Middle East and North AfricaShould the co-sponsor's i-864 be taken to interview?

Yes, our case was reaffirmed, so, based on what you've said, our i-864 needs to go straight to the consulate, got it.

thanks bzaf for your input


That is my understanding, that you will bring it to the interview.  Do an advanced search for reaffirmed cases and see what comes up.  I know I've read about it on here a number of times.  About what the 2nd interview was like, and the papers that have been asked for.  You're welcome bzaf.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-28 21:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the co-sponsor's i-864 be taken to interview?

I think if your petition was reaffirmed, it goes straight back to the consulate, thereby not stopping at NVC again.  With that being said, I think bringing all the paperwork again is a smart idea.  If Mounir412 sees your post, OP, he may have a more concrete answer, as his case was recently reaffirmed as well.  From cases that I have read, They ask for a new medical, new police reports, new I-864 would make sense.  Good luck

Edited by Happytobe, 28 July 2013 - 06:15 AM.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-28 06:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaOne more question (again)

Thanks, Abbi!  We are excited about the visit.  It still seems far away, but considering I used to book 5 months out... it will be here before we know it.  We are hoping he has his interview in October, before I arrive, or in November on one of the days I'll be there.  Ideally, we would like for him to be able to travel back with me, but.... I know that probably won't happen.  It has made the extra wait at NVC, due to our error,s a little more tolerable.  We had been going nuts with not knowing when we'd see each other again. 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-04 10:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaOne more question (again)

Sorry if I confused you.... I was meaning to say, to save time and money have him send the papers for the next stage with the signed-G325A.  With the DS-230, I'd have him sign 2 part 1's and send to you in case there's an "error".  The postage shouldn't be too much more with a few more sheets of paper.


Yes, it sounds like you have everything together to file the initial petition.  The I-130, G-325A for each of you, the G-1145, cover letter, attachments.... you also need US passport style pics of each of you with biographical data written on the back.  They ask for 1 each, but I sent 2 each just in case.  If he doesn't have his, he can have the photographer download the pic so you can take in to a Sam's Club or Walmart (for example) have have it printed up.  


You'll get there soon!  All in God's time.  (that's something I have to remember more)  I'll be jumping in my seat when I see your petition is official with the first NOA!  Hang in there girl.... You'll be together again before you know it.


Edit: I'm looking through my cover sheet... I sent a complete copy of my passport to establish who I am as well as for the stamps, and a copy of my driver's license to reflect name change.... probably not necessary.... oh well.  I sent a copy of his BC with translation and a copy of his bio page of his passport.  And be sure to have a copy of your marriage contract with translation as well - no originals to USCIS.

Edited by Happytobe, 03 August 2013 - 07:06 AM.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-03 07:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaOne more question (again)

I failed you, Abbi!  I forgot to mention before you went to get that all done while you were there..... headbonk.gif  that's me getting my head smashed, btw.... You'll get the papers in when they are supposed to be, and I'm sure they will be the neatest and most organized petition in a long time! Oh! have him fill out the DS-230, as well.  have him sign part 1 only.  And I recommend having more than one of those signed waiting for the NVC stage.  Thank God I had 2, and he has 1(I needed that second one, hopefully they take the hand correction on the typed form like they said).  That form can not be saved to the computer  like the other ones.  Keep us posted


HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-02 23:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCover letter for petition

Abbi.... don't worry about making a mistake.  We had 2 with NVC.... sure they delayed the case a little bit, and I had some tense moments, but as my husband (and many other husbands and wives say) "In God's time."  A mistake isn't the end.  Sure it would be inconvenient, but with or without them the end result is what matters.  You and your husband will be together again before you know it, and you'll be laughing at the thought of worrying so much.  I say that as much for you as for myself because I won't be able to breath properly until he is here.  I know I'll be laughing at myself, hopefully sooner than later, but it will happen and that's what matters.  goofy.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-05 19:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCover letter for petition

That sounds great, Abbi!  I feel like I'm stating the journey all over again reading.gif    rolleyes.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-04 23:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

The way I see it Abbi, you're at least approaching milestone #3.... 1 = you found each other, 2 = you married..... and there were plenty of other smaller ones along the way, I'm sure.... Waiting on mail from Morocco is always an experience.  Last time he sent an item and paid for it to be here in 3 days, it was received after 10.  The time before he sent without a time-frame; it was here in 5.  You'll be having that sleepless night before his interview in no-time!  content.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-07 20:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Congratulations!!!  I am soooooooo happy for you.  Now on to the intereview!!!


Thanks, Abbi!!!!  I can't wait to be giving you "Congrats" on your milestones!!!  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-07 08:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Update...... NVC took the Civil report  after supervisor review!!!!  It will be expired come interview time...but so will all the other docs, so he will get new ones to bring.  Just waiting for interview date!!!


HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-08-05 19:23:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

There were 2 checklist items.  I read the "lived since you were 16 years" question wrong and had to change one digit on a year.  With that being said, NVC is telling me I have to wait for an answer until "at least" August 3rd on one of the items and "at least" mid-August on the other.  They can't tell me which date goes with which item.  They show 1 being received on 07/02 and the other on 07/15.  The supervisor review was emailed on 06/27 and the post office delivered the other one on 07/01.  I received correspondence on 07/11 stating they were beginning the supervisor review.... see my signature for other dates.... I just received the BC and translation, and am really tempted to send it, but on the off-chance they approve the status report... I really don't want to delay the process any further.


So, we are hoping there is a decision soon on both items.  I'm going over to visit him and his family at the end of October and we are hoping and praying for an interview around then.  If things don't go so well, I'm guessing the interview will be in December.  At any rate, we know when we will see each other again.


Thanks for asking!  I'll keep you posted!  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-28 21:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

I was sleepy the other night.  He's been going Sale.  The workers there gave him the information about villages and smaller citys only having that green hand-written one anymore.  They also agreed with the other government officers stating that the Report of Civil Status replaces the need for a birth certificate.


Oh well, still waiting on NVC to decide.  and that's ok, I have time.  goofy.gif

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-12 23:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Sale.... I can't do the apostrophe thingy on the "e"

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-05 21:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

I understand what you are saying, thank you.  He went to his birth city on Monday, and they told him they don't have the option to give him a green one, as they are now on the white, computerized one.  Right now, we're trying to get through NVC.  If we get to the consulate and they insist on the green one, I don't know what we will do, as he can not obtain that.  He was insistent with the woman that he needed it, and she said she has no way to give it to him.  He says they argued for a while about it.  We just have to wait and see. 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-05 09:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Ok.... So, most of the green BC's are hand-written.  Most of the white ones are computer generated.  The bigger cities have the computers, whereas the smaller towns and villages are still handwriting everything.  This is why he couldn't get the green one; he was born in one of the larger cities that is set-up on the computers.  Hope this helps.  


off-topic...Sorry if I was getting snarky.... I'm quitting smoking and I have ugly moments periodically... *hangs head in shame*  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-04 21:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

I don't know.  I'm not there.  He says he hasn't been able to obtain it for about 2 years.  He asked specifically for it when he went on Monday, and the woman refused to issue it to him.  He says he hasn't seen many people with the green one for about 2 years as well.  I'll try to get more information about why she refused him when he gets home from work in a little bit.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-04 19:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Glad I saw this post, as we are doing an AOS from a visitors visa.........     I wonder if his parents can assist on this matter as you mentioned........

Please let us know what the NVC accepted in this matter.   Best wishes on rest of your journey..... your almost done!! smile.png


If the NVC accepts the Report of Civil Status, I'm sure he would need to bring the BC to the interview.  Your spouses parents can get the BC from your husbands city of birth.


As an FYI for us non-Moroccans, I have been able to identify 4 different birth documents for Moroccans.


1.  The green BC - available only in city of birth, is written only in Arabic, my husband was given a difficult time when asking for this and was unable to have this issued, this one is referenced in older Morocco threads and intermittently in recent threads, the US used to require this one 


2.  The white BC - available only in the city of birth, is written in Arabic (at the top) and French (at the bottom), this was the one my husband was able to obtain from his birth city after NVC sent a checklist due to the Report of Civil Status, I do not know yet if the US will accept this over the green one


3.  The Report of Civil Status - available in any city with the new National ID, has all of the information of the BC, a half-sheet of paper with red & black ink, information is hand-written in, waiting to see if NVC will approve to pass until interview


4.  The shahada kamila - available only in birth city, certified copy of the page in the government book listing the birth, family names, examples 1-3 all list the book of the city and page of the documentation, to my knowledge this is not accepted but I could be wrong


To those Moroccans that think I am beating a dead horse.... we have one-type of BC, it is valid indefinitely, and copies (for many states) can be ordered on-line.  So, having all of these different birth documents and similar names for all of them, is confusing, especially when my husband was denied the green one that has been referenced in previous years posts and since he was told the new document replaces any of the old ones for legal purposes in Morocco by the Moroccan government.  I just want it to be easier for those of us here to communicate with our loved ones there, what the US government wants to see.  My husband showed me #2 in January, sent a scanned copy with translation... I told him that's what you'll need later in the year, but because he was told #3 replaces that, he got #3......


Anyway, I will keep you all posted about the NVC's decision.  The girl I spoke with yesterday at NVC stated not to rush to get the BC, as there is a good chance #3 will be accepted to push the application through to the embassy.  But, we all know how they don't always know what they are talking about.  I am so tempted to call today.... but I know it takes more than 4 business days to get to their e-mail requests and such.  On the other hand, the supervisor I spoke with last week stated he would start investigating #3 with the consulate, and wanted the written request as a formality, so maybe there are notes on the file that the girl yesterday saw that indicate good news for us (wishful thinking).....  I guess I will wait until Monday to try again. Does it show that I am stressing? girlwerewolf2xn.gif Ok that's all for now.... 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-03 19:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

he must ask for the birth certificate (normal one) im originally from morocco , nothing is  like the normal  birth certificate 



Yes, that is what I explained to him.... In his defense, he was told by somebody in the Moroccan government that this was the "new" acceptable and legal form.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-29 21:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

Keep in mind also that the BC expires after 3 months from Morocco.     Good thing to post and let everyone know so they can let their spouses know not to make the same error.   I think the 3 month expiration is to prevent identity theft, so they may never accept the Civil Status Report at the consulate as a replacement.


He thinks the Civil Status thing expires, too.  Ah well, if this post helps some one else NOT make the same mistake, that's all I care about.  I just wish NVC would take it with the stipulation the BC has to be at the interview.....

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-28 08:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

I usedc send My wife the green one .Never had Probleme with it coz on it there is my  full name ,my parentys full name too


all of that is on the Civil Status report, as well.  EVERYTHING that is on the BC is on the Civil Status Report.  That's why my husband thought it would be ok.  When he got his new national ID in December, they told him the Civil Status report replaces the BC for all legal purposes.  That is why I am trying to make the distinction between the 2 papers here, so no one else makes the mistake and gets delayed.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-28 08:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

The last one's my husband has gotten from his birth city have been white.  He says some of them are still green.  Because his government told him the short one was good for legal purposes, he thought our government would agree......he's going on Monday to get 3 or 4 of the long ones.  If I had known what he was sending, I would have had him travel to get the other one - the long one.  Same information on each... I don't see what the problem is, other than it's the government LOL

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-27 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

3a9d al izdiyade or shahadate a l wilada is what my husband says the Birth Certificate is called (from city of birth).  It used to be green, now it is white.  It is a full sheet of paper.


nousskha mn rasm al wilada is what he called the Civil Status Report.  It is a half sheet, printed on both sides (hand-writing on only one side), thinner paper than the other one, and is white.  This is the one we are trying to ask NVC to approve until the interview.  He says it is the newer one that is available in any city now with the new biometric national ID

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-27 21:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

So I am attempting to at least have this document considered for future filers... the following is what I sent:


To Whom it May Concern:


I am requesting that the "Personal Certificate of Civil Status" be accepted as a substitute for the Birth Certificate from Morocco, as it states "Replaces the Extract of Birth Certificate" and has all of the required information on it (Ie. parentage, date of birth place of birth, etc).  This "Civil Status" document is a new document from the Moroccan government to make it easier for the people to obtain a birth record.  The new National biometrics ID can be presented in the registrars office in any city and have this document drawn up.  This saves the people from having to travel to where they were born.  The government is saying that the document can be used in lieu of the Birth certificate for anything.  This is why my husband obtained this document vs. travelling 5 hours to his birth city and back to obtain the birth certificate.  


Even if it does not help my petition/my husband's application, the consideration that it may help some one else in the future is important.  For some one to not have to take a day or 2 to travel across the country to obtain a document would save so much time and money for people in Morocco.  


I look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you for your time,

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-26 22:52:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

The English translation is "Personal Certificate of Civil Status"  directly below it states "Replaces the Extract of Birth Certificate"  This document can be obtained in any city in Morocco at the registrar's office with the new National ID.  I can not figure out how to upload a pic, or I would put one of the back of it here, as there is no personal info on the back, but it is a form.  It is a half-sheet of paper.  A Moroccan can use this in Morocco, now, instead of travelling to the birth city to obtain the "Certificate of Birth."  My husband says that it can be used for anything that the "Certificate of Birth" was used for (at least, in Morocco).  


The birth certificate can only be obtained at the registrars office in the city of the persons birth.  It states "Certificate of Birth" on the English translation. IT is a full sheet of paper. 


The information in the 2 different documents is the same, however, the US government will only take the actual "Certificate of Birth" from the persons' birth city.  I do not know what they are called in Arabic, but I will try to ask my husband in the morning (if I remember).  I think that will clear-up the difference better for you, FoufouLoulou.

i can just imagine!! ( headbonk.gif  ) i am so glad that i have this has helped me so much so far. hope the rest of your journey goes smooth and fast! wink.png


Thank you!  And good luck on yours, as well! 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-26 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

thank you so much for posting this. Me and my hubby will be going through this in a few months, and it is very helpful to know this now! best of luck!


You're most welcome!  If I can prevent headbonk.gif  <- that for anybody.... it's a great thing!  tongue.png (my head hurts  LOL)

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-26 20:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCivil Status Report - Morocco

You know.... when I told him he didn't send the BC... He was soooooo insistent that this "Civil Status" thing would be ok.  I was like the US govt and Moroccan govt see things differently.....  Oi!  I love my husband to death, and all I can do is shake my head..... If the US govt asks for the BC....they want the BC.... LOL  


I posted this topic for the sole purpose of trying to make sure no one else's SO sends this document, unless at some point in time, it is listed as an acceptable replacement on the NVC site....


(I can't stop chuckling)

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-26 19:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat happens when people don't get approved?

We asked that question also and my answer is I would move to Brazil. The one advantage is its easy to get residency. We have looked at some places in Brazil we would like to live and I do not speak Portuguese. My hope is for her and the girls to become US citizens. I own a house its already for our family. So the transition would be a bit easier. I am committed to my wife and the girls as she is to me. When we married it was with the intend for life.rolleyes.gif  

vegas12MaleBrazil2013-04-28 22:38:00
Middle East and North AfricaB2 Visa
It's better if you wait for your registration/enrollment on your last school year so you have a firm evidence that you're coming back and you need to show some large amount too. Well my brother just had a tourist visa application last March but he was denied due to the following reasons: 1. The consul said, he was too young to travel to US but he's 26 years old and been to Malta twice and just got home from Kuwait. 2. He don't have his own family especially kids. 3. He is not enrolled as well. Even though he has P500,000.00 in his account and some assets too. Just want to tell you about my brothers experience., everyone will undergo different situation. If it's really for you, then you can have it. Just try your luck! Good luck! :)
meljonFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnybody Has A Fiancee/Spouse From KSA?
Walaikum As-salam!! How are you sister? My fiance will apply for our visa at the Riyadh consulate. Ugh... it takes so long. We are waiting patiently. Inshallah, it will happen for us soon. Are you in Saudi right now? I'm in the states and my fiance is in Riyadh the distance is killing us lol. Inshallah, we will talk soon.
habibi & meFemaleSaudi Arabia2012-04-17 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsreturn to uscis
You may or may not ever receive a letter stating it has expired. I did years ago with my ex's petition, but I have seen many who never received anything. Some would suggest filing a..... I can't think of the form.... But it is basically you applying to receive the "notes" on the petition to find out why it was denied. That way you can address those issues and decide whether to file another K-1 or marry and file the CR-1. I can't tell you how long it takes to get the feedback from that, but it the information can be useful. Good luck
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-01-26 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWhat does IN TRANSIT TO CONSULAR SECTION at NVC mean??
It's been sent to the consulate in your country!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-04-16 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGuest What?
A huge congratulations! Is definitely in order! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-04-10 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCasablanca, You made a big mistake! :'( (merged)
Wow! I'm so sorry and so shocked! I don't know what else to say.... Best of luck in your journeys to come.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-05-09 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsmarriage frustration
I think showing the attempt at marriage would be a plus if you have to resort to filing the K-1, as it shows intent. Good luck!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-09-15 09:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSame Day Marriage Certificate California or Nevada
In Vegas, I believe it's same day. You apply for the license, then take it to a chapel or the courthouse and have your vows. Contact one of the chapels here to get a more specific answer. I'm on my phone or I'd give you some links. But they are easy to find online. Good luck
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2014-04-27 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVisa arrived at Loomis location today. Thank you all. <3



A new year, a new beginning! 


vegasboundMaleCanada2013-12-25 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCanadian police certificates

Hi I had done 2 different police checks when we still were doing the they are out of date.  I did one that went to the RCMP (CPIC) with fingerprints and the other I did in the town I live.  The CPIC one cost $90 and I believe the other(local police station) was $35.  Both came back "no record on file". (clear).  I have been married before so I believe I have to do it again with my previous married name, maiden name and married name.  This will become very pricey!. 


Question is>>>>> so at one point I lived in BC but I now live in Ontario.  I imagine the CPIC covers all of Canada.  I cannot get a report from many do I have to do?  OMG! 

ricky and elaineFemaleCanada2013-09-25 17:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI 130 Application

its just over 1 year for us and not done yet.  but close!

ricky and elaineFemaleCanada2014-04-22 14:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsconfused with loomis

What is this "register" with Loomis?  I don't know about that,

ricky and elaineFemaleCanada2014-04-22 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSame Sex K-1 I-129F Filed

Interview today in Vancouver, BC.  Same-sex visa approved.  dancin5hr.gif

Susan53011FemaleCanada2013-12-07 00:00:00