IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 versus K-3 I NEED HELP!
Yes, thank you, I've already read ALL of that....I'm really only asking personal opinions....Looking for surety that what I'm doing is the right way of doing it....or if there is a better, faster way....what to do to get on the ball.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-20 23:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI130 versus K-3 I NEED HELP!
Hi, My name is Andrea. I'm a US citizen and I married April 26, 2006 to a Brazilian. My petition for the I-130 was recieved on June 3, 2006, and I'm still in the waiting process. My question is, should I wait it out for immigrant visa for my husband, or apply for a K-3? Other than the filing fee for the K-3, are there more fees after he comes here, or adjusting status, etc? Is it more complicated and expensive to get the K-3 than the I-130? I know the I-130 is a "stronger" visa, since it is an immigrant visa....I'm just already freaking out and missing him so much more than I thought...I just want him here! What to do.....?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-20 22:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLife Insurance
I just started a life insurance policy on me, (USC) and my beneficiary is my foriegn husband....will having this policy hurt or help me when it comes to proving our marriage is real, and during the interview? :huh:

Edited by andrea&roberto, 26 July 2006 - 02:06 AM.

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-26 02:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman

Hey, I wrote to my state senantor, local reps, and congressman, all that handle federal is one letter in particular, with a little more interest than the other.... tell me what you think.

Don't listen to anyone else. You have every right to write to your Congresspersons, just as they have the same right to do the same. Even if no action regarding our individual applications. at least they will see how many people are made to wait too long to be reunited with their spouses (even 90 days is too long, we're married for God's sake). Then maybe they will do something to make the process faster.

As for me, I've only been with my wife for 2 months out of the past 18 months. Thank God we finally have an interview date.

Do anything you can to speed things up. Everyone else is free to do the same. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


AMEN! Thank you.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-24 02:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman

Here's my $24.99:

Andrea: letter's fine overall....don't think he's gonna do much, but hey, if it makes you sleep at night, that's all good.

It does help me sleep at night-

"But it prolly wasn't the best idea throwin it out here...we're all waitin and working so hard at this...and like let's just say it DID's kinda like a 'neener neener' at everyone here...
i'm special' type thing....and no one likes a queue jumper :no:"

No, absolutely not! I'm not trying to be "neener neener" If it works, why not try it yourself...(and by yourself, I'm not meaning you personally...) it was meant to be helpful and encouraging to others to try the same thing, or something different

"I don't have a probbo with your letter....long as you don't go all TerriO on us *looks around to see who gets that* We're all in the same boat...none of us are in a pissing contest..."

of course. I'm not at all in a pissing fact, if you research any posts i make, they're all very supportive. I've not once said what someone was doing was wrong...I actually go this idea from several other posts from this site, and people who said it actually DID work for them...

"and to belittile someone who's waiting out the process as not doing enuff is kinda #######. "
I dont' see how i was belitting anyone...??

"There are good folks here who have exhausted all of their options, and unfortunately, when that's done...all that's left is waiting. They are trying to help you not (as they see) spin your wheels..."

Well, that's exactly what I'm trying to exhaust all my options, because then I KNOW i tried everything..and there is NOTHING wrong with that. And even if i spin my wheels, well at least I'm moving them...for me, i know eventually they'll take tread, and move somewhere, fast. I only want this for everyone else too.

"Best of luck on your journey (F)"

thanks, sincerely, you too
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 23:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
haha, yeah i know that. i mispelled. oh well, what can you do. and actually, we have 3 congressman. we have 3 districts. mine actually isn't even's shelly berkley.

changing subject, does anyone know how i can go back to my original post to edit out my personal info?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 23:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
oops. yeah, you're right. i forgot to omitt that info..
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
girl 37-how is asking a government official, if there is anything they can do personally for me, or directing me in a better avenue, asking them to be corrupt? This is why their elected. Acutally, if you check out Senantor Harry Reid's website, he in fact states, that he's happy to help with immigration issues....check it out for yourself!

samir shannon- do NOT accuse me of being "clueless" in this process. you don't know what i know... I am very much aware that it takes at least 90 fact, i don't anticipate my husband actually coming here until January of next year.....i'm only trying to be prepared now.

Edited by andrea&roberto, 23 July 2006 - 10:44 PM.

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
samir shannon-I hear what you're saying, although this isn't about patience for me. It's just doing what I can-even if it doesn't's assuring me that I did everything possible, instead of just waiting and waiting. I have to be proactive. And just to clear things up, I didn't file for a K-3. I filed an I-130, so i guess that's a CR1, right? which, i also heard is in fact, processing faster than the K-3, which was meant to bring our spouses here sooner, but in fact is not, so quite the oxymoron it is....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
You know, this isn't a debate for me. I simply was asking about the content in the letter itself. Not wheter or not you agreed with my aproach, or whether or not it was justful. I have NO control over the government, and no control about what others, with serious medical conditions choose how to handle their petitions. Hopefully, they do the same as me, and hopefully, they're even bumped up in front of me, but I'm still going to try to get mine bumped up as well. Because the worst that can happen is that they'll say no, and then i'll only be in the same place that i was to start. I would have lost nothing. I can't control whether my government is corrupt or not- this doesn't effect that.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
Why should I wait 90 days, when I can write now? What difference does it make but 90 days past? I'll take the chance now-that if they CAN/WILL help, then it might as well be now, 40 days into it, than 90 absolutely doesn't hurt to try. And it's not even about the patience's about being efficient with my time. Preparing now. Sorry if you waited...but I'm not. And good luck to you anyway, I want nothing more than for EVERYONE on this site to be reunited with their honey's tomorrow....but I'm gonna start with myself first.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
That's fine! Wow, there are so many cynical people on this site. You can just sit on your little throne, and do nothing, and wait and wait.... But me, I'm going to try EVERYTHING possible, including selling my soul to the devil if I have to, to get my husband here sooner. And if none of it helps, then so be it. At least to hell, I know I tried-that I did everything I could...and I can live that.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
No, not really. Wouldn't you write a letter, or do whatever you could, even to fail, to just know you tried everything? I know of others who have done what I'm doing, which is where I got the idea from, and it worked for them. Afterall, I do pay my congressman and senators with my's their job to help me if they can.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLetter to congressman
Hey, I wrote to my state senantor, local reps, and congressman, all that handle federal is one letter in particular, with a little more interest than the other.... tell me what you think.

Dear Congressman Poter,

My name is Andrea da Silva. Let me first start off by saying, that in the Summer of 2004, I worked for the Nevada Republican Party, on your campaign. I walked miles daily, in 100+ temperatures, wearing your shirt, carrying your flyers, and knocking door to door, all over Las Vegas & outskirts of Henderson, encouraging residents to register to vote; and to VOTE FOR POTER. I helped you that summer, and now, I'm asking you for help.

I'm addressing a situation that I have to you, because I don't know where else to start. I recently got married in April 2006, in Brazil, to a Brazilian. I have immigration papers in the process at the California Service Center. I filed my initial I-130 form, and have received my first Notice of Action receipt on June 3, 2006. Now, the waiting begins.

I know you must get many of these requests, to help a person's spouse be reunited together again, in the United States, through expediting the application, and my situation, is no better or more urgent than others; but I have to try at least, knowing that I've done all that I can to see my husband again.

It may be even a little selfish to have the CSC consider my application first, by expediting, when I know others' are in more urgent need, such as a disease, or extreme financial peril, or dangerous foreign countries.

For me, I've only spent just barely over 1 month, and not consecutively, with my husband, in person. I'm struggling financially, and having him here, working, would greatly relieve so much stress with an additional income; not to mention, my emotional status that hits lows everyday, from the pain of being separated, and not really knowing, if or when our application will be approved....

For my sanity, and peace of heart, I have to try everything that might get him here one day sooner. And if it all fails, at least I know I did try all that I can; and I can rest at night.

There is no way to describe the incredible pain in my heart of how much I miss my husband. The fight between our countries governments, which sets up a very uncertain outcome; knowing that some cranky consulate worker could deny our application just because they're having a bad day; having our marriage, our life, our "destiny" in the hands of another human, is the most vulnerable feeling in the world. I could face the death of my husband if he was fighting in a war....but it is so hard for me to face the government, knowing that they could keep us apart.

Please help in whichever way you can to expedite my application for my husband. And please offer advice for other avenues that may be of help beyond your reach. Thank you sincerely, for taking time to read my letter. I know you're very busy, and I appreciate you taking a moment to listen to a resident of Nevada. Thank you for all you do Congressman Poter, you have my vote!

Sincerely, Andrea da Silva

P.s. I want to share with you a little of my life, of my husband and I. If you have the time, you can visit www.****.com
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! I'm so Consufused!
? I wasn't talking about patience, I'm confused about this paket stuff...
"Clarification please: the flowchart says, "the NVC will send your relative a packet of forms that you and your relative must fill out before your relative can be given an interview date with a consulate abroad.

I don't understand ? How are we BOTH supposed to fill it out, if I live in the US, and my husband lives in Brasil? Am I supposed to have him fill it out his portion, then pay a million dollars to have it next day air from brasil to US (Which actully takes like 3-4 business days), then pay another million dollars to send it back to him, next day, then have him pay even another million dollars to next day it to the consulate in Rio?"
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-28 00:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! I'm so Consufused!
Thanks...I'll read all that. I have not seen that website before....but can you answer this for me please....

"Clarification please: the flowchart says, "the NVC will send your relative a packet of forms that you and your relative must fill out before your relative can be given an interview date with a consulate abroad.

I don't understand :unsure: ? How are we BOTH supposed to fill it out, if I live in the US, and my husband lives in Brasil? Am I supposed to have him fill it out his portion, then pay a million dollars to have it next day air from brasil to US (Which actully takes like 3-4 business days), then pay another million dollars to send it back to him, next day, then have him pay even another million dollars to next day it to the consulate in Rio?"
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-27 17:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! I'm so Consufused!
:help: After my husbands petition is approved, and sent to the NVC, approximately how long will it stay at the NVC before being forwarded to the brazilian consulate in Rio? And when it's at the NVC, what do I (the USC) need to do, fill out, send, etc? And/or what will my husband need to do, fill out send? Or will it still be just me filling out paperwork for the NVC...? And when/where do I include all my financial information for sponsorship? Is it here at the NVC?

Then once it is forwarded to the NVC, what exactly are packets 3 & 4? Are they sent to me or my husband? Will my husband be responsible for filling out everything and sending it back to the consulate?

And please don't send me links to read the timelines or flowchart. I've already done that. But i'm still confused. thanks. :unsure: :help: :wacko: :huh:

Clarification please: the flowchart says, "the NVC will send your relative a packet of forms that you and your relative must fill out before your relative can be given an interview date with a consulate abroad."

I don't understant? How are we BOTH supposed to fill it out, if I live in the US, and my husband lives in Brasil? Am I supposed to have him fill it out his portion, then pay a million dollars to have it next day air from brasil to US (Which actully takes like 3-4 business days), then pay another million dollars to send it back to him, next day, then have him pay even another million dollars to next day it to the consulate in Rio? :wacko:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-27 14:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 questions
darn. well, that settles that then. if my husband has to fill out the DS230, then I have to fill out the I864 right? and include other required "proof documents" right?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-12 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 questions
Ok, I'm preparing my DS-230 forms now, so they're ready when we get our NOA2. But i have some questions about the questions.

question #16. father's info- i know the state he was born, but not the city. is it important to put both, or can i just put the state?

question #22- work history for the last ten years. I don't know or remember every place I worked for the last ten years, and I especially do not know when I worked do i just give my best "guess" or estimate? also, I have too many jobs to fit on the space provided, so do i say "see attached form for past employment" on the last space, and then attach a form? or is there a better way of doing that?

question #23-schooling. i don't remember the name of a community college i went to...and the only class i took anyway was choir and vocal performance. no degree, or anything. it was just to waste time, so can i not list this school?

question #29, part II, "Name and address of petitioner" ok, so my husband has to fill out this form, and I do is he the "petitioner" on both forms, or for my form, am I the petitioner? whose name would I put here for his or mine ds-230? in other words, is the name shown in box #1 the name that goes in questions #29, for each ds-230?

question #33a. "have you ever applied for a social security number". For me, (USC) yes. so i checked yes. then the box asks, "do you want the SSA to assign you or issue you a new card (if you have a ssn number)? I checked YES. and this is why: in brazil, they don't drop the woman's maiden name after marriage. they only add the husband's last name to the end, and hyphinate the name like so: Andrea Maiden-Married. Which i don't want. And the SSa office here is giving me a hard time, about geting a new card with only my married name on it, when my driver's lisence, and credit cards, EVERYTHING is only my married #######?! So the reason why i checked "YES" in this box, is i'm hoping that immigrations, who is above SSN? might be able to fix it for me, since they know more about the marriage. help?

ok, and then in some areas, like current address and current employment, it only lets you put in date can't write in the word "current" like, 07-2004-current. so, if i'm filling out this form now, and it's only august, but say i don't need to send it in until december, then if i put 04-2004-08-2006, it won't be should i just leave it blank, and fill in it in in writing "current" or the date, when i'm about to send it off?

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-12 13:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 INSTEAD OF IR1
Ok, thanks. i get it!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-12 13:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 INSTEAD OF IR1
what is the difference between CR1 and IR1?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-12 13:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice certificates
Ok, I need some clarification please... it says, "If the applicant is living in their country of nationality at their current residence for MORE THAN 6 months...and is 16 years or older THEN the applicant needs a police certificate from the police authorities of that locality"

So all that means, my husband has to get a police certificate from the city? or state? of which he lives in currently, right? (yes, he is 16 years or older, yes, he has been living at his current address for more than 6 months, and yes, it is his country of nationality)

Also, does he have to get a federal police certificate? (would that cover him for the whole country?) He has lived other places for more than 6 months in his country of nationality (brazil) but he has been living at his current address for like 3 years now.....

I just want to make sure he doesn't need BOTH state/city AND federal. thanks.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-26 14:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED!!!!!! (NOA1)
I cannot believe it! I received my email from USCIS NOA1 approval of my I-130!!! In barely just under 3 months!! WOW! ok, so what's next....DS 230 and I864 right? How long do you think for the whole process, till interview date? 3 months? or 4 months? :dance: :dance: :dance: :D :dance:

correction. edit. it is NOA2. wow!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 13:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864 questions
Sorry for double posting this, I wasn't sure where exactly to post, and I want to make sure it's seen so i get everyone's help. So thanks for your patience with me.

Ok, I'm filling out the I-864 form, and I'm not sure what to put in some areas, and I want to make sure I do this perfectly, so i don't delay the process any more.

Part 4. Eligibility to Sponsor
E. Sponsor's Assets and Liabilities

I have life insurance on myself, and my husband as the beneficiary, but is this considered a "cash value of assets"? since, it's not liquid unless I die. So, should I just write N/A on the Total Cash Value of Assets line?
I feel it's easier to just leave blank, or write N/A. What should i do?

Part 7. Use of the Affidavit of Support to Overcome Public Charge Grounds (continued)

Concluding Provisions.

I, my name blah blah blah. and then i sign and date. Do i need to have this notarized? because I've read somewhere on VJ that I do not. So, again, what should I do?

Part 8. If someone other than the sponsor prepared this affidavit of support, that person must complete the following.
No one helped me, so can I leave this blank, or do I need to write N/A somewhere?

Ok, so the next part is where I get really confused.

Contract between sponsor and household member
So, i'm the sponsor, so i put my name, ss#


Part 1. information on sponsor's household member or sponsored immigrant/household member

What do i put here? My information? if so, then in the box, RELATIONSHIP TO SPONSOR, do i write SELF on the line, and check the box "The sponsor's household member" ?? and then include my length of residence?

Part 2. Sponsor's Promise
I, the sponsor, my name, in consideration of the household....blah blah blah....file an affidavit of support on behalf of the following blank (indicate number) sponsored immigrant.

So, what number do I put in the blank?

Part 3. Household Member's Promise
Do i fill this out? or should I just put N/A?

Part 4. Sponsored Immigrant/Household Member's Promise
I put my husband's name, right?

Part 5. Sponsor's Signature
do i need to get this notarized?

Part 6. Household's Member's or Sponsored Immigrant/Household Member's Signature
Do i just fill in N/A? Or can I leave it blank?

Ok, that's it, thanks so much for your help. :help: :wacko:

Edited by andrea&roberto, 31 August 2006 - 11:15 PM.

andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 23:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 almost a month ago

I'm posting this in two catagories, because I'm not sure where the best place to post is....

I got my NOA2 on August 30th from the California Serice Center, and I have NOT received anything from NVC yet. How long does it take to transfer the case to NVC, and for them to issue me a new case number...and start that process and junk??? Should I be worried that it's been almost a month now?? Or is this normal?

I don't understand what you mean, you just have been given a case number at the NVC, 2 weeks ago, not 1 month...if i look at others Timelines, it's the typical timeframe...either i'm hallucinating or not lol...and I think (those who know better might answer) at NVC they do background why not be a bit patient that they can do properly their work!...

UM HELLO?! You don't have to be such a jerk! It's not about patience. I was only wondering if perhaps something went wrong, or it was lost. I have resovled this question anyway. Hence, the timeline update. I did not know I could use my WAC recipet number from USCIS with the NVC automatic hotline....which did tell me i had a case number...but I did NOT recieve any email or letter about that, which is why i was concerned. but now that i know that they did in fact receive it, it's cool if it's take a month to send me notice.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 15:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 almost a month ago
I'm posting this in two catagories, because I'm not sure where the best place to post is....

I got my NOA2 on August 30th from the California Serice Center, and I have NOT received anything from NVC yet. How long does it take to transfer the case to NVC, and for them to issue me a new case number...and start that process and junk??? Should I be worried that it's been almost a month now?? Or is this normal?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-09-25 01:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWorking with a CR1
When my husband actually gets his visa, and arrives in the US, then they mail his greencard to our home address right? But how soon can he start working? Do we have to apply seperately for a work card and/or social security card?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-10-05 13:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVaccination Exemptions
to understand this please visit:

Here is a question asked by someone:
Q. I am about to apply for "green cards" for our family. We have discovered that a medical examination is mandatory, and a long list of vaccinations is required, unless we have proof that we have had these already. The list is longer than the one for school admissions. Vaccines such as influenza, pneumococcus, and chickenpox are on it, as well as the usual DPT etc.

My children have had some vaccinations already, when they were babies(and I was ignorant of the dangers). We now use homoeopathic medicine,never take antibiotics, and I wish to avoid any further vaccines. There is a clause allowing either religious and moral exemptions to vaccines at this medical examination. But I wonder if our application for green cards would then be immediately rejected.

Does anyone have any experience or advice to offer as to how to dealwith this situation? I feel strongly that I wish to make health decisions for my children, not have dangerous vaccinations forced on us. But I am not sure how to present a moral exemption. I would be grateful if anyone can offer help or advice.

A. Everyone should be wary of multiple vaccines administered simultaneously. Our experience has shown this to be a dangerous practice with a high potential for vaccine damage. As you have discovered, vaccines are not required to enter the United States. If you do not want the vaccines, sign the exemption. That should not be a cause for rejection.

So, MY question is has anyone signed the exemption form and still have their visa approved? I feel VERY strongly against vaccines for children AND including my husband. Just recently, in the past month or so, I had him get all the shots listed for the medical interview, (i'm sure we missed some) and he still has to finish some, but now that I'm educated and "awaken" to the dangers of vaccines, I feel like I practically murdered my husband. I wish I never had him the shots! I know i've damaged his immune system.....but now we know, and will NEVER be vaccinated for anything again, including our children. But I don't want to risk having his visa denied....does anyone have any expierences with exempting from vaccines, and still getting their visa?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-10-07 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBrazil: Rio Consulate
Thanks. Ok, so I have just a few more questions. I'm sending my I-864 and my co-sponsor's I-864 today....will they ever need to see my cosponsor's originals of anything? Will this make things difficult at the interview, since my cosponsor won't be with me? Also, Is there a specific order that I should send my I-864 packet in? This is the order i have now:

-cover letter
-barcode sheet
-authorization release for tax data
-copy of income tax return 1040 for 2005
-copy of w-2 & 1099 for 2005
-letter of employment
-copy of recent pay stubs
-bank account deposits
-life insurance policy verification
-copy of us passport, drivers license and social security card
-copy of birth certificate
-copy of marriage certificate
-etc etc

And then, when I'm ready for the consulate interview, will i still follow the order of documents that I read under the consulate review section? only applying what's for a CR1? and should i bring my whole folder of everything, every form i've submitted, every copy of document, and then at this time, what are documents do i need ORIGINALS of?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-10-13 13:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresBrazil: Rio Consulate
Ok, so i was reading some reviews about the Rio Consulate, and I've noticed several people saying they needed the I-134 INSTEAD of the I-864 at time of interview. Is this true? Or I should ask, is it true for a CR1 visa? Also, do i need to fill out the ds-256?

If i'm using a co sponsor with my i-864 to the NVC, and IF i'm required to also provide the I-134 for the consulate, does my co sponsor need to fill out an I-134 as well? And have it notarized here in the US, and I bring it with me? Will I also need to proved my co sponsor's original tax returns with it?

FYI, I have a photocopy of EVERY form and document I've EVER sent to USCIS and basically, everything, from start to finish that they've ever seen. just in case something happened....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-10-13 03:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes
I claimed Married on my taxes, and want to file Jointly, but the tax program wants me to input husband's info, including a social security number, which he does NOT have, since he's not here yet. Has anyone experience this problem, and is there a solution? Or should I, or do i have to wait until he gets here, and recieves a social security number (whihc will be next month)
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 02:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresINTERVIEW DATE!
WHOO HOO! :dance: :dance: My husband's interview date if Feb 9th!!!! Monday, we'll pick up his visa, and board a plane, and he will finally set foot on american soil on feb 13th!! (and we'll be together for valentine's day) I'll let you know how the interivew experiences and POE go.....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon Interview Scheduled
Congrats! I know how you feel. I just recently found out my husband's interview date yesterday. So, i've been very exctied too. Good luck!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 18:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 priority dates
I also filed a CR1 for my hsuband in May 2006, and his interview is in 2 weeks at the consulate in Rio....what country is your spouse from? Where will the interview be held?
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-28 16:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP ME! ASAP!!!
Ok, here's my situation. I think I may be a little confused. I had read, and to my understanding, that my husband needed State Police record for where he lived, IF he has lived there for more than 6 months, then only that state record was needed. He has lived at his current address for more than 3 years. So he has only obtained one state police record (Pernambuco) and one federal police record. Is this correct? Or does he need state police records for the other states that he has lived at in Brazil, even though he has lived at his current address for more than 3 years? (He has never lived out of Brazil.) If so, how does he get those records by Feb 9th, for his interview? He won't be able to travel to the states in which he resided in....So i'm very worried if we're wrong.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-31 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSocial Security Card
Ok, now that my husband is finally here, in the US, can he start working BEFORE he has his actual social security card in hand? How long does it generally take to receive it? Before, After, or the same time as the green card arrives? Today, we went to the social security office to apply for his card, but they said it was already in the system, processing, (i guess it's because we checked the box that we wanted them to issue a social security number upon arrival) Ok, so this is great...but how long?! We need him to start working now....we need that second income....he's already got a job lined up.....he should have his interview this week.....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-20 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa in Hand
On your DS230 form, if you checked the box for them to issue you a SSN upon arrival, then as soon as you/your spouse enter the US and hand in the brown envelope, and are "officially" checked into the US, then they should also start automatically processing your SSN. If you're not sure you can always go the the local office to apply for one, and they'll let you know wheter it's processing or not once you talk to a worker. The Social SEcurity website has more info....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-02-28 21:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI HATE SOCIAL SECURITY
I printed that page, and brought it in to the employer, and they don't care. they said the must enter the ssn into the computer system. Payroll has no way around it, because of the computer. i even told them to call USCIS and SSA to verify that he is legal to work, and that he has a pending application. They asked us for the I-94 or the reciept from SSA that he "applied"...but duh people! He came in on a CR1. He was not required nor did fill out the I-94! and because we checked the box on the DS 230, to have them issue a card upon arrival, there is no receipt, other than the DHS stamp in his passport, above his temporary visa, that serves as a temporary I 551, upon his POE.....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-03-07 23:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI HATE SOCIAL SECURITY
Ok, 5 days after my husband's arrival in the US, we went to the local SS office to apply for his card. They said there was already a pending application, but they couldn't give us any information on the status. They said we needed to contact USCIS. So, I called USCIS and they said they don't have that kind of information, and needed to contact SSA. So I called the toll free number for SSA and they said they can't give any information over the phone, and there is no way to check the "pending" application, and that I needed to contact my local office...and it just goes around and around....AHHHHH :bonk:

I have a general information letter that says [my husband] should receive his ss card WITHIN 3 weeks of arrival into the US. If you haven't received it by this time, call the toll free number for SSA.

Well, we did that....some B**** just argued with me, and knew NOTHING! :bonk: :ranting: I think he'll get his greencard before his ss card. But the thing is, with a CR1, he is LEGAL to work, and the employer won't hire him until he holds his card in hand!! (It's not the damn number that gives someone legality to's the visa!!) So, we're stressing out, becuase he has a job lined up, and they're ready to start him, but can't until the card comes....(i showed them an answer to this question from the SSA website.) They said, that payroll can't do anything until the card comes. We need that second income NOW! :crying:

Has anything similar happened to anyone? Should we expect his card soon? And who in the hell in the stupid SSA knows any answers?! :protest:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-03-07 22:22:00
2 months 29 days! Way to go CSC!!! NOA2. I-130 APPROVED! WHOO-HOO!! :dance:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 13:12:00