K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

You probably don't want to make that kind of decision until you're face-to-face with your girlfriend anyway, so just take your birth certificate with you just in case. If you decide to go for the K-1 it will be easiest to fill out the I-129F whilst you're together also.

I have read, and will re read all of the replies again soon. i do appreciate the help from everyone, i just need to know everything about everything to make the best decision. At the moment the only real advantage to taking the CR-1 is that it is cheaper and will allow me to work as soon as i arrive in the USA for good. My gut feeling at the moment is to stick with going the K1 route, admitted it is more expensive, but the time scale is the same, and on the front of it (No matter how likely or unlikely it is) there is less risk involved.

Like i said i will weigh it all up again tomorrow, when i have a clearer head. I already have started filling in the I-128f, before i go to see my girlfriend, and i will print off/take anything i need to with me when i leave, and post it off together (should we stick to that route). I will however discuss the CR-1 option with her aswell, see what she thinks of it. Its better to have the K1 stuff ready and prepared if we dont change our mind, then i dont have all the messing about sorting what we need out, last minute whilst visiting her, and taking up valuable time.

Again, thanks so much for the replies, each and everyone of the members on here i have met/spoken to so far, and youre all very helpful and friendly. Its a really good forum to be a member of.

On a side note, if anyone has recently self sponsored or co sponsored, or even just recently completed the K1 from the UK, Would you be able to message me or something, if youre willing to help, so that i know who i can talk to with any questions on the topics, rather than creating new threads.

Thank you so much! Take care, and good luck to anyone who are in their own personal visa processes!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 16:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!

If you'll be visiting next week, personally I would choose to marry and apply for CR-1. In my opinion that is easier. You then skip the whole extra step of adjusting status after you arrive on the K-1 and marry. So there is overall less paperwork and it is also slightly cheaper. overall. Plus you will then be able to work etc as soon as you enter the US with your visa. The timelines vary slightly, sometimes one is quicker sometimes the other. Perhaps the K-1 is more often a little quicker.

If you marry you will present the I-864 at the interview. If you apply for the fiance visa you will present the I-134 at the interview, which is kind of to prove that you will be able to fulfil the requirements of the I-864 when time comes to adjust status, and then you present the I-864 then. It sounds like you will almost definitely need the co-sponsor. The exception would be if your girlfriend earns more than $12,000 in which case if you are married you would be able to use your savings to combine with her income to make the appropriate amount.

Okay, thanks. I am just a bit wary of entering like that and marrying, purely because of the repercussions if we are thought to have lied, and had intentions to marry when i entered. I just get a bit of a feeling that im being "naughty" by doing it too. Im not disrespecting anyone who has done it, i just find it very risky. Also with the K1 route being about the same lenght/maybe a little shorter for the UK, that is swaying me more to stick to our plan of that. My girlfriend wont be earning that much, so we couldnt combine it. So co-sponsor is pretty definite.

Thanks for youre information anyway! :)
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 09:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!
I've had another thought after a bit of research. Seeing as i am visiting my girlfriend next week for 5 weeks. Could i visit as usual, and get married whilst there, and return and pursue the CR-1 route? I know that its not the right thing to do, by entering the US, telling the immigration officer that i only plan on visiting her, and i realise that should they find out that i had other plans, i could be deported/kicked out asap. I just want to know how risky it is to take that route, if the CR-1 route is any easier or quicker than the K-1, and any other implications that are there. I only know the very minimum about the CR-1 as i never needed to research it more, and i cant find anything, anywhere that says in particular i cannot enter on the VWP, and then get married "shotgun" i guess. I know i would have to return to the UK afterwards, but this will allow me to have a job and save, rather than the K1 route, which will see me unemployed for approx 3 months at least when i first arrive in the USA.

Thanks again.

Edit: Thanks Que saudade, so i dont need to declare the co sponsor until i receive notification of the I-129f being recieved?, I guess i will wait and see if anyone else can help with the self sponsor information too, and yes, i realised i would have to jump the hurdle again at the AOS stage, but as far as i understand the co-sponsor just needs to declare their income then, so im confused as to if i dont need to show a co sponsor until after the wedding and AOS. Surely they need to know that before hand, or is it a case of just telling them at the interview?

Edited by craig_b1990, 18 August 2012 - 08:32 AM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCo sponsoring help!
My girlfriend and I are about to send off the first package once we have everything we need for it (hopefully within a few weeks). My girlfriend will be in education, and so even with a part time job cannot solely sponsor me. We are looking at having someone co-sponsor (at the moment, its looking like her grandmothers partner, hes a high earner, has savings, investments etc, and my girlfriend is currently living in their household).

I am also aware that UK applicants can self sponsor, or could do the last time i checked.

My questions are:

1. If we go ahead with the co-sponsor, when do we "declare" this. I cannot see anywhere on the first package where we can mention it, and from what i have researched the other sensible time to mention it would be the Affidavit of Support, which is represented at the consulate interview if i am correct. When do we "declare" this co-sponsor.

2. After reading a few topics on the Self sponsoring, im still a little confused. I cannot find anywhere about specifics as to amounts needed to self sponsor from the UK. I have read that if i did i wouldnt need to fill any paperwork in, its just a case of at the interview, showing i can afford to look after myself and not become a cost to the US govnt. I currently have about $12,000 savings/investments (converted into $ of course), and i can prove this, and hope to build on the saving parts whilst waiting for the visa to complete. Is it correct that i can just say at the interview i wish to self sponsor, as long as i have the paperwork to show i can?

P/s. Just a side thought, is it possible to have a co-sponsor AND self sponsor. Or is that a stupid idea haha!

Anyway, thanks for any help that is given, or anyone that can point me in the right direction. I have researched it and read about it, i just cant find the answer.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-08-18 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14

There was misinformation posted in this thread about calculating household size. Your co-sponsor does not have to include the USC if they do not claim them as a dependent on their taxes. They would only need to count their own household size(which is not based on how many live in the house) plus the foreign fiance(e). A sponsor needs to count themselves, any spouse, all dependent children, any other dependents claimed on their taxes and the foreign fiance(e) they are agreeing to sponsor.

Okay, good to know, the co sponsor (her mother) is NOT claiming my fiancée on her taxes this year, due to being out of state and separate from her daughter it would mess up college applications for my fiancée with regards to fees, scholarships etc....anyway that's nothing to do with this haha. So it will be a household of 3 when the time comes to calculate it, which I will bear in mind. Thanks.

Where do you intend to live? Write the address in the applicable space. The address you choose will have no bearing whatever on your petition approval.

That's the whole point. I don't have an address where I intend to live yet, I just know we plan on sharing an apartment near her college. I've filled in "to be determined, charleston.... Etc" as that was recommended. You're saying I could be approved even if I planned on saying I had no where to live?
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 15:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14
I can't thank everyone enough, you're all so helpful with everything, I really truly appreciate it. Im sat editing the I-129f as I speak, just need to make a few copies when printing and I think we're ready to do it! Everyone has answered anything I asked without a second thought, or judging.

Thank you all!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14

Well there are two kinds of Affidavit of Support forms.

The I-134 - This is the one her mother will need to fill out for this first part of the process. This Affidavit of Support will be based only on her income.

The I-864 - This is the Affidavit of Support form that will be used when you apply for AOS and this one is based on the total household income so her husband and his income should be included within this one.

The I-134 isn't needed until the time of my interview as far as I was aware from my research so far. Correct me if I'm wrong. Once approval notice has got to the uk embassy.

Just saw the edited version. That makes more sense thanks.

Edited by craig_b1990, 25 September 2012 - 02:00 PM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 13:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14

Yes, it's the co sponsor that needs to pass the poverty line. It doesn't matter if you don't live with her, she just has to show and prove that she makes more than enough to be able to help support you until you are able to be allowed to and find work and earn your own income.

Thanks a lot! Her mother, the co-sponsor lives with her current husband. Should he be included in the calculations, he isn't dependant on her, but obviously lives with her. Would it be calculated for 3 or 4 people. That sounds like an obvious question, I know, but if he's not dependant on her, then should he be included.

Ank you again again and again!
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 13:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14

But you are saying that you will use her mother as a co-sponsor, not the friend she is currently living with. You can state that the address is the one your finacee is curently at, no need to tell then who that person is or what her personal situation is or her earnings (she will not be a co-sponsor).

Okay, just was a bit confused as to which would be assessed about the income seeing as one is who she is living with and the other is the sponsor. But that's another question cleared thanks, it will be her mother that has to prove her earnings and can pass the poverty line seeing as she is going to be the sponsor. And the person my fiancée is loving with is nothing more than just that, a "house mate" that doesnt need to be involved.

Thanks a lot guys
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14

I would put
Street address: to be determined
Town: name the college town

You don't have to live with your joint sponsor. And even if you lived with another person/family (ie. The single mom) it doesn't mean they must joint sponsor you. Where you live and who you choose for a joint sponsor are not related

Wow. Thanks. I didn't realise we could be that vague about it to be honest. With the attention to details in the rest of the paperwork tits a bit of a surprise, however it is the truth, about what we plan to do, I wouldn't want to say my address would be somewhere I know for a fact I will not live.

Just to clear up, is it the co sponsor that will need to pass the poverty line then? And how would that be asessed if were not living with the sponsor. I.e. would they just have to pass the single poverty line, or including my fiancée and I too, even though we wouldn't live with the co sponsor.

Thanks again, I guess I'll go ahead and fill that in asap
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14
Thanks, we are considering it. We are just worried that the person who she is living with wouldn't pass the poverty line income needed for 5people in that household. In fact we know she won't pass the amount needed. Unless I'm getting confused here and the co sponsor is the one that needs to pass the poverty line, even if we don't live with the co sponsor? It would make more sense if the place we state as the likely address I would live at had to pass the poverty line + $$$.

Just don't want to make the wrong move with this question, because it's obviously an important one.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBit of advice needed please I129f Q14
Hey, I'll start with a bit of background to this situation so it's easier to understand our problem.

My fiancée (the US resident/petitioner to be) is 18. We planned on submitting our papers as I am in the USA right now, however we saw this question and didn't want to make the wrong decision with it.

Her mother has moved to a different state, and her father has a different family. Therefore she is currently living with a close family friend for the rest of the school year, as she is starting college next year and doesnt want to complicate her schooling by moving about a lot right now. Anyway, here's the problem, the person she is living with is a single mother and mother to be shortly, as well as my fiancée planning on moving out for college, but we had planned on moving into a place together because we hoped that I would have passed the visa process by this time next year.

As I mentioned, question 14 on the I129f : where does your fiance(e) intend to live.
How should this be answered in our situation? I don't plan on living where she is currently living with their family friend, mainly because I know that I wouldnt get past the guideline for the poverty line with a single mother, 2 young children, and then add me and my fiancée, as well as the fact we both planned on living in an Apartment or something near to the college together. I cannot answer this with a specific address because obviously we don't have the place set in stone because it's too far in the future. I could go live with her mother, her mother only moved away for work, not for family problems or anything like that, my only worry is that if I put her mothers address then I'm sure I would be denied because I would be living a state away from my fiancée. (it is only 3hrs drive, maximum)

Her mother is willing to be a co-sponsor on our behalf, as far as I am aware it is possible to have a co-sponsor that isn't living with us, but just has to reside within the USA.

Can anyone help me with ideas of how to complete this question?

Thank you so much, I really hope this won't block our application :(
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-09-25 12:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)

It's fine. I think my doodles/signatures were at least 2 months old and dated according to that. Newer ones are better of course, to keep the documents "fresh" however, it's not a requirement that they're submitted rightaway. For some, it takes a month sending papers from foreign country to the US fiance(e) anyways. The most important thing is to NEWER backdate documents. As long as the form is a version they'll accept, and the info is up to date, you're good to go.
It's the entry stamp in your passport that matters - you could easily scan the passport in the US before leaving because you already have that stamp. Then you don't have to send papers from across the pond.

Great, thanks. Just didnt want to be knocked back, but you make sense, as long as its back dated, tidy and my original signature then it should suffice. All our info is still up to date, nothing has changed, but its 2 and a half weeks from the date with my signature, so i just got a little cautious i guess. Ive already left the USA, but i can easily scan my passport now with all the stamps etc.

Thanks for the help
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-18 20:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)
Haha, sorry, i didnt mean that quite so literal, but thanks anyway :) I just meant assembling the final parts of whats needed.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-17 17:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)
Thought id bump this rather than creating another post all together. How long is acceptable for the difference between the dates on the paperwork (signed), and actually sending the package/USCIS receiving it. I signed my paperwork whilst there (in the USA) on the day i left- which was the 2nd/Oct/2012. The paperwork still hasnt sent due to my gf being too busy to staple it together and add the final touches. So basically how long will it still be accepted until i have to send new signed paperwork for her to send in the package.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-17 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)
Great guys, thank you so much. I'll inform my gf of the instructions regarding photos etc, as i am leaving everything with her to add and then mail. (im currently about to leave the US today :'(. but she has agreed to prepare/mount/do whatever with the photos and other evidence before mailing it off.) I just need to copy the stamps from my passport when i arrive home and email the scans to her for printing.

Thank you!

Edited by craig_b1990, 02 October 2012 - 09:25 AM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-02 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)
Okay thanks for all of that then.

Still had two different answers of how many passport pics to send, but ill send 2 of each, rather send too much than too little.

@tintin and Mike: What is the 'A#' that you referred to for the passport pictures, ive seen this on the forms and dont understand what it means.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-01 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReady to send I-129f (i think)
Hi again everybody, i have followed the instructions and example forms that i can see, all my GF has to do before mailing the package is to pick out our pictures, flight tickets etc etc. Which i plan to have her glue onto A4 paper along with a description under each. I have a few questions that i am unsure of at the end, im just confused as i have read conflicting things around the internet.

Here is what we have so far:

Check for filing fee: $340
I-129f Cover letter
I-129f (completed, and ready to date and sign on day of posting)
I-129f attachment for question 18, details of meeting.
G-325a - Petitioners details (gf), with passport size picture
G-325a - Beneficiary details (me), with passport size picture
Letter of Intent to marry - Petitioner
Letter of Intent to marry - Beneficiary.
G-1145 - E-notification

I have read that packages up to 60 pages have been sent. I cannot see ours reaching that amount, so i feel like i'm missing something. I realize that when we submit our proof of relationship : pictures, tickets and such, this will bulk the package out.

Heres my questions:

1. Neither of us have used checks before, can someone tell us how to make it traceable or whatever it is recommended?
2. When sending the pictures and other evidence, do they have to be "real" pictures, or can we print them on regular paper?
- With the travel tickets also, can they be photocopies? i am worried that we wont get the evidence back, and so would prefer not to use the original airline tickets and such unless necessary.
3. Recommended amount of pictures/skype logs/tickets? A few examples of each, or everything we have (in regards to airline tickets) Should i send a copy of my passport with US entry stamps too?
4. The passport pictures with G-325a.... I've read to send in 2 of each person? is this correct, and should they both be US passport size, or just the petitioners?
5. Are addresses needed or vital on the letters of intent and I-129f cover letter?
6. Finally, just to check (im sure im correct), but the address we file the whole package to is:

For US Postal Service:

P.O. Box 660151
Dallas, TX 75266

From there is where they will choose which centre to file it at as far i understand?

Thanks so much guys, i know im going to sound stupid, im sure you understand the nerves are kicking in haha.
craig_b1990MaleEngland2012-10-01 19:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential sponsor.... but with a felony. Help?

im just curious and dont want to make a mistake after putting so much time and effort into this whole process.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-08-17 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPotential sponsor.... but with a felony. Help?



Had a bit of a last minute mess up with who we had lined up to sponsor me/my visa, i may have found someone else potentially. However, they have a previous felony, as far as i am aware the felony was about 10 years ago and time has been served for it, it was for holding someone at gunpoint. Now i know this sounds like something i shouldn't go near, however i am close to this person, and confident that it is in their past and would stay in their past. Alarm bells ring in my mind that the embassy wouldn't accept anyone that has had a felony, however i cannot find anywhere that states specifically if they are eligible or not. They would meet all the requirements financially etc, 


I'm just a bit confused as to the specific rules. Common sense to me says that in one hand they wont accept anyone with a criminal past as a sponsor, however in my head i also think that as long as they meet the financial requirements, then the embassy wont be so bothered?


I'm not sure, any wisdom and knowledge would be much appreciated, because obviously if i cannot use this person, i shall hunt for another potential sponsor.


Thanks again


Edit: 2 counts of embezzlement and 1 count of postal theft in 2000..... those are the specifics.

Edited by craig_b1990, 17 August 2013 - 06:27 PM.

craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-08-17 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRelationsip has ended, just to clarify if/what is needed next?

Hi, i wont go into detail but our relationship has ended and we will not be going back to it, not a chance. We were at the stage of being approved, i collected all my police records etc. however i didnt get as far as booking my medical or interview date. I have read that i should send a letter/email to the embassy notifying them of the withdrawal of our case.


Is this true? What do i roughly need to say in this letter, and is it actually necessary or will the petition just expire/what consequences would there be if neither of us notified the embassy and just let it die out?


thanks for your help, i just want to clarify if/what exactly is needed.



craig_b1990MaleEngland2013-10-15 17:09:00