IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

So is this normal for the NVC to send reminder emails about the checklist more than once?  I received the official checklist email on Friday May 2nd. I responded with the Birth Cert and it  has been at the NVC since May 6th in the am. So yesterday around 4:30 pm I receive a reminder email asking for the documentation.. then the lawyer forwards the email to me letting me know he received it...I called the NVC at 10:30 last night and told them the document is there and verified that is the only thing we need.  I got the 30 day blah blah blah.  So I wake up this morning to another NVC reminder to send the requested documents. (1:40am)  I just find it odd that they are sending so many reminders and I only received the origianl checklist less than a week ago.( 3 business days).. and they don't even scan the mail for a few days after it gets delivered.    its so strange....  Below is the request..



______CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________

When responding to the National Visa Center, please include the bar code sheet that came with this

letter. Failure to include the bar code sheet may cause a delay in the processing of your case. The bar

code sheet should be placed on top of all documents being submitted for this case and mailed to the

address provided.

______1 - IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION PART 1:_______________________

The NVC has received the requested Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) or supporting documents.

However, we are still waiting for the response to the checklist letter for the Immigrant Visa Application

or civil documentation. Please return the requested information so that we may complete the processing

of your case.


Don't waste time trying to understand their process! it will just throw you off!

Remember we tried to understand USCIS process for months, but nothing!


Just go with the flow and try your best to stat sane! Good things will happen at the end!!!!


Here it is for a GOOD DAY TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-08 06:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I knew it!

And in other news, come on NVC, I want to fill in forms and give you money!


Come on NVC!!! People are waiting in line to give you money! TAKE THEIR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE THEM HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-07 15:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Ah, good ol' Joy... I haven't had the pleasure of speaking with her yet... and since I usually call in the evening, maybe I won't *crossing fingers*!


I begin to suspect that they just pick a number at random!  :idea:


I just called again to check and a nice lady answered this time.

She basically said that there was no way for them to tell what date the NVC is working on! She also mentioned that it does not take long for the review once the mail is picked up, the reviewer just reads through it and makes a decision!

This wait is killing me!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-07 14:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I just got off the phone with my friend JOY!!!!!!!!

Nothing new, none of my packages have been reviewed yet! What the hell is going on with NVC lately!!!!!!!!!!!

She told me they are working on April 7th mail! yesterday I was told April 16, I guess everything goes backwards in NVC nowadays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-07 12:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


yes, this morning i checked and it finally show paid :)

Alright! One more step in the right direction! Almost there!!!!


I'm so glad you posted! Mine is showing Paid now too hurray!  :dance:

and to think I wasn't going to check it until later tonight because it was making me too depressed to log in and see in process every day.


Now to start my DS-260 :)

Almost there! now comes the last sprint , I mean the last wait!!!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-07 12:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Ok the award for the stupidest question will come right here but clear my confusion please

When we email to nvc does it have to be with NVC and I all in caps? Or will do also?


it is NOT case sensitive so it does not matter.

NVCInquiry and nvcinquiry is the same thing.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-07 11:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

(((((((CASE COMPLETE)))))))) 
Just got off phone with NVC. I almost cried when the lady said your case was completed today, just waiting for interview to be scheduled. I had to ask her to repeat those magic words. And they are still scheduling for June interviews in Montreal


etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 21:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Don't give up hope! Things can change from one day to the next. I called the 29th and was told wait 30 days. I called the 30th and case complete. :)


Thanks for the support! Nothing I can do but wait and hope they get to my packets sooner rather than later!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 20:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

being reviewed is another way of saying " yea, your package is here" 


next time you call, ask the operator if they are able to tell the status. I know they can tell if mail is received for the case but has not been touched yet...  Maybe it has staging levels for each scan..  WHO FRIGGIN knows???


yeap, they still did not touch any of my packets yet! Bye Bye June!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 19:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

that's a lie,  My corrected AOS was scanned in on April 18th and it was accepted yesterday . Olivia is telling tall tales. It is looking like a 2 week wait from the time they scan your package to acceptance or checklist


I called in the AM and they told me my package is being reviewed.

Now Olivia told me they are working on the 16-April mail. Have no clue what/who to believe!!!

I'll call after hours, hopefully I'll get a better answer!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 14:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Just got off the phone with Olivia.

She was nice and told me that NVC is actually working on the mail received April 16 and that they can spend 2 days in one day's mail. so go figure!

I've never heard of anybody telling us what day they were working on! I hope that she was not just trying to blow me off!

Grrrrrrrrr, more wait!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 14:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Its a friggin sad day in Pennsylvania....   They will not accept my husbands birth cert so we can just forget June. :cry:  :cry:

I am so glad I sent the certified copy last night.  I will still call the supervisor tomorrow night because this is BULL !!


Lisa was not in a pleasant mood today.  If I could reach through the phone...  GRRRRRR

I told her I will still be calling the supervisor, she got angry and said  " he will just tell you the same thing I just told you"

So Miss Lisa, you're working my nerves... you and Joy are neck -n-neck on the beotch -o-meter. :ranting:


I was nice as could be... guess she didn't like that. 

So now if everyone could cross their fingers and send good vibes that they start opening the mail at a faster pace... If the computers are still down, that is preventing people from printing out their barcode cover sheets and mailing in their packages.. At least they can make good use of their time and take care of the mail that is already there.  I should have sent a fluorescent fedex envelope so I could send the supervisor out to look for it !! :rofl:  :protest:  


That's just BS!

What the heck! they did not accept an original birth cert! what else they can come up with to slow you down! this is a whole new level of BS!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 12:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Well packets were recieved on Monday at the NVC and the DS260 done last night!! :joy:  So I guess we are now playing the waiting game again huh??  How long would you guys wait to see if NVC has accepted/reviewed the packets and see if we've gotten an interview scheduled?  Or will they actually send me or my husband the interview date??


Thanks guys blessings!


Once received, NVC takes about 3 to 4 days (up to a week) to scan the packets in.

After the packets are scanned in, it takes 2 to 3 weeks for review.

So, give it about three weeks and then start calling them if you are patient enough.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 10:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

For everyone who already sent your IV Package to the NVC, how did you attach you two passport photos within the package? Jw. Thanks. 

I put them in a small envelope and wrote "beneficiary photos" on it

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 10:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

my AOS was accepted yesterday.  I made the mistake of putting the 2013 income  for current income . And I used my current address  so I wouldn't leave it blank.. It was accepted . (Thank God)  


But the correct income is what you expect to make this year as Saylin stated above.


Make sure you use line 22 from your 1040. TOTAL INCOME.. Adjusted income if you filed a 1040EZ


Was it the original AoS that was acceted or was it the one you sent later?

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 09:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Just called NVC again, I guess my daily morning call to them.

The good news is: my packets are being reviewed. Joy (I think it was her, i did not catch her name by i think i recognized her voice) said that my mail is being reviewed.

I guess I will give them couple of days before I call again.

Heck no, I'll call at end of business today or tomorrow morning!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

That's a long wait...

 Yes it is!

But think about it this way: Almost done with this process!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 08:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014



It is the first in a series of Visa Class Starships

She is equipped to explore checklist anomalies throughout the known Visaverse

Mission lengths of less than one year are reccomended

Ships computer is fully voice interactive and her name is Joy








JOY? Seriously? JOY? Why not Arthur?

Come on man


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 06:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

So everyone is complaining that this thread is so quiet today  so I thought I would make some noise..


FINALLY.... they accepted my corrected AOS and removed the Police certificate requirement. Now all I am waiting for is the supervisor to clear the birth cert.


I was told by the supervisor to call back Wednesday  night... so now I wait... and for extra insurance.... a certified copy of the birth cert will be delivered tomorrow morning. 


I'm so close I can taste it.. 


So how's that for some noise??????




etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-06 06:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

don't know what to think right now! My mind in numb!!! this wait is tooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 20:08:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hello VJ!
Alhamdulillah, I got my case number today :) so my question is what is next ? Do I wait for my IIN number or can I is started ?


You need the IIN and case number to log in into

They should have given you both at the same time.

But anyway, most likely you will not be able to do anything yet. It takes about a week to get them started.

What you can do now is read post 1 (Saylin's post). Read the wiki she wrote and you will have answers to most if not all your questions.

After reading the wiki (very recommended), you can ask questions if you have any.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 13:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

With Indian International driving licence can we drive car in California and how many months it is valid?


Did you send in your AoS and IV packets yet?

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hey guys - at what point should my wife so and get her medical and immunization?

A week or two before interview date

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 13:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

ha ha.... this is my second time petitioning  BUT I never went through the NVC. I did a K3 that last time.. but that has nothing to do with it I'm sure.  

I think it is the DACA and I-601a's that nailed us all back at this time last year... and then the UN-trained staff at the NVC that happens to be the thorn in my side recently.  I didn't think it could get any wors than waiting 11 months for an approval.. Dang.. I was wrong


Hopefully this will be the end of it and thing will get straigh going forward!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 12:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I know... right???    I think the reviewer was new or something....  Not all birth certificates look pretty like they do here in the US.    The legal sized paper probably threw them off.... but still....  I have to suffer through all this mess.   and its obvious they didn't read the instructions on the country they were processing...  I can just see that person goign through my papers... " oops no police certificate... CHECK !!!    I don't see a birth cert......CHECK !!!!!!     #######???


What irritates me more than anything is the fact that my lawyer doesn't know what income amount to use on the AOS. I literally argued with him  but he sent his version  anyway.  If Immigration is your specialty, shouldn't you know the basics??  Just sayin'


A "Joke" on the side:

I think your case so far has encountred all possibles delays known from USCIS to NVC!!!!

did you irritate them in a previous life????

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 12:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Yep, called this morning but I didn't expect anything new since I called around 10pm on Friday night. They are alot of things, but SUPERMAN is not one of them. I will allow them today to get a move on. I will call tonight.


I talked to Cindy. She told me she could see that the file was with a supervisor for the requested review and made a comment that "at least the file is where it is suppsed to be"   I guess they see alot of mistakes ... I hope they ( at the very least) accept my corrected AOS. Then its just the police cert removal and for someone with half a brain and decent eyesight to accept the original birth cert we sent.  I am sending the certified copy once I pick it up at FedEx this afternoon. jsut to be safe.  but they should absolutely accept that cert. This is just ridiculous.  Oh and Cindy agreed with me that since the reviewer went ahead and checklisted us for a police cert taht wasn't even required, they probably didn't have a clue what they were looking at for the Birth cert.   I pray that they supervisor fixes these problems and I get a CC soon !!!   I am angry that we have to pay for their mistakes.  Time is so valuable these days.


Wow, if this was the process of third world country I would understand! but this is the USA we are talking about! Top of the Top (???)

This is just ....., I don't even know how to describe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:wow:  :wow:  :wow:  :wow:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 12:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

IV fee still says "in process"... what the ####


Did you call to inquire about it?

I think they do it in purpose to control work flow. Just like USCIS used to manipulate the numbers every monthly update!!!!

This is so not fair!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 11:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

its about a 2 weeks wait from the scan in ....  IT SUCKS


Did you call NVC today? anything new?

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Why aren't people posting anything today?

Come on VJ family, are we all that depressed today? I know I am!!!!! :help:  :help:  :help:  :help:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 10:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Just got off the phone with NVC. NO UPDATES at all.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 09:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Good morning all!

Come on NVC, I need a CC this week! I still hope I can get a June interview!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 06:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Love makes you do mad things!  :rofl:


Things like go through the madness of USCIS

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-05 04:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Who are you to lecture us whether or not middle loading isuseful or not .. 


In countries in south east asia, its a different ball game.. the COs make up their minds even before they get to the interview.

We are trying to help him not hurt him.


Please dont sit and lecture me about what is or isnt good for US consulate interviews.

I have been to 4 different visa interviews and have landed 4 different successful visa interviews.

I also had a green card for four years once. 


The interview in person is of course, important - but middle-loading makes their life ten times easier. 

You don't know about south east asian embassies - almost all countries where there is a very high risk of visa fraud. 

The more documentation AT hand for the vice-consul who approves IV petitions separately from NIV petitions - the BETTER IT IS FOR THE CASE.


The interview in person makes sure everything entered on form DS-260 is accurate and that the applicant is aware and legit. 


AND WHO THE HECK ON EARTH TOLD YOU to sit here and tell the rest of us what to do ?

Do you understand the difference between a low-risk consulate in South/central america and consulates like GUZ and DEL ?

It never hurts, just so YOU KNOW, to provide the consulate with strong concrete evidence of an ongoing relationship. 



Easy cowboy!!!

This is not how you get your point across to others! Take it easy !!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-03 22:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hey guys - Did anyone send in additional proof of bona fide marriage (ie pictures, timeline, letters, etc.) with their IV package?


I did send in pictures of our wedding and reception and an attestation showing my wife as the sole beneficiary on my retirement account and 401K account.

The thing is at the interview, they already make their minds before even calling the beneficiary to the window!

you never know!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-03 19:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014



Ok- interesting about the portal. Hmmm.


But when I called NVC, the first thing that the rep asked for was my USCIS receipt number. I gave her the receipt number from the 1-130 petition that had been approved. She then gave me the NVC case number.


I would think that if the case number she gave me was for the K3, then I would have had to give her the receipt number for the I-129F  that was approved.


I can always call again on Monday and double check, but I would think it would be SUPER weird if I gave her the receipt number for the I-130 and the rep gave me the case number related to the I-129F of which I never mentioned the receipt number. I hope I got lucky!


You could be a lucky one also!

I hope you do and wish you good luck with the NVC journey!

Please keep us posted on teh development of your case!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-03 13:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014



OK, thanks, that's very helpful. That's what I was wondering.


It seems it's for the CR1/IR1 because it accepts it and brings up the case when I enter it into here: https://ceac.state.g...AKjMWCuebHqOw==


Am I correct to think that if the number was for the K3 that it would not come up as "Immigrant Visa" because K3 is not an immigrant visa? 

The K3 comes up also as Immigrant Visa in the portal.

The I-129F (K3) gets a case # and IIN assigned right away when it is received at NVC. IF YOU ARE LUCKY, you may get a case # for the I-130 at the same time. LoveMyTico was a lucky one and she got both case #s assigned at the same time.

In most cases, the I-129F gets a case # assigned and is then adminstratively closed in couple of days.

You may have to wait for around a month for the I-130 (IR1/CR1) to get assigned a case #.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-03 11:16:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hi, I would send it with Fedex, since I'm sure that they are always reliable (and usually on time), and these are very important Docs.

However, I have no idea if the Irish postal service is reliable or not. Maybe someone else knows better and could give you a better advice. Have you ever sent mail to  the US with the Irish postal service before?

I only know that Venezuelan postal service is a joke and there's no way I'll use it xD Fedex and DHL are my friends  :lol:


FedEx is not reliable 100% of the time!!! Didn't you watch "Cast Away"? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :devil: :devil: :devil:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-02 20:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Anyone else getting "database" errors on the payment portal today?

My fees are already paid.

I'm able to log-in into the ceac portal and the home screen is fine.

But when I clisk on the payment portal, it gives me an error screen. It looks like the server is down either for maintenance or for security measures.

I hope it does not take that long to fix for the sake of everybody in here!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-02 10:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Just got off the phone with Arthur: straight to the point with the conversation.

I was ready to curse him out if he said anything stupid, but he was also straight to the point.

My packages (AoS and IV) are not reviewed yet, up to 30 business days BS.

The good thing is he said they are not done scheduling for Casablanca yet, so there is still some hope!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-02 09:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Just received the most generic checklist. At 1 am no less lol. Anyway mine just asked for civil docs, without the laundry list of which civil docs. I already sent them and know my AOS was accepted so hope there is light at the end of the tunnel

When did you send you AoS package and when was it scanned into the system?


Can you please add the info to your signature? it is very helpful to others. Thanks

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-02 07:53:00