United KingdomRemoval Companies UK to USA

This is a much-discussed topic in the UK forum, and there's an old (but still useful) thread full of info: http://www.visajourn...hipping-thread/

Personally, I used Excess Baggage to move 30 boxes of varying sizes (from book boxes to wardrobe boxes to a huge bike box) door-to-door from North London to Connecticut via sea freight. They provided all the boxes and packing materials, and we packed everything up for them to collect. They were helpful at every stage of the game, and nothing was broken or missing. We didn't need to pay any duties or other fees that some have reported when using other companies. And by packing (and unpacking) the boxes ourselves we didn't pay for services we didn't need or want. I have recommended them to others on VJ who were similarly happy.

Regarding electronics, we got rid of a lot of stuff before we moved unless it had dual voltage already or was worth going through the hassle of having a converter for. We had been collectors of vintage hi-fi equipment in London, so everything that wasn't interesting or worth quite a bit got sold. We still ended up shipping three turntables, a tape deck and a hugeazz reel-to-reel player. Posted Image

It's probably cheaper to replace a small stereo and lava lamp over here than to ship them and get converters, unless they are of great sentimental value to you or can't be replaced with similar items.

I'm using Excess Baggage I think. They gave me a reasonable quote & I love that they take care of everything for you, from packing to delivering at your US address. Exactly what I was looking for. I was about to review them on here. I know, no shipping company is going to have 100% positive feed back but it's good to know you shipped so much & it was all intact. That's what I'm hoping Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 12:15:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

UPDATE - visa delivered today :D

Congrats Stu! Wow a 10 week wait, better late than never though! Good luck with everything. Have my interview on Wednesday & praying I don't get your lady! Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 15:41:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!

I'm so sorry this happened! Like everyone else is saying good on ya for the amazing attitude after that!

A few years back my guy tried to come over on a student visa with the full intent to go to school here lol and my parents were sponsoring him (I was too young to get married at the time), and I just asked him about the interviewer he said the lady wore glasses had dark hair in a pony tail and was in late 20s or so - he didn't get the visa because she didn't believe friends would sponsor him (my dad signed a letter of intent and had bank statements)or that he was actually going to go to the school here - okay granted we didn't know much about the process and didn't know about VJ at the time. . .But it would be funny - in a not funny but kinda funny way if it was the same lady.

Also everyone keeps mentioning skype logs - I'd be more than willing to print them out but the only problem is we never really said anything in chat we'd always be in a call if talking on skype - so there would only be goodnight messages and calls - does that count? lol

Good luck Stu!! :thumbs:

Hi Louise,
I feel the same. I checked some of my skype logs after reading Stu's story last night & they are all quite rubbish really & not in depth conversations at all, just checking in on each other to see what time we'll each be free to video or phone each other. I know it's more about the amount of contact than what's actually being said though, correct me if I'm wrong anyone but isn't it so if they can see you are communicating everyday & not once a month? As that would be the reflection of a close relationship?

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 16:04:00
United Kingdom221G for lack of ongoing relationship evidence!!
Stu, I am so sorry to read about your experience, but as others have said, good on you for having such a positive mental attitude! It's not a crisis at all & it can be easily fixed. Got everything crossed for you!
Being an extremely paranoid person anyway though, it definitely freaked me out & ever since my fiance & I got together, we knew we'd need to keep records of things for the future so I have preserved almost every boarding pass, tickets to cinemas, museums, galleries, concerts, everything we have done together. As well as take tons of photos, I was going to take all this to my interview, as well as letters of intent, despite most people saying London doesn't want to see any evidence & having read all the interview experiences, almost all of you were done in 10 minutes without being asked to even whip a photo out. Nevertheless, I feel like we have all learned from this so there's no harm taking more stuff with us.
The skype & chat logs though, is this really necessary? I think for those of you that have not been able to visit as much it is, but my case is different. We have pages & pages obviously, but to avoid printing out a trees worth of stuff, & also not wanting to show really personal conversations, I'd rather not. I could print out a few & then marker out what I don't want them to read? But we have visited each other 4 times in the past 10 months, mine were all long visits so the longest we have been apart is 6 weeks. As I have all the physical evidence of trips we have taken together etc, does it sound like I have enough stuff? Or do I need to start wasting paper like everyone else? lol
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 10:00:00

:rofl: Hopefully! They wont have any questions to ask us if they are!

Lets hope not! Thanks Ben Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-28 10:48:00

Yeah i got it on the 22nd, dated the 19th! Wow what service! :rofl:

Haha! Mine was dated 25th! Good job their post is getting better...I wonder if they are spying on our posts lol Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 13:54:00

Thanks :) I dont think you will be waiting much longer. Their mail takes forever! They sent me the appointment letter on the 19th and there is still no sign of it. Maybe tomorrow. I hope yours comes soon :)

Holly, did you get your letter yet? Got mine on Tuesday! Next day delivery! I was shocked! lol Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 11:18:00
Thank you, I hope so! Don't worry about the letter but it should arrive next week I'm sure Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-21 11:03:00
Wow congrats Holly! Posted Image Anyone else still waiting? Feel like I'm the only one now!
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-21 10:26:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Being British he is obviously eligible for the VWP so don't worry about that but as Stu said that doesn't guarantee entry I'm afraid. We don't know what notes the CBP officer may get when they scan his passport.
I would gather as much evidence as I can, remember Stu's story is similar & he has been through this. Letters of intent could be good too & maybe get them notarized? Just start gathering & good luck!
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-25 18:12:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Mary I am so sorry :( Don't worry though, like Stu said, you have plenty of time to get all the evidence together but obviously you would like to speed up this process as much as you can so start gathering asap. We all know how hard it is to be separated but if you can send the evidence in by the next week of Nov say, then you never know, they might send him the visa by Christmas. I agree with the others that it is a long shot but all you can do is try. The quicker they have evidence then the quicker he will get the visa. Plus there is the chance he might be called for a 2nd interview or that he could be denied entry to the US so is it a good idea for him to travel? I know it's hard but hang in there! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-25 16:31:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I'm currently in London helping Laura pack. When arriving for this trip, the guy at UK Passport looked at my travel history and then asked me point blank if I had a girlfriend here. I coughed up the info that my fiancée is here... he got all suspicious until I told him she was moving to America on an approved visa. He asked why I was coming to London if she was moving to America, and I told him I was here to help her pack for the move. Then he stamped my passport and said "tell your fiancée I'm letting you in because us lovebirds have to stick together." Go figure!

Aw glad they were nice about it. When my fiance came over last, they asked him some questions too but then wished him luck with our application Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 19:14:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Congratulations! My interview is 2 weeks today Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 10:47:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

We just got ours too! October 11th at 9am!! Last week, the lady I talked to said Rob probably wouldn't hear about an interview date until October. I'm so glad she was wrong about that. It looks like it's time for a skype mock-interview :)

Congrats guys! So that's 3 of us with October interview dates :) I got told the same thing by a lady when I phoned up DOS last week...I just took it as nonsense as we all know an interview can be scheduled at any day or time. Skype mock interview sounds like a good idea!

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-26 10:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Hi All -- just got our interview date by calling DOS, and thought I'd share our timeline for others that are waiting as well.

We sent all of the "Packet 3" documents, including DS2001 on August 28. Laura's medical exam was on August 30. After patiently waiting a couple of weeks I called DOS yesterday (Sept 18). They told me that their system showed everything logged as being received one day earlier, Monday, September 17, but no interview date yet. I called again today (Sept 19) and they did have an interview date in their system: October 3, 2012... only 2 weeks away!

We still haven't received a formal letter, of course, but it sounds like they assigned the date today and we'll hopefully get the official notice shortly. I am a little surprised at the close timing between now and the interview date (we didn't mention a specific wedding date or travel plans, so I assumed there'd be at least a 4 week spread), but very happy and grateful about this news. (And really hoping the rep at DOS was looking at the correct file! :D )

Congrats & thanks for posting! I feel much better now as I sent my packet 3 off exactly the same date as you did! I got receipt a week later so I praying I get a date any day! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-19 13:31:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Well at least your tried and maybe taught them something about the information they gave out. You are a hero for those that come after you. :star:

Go Tasha! Go Tasha! Go Tasha!

Thanks Nich, couldn't have done it if you hadn't pushed me so thanks again! Like you said at least I tried Posted Image
I told my fiance Jeff your plan last night, though American born & bred, he's probably a bit like Nick & said there was no point "rocking the boat" at this stage as what's done is done, but I feel good that I tried or I would have always wondered :)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-18 13:01:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Update...finally got through. Again got another extremely aggressive receptionist. She said they do not amend forms once they have been sent. If I had requested for it to be held it wouldn't have been a problem. I said that my forms were sent incomplete because I was told this was the right thing to do by the nurse or I would have requested they be held. She said I would need a formal request from the embassy to make an amendment & I would I need to acquire authorisation for this myself by speaking to them over the phone. IF they approve the amendment then they will need to find my form, courier it back to Knightsbridge where they could destroy it & then courier them back a new form. She said they have never done this & it's not normal practice & the embassy are probably extremely busy as it is, and this will only slow down my entire application process when I am already waiting for an interview Posted Image I am not going to bother as I spoke to a Medical centre in Austin last night who were really helpful & said they will charge around $70 which isn't bad.
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-18 10:35:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I have never known anybody to do this. It just popped in my head so I hit the edit button to add my idea. I personally would do it, but some aren't as comfortable asking for things as I am and would rather not rock the boat. Is that a British thing? My husband is finally learning that asking won't kill you and is getting good at it.

I was in my forties before I figured this out---state your problem and tell them how you would like them to fix it. Don't just say "you lied to me and messed up my vaccination sheet" and wait for them to offer a solution. Explain that you have learned what the vaccination nurse told you was not correct. She said___________ and you now know that advice is going to cost you $200 and a trip to a civil surgeon in the US just to add that shot to an official government form. Since I haven't had my interview, I want to fax you my DS-3025 and the additional shot I got from my GP. I want you to fill out a new DS-3025 and send it to the embassy with an explanation that it has been revised to complete the shot record. With all the shots on the DS-3025, I will not have to see a civil surgeon just to copy my records onto a new form.

If you're not comfortable write a script and practice. Be ready for things they might say---
You'll have to pay us--No, I already paid you 227 pounds. It was her misinformation that caused this mess. I expect you to fix it.
You might have altered the form--Why would I do that? Surely the person who filled it out will recognize their handwriting.

Or compose a letter and fax the letter, DS-3025, and GP shots. Ask that they call you. Follow up if they don't by the end of the day. Be graciouse and thank them.

If it works, then Yay! If they refuse, then you're no worse off.

You did get the VH marked for having chickenpox?? That's as important ashaving the shots listed. The revision will say incomplete AND may be eligible for blanket waiver...both ticked.

A side note on asking for things. Hubby has a leather cover/case for his iPad. The inside lining is peeling. He emailed the manufacturer and asked them to replace it or tell him what kind of adhesive he should use to try and repair it. He just got an email and tracking number for a new case they are sending. Never hurts to say how you would like them to solve your problem. I'm so proud of him. He wouldnt have done that four years ago.

Thanks for the encouragement Nich! Yes perhaps it is a British thing but I definitely hate confrontation & am a bit of a "wuss" lol. I am geared up to call but their number has been engaged for the past 2 hours...will report back on my progress...


LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-18 09:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Yes, take all shot records you have, even if it's from Boots. The civil surgeon will compile it on one form. So was it the Tdap you didnt have marked at all on your sheet? None? Or one more than 10 years ago?

Edit: Have you even been to the interview? Why don't you get an amended DS-3025 sealed by Knightsbridge sent to you to take to the interview unopened. or get Knightsbridge to send it by courier to the embassy with a note saying its a replacement for one already sent.

Yes it was Dtap from over a decade ago which wasn't sufficient. Have had it again now & have it recorded by my GP. Haven't had my interview yet no. When I phoned Knightsbridge after finding out my DS-3025 was useless, they were really unhelpful & said it was too late to do anything as my form had been sent off & requesting it back would be extremely time consuming & would prolong my interview date even further. I had no idea that I could get them to amend it & send me a new form?? They really were not willing to help me in any way or take responsibility for their ill advice, but I will try phone them tomorrow if you think it's worth a shot? Have people done this before? I know some people have delayed them sending the form to the embassy while they went back to their GP & got the shots but that's too late for me.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-17 15:41:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Thank you so much. Wow I never knew about Dr Arnold! Shocking Posted Image I was actually going to get my flu shot here before I left, if I have a record of it from my GP as I do with my DTAP & MMR2 which I had last week thanks to the Knightsbridge nurse (!) Will that be sufficient?
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-17 14:05:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Nick I am one of the unlucky ones who is going to have to find a civil surgeon once I get to the US because I believed the nurse at Knightsbridge. I know you linked me to a thread that gave the number for Dr Arnold in Austin, TX (where I will be living) I called the office but the number isn't in service any more & a quick google search told me but he is now retired Posted Image
Do you or anyone else know of another CS in the Austin area or one like Dr Arnold who will fax papers back to you for a minimal cost?
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-17 10:47:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Normally you should allow a month between your medical results & receiving your interview date but like Nick said, some people have been called within a few weeks, especially if you requested an early interview date so you never know. If everything's in order with your forms & results then if they have a free appointment, you might get it. There are quite a few of us that have requested Sept/Oct interviews though so hang in there.
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 15:04:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Well sometime they just don't bother looking. Makes you wonder though if the first guy was on the right page or if the grouchy lady was. My experience with DOS was calling after the interview. The computers were down at the embassy. The interviewer said "I can only say tentatively approved because we run one last check on you which I can't do now." People were sometimes getting texts (from the courier) on the coach home from interview that their visa would be delivered the next day. Most got a text by the day after the interview. Yeah, I know. Fast! So after 2 full days i called DOS to see what the status was with the computers and visa.

I gave the nice lady the case number and her response was "it says here you were a no-show at the interview. What happened, hon? Why didn't he go?" I assured he he went and I was there with him. She dug around awhile and said let me check some other places. Then she came up with "okay, this says the visa was printed this afternoon."

So sometimes you get weird info even from DOS that can't be figured out. :wacko:

Thanks Nick. Some people are just weird, makes you wonder what they are being paid for really...can't believe that woman thought you didn't go to your interview! She was obviously looking at someone else's info. I am pretty certain the nice guy is doing his job as when I phone up, I don't say anything other than give my case number so they don't know I have sent "packet 3" back until they look at my file & tell me. He always apologises for making me wait the 10 seconds while he checks too lol. The rude lady put me on a silent hold line for a minute where I felt like she was probably finishing her sandwich or talking to her colleague saying "God it's that woman again who I just spoke to, (not me) I just told her I didn't have any info, why is she calling back??" because after hold she gave me a response which feels like she checked nothing at all like you said, wouldn't be surprised if she hadn't. Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 12:43:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Just phoned DOS again & spoke to the nice guy who I am pretty sure I spoke to last week. He said all my forms & medical had indeed been received & they were just reviewing them. I should expect an interview date in about 2 weeks he said, thank god...beware of an irritable older woman with a crusty voice & hispanic accent Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 12:36:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
I like the idea of sending another letter. My timeline is spot on to the one Nich-Nick estimated above. I haven't had my 3 week wait yet so I'm still ok. However I phoned up DOS last Tuesday & a nice guy said all my documents had been received accordingly & to just keep calling back or to wait for an email about my interview. So I called back yesterday & a lady said their computer systems were down. I phoned back again today & a rather irritable woman said that there was no notes to say our paper work was complete Posted Image I was extremely alarmed & asked What does this mean? She said that usually they will update the files after going through all the paper work to say everything's in order & that an interview date will be assigned any day. I told her I spoke to someone last week & he told me everything WAS in order & everything required for "packet 3" had been received. The guy I spoke to last week even referred to it as "packet 3" even though we know it technically doesn't exist any more. She said that according to her system, no notes have been updated. She was quite rude & said there was nothing I could do but wait Posted Image I have had only friendly people on the phone when phoning DOS & today upon hearing my voice, the woman went "Didn't you just call 10 minutes ago??" I hadn't.
Anyway I am feeling really stressed now. Does this mean something is wrong? Or that they are just going through my papers, medical results etc? I know a few of us have had DOS tell them nothing has been received by the embassy when we all know we sent forms recorded delivery & then people have resent them. I am going to call again tomorrow in the hope that she had the wrong info. I don't know how everything could be fine last week & now not Posted Image

Edited by LeedsUK, 11 September 2012 - 11:52 AM.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-11 11:47:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

review is here.


Thanks for posting Rob & congrats Posted Image Hope I get my interview soon.
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-07 06:57:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

You don't need anything but your immunizations then. If you had diabetes, or cancer, or high blood pressure for example, then Knightsbridge would want a letter/statement/report/description from your doctor with details of your condition, dates, treatment, prognosis, meds now or if cured...

If you mention anti-depressants at all, they will likely ask for something from your doctor. I told my fiancé to say NO to that question. Not advising here because that is a personal decision and experience I am reporting and not a suggestion for anybody.

Thanks Robert & Nich. Yeah I am assuming I don't need any further documentation. I had cells that showed as transitional, this is before they even become pre-cancerous so not cancer at all & it was back in 2008, I was monitored & I have had clear results for 2 years now. I have all the test results, I never had any actual treatment as I didn't need any. I will explain all this to the doctor so I guess it should be fine.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-16 12:12:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Probably. Knightsbridge will not send his medical report to the embassy until his doctor supplies the letter so they can conclude the medical evaluation. The interview will not be scheduled until the medical report is received.

The delay will be as long it takes his doctor to get the requested information to Knightsbridge.

Hi guys,
I also had a similar question. My medical is next week so I have gathered all my documents to take. My GP printed out details of my medical history for me to take. I have never had any serious health problems *touch wood* & as far as I know I am completely healthy now. The information is very clear & shows dates, test results, action taken, type of treatment given, etc, but it is not in the form of a letter which has been signed. He has signed my immunisation records though. I have just been wondering if I need an actual letter from my GP to describe any previous issues? As I said I have never been given medication or diagnosed with anything serious, that's why I didn't think I needed a letter.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-16 10:15:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Congrats!! Really happy for you. Please be sure to post your experience :)
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-15 08:08:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Called DOS today. Been told I am in AP and should receive packet 4 shortly. It seems like most people go through AP right?

Yeah I don't think it's anything to worry about, glad you know what's going on now. Just concentrate on your trip & enjoy your time together :)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 14:13:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

This site is an absolute God send and has so much helpful information on it. I think I'd still be waiting for my interview without it. However when you read some posts, they can make you really stressed out, anxious and paranoid. My fiance told me to stop going on VJ home page and reading stories from other countries as I was getting stressed about them! :) You have to remember that every case is different, all you can do is prepare as much as you can and take the evidence you think you'll need with you.
I had two great journey buddies, stu4lee and kittylondon and it really helped me to be able to chat with them most days, leading upto my interview.

Thanks Sunshine. My fiance also thinks I should be banned from reading VJ lol. I told him it has been helping us so much though but yes the negative stories are giving me sleepless nights. Just no point worrying about stuff that hasn't happened yet though is there. Keep calm & carry on! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 12:58:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I really wouldn't stress out too much. Everyone here has gone over the rules and requirements again and again, and from what I've seen, are well prepared. I would just take some pictures and a few e-mails or skype logs, and triple check that all the documents are in order. I don't think mine and my fiance's interview will be for a few more weeks, but I wish everyone with upcoming interviews lots of luck :) Not that I think you'll need it.

Thank you so much, best of luck to you too :)

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 09:59:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

i said on my letter that i was going away for the week August 18th to 26th but I don't want to come home with only a few days to prepare and book time off work.

will call them tomorrow thanks.

I haven't posted for a few days guys as I have been feeling the stress & anxiety that Photomile & Patsgal have been experiencing. I want to say so much but then I think dwelling on it just makes it worse. The only comfort I feel is that we're all in the same boat & none of us are alone. I agree with Robert that we have all worked so hard to get this far & people that don't follow the rules do need to be penalised. We have all got everything in order though & know what's required of us. I have a strong feeling that as long as you have everything you need & evidence to support any question they will throw at you, we'll all be fine. It's very sensitive stuff that the officers are dealing with too. It's appalling if this supposed mean lady really is THAT rude, but then Sunshine said she had a lovely interview, so it just makes me think that there's a reason for her behvaiour. Stu also said she wasn't rude & she does have a right to ask for more info if it's applicable.

Edited by LeedsUK, 13 August 2012 - 08:20 AM.

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-13 08:19:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

I said this in another thread, but I'm judging by the way the post is written that English isn't her first language. This might be why things got missed? (I could be wrong. Not sure how I would type after all that!)

It's terrifying, and lets just say that with all the recent uproar going on in London, I'm loosing sleep and sick to my stomach about this whole damn thing

Yes I was thinking the same thing & that perhaps there was a language barrier, some people can be really ignorant & impatient with people who struggle with their English.
Don't worry Photo - you seem to have everything on your list. Quick question, I didn't see the NOA2 or NVC letter on your list. I know these are not on the official embassy documents check list but I have read several times on the forum that people are advised to take these. How important is it that you have them? My fiance has both & was asking if he needs to send the originals to me or not as he is worried in case they get lost. Would photo copies do? I have a feeling you're all gonna say "Don't worry you don't need it, lol"

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 21:18:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Some people just screw up and rip it open. I've heard of that before. Not everybody is as savvy and informed as the next. I don't really have any reason to believe it was an attempt to tamper. There's a lot of clueless people about.

No I don't believe it was a reason to tamper either. I am just shocked that after everything, all the waiting, the hard work, all the forms, the medical, I mean you have to be know what you're doing to enter this process & I know we all get confused with the minor details, I mean I have lost count on how many questions I have asked, but I think it's safe to say that we all read up on the entire K1 process before we go into it, and everyone knows at the end of it, you do NOT open the envelope. Poor girl, she seems very confused Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 20:09:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

The Grumpy One** strikes again. Much worse than Stu's or Keeto's experience in my opinion.

**fhe new lady b---h at the embassy in London.

God what a horrendous story...Posted Image I am still not sure why the envelope got opened though?
Does the description of the officer match Stu & Sunshine's officer from this past week?

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 19:40:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

about right for the conversation history, I'll get back to you on the call history one

I think it's the same as it also shows every call log made & the duration? So I will print out a few from each month as the main thing is you can see we are phoning each other every day. Also your list looks good to me. Good luck! Posted Image

LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 12:21:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread
Ok hang on, think I have got it. So I clicked on my fiances name, and then went to conversation & then view old messages, I selected to go back 1 year. Is that right?
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 09:59:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Ours went back to january this year. Two pictures per sheet is how we did it, so with back to back printing it reduced everything down somewhat. I front loaded my petition at least

Sorry if I sound stupid guys but where do I get the call logs from? I just decided to follow in your footsteps & I logged into skype but I can't see the call logs option on any of the menus?
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 09:38:00
United KingdomLondon 2012- K1s from NOA2 to interview thread

Thanks and your welcome!

We had agreed if the price of flights wasn't too expensive he would fly over. I was worried that because it was in the middle of the Olympics and we had 3 days notice of the Interview the prices would be sky-high. But they were ok, I bought the ticket on the monday afternoon, he flew over tuesday night, arriving wednesday morning and our interview was thursday morning at 8am! I was so happy he made it over in time, but I was still a bag of nerves at the embassy!
My fiance works for 2 old high school friends and they had actually booked the week off on holiday (they weren't going anywhere), but they cancelled it so he could come over. Now that's a great boss :)

I'm really pleased for you. Hope my VJ goes as smoothly without my fiance at my interview! Posted Image
LeedsUKFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 16:09:00