CanadaOT question
QUOTE (DeadPoolX @ Oct 25 2008, 11:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I don't know if you and your husband will go for this idea, but since you're in a small apartment, get a cat right now. Maybe a dog later on. However, since your husband really likes dogs -- and he's bored out of his mind waiting for the time in which he can work -- why doesn't he volunteer at your local animal shelter? This way, he can spend some time with dogs (many of them need help!) and do something during the day that keeps him busy. smile.gif

We were talking about volunteering at the shelter, actually! Altho his driver's lisence has expried and we're waiting on the EAD to get a new one, so I'd have to drive him sad.gif But still might be a good idea - gets him out of the house and he's got a puppy fix too! lol
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-26 01:12:00
CanadaOT question
QUOTE (Reba @ Oct 25 2008, 12:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sometimes that's the best thing to do. Just keep going to see the cats until one of them tugs at your heart strings and says "hey, take me home". yes.gif

My problem is that whenever we go to look at animals, they all seem to say, "Take me home!" lol

I'd totally take 'em all if I could. Hubby is fond of saying that if we hadn't met, I'd have turned into the crazy cat lady wacko.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-25 19:35:00
CanadaOT question
Wow - thanks for all the advice, everyone!!!

I knew you guys were good for this question wink.gif

The cat option is starting to sound like the better one...The difficult streatch of time will just be his training period, after which we'll probably be moving out of the apartment and (hopefully) into base housing, and then I won't have to work for a while! Yeah! But still, it's probably best to wait on the dog until we've got more space for it to run around.

I'll have hubby take a look at this thread, tho, and see what he thinks. We've been visiting the rescue animals at PetSmart for a while now, and a few days ago he actually took a shine to one of the kitties smile.gif Perhaps he'd be willing to compromise if he got to pick the cat smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-24 19:07:00
CanadaOT question
Hubby and I have been talking about getting a pet, but cannot agree.

I am a huge animal lover (and would have a giant menagerie if I could!) but I am more of a cat person than a dog person. Hubby likes cats, but is definitely a dog person.

Neither one of us like tiny little dogs, but in only a 1-bedroom apartment, a large dog is definitely out of the question; although a smaller dog has to be taken out more often. A cat is a lot more self-sufficient, and won't be waking us up to go out (especially since I work nights!) Also, we're planning two Christmastime trips to see both our families, which would be fine to leave a cat alone (having friends drop in to feed it), but we can't afford to board a dog twice, nor would it be the best idea to take said dog with us. Plus care of a cat is far less expensive than care of a dog, and with only one of us working money's a little tight.

Hubby doesn't have his green card yet, so he spends a lot of time by himself sad.gif and I think if he had a dog around it might make him a little less moody. But once he gets the card, he's going to sign up for the military, which will likely mean that he'll be gone for some sort of basic training. But I'll still be working (right now it's 12-hour shifts) which seems like way too much time to leave a dog alone, especially in a smaller apartment.

I've been doing research on different breeds of dogs that might be better for us (we'd been talking about getting a Shetland Sheepdog, perhaps...), but we certainly can't pay a breeder top $, and I prefer to support the Humane Society and local rescues who do their best to save the animals anyway.

Either way, I think having a pet would do us some good, as I had to sell my snake as a condition of the new apartment crying.gif Just don't want to end up with an animal that becomes too difficult or expensive to care for...

Suggestions, anyone? I know there are lots of proud pet parents out there! wink.gif

(Hopefully this won't launch into a "cat people" vs "dog people" debate lol.)
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-24 04:05:00
CanadaSecret Santa
Oh! This sounds like fun!! I love secret santa!!! Count me in!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-18 19:44:00
CanadaWhen you tell people you are from Canada
QUOTE (Annie & Tim @ Oct 6 2008, 12:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
But with few exceptions, everyone makes a comment with the word "eh" or "aboot" and/or "hoser" or "Moosehead beer".....the MacKenzie brothers were SOOO long ago now, I wonder if these Americans will ever GET OVER IT!! laughing.gif

Hubby is from B.C, so he really hates all of those Canadian sterotypes!!

Actually, a while ago we were at a furniture store, and when we started talking to a saleperson, she immediately looked at me and asked where I was from! (I was born and raised in Michigan, have been living in Kentucky for the last 5-6 years, so I thought I'd lost some of my Northern accent lol.) The real funny thing is that she didn't think that hubby the Canadian was an out-of-towner!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-10-23 20:12:00
CanadaDrivers License
Anyone know about getting one in KY?

I'm guessing it won't be too big of a deal, but you never know...

I can jsut imagine what the FH will say if he finds he has to re-take the whole thing. It certainly won't be PG. lol
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-05-03 00:21:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
Hope everyone had a very merry Christmas!

We had perogies, salad, bangers & mash, and Yorkshire pudding smile.gif And quite a lot of wine...

Now I am hungover...and working...

But it was a fun 1st Christmas for both of us! smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-26 20:34:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
Marilyn, those look soooo amazingly yummy!!! I wanted to lick the screen! hehe
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-20 03:25:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
Oops...Ignore this...

Edited by Maeve, 19 December 2008 - 06:14 AM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-19 06:13:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Dec 19 2008, 01:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Looks awesome Maeve! Love the spiral tree.

Thanks! It was tricky to make and looks a little sloppy, but give a cool effect smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-19 04:23:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
Finally got pics taken of my Christmas decor...

Here's my black Gothic tree with evil red lighting devil.gif
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Our "normal" tree with presents. It's decorated by IKEA ornaments given to us by my mother-in-law smile.gif
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The bookshelf covered with all my lovely Catholic kitsch smile.gif
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(lights off)

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(lights on)

And my infamous "hanging tree." Unfortunately I haven't figured out a way to light it this year...
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MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-18 23:05:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
QUOTE (MrsCat @ Dec 18 2008, 10:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 18 2008, 08:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (trailmix @ Dec 18 2008, 08:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And don't worry krikit, I saved MrsCat's pic smile.gif


Excellent, Trailmix. That looks much more festive. But I think he needs some mistletoe.

gadzooks - that is the most fungal case of hemroids I have ever seen. dead.gif

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-18 22:39:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Dec 6 2008, 08:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
So does anyone plan on doing any special Christmas baking or crafts? If so care to share so we can maybe exchange ideas or try things ourselves?

This year I have decided to make Sugar cookie trees, I'll have to get the proper cookie cutters though, I need a set of large to small circle or flower or star cookie cutters so I can make a bunch of different sized cookies. I'll put green icing on all of them and then stack them from large to small to make, what I hope will look like, a Christmas tree. Then add sprinkles and tiny silver candy balls for the decorations and a jelly star on top.


Oh well still a great idea. Here's one of the pictures I found:

Exactly what I was thinking, perhaps I have seen somewhere before but only my sub conscience picked it up.

Oooh! That's a really clever idea! I'm too cheap to go buy multiple cookie cutters...but my mom-in-law gave me a set of circular pastry cutters, so maybe I could use those! lol

I did make my own cards one year, but it was a bit too much work. And I'm always saying that I'm going to get a really nice Christmas painting done and use it to make personalized stamps to send with my Christmas cards, but that hasn't happened yet, of course wacko.gif

I did get really creative one year and made my own tree! I had a really small apartment and didn't have room for a real tree, so I bought a pine garland at the Dollar Tree, tied some yarn to the tip of it, and hung it from the celing. (I did it by myself, but it would help a lot to have an extra pair of hands for this!) I tied three long strands of yarn to the tip of the garland, and began to twist the rest of it in a spiral shape, using the strands of yarn to keep it from un-twisting. (It probably could be made flat too, but then one wouldn't know if it hung right.) Also, it would be good with one of those pre-lit garlands as well, as putting lights on this tree can be a little difficult. Also, all I had on hang was black yarn, which does a fairly decent job of disappearing into the dark green garland, but you can still see the string. It would be interesting to try this project with fishing line, clear thread, or even black thread to make it less visible.

The great thing is that it lays flat for storage, plus you can hang ornaments and things inside the tree as well as outside! I ended up hanging a large star ornament on the inside, and putting the tree over a bookshelf just over a nativity scene. But because it's small, it can be hung jsut about anywhere! And for being a Dolalr Store garland, it's lasted quite well - this is its third Christmas smile.gif (Will take pictures eventually!)

Edited by Maeve, 07 December 2008 - 12:55 AM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-07 00:54:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
QUOTE (xtinab @ Dec 5 2008, 11:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have our tree up, I have the Christmas centre table cloth on the coffee table, stockings up and the pine garland on the fireplace, with a snowman that lights up and a musical castle with people skating in a circle on it (its small, nothing big at all) And, we have a wooden nutcracker up and a jar that has xmas decorations on it with christmas coloured hershey kisses and kitkats in it. Also have 2 tall snowmen candle sticks in my decorative vases on either side of the fireplace. And Cards up on a wall. Err card singular, none others yet sad.gif

Thats about all heeehee!

Wow...that's pretty darn good!! lol

We've got a fake tree up with white lights and some cool back-and-white ornaments my mother-in-law found for us at IKEA, a bunch of Catholic kitch and a nativity scene on the bookshelf with multi-colored lights, and a more Goth-ish Christmas scene on my art dresser with a black tree, red lights, and lots of Halloween decor devil.gif

I'd light my entire house with Christmas lights if I could! smile.gif

I like putting up multiple trees instead of just one...that way you get to be more creative smile.gif I went to a really cool restaruant once that had *tons* of trees everywhere, all decorated differently.
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-06 00:45:00
CanadaCountdown to Christmas Thread
QUOTE (Sprailenes @ Nov 28 2008, 09:31 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Also instead of name tags on the presents I'll be making sugar cookie gift tags wrapped in cellophane. I'll just pipe their names out with icing. Its just an excuse to bake more actually. wink.gif

Oooh!! That's a really clever idea!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-11-29 19:36:00
CanadaNew Year's Eve 2008/2009
*is jealous of all the lucky peoples who get to go out*

I'm stuck working all night sad.gif

And since hubby doesn't have his EAD yet, he has no driver's license and can't go anywhere either. I told him he could take a taxi to one of the strip clubs or something, but he doesn't want to go by himself.
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-31 19:23:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
oops...wrong forum...

Edited by Maeve, 18 December 2008 - 11:00 PM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-18 22:58:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (xtinab @ Dec 18 2008, 01:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yay! Glad you like the Buckeyes and the Ornament smile.gif

I do! I do! I do!!! Buckeyes are the absolute best!!! And that ornament is just so cool!! Right now it's hanging from our ceiling fan ('cause it's too cool to leave in a box!), and I'm trying to find just the right place to hang it smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-18 22:32:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
Hubby and I got home from Michigan yesterday to this happy-looking package:

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Inside was this amazingly awesome ornament:

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Buckeyes!!!! kicking.gif

I squealed so loud when I opened this that hubby thought someone was dying hehe

They were all eaten in about 3.5 seconds blush.gif

Thank you so much, Secret Santa xtinab!!!

QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 15 2008, 03:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The Angel Music Snow Globe plays "Joy to the World"; the beautiful note card that accompanied the gifts; and blank note cards for me to use when I'm in the mode to write my baby girl a note.

Thanks Maeve. I love them!!

You're soo very welcome! I'm glad you like 'em!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-16 17:52:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 8 2008, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
OK....I gave in and opened my Secret Santa gift. I was feeling kinda down cause I hadn't heard anything bout my AP.

The music box is beautiful and note cards are wonderful. As I was putting them on my computer desk, I noticed I had an email. I opened it and found that my AP documents were mailed today.

So between my secrect Santa gifts and that email, I've been smile.gif and crying.gif for the better part of the day. When I spoke to my daughter earlier and sang "I'll be home for Christmas....", she was like really, honest, for sure...and I said as long as those documents arrive in the mail before the 23rd when we plan on leaving, yes Kelsie - I'll be there. I heard my sister in the background say.."Now I have to go buy 2 more gifts." laughing.gif

Wow! Great timing! good.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-12 17:08:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (BH45 @ Dec 4 2008, 05:08 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Going to do some serious shopping tomorrow.....

A big box arrived for me today kicking.gif . I wonder cool.gif what's inside. I'm going to wait until the week before Christmas to open it...... unsure.gif

Wow!! You are waaaaaay more patient than I am!

I would've totally pulled a MissStacey and ripped it open right away! lol
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-05 00:36:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
I finally found my present too! Hopefully it will get mailed tomorrow!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-11-27 19:57:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
Same here...Been looking, but so far nothing looked "right." unsure.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-11-19 21:22:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
QUOTE (*Marilyn* @ Nov 13 2008, 08:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you mean I would have to have the box sitting here and not be able to open it...?? that would drive me crazy

Me too!!! I'd probably have to have my hubby hide it somewhere...But I'd probably still go hunting for it lol

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-11-14 02:44:00
CanadaSecret Santa Canada Forum
Do you collect anything?
Not particularly...Although I looove books. And Catholic kitsch smile.gif Also anything creepy, spooky, and otherwise Goth-ish.

What are your favorite treats?
Just about anything with chocolate and/or peanut butter. But no nuts or fruit.

Favorite color?
Black, red, and silver

What Christmas colors do you use?
Depends...If I stick with red and green, I'll go for the darker shades, usually. Lately I've been a bit non-traditional, with colors like blue and silver, or even putting up a black tree smile.gif

What is your absolute favorite thing to shop for? (like: linens, stationery, games, clothing, food, vases )
Probably books smile.gif That and art/craft supplies. I totally love scrapbooking and painting
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-11-10 21:10:00
CanadaNew kitty time....again!!
Awwww!!! He's soooo cute!!!

Maybe Absinthe 'cause of those gorgeous green eyes. Or Mephistopheles if he's rather mischevious smile.gif But that's kind of a hard word to yell out several times over...

Besides, the resident Goth is generally going to come up some weird names lol

Otherwise, he does kinda look like Charlie Chaplin. My hubby thinks Winston Churchill.
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-02-10 21:05:00
CanadaNew Year, New Diet...
I did Weight Watchers last year and lost about 50 lbs, which was great. But once I slacked off a little, it all started to come back sad.gif Now I'm really big and unhappy (Kinda like those Slimquick commercials lol), and my hubby refuses to eat diet food. I've been cooking us healthier stuff, but my body won't shed pounds unless I'm on a really strict diet or starving myself, which I really don't want to do...

So it seems that consistant exercise will be the best way to keep my weight in check. Trying to go to the gym every day, but I keep slacking off and missing a few here and there. I keep telling myself that exercise will eventually shed the pounds, but it's such a slooooow process that it can get very discouraging. sad.gif

I've been thinking about buying P90X, as many of my co-workers swear by it...Although I don't really have a place to put the pullup bar. And as I'm not in the best shape now, I don't know if I'll actually stick with the program.

Anyone have any good experience with this workout program?
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-01-17 20:40:00
CanadaThe Vent
Certainly didn't mean to offend anyone...

But in my neck of the woods, there's a major imbalance in the system...
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-09-25 22:29:00
CanadaThe Vent
Stupid bloody Social Security Administration!!!!!!!!!!!


They give us all this false hope that we're going to get a SSN, then today we get a letter saying that weve been rejected - not because we don't deserve it and/or aren't entitled to it, oh no - it's because hubby's I-94 is about to expire!! What the &$^%!@*$#)?????

This is so completely unfair!!!

I can't put my husband on our lease, or as the benificiary of my life insurance or investments. I can't put his car under my insurance, nor can he even get a bloody driver's license which he now has to cancel before his Quebec one expires in less than a month!


This whole system is so $%#&@%ed up!!!!

protest6wz.gif protest6wz.gif protest6wz.gif

I'd like to see some of these bleeding desk jockeys try to go without the person they love for God knows how long, then rush to plan a wedding and get all this freaking paperwork done in the space of about a month - all while being treated like a freaking criminal!!!

I bet if our last name was Gonzales or something, they'd all be bending over backwards to help us out....

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-09-25 18:25:00
CanadaGrocery Items Unavailable in the US
Does anyone know where to find BBQ peanuts? They're basically non-existant in Kentucky, and it's expensive for hubby's family to keep sending them to him.
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-20 20:02:00
CanadaGreen card questions
Thanks everyone smile.gif

I'll still be living and working here, so I don't think that the residency thing should be a problem...'cept not sure if he's going to go for an American company or a British one...Guess that might be an issue?

Probably have to call USCIS to make sure, but just wanted to check and see if anyone had any first-hand experience with this...
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-07-21 14:06:00
CanadaGreen card questions
...I couldn't really figure out what forum was the right one to ask this question in, so I figured I'd ask the all-knowing Canadians smile.gif

So, my hubby is thinking of taking a job with a security firm working oversees; like the private military contractors who work in Iraq. (Scary, yes, but he's pretty excited about it. I haven't been able to talk him into any "normal" jobs, and he's still not in good enough shape to get back into the military. But anyway...)

But anyway, what we're trying to figure out is whether working abroad might invalidate his green card? I know they make exceptions for military service, and a lot of these PMCs have good rotations (9 weeks on, 3 weeks off, etc). I thought I remembered hearing that your green card was valid so long as you "made an appearance" in the country once a year or so? It'd be good for him to have a job and nice to have the extra income, I jsut don't want to jeopardize his status...

Thanks guys!
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-07-21 03:27:00
CanadaWhat if we decided to do the reverse?
I wish this topic was here a couple years ago!! I still wish I'd gone up there instead of him coming down here :/

But I guess it shouldn't be too difficult for me to apply down the road? I wanted to get started on applying for Canadian citizenship, especially if we decide to move there in future, but I didn't know if I had to live in Canada first or's all so complicated.
MaeveFemaleCanada2009-10-11 18:35:00
CanadaMy Cat
QUOTE (TayL @ Dec 13 2008, 04:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Maeve @ Dec 13 2008, 03:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (TayL @ Dec 12 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He really does look like Leo, only yours has a whiter "bib" I think. They do look like brothers, though!

I's weird! Kane's given us that very same look before too!! Even tho he doesn't look it, we suspect he might be part Maine ####### as he makes these "chirpy" meows, plays with his water, talks *all* the time, and occasionally is a bit of a spaz - even tho he's 11 years old! Is Leo of the same persuasion, perhaps?

Leo's the same, but we think he's got some abyssinian in him. There was an abby escape in our area a few years back, and apparently Abbies can be similar in personality to the maine coons, but they're smaller and more slender. Leo's a TOTAL spaz. My sister came in to wake me up this morning and stepped on him because he tried to attack the bottom of her foot when she took a step. He also runs in circles constantly.

In other news, my "cat hater" fiancé wants to get a Bengal cat after I move down cause he's decided they're amazing.

Kane does that sometimes too! He'll do this little sideways shuffle thing and go tearing up and down the hallway. He's very sweet and affectionate, tho - got a very unique personality smile.gif

Hubby is definitely a dog person. He wanted one, but we live in a second floor apartment, and I *hate* taking a dog out in the cold. He really loves Kane though - pretty much picked him out smile.gif I think most guys prefer dogs, but they can be persuaded to love a cat so long as it's a good fit smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-16 18:16:00
CanadaMy Cat
QUOTE (TayL @ Dec 12 2008, 07:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He really does look like Leo, only yours has a whiter "bib" I think. They do look like brothers, though!

I's weird! Kane's given us that very same look before too!! Even tho he doesn't look it, we suspect he might be part Maine ####### as he makes these "chirpy" meows, plays with his water, talks *all* the time, and occasionally is a bit of a spaz - even tho he's 11 years old! Is Leo of the same persuasion, perhaps?
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-13 15:17:00
CanadaMy Cat
QUOTE (TayL @ Dec 7 2008, 02:01 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Whoa...Dude...We *totally* have the same cat!

I swear, they could be brothers!!

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MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-12 19:04:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
I actually had a dream about snakes last night, and woke up this morning missing my baby Ravenne sooooo very much sad.gif I had to sell her back to her original owner as our new apartment doesn't allow snakes. We have a very sweet cat now, whom I love. But I really, really, really wish I could hold my snake again sad.gif

Sorry for the random thread hijack blush.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-12-27 19:49:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
QUOTE (Mephys @ Aug 7 2008, 01:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My snake: Red-tailed Boa hypomelanistic

Awwww!!! So freakin cute!!!

I want a boa so very much, but hubby might have to be bribed with an AK or something first smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-08-20 23:19:00
CanadaThe pet thread!
QUOTE (Krikit @ Jun 18 2008, 08:24 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>


laughing.gif laughing.gif laughing.gif

Such a cute LOL!! I love it!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-18 13:07:00