2 months 29 days! Way to go CSC!!! NOA2. I-130 APPROVED! WHOO-HOO!! :dance:
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-08-31 13:12:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaSSN
They did that to me...and I'm not even immigrating! I'm a US citizen, and I wanted to change my SSN name to my married name, but on my marriage certificate, they have my name hyphinated Maiden-Married because in brazil, they don't drop the wife's maiden name. She can only add the husbands last name if she'm still waiting to hear back too....GL!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-22 13:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaairfare
oops. sorry. this will work.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-26 12:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaairfare
kelly's travel has always been the BEST and cheapest.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-26 01:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCalling Brazil - Phone rates
What i found to be the best for calling brazil is There are 4 different choices, and they range from 2.4c a minute to 4.5c a minute. $20=7.5 hours of talk time with the 4.5c/minute, and the billing is 1 SECOND increments-these cards are clean

Another website for competition rates is (be careful of dirty cards)

and I found for calling brazilian cell phones, the .99c store sells Wildgate cards...those are really good too....and if you want to call within the US it's also only 99 minutes for .99c (this card is also clean)
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-21 15:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCheap Airfare to latin america
thanks. those connections suck though! yikes, over night stay in Miami....the price is good, but I don't think i have enough patience for that...sometimes i think i'd rather pay $1500 and get a good flight, with quick connections...but thanks for the post. I'll keep it in mind when I acutally have any money to go see my husband. I'm almost finished with school, so I won't be planning any trips until that's completly over, maybe 3 months-4 at the most (but let's hope for 3) yeah, it' probably more like 3....then i'll go see him, and who knows, hopefully at that time we'll have an idea for his interview and i can bring him home....(i know that might be wishful thinking) but hey, dreaming, or wishful thinking is what got me into this situation to begin with...dreams do come true!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-23 04:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaCheap Airfare to latin america
Hey, I have reasearched a ton, and I've found this company to be the cheapest, at least for me, to brazil. But i have yet to find a better rate. if anyone knows round trip tickets for less than $1000, let me know! also, seems interesting. but i haven't tried that yet.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-07-21 15:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaPlane tickets from Brazil to the U.S. or I found real cheap prices, round trip on these websites. but that was from US to brasil...but keep me updated on what you find FROM brasil, since (next month I'm getting married in brasil) and he'll have to come to the US once we get a K-3 visa

Hey guys,

Here's my deal...I'm currently living in Brazil with my fiance and we've started to look for flights back to the U.S.

Does anyone know where to buy cheap international tickets?

(The taxes here in Brazil are very high and buying through the states would be much cheaper.)

Does anybody have any ideas??? :blink:



andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-03-04 21:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaA little cooking help from my Brasilian friends
i would say it's condensed milk. you can find it now, because of the holidays, you use it in pumpkin pie. Carnation is a brand that makes condensed milk. it's in a's liquid.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2006-11-22 01:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHotels near Rio consulate
Ok, so now my question is, what is a good, cheap hotel that's located in the middle...something to too far from the consulate, close enough to the beach, and not far from the touristy things, including the Jesus statue that I really want to see....??
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 14:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirfare/One way
Hey, I went to Brazil in Feb about 1 1/2-2 weeks before Carnval, and stayed DURING carnaval, and left the last day in Feb...and last year, my ticket was only $660 (ish...i cna't remember for sure) And I also bought the Tam Brazil Pass which helped a lot too.....

But I also did notice that this year, the prices are more expensive than last, and I'm flying out around the same time...(but not for carnaval) I hate to say it...becuase I've been wishing for this day to come as soon as possible, but I almost wish my husband's interview was closer to carnaval, or during, so I could spend Carnaval in Rio..but that's what next year is for....oh well. I happy to bring him home on the and sound.

By the way, I researched literally EVERY airfare website worth researching, comparing prices INCLUDING taxes, both round trips and one ways, for tickets for Me (travel from Las Vegas to Rio) and for my husband (Recife to Rio, and Rio to Las Vegas) and my travel agent STILL beat the should check it out. It's worth it to get a quote at least.

His name is Joao Augusto (Call him by either name) Tell him Andrea recommended you... I don't get anything for the recommendation.. I just think he gives great prices. This is the second time I'm using him. Plus, I always give him hell, and whine a lot about my itenerarys, so I feel I owe him a recommendation.

Good luck everyone!
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-21 21:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirfare/One way
The problem I've been running into is that these search engines are ONLY for flights departing from the US.... but i'll keep checking
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 19:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirfare/One way
well, our total price is $2400 for both.... we're really pressed for time. His interview is in 3 weeks, and i'm leaving in 2 weeks....he would need a round trip from Brazil to US...which are expensive too....i'll look into it. but i may just say, "to hell with it!" and buy it! Just as long as i know it gets him here, and we're together on the plane...that's all i really care about. thanks.
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 18:49:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaAirfare/One way
I'm about to purchase a ticket for my husband....He needs to get from Recife to Rio (one way) and the Rio to Vegas (one way, same flight as me) and my travel agent is quoting me $1600 for him, for both flights, including taxes. Is this a good price for one way tickets out of brazil to the US...and he's quoting me a round trip ticket from Las Vegas to Rio for $800....
andrea&robertoFemaleBrazil2007-01-19 18:36:00