CanadaHas anyone had any experience with renouncing Canadian Citizenship?

Thanks guys :)


I tried to call the number on the immigration page, but wouldn't go through. But then I managed to get a hold of a really nice lady at the Canadian Consulate in Dallas and she explained the whole process to me. Turns out that there is a consulate near where he is, so he can go and apply in person. That would be a whole lot easier! Hopefully he can get that done soon.


I am a little disappointed though because I didn't want him to have to renounce his citizenship. It's not like he's from a hostile country or there does seem to be a double standard, since a guy he went to Basic with who's from South Africa didn't have to :/ But considering how hard it is for veterans to find jobs in this economy, I want him to stay in the Army as long as possible, so it will be worth it if he can become an officer...I just hope this isn't all for nothing :/

MaeveFemaleCanada2013-06-04 12:28:00
CanadaHas anyone had any experience with renouncing Canadian Citizenship?

My husband is trying to get the paperwork in to become an Army officer, but his security clearance was denied because he's still a Canadian citizen. So he has to go through the whole renunciation process...Unfortunately, he's deployed right now, which makes all this even more difficult. Has anyone gone through the process before? I'm kind of nervous about whether it will get approved or not...

MaeveFemaleCanada2013-06-04 07:55:00
CanadaDo you have a Quebec birth certificate issued before 1994?

Admins, is there any way to put this information into a document or something so that users can see it?? Its really important for immigrating Canadians, especially if they wait too long and then run into a situation where its nearly impossible to get a new birth certificate. 

MaeveFemaleCanada2013-06-07 22:04:00
CanadaDo you have a Quebec birth certificate issued before 1994?

I have one and haven't had any issues. Where did you come across that information?


My husband might have to renounce his citizenship, and this was stated in the instructions. I don't think it will be an issue here in the US, but might be in Canada. I talked with a woman at a Consulate who told me that even if we didn't need the birth certificate for the renunciation, we should still get one because if we ever have to do anything else in Canada, it could be a problem.

MaeveFemaleCanada2013-06-07 11:44:00
CanadaDo you have a Quebec birth certificate issued before 1994?

I've just learned that Quebec birth certificates that were issued before 1994 are no longer considered valid, and if you have to deal with anything in Canada, it could be come a major issue. I'm now having to jump through all kinds of hoops to get one while my husband is deployed, and I *really* don't want any of y'all to have to deal with this hassle!


If you can get onto l'etat civil's online system, it's quick and easy to order one, but they *won't* allow anyone on except the actual person - believe me, I tried! Thankfully, the mother or father who is on the birth certificate can request a copy, regardless of their child's age. They also don't need to provide any ID of the child, just their own, so my in-laws are able to take care of this for me.


Here is the link to l'etat civil: http://www.etatcivil...en/default.html


Just wanted to give everyone a heads up!

MaeveFemaleCanada2013-06-06 23:15:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionGreen card question
...not sure if this is the right forum to post in, but...

So, my hubby is thinking of taking a job with a security firm working oversees; like the private military contractors who work in Iraq.

But what we're trying to figure out is whether working abroad might invalidate his green card? I know they make exceptions for military service, and a lot of these PMCs have good rotations (9 weeks on, 3 weeks off, etc). I thought I remembered hearing that your green card was valid so long as you "made an appearance" in the country once a year or so? It'd be good for him to have a job and nice to have the extra income, I jsut don't want to jeopardize his status...

MaeveFemaleCanada2009-07-21 03:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVermont, slow as maple syrup

All they need to do is put a voice recorder in our house. We certainly argue like married people!!!!! :rofl:

Hahaha!!! Same here!! We've not been married 3 years yet, but we sure bicker like an old married couple! :lol:
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-04-01 20:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVermont, slow as maple syrup

Hey, a shout out to all Canadians waiting for their ROC approval!! Posted Image

MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-30 15:03:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVermont, slow as maple syrup

AGONY!!!! I'm so tired of this nonsense... this process is so random and unfair... :( not cheap either! Since we're paying so much, we should get a decent service. Good luck to all the fellow VSC filers.

Exactly. If this were a private industry, it would have gone out of buisness a loooong time ago!! :bonk:

We all ought to start writing letters to Congressmen...might not accomplish much, but it probably can't hurt...
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-30 00:50:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionVermont, slow as maple syrup

Great yet annoying news for you VSC filer guys!!

Just saw first February CSC filer's approval :whistle:

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....

Hang in there guys!!

:crying: Why is such a cool state being so un-cool???
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-29 03:13:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 NOA and travel
The NOA jsut says that the Green Card is extended for a year; nothing about not being able to leave the country! And that's what its for anyway - that you can enter and leave without hassle.

I sometimes think that anyone with Homeland Security just makes things up as they go. When hubby had his AP, one border guard said that he had to get his picture taken and have the document stamped each time he crossed the border. But the second time we used the AP, that guy jsut stared at it like he didn't know what it was, then let us right in! Ugh...Can't wait til he has his citizenship and we don't have to worry about any of this again!!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-04-06 00:33:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionRemoving Conditions before military
It shouldn't be a problem. My hubby just left for Army Basic, even tho his green card has already expired and all we have is the extension letter. I was worried about it, especially since he wouldn't ahve it by the time he left, but they just said that I should bring it with me to his graduation once I have it.

Also, at MEPS they were also very helpful about the citizenship process. Since Sept 11, its considered a time of conflict (or something like that - I forget the exact phrase) so anyone who has served even one day in the military is eligible for citizenship! Once I found this out, we filled out all his paperwork for the citizenship application right away; there's the application itself, plus two other forms that the miltiary has to fill out. There's also no fee!! They must be quite used to doing this for non-citizens, because the sergeant at MEPS asked DH if he had all the citizenship paperwork with him and that he could turn them in once he got to Basic. It would be great to get that all done right away; tho if your husband can get in before his green card has to be renewed, then you can save yourself the $500+ fee!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-05-12 00:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiontraveling to canada with expired green card
FYI - my husband and I recently travelled up to Canada just before his GC expired. We had the extension letter along, just in case, but no one ever asked. It wasn't a big deal at all!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-05-25 15:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionWill we pay back our laziness?
Agree with above. We *never* combined bank accounts. My husband only recently started working, so I've mostly been the sole provider - and will probably still continue to manage the finances. I have access to his account for emergencies, but we just never bothered. I don't think you need to draw attention to that fact.

I was worried that we might come into question because we never joined our finances - other than adding his name to some of the bills and the lease - and I still haven't changed my name. We have a very happy marriage; we're just independent people. But I worried that someone with a more narrow view of things would think that was suspicious. But it never came up, so I wouldn't be too concerned or draw any extra attention to it.
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-09-12 18:52:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 November 2010 Filers

I called again today and was told they were working on cases filed on nov 15th 2010. It'd be a week or two before I hear from there. So annoying. :( I do not know how true this information is. What happened to all unapproved October filers? God they're slow.

Yeah, and what about the December and January filers who have been approved?? Incompetants...Hope they start sending cases to CSC soon!! Maybe if we keep bugging them...What number did you call?
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-04-20 01:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Just heard from my DH today, and it turns out that the IO on base was correct...hubby had his interview and test and all that a few days ago. He passed everything and will be naturalized on Family Day!! :) I'm sooooo very glad to be forever done with USCIS, but pissed that I had to pay over $500 for nothing. DH mentioned that there's a process to file paperwork to try to get one's money back...the chances are of course slim to none, but with everything done forever all I've got is time, right? Besides, my Dutch sensibilities are offended at getting nothing for my hard-earned money. :)

Hoping everyone still waiting gets approved very, very soon, and that the N-400 process goes much smoother than this one did!!!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-17 17:07:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Yesterday was the 6 month mark, so I tried to call USCIS to see what was going on. But - even though their stupid recording says that you need to be the applicant or the petitioner - they *still* wouldn't give me any bleeding information because me husband wasn't available! Ugh!!!!!! I am SO %^#*$%*@*# SICK OF USCIS!!!!!!!!! Now I have to wait YET ANOTHER week until I finally get to see him and try to get all this ####### sorted out...of course by the time I see him again he might already be naturalized so it will be a moot point. But I paid $500+ for that bloody green card, and I want it!!!!

MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-11 17:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers

I couldn't help my curiosity I noticed in your timeline that you filled N-400 for citizenship. Are you counting 3years(-90 days) from the date you got you green card or from the day of marriage. I believe the true counting of 3 years for citizenship start from the date we get the green card, please someone correct me if i am wrong.

Yes, if you're filing base on marriage it is 3 years from when you get your Green Card, but my DH joined the military, which made him elgible to file for citizenship early.
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-07 19:57:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Still nothing :( In 5 days it will be 6 months...Soooo beyond fed up with USCIS!!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-05 12:29:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Glad to see that VSC is *finally* moving! I think they've progressed from snail's pace to a caterpillar's perhaps...

But I'm still convinced that DH will likely get his citizenship before that freaking Green Card!!! lol
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-06-18 21:14:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers

is it me or the VSC is taking FOREVER to process applications???

over 50% for the CSC over 6% to VSC?? wow

I love Vermont as a state....but their USCIS SUCKS!!! I'm a very impatient person, but this is rediculous!!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-04-20 01:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
VSC is still stuck in October! It's rediculous that they're so far behind!!! There must be someone we can complain to?
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-24 23:17:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
I've seen a lot of posts floating around from military about how they want the 10-year card...I'm a little concerned because hubby (non-USC) goes to Army Basic in less than 2 months, tho his whole swearing in went off without a hitch and the Army never asked for the 10-year card; even tho his 2-year card has expired by now, excluding the extention letter. I'm assuming that it won't be a problem, tho I'd really hate for him to be at Basic, and all of a sudden they want the 10-year card!

At least people are starting to be approved! Hopefully we all won't have to wait too much longer!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-03-17 16:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers

I am trying to check my case status online, and it says:

Validation Error(s)
You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:

* Customer Portfolio Insert Failed
* Attempting to add a case that does not exist. Check the application receipt number.

I am entering the receipt number from my I-797C, Notice of Action. The "EAC" number, isn't that correct? Why can't they find me

Same thing happened to me; the EAC on the NOA was different than the # on the Bio appointment notice. The NOA # didn't work, but the one on the Bio appointment did...Guess that's not too helpful tho :) You could always call USCIS...
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-02-16 21:54:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Just had our Bio appt the other day - everything went very smoothly, and only took about 15 mins! Hopeing everything else goes just as quick for all of us!!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-02-16 17:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Got our Biometrics letter! Its Feb 14 in Cincy!
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-01-25 18:21:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
btw, anyone else having trouble with USCIS' website? I keep trying to check the status of our case, but the website says that the case# doesn't exist...
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-01-24 01:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 January filers
Just filed! NOA dated 1/10 :)

Hope it doesn't take forever :/
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-01-23 20:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSelf harming and GP's letter
I don't know much about the medical requirements, but I'd guess that the "not a danger to yourself or others" is a good thing to have in there; that's a buzzword that gets thrown about a lot. Also, it does give the impression that your condition has improved - not needing anti-depressants and not reporting any major episodes for a while - which is also something they might look for. Its possible they might not even ask, but good to have a letter from your doctor than nothing at all...

Sorry I'm not of too much help, but I have SI'd off and on for the past 10 years or so, so I've been pretty well involved with the mental health field for quite a while :) Glad to hear that you haven't done anything in a while tho! I know how hard that is, especially when you're apart from your husband!! *hugs* :)

Also a good resource for SI support:
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-14 15:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe distance
QUOTE (marie007 @ Mar 3 2008, 07:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You are so right. because I have gotten to know my husband so well. It is amaxing how we talk about everything. Maybe things we would have never talk about. My husband is very honest. A quality I love. Being apart has made us stronger and we have learn how to be patient with the wait.Thanks for responding.

I can *totally* identify. My fiance's in Canada and I'm in Kentucky and we talk on the phone at least once a day. It sucks to not get to see him on a regular basis in the way most engaged couples can...but you're right I have noticed that we talk about so many deeper things now, since all we have is talk. I worry about once we're together if that will go away...but I'm hoping since we've gotten so used to talking so much, we'll keep that going.

Take care smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-03-03 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGreencard
I'm not sure on all the legal specifics - I'm pretty new to this whole visa thing - but my general impression would be that Homeland Security would certainly frown on your getting a divorce so soon and marrying someone else. They might assume that your marriage was jsut a way of getting into the country. I'm not sure what action they could take (if any), but it's possible that things may be a bit unpleasent...

That being said, have you talked to your husband about maybe trying couple's counseling? Or even talking to a counselor yourself? Even though I don't know either of you or your situation, it still might be a good tings to think about before jumping into a divorce...
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-03-06 19:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS

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**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "CLICK HERE"**

N-400: MAY 2011 Applicants

USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice......|

Daniellej006.....|04/28/11.|--/--/--.|05/02/11.|07/05/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL........|
cherr1985........|05/04/11.|--/--/--.|05/05/11.|06/03/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
pkash2010........|05/07/11.|05/13/11.|05/16/11.|06/22/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Washington, DC...| Early FP done 06/06/11
Helwardman.......|05/09/11.|05/13/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New Orleans, LA..|
Itareis1.........|05/09/11.|05/12/11.|05/16/11.|06/06/11.|07/05/11.|08/23/11.|--/--/--.|Oklahoma City, OK| Early FP done 05/27/11
gte221j..........|05/10/11.|05/13/11.|05/13/11.|06/08/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
lovelylili.......|05/11/11.|--/--/--.|05/17/11.|--/--/--.|06/20/11.|07/25/11.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
amboston.........|05/11/11.|.$ order.|05/16/11.|06/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA.......| Early FP done 06/07/11
carpe diem.......|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|05/17/11.|06/14/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY.....| Late FP done 06/16/11
maya62...........|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|05/23/11.|06/24/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Washington, DC...|
soch.............|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|05/16/11.|07/05/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY.....|
uham10...........|05/13/11.|.$ order.|05/16/11.|06/21/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY.....| Early FP done 06/03/11
MikenHuong.......|05/16/11.|05/20/11.|05/23/11.|06/15/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Pittsburgh, PA...|
joemaria.........|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|05/20/11.|06/01/11.|06/27/11.|08/01/11.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
Sil_Dan..........|05/18/11.|05/24/11.|05/24/11.|06/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Miami, FL........|
BeverleyFL.......|05/25/11.|06/02/11.|06/03/11.|07/12/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL........|

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice.......|

Romeonan.........|05/02/11.|05/10/11.|05/09/11.|06/06/11.|06/20/11.|08/03/11.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL.......|
venkatap.........|05/05/11.|05/11/11.|05/14/11.|06/06/11.|06/16/11.|07/21/11.|--/--/--.|Cincinnati, OH....|
MeIzWatin........|05/10/11.|05/13/11.|05/13/11.|06/22/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....| Early FP done 06/13/11
c-Low............|05/11/11.|05/16/11.|05/16/11.|06/29/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....| Early FP done 06/14/11
.|07/21/11.|--/--/--.|Reno, NV..........|
lucky_star.......|05/19/11.|05/26/11.|05/27/11.|07/07/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO........| Early FP done 06/24/11
lewisC...........|05/24/11.|06/01/11.|06/04/11.|06/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|St. Paul..........| In line for scheduling since 6/22
cappucino........|05/25/11.|06/01/11.|06/01/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Portland, OR......|
ticosax..........|05/25/11.|05/31/11.|05/31/11.|07/01/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA...|
mimhnhut.........|05/31/11.|06/03/11 |06/07/11.|07/25/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....|
sherabi..........|05/31/11.|06/08/11 |06/07/11.|07/22/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Bernardino,CA.| Early FP done on 07/05/11
sf-bkk...........|05/31/11.|06/06/11.|06/08/11.|06/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|San Francisco,CA..|
sfoboy85.........|05/31/11.|06/03/11.|06/03/11.|07/15/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Las Vegas,NV......| Early FP done on 07/05/11

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice....|

Maeve............|05/18/11.|...N/A...|05/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|07/13/11.|--/--/--.|Cincy, OH......|

Edited by Maeve, 10 July 2011 - 09:38 PM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-10 21:38:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS
Just heard from my DH - he's getting his interview this Wednesday!! Not sure if he's getting the test that day too or what; hopefully it will all get done at once!! *fingers crossed*
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-07-10 18:08:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS
Did anyone else get this on their NOA1?

"The above application has been received by out office and is in process, but has been noted with one or more of the following exception(s):
Missing Evidence(s) - your application was missing evidence(s) that you will need to provide at the time of your naturalization interview. You will be notified under separate notice of the necessary evidence(s) that you will be required to bring to your interview. Do not submit any evidence(s) by mail."

Does that not sound utterly confusing and annoying?? (And is 'evidences' even a word, for that matter???) Ugh.
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-06-07 19:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS
NOA1 received...but says there's missing evidence of some kind...tho it also says not to submit evidence by mail, and to bring it to the interview. I'm rather confused, but stupid USCIS won't tell me anything even though my husband is unreachable! Ugh!!!! I cannot *wait* to be done with them!!!

Please update the latest copy,if you don't many users have to update the same information again and again

Instructions for adding/updating yourself (or assisting others) to this list:
2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
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5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [2]
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!
**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "CLICK HERE"**

N-400: MAY 2011 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice......|

Daniellej006.....|04/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL........|
pkash2010........|05/07/11.|05/13/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Washington, DC...|
Helwardman.......|05/09/11.|05/13/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New Orleans, LA..|
Itareis1.........|05/09/11.|05/12/11.|05/16/11.|06/06/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Oklahoma City, OK| Early FP done 05/27/11
gte221j..........|05/10/11.|05/13/11.|05/13/11.|06/08/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
lovelylili.......|05/11/11.|--/--/--.|05/17/11.|--/--/--.|06/02/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|
amboston.........|05/11/11.|.$ order.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA.......|
maya62...........|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|05/23/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Washington, DC...|
soch.............|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY.....|
uham10...........|05/13/11.|.$ order.|05/17/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York, NY.....|
MikenHuong.......|05/16/11.|05/20/11.|05/23/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Pittsburgh, PA...|
Sil_Dan..........|05/18/11.|05/24/11.|05/24/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Miami, FL........|
BeverleyFL.......|05/25/11.|06/02/11.|06/03/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL........|

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice.......|

Romeonan.........|05/02/11.|05/10/11.|05/09/11.|06/06/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL.......|
venkatap.........|05/05/11.|05/11/11.|05/14/11.|06/06/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincinnati, OH....|
MeIzWatin........|05/10/11.|05/13/11.|05/13/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....|
c-Low............|05/11/11.|05/16/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....|
vanessa_r........|05/17/11.|05/23/11.|05/20/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Reno, NV..........|
lucky_star.......|05/19/11.|05/26/11.|05/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver, CO........|
cappucino........|05/25/11.|06/01/11.|.........|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Portland, OR......
mimhnhut.........|05/31/11.|.........|.........|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA.....|
ticosax..........|05/25/11.|05/31/11.|.........|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles, CA...|
sherabi..........|05/31/11.|.........|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Los Angeles,CA....|

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox

UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice....|

Maeve............|05/18/11.|...N/A...|05/27/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincy, OH......|
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-06-03 15:25:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS
Please update the latest copy,if you don't many users have to update the same information again and again
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2. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting.
3. Click "Reply" on the most recent/updated posting version of this list.
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5. Always use [Courier New] Font and font size [2]
6. Red Font="I'm A United States Citizen"!
**For more detailed instructions with screen-shots "CLICK HERE"**

N-400: MAY 2011 Applicants
USCIS Dallas/Lewisville, Texas Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice......|

Daniellej006.....|04/28/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Tampa, FL........|
amboston.........|05/11/11.|.$ order.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Boston, MA.......|
soch.............|05/12/11.|05/18/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New York,NY......|
Helwardman.......|05/09/11.|05/13/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|New Orleans, LA..|
gte221j..........|05/10/11.|05/13/11.|05/13/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Atlanta, GA......|

USCIS Phoenix, Arizona Lockbox
UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice....|

Romeonan.........|05/02/11.|05/10/11.|05/09/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Chicago, IL....|
c-Low............|05/11/11.|05/16/11.|05/16/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA..|
05/13/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Santa Ana, CA..|
venkatap.........|05/05/11.|05/11/11.|05/14/11.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincinnati, OH.|
lucky_star.......|05/19/11.|.........|.........|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Denver. CO.....|

USCIS Lincoln, Nebraska Lockbox

UserName.........|Sent.....|ChkCashd.|NOA......|Fprints..|Int Ltr..|Intview..|Oath.....|FieldOffice....|

Maeve............|05/18/11.|...N/A...|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|--/--/--.|Cincy, OH......|

Edited by Maeve, 20 May 2011 - 06:55 PM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2011-05-20 18:54:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 MAY 2011 FILERS
My DH just filed his paperwork yesterday; he's at Army Basic Training right now, so I don't know how many updates I'm going to get :) Can I still be added? :)
MaeveFemaleCanada2011-05-19 15:33:00
Just thought I'd add my .02

We're talking about getting hitched at a park. It's really small and smack dab in the middle of downtown Lexington, but it's got a couple of really gorgeous fountains and is right across the street from a nice hotel. We'd get the honeymoon suite for a couple days, that way I have a place to get ready the day of, then all I'll have to do is walk across the street to meet Chris and the minister in the park. Probably won't have any family there, jsut a couple of friends to take pictures and help out with things.

We'll prob'ly be doing the same thing - a larger reception/ceremony/whatever for family and friends once things are more settled. I think it's a good idea - takes a lot of pressure off.
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-06 20:34:00
CanadaProblems with P3 at Montreal?
QUOTE (Cassie @ Jun 10 2008, 12:54 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Methinks it was a fluke. smile.gif I personally wouldn't take this as a sign for everyone to go ahead and send in evidence (seeing as Montreal hardly looks at it anyways during the interview), but that's just me.

Regardless, I wish Maeve's fiance a smooth interview!!! smile.gif

Thanks! smile.gif
MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-10 00:04:00
CanadaProblems with P3 at Montreal?
QUOTE (Eric_and_Corinna @ Jun 9 2008, 06:06 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Not really sure how that happened that you got your interview so early, but congratulations smile.gif

Just when I think this process can't confuse me anymore...

Thanks smile.gif

I do feel a little bad for everyone else who's been waiting, tho...It doesn't seem fair that there are so many people ahead of us who are still waiting for their interview. It's not really fair that this part of the process seems as though the lucky few are just pulled out of a hat...

Edited by Maeve, 10 June 2008 - 12:01 AM.

MaeveFemaleCanada2008-06-10 00:01:00