Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
I hqve not seen pepsi; but I have had a few Hawai and cappucinos yummy
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-19 17:03:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
To begin with,once you'll take the Affidavit from the consulate in Casablanca you'll go directly to Rabat and make sure that you'll be early in the morning the office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.the office starts receiving people at 8:30, so be there by 8 o'clock and do not talk to any of the young that will be around the area,you'll have to buy no stamps for this office you will pay a 20 dh stamp as soon as you'll be called to the front office.They will let your fiancée to come inside with you.Once finished you'll take a blue cab which will cost you between 7 to 8 dh and that is the same price you will pay from the train station to that office, you'll tell the taxidriver to take you to the Ministry of justice and you'll have to have a copy of your birth certificate and a copy of your passeport includding the date of Entry to Morocco and a stamp of 10 dh which you can buy at a photocopy office just across the street.then you'll take the certified papers which you got from te consulate to the translator.

we will let you know about the next steps and moves that you will be doing soon .best of luck
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-19 16:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur experience...
Congrats!!!! That's great news! thank you for sharing
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-08 00:45:00
Middle East and North Africawhat do you miss about Morocco?
Him and his family, of course. I live alone here, so it is sooooooo quiet after being with him and his family. Some one is always speaking or laughing. I miss the food, even the seafood pizzas! I have acquired a taste for them. Like Abbi said, the markets... They are so amazing to me. Strangely enough, I even miss the taxi's. As crazy as the drivers are there, it was nice to have some one else drive. And the landscape! Having to take the train from Casa to Fes, we got to see many hills and farms along the way.... reminds me of home. And everything else that has been mentioned... I'm sure there are more things that I will miss, but I just got back, so.....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-03 19:25:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion
He said if you do it in El Jadida, your fiance won't have to change a bunch of papers, but if you do go to another city (Marrakech or Casa), then a bunch of papers would have to be changed.... I didn't have him go into details because the Moroccan way of things confuses me sometimes... LOL

I am still waiting for some papers to come so I can submit the file.... All in due time, I guess. We talk a few times a day with Skype, so it really helps to see his sweet face and hear his voice. Although it was hard to leave him, it was better this time.... maybe because his computer is working better.... LOL God-willing, we will both have good news with this journey!!! We are a little older, and want to try and have a child... but if that is not possible, then it is the way it is. Being apart, we know it is not going to happen.... so, fingers-crossed!!!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-19 09:19:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion
Abbi, my husband said to try in El Jadida first as they are in the same "district" as your fiance. They should have some familiarity with mixed marriages there.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-18 11:17:00
Middle East and North Africaquestion
Hi Abbi! I know it has been done. We almost went to tangiers. Have him contact an adoul or two in Casablanca and see. Or even Marrakech. The courts in fez have done numerous ones as well as our adoul. The only thing about the smaller courts is that it may take longer. Ours was done 9 days from my landing.

You must be excited and nervous. I know you are leaving soon! You'll do fine. You'll be tired but fine! Waiting to hear your story....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-17 00:05:00
Middle East and North Africaquick question about police record check for getting married in Morocco
Hi Abbi! I would get it "just-in-case." I had gotten the FBI check and did not have a problem. It's better to be safe than smacking yourself in the head. Also, have a couple of copies of your birth certificate. You'll need one in Rabat for the Moroccan police report and at least one for the court filing. Good Luck & safe journey!

edit - should be a couple original BC's

Edited by Happytobe, 03 February 2013 - 02:37 PM.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-03 14:36:00
Middle East and North Africaone Question Plz
For the Casablanca consulate, it is recommended to send the proof of relationship evidence with the petition. The Consulate usually does not look at anything that you bring to the interview. More evidence can also be submitted when the petition is at the NVC stage with the DS-230 form (or IV package). I hope this helps. Are you married or engaged? Your profile has listed the K-1, which is for fiance's; the CR-1 is for spouse.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-04 10:38:00
Middle East and North Africak1 Visa
Congrats! I hope we see more of these!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-07 00:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoney Order for I-130 from Egypt

uscis rep told me on the phone if anyone signs it other than me it will be rejected

A Cashier's check from a bank does not require a signature. It is more secure than a money order. This is what I used to file with... no problems. A money order does require a signature from the person that bought it....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-19 10:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaMoney Order for I-130 from Egypt
Maybe I a am missing something, but..... Why doesn't your family get a Cashier's Check? Those don't require a signature.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-19 08:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaAddressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT

Do you think it would be wise for us to wait to file? We are trying to plan a trip for me to come to Egypt in the summerm. By next school year I should be able to get a job as a nursing assistant as long as next quarter goes fine and I will be better prepared financially. It would also give him more time to save up some of his own money. He is a man of faith and I'm more of a realist which will make discussing this a tad difficult. There are times where turning it all over to god isn't the best option, you also have to put in some work before relying on faith. I think the best point from this post is that waiting wouldn't hurt. Except for even more time apart, which won't kill us.

OP, I have been following this thread all day.... and it was refreshing to see this post from you. I know how some of the posts came across, but for the most part everyone seemed to be trying to get you to "see" from the consulate's eyes. An extended trip over the summer and then filing, I think, would show the consulate that neither one of you was pushing for such a quick immigration. I have read a lot of posts from Egypt filers and your case does have red-flags. Taking the time to build, not only the case, but your relationship, as well, is probably going to be a good thing. That being said, you will probably need a co-sponsor, and it would be better if it was one of your family members. The MENA consulates seem to want to see a long-term sustainable income (other consulates, too, don't get me wrong). I would be scared to submit soon, if I were in your shoes. Read some of the consulate reviews, rather all of the consulate reviews, and go from there, if you haven't already.

Anyway, best wishes to you and your husband! Mine is the optimist, as well... I always have to remind him to be realistic, as well. We have a red-flag or two, as well(I think, anyways).... but that's another story... Have a great night!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-17 01:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo we need a sticky for newbies?
I read a lot of the older posts and lurked before posting much of anything myself. But as Sarah and Adnan stated, that does not seem to be the norm, considering many things are addressed over and over and over.... And like Abbi stated, reading a lot of the older posts, does help to "see" and prepare one for some of the "blunter" posts. A warning should be posted, something to the effect of "if you take offense easily by posters on this site, how will you handle the Consulate Officers?" Just saying.... :blink:
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-19 12:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaDo we need a sticky for newbies?
I think you may be onto something.....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-19 11:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWeather in Morocco in the spring
We were in El Jadida this past April. During the day it was barely chilly, but at night.... it was frigid. Once the sun went down...chilly. We had to use several big blankets, and had to make sure the slippers were close to the bed..... brrrrrrrr. I was also in Youseffia, in April of 2008, and Marrakech and Safi. I wore a light jacket over medium shirts, but it got chilly at night. No Moroccan family is short on blankets! I have Fes weather on my phone and check it a few times a week and let my husband know when he's going to be cold and wet. :goofy:
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-20 23:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaWeather in Morocco in the spring
Hey Abbi! When I was there in December, I had my jacket and sweaters. The jacket was not needed everyday but I wore layers. Nights were chilly. I've been there in April a couple of times, and it was about the same, but it can warm up that month. I've lived in Vegas since '97 so my thermostat is a little skewed. I recommend having some sweaters, light jacket or hoodie, and some shirts you can layer. I used light weight thermals as they don't take too much room to pack.

I'm so excited for you!!!! Enjoy yourself!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-20 14:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaSad day - off topic but need to talk to my MENA friends
Abbi, I'm so sad for you, but happy at the same time. You were there for his passing vs. being overseas at the time. It's completely ok to grieve and let it out before your next chapter opens. just be prepared for when you arrive home and he's not there wagging his tail for you.... you'll have adjusted enough, because of the timing, that it won't be as difficult as if he passed while you were away. I'm thinking and praying for you. (F) :P I like making faces at others.... it might help them to smile...
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-02-27 23:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaNOA 2 Received!!
Congrats! :jest: (that's the closet emoticon to a party I could see)
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-06 23:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCountdown to Morocco
I'm glad to see that they are doing what they can to get you there. When I booked with Expedia once, they didn't have my tickets linked, and my flights got cancelled. Niether Expedia nor Air France would talk to one another, so I spent a day calling each place, being on hold, and being told it was the other's fault(I did that several times each). Needless to say, I paid the $100 cancellation fee and did not go on that trip.

On the up-side... you'll be there with your fiance soon! And you have a great journey while you are there. It will be good to see how he handles all the delays, and any possible set-backs(I hope there aren't any of those). My husband was so calm, and we were so tired.... It was great to see him during stressful situations and how he handled them. So nice to see he didn't lose his cool at all. :energy:

You have had a lot come at you recently, and you are holding up like a true trooper! I look forward to seeing you post that you are married! Hopefully sooner than later.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-06 23:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?

In my case I received the expired letter that is why the visit surprised me, I informed the officers of my intentions and up and coming trip to marry he kept asking me what my plans were if it were denied, I refused to acknowledge that as why would I plan for our demise strange question and of course one does with life the best they can this process is a day at a time riiight?!?! All good advice you have offered Thank you! :thumbs:

Wow! It wasn't clear if you received the letter or at least not when I read it, but I tend to skip words... I am very surprised then that they did that! This is the first time I have seen this discussed.... I think I just went dumb trying to think of why the government would do that after the application has been expired... but I go dumb just thinking about government stuff anyway, that and numbers. :wacko: Your welcome! I just wish I had a better answer for you.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-10 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnyone had a home visit by Homeland security?
I have seen 1 or 2 cases over the years be re-affirmed after being sent back to the states from the consulate. Most people are not contacted, some receive a notice that the application has expired, some one just posted recently (I think destiny64) that she sent a letter to withdraw the application about 1.5yrs ago as they decided to marry and file CR-1, and she just received the letter acknowledging the withdrawal. I think filing the FOIA will be beneficial to your up-coming CR-1 case. And as capri said, you have nothing to hide.

Best of Luck and Congratulations on your marriage!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-10 22:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving tomorrow - couple more questions
We used some one in Fez from the list of approved translators on the consulate website. I sent my husband the link and he picked one. That way I have faith the translations would be acceptable on both ends. If I was at my computer, I would put the link on here, but I'm on the phone at work....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-17 15:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaLeaving tomorrow - couple more questions
Hi Abbi! I'm so excited for you! My husband says we did not have anything translated for the things in Rabat. We had the papers from the Consulate stamped there. They need the BC for the police report.

Have a safe and wonderful trip!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-17 11:15:00
Middle East and North Africa9 years ago today
Your post made me smile! Very inspiring. Thank you for sharing!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-17 08:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaApproval in Casablanca
Congrats! :dance:
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-03-17 08:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhat happens when people don't get approved?

We have discussed this many times.  If he is denied, we would appeal, given the opportunity.  We have discussed filing again, but we miss each other... So we have also discussed my moving there.  I have student loans, however, and would hate to screw things up here in the states for us, should we ever decide to try again.  So, we will hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  Here or there, we will be together, eventually.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-04-30 10:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaMessage on State Department website

can you give me the site i will check my status


I'm not sure....but this one maybe?

I hope that helps.... if not, my apologies

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-05-10 22:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaOur process of getting married in Morocco

YAY, Abbi!!!!!  I've been wondering how things went.  I'm so glad that you had the time to complete everything; just sorry that I know how hard it is to come home.  The thing that got me through, and still gets me through, is knowing that sooner or later, we will be under the same roof.  You've definitely had an exciting trip!  The 18 hour layover in a foreign country would kill me.... but I know, one has to do what one has to do.  


And I know what you mean about people asking why he doesn't come back with you.  I still hear that question.  And you will be asked more times than you can count "When is he coming?"  And, you have to find a short, sweet way, to remind people what has to happen with the government to make that happen..... headbonk.gif  Everytime I update my family and friends about where we are in the process, that is the first question everyone asks.  


Have a safe trip back!  (and drink some Hawai for me) 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-05-19 15:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaJust a little whining and feeling sorry for myself

When I was leaving in December, I knew it was not the last time I would see my husband.  I looked at it as the beginning of a long life together.  It was hard, but knowing that in the end we will be together every day, lifted my heart.  I'm not saying it was easy, but having a more positive outlook did help.  We are hoping he will get here this year, but I may have to plan a trip for November.... depends on where we are in the process.  We speak in the mornings on Skype, as well as the evenings.  I can not imagine what our phone bill would be like, if Skype were not an option.  rofl.gif  (scares me so much I have to laugh).


Have a good outlook when you leave... and have a smile on your heart.



Edited to complete my thought.

Edited by Happytobe, 23 May 2013 - 09:55 AM.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-05-23 09:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaGot Approved

Ahhhhhhh, this post brought back so many memories of Zagray and the entertainment he brought to us....... thanks for bumping it Darnell... I needed a laugh

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-06 08:33:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking about Morocco tonight

I, too, try not to worry too much, but it's not good to have all your eggs in one basket, so we must think of all the possibilities.  It is Casa after all.  I have read all the reviews.  And I have seen couples with more visits than we have get denied.... so it really makes you wonder what the government finds, sometimes.  I know that we have a plan, if he is denied.  I know that we have a plan if he's approved.  I know that we have a plan if he is put in AP.    it's just this insane waiting......

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-17 23:11:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking about Morocco tonight

Yes, the not knowing when or where is awful.  I have to not think about it because I growl when I do LOL  That's why I focus on the sweet things.  We keep up our optimism, because the possible reality is too painful, but we do remind ourselves from time to time just in case the worst happens, we have some preparation for that.


Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it for his interview, unless it's in November, then there's a possibility.  I have more time off from work then, and I won't have all the money for a ticket for a few more weeks.  He is going to try and have one of his brothers go with him so he can hold his phone and such.  I think he also wants some one to share the result with right away.  I do wish I could, though.  I'm leery of booking a trip next month, however, because we are so close to having the interview assigned.  If it's soon, I don't want to have a trip booked months after when I could see him sooner.  I know it would be beneficial, but there are too many unknowns at this point.  (Yes, I just growled)


I hope/pray on his interview day, he has the opportunity to wake me with a phone call and great news!  He doesn't get noticeably excitable, but I can almost hear him being loud and speaking fast telling me the good news.  I don't think I am totally prepared for if he gets denied.  AP I could handle, I think, but a denial would crush me.  I just can't imagine.  Well, I can, I just don't want to.


Anyway.... here's to happy thoughts!!! dancin5hr.gif  (that's me chair dancing) 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-14 11:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking about Morocco tonight

I was re-reading this post... and thinking about all the little things we do to/for each other.  

   Palming each others face.  

   My telling him "don't fall out of bed" or "don't fall in the loo" and him always telling me to be safe and drive slow. 

   And each night he tells me to have sweet dreams.

   When I get really excited I talk really, really fast...he says I'm speaking American, at that point, because he can't understand what I am saying.  If he starts asking     questions, I won't slow down my speaking, but being told I'm speaking American always gets me to pause, take a breath, and start over more slowly.

   He and his family would tear pieces of meat off for me to eat.  I'm not very good at that.

   His mom would make sure I had a plate and a fork, even though I rarely used it.  

   He would tuck me into bed and make sure I was warm enough.

   If my husbands sees some one on the street he didn't trust, he'd pull me closer.

   I miss him and his family a great deal.... and all I can do is smile, because we will see each other again, soon enough.  I can't cry for some reason, remembering all these things makes me happy....Maybe I'm a little off, maybe not.  It is unbearable.  I always have a plan.  I run early.  Not knowing what is going to happen in the next several months is driving me mad.... but these things keep me sane.  All of us, I'm sure, has some things like these that keep us grounded going through this process.


I hope I'm not too off topic, Abbi, I just had to share my thoughts and I thought it kind of fit with what you are saying.

If not you can headbonk.gif  LOL

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-13 22:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking about Morocco tonight

Thanks. Abbi!  The only thing that may hold us up is the BC document he sent.  It's the new version that can be accessed in any registrars office in Morocco with the new National ID.  It has all the required info and even states something to the effect of "replaces document certificate of birth."  We are soooooooo praying they will take it.  If I get a checklist for it, I will try speaking to a supervisor.  

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-11 10:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaThinking about Morocco tonight

As sad as I know you are right now.... 2 thoughts crossed my mind while reading this.... 1) Are we married to the same man? rose.gif Meant in the sweetest of ways as I think/say the same things about my husband.  and 2) I couldn't stop smiling, because it's the same things I say.... Your love and adoration for your husband came through.  It is difficult.... but you are a strong woman, and will make it through.  My husband and I say "we're closer today than we were yesterday"  Keeping that in mind has helped keep me sane.  Someday, you'll look back and see how the distance made you stronger, as you have to develop such a great communication with each other.  You'll also have some insight on how he will feel when he arrives, which will hopefully help you help him adjust better.  There's goodness all around you..... Embrace it all. 


Take care!  You'll make it through

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-09 23:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaLet's cheer each other on!!

All of those questions have caused a rift between me and some of my acquaintances.  But oh well!  As sad as I am that there are others going through this, I enjoy the company!  Thank you ladies for understanding!  I know the MENA women can get catty sometimes, but we are there for each other when it matters.  Woot-woot!  Get our loved ones home!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-17 23:06:00
Middle East and North AfricaNotarizing documents in the Us Embassy in Morocco

Is it one document? or 40 different documents?  The Consulate site states $50 per document.  the closing papers on a house are many pages, but it is one document.  I would contact them for clarification.  If you need 40 separate documents notarized, then, yes, it would be expensive. I'm sure they have done it before, so they would have the best answer for you.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-06-26 15:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaRamadan Kareem To Everyone

Ramadan mubarak, Mounir!goofy.gif 

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-10 22:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaShould the co-sponsor's i-864 be taken to interview?

Yes, our case was reaffirmed, so, based on what you've said, our i-864 needs to go straight to the consulate, got it.

thanks bzaf for your input


That is my understanding, that you will bring it to the interview.  Do an advanced search for reaffirmed cases and see what comes up.  I know I've read about it on here a number of times.  About what the 2nd interview was like, and the papers that have been asked for.  You're welcome bzaf.

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-07-28 21:05:00