IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Thank you :)


I called nvc yesterday and cs rep told me she couldn't see my ds261 and I told her that I had already completed ds261 before nvc even emailed me with instructions. then she was like "you may have to re-do it once we send u the instructions" then she put me on hold for couple of mins and came back and said "she could see the form at her end"...and now this morning i got "incomplete" message...what a mess...When I clicked on incomplete, it had all of the info I had entered. 


So you are suggesting I should go ahead and hit resubmit it? Just makes me nervous that it might cause delays. :(

I did almost the same thing myself. I filed DS261 before getting the instructions to do it and it showed complete.

When I got the email to fill out DS261 and pay AoS fees, the status of my already filled out DS261 did not change. It stayed "Complete" so I did not have to re-do it.

Since yours changed status, I'm guessing (keyword: guessing) the system kicked it out and you need to re-submit it.

When did you fill it out originaly?

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-24 08:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Good morning everyone, ok so I paid aos yesterday and had already completed ds261 before we even got an email from nvc with instructions. Yesterday both wife and I received instructions for ds261 and aos. Ds261 was showing completed until we received instructions and now it is showing "incomplete". I know couple of people here ran into this issue. Can u pls advise what I should do? Resubmit? So confusing


Since you just received instructions to do it, I suggest you go ahead and resubmit it! it is only a matter of one day or two, you don't want it to drag longer than that!

Also, there is no credible information as far as that causing delays, so far we only have conflicting opinions!


My 2 cents: go ahead and resubmit!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-24 08:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

This morning I was talking with my partner about my anger and disgust with this process.  I'm the USC, and I have done ALL the prep and have handled the whole process.  I'm now in Australia - I had booked my ticket to arrive mid-May assuming we would have a June interview. At least we are together at this time.


Anyway, she doesn't like it when I get so frustrated and angry - my aura must turn flaming red or something.  She asked me if all the time I spend on VJ just riles me up more.


I told her that VJ is what has kept me sane.  That having people with stupid checklists - like LoveMyTico - helps me understand that we are not being singled out.  I said how much we help each other out - that those of us who have made it through help those who are still behind.


I chose not to call NVC on Friday night, US time.  I knew that if nothing had happened on my case, I was going to be livid all weekend - it will be WEDNESDAY here in Australia before I might get any progress (because of the Monday US holiday).  My checklist response wasn't scanned in until May 9th - and it is obvious that they are not reviewing checklist responses before about 13-15 working days. 


So I think next week will be our week for case complete.  We are so screwed as far as a June interview at this point.  I just hope we get a July one!  We had return tickets for July 7th - luckily we can change these easily.


Thank you, VJ friends.  I really could not do it without you.


And congrats to those who have actually gotten supervisor reviews.  I asked specifically for a supervisor review since my checklist is an NVC mistake - not mine.  I was denied twice.




I really hope you get a CC next week and a July interview.

Before you change your plane tickets once you get a July interview, you can always try with the US consulate and see if they can move your appointment to June sometime. They have cancelations from time to time. You never know. I will try my best to change my wife's appointment in Casablanca once an inteerview date is set and once they receive the file.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-24 07:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

So, I know there is a request for them to retrieve my mail from the 8th and for a supervisor review ( put in the system 2 days ago)   I am afraid to call and get the AX.  It seems they are working on Monday May 5th.    To call..... or not to call....... friggin stress is killing me...

Wait till noon time and then call! Good luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-23 08:40:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

CONGRATS !!!!   

YAY   MAY 5th  mail !!!     CLOSER AND CLOSER



I had the same thought lol Guess I'll be calling tonight (maybe they'll get to the 7th hahaha)!


Yeap, that's as of 21-May. We are already 2 days after that so, things are getting closer!   good luck!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-23 07:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014



Maybe I'll end up owing an apology to soloenta's crystal ball before the day is over.


Hold on...


Now I see what you're trying to do. Trying to pass me the Dialing Fingers curse, are you? :o

ABRAKADABRA!!!!!!!!!!! Call them! call them! call them!!!!!!!


if you read this, you'll not be able to stop calling NVC!!!!!


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-23 06:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hey soloenta... you're slipping!


Just called and no case # yet. Your crystal ball needs retuning ;)

I'll call again on Tuesday.

The day is young! a full 8-hours of NVC work to go!!!!!!! :idea:  :idea:  :idea:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-23 06:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Good morning VJ family!

Good luck to everybody waiting for progress in their cases!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-23 06:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


But the CC mail doesn't include the interview date right?  That comes separately?


You are correct! the interview email is different.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 20:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

     Please say a prayer just in case for Changnoi and his beautiful family, with all that is going on in Thailand you just never know.  I pray they are well and safe and the interview went well.   Thank you in advance.  (F)  (L)  (F)

I second that!

May Allah save them and get them all back to the US safe and sound!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 19:18:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Case Complete :joy:  :joy:


I Can't believe I did it without any checklist.

It was very Stressful and Up-down journey...


Without all of you guys, it's not possible to stay strong.

Thanks All. (F)



etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Yessssss!!!! CC as of may 21st!


CONGRATS! July interview almost there!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Im sure you didn't need to send all that. Are you worried because her country is high fraud???


I've divorced once before, so I just wanted to make sure the CO is not going to question her a lot.

My wife is very shy and she might panic undeer pressure. So I just wanted to make sure I set the tone the CO gets a good impression before even calling her to the window for the final interview.

The IR interviews are usually easy and straight forward in Morocco, but just in case!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 16:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

On hold for 24 minutes.. moment of truth!


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 16:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

what additional evidence did you send to NVC?

I sent wedding/reception pics, benefits paperwork showing that I added my wife to my insurrance plan, Bank statment showing her as the beneficiary of my investments

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 15:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Anyone sent additional evidence including photos to NVC?


I did!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 13:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Okay, I understand.  Thank you.  I was just curious because the embassy in Manila has online interview scheduling system.  I am trying to figure out how I could use that to possibly get a quicker appointment.


I think that's for non immigrant visas, but I could be wrong.

You can ask in the regional forum for the Phillipines and you might get a better answer.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 12:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I am confused about the final steps at the NVC.  Specifically, is an interview assigned at the same time that an appointment is scheduled?  Or is it scheduled afterwards?  If so, is this done after the packet is sent to the Embassy or before?

 In most cases (mostly all the time unless expedite), NVC schedules the interview appointment.

Once the interview appointment is set, NVC then sends the entire file to the embassy/consulate for interview.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 12:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014



Maybe...or possibly overseas? I'm wondering if that makes a difference as well...I just want to pay my IV invoice and get the packet sent off!! Maybe soon.... :cry:


Only if you have an attorney!

AoS is invoiced first.

IV fee is invoiced when DS261 is accepted by NVC.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 12:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I have read that the CC email could take a week to be sent. I would rather call everyday and find out right away. It will take away some stress for sure.   Also from what I read, interviews start getting scheduled the last week of the month and the first week of the next month. But it seemed like the June interviews were well into the second week of May this month.    If I am worng, somebody please correct me.. 


I had CC on 15-May and I just got the email this morning at 06:04AM eastern time. 7 days.

Finally.. Case Complete!!!  :joy:



etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 12:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Thank you! ^_^


Happy anniversary Saylin!!!!!! Wishes for more and more!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 10:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


you wouldn't state such things few days ago. you would try to find a way to speed up the process of your case. you would have the craziest ideas, maybe even stupid.



stop playing a smart as_s now, let people have those thought and ideas, maybe they make them feel better, maybe they bring back the hope.

I will not reply to this! and I will ignore any further posts!!!!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 09:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014




thank you for you "good advices". i'm sure that many people will thank you.

So far, you are the only one who "thanked me"!!!!!!!


:idea:  :idea:  :idea:

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 09:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014




thank you for you "good advices". i'm sure that many people will thank you.


I did not advice anybody to do anything, I just made a statment and everybody if free to think of it the way they feel about it!

Good day!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 09:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


and who said that i expected them to correct anything?

are you lost your mind?

it's obvious that they cannot do it!

maybe you should re-read some posts


you know what, I just re-read some of the posts I talked about and I stand by what I said!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 09:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


nobody ask them to correct anything. 

but they could review checklists faster.


and stop philosophize cause your case is complete. don't forget where were you few days ago, on the other side, the side of frustrated people, calling NVC plenty times a day.


Believe me I'm not "philosophizing" at all and I am still frustrated if not more with how slow NVC works!!!!!

I know I have a case complete so I'm not worried about NVC making a mistake in reviewing my case, but knowing that my case is just sitting there collecting dust again is beyond frustration. They could just send it to the embassy/consulate and let them deal with it, but NO, NVC has to be in control of everything around here.

Now, what I said was very simple: don't expect NVC to correct mistakes in filling the forms 1- it is a waste of their time 2- not fair to the people in the line waiting 3- and as LoveMyTico said, teh AoS is a signed contract and a legal document that has to be accurate before they can accept it.


I did not single out anybody and I am not "philosophizing", just stating the obvious!


I understand the frustration, going through this is not an easy process.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 08:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


OK... Who are you and what did you do to the real etrangais?


:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

The NVC process and the fact of missing the June cut off completely destroyed me!

As I was typing that post and the one after that, I was thinking "look who's talking"!!!!!!!!!!!!


Made my day!!!!!!!!!

Edited by etrangais, 22 May 2014 - 07:33 AM.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 07:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Our NOA2 was approved on 6 May. The NVC received the case on 14 May. I called yesterday, I called today, I am calling tomorrow....I will be calling everyday until I get my case number. I called at 700 EST promptly and it took 25 minutes to get through (that is crazy btw!). By reading other peoples timelines and the google spreadsheet, It seems like it is taking 3-4 weeks to get a case number, on average. Is it a waste of my time to call every day? Do they log these calls and see that someone is calling every day? Will me being persistent help? Any other advice besides being patient, as well as courteous on the phone? Our one year anniversary is August 31 and we both really want to be together by that date. I have all of my paperwork and documentation ready to go now, crazy amounts of documentation/proof of our relations. We also have a lawyer btw...


give it two weeks after they received and then start calling twice a week!

If you provided an eamil to USCIS, NVC most likely have it and they will send you an email to that email address once your DS261 and AoS fees are ready to pay. The email will contain the case #, IIN and BIN.


At the end, it is up to you! You can call anytime and as many times you want! it is all up to you!

Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 07:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Good morning VJ family,

I read some posts this morning talking about "why can't NVC correct "small" mistakes" in the forms they get" or why can't they just write the correct income if the petitioner makes a mistake or why can't they check a box we left blank, and so on.

One very obvious reality we sometimes fail to take into prospective: NVC processes millions of packets. Most of us think that they should focus on our packets, but THEY CAN'T. If they start correcting things it will take double or may be triple the time it takes right now to turn around and review packets.


I'm not defensing the NVC as they make some stupid mistakes: they lose docs, they don't even follow the instructions on their forms.... but don't expect them to correct our mistakes.


I just wanted to throw that out there, food for though

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-22 06:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I know... right?  not even close.... different YEAR, Country and names   DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH   scary scary...

May be that explains what used to happen with USCIS also when they told people they sent RFE but people never receive them. They just send them to the wrong people.

Oh My God! This is crazy!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 17:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I submitted mine as date as yours and also paid and sent my AOS, after you said this I went to check on mine and it did the same thing. I states completed, but I can review it and submit it again. I submitted it again just in case, but I will call later today or maybe tomorrow to see if it has been accepted. 


IV fee is automatically invoiced when DS261 is accepted.

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 13:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


Thanks for such a prompt reply. Another question:


Q) As my co-sponsor is self-employed he does not have any W2s etc. What i sent were just the form 1040, schedule SE, schedule E and schedule A. That should be enough?


It would be better to get tax transcripts from the IRS website.

If not, then you'll have to include a copy of the entire tax return packet he received from the tax preparer.

Thank you. I follow you then. Hoping CC this week. Expecting june interview


You mean July

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 11:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

Hello people! Hope everyone is doing well, this forum has been a lot of help, specially Saylin's wiki page. So i would like to thank all to get me so further in the NVC process :)


I have sent in my AOS and IV packages, however sadly when i called NVC the representative told me there are some issues on the AOS thus would be getting a checklist in my e-mail soon. In my situation my wife has never filed any tax returns, she has never been employed nor does she have any financial assets in the US. So for the AOS i did submit an i-864 signed by my wife, however no tax returns were shown as they were not available. This is why we are using a joint sponsor.


Q1) How do we explain/prove the NVC why my wife has never filed tax returns?


My joint sponsor has not yet filed a 2013 tax return, he is self employed and plans to get an extension. I sent in the 2010, 2011 and 2012 tax transcripts to the NVC.


Q2) Would a proof of extension be enough for the NVC or would he have to file the 2013 returns before the extended time just for me?


thanks everyone for all the support!


Your wife will have to write a letter expalining the reasons why she never filed taxes.

Also, you need the extension form for 2013 taxes for your co-sponsor. I did not file my 2013 taxes yet and I used an extension and they were fine with it.


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I called the nvc and after 40 mins of waiting
They told me that they receive the case in 13 may 2014 and it take 30 days to get a case number
And when the case get a case number we will contact you .....

The questions is
How they will contact me ? By email or by mail
Should i wait till the 30 days finished or keep calling them ?


Give it three weeks from the 13 of May and then start calling them again every two days.

They most likely hae the email you provided to USCIS with your I-130, but still

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 07:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

today i have a bad day and i wanna cry, i'm tired of this.  :crying:

we applied 1 year ago  :clock:

besides this neverending journey ...

can't stand my current job and i can't change anything till the end of the process.  :ranting:  :protest:  :ranting:  :protest:

i'm gonna end up with some psychiatric meds soon  :cry:



You are almost at the end! Hang in there! This is not the time to give up! Look beyond this couple of weeks and you'll get what you want!!!!!!!!!

Good luck!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-21 07:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

guys .. what is the difference between iv package and AOS package ? what documents are being in both pacakges .. thank u for replying 


if you read the wiki (Saylin's post 1), you will at least have an idea about this.

If not then GO READ IT!

If you read it and you can't understand it, then hire a lawyer to help you through this because you really can't do it on your own!

Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-20 20:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

hi guys .. what is Bar code cover sheet ? can anybody explain it or send me the example sheet ?


see below

guys .. what is the difference between iv package and AOS package ? what documents are being in both pacakges .. thank u for replying 


Are you serious? Stop the BS! This is too much now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached Files

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-20 20:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

  Ok I have to ask because I'm totally confused, some people say they sent their AOS which I was under the impression is the first one you send and some are saying they sent the IV first which is it please I need to know so my husband can send me the documents needed for the IV.  I thought I had a little more time to get those. :unsure: :wacko: :unsure: (F) (L) (F)  Thank you for any help you can give me.


The AoS fee is invoiced almost at the same time as DS261 is ready.

Once you pay AoS fee, print the bar code and send the AoS packet. Don't wait for it to show PAID. NVC will not get to review it until it shows PAID anyway. but you can wait for it.

But with the IV fee, it is invoiced after DS261 is accepted. Once you pay the IV fee, print the bar code sheet and send the packet immediately. The later packet will usually determine when you get a CC.

You can ask your husband to send you the IV docs now, as you have almost two weeks before you need to send them (about two weeks for the IV fee to be invoiced).


Good luck

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-20 19:54:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014


They must be doing a couple days at a time, because someone got a case complete today (CONGRATS) and the last document sent in was received on April 28th.


Or the Agent was lying.


*Edit: Now that I'm thinking about it, NVC doesn't receive mail on Saturdays! Unless they only receive packets via regular mail? My AOS was sent overnight on a Friday and NVC was not available to accept the package so it was re-delivered on Monday. I stick with option 2, Agent Liar Pants lol


I got CC on 15-May-2014 and the last mail I sent (IV docs) was enterred in the system 28-Apr-2014


Good luck all

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-20 12:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

I have the most wonderful news...CASE COMPLETE!!!

The wait had been long and tormenting but we like many have passed the test..
Luckily dint have any checklists but they did confirm june interviews are filled.
All of you are in our prayers and im waiting to see more good news.
I had been a silent watcher here but many of you helped me in the most needed times.Thanks to my VJ family.


Congrats on your CC!!!

Time to prepare for the interview now!!!!!!

etrangaisMaleMorocco2014-05-20 11:01:00