Middle East and North Africaquestions about chat logs and photos

I will second the idea, that you can front-load the initial petition, and then, if at the NVC stage you feel you missed something, add it to the IV package.  I mostly showed call logs from Skype, as you can edit out the chats.  I only sent chats from Facebook because we were unable to use skype for about 3 months, and didn't have the logs from the other video services we had tried, but in the FB chats we referenced them many times.  I did send a letter, as I said, with the IV package and Skype logs from the time the petition was sent til the time I sent the IV package.  The letter was mentioned in several other posts, and I felt it would help.  After reading some of these thoughts on it, though, I am kinda nervous about it.  Oh well, I felt it would help, so I don't regret it.  


You, my dear Abbi, will put together an amazing package.  I am confident of that.  Do what you are sure of, and if you change your mind on the other stuff, you have another opportunity!  Win-win! 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-17 23:01:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about chat logs and photos

I look forward to seeing that you've sent it!  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-11 21:21:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about chat logs and photos

I had forgotten to send that with the initial petition, however, I did send one with our IV package.  I addressed why we married on the 2nd visit (we're close to being past child-bearing age), I addressed that my family and friends originally had reservations about us but that they see how happy we are through our conversations on FB and some have spoken with him on Skype, so they are happy.  I, also, touched base on my considering converting to Islam since before I met him, and how his family feels about that (It must come from the heart) and how there is not any pressure to do so.  I should have addressed how my family feels about that, but they don't discuss those things with me.  


I would say, since it is Casa, to send it as it can't hurt your petition.  We had the wedding party, just a small one, as he is the last of his brothers and sisters to wed, and they wanted to celebrate.  His sister from France came, as did his brother and wife who reside in Germany.  The rest of his family says we owe them a party when we are able to. My family says the same!  My dad wants us to do a vow-renewal as he says "you are not really married until you look into each others eyes and make those promises."  So to honor my father, my husband is happy to do that for my friends and family.


wow.gif  that's a lot more information than anyone here needed to know!!! Sorry for rambling!  And don't be sorry for having questions.  Ask as many as you like energy.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-11 10:39:00
Middle East and North Africaquestions about chat logs and photos

Hi Abbi!  Sorry to hear you're under the weather.  For Yahoo, you would have had to have set-up for it to save the conversations.  If you did that, on your Yahoo mail page, there's a tab on the left near the bottom that says "messenger."  When you click on the arrow a box pops up and gives you several options.  Click "conversation history" and that will pull up the list of convos in a separate window.   

We sent logs all of our Skype calls and some pages of FB chats when we were having troubles with Skype last year.  I sent the photo album of our wedding party and other single pictures.  I wrote on the back or left a post-it in the book with descriptions of who/what/when was happening.  For the "loose" pics, I put them in a sleeve page (3 per page.  That way they could see what I had written on the back through the sleeve.  


I sent more skype logs with the IV package to demonstrate that we have communicated since I came back (that was 14 pages, btw).  I also sent copies of ticket stubs & boarding passes with the original petition.  I sent an affidavit from his brother in Germany and one from one of my best friends.  I've communicated with his brother and my husband has had communication with my friend.  I could have sent more affidavits, but having read on here that they really don't have an impact, I just sent the 2.  We have yet to see if any of this did any good, but at least we made it through USCIS without an RFE.  


Have a great day!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-11 09:16:00
Middle East and North Africafinially recieved an interview date !!!!! yay!!

Congratulations!  It's been a long journey for you... Best of luck on your day!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-12 08:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor

http://www.visajourn...ial +i  I found this one with the advanced search tool.  Terms I used were "financial denial I-134" and a ton came up.  This topic is discussed regularly..  but in short, yes they can and have denied for being too close to the minimum.  You state there is about a $10k cusion.... hopefully will be good.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-17 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaCo-sponsor

For Form I-134, the petitioner needs to show that his or her income is at least 100% of amounts listed per family size in the federal Poverty Guidelines. The Form I-134 becomes part of your permanent record, however, and consular officers are aware that you will have to meet a higher, 125% requirement just a few months later if and when you adjust your status to permanent resident. Therefore, we recommend that, if possible, you show that your spouse meets the 125% requirement even at this point.    


quoted from


I hope that helps!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-17 08:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-130 filed!

I'm guessing they will assign a date sometime next week for sometime in October, or maybe that is wishful thinking.  I am going there at the end of October, so we are hoping he is able to come home with me.  I'm just scared to hope too much.  That aside, the recent approvals have given me more hope than I had at the beginning of the year.  If he interviews in October and is approved, that will give him time with his family that he can really enjoy.  I know his mom is so sad, but happy, of the prospect of him moving here with me.  It will be very emotional for everyone, I'm sure.  We are just ecstatic that the time that we picked for me to come is working out with his interview.  As long as he doesn't get a long AP or denied, it should be really good.  We will spend several days in Marrakech and the rest of the time with his family.  Since we didn't get to honeymoon in December, we thought that would be good. I'm glad that you will be able to go and visit your husband again, even if it is only for ten days.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-19 17:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaI-130 filed!

YAY!!!!! Abbi!!!!  Now you will slowly find out how your nerves really are.... LOL  I'm so excited that your process has officially started.  You will feel so many things along the way, relief, joy, some aggravation, impatience, but above all... more closeness to your hubby.  There are some nights that are more difficult to sleep than others, but before you know it, you'll be waiting for the interview date to be assigned.  kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-18 09:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow long interview appointment is taking for Casablanca (Morocco)

http://www.visajourn...erviews/page-17  The list is kept by CR-1/IR-1 people, but there are a couple of F2A cases on there (none from Morocco).  The last case complete that had an interview scheduled for Morocco was completed on 07/25/2013, the day before yours.  Most months, they do not schedule during the whole month.  I did call NVC on Friday, and the operator stated scheduling was not completed for September yet.... Hopefully in the next couple weeks there will be more scheduled.  Good luck!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-18 08:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThis makes me sick...can anyone make sense of this?

awful.... disgusting and awful....

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-03 06:48:00
Middle East and North Africamedical exam : ((

there is a basic physical examination, a chest x-ray, and bloodwork, as well as the vaccinations (there are 3-4 for adults, I believe).  My husband is still waiting to have the appointment letter so he can go do the medical.  I spoke to some one who was there with her husband when he did his.  There were 3 buildings that they had to travel to.  One for the exam, one for the X-ray, one for the blood-work.  I'm not sure which of those stops they had the vaccinations at.  They arrived about 6am and left to go home about 7pm, so it was a long day.  They saw the female physician, but I can not say about the cleanliness of any of the offices.  She did say the offices were busy.  And, yes the exam is a necessity for the interview.  No exam - no visa.  Some countries won't even let you interview if they do not have the medical results on the interview day.  I'm not sure if Casablanca is one of those or not.  Good luck

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-22 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA1

You are so wise, Abbi.  I would much rather be there with him to discover the news.  I had partially been hoping that I could sleep through the time at the interview, so he could wake me up with a call.... LOL  But you are right, it's going to be nice to be there - especially if it's not good news.  I do worry that the app that I did for my ex-fiance 5 years ago is going to affect us negatively... But I can't worry about that too much.  You and I both worry needlessly, I think.  Many of us do.  It makes me very grateful for VJ.  



HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-29 22:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA1


I hope it goes fast but I am prepared for a long wait.  I don't have my plane ticket yet but I am planning to go to see him in January. 


The online case status shows that we are in "initial review" whatever that means. 


I also wanted to wish good luck to you.  I know this is such an exciting time for you and I am praying for you guys to have a successful interview and have him home with you soon!


The case status for us always said something to the effect of  "case not found."  The day it was approved, however, I could access it.  I don't know what's worse, seeing "not found" or "initial review" for the time spent at USCIS.  LOL  Initial review just means it is there.  More than likely in a box waiting it's turn.  Eventually, it will make it's way to a desk, upon which, it will still say "initial review."  


January.... that will be good for you.  I keep teetering about October.  One moment, it seems like an eternity, and the next it seems so close.  We will both be devastated if he gets AP or denied.  It just seems too perfect that they scheduled it while I'm there.  We were not expecting that timing.  I knew it would be October, but I was thinking it would be earlier... Oh well.  I just know that I will be sitting in the cafe by the consulate and just going out of my mind!   


Thank you for your prayers and wishing us luck.  Most days I'm pretty confident, but there are those days where I worry.  We will be ok, and so will you and your husband.  Make sure you study on the next sets of paperwork for the NVC.  A few people lately only submitted 1 of the 2 police/court records, and you saw I had the newer birth document.  So make sure he is clear on which ones he needs to send you at that time.  Remember, they are only "good" for 3 months.  I'm having my husband get all new ones to bring to the interview.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-29 18:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA1

YAY!!!!  Hopefully the on-line case status will work for you.  I didn't have anything until it was approved.   Your file should go to the new service center in Kansas, I believe.  Hopefully that will be quicker than your local office, but I know people have been getting told time-frames of anywhere between 6 - 12 months.... I really hope it's faster for you.  When will you be visiting him again?

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-29 14:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaPlease Morocco people, help me!!!!!

Verizon wireless has international plan for $3.99/month in addition to your other monthly costs.  That international plan brings the cost to 0.49/minute to landline and 0.61/minute to a cell.  I know that's not ideal but my current company (Sprint) charges $4.00/minute.  I mention the cell, in case you want something reasonable if you are out and about.  here's the link to Verizon 


Our cells are set-up different than yours.  If you have an iPhone now you can bring that over and save the cost of a new cell.  I'm sure when he gets here we will look into some of the options mentioned above. I'm going to have to watch this thread.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-31 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoping, venting... its getting to me

Laughter is good medicine...  I find if I imagine what I must look like to a passer-by I can usually find a bit of comedy in that I am pretty sure I look hysterical and perhaps a bit psychotic too. cray5ol.gif sleepy.gif crying.gif rofl.gif


Very good point RFQ!!! I will have to keep this in mind! rofl.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-17 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaCan anyone tell me what this update from USCIS means ?

I've seen K-1 petitions receive this a few weeks before they receive the NOA2.  I think it is a good thing.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-17 14:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaSend express mail to MOROCCO!!

I'm learning new things today.  Even though it's not my post... Thank you for the input! I'm sure there will be a day when we have to send something imprtant

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-17 22:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaSend express mail to MOROCCO!!

I could be mistaken, but I believe DHL is rather reliable for delivery to Morocco.  I always see their trucks when I am there (not that that means anything) Ask the various companies what their guarantees are

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-17 14:35:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion about service center

I'm really hoping it will be good news for you, Abbi!  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-21 10:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca interviews

Ok, this may be a stupid question, but I have seen several posts today about checking the list of interviews for some consular offices.  One was Dominican Republic and the other was for Egypt.  They have a list on the webpage of the interviews for the month.  I don't see any such list for Casablanca.  Am I missing something?  Or do they not post that?  It really doesn't make a big difference as we know the date of his interview, but it would be neat to see how many of each category got scheduled.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-10-01 17:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaFiance Visa or Marriage Visa? Please help!

Also, too, is the consideration as to financials.  The CR-1 is less expensive and the immigrating spouse can work right away.  With the K-1, you must Adjust Status, and wait for the work authorization.  If you have enough evidence of a bonifide relationship, either will be ok.  And be sure to front-load the petition.  If you choose the CR-1, you will have an opportunity to send more evidence with the IV package documents.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-10-03 00:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaTelling your problems to your husband

This too shall pass.... I tell my husband everything.  There are periods when there are many things that go wrong, and I, too, feel bad about sharing because I don't want to stress him out.  However, anyone's significant other is there because they want to be, regardless of the good times or bad.  They want to share all the experiences with you.  (at least, that's how it should be)  Hang in there, Abbi.  Things will get better.  You are an amazing person.  If your family can't see that, it's their loss.  Besides, they may come around someday.  You know you can message me, if you need a shoulder to lean on.  And be sure to take some time for yourself once in a while.  I know working keeps your mind off of things, but everyone needs time to just "be" under those circumstances.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-09-21 10:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaCalifornia



That is the link for Igor's list for Morocco filers.  If you could, update your timeline (it says Armenia as the country and does not have the date when you filed or received NOA1.  Igor's list is very useful to get a feel for what timeframes are at.


HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-10-21 14:37:00
Middle East and North Africa1 year anniversary

Congrats!  It's uplifting to read about your successes.  Thank you for sharing, mimolicious!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-10-21 14:29:00
Middle East and North AfricaSuccessful interview but no time-frame for visa issuance

Congratulations!!!! and a lot of happy dancing for you!!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif   Definitely long overdue!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-16 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase reaffirmed with no NOIR or NOID

dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif kicking.gif dancin5hr.gif  Happy Dancing! Hoping for the best!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-23 22:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaHotels close to the consolate in Casablanca

We booked a couple of months out at the Best Western Toubkal.  It's about a 20 min walk to the consulate and right by Casa Port train station.  There is also the Ibis City Center and a couple of others, but the others do get more costly.  The 2 I mentioned and a couple of others were under $100.  Check out TripAdvisor.  That's where I was able to compare, and you get to see photos from travelers.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-10-21 14:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview and my wife with me
I was here with my husband for his interview the other week. I waited at a coffee house close by. When he finally got to mention that I was there and showed them my passport, they asked him to bring me in and interviewed me as well. He said he saw the pink ticket in his passport when they called him up, so we think he was already approved but interviewing me sealed the deal so-to-speak. We made my travels plans before the interview was assigned. It just so happened to be the 2nd day after my arrival. If finances and work permit, I think it is a good thing.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-11-09 12:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaHi Everyone

YAY! you get to visit your husband!  That is great news.  Sorry about the kidney stone, I hope you feel better soon and get some movement on your case! 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-12-05 23:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally received VISA!!!!!


HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-12-10 15:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaWHAT AM I LOOKING AT NEXT......



i just checked uscis website and i got this...



Post Decision Activity

On January 7, 2014, the previous decision made on your case was revoked and we mailed you a notice explaining the decision. If you have not received the notice within 14 days of the date above, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283 for further assistance. If you move, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address.



It sounds like they overturned the decision to revoke the petition, probably due to the evidence you submitted.  In layman's terms, your petition is alive again, they are sending it back for your husband to have another interview.  


Previous Decision = the decision to deny the petition (the decision for the NOIR/denial)

Revoked = To void or annul by recalling, withdrawing, or reversing


You will know for sure when you receive the letter.  Best wishes!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-01-09 00:24:00
Middle East and North Africacatching up
It's seeing movement, so that's good. Sorry you're under the weather. Enjoy your trip! Great to see you're still hanging in there
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-02-19 23:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproved
Congrats! So glad to hear such great news!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-03-06 00:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaUSC going to K-1 Interview in Casablanca Embassy?
Since you received 2 different answers from USCIS, I think there's nothing wrong with doing that now even though you are under the 5 month "average." Somewhere on the site there's a sort of QA to an actual USCIS officer and he describes the process. (I'm on my phone or I would find it for you) basically it doesn't take an adjudicator much time to process most petitions. Most delays are on name checks if either party has a common name, etc. otherwise, I think he said it's about 15 mins. The longest wait is getting to the desk. I hope you can find it to read it as I'm sure not much has changed since he was on the board. I think it would help most of the people on here to read it. But back to your question... Go for it! And good luck!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-03-25 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaUSC going to K-1 Interview in Casablanca Embassy?
Yeah that sounds like USCIS and the misinformation line to me. :) I have read some post of persons that asked their congress person and/or senators for help and have been successful recently. It is a tough process and the constant unknowing what will happen in upcoming months does take a toll on all of us going through immigration with a loved one. When we were at USCIS.... I sent petition at the end of January and USCIS was always stating they were working on files from 8-12 months prior, and by the grace of God, we made it through in 90 days! But every one of those days was difficult to not know when we would see each other again much less be able to start our lives together much less if he would be here or I'd have to move there. By the time July of last year rolled around and having some delays at NVC, I decided to visit him in October and hopefully he would have had his interview by then. As you saw, he got scheduled during the time I was there.

Basically, everything fell I to place and happened for the best. I realize that's not always the case, but you have to stay positive and proactive. Ours was CR-1, so NVC is different for us vs you, but I called a couple times a week as I got updates faster and could get things done more quickly. You have fewer choices, and writing your confress person is one of those, so I, for one, encourage that.

I wish you great news soon! Hang in there.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-03-25 21:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaUSC going to K-1 Interview in Casablanca Embassy?
I'm the poster that was there in October. It just happened that the interview got scheduled for when I was there, and I was very nervous. But I do think it was good to be there for my husband as well as having the opportunity to be called in and interviewed. Since I had, unfortunately, applied for my ex (who was a classic scammer), the CO was happy I was there to ask the questions she had for me to make certain I really knew my husband. Since you've read the all the reviews, you know many years ago it was scary, and the poster that had 3 interviews was intense as well, but there are others in the recent past that having the petitioner in morocco was a good thing more frequently than not. I do agree with others that it would be great to spend some time with him and his family during Ramadan and Eid. Someday I will experience that. Take care!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-03-25 20:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaNew home
Congrats! It looks very peaceful.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-04-13 09:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaFront loading question

In relation to the OP's question, there is no risk that required forms (I-134) and required documents (birth certificate) would be rejected at the interview.  The beneficiary would be expected and required to submit those items at that time.

Ooops! Sorry, I read it as a 2 part question.... Part 1 being standard front-loading of evidence and part 2 being the BC and such. Sorry for that. I did not mean to confuse anyone

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-04-13 13:44:00