driving test from square one (poo)

Let's not discuss this here any you in another thread Photomile, it's called Driver's Permit I think....

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 17:09:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I was just complaining to my parents that we'll be paying for the ability to pay taxes lol.

You can drive though while you're waiting for a green card :) Check what state you live in, but mine is 90 days, then you need a driver's license and all you need to get that is a social security number and some evidence of residency which luckily, is free :)

Really? I am pleased for you. What State will you be in? See I have scoured VJ looking for answers & it seems that because I will be in Texas (fingers crossed!) the laws there are much stricter & as soon as my I-94 is up, I can't use my UK license to drive any more. If I am a Texas resident, apparently I have to take the driving test from scratch again (having read info posted by Nick-Nich also in Texas) which is honestly making me feel a bit stressed as I am not used to driving automatic or the other side of the road! I know I'll get used to it eventually but it's just practise isn't it? Sorry if this is off topic & feel free to move...
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 16:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Medical paid at appointment
VISA fee paid anytime before interview
Courier fee paid at embassy

Adjustment of Status fee paid after marriage--a whopping $1070

$1070?? What exactly are we paying for? Being allowed to stay in the country where we can't work or drive whilst we're waiting for a green card :/
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 14:48:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thank you SO much!!!! Just trying to be prepared :)

You're welcome. Been there & I know how confusing it can be with so much info. Also different sites tell you different things. Don't worry. that's why we're all in here! lol ;)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 10:48:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I read that we should have a notarized and updated statement of intent to marry. Has anyone experienced that the intent to marry statement needs to be notarized?
Any feedback is appreciated!!!

In the first letter that you receive from the embassy (just got mine this afternoon) It states that you only need to do this if your application validity time expires. Mine says it's valid for 4 months from the letter date.(I had previously heard 6 but maybe they have changed the date to try speed things up? I can't imagine why anyone would delay the process but it can be tedious filling out all the forms & compiling the documents you need with evidence, & if you have very little spare time, it could take a few months I suppose) Anyway basically if you don't do anything for the 4 months stated in the letter & they don't hear from you, then you need to prove that you're still in a relationship with your fiance & you're still committed to pursuing the application. The letter of intent is not on the list of required documents for the interview on the embassy's website, but other consulates in other regions have asked for it.
If you read Stu4Lee thread about being asked for more evidence at his interview yesterday though, then I think there's no harm getting a letter & I am taking one to my interview in case. It won't be notarized though. Good luck

Edited by LeedsUK, 01 August 2012 - 10:20 AM.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 10:18:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

You posted in two threads and I had answered some in the other. Here's a copy/paste from the other thread....

I'm wondering if you got off on a link for spouse visas. They do mail all their original documents to NVC.

Police certificate will be shown at the medical and turned in at the interview. A spare copy is only if you want one. Not needed for anything else. My husband got a spare in case an employer might want to see it like a background check before there was any US background. Nobody seemed interested in his, but it's something to consider if you want one for yourself.

Edit to clarify: my husband just became a USC and his UK spare police certificate has not been asked for again since the London interview.

Ok thanks Nick...I don't think I will bother with the extra copy as it was only if I needed it for specific reason & then having to go through the hoopla of ordering it again & paying the fee which would be a nightmare once I am in Texas. Thank you :)
PS - Where about's in Texas are you? There's quite a lot of us on here! I will hopefully be in Austin

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-27 09:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Your London instructions are here
If you read it carefully, Step One mentions the four application forms and says

" The completed form(s) should be mailed to the Immigrant Visa Unit. See "Contact and Mailing Address" on the right-hand side of the page. Note: The failure to return the forms promptly will delay the processing of your application."

That means mail back all four of those forrms plus duplicates of DS-156 and DS-157 to the embassy ASAP. Then you can get your documents gathered for the interview like the birth certificate, police report, affidavit of support. When you have those you can let the embassy know you are ready with the DS-2001. If you have those in hand now, the you can send the DS-2001 in the same envelope with the other 4 DS-xxx forms.

Some wording that confuses people
FORMS = US government forms, in this case DS forms from the Dept of State
DOCUMENTS= personal documents like birth, death, marriage or divorce certificates; police report, military records; tax returns, bank statements, employer letters....whatever applies to your situation.
Forms are mailed in. All documents go with you to the interview (K1s). If you want your originals back, then take a photocopy along for them to put in your file.

Hope that helps. Read the instruction over again and all the links on the left column.

Thanks Nick! That really clarifies things. I just wondered how many copies of the police report I need? Seen as they aren't free & it's cheaper to get an additional copy the first time round then order another one later on if I need it once I move to the US for AOS or other procedures?

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-27 00:20:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Hi everyone,
I have just recently joined but have been reading all your posts the past 7 months to help with the K1 process. It's made a stressful process so much easier, thanks to all your posts. My fiance got the NOA2 on July 9th so I am just waiting for contact from the embassy in London now...I have been reading this page with all the FAQS for some time now & got my fiance to complete the I-134 & start on the next set of forms etc :


I just wanted to check that to everyone's best knowledge, the advice here is all up to date & applies to the UK? I find the London embassy website rather confusing because although it tells you what forms to download & fill out, it doesn't seem to clearly explain which forms you send when & which you hold onto until the interview etc. Can I just clarify that as soon as I get contact from them, I am just posting back the DS-230 form? I have almost everything I need from the document check list except my police report & my fiance is gathering evidence to support the I-134 so until all that is done & physically in my hands, I am not going to send the DS-2001. So again just to clarify, I just post back the DS-230 & hold onto the DS-156, DS-157 & DS-156K? Anything I am wrong about or have missed out? Thank you
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-26 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot NOA2 Approved!!


We got ours approved too! I didn't expect it to be approved so soon. Very happy.

Good luck with the rest of the process!!


Hi Kelly!
It's nice to converse with other Brits in my shoes. Are you waiting to also get your packet from the embassy in London? I am trying to do all my homework & get as much as possible done now so I'm all ready when I get the packet. I am going to schedule the vaccinations with my GP, order a Police Report & I have asked my fiance to start gathering all the evidence for the I-134...good luck with your case :)
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-26 10:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot NOA2 Approved!!
Congratulations! It's a wonderful feeling isn't it? I also got our NOA2 on July 9th :) I called the NVC on Monday & after a long hold, a nice lady said our application had been sent to the embassy in London on the 18th & she gave me our new case number. I am just hoping I get an acknowledgement soon...I have read some posts where people are discussing the Olympics slowing embassy services down?
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-26 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfirm the immunisations I need
Sorry, didn't realise this was a spouse visa thread! *leaving"... many thanks again
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-29 14:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfirm the immunisations I need

Leeds -- you are a K1 and the excuse that varicella shots are not available in the UK does not apply to you. K1 s only excuse for no varicella shot is having chickenpox. Also it doesn't matter that you did or didn't live in the UK for shot purposes . Most of the shots on the list are for babies and are not medically appropriate for an adult. So whether you did or didn't have them as a child doesn't matter really because they are not on the list for adults, which is all you need to worry about.

Can anyone link me to this list? I would like to print it off & show my vaccine nurse. I have had pox twice as a child & as I understand a blood test determines this? So when I go for my official medical & they see my blood results, they will know that I don't need a Varicella shot? I just spoke to my good friend who is a GP & she said to schedule an appointment with the nurse at my surgery who deals with all the vaccines etc as she will be able to see if I am missing anything. She also said that I should technically have MMR too & shouldn't need it again...
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-27 09:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresConfirm the immunisations I need
Hi Dean,
I was also going to phone my GP tomorrow & schedule the same thing. I also looked at the vaccine chart & thought "OMG do I need all these??" GP printed out my vaccine records with notes but his handwriting is appalling so I cannot differentiate what I have already & what I need...any medical stuff is just lost on me so I am guessing from Nick's reply that if we have been born in the UK & lived here all our lives (I'm 30) then we should be immunised against everything from childhood except the MMR & DTAP? I understand the Varicella & flu shot....thanks!
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-26 23:17:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Nick you should be getting paid! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-21 12:08:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I thought I should share this info below, (though I'll encourage anyone to seek a second opinion on it, this is not fully verified, but just my fiance's understanding)

Fiance says he's been informed by his insurance people that the Obamacare medical bill will be passed in a month or so (but before the end of the year), and that with it, vaccinations will now be free in the US, won't that be great?! :dance:

Also, if your partner has medical insurance and depending on what it covers, once you get married, he/she can get you listed on it, and you can use that cover to get your vaccinations in the US if you haven't already here in U.K, the bills covered by the insurance (he checked this with his insurance company and a listed civil surgeon too).

Like I said, this may not apply to every case and may also need further verification, but just said to share, might save some people a few bucks! :D

Thanks for this. Was aware of the insurance but not Obamacare. And yes Knightsbridge are telling everyone to just go back to their GP's to get their remaining vaccines done because they just don't care...Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-21 10:25:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Yeah, I had a feeling that might be the case, which is why I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I saw his name on the list LOL. Hopefully though, a faxed copy of my updated immunisation record to Knightsbridge Doctors will mean everything sorted before I eventually get out there.

Yes that should be fine. I am glad they haven't ripped you off like they are doing with so many others. I was so nervous that I forgot everything I had read on here & believed the vaccine nurse when she told me to go back to my GP to get my TDAP shot. Just make sure your record is complete & you'll be fine. Very handy having your future father in law as a USCIS approved physician. Good luck Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 08:00:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Fanbloodytastic. The docs are holding my results until I forward the results of my 24 hour blood pressure results (whenever that may be). I'll see about getting my first MMR jab when I get the blood pressure monitor fitted and see about getting a record faxed to the medical guys to be added to my record as mentioned earlier then. Worst case scenario, my father in law to be is a GP over there, so hopefully won't be a major issue. Really hacked off they've put this whole process on hold for me because my blood pressure was a bit high due to nerves. Now it seems they are giving out blatatenly wrong information!!!!!

Good that they are holding it for you so now you can get everything sorted. If you do need to get anything done in the US, it has to be by a USCIS approved Civil Surgeon I'm afraid. There is a list on their official website.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 15:59:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I was given duff info at the medical then. I was told that if I attatched my vaccination record from my GP showing I had recieved the MMR, that would be sufficient. Also my medical sheet was given to me and I was told to hold on to it until I'm ready to fill in my AOS. It wasn't retained to be sent to the embassy, unless they have a duplicate.

I had my medical back in August, I was missing TDAP & they fed me the same lies & told me to attach my vaccine records from my GP for AOS. This is complete rubbish. Listen to what Nick told you. I actually phoned up & complained twice because I was so furious to be given the wrong information. They took no responsibility for giving the wrong information to patients & did not care that they were taking peoples' money & not delivering a service. Basically the medical results that you paid £227 are now absolutely useless to you for AOS & unfortunately it can cost a lot to get another immunisation record in the US, often they ask you to re-take the medical. If your results have been sent to the embassy already then it's best to read through this entire thread & try & find a civil surgeon in the US in the city you will be living.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 10:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Agreed. I know she's just doing her job & when I tried to complain she said she'd have to speak to her practice manager & call me back. I know it's not up to her & she'd obviously been told by her manager to make it clear that they would not take any responsibility for giving out wrong information to patients. Telling me the embassy had told them to tell patients it was "...fine to submit NHS records for AOS" was just a complete lie though Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 10:44:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Jade is nice but when I phoned up a week later to tell them I had been misled about my vaccines, she couldn't get me off the phone quicker. They won't accept responsibility for any fault & it is disgusting how much they charge for a 15 minute appointment. I will never complain about my NHS GP surgery ever again, having been to this "private" clinic. My doctor was blonde, about 35, had a European accent & was just horrid Posted Image

Edited by LeedsUK, 26 September 2012 - 09:52 AM.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 09:51:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
So I called Knightsbridge this morning to see if they had sent my results to the embassy. As I figured, they sent them off on Tuesday as it was Bank Holiday on Monday & they said it's now too late to amend them Posted Image She said it's not impossible but requesting my form back from the embassy is very time consuming & will slow down my entire application process. For those of you that haven't read my story in the other thread, I was required to retake tetanus again to meet US requirements but they told me to just go back to my own GP & that it would be absolutely fine. I took their word for it & now my form says my immunisation records are incomplete Posted Image Obviously this form is now useless to me for AOS & I will have to find a civil surgeon in the US & pay to have him sign off a new form for me.

I told the receptionist at Knightsbridge that I would have just paid to have the tetanus done there if I'd known my NHS records would be disregarded in the US. She said they had no idea about this (I'm sure I am not the first person that this has happened to who phoned up to complain!) she wanted to get me off the phone as soon as possible & didn't want to take any responsibility for giving misleading information. Shocking how much nicer they are when you're handing over £227....she said she would verify what I had said with her manager & would call me back. I got the impression I wouldn't be receiving a call at all but thankfully she phoned back a while ago & said the only other thing I could do was take my immunisation records to my interview & explain what happened to see if they would accept them. I don't think this is an issue for the officer at my interview to be dealing with is it? Because issuing the K1 doesn't depend on my immunisation history, it's purely for AOS? Help & advice please...
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-31 08:23:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Me too! My arm hurt for about 4 days! I was actually surprised but I'd also not had a blood test in years so forgotten that it hurt so much. When I was doing normal stuff around the house, I'd forget about the little wound & then go "OUCH!" lol Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-30 14:23:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Sounds like a good afternoon! I got the 5:10am train out of Nottingham and got to the station at 4:45am and thought i was going to get murdered! :unsure: There was shouting coming from one of the toilets and nobody was about to go in to investigate...

Needless to say, arrival in London was better :lol:

Just had a thought as well, they said if i dont hear anything by Monday, it's all good. Well, Monday is a bank holiday and they surely wont be open :wacko:

Yes I just realised that this morning! The lady at reception said that if I hadn't heard anything by the Friday (just gone) then the embassy would have my results by Monday but there's no post tomorrow is there? It also means a delay in them receiving my DS-2001 as I took everyone's advice on here & decided to send it after my medical results arrive.
Glad you got into London ok, early trains are not fun. I'm up in Leeds but stayed with family in Surrey on Tuesday night. It was about 45 minutes into Bond Street so not bad.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 10:24:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Yeah it was quite intrusive! But the doctor i had said "If you dont mind" after everything. We both knew it wasnt negotiable but it made me feel better :lol:

I got there an hour early so i went for a bit of a walk and came across their other doctors thats pictured on the first page! It is actually a lot closer than i thought.

That was considerate of yours, mine was frosty but I guess you're being examined & not having your usual chat with your own GP.
I was actually so stressed out as I was making the journey up from Surrey, my appointment was at 12:50pm & was 5 mins late because the tubes were really busy but they were lovely thank god! It's right in one of my favourite areas & the weather was fabulous so afterwards I went for a wander around Oxford Street & had an ice cream Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-26 08:09:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Holly, I had mine on Wednesday. You described your experience just as mine was! I was also annoyed about the soap lol. I think you had a more pleasant Dr though, mine was European & a bit frosty but whatever. The only thing was that when I saw the vaccination lady last, she said although I had had tetanus & was fine for UK standards, I'd need to have it again to qualify for AOS in the US. She was really nice & said not to pay extra & have it done by them, but to just go back to my GP. I told her I was awaiting the MMR booster so she told me to get the tetanus then too.
All in all, I found it quite intrusive but it's done now. They said if they hadn't called me by yesterday then everything was in order & the embassy would have my results on Monday.
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-25 16:43:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

:thumbs: Good job! Didn't mean to be cheeky, but as a former teacher I just couldn't resist the teachable moment, so you would realize there's a lot to be found if you'll click all those links.

No you're absolutely right! I remember you told me to check the website before when I was confused about the forms & documents to send back at this stage...sometimes I forget all the simple info is right under my nose! You weren't cheeky at all :)
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 16:36:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Let me say that the US recommends to everybody, not just immigrants, two MMRs because the first one doesnt create immunity in a small percentage of the population. So from an immunity standpoint, a second one would be good for you maybe. But if you are just looking to get your greencard, you do not have to ever prove a second one to USCIS if your DS-3025 is complete on the date of your medical as detailed above about waivers, timing etc. Now if you go to the US and try to enroll in public school, the school may expect you to meet the US recommendations. So I was speaking from a getting the greencard perspective only.

Yes, Knightsbridge has the medical forms. That's their job. The originaL goes to the embassy along with all the other pages they fill out. They will give you a photocopy of only the immunization page. Your whole K1 file including medical forms will be in a white or brown envelope sent to you with your passport and visa. It is marked "Do Not Open". You turn it over at POE. When you apply for AOS, your envelope you turned in, is ordered out of storage and matched up with your AOS file. That's how they determine if you met the medical and immunization requirements for a greencard. If that file is lost by USCIS (it happens), then you will start all over with a medical exam with a civil surgeon.

Next topic
The questionnaire--- you haven't read the London embassy website completely or you would have found it.

  • Go back to your instruction start page.
  • Read Step Two again for a clue, particularly the last sentence.
  • Do what that sentence you found says
  • You will be on a new page now. Your answer is on the right.

:star: There is a prize for winning this scavenger hunt. :star:

You're right, I didn't read all the instruction page...sorry! ;) Got it now thanks :)
I will get the second shot as there's no harm in getting it, thanks for all the info again!

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 13:48:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Exactly! and DOS and USCIS agree with you. If you have your medical next week, then your DS-3025 immunization record should be marked "insufficient time interval" for the MMR and you are eligible for a blanket waiver. Knightsbridge nurse may tell you incorrectly to go to your GP later or may write on your form "due in 3 weeks". For your AOS, if you were as complete as possible on the date that DS-3025 is signed, then USCIS accepts it. You will be complete because it is not medically appropriate to have another MMR yet. USCIS will go by the date of the medical to determine your eligibility. Keep in mind the other shots Tdap and Influenza (only during flu season)must also be on that sheet. And you need to say you had chickenpox to get VH by varicella and thus get that shot waived. If those are present, you do not need MMR #2 or to see a civil surgeon in the US before AOS.

Anything that indicates it came from a real doctor or clinic...Practice address/name, signature, signed printout from computerized records. There is no special form.

Edit to add: Here's the medical forms http://www.visajourn...dical_Forms.pdf
See page 7 for the immunization sheet. Make sure the nurse marks the column "insufficient time interval" by MMR with a check mark.

Thank you Nick, this is so helpful. I wanted to make sure I wasn't shooting myself in the foot by getting ahead before I was technically supposed to. I do have TDAP on my records & it's not flu season until October plus I had pox twice as a child so I should be covered. I had no idea this meant that I didn't need MMR #2? My nurse didn't know that either. Either way I have it scheduled.
Just want to make sure that Knightsbridge will have the DS-3025 form themselves & will fill it out for me once the medical is over? Also the questionnaire, do they post me that before hand or are we supposed to get it online somewhere ourselves?

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 10:40:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Hi all,

Went to my GP this morning to have my MMR shot as that was the only one I was missing. I am going back in 4 weeks to have the booster...just have a few questions for those of you that have been through it or are in the same boat right now. If I book my medical next week & show them my immunisation records, it will show today's shot but obviously not the booster. I have scheduled it though & have an appointment confirmation for approx 4 weeks time. Will the Dr in Knightsbridge query that I am not fully immunised as I haven't had the booster yet? Does that mean I have to wait until I have had the booster until I can book the medical? This seems like a waste of time to me?

Also according to Knightsbridges' website, on the check list of what to bring it states :

Vaccination records, with original certification

Does this just mean a signature from my GP or is there some specific type of certification that is necessary? I have my records signed by my GP & the nurse that administered the shots.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 08:46:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

No you do not need your appt letter, or the packet three letter. Only your case number (LND...),your police certificate and vaccination records.

Nich-Nick has posted somewhere in this thread (maybe the start?) which vaccinations you need. Ask your Nurse to do a screen print of your Vaccination records. I took this and it was fine.

Personally, I would post the DS2001 off when you have done the medical, as it will take a few days for the results to get to the Embassy. Then you can put on your covering letter 'that you've had the medical on this date' and they should have the results etc.

As for requesting a female doctor, I'm not sure. When you phone for the appt, you could ask? They are very helpful and nice (as your paying privately for this!).

Very true, they should be nice & helpful with how much we're all forking out! ;) Thanks Sunshine for all this info. I can't book it just yet as I need to send for my police report, so until I have it back & ready I don't want to book anything. I did see Nick's list of vaccinations. When I was trying to be extra prepared back in April, my GP printed me a partial immunisation record & the rest was all hand scribbled (and he charged me! but I know they aren't obligated to do anything visa related for free...) this was before I came here & read all your great advice & then when I had to see the nurse for a different reason, she was lovely & said "Oh you could have just asked me to print that off for you love!..I wouldn't have charged you!" :/ Anyway I know I had pox twice as a child but I'm not sure if I need an MMR booster so I will determine that on Monday. I will take your advice & wait until after the medical to send the DS-2001...thanks for all the help. Good luck in your upcoming interview! :)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-31 10:40:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Hi everyone.
I have a few questions about the medical. With everyone's advice & info, I am seeing the nurse at my GP surgery on Monday to make sure I am covered with all the vaccines I need. I will also ask her for a copy of my vaccine history to take to the official medical. I am just in the process of sending my DS forms off, except for the DS-2001 as I understand you cannot send this until you have your medical booked? Also from going on the website for the medical centre, it states that when you turn up for your medical, you must have your appointment letter from the embassy? Is this a mistake on their part as I know previously applicants were having their medicals after their interviews but now we are all required to have them before. My question is, we cannot get an interview without the embassy receiving our medical results so how can we possibly take an appointment letter to the interview? Does it just refer to the cover letter for Packet 3, (which I am awaiting, DOS said it was mailed to me on Friday but I know they use the slowest form of mail so I getting everything done before I receive it) Also when we phone up to book the medical, I assume they will want my LND number & perhaps some reference from the Packet 3 letter? Also can you request a female doctor for the appointment? Has anyone done this before?
Thanks for posting all your experiences, it really helps those of us that haven't been down yet. I'd appreciate all your replies. Thanks
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-31 10:07:00
United KingdomAddress for London Embassy

I already answered most in the other thread.

Police certificate will be shown at the medical and turned in at the interview. A spare copy is only if you want one. Not needed for anything else. My husband got a spare in case an employer might want to see it like a background check before there was any US background. Nobody seemed interested in his, but it's something to consider if you want one for yourself.

I'm wondering if you got off on a link for spouse visas. They do mail all their original documents to NVC. See other thread for what to send.

Yes I think you're right...I was confused about some of the sections with the DS-230 so I searched "Help DS-320" & lot's of advice came up but as that form is used for so many visa types, I guess I was reading info that doesn't apply to the K1 situation. If the embassy info is the most accurate then I will take your advice, ignore everything else & send in the 4 forms it states. Thanks again
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-27 09:34:00
United KingdomAddress for London Embassy
Hi Nick, I just posted this on another thread but after seeing Sara's post, I have the same questions...I have just recently joined but have been reading all your posts the past 7 months to help with the K1 process. It's made a stressful process so much easier, thanks to all your posts. My fiance got the NOA2 on July 9th so I am just waiting for contact from the embassy in London now...I have been reading this page with all the FAQS for some time now & got my fiance to complete the I-134 & start on the next set of forms etc :


I just wanted to check that to everyone's best knowledge, the advice here is all up to date & applies to the UK? I find the London embassy website rather confusing because although it tells you what forms to download & fill out, it doesn't seem to clearly explain which forms you send when & which you hold onto until the interview etc. Can I just clarify that as soon as I get contact from them, I am just posting back the DS-230 form? I have almost everything I need from the document check list except my police report & my fiance is gathering evidence to support the I-134 so until all that is done & physically in my hands, I am not going to send the DS-2001. So again just to clarify, I just post back the DS-230 & hold onto the DS-156, DS-157 & DS-156K? I was also confused by some links that said I should submit all my supporting documents with the DS-230 but then others say I hold onto these & only take them with me to the interview? Does this mean that I need to send photocopies of my birth certificate etc with the DS forms? I know original documents are required at the interview stage as well as a copy of each. Also as I am about to order my police report & it's obviously not free, do I need more than one copy? Is this the only stage during the whole process (including AOS & after...) that I will need to show a police report or should I pay the extra charge to get an additional copy to take with me once I move to the US? Anything I am wrong about or have missed out? Sorry about all the questions! Thank you

Edited by LeedsUK, 26 July 2012 - 11:34 PM.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-26 23:32:00