IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswrong answer to question #17 (I-130)

So if you are the beneficiary, did you put your husband's name in #17? Do you have any children, even adult children? If so their names should have gone in #17 as well. Or did you just write n/a for the whole question?

Basically you, the beneficiary, filled out the petition for your husband to sign and mail. Is this correct?

No, I didn't notice the question that much that's why I put N/A on it. I don't have any children and my husband as well. And yes I was the one who did the whole packet, except for his signature and his G325A.

If your husband is the petitioner, HE is the foreign relative's spouse. YOU are the foreign relative. It is HIS name as your spouse and the names of YOUR children that belong in section 17. Putting your name there instead of his is not a problem. Whether N/A below that is a problem, depends on whether YOU have children. Do you?

The I-130 is the US Citizen's petition in behalf of their foreign relative. It is not the foreign relative's petition. When the I-130 uses the word "your" in means "the petitioner's". When filing for a spouse, the foreign relative's spouse IS the PETITIONER. and the foreign relative's children are just that. In your case YOUR children.

Oh yes you're right. If that's the case then everything is okay. I don't have any children neither him. Thank you so much again. :)
meljonFemalePhilippines2013-04-17 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswrong answer to question #17 (I-130)

Still confused. I take it you are a female US Citizen and that your Male foreign spouse's information is in the beneficiary section of page one of the I-130. Did you list yourself as the only name in section 17, (You are your foreign relative's spouse.) then enter N/A below that to indicate that your husband has no children? If so, no worries, but the answer should have been "NONE" instead.

If you did not do as indicated above, please be specific about what you did and where on the form you did it.

I'm sorry, yes I'm the "foreign relative's spouse". And I'm not the petitioner but I was the one who filled-out the I-130 and did the whole packet actually. I send the documents to my husband (petitioner) then he didn't notice about #17 too. I'm just so worried if it has a big impact on our petition but seems not as you said. So now I'm relieved and worry-free actually. Thank you so much for being kind answering my question. :)
meljonFemalePhilippines2013-04-15 23:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswrong answer to question #17 (I-130)

No I'm confused. Did your name get entered on the first line of section 17? Or, do you mean your information is on the top left part of page one? Does your spouse have any children? If you name is in 17 and she has no children, then N/A will be no problem. However, NONE would have been the correct answer because question IS applicable and the answer would be NONE if the foreign spouse has no children.

I mean yes I put all my information on the beneficiaries part. Oh well, so hate it but my answer was N/A.. :( My husband don't have any children.
meljonFemalePhilippines2013-04-15 11:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAttention Fiance fraud
QUOTE (wigena Koukouch @ Sep 14 2007, 06:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi ladies i am a member here but not that active on VJ. I am here today because a few of my dear friends found something very disturbing here and i am grateful they did. I found out that my fiancé had another woman as his fiancé at same time as me. Apparently he used or shall i say used myself for $$, relationship and gifts as well as using her for same. This is a very hard thing for me to do but feel she needs to know as i do. i was with him for over 2 years and i had no clue until recently what he is capable of. I caution ALL ladies to visit many times as you can to really know what you are facing. Listen to your friends i should have listened closer but i did listen before it was tooo late. This man can become abusive as i came to find out my last trip to Marco. Please be careful. He hurt my kids and my self. He has lied and used. I really loved him despite the craziness of our ages (which i found out a yr later he lied about) for he never acted his age at all he acted a lot older than my self but i will NEVER do that again. Much valued and learned experience. I could HATE him for having me to love him and his family but i do not. I have tooo much love in my heart to have my hatred for him tear me up. I know now he wanted easy entry into the USA and that is all, no matter the consequences. Be careful means do not file for your guy till you have visited him a few times first and ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR instincts. If you know the woman in this pic on my page, plz let her know. Inchalla he has not hurt anyone else. Thank you for listening.

The former Wigena Koukouch

Hi, very sorry that happened to you. At least you found out before you were married to him.

chris4gretchenMalePhilippines2007-09-15 00:38:00
Middle East and North Africatrust issues
QUOTE (reginaait @ Nov 9 2007, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
If anyone is up at this time at night would really appreciate an honest answer. I met Salah my fiance in Jan. in May after I arrived, payed for the apartment for a month ( as his job is not providing him enough money to live on) he asked me for 200 euro to pay for a bed with a bunch of guys. As of June I have paid. I understand that work is not good for him, and have asked him on occasion to go back to Morroco where he could live for free. He said he would go if I went with him. He does not care he says about the visa.. and on to go further would rather live in Italy than the U.S. I am the one who thinks he should live here, as my buisness and I think life here is better. Anyway in a nutshell, yesterday, he called me to tell me that the Italian police had confiscated his posters. ( he sells these on the street) I lost it. I told him to move back to Morroco..went on and on about supporting him with his apartment for six months. Anyway, I don't know what to think. Is the guy using me? In my gut I dont think he is..
any wisdom would be grea!! And I realize this site is for visas and not for relationship help.
thank you

I agree. you have taken care of him for 6 months already. if you keep doing it he will never try to work. You will find out that in many relationships that are like this the person is using the other for money. Jobs are hard to find in some countries but my soon to be wife is from the Philippines and its very hard to find a job there but she has never asked me for money. I also think it should tell you something when he has already told you he doesnt want to live in the US or wont go back to Morroco where its free. You have to stop and think what are his real reason for this. FYI there is a a Yahoo club or group that talks just about relationship scams. You may want to search for it
ChrisB0707MalePhilippines2007-11-10 03:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa Interview Results
Yes, Monica, if they call for the passport, 99% of the time it's because it has been approved. He should be able to pick it up the following morning at the window during the specified times. I hope you get an answer before you leave for home, but by the way Casa Who knows? If they took papers to look at, though, there will more than likely be another interview. Remember, their purpose is not to unite loved ones but to keep the "bad" apples out... *sigh*

Inshallah for all of us to be united soon!

ps you guys look so happy in your pic! makes me smile!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-08 10:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa Interview Results
Hey Monica!

When we applied 2 yrs ago for the K1 for Ramzey, he was put into Admin Processing for weeks until his 2nd interview... we don't know what they were doing at that time. His officer was a mean old lady. They finally called for the 2nd interview, all the while having him under the impression he was approved, and asked him a couple more questions, upon which she told him she "didn't feel" the relationship was real, and therefor denied the visa. So, we are getting married in January, then applying for the CR1(?). I plan to take 4-5 weeks off to go there for this as the running around can take up so much time.... I hope the AP in your case is going more smoothly than in mine, though. I know we did not have the proper evidence, in hindsight, to support Ramzey's side of the relationship as he is not much of a writer (so we were short emails)...

I have been following your threads, and it sounds like you have had your ducks in a row. Inshallah, you will have good news soon!

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-08 10:04:00
Middle East and North Africa2nd interview in Casa??
We're anxiously awaiting the news! I know I keep looking every few minutes for updates - lol... Prayers are being said...
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 08:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco
On behalf of us who are in the planning stages.... THANK YOU! to all of those who have ventured this path. And Congrats! (belated of course)
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-10 15:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco

No problem! You're lucky to be able to get away for 5 weeks! Another thing I should mention - my husband did any of the stuff he could before I got there. I scanned and/or emailed and/or sent him any documents I could ahead of time, including my passport, birth certificate, letters from my job and bank, and criminal clearance. He had them translated before I got there, and once I got there with the originals all we had to do was show the translator the originals and pick up the translated copies. That probably shaved a couple of days off the process. If you want the contact info for the translator we used, who was very nice and professional, pm me.

I got there on a Wednesday and we were married two Monday's later - roughly 8 working days later. (not counting the one American holiday where the consulate was closed). Another thing we did - right from the airport we went to the consulate for their morning US citizen hours to get the papers from the consulate I needed. Make sure you get both things you need - certificate of eligibility to marry AND notarized copy of your passport. The guy at the consulate said I most likely wouldn't need the notarized copy of the passport, but we did and that delayed things another day b/c of going back to the consulate, etc.

On the first day, right from the consulate, we went right to the translator to show him the originals of the things we had sent ahead, and to get him to translate the paper/s from the consulate. It's a grueling way to start the trip there on the first day, but it's one of the things that got us married within 8 working days.

Good luck! When do you leave?

I haven't booked the flight yet, but I am looking to leave January 3rd arriving there the 4th - I live in Las Vegas so the 2nd is hard to get out on. Then I'll be coming back on February 10th or 11th (haven't decided yet) depends on the flights. I plan on booking closer to the dates - 3 months out as I usually do. Great tip on sending the papers in advance! I was contemplating that. How soon did you send them? Are the translations only good for a period of time? I haven't figured out yet how to PM a person sorry I'm working on that. I do have a lot of questions, though... Thanks for your help, my fiance works 7 days a week and doesn't have much time to do any of the research, yet. He knows there's a lot of translating, but we don't know all of the papers that are required of me other than what is shown on the Consulate website - I know it also depends on the Adouhl(?). I told him to look at this thread, too....

Thanks again
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-10 11:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco

My husband lives in Casa and we were married there. We were married within two weeks. Obviously, it's a shorter drive from Casa to Rabat than from Fes to Rabat. And, I'm not aware of the 30 day waiting period in Casa that they seem to have in Fes. From what I read most cities do things slightly differently. With the exception of a couple of hiccups - I didn't get both papers I needed at the consulate the first day, the day we went back was an American holiday & consulate was closed so we had one full day of lost time. Even with that and a couple of other things, we were married in two weeks in Casa.

Thanks for the info... I am soooo concerned about the time it will take to marry there. I have read postings from way back stating 5days to 2 months! But you are the first to write from Casa that I have read, so maybe my 5 weeks will be enough... I only have so many hours allotted for vacation to spread out. Thankfully my boss is willing to work with me on the 5 weeks, 6 might have killed her -lol.

Thanks again!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-10 09:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarriage in Morocco
Thanks for posting! We are planning to marry in January (maybe Feb with this info), so now I have a better idea of the time-frame needed for my visit there. I was planning only 5 weeks, but upon reading your post... I think I had better plan for 6 to be on the safer side of things. He lives in Casa, so we will be travelling from Casa to Rabat and back and forth...

And Congrats!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-09 19:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview

So....what r the odds of getting it back to the embassy or stay at the embassy & getting approved?? Is it better to fight to get it approved or withdraw it & get married???

Thanks everybody!!


In reading past threads, you do not want to withdraw the application, but rather let it expire. You do need to find out why they denied it. They sent us a letter stating that it was "proof of relationship" so we know we have to proove the relationship with our CR-1 application after we marry in January. (then they sent us a letter of expiration). If you withdraw the application, so to speak, you prove them right, so let it play its course.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 13:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE on Casa Interview
I am so sorry for the news, Monica! As one member stated, I was expecting that your extended stay was an added plus to your case. And as msheesha stated, make sure you get the reason for the denial so that if you decide to go the route of marriage and the CR-1, you can build your case to prove your case agaist that ruling. This is truely sad, but many of us can relate, unfortunately.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-14 12:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow many of you saw your significant other online before flying across the country to meet in person?
We chatted on Facebook for hours a day when we first met. I thought it would be easier to chat on Skype, so we started to do that. He had to get a camera, so it took a day or two. We had a lot of technical difficulties there and one of us would type and the other would speak, so it was rather humorous. He was always a gentleman, which impressed me because most guys and cams = trouble. I flew there 6 months after we first met, and was glad that we used the cam, because I knew so many of his mannerisms before meeting him. We now use Oovoo, and don't have the technical difficulties that we were having on Skype (at least so far). I have FB Messenger on my phone, too, so we chat on that most days when we are away from the computer. We use the cam almost everyday, and I can not imagine not seeing him any less...
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-06-26 09:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Congrats, Sarah! Glad to hear another approval! You've been in my thoughts since I first read about you. Nice to know Casa still makes some approvals (and more than one in a week!).

HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-30 10:34:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
Congrats to those who got approved and Good luck, Sarah!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2010-06-29 23:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe day i've been waiting for is soon coming
Wishing you luck, Zagray!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-09-05 08:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Cr1 in Morocco
My fiance was told that we both need the medical done in Morocco. For you, they will also have you do a blood test to ensure that you are not pregnant. Some doctors there will do a complete exam, others will just sign off after a negative pregnancy test is received. The certificate of fare is also a work certificate. My fiance says that they can get 2 different letters from their employers there. One states employment, and the other states the salary. I sent documentation of my employment via a brief letter stating the years that I have been employed, a paystub, and a document that shows my employment history for the past 7 years (same employer). I also sent my baptismal certificate to show an affiliation of religion. His Adoul asked for my lease contract, as well. The affidavit of nationality and eligibility to marry, are what you have done at the consulate and then translated and stamped in Rabat. The copy of the passport entry, I believe, is part of the affidavit of nationality, but I could be mistaken. I just sent my papers to him for translation on Friday.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-11-18 15:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Cr1 in Morocco
Also, if you need clarification on what some of those documents are... let me know, and I will make a clearer list. And after you have your marriage papers, you will need to visit Rabat again for a stamp, to make it "official" when you submit them to the US.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-11-18 13:05:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Cr1 in Morocco

Happytobe this is awesome advise

very helpful for others coming up on the situation!!

Thanks, inluvwaiting! I don't post much, but I do read a lot.

Abbi627, in Rabat you will get your Moroccan police certificate, as well as some stamps on the papers you receive from the consulate. They are at 2 different locations. I have read that you will need to return to pick-up the Moroccan police certificate, and that they have a special place for foreigners to go (per my fiance's Adoul). It's best to order it in the morning and return for it in the afternoon. Hope that helps!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-11-18 12:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaK1 Cr1 in Morocco
Hi Abbi! I am going to Morocco in December to marry my fiance, and then we will file the CR-1. The complete path for the CR-1 is a bit less expensive than the K-1 and the filing for AOS. If approved on the CR-1, he can start work sooner, as he would have the 2 yr conditional green card. The CR-1 can take a little longer, but from what I have seen it's not too inconvenient. My fiance is very close with his family, so I am happy that we can share the marriage with them (I'm not that close with mine).

There is a lot of paperwork that you need to gather for the marriage there, if you choose to go that route. There are several posts on here about them, but the requirements can change. Check with his Adoul for what is needed in his city as well as the Moroccan main government. This is the list from my fiance's Adoul:

The foreign party:
* Certificate of Nationality (translated into Arabic).
* Of good conduct (translated into Arabic)
* Certificate of fare (translated into Arabic)
* Birth Certificate (translated into Arabic)
* Certificate of work (translated into Arabic)
* Four photographs
* A copy of the passport with the date of entry to Morocco
* Held that divorce was never
* Certificate of Eligibility for the marriage of the Consulate General of Morocco (translated into Arabic)
* Criminal record from the Ministry of Justice in Morocco
* Islam hold that the foreign party was stated
* A statement certified by the religion that the foreign party was female.
* A medical certificate (in Arabic)

There are 2 documents that have to be acquired at the consulate in Casablanca. They are $50 each. They are the Certificate of Nationality and the Certificate of Eligibility to Marry. I have seen where they wanted something certifying the religion, and other documents, so I am preparing everything I can think of, and sending them to him for translation before I go. They require a background check, so I am sending one from the FBI and I will also have one done in my city, just to cover my bases. The papers must first be filed in Rabat, and then in the local family court.

I think I have covered most things. Let me know if you have any other questions. Good luck! I hope this has helped
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-10-03 12:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaGetting Married in Morocco
Abbi627, here is the link to the page to set-up an appointment at the consulate:

I hope this helps. Good luck!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-11-18 12:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPdate
Congrats, Mounir! I hope it goes very well for you! Best of luck!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-06 00:50:00
Middle East and North Africaone more question
There is this plot of land on the oceanfront where these birds live. They tried to cut down the bird population and build a hotel there. Well, the birds came back and took over this piece of land. It's amazing because they will fly short distances outside of the perimeter, but they do not populate outside of it. There are hundreds of thousands of them! The area is gated off now and you can see the remains of the buildings through the trees.

Yes, I hope to be able to help others through my postings, as well. It's a daunting process from start to finish and we need all the help we can get!

Have a great weekend! I'm struggling to get through these last days of work.... B-)
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-13 11:46:00
Middle East and North Africaone more question
Have him ask his Adul, he will be able to let him know what his area requires. I sent more than what was needed, and the lease was something that had been mentioned at one time, so I sent that. I listed in one of your posts everything else that was asked for, but I forgot that at the time. Every area is slightly different, though. I sent my baptismal record, and his Adul said he doesn't need it... but it's there, just in case.

While you were in El Jadida, did you see the birds at the abandoned hotel on the oceanfront? They fascinate me!

I worry, too, that I will get there and be told that I need something else. That's one of the reasons why I sent everything early. That way I had some time to get anything else. I paid attention to what they asked for, and then decided that I had other things that could prove "who" I am and sent those, too. I believe we will both be good.

I plan on finishing the evidence within the first days of arriving home, and getting the packet sent off. I worry more that I won't have the proper papers together for that.... I have all the documents ready. There are just a few spaces that need to be filled in as well as a few signatures, so..... The process makes me more nervous than the wedding! I'm having problems sleeping now, I can't imagine what the next months will hold. :wacko:
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-13 10:19:00
Middle East and North Africaone more question
I will be in Fes and I leave Sunday. I wish I could stay as long as you are, and I am prepared to make those arrangements if necessary. However, my fiance has some family, friends, and friends of family in various parts of the government, so we are hoping to finish everything in a timely manner. "knock-on-wood" I sent my documents over ahead of time for translation and that saved several days time. I was only able to get about 2.5 weeks off of work, so I wanted to get a head-start on everything. That way, too, I knew ahead of time if I needed anything else. The papers are already being written. I will add, that his Adul, who is a family friend, needed a copy of my lease. Only part of the first page was translated, but they wanted "proof" of where I live. His Adul says that everything should be complete for us within 10 days of my arrival and that does not include if we call in a favor at the Family Court, we'll see.

Sidi Bennour.... I have not heard of this city, but I looked it up and saw that it is close to El Jadida. We spent several days there in April. It is a beautiful area. He worked at the Magazan Resort for a while. We may go back for a few days, if the marriage arrangements work out well.

Needless to say, we are sooooooooo excited! Our families are too! Many of my family has set-up Skype so that hopefully we can chat with them. Skype has not been working very well the last few days and I was hoping to take pics of us talking with my family for evidence. Two of his siblings that live out of the country are flying in for the occasion.

I will post while I am there, then. The first couple of days may be the most beneficial to everyone, as there are favors being made with the rest of the papers, including the medical and the police interview. The police papers can sometimes take several days to be ready, but he knows a couple of officers in that division, sooooo......

I'm so excited, I can't sleep! I know you are, as well! God-willing, everything will go smoothly for both of us! :D
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-13 04:54:00
Middle East and North Africaone more question
You're welcome, Abbi! Best of luck to you and yours! You will be staying longer than I enjoy him, the family, the food, and the tea. When do you arrive? Do you want me to post our experiences at some of these places? Let me know. I'd be happy to give you more info as I learn it. Have a great day!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-12 23:36:00
Middle East and North Africaone more question
Hi Abbi! I leave in a few days to get married. To be on the safe side, I got 3 new copies and sent them over for translation. Their birth certificates are only good for 3 months and I did not want some one to try to say that. He is having trouble with the FBI record, so you never know
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-11 20:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaRoyal Air Maroc?
I have had good experiences with RAM: this past time I used Delta and Air France; I am still waiting for my luggage
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-19 17:09:00
Middle East and North Africahappy holidays
Happy, safe, and blessed New Year to all! May the year be filled with great news and tons of love and cheer for all of us!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-31 11:37:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
I made it home safely, and am getting ready to sleep in my bed....alone.... Thank you to everyone for the wishes of congrats and good luck! I hope we all have some good news out of Casa this year! And baby wipes will be coming with me on the next trip! LOL
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2013-01-03 03:08:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
Ahhhh the stand-up toilets!!!! I have not been daring enough to try those. It will be nice not to have to carry tissue for the toilets, too!!!! I'm looking forward to my toilet paper, as well. I'm not looking forward to the process, however. He is very optimistic, at least to me, but I have my worries with the Casa consulate, as most of us do. Happy thoughts! Happy thoughts!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-30 12:40:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
Thank you, Abbi!!! We are enjoying each other and his family. I don't think I can walk up any more stairs, at this point. LOL they have worn me out. Thank God my boss gave me the day off after I arrive home. It will be nice to sleep in my soft bed and have water pressure when I shower again.... I will miss him terribly, though.
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-30 07:34:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
Oh!!!! And if anyone wants to bring their Moroccan family a treat........ Peanut butter!!!!!! His family has gone through two 44oz containers in a week!!!!! LOL a must have!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-27 12:20:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
So, today we went and had the papers signed by another judge and then took them to another court to be stamped. We had to give 100 dh to some one to process this faster and the adoul is asking 1200 dh for his time and court fees for a mixed marriage. We had to get more photocopies and another 20 dh stamp for the second court. I am at home resting while he goes back down to finish things. We will rest for a few days and then head to Rabat for the certification then Casablanca to translate and catch my return flight. On a happy note, we had a good party yesterday and were able to speak to some of my family on Skype. Happy new year, if I don't get online before then!!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-27 09:53:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
Today we signed the contract and are officially married! The courts won't be operating tomorrow because the adouls are having a big meeting in Rabat. So Thursday or Friday we will get the signature of the judge to approve the contract. Then Monday we will have it certified in Rabat and translated. I arrived the 17th and return the 2nd. Just enough time.... Just not long enough with each other.....
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-25 13:40:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
Ok so today we took the papers from the court to the police station and had our interview. The investigation will be finished by Tuesday. I do not know if this is the normal time frame as he has friends and such in the police. On Tuesday we will take these papers back to the court and we should have the party on Wednesday or Thursday. Until then we will be enjoying the family and playing tourist. I highly recommend bringing really good walking shoes!!!

All of this talk of sodas and such is making me thirsty!!!

Abbi I hope all goes well and smoothly for you next month!!! We are so jealous that you will have more time together than we have :thumbs:
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-21 09:47:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage

Glad to know you arrived safely and have started the marriage process. Thanks for posting the information. In a few short weeks I will be doing exactly the same thing. I wish you the very best and I hope it all goes smoothly and quickly for you.

Hi Abbi! Yesterday he did some paperwork.... today we did much running around. We started the day getting the medical. A friend of his brothers knows some doctors. Be sure to have the statement that you are not pregnant as well as one stating you are in good health. The offices here in Fes would not take the certified copies of my passport from the consulate so we had to make 5 copies of the biographic page and 5 of the entry stamp and have those certified with 2 dh stamps on each one. Then we got passport photos of us and they are very inexpensive here 40 dh for the both of us. When we got to the court everyone was at lunch so we waited.... Tomorrow we will go back to the court to pick up the paper to take to the police station for the investigation...... and so the story continues...... Hope this helps!!!
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-20 15:07:00
Middle East and North Africathe first few days in Morocco for marriage
I hqve not seen pepsi; but I have had a few Hawai and cappucinos yummy
HappytobeFemaleMorocco2012-12-19 17:03:00