Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Congratulations to all who got their GC!!!! We moved a few months ago and did an address change and haven't heard anything -- yet. : (

Will be curious to see if you get a RFE, or not. I hope not for you guys! If you do, it will be a more proven theory that they RFE for changes of address after filing. :unsure:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-02 11:23:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Thanks everyone! Got another email this morning that said that they have mailed the card today (April 2).

In regards to moving and RFE. We moved in June and filed in August and did not get a RFE. We just submitted evidence of living together at both addresses (copy of leases, bills, driver's licenses etc.), so if you moved after you filed that might be what they are looking for.

Best of luck to all!


You moved before you filed ROC though. We moved AFTER we filed ROC, same for jezebelseven. So, yes, I think you may be right, that is what they were looking for. Shame on us for moving huh? :bonk: :rofl:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-02 10:40:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

"please send us all the things you already sent and then maybe some other things that don't exist like birth certificates for your imaginary kids", haha.

That made me giggle at work, and I definitely got stares :rofl: Making copies of our copies and getting one last statement from the bank today and sending it all out :)

and thanks Chris and Cat for doing the update :blush:

Edited by Beth and John, 02 April 2013 - 06:44 AM.

Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-02 06:43:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Just curious: why do you think you got an RFE because of your move? I assume you moved after you filed ROC and they did not have any documents proving that you're still living together in the new address? We're about to file ROC ourselves and we moved just over 2 months ago, so before ROC, but it never occurred to me that they would see a move as a reason to RFE if both sponsor and immigrant filed the required paperwork. We're submitting copies of the change of address forms we filed with them, as well as 2 months' worth of documents in both names coming to the new address (utility bills, joint bank statements, joint car insurance etc.) and hopefully that will be sufficient to convince them that we are still living together, just at a new address :yes:

Anyway, sounds like you're confident about your evidence, and from what I've noticed, once RFEs are responded to, approvals tend to follow within 4 weeks max, can be cautiously optimistic that your journey is soon coming to an end :yes:

I think that the move/change of address form(s) might have just put a flag on the file (it is all hypothetical and from some other things I read before somewhere that I can't remember right now). We filed in August '12, bought a new house in October'12, filed the change of address forms shortly there after some time in November. I think that they just want additional proofs that we still live in the same house, at the same address. It's all good, honestly. Can easily prove and send what they request.

Chalk it up to a gut feeling/instinct. I frequently get them, either feelings or in the form of dreams and they become reality. Nothing scary thank goodness, but like I said, I just KNEW that we were going to get one. It was our turn :) HAHA! Yep, confident that we have all the info plus more that they are looking for. John and I are just sitting going through all the pics we could print that they would not even look at. I'm gonna throw in a few for good measure just for fun ;)

As for you guys, just provide all that you said, with your new address AND your old address. Best of luck to you! You won't get a RFE ... :)

Also got RFE today. :( I'm now preparing all the additional requirements they wanted.

It's all good .. just provide all the info they want plus some extra for good measure! :) They are working on your case ... it is out of the box and breathing fresh air and the adjudicator just had to meet his/her RFE quota ;)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-01 19:41:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
.... and ....

we got a RFE today! I just KNEW it! Had this gut feeling from before we even put our ROC packet together, which held all the usual evidence, that we would get one. So, as I posted before, sending more evidence of our good faith marriage out in the mail tomorrow. At least I know that they are working on our petition.

I honestly thing we got a RFE because of our move. We both submitted change of address forms in the manner we were supposed to, I just think it was "the flag" lol! I seriously laughed out loud when John showed it to me today. I'm not bummed one single bit because like I said, at least we know that someone is working on it!

(someone update the timeline for me? my laptop doesn't format it right! thanks!)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-01 18:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

We really aren't sure what to send at this point, we've been wracking our brains to think of something that might help. Everything we've thought of is really weak compared to what we already sent.
- We have to contact our rental insurance to see if they can send anything with both of our names on it.
- We started renting an apartment in Nov 2012 (we were living with my mom for the rest of the time, which we know is untraditional, but it was our best option financially as I was out of work for awhile and Ad couldn't work until we filed his AOS), but the problem with that is that we never signed a lease for the new place-- the property owner is my brother and he didn't feel like a lease was right since we are family, so we're renting on a month to month basis with no lease. We're going to ask him to write a letter explaining as much, or possibly work up a lease agreement for us since we moved in back in November, if that's possible, but I don't think it's going to hold much weight because my mother did the same thing (a letter saying we've lived with her all this time due to financial difficulties and that we were moving out in a few months-- which we did) and clearly that wasn't enough.
- New car insurance cards (though they're about to expire)
- Flight Itinerary for a flight we have scheduled in May to the UK to visit his family
- I had to get a new drivers license since we moved, but Ad hasn't, so now our licenses say different addresses! We sent a copy when they were the same. All I can think is sending a new copy of mine and showing that the new address matches his address on the electric/gas/internet bills-- which are all in his name because all the companies said they could not put 2 names on the bill! Argh.
- Sam's Club memberships (presuming they have the same membership number, I haven't checked yet)
- 2012 taxes (like you mentioned, don't know if a transcript will be available yet!)-- we already sent 2008-2011!
- copies of more bank statements (because 6 years wasn't enough I guess!)
- if we can find it, USPS address change confirmation papers showing we moved to the same address

Basically a bunch of fluff, as far as I'm concerned, at least compared to everything we sent before, which you can see here!

I say send it all! :) Can your brother draw up a lease, a month to month lease? There are tons of DIY forms for leases online (had to do one before myself). I feel your pain about the local utility bills allowing only one name. It is the same where we live, so we have some in John's name and some in mine. I think everything you listed is exactly what I would send too. OH ..can Adam get his DL address changed soonish? Michigan just puts a change of address sticker on the back of the DL's here with no charge.
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-03-31 09:24:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Can anyone tells me what are the conditions that can bring about RF and why some files review and others were not ....

It can be a random pick of the applications the Adjudicator is going through, or something raised a red flag in the Adjudicators mind, there honestly wasn't enough evidence, something vital was missing (like a required form). Who know other than that really. I've expected one with each filing and we haven't gotten one. I'm just of the mindset that we need to be prepared if it happens. If you truly are in a bona fide marriage, you can prove it :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-03-31 09:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Sigh. Adman & I got a rather unexpected RFE today. Opened the mailbox, saw USCIS's return address, got excited for 2 seconds and started running towards the house, then thought "No, wait, we would've gotten email notification if he was approved... oh, #######. There's no way...". But, alas. Yes way. RFE.
It's pretty useless in what they're asking for, looks like a boilerplate letter for "evidence of good faith marriage". Asks for a bunch of things we already sent, and we sent basically everything we had, and several people here on VJ said they'd been approved with less. Urgh.

So. Incredibly. Frustrating.

Total bummer :(

I was thinking the other day, just hypothetically, what additional information would we send if we got an RFE. Well, since August, we've had some holidays where we could send additional family pictures, copy of 2012 tax return (can't get tax transcript yet because we JUST filed it), copies of more bank statements. We purchased a house in October, so we could send copy of the deed in both names, and new car insurance cards, as they renewed in January. What are you guys going to send?
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-03-30 20:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Can any one help me.....I file for removal of condition on Aug 4th 2012 and my form was received on 7th.....I received NOA and did ten days late finger print on Sep condition was in question is that If I file only with our bank statement...does anyone knows if that could cause a request for evidence.?

You can submit additional evidence now if you wish, while you are waiting. Or you can wait to see if you get an RFE, an interview date, or an approval. If you do not submit additional evidence now, go ahead and get some together so that you don't have to scramble if you do get an RFE.

I've seen mile long lists of evidence of items people submitted as evidence and still get an RFE; also short lists with the recommended documents and NO RFE's. And on top of that, RFE surprises from those sure that what they submitted was sufficient. Like Martyshk said, no one can tell you with 100% certainty if you will or will not get an RFE.

Additionally, a lot of people are upset when they receive RFE's. At least USCIS is giving you the chance to submit exactly what they want. It could be the other way around and they could say, "sorry, you didn't submit this this and this with your original application so we denied your request". I would take a RFE any day, wait a few extra days while it gets to them via shipping, knowing that they are working on your case and you just sent them exactly what they wanted/requested. <--- my personal opinion :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-03-19 12:28:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
California Service Center (11 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
BETH AND JOHN .......08/07/12........08/10/12.......09/13/12........--/--/--....
PII SAM..............08/15/12........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (7 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
KATIE & SIFA.........08/13/12........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....


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Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2012-08-20 16:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
California Service Center (10 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
BETH AND JOHN .......08/07/12........08/10/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....
PII SAM..............08/15/12........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (4 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
KATIE & SIFA.........08/13/12........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....


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Our NOA1 finally arrived :) Here's hoping for a quick biometrics letter so John can do his walk-in and then the forever wait :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2012-08-17 12:26:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers

Yep, same here. I just checked my online bank statement and it shows that my check was submitted to my bank this morning. Now waiting for NOA1 to arrive in the mail.

... and ours was cashed on 8/14, so we are in the waiting for NOA1 stage along with you guys too :whistle:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2012-08-16 09:49:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Soooo disappointed that we haven't received anything since our packet was sent out on 8/7. Maybe our check will be cashed today? or a NOA1 will show up in the mail box. :unsure:

In response to some of the earlier questions, we didn't send any affidavids or letters from friends, sent pictures but not of our wedding but of our life AFTER our wedding, and yes, the check is made out to Department of Homeland Security not the service center. And last but not least, I signed the letter because as the letter was written, I was the one asking for removal of conditions on my husband :) I hope that answers some of the questions :hehe:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2012-08-14 06:08:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Aug 2012 filers
Adding myself to the list too :)

California Service Center (3 applicants)

.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....
BETH AND JOHN .......08/07/12........--/--/12.......--/--/12........--/--/--....

Vermont Service Center (1 applicants)

VJName.............Date of I-751.....NOA1 Date......Biometrics......Approved....


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Biometrics = The Date of your biometrics appointment
Approved = The Date your case was approved

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Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2012-08-10 12:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI130 Expedite Request APPROVED! I think?? ?

I called the USCIS and spoke with a Tier 2 Representative and the representative stated that my i130 is being adjudicated. So I guess my expedite request was approved yay!! !

Thanks for your help you guys!


At least you now know that they are working on it! :) (p.s. live in the same area as you :) )
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2013-04-12 07:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 Confused on Part -4 Please advise?

I included my son (born this year, while i was under conditional permanent residency), but not my step son who is does not need to be included on this. All doesn't necessarily mean all.

AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-08 19:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers



Quick question, I've recently filled out an address change while my ROC (Vermont Service Center) is in process. I've received my address change letter confirmation and the following text was at the end:


"After careful review of your request, it has been determined that your issues will be best addressed by the USCIS office having jurisdiction over your case. Therefore, we have taken the liberty of forwarding your service request to California Service Center. If you require addition assistance, forms and/or filing instruction, we invite you to visit our web site at or, if you do not have internet access, contact customer service at 1-800-375-5283."


Does this mean my whole case has been transferred to CSC or just the actual request to change address went through it? A little confused. If someone has more insight to clarify I'd be grateful. 


Thank you.



Logic would say yes....but this is the authority that doesn't let you file the ROC until 3 before GC expiry and then posts a 6 month round around time.


Is there a case # on the letter? If so I'd check to see if to see if it corresponds with your ROC case number, if it does then its fair to assume your entire case has moved. Ultimately it doesn't really matter, but completely understand the desire to find out.

AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-05 16:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers

Biometrics went fine. I waited for hubby in the car and he was in and back out in less than ten minutes. Apparently there was only one other person in there. Did nearly two hours of driving for it ! Haha

You probably could have gone in with him. My wife and I went to Grand Rapids for my appointment last week and when I told the front desk my wife was in the car he told me I could go and get her.

AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-17 11:32:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers

For those asking about how long it takes to receive the biometrics letter, this may help:


"The timing of your appointment is determined by the number of applicants ahead of you that also need a biometric appointment. We try to schedule biometric appointments as quickly as possible and in most cases you will receive your appointment notice within 30 days of submitting your application. We will send your appointment notice approximately 14 days ahead of your scheduled appointment. It is important that you keep this appointment. If absolutely necessary, you can request that your appointment be rescheduled however, please be aware that rescheduling may delay the processing of your application."


I read it under my status check on

AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-30 15:46:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers

California Service Center (10 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
CORREDOR..............08/04/14......08/06/14......09/03/14......--/--/-- (Divorce waiver)(Early Bio 08/26/14)
AJS ADVENTURES........08/15/14......08/18/14......09/11/14......--/--/--
Vermont Service Center (30 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
KASH2011..............08/01/14......08/05/14......09/03/14......--/--/-- (Early Bio 08/28/14)
KIM & GESNER..........08/08/14......08/12/14......--/--/14......--/--/--


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Approved = The Date your case was approved.
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AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-28 21:06:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers
Thanks, I forgot about that part!
AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-23 10:10:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers
California Service Center (8 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
CORREDOR..............08/04/14......08/06/14......09/03/14......--/--/-- (Divorce waiver)
AJS ADVENTURES........08/15/14......08/18/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

Vermont Service Center (27 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved

KIM & GESNER..........08/08/14......08/12/14......--/--/14......--/--/--




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AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-23 04:55:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 August 2014 Filers
California Service Center (5 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
AJS ADVENTURES........08/15/14......--/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
Vermont Service Center (16 applicants, 0 approved - 0%)

VJName..............Date of I-751...NOA1 Date....Biometrics.....Approved
UNLOCKINGSKY.... .....08/08/14......--/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--
KIM & GESNER..........08/08/14......--/--/14......--/--/14......--/--/--

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NOA Date = The Receipt Date on your original NOA letter
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Approved = The Date your case was approved
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AJs AdventuresMaleUnited Kingdom2014-08-16 08:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in Vancouver

My interview at the Vancouver Consulate for the K-1 is coming up next week.

Good luck! It's way easy from everything that I've heard/read/from what John experienced. Just make sure all your documentation is with you and in order, and there will be no problems.

I'm wondering how early I need to arrive at the consulate for a 1pm interview. Would it be okay to show up only 15 minutes early, or do I need to show up earlier to wait in a line, or go through security, or get fingerprinted? They won't even let you in the building until 12:30 (I believe, so you are ok)

How long does the interview take? For John, it was about a 5 minute interview, but he was only asked a few questions, very simple ones (who are you marrying, where does she live, what type of work do you do)

What else should I expect to happen at the consulate? Expect to sit and wait alot more than you would think :)

How long should I expect to be at the consulate from start to finish? Allow a couple of hours, just in case you are behind someone that takes a while, or they are just slow that day.

I'm trying to figure out what time to leave work, and whether I'll be able to go back afterward. Depends on where you work I would think. John parked in one of the parking ramps and paid by the hour. He was there about 2-1/2 from start to finish.

About fees:

On another note, I paid the $131 fee before it went up. I know I have to pay the difference of $219, but where do I do this? Do I need to get more deposit forms and go back to Scotia Bank,Yes
or can I pay the difference in cash at the consulate? No
Are there any other fees I should expect at the consulate? No additional fees

About medical:

Also, I've read different things: do I need to bring my chest x-ray to the interview or not? They will not ask for it

About the mail:

I've read that the Montreal Consulate requires you to bring an express paid envelope. Is this true for Vancouver also? If so, how big, and what is it used for? Definitely not required for Vancouver, because you can go pick it up two days later after 2 pm

Thank you in advance! Again, GOOD LUCK!!

Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-06-22 13:49:00
CanadaMedical Appointment
Will be curious as to your response smile.gif Just starting our journey and anxiously awaiting the medical and other parts wacko.gif
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2009-11-10 20:41:00
CanadaWorld Junior Hockey
We are watching it right now ... well, the commercial after two back to back US goals! w00t! er .. um ... go Canada :innocent: :whistle:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-01-05 21:55:00
CanadaA Solemn Announcement
So terribly sorry for your loss. I lost my mom when I was 13-years-old and I can tell you, I still miss her today just like I did the day she passed, however the pain eases each moment/day/year. Hang on to your good thoughts of her; they will help ease the pain. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-01-11 15:35:00
CanadaGood Luck to Dan and Ali!
Good luck you guys! I'm sure you will do great! Have fun in Vancouver; it's beautiful and I hope the weather (and the consulate!) cooperates for you :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-01-26 21:23:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

So I guess you were on neutral ground, going to Oakland, lol.
Matt went to State for a while, then went to EMU. So either way, there's A LOT of green in our place!!

Again ... GO GREEN! :thumbs:

I work at State, oldest daughter is a Sophomore at State, and I'm just all around attached to the campus (which is beautiful) and the "feeling" you get while on campus and at the events. I guess I would bleed green too! HA!
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:28:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

I guess they were still nervous from having talked to the president that they forgot how to play basketball.

or something like that huh? :unsure: :blush:

Hahaha I went to Oakland University, we don't even have a football team so I can't say anything lol

It's just funny to see people break the sound barrier and spraining their tongue trying to get out that they got a 4 year Communications Degree from U of M around here hahaha.

soooo... your a MSU fan? :innocent: :whistle:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:21:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

Question: How do you know if someone went to the University of Michiga?

Answer: You won't even be able to finish the question because they will tell you way before you're able to think of or ask that question Lol :whistle:

:rofl: :help:
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:12:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

LOL, then you've never seen UK's football team. I mean, they're alright, but compared to the greatness that is our basketball team(especially this year), they aint got nothin on them Cats!!!

However, since we lost BOTH games Mathew attended, "the canadian" is not allowed to go to any more of them. My family takes this verrry seriously, :lol:

Bwahahahahaaa :lol: John thinks he is the MSU good luck charm, as we were at the MSU v UM football game and we wholloped them! w00t!

I just like to watch football more than basketball I guess. I will start watching basketball as we get close to the playoffs/tournaments. I would be shocked if MSU doesn't make it again this year ... all the way to the Final Four baby! Maybe we'll be matched up against UK B-)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 14:11:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

Isn't it aginst the law to wear Blue in the Lansing-area? :P

Yep, it's penal code 415 - Disturbing the peace/mutual combat :jest:

I think I'm supposed to wage war on you now or something. Hehe.

Just remember, it doesn't matter how you mix it, blue and "maze" always make GREEN! GO GREEN! :thumbs:

One of my very best friends was from there. She got killed in a car accident last August while Mathew was visiting me.

I remember the first time she told me where she was from when she moved down here to be with her aunt. I was all like "whaaaa? You live WHEREE?" It just sounded like such an odd name for a place. And then she spelled it. :lol: Someone must have been under the influence of something when they named that town.

The first time Mathew ever visited me we went to both a UK football and a UK basketball game. You can't be a Kentuckian unless you're insane over UK basketball. Football, meh. Take it or leave it. But he wears his UK shirt a lot when he goes to class. He says that people kept looking at him weird for a while when he wore it. I guess they were wondering why in the world he was wearing that, LOL.

Gosh, Kayla ... I am so sorry!

Personally, I would take football over basketball any day :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 13:57:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
Wow, I didn't realize how many Michiganders (or soon to be Michiganders) there are here :)

J - I've been "training" John to be a Michigan State fan ... his wardrobe is beginning to nicely bleed green and white :D
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 13:36:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

I don't know how many miles it is because it's impossible to drive. I live in Iqaluit, Nunavut and he's near Detroit. Thank goodness he's so far north in the States, or I'd be literally travelling across the continent!

For me I have to take a 3-hour flight to Ottawa, then I can drive or fly to Detroit. It's not cheap, either. Round trip flights from Iqaluit to Ottawa run at approximately $1300.

We grew up less than 2 hours away (I'm from SW Ontario) and I plan to move back to my hometown once the ball gets rolling on our K1.

Where abouts are you? I'll be moving to Ann Arbor.

We will be neighbors (kinda), you guys! I live in the Lansing area, but really closer to Howell now, North of Ann Arbor :)

JlovesA ... are you a University of Michigan fan?
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 12:50:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

Now we're together of course since he moved here last night! :dance:

Aww.... congrats!!!
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:28:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?

I love the Plain White T's. :)

Me too :)
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-03 10:13:00
CanadaHow close/far away are/were you from your American/Canadian significant other?
Mid-Michigan area to Vancouver. Loooong drive (never done it) or a 6-8 hour plane trip (depending on which airline and how many stops).
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-02 19:43:00
CanadaOlympic Men's Hockey Medal Predictions!

They give the US a "chance" due to Ryan Miller in net.

I've known Ryan since he was a pimply-face freshman at Michigan State University :) He is going to do awesome!!
Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-12 09:22:00
CanadaOlympic Men's Hockey Medal Predictions!

I say Canada Gold, United States Silver, Russia Bronze

Gonna be CRAZY good!

Beth and JohnFemaleCanada2010-02-12 09:19:00