IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hello Everyone,


First of all, congratulations to everyone who receive case complete today!! What a great way to start the weekend.


Secondly, allow me to join the celebration because I also just received my CASE COMPLETE for both my wife and daughter!!!! :joy: :joy:


Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank you guys for the support and the fun in this forum. Thank you to our dear fairy Saylin for writing such a wonderful NVC guide that taught me all the tricks. Thank you also to Kaylara and BOS_LHR for your guidance in the June I-130 forum. Thank you Changnoi for your support and your jokes. And everyone else who unknowingly helped me, because all of my questions were already answered by others who shared their experiences in here.


If you allow me, I would love to continue paying it forward as many of you already do.


So happy right now!!!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-25 22:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Thanks a lot to all of you and wish all the best for all of us here on VJ!


Oh! You got a case complete, congratulations!!


Were you the member that had the issue with the lawyer sending your packets via regular mail? If so, I am so glad that ended well.

Edited by Fabian&Rossy, 24 April 2014 - 11:11 PM.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-24 23:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Does anyone know if we are required to show original birth certificate?  Neither me nor my wife have our originals but we do have certified copies. 




Certified copy of birth certificate is accepted.




    You can send the certified copies but I think you need the originals at the interview.  I'm sure someone will come answer it more succinctly than me. :)


    Good luck. (F) (F)


Hello Everyone,


Also keep in mind there is a great reference tool for these kind of questions: the Reciprocity by Country page in DOS's website.




Saylin's Wiki lists the general needed documents for IV packets but she also advises to visit this page for required documents specific to your country. Not only does this page lists the documents NVC needs but it also often tells you where to go to get them, how the document should look, it might even tell you how much it costs to get them.


Best wishes!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-24 21:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

hello friend

i see NVC is reviewing paper from april 8th mostly AOS package.

some received false checklist for iv package . that means their AOS has been approved.

some got really checklist . sorry to hear that and good luck for all.

for me

NVC  also received my AOS on april 8th. but i got no news , no email at all from NVC. 

i am worried. something bad things happen to my AOS. 

wanna cry a lot . that whole waiting things make me so crazy.

thanks to NVC , i cut my finger while i am cutting my salmon at work. can't concentrate on my job. i have been sushi chef for 6 years. never cut my finger by my knife..

i have been so crazy.

please someone answer me....



Must be serious if something like that happens to a sushi pro like you, sorry to hear that. Just try and be calm, NVC will not send any emails if they accept the AOS, only if there is a checklist. Kinda no news is good news. Call them tomorrow to confirm if your AOS was accepted or still under review.


Best wishes!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-23 23:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Awesome! Well, I JUST started working again. My contract with my other job ended in December and then my baby girl was born...I finally felt good enough to work, so I am just hoping this won't be a problem. I already have someone who is willing to help sponsor my husband. I just hope this won't set us back.


Well, if you already have a person in line then you are ahead of the game. Just read and re-read the NVC wiki from Saylin (link in post #1). Get very familiar on how to complete the AOS packet and guide your joint sponsor on how to fill out his/her I-864. The goal should be to submit packets without checklists. Congrats on your baby girl!!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-23 23:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Ok, I know this is probably a ridiculous question, but I am graduate student, who works part time and need some guidance. Now, I wonder for my AOS if I can use a family friend of mine as a joint sponsor, along with my income. Advice?


If you take a look at the I-864P, you will see whether or not you meet the poverty guidelines for your household on your own. If you do not meet the minimum income then yes, you can ask a relative or friend to be a joint sponsor as long as this person is USC or LPR.


Good luck!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-23 23:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Thank you! I took a look at your timeline. You should be next.  We did send out the packets a few days before you sent out your last one and so I'd keep trying back every day this week if I were you.

By the way, did you receive a checklist? (Real, not fake)  That delays things.


No checklists (knock on wood). Def will keep calling everyday this week.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-22 23:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Case complete today! 4/22


Gus (the nice guy at the NVC) broke the news :)


And there it is the answer to my previous post. Congratulations!!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-22 22:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I have not seen any posts about case completes yesterday or today. Did I miss any?


I was estimating a CC for me today but nothing yet. Oh well, another call tomorrow.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-22 22:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hello everyone. I'm new on this thread. I just called NVC and was told it would take 6 weeks from the time they received my case from UCIS before they assign a case number. Is this real? How come I came across some forums that say they received their case numbers after three weeks? Also, the lady operator told me I do not have to call NVC because they will send the case number once it is available. What did you, guys, do? Thanks!


It's more like a 4-week average wait for a case# right now. Did NVC confirm they received your file from USCIS yet?


Do not wait for NVC to send you anything. Start calling once a week now and then more often when you get to your 4-week wait mark.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-22 00:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Does anyone know if we can send both our AOS and IV packages in at the same time,
meaning will it hold up the process?


Yes you can. You just need to clearly mark and separate each package with their respective cover sheet if you are sending them in the same envelope. It will not hold the process per se but a lot of people here like to send each packet as soon as possible so that NVC may start reviewing right away.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-21 23:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I just got off the phone with Gus... was on hold for nearly 40 minutes and plenty of busy signals prior to that.

Maybe their lines are so full of people on hold right now that they realize they can't take more before the midnight hour hits and they all turn into pumpkins for the night:)


Gus was superb!

Could tell me that one package was 'received' April 18, but not which one, and is aware I've sent in all documents... time to wait a bit longer :reading:


Yeah I figured the same thing, plus there is always that "Monday rush" after the weekend. Only reason I called tonight is because I should be getting a CC any day now (fingers crossed).


I got Gus a few times and he is awesome. Glad to know your case keeps cruising along! You're right on schedule!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-21 23:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I've been calling NVC since 11:10pm. Keep getting a message saying assistance is not available at this time. :ranting:



Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-21 22:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Apparently NVC was just waiting for me to lose all hope, sit back and get comfortable before throwing us for a loop. Yesterday evening we received an email notification for a May 19 interview in London. We're very surprised, very excited, and also a bit stressed as we accelerate the timeline to get ready for the move ;) I feel a little bad line jumping out of the June interview group, because I know how left behind I felt watching others do the same. I wish I could assign you all interview dates myself. The wait sucks, but you're so close to the end now. I can't wait to see each of you sharing your good news as it comes :)


Bit of a tangent here, but something I've been thinking about... with our interview date scheduled and everything suddenly so near at hand, I'm finding myself more and more in awe of the incredible sacrifices all the beneficiaries (or applicants, to use the NVC-appropriate term!) here are making for their spouses. I'm so full of love and appreciation for everything my husband is doing to bring our lives together, and I know many of the members here are bound to have even more difficult situations and transitions than we're expecting. I give you guys all the credit in the world. You're amazing. The love and commitment it takes to survive this process and THEN give up everything you've known in life except your spouse is incredible. I hope you all have wonderful, supportive, thankful partners, because you sure as heck deserve it.


Yeah, I'm feeling warm and fuzzy  :luv:


Do not feel bad for anything BOS_LHR, you did your time like all of us. If anything, consider it a reward for all the help you have given and continue to provide. Congrats!!



so NVC has confirmed they received my AOS on 4/1 and DS260 4/5 but she said to allow 30 business days just to review them? Is this what others are being told on the phone? I called last week and then today and both times they said the same thing to allow NVC 30 business days to review my documents.


She also said they would email me once they have been reviewed.


Standard by-the-book answer from the operators. You are already bordering the case complete finish line. I can guess you should be receiving some good news either tomorrow Friday or Monday, in which case I am right behind ya!



So I got the official email for missing the last page for the I864. I sent another I 864 a few days after I sent the first one because I was worried about the blanks. Do u guys think I should send another one exactly the same as the first (with blanks) just in case?


If I remember correctly you sent your corrected I-864 with your IV packet, right? Call them first to check if they received your second form after they issued the checklist.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-17 20:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


I wanted to make you proud....spell check kicked in 7 times on that one post....a VJ record for me....

Went over and looked at the interview thread but could not bring myself to post.....

My heart is still here so I will hang out and post until I get on the plane to go round up the crew.....


Hahaha! You're too much!



Yes i was planning on that too.Thanks for the reminder though.


Awesome! Other than that you should be good.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-16 23:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

We are just getting ready to send the AOS packet.Would like to confirm the packet contends.


  1. Bar-coded cover sheet
  2. Completed and signed form I-864 by the petitioner
  3. IRS tax transcripts (Tax Return for 2013 since spouse wasnt working before that)

     d. Petitioner's employment letter

     e. Petitioner's pay stubs for the current year


Is any other document required?






Are you including a letter explaining why the sponsor did not file taxes on previous years?


Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-16 23:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Thanks to your succinct and articulate posts which I benefited from greatly... I made it through unscathed.

You know....Friday might not be out of the question...for sure next week..... :thumbs:


Whoa, too many big words for me, lol! Thanks to you also! All of us on this thread are pushing and pulling each other to the finish line.


Friday is definitely a good day to start calling again.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-16 21:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Good morning everyone...I'm new on this thread, just got my approval a couple of days trying to get all the information so I can go forward with the process....I have a the IV package says that I must send birth, marriage and police records as well as 2 passport pictures , now the question is...I'm petitioning for my wife and two children, do I have to send their pictures and birth certificates as well?, I did send those in the original package, except my wifes birth certificates, I did sent the marriage certificate, but I'm a little confuse if i have to send them again...


Hello, the difference is that USCIS only asks for simple photocopies of the documents, unless their instructions specifically ask for an original document. NVC, on the other hand, wants all documents to be originals or official copies certified by the respective government agency that issues them.


can someone please send me the link for the payment portal and how to do the ds261 choice of agent help


Hi, did you take some time to read the NVC Wiki page from Saylin?




Read it a couple of times to get familiar with all the steps, then save it in your favorites and review each specific section as your case moves along, so you know what to do for the next step. Trust me, it will help you tons.


Good luck!

for those of you guys sending AOS starting today, are you guys using the 2013 tax transcripts?  Are they available already?


Availability of transcripts depends on when you file your taxes.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-16 20:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I love coming home to read all the case completes.


Just got off the phone with NVC. Case Complete as of yesterday. Thank God  (L)




Called NVC just now after reading Changnoi's case complete message and guess what, we got a CASE COMPLETE as of yesterday. Woo hooo!!! 

Me and my hubby  :joy:  :joy:



Its nice to know that NVC keeps a better sense of order for our cases, unlike USCIS. Congrats!



CASE COMPLETE!! Just called for an update and Rick said "Well, today's your lucky day!

Lucky day?? I don't think so. It took a lot of reading and research, plus months of waiting! Congrats!



Case Complete!!!

Thank you God.

Thank you VJ family.



I can't believe it. I'm on vacation visiting my husband and his family in Japan when I get this email from NVC. I thought maybe it was a checklist, but nope! It was an email to tell us that his interview is scheduled for next month in Tokyo!! I didn't even know our case was complete! We're both excited! Especially since we were together when we got this happy news!


Freaking A! Unexpected good news are the best kind of news!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-15 20:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

CASE COMPLETE  :joy: 4-14-2014  Thanks to Saylin I made it through NVC in 32 days from Case # to Case Complete.

God answers prayers  :D Thanks to everyone on the NVC thread. You are my family.  :)




Smooth NVC cruising Changnoi. I should be following you next week, if no checklists (knock on wood).

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-15 20:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Yes! I have approval on 4/14/14!!!!

Wow... my PD was 6/24/13...

It was long waiting time!


Congratulations!! I am shocked that there are still a lot of June filers waiting for NOA2's.



Haha, that's what some people actually do though :P Unfortunately, I don't get paid a cent  :no:



Yup, sadly.



Six Flags gang, we should get together and crowdsource funding for Saylin's vacation to NJ since she can't have a PayPal button :D



I'm just outside Philly. Count me in!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-15 19:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


I could not bring myself to deprive you of the heart pounding fun of going line by line :no:

I will call NVC tomorrow....hoping for CC......


What!? But I thought that's what this NVC thread is for: To get answers to all my questions without having to read any instructions or letters, no? I mean, that's what Saylin gets paid to do, right? LOL :P  :P :P


Rooting for you Changnoi! That case complete is yours!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-14 22:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Ok people, how come no one told me that when you receive a checklist, the specific checklist item is at the very end of the last page?? :D


I received an email from NVC today and I was freaking out in suspense, reading every single line of the document until I finally got to the bottom of page 3: False checklist for my IV docs. Phew!



BTW, congratulations to everyone who received a case complete today!!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-14 22:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Yeah the checklist is the same for what I sent in.  I contacted the senator because the checklist was a mistake.  They told me I wrote the wrong info for 2012 income, but it was the right number (I checked like a million times).  They also said I needed proof of employment, but I don't because I live/work abroad and will quit the job to move to the USA.  So I basically sent in the same things with a cover letter explaining it.


What I'm worried about is if the cover letter I sent in with the explanation is enough, then a supervisor review would delay the case.


I see. Yeah the error on your 2012 tax info seems weird, specially if you are already positive it was correct. For the other error, what is the item# they are listing on the checklist? Did you provide an explanation in your original AOS on how you satisfy the US domicile requirement?


Not sure how your case would be affected by a supervisor's review on top of the regular review, but if anything, you can always call to track the status of your AOS.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-14 21:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I contacted my senator because I was upset about receiving the checklist and she said she'd get a supervisor review on my case.  But I'm a little worried that will actually slow things down now.  Should I tell her to not request it?  I wonder if it gets approved before the supervisor review, will the review hold it up?  Or will it just move forward?  Or if the review is requested by a senator maybe it'll move quicker?


Any thoughts?


Did the checklist you received today match the items you already corrected and submitted ahead of time?


They probably sent you the checklist because they did not see your corrected AOS yet. You said NVC just received your corrected AOS via USPS today, so you gotta give them some time to log it.


I also would not worry about the difference in address on the barcode sheet. I believe Kaylara previously found out from one of her inside NVC buddies that all they do is walk your packet to the appropriate office in the same building. Just keep calling to check when they receive your docs.

Edited by Fabian&Rossy, 14 April 2014 - 09:11 PM.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-14 21:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Our timelines are super similar, I'll be looking to you for case complete :)


Based on case completions from yesterday, I am estimating my case to be done around April 23rd, which is 15 calendar days from the last packet I submitted. I will be calling NVC earlier than that of course.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-11 11:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014



Woo!  :goofy:


Thanks to Catholicism being the official religion of Costa Rica, we get the whole week off.  :rofl:



I know, I think Peru also gets two or three days for Easter.



Thank God we at least get a Christmas holiday in the US!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-11 09:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Thanks to "separation of church and state", US Gov. does not get official days off for Easter. Embassies are different though, they usually get off for US public holidays AND any official holidays of their host country.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-11 08:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


I believe there are other age-specific or situation-specific or country-specific questions as well.  On my spouse's DS-260, she did not get asked about membership in "professional organizations" - even though she had been a member of two professional nursing organizations.  My attorney suspects that because my spouse is now retired, that question didn't pop up.


It's a continuing mystery - this USCIS and NVC stuff....




Good points as well! USCIS and NVC sure are a mystery. For example, my daughter may be 13 but that still did not prevent NVC from asking if she was involved in money laundering, human trafficking, or if she was a member of the communist party. :rofl:

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-11 08:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014



While we are filling out the online form DS-260, we realize that under the tab "Work/Education/Training" (one of the blue tabs on the left hand side), our form only has two items: "Present" and "Additional". The item "Previous" is missing. Without the "Previous", we are not able to input any previous jobs and educations information to the form.


I called NVC about this problem. They login to our DS-260 form and they also see the item "Previous" is missing. They said that the item "Previous" should be there under that tab, but they keep telling me that NVC is not able to fix this problem and they do not know who can fix this.


Does anyone has this same problem? Anyone knows how to solve this problem?


Thank you,



I had the same issue.. Went back and forth but it wasn't there so I figured they either changed it or I also heard that It could be different bc of your country.. What country are you immigrating from?

Sooo.. I wasn't too worried about it until now.. I hope they didn't screw up and I get a checklist for it.. On the other side I printed everything out so you can see that the question was not even available


How old is the applicant completing the DS-260? I ask because I think the age you enter is what determines what questions will be available for you. My wife and I are in our 30's, so she had to answer all the normal questions: places she lived since age 16, previous employments for the last 10 years, and higher education institutions she attended. When I completed the DS-260 for my 13 year old daughter, I did not get prompted for any of those questions. Obviously my daughter wouldn't be asked something like employment for the last 10 years, etc.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-11 07:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Im waiting for the NVC case number and the thought of amending tax returns with waiting of 8-10 weeks just kills me.


My spouse filed as single and i realized the mistake and was thinking of getting it amended to MFS,but is there a quicker way of getting it in hand?

Don't we have to wait for at least 8-10 weeks before sending AOS packet since we have to include the tax returns in the package.


From the many other posts I have read (this thread and others), it seems NVC doesn't give any trouble about the filing status in your tax form. They are mainly concerned with your income numbers. Saylin has also advised on previous occasions that it is not a big deal unless the beneficiary is from a high-fraud country. I don't know whether India or Malaysia are considered high-fraud. Other members might give more info.


Regardless of what you decide to do for NVC, your spouse should still amend the return for IRS purposes.



Good luck!

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-09 23:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014


Okay I'm quoting myself but I just found this link on VJ about someone else in a similar situation and apparently you cannot file MFS or MFJ or married at all if you're doing e-filing when your spouse is a non resident without a SSN. So I'm assuming we're ok with my husband having filed Single.




You cannot e-file, meaning you cannot submit your return electronically to the IRS. You still need to amend your tax return and submit paper copy. The easiest way is to file as MFS and put "NRA" where it asks for your spouse's SSN. However, that also depends on your particular tax situation.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-09 23:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

OK, here is my nightly rant  :ranting:

I called my lawyer because they didn't answer my emails and I wanted to know if my packages went out.  When I called they tried to screen the call and said he was busy... then he said hold on.... Lawyer gets on the phone. I try and be nice he cuts me off and says your files are on paralegals desk. I am not reviewing them today. They will be reviewed tomorrow and fedex'd. You will get a tracking number . So I had a question about the income she used.  She used adjusted not total. My total income includes 4 months of unemployment . The adjusted is over the poverty level but I wanted to point that out when he reviews it. He said if the amount is more than the poverty level for a fami ly of 4, they won't kick it back....   He was so short with me like I was bothering him.   I swear to God if I get  a checklist for that error I will flip out. I could have sent this stuff yesterday when the fees showed PAID.  :ranting:  :protest:  :ranting:  


That's terrible! I gotta play devil's advocate for 2 seconds and say that maybe he was swamped handling other cases at that moment. That's the drawback of using lawyers.


THAT SAID, there still has to be some courtesy and customer service... and the fact that his paralegal used the wrong income amount?? And then tell you it doesn't matter?? I sure hope he is starting to realize that he can't BS you like that anymore.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-09 22:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I don't think it was. I think it was a glitch. Albeit a funny as hell one.


Darn, I missed it! On the phone now and I just hear their normal "thank you for waiting" recorded spiel.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-09 22:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Just got off the phone with Agent Lisa, who really must be the happiest NVC agent I've ever spoken to. No updates on my case, but she did tell me that they've been having massive phone problems the past several days. I told her about the lack of hold music, the "I can't get no Satisfaction" hold music, and that the office was closed yesterday afternoon and she confirmed that the phone system went down entirely at that time.  


Hold on. So the previous comment about the new hold music was not a joke??

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-09 10:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Thank you so much Fabian&Rossy!  :) I am so tired of this waiting game and everything the government puts us through to be with our loved ones... :unsure: I am very thankful that I found other people that know what I am going through on a daily basis. :luv:


I hear ya! I am also grateful that I found VJ!


Hello Saylin,

I have paid AOS fees and it shows pending (I think transaction is in process).

Should I wait for it to completed or I can send the packet of AOS.?

Cover page with bar code is available as soon as I paid the fees


From Saylin's NVC Wiki:


"Note: members have had luck sending the packages as soon as they pay the bills (since the bar-coded cover sheet becomes available after paying). If you're not going to wait for it to appear as PAID in the portal, at least wait until the money has cleared the bank account."

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-08 23:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Hello everyone,
My case has been transferred to NVC on April 3rd, and at this time I'm waiting to contact them to ask about my case number & INN..also, I was wondering if I should wait to email them mine and my husband email address or should I just provide them our email addresses right now?

Also another confusion, hopefully Saylin will be able to help me, I didn't work last year at all but I went to school. I have 1098, & I tried to file the tax (even if I didn't have any earnings last year) by only with what I have that is 1098..but when I started the process of tax filing online ( which is what I every year do), the amount I was getting back was $0.. Am I still suppose to file the tax? Even if I'm not getting anything back or paying back anything? I don't want this to be an issue, later at the embassy because I know they are very strict about tax return documents..FYI my dad will be helping me with AOS documents and will be using his 3 years of tax return...please suggest what should I do? Still file tax even if the amount shows $0? Please help..the last day to file the tax is the 15th of April!

Thanks in advance!


Please take some time to read Sayln's NVC Wiki regarding your next steps at this stage:




Regarding your tax question, you need to check with the IRS to confirm whether you need to file taxes or not. From what you wrote, it sounds like you do not have to file taxes since you did not have any income. The 1098 is only a statement from your school declaring how much they billed you and how much you paid them.




Edited by Fabian&Rossy, 08 April 2014 - 11:05 PM.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-08 23:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

After 19 calls and 45 minutes of waiting to get ahold of someone at the NVC I finally get an answer and they tell me they have not received my case and I have to call back in 6-8 weeks... so annoyed!!!   :angry: Anyways... I filed my taxes single before I started reading this forum so I have to re-do my taxes. Can anyone please tell me if I file married filing separate do I need to put his info at all? Like his name DOB and the country or do I not have to do that at all? Thank you guys for your help!


Nope. All you need to put is his full name under the filing status section and "NRA" on the SSN section.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-08 22:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

The wiki does not say anything about the police certificate expiring in 90 days.  How will this affect the process?  We got the certificate 2 weeks ago and just had our noa2 two weeks ago.  


What do you recommend?


So your current police certificate will expire around June 25th. If you are able to submit your IV packet to NVC at least 30 days prior to expiration date, then you should be ok (just my opinion). If not, then you will need to get a new one. I say 30 days based on the time it takes NVC to review documents.


Also, if it expires prior to your interview date, you will need to get a new one to present at the embassy.

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-08 11:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

I thought I would add to the confusion on how to Properly fill out the I-864 :idea:





Changnoi, I love your acronyms but now you're just being a troublemaker! :rofl:

Fabian&RossyMalePeru2014-04-07 16:55:00