CanadaThe pet thread!
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 18 2008, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

Such a cute LOL!! I love it!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-18 13:07:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
Awwwww!!! Such cute kitties and puppies and rats too!!!

I very much want a kittie, but haven't the room. FH has promised me one once we finally move, tho!!

Until then, this is my baby:

Soaking in her water bowl

About to shed

Coiled all around my neck - I sorta look like Medusa in this one!

She's a beautiful king snake named Ravenne. I adore her...FH very much does not. I do sometimes get tired of not having a furry pet to cuddle with, but it's great to see the expressions on people's faces when they find you have a snake!! smile.gif

Edited by Maeve, 18 June 2008 - 05:59 AM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-18 05:56:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
QUOTE (Varba @ Oct 12 2009, 02:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Rob and Mel @ Oct 12 2009, 01:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 12 2009, 09:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Varba @ Oct 12 2009, 07:08 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A little debt is a good thing (especially something useful like cars). Believe it or not, the people in charge of credit ratings (even the international ones, if you're planning on moving in the future) really like to see how you handle paying off "big" loans.

I'm sure that doesn't really help the stress, but just think of it as a credit building exercise that will pay off in the future. smile.gif

If you're feeling this level of stress, have you told your hubby? He might not realize you're feeling this level of stress, and knowing you are might help kick him into gear to get a job to help out.

(I hope.)

We the members of vent thread are here to listen at the very least! smile.gif

I always have thought that it's very interesting how differently people see debt and loans etc etc. I don't think that debt in relation to credit rating is really a huge issue, well at least not that I have seen, say in terms of a mortgage etc. While we have a lot of credit, we don't tend to have debt and we have a terrific credit rating. I think it's more about qualifying on your good history of payments rather than carrying actual debt.

Plus, suppose you want to buy a house, any debt you have counts against you - especially in Canada where most banks dictate that your mortgage payment cannot exceed something like 30% of your income, so in fact debt works against you on the amount of house you can finance.

As for financing a car, well a car is handy and a necessity in a way (it's not really, I mean there are other forms of transportation, however who wants to stand at an LRT station or bus stop when it's -30) - but i've always thought that buying a reliable car, within our means was more important than having a new car. Either car will get you from point A to point B - but the car within your means - really means you won't be working overtime and getting stressed paying it off.

With that I don't mean that I think no one should ever finance a car, I used a line of credit once to finance one, but I would never buy one that had me working overtime (but my priorities are different than other peoples sometimes - I know this).

Oh and Jill - good for you!

Debt in relation to credit is a big deal to the credit reporting agencies, and the creditors who set up these agencies in the first place. It's not simply the amount of debt that someone carries, but how they pay it, and how well they carry it. If they are going to issue you a large sum of money to be paid over 5-30 years, I think it is in their best interest to see how you've done historically in making consistent payments on things. Someone with $150k in the bank, but zero credit history tells me nothing of their credit worthiness as opposed to someone who has paid off a brand new car, student loans, and has 6 credit accounts all in good standing.

However, as I _painfully_ found out, it is NOT enough to just pay all your loans off without late payments.

I paid my way through university, paid off my car, and happily sat around not borrowing money.

Next thing I know, I ask for a loan for Peachey's ring - and I'm denied.

I talked with my money guy and found out that I did have one late payment (oops), but what was worse was - since I had no debt for several years... Creditors were looking at me as a huge credit risk.

In effect, since I hadn't borrowed any money for years, my credit rating "slid" back towards the dark side. I've been working hard on it all year... essentially borrowing money when I don't need to (with 0% interest of course - I am not interested in spending more than I have to) and making consistent payments.

It's worked great, my credit is back to where it should be - it just took me being in debt.

My money guy highly recommends that at any one point you have at least 3 "debts". It can be something small like a credit card that you put 20$ (or less!) on each month AND pay off. Or even something like what Peachey and I did - buying a new bed and putting it on a loan to make a small monthly payment against. (A lot of furniture stores are hurting for sales and can get you 0% interest.)

Keeping your payments on time is only half the battle - you also need to ensure that payments exist - or you can end up in the same boat as me.

It's funny how this all turned into a big discussion about debt smile.gif I guess everyone has their own opinion...But thanks for the advice still; it's good to be able to get everything out. He might have a couple leads on jobs, just needs some references. And he's not so thrilled about moving back to Canada, but maybe after he gets his citizenship - so none of that time and money to get the green card doesn't go to waste - we can have the discussion. But hopefully he'll be in the service by then and I won't have to worry so much...but thanks for letting me vent smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-10-12 23:17:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
QUOTE (trailmix @ Oct 11 2009, 08:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sorry to hear you are so stressed - so why not move to Canada now? (Oh and my suggestion is - get rid of the car - nooooo car is worth stressing over!! good.gif )

I'd love to move to Canada, but Im not sure I can convince him. And i always stress about money anyway - curses of being Dutch blush.gif But my car pretty much died, and he convinced me to get one that was newer so it would last longer. Thankfully it's a very good car and is still under warrenty, but I've *never* been in debt before, and it's freaking me out!!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-10-11 19:37:00
CanadaThe Vent - Part 2
So so soooo frustrated with everything!

It's been over a year, and we've not done anything we intended to. I'd hoped that we had gotten into shape by now, that chris would be back in the military, we'd have moved and I'd have a break from working.

Well....being out of work for so long made him lazy, because we've both gained a whole lot of weight, and though we've been going to a gym and trainer several times a week, we can't afford o go as often as I'd like, and though we keep talking about getting in shape and what he wants to do in the service, we don't do enough! I keep saying that we should be running, but we don't.

I've asked him so many times to get a job, but he's very picky about the kind of work he wants to do, and most of them involve being in shape already! Argh!!!

I also had to take a higher stress job because the pay is higher, but I'm working so much overtime to pay off the car, that I'm always tired, so even though I want things to change, I barely have any motivation!

I hate feeling so stuck! I wish I'd have moved up to Canada instead; then I wouldn't have to worry about all this...I might still be a bit miserable, but at least id be in better shape and would have time to do the things I enjoy. I keep saying that maybe we should move up there; chris' dad is a Navy DI, so he could probably get him back in shape and back into the military...I don't have that many friends here in the states anyway, and very few ties, other than my therapist. I need a change sooooo badly, but I can't. Sometimes I wish I could just run away...
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-10-11 19:17:00
CanadaUSC importing car from Canada to USA
Ick....think they'll give us a lot of ####### and/or charge all kinds of fees and such? And the letter of that a pretty easy thing to get?

(Sorry for hi-jacking the thread :) Thanks!)

Ok the first part of this is off the top of my head (ie: it could be wrong) - that is that you are only allowed to bring your car in for 1 year before you must import it, so I don't know if that will be a problem.

However, before you can sell it you are going to have to import it. You will need a letter of compliance from the manufacturer to do this, you will then take that to the nearest port of entry (think airport or cbp office). You will want to take your registration with you to get the VIN number etc.

That's about it.

Oh and he should take his passport with visa and greencard as well, of course.

MaeveFemaleCanada2010-06-22 19:59:00
CanadaUSC importing car from Canada to USA
If you don't do the paperwork at the POE, can you still use the car later? Hubby's car has been here for 2 years, but we haven't driven it; thought we would jsut part it. But some friends want to buy it now....just worried about logistics of never having registered the car here or officially imported it...

Anyone know what to do?
MaeveFemaleCanada2010-06-22 08:14:00
CanadaHi!! :)

Good to see (well, sort of) u again :)
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-23 19:19:00
CanadaJust for fun...when is the next time you're going "home" to Canada?

We're having a reception/cookout to celebrate us getting married! I can't wait!!! Poutine!!!

Yummy!!!! :dance: That sounds like a great reception to me! Can I come? hehe

We just got back from a big trip; flew up to Winnipeg end of Feb, then flew to Victoria and stayed there for about 6 days, then flew all the way back. Hubby is from Victoria, but I'd never been - loved it!! So beautiful!!! It was a great trip...except for all the flying! It was sooo expensive, and our flights kept getting cancelled and delayed! Unless we have to cross an ocean, we're driving from now on!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-04-07 17:14:00
USCIS Service Centers2 January filers approved. VSC. Hope
nobody knows when we will get approved and again TSC has no processing timeline for K1
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-06-06 11:55:00
USCIS Service Centers2 January filers approved. VSC. Hope
for us we got transfered we are waiting the 2nd coming of Jesus.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-06-06 11:33:00
USCIS Service CentersNo approvals from Texas? Transferred Petitions...
its really making me sick! we got the mail yesterday about being transfered to TSC... my life is on hold too. I want to move on and be with my love so bad.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-06-06 00:16:00
USCIS Service CentersBiggest gap I have seen between csc and vsc processing time
I like how VSC is doing first come first served. yes csc is procesing january filler but they are being unfair to last year fillers.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-05-18 01:22:00
USCIS Service CentersThe Scattered Crew of VSC
15th jan here and got the 3 damn message about transfer. my heart is breaking and i cant help hating vsc
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-06-01 01:34:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!
which is the local office?? my home country(kenya) am the beneficiary or my fiance the pettitioner's state (michigan) ?
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-05-29 20:09:00
USCIS Service CentersTransferred file from vsc to Texas got touched today!!!!!!
we got the very same text...azra you are the next after vsc gets done with novmber fillers. best of luck!
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-05-29 20:03:00
USCIS Service CentersTexas Service Center I129F Approvals
am hopeless i will really be glad if i heard anybody was approved...15th jan at vsc then may 29 we got transeferd to tsc
am hopeless i will really be glad if i heard anybody was approved...15th jan at vsc then may 29 we got transeferd to tsc
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-06-06 17:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)A miracle just happened! After almost 14 months undergoing AP, "REFUSAL" on AUGUST 1ST, Today August 18th got a call from my fiance at 5:00AM.........
HALLELUYA!! When God says YES nobody can say N0
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-08-18 22:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VJERS FROM NAIROBI
Once the embassy ships out your visa they will send you email to notify you and a tracking number that you use it to collect your passport with visa at DHL.. All the best.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-11-22 15:18:00
United KingdomFeeling anxious and worried.
the last 3 days i kept worried and thinking maybe my file got lost. so keep your head up and hope for the best :-) my advice is pray more
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-31 13:28:00
United KingdomFeeling anxious and worried.
i dont believe in ceac updates. my case was shiped out of nvc on 22 july and it has remained in transit upto now. today the embasy emailed us they have received the case and gave us K1 Instruction.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-31 13:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusServing in our military
hi guys being in millitary active duty should the fiance fill W2 or 1040?
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-21 15:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK-1 Visit (merged)
we had skyped many times and exchange pics and chat daily. my fiance has a smily face i couldnt even imagine him hurting me lol
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-08-15 23:24:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanK-1 Visit (merged)
when i fiance came first we just knew each other 4 months! he was never in kenya or heard that name b4 he met me he just knew africa lol. i pickd him at airport and went with him to a hotel of his choice he had booked online ( holiday inn, crown plaza) at upperhills. we stayed there 2wks!! when going to airport i had my suitcase as well hahaha.. dnt forget his flight was arriving 10pm. i would say it depend with when you communicate how your feelings detect that person.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-08-15 23:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
who has medical appointment 7aug?
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-08-04 23:19:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Just Received NVC/Embassy File Number
you are so lucky :-) congrats :-)
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-02 08:14:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)TSC TRANSFER GOT CASE NUMBER
OMG am so happy for you coz i know next is me ours was shiped to DOS 11th july so now we can hope to dance next week
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-13 00:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NOA2 06/24 VSC, still no case number. Is my case lost?
hang in there you will get it next week. our noa2 was june 21 and we got it yesterday
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-20 09:35:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
may the Lord see through the pains of all of you in waiting. may this be the week of divine favour to you waiting and us having interviews this week.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-08-18 05:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
Gosh! talk about K1 nightmare! my case has been reading In Transit since last week! :-( i called NVC and they said it was shipped out 22nd july.
Gosh! talk about K1 nightmare! my case has been reading In Transit since last week! :-( i called NVC and they said it was shipped out 22nd july.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-30 00:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
yayy!! congraaaats :-)
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-26 13:03:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
thats good news queen. congrats :-)
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-16 13:31:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
wohoo good news there. we hope for the best now :-)
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-10 01:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
It is confusing. honestly the embassy called me 3 times since i got my N0A2. its them who told me nvc hasnt received our file yet so i wait.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-09 13:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
it seems only me i have my file at kenyan embassy.. today my fiance called uscis and he was handed over to speak with an immgration officer and he was told by the end of week or early next week nvc will be having our file.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-09 13:44:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
[quote name="pacharya" post="6357431" timestamp="1373393082"]

Hi guys, I just wanted to share something that one of my close friends shared with me. He also went through the same Fiancee visa process few months ago. One thing he indicated is that they were waiting for NVC to receive their file but when they didn't hear anything for few weeks, they checked with the embassy in India and his fiancee's file was already sent there (may be it came through NVC) but there is a good chance that some of you who h

Edited by andy ngeci, 09 July 2013 - 01:18 PM.

andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-09 13:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
thats a good sign i think. department of state means NVC. mine hasnt read that yet but am sure it will get updated today or tomorow. u was approved 2 days before me.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-09 00:12:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
my fiance just called nvc they told him they are still waiting uscis forward them our file. he plan to call uscis later in the day.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-08 07:33:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
i will
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-05 11:06:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Anyone from TSC K1 fiance please comment when you get a case number!!
my embassy called me yesterday they said nvc hasnt received our case yet. they told me when nvc receive it they are able to push it up fast for me so for now i just wait.
andy ngeciFemaleKenya2013-07-05 10:08:00