CanadaStatus on CSC and how long before I can obtain the Loomis waybill number (Montreal)

The majority of people who get stuck in Administrative Processing for months are from countries with poor record keeping, high rates of fraud, and/or other security concerns.Anything is possible, but I'd say your odds of that happening are probably low (at least based on being from those countries)


I went through Vancouver, but I had my interview on Thursday. On Friday it changed to Administrative Processing, Monday it went to Issued and I had my waybill # on Tuesday morning.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-12 18:14:00
CanadaAs it Vancouver expedition!

If you want to use Transit instead, it's cheaper than renting a car, and not difficult to use (just time-consuming)


There's a train that runs back and forth from the airport and downtown. And the Skytrain runs between downtown and Surrey. I stayed downtown and got to Dr Cheemas and the Lab and back using it and one bus.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-05 19:51:00
CanadaPOE Review, Edmonton, June 2014 [split topic]

Yesterday I entered the USA through the Edmonton Airport (YEG). S but he asked for my ince this thread hasn't been updated in a while, I thought I'd add my review.


Delta made my airport experience a very stressful one, but the Customs experience was great.


When I got to the front of the line, the officer asked for my passport, I told him straight away that I was activating a K1 Visa. He was amused and a bit confused by the term 'activating' but he asked for my passport, customs declaration form, and the sealed envelope.


He then took me to the back area, and gave my paperwork to another officer working on of the stations there. There were no travelers there when I went, but two other people were brought back there after me. I sat and waited while she went through the paperwork, doing what she had to do. She mentioned that she hadn't done a K1 in a very long time (and the other officer in that section had never done one), but she clearly knew what she was doing.


When she was ready she asked me some questions about what I was bringing, but no one ever asked for a list of belongings. She did ask to see the vet paperwork for the cat that I was bringing with me.


She asked some questions about the wedding plans, if we had a date, where we were getting married, etc, and if I had children, very basic stuff. She then went over the rules of the K1 visa, and then let me go, I was done!


It was a very easy experience, and only took about 10-15 min longer than a typical trip through customs. But if people had been ahead of me in that area, it could have potentially added more time.


On a side note, for the customs declaration, I filled out my name and destination info (questions 1-14) but left the value of goods (question 15) blank as I wasn't sure what to put there, and I had my itemized list of stuff. As mentioned, no one asked for my stuff and my Customs declaration was taken without issue or comment.


Let me know if you have any questions!

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-06-07 23:13:00
Canadaquestion about photos for medical - Dr. Lyndon

I think some of the Dr's offices cite the total number of photos you'll need (1 for the medical, and 2 for the interview.). Perhaps they just want to make sure you have enough for everything (Since I'm pretty sure it has to be copies of the same photo for all.)


I brought 6 photos because I'm kind of OCD about having backups of everything. But the Dr took 1, and I needed two for the interview and that was it. (Note, I saw Dr Cheema, not Mascarenhas)

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-09 18:41:00
CanadaEstablishing Credit in the US from Canada


Interesting, it appears my mistake was in choosing TD. I'll have to call them and see if I still qualify now that I'm living in the USA.


Update, after initially declining me for a credit card because I didn't have a US credit rating, TD contacted me again and said they could get me a US credit card based off of my Cdn Credit Rating. The woman I spoke with made it sound like they're rolling out a program like RBC has and I was accepted as an early testee type thing. Or maybe it was because I told them I was leaving TD.


Either way, I now have a US TD Visa with a significant credit limit, that reports to US credit bureaus.



I didn't go with RBC in the end, because I didn't have an active account with them. They said they could approve me for a card, but unless I went to an RBC branch in the next 3 months (in Canada) to finalize it, it would then be closed.

Edited by Crumulent, 20 August 2014 - 01:24 PM.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-08-20 13:22:00
CanadaEstablishing Credit in the US from Canada

I have a US credit card through RBC that I got in the USA, but they checked my Canadian credit to do so which is a feature they offer if you have a US and Canadian bank account with them.  I double checked and they report to all 3 US credit bureaus.  But Trans Union has me frozen for some reason that I can't figure out.  But I'll be calling next week to find out. 



Interesting, it appears my mistake was in choosing TD. I'll have to call them and see if I still qualify now that I'm living in the USA.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-07-04 09:43:00
CanadaEstablishing Credit in the US from Canada



I thought a TD card would help as well, and was given a lot of wrong and misleading information by various people at TD before finding out it can't. I've since learned that;


A TD Cross-border credit card has ZERO impact on a US Credit rating. It's just another Canadian card that processes transactions in USD.


I don't qualify for a US TD Bank card because I don't have a credit rating in the USA. Apparently they cannot even consider a CDN credit rating for a US product.


It's too late for me to get a CDN Amex card, I wish I had done that. So the only options that I can see for myself are being added onto my wifes cards, and getting a secured credit card (Where you put a deposit down for the amount of 'credit' you want.) From what I can see, the better options there are the ones offered by Capital One, and Wells Fargo, because they have the option to change into an unsecured card once you've proven yourself (which is better for your credit than replacing it with a different card down the line). They also report to the credit bureaus (Many, but not all secured cards do that).

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-07-03 17:25:00
CanadaCriminal Record & Fingerprints in Canada

Sometimes people without criminal convictions will still have to submit to fingerprinting. There are a few reasons this can happen, but it's usually because someone else has or had the same name and birthday as you.


A couple years ago my employer had to have security checks done for all employees. Out of around 100 people done, I think 4 or 5 had to be fingerprinted even though they had no convictions.

CrumulentMaleCanada2013-12-21 18:19:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Review of K1 Interview at Vancouver Consulate


Getting in the Building

I arrived 20 minutes early and there was a fairly long line when I got there. But they were telling people to leave and come back later if their app't was more than half an hour away. The place to line-up was easy to find (Outdoors on the East side).

A lot of the process involves moving from one line to another line. That's kind of good because it breaks up the tedium of waiting. First they check if you have your DS-160, passport, and medical packet. They give you a card with the floor and window you'll have to go to. K Visas have a different process than the work and travel visas that most people there are getting. So you're not always going to have the same people in front of you.

Then you get in another line for the building entrance, security looks you over to make sure you don't have anything that won't be allowed inside. Then you go through the metal detector check, and then another line for the elevator.

Before I continue, there are two pieces of advice;
Dress for the weather. You'll likely be spending the first 15-30 minutes standing outside. There is an awning but that won't help much if it's cold or windy. I asked one of the security personnel if they move the operation inside during bad weather and he said they're out there every day, no matter the weather.
Don't bring anything that isn't essential to the process. No cellphones, no electronics, no food/drink, and no medium to large handbags. They had a small box for bags and if it doesn't fit, you don't take it. I'm told Quizno's across the street holds things for people but I only had my wallet and a binder of my papers so it wasn't an issue for me.

After the metal detector, they escort you to your floor in groups.


Pre-Interview Processing
Go to the assigned window, flip the light switch (up or down, but not up/down). They take your DS-160 and passport. Then wait.

Then they call you back, and take all of your documents from the packet 3 list. They took everything I had for my fiancee's proof of income, but did not need her divorce decree (they had it from the I-134 packet) or any additional proof of relationship. (I'm not saying don't bring it, just that in my case they didn't end up needing it)

They did ask for a new Letter of Intent from both my fiancee and myself, even though Packet 3 just says from the petitioner. Luckily I had made one for myself anyway (and I could have written one right then and there if need be.)

Then you wait again while they go over your documents and put them into the system. This is probably the longest individual wait. I can see this part really dragging out if there are other K Visa applicants ahead of you. I think the woman getting a K1 after me spent quite a bit more time waiting than I did.

Once your paperwork is done with, they give you a new number and it's back to waiting. For me this was the second longest wait.

Finally, the actual interview!

My process here got delayed a bit due to computer issues but it was simple. They asked if I had anything additional and I pulled out my added proof of relationship but they never actually looked it over.

They fingerprinted me, I swore an oath that everything was truthful, they asked me some VERY basic questions. (When did we meet, where does she live, where do her parents live, have I met them, has she met mine, that kind of stuff.) And that was pretty much it. It was not a quiz. At no time did I feel like I was being tested, doubted, or questioned. Everyone was friendly and helpful throughout the entire process.

I did overhear a couple of other peoples interviews during the aforementioned computer problems. Those people weren't getting K Visas, but they were getting questioned more thoroughly than I was, so your experience may vary. VJ was a huge help in me having all of my paperwork in order which I'm sure helped immensely.
They send you back to the previous window where they go over the Courier process for sending you the Visa, the rules of entry, and next steps.

Then you're done, and you can leave, go get your cellphone and tell your future spouse! I was there less than 2 hours. But I can see it easily taking longer.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-03 11:23:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver
Review of Dr Cheema. K1 Medical exam in Vancouver
(technically Surrey)
Short Version: Very good experience. Friendly and Easy. Now the long version;

Getting there:

I stayed in a hotel downtown, near the consulate. On the day of the medical I took the Skytrain (Expo line) to Scott Rd Stn, and then the 319 bus to the Scottsdale terminal, which is a block north of Dr Cheema's office.
This was an easy route, (get a transit day-pass) and the place for the blood test & x-Ray  is along the route, so it was easy to get to on the way back.

Vancouver's transit is fairly easy to use. The only downside was this wasn't a quick trip. A little over an hour and a half each way (and 20min more than Google estimated). When I went back the next day for my results, it was a big chunk of my day.



The Doctor is in:
I arrived a few minutes early, the staff were very friendly and helpful. They took my paperwork and photocopied what they needed. She mentioned I was very organized and said a lot of people forget the passport photo! (Don't be one of them). The fee was $280, cash or debit. There is no extra fee for the lab-work.
Dr Cheema was next, he was very friendly, and very easy going. I went in with more documentation than was strictly necessary. For the most part, he wasn't interested in it. He said "This is a very specific exam with very specific questions" and that was all he was concerned with. It was very routine, I didn't feel like I had to prove anything, it was mostly a formality to make sure everything was in order.
He asked some routine medical history questions "Ever do drugs, ever have tuberculosis, etc", gave me the once over (Blood pressure, vision, throat, stomach). He also had to take a quick look to see if my man-bits were in the proper place, and was apologetic about needing to do that.
That was it for the Doctor, I was out of there in 23 minutes.
The Lab Work:
Then they sent me to get the bloodwork, they gave me detailed directions although it's easy to find (It's on the same street, and I'd passed it on the way there).
The lab was fairly busy when I went. I was there for about 90 minutes. Everyone there was friendly and knew that I was there for Visa medical work, and how to process that. I did my X-Ray first, and then the blood test. They were very good about explaining what I needed to do and where to go at each step.
Getting the Results:

That was it. Dr Cheema's office told me to come back between 4-6pm the next day for the results. I ended up getting there ~3:30 and they had just finished preparing it. They gave me the sealed packet for the Consulate interview, and a second packet that's for my records, which I will need in the future.



Edited by Crumulent, 02 May 2014 - 09:16 PM.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-02 21:09:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Perfect, Thank you!

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-16 02:17:00
CanadaCanada Immigration and K1 Guide for Vancouver

Some doctors only require a verbal declaration that you had chicken pox as a child (and are therefor immune). Does anyone know if this is true for Dr Cheema as well?

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-15 20:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAlien Registration Number changed on I-129F

Yes. It's part of the process, but it doesn't mean a lot, except that it's proof your application is working its way through the process.

CrumulentMaleCanada2013-11-07 00:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsoffical notice

The date they processed it matters most. That's the notice date on the NOA1. You can also go here for updates;


Punch in the receipt number on your NOA1 and it will tell you the status. You can also sign up for email alerts.

CrumulentMaleCanada2013-12-02 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOver one month and have not received NOA1

Oh good, maybe that means they'll start forwarding approved cases on soon.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-07 17:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOver one month and have not received NOA1

I don't know what's going on at Dallas, but nothing seems to be happening there the last couple of weeks. Hopefully they'll start processing things soon, but right now nothing seems to be going out.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-07 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsProcessing Texas service center

You can look up the status of other cases by entering numbers similar to yours. The benefit being to see if they've started processing any of those ones yet.


But it doesn't tell you what kind of Visa those USCIS numbers are for, or any other information about them, so it's not really that informative.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-10 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Computers down

They're back up. I just wish they had better news.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-10 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Computers down

I just called the NVC to see if they have my case yet, and was told their computers are down. She said that's probably related to the error some people were getting when looking up their case number on the site yesterday.



CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-10 12:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAP at the NVC

I'm at 33 days and counting, going to call the NVC tomorrow and see if maybe it's been sent and no one told me.


(Never mind, I misunderstood. I'm still waiting for mine to get sent from USCIS to the NVC)

Edited by Crumulent, 31 December 2013 - 01:06 AM.

CrumulentMaleCanada2013-12-31 01:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY! After almost a year our case arrived at the NVC! :)

Yes, we got the hardcopy a few days after the email.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-15 13:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY! After almost a year our case arrived at the NVC! :)

For those who may be going through the same thing. Do you have any advice on what could be done to try and get things going again?


I've been waiting 7 weeks and counting for my NOA2 to be forwarded, and nobody can seem to give us an answer on where our case is. The thought of this taking a year is terrible. I can't imagine how much stress and frustration you must have gone through.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-15 00:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVaccination question

The vaccination can be done by her primary doctor. As long as they give her documentation showing that she received it.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-15 14:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs it too early to start calling the NVC?

Wow that's awful. I had my share of a nightmare with the USCIS so know how incompetent they are. Do you have a congressman's office or a senators office involved in your case?


Not yet, I don't think we're likely to get much help there. But our case has been escalated within the USCIS, hopefully they can find something out.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-14 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs it too early to start calling the NVC?

They've lost mine.


My Fiancee called the USCIS today and spent 3 hours on hold to try and find out something. They're contacting the Texas centre to investigate because nobody knows where my case is...

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-14 16:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC case number

That's the next step, but we're waiting for the timeframe from our last USCIS call to elapse.


We're over 'normal' processing times, but they won't do anything until you're wayyy over.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-23 21:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC case number

You too eh? I wonder what, if anything, our cases have in common? (Other than being lost in the system) Or if it's coincidence.


My USC fiancee called USCIS and (eventually) spoke to a tier 2 person, who told us they'll call back within 15 days. I doubt they'll call back, but we're waiting on that timeframe.


I also emailed (and included a copy of the NOA2 form), after a week and a half I got a reply stating they don't have it, and to wait at least 8 weeks. Which was sent on the 8 week mark.


The best/worst was when I called the DoS, the agent told me it takes months and that it Never gets there in less than 8 weeks. When I tried to explain that the timelines here prove otherwise, he told me he 'didn't want to get into a thing here', but there's nothing he could do and I had to wait.



CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-23 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDo you think my petition lost ?!!!?

Any news Blossomman999?


My Fiancee called USCIS again today, and was told they mailed a letter to her yesterday that says "we are in the process of forwarding your file to the NVC; please allow two weeks for it to reach them and be processed in their system."


I won't believe it until I get a case number, but that's a new development for us.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-28 18:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports9th week, No Case# & letter states "Forwarded to Consulate"

My cases status on the USCIS site has finally changed from 'On November 27th we approved..." to



On January 30, 2014, we shipped this approved or re-affirmed case to the Department of State for visa processing. For more information, please contact them directly.


CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-30 12:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports9th week, No Case# & letter states "Forwarded to Consulate"

My NOA2 said that as well, but still hasn't arrived. They're supposed to be resending mine now.


I asked about the wording on the NOA2 as well, and the rep I spoke with said he was pretty sure that the phrasing on it is just a form letter they send out and not really a statement of fact.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-29 13:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIt's overdue now NVC ............... bastard!!!

They say it can take up to 60 days, but it shouldn't and usually doesn't. I've been looking at timelines and 10 days is closer to the norm. I'm not even going to try to call the NVC until friday.


Although, after what you and I have both been through already, nothing would surprise me.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-02-04 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHelp re: DS-160

Since the tool to check your case status is offline this weekend for site maintenance, it's' possible that submitting the DS-160 form is affected as well.



CrumulentMaleCanada2014-02-17 01:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnce approved where do you check for status of delivery?

Any news Lights? My status switched to Issued on Monday, and this morning it showed the Waybill number on the CSC site and Loomis sent me an email as well.


Around noon Loomis called and said I could come get it. I'm going to go tomorrow.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-06 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOnce approved where do you check for status of delivery?

I had my interview yesterday, she told me that Loomis would contact me either by phone or by email when they received my Visa.


I think (I vaguely remember other threads about this) it's common for the status to say Ready at this point, either because they're passing it around as they're processing it, or because they don't change it. Mine now says;


Administrative Processing

Application ID or Case Number: VAC20145----- 01 VAC

Case Creation Date: 02-May-2014

Status Updated Date: 02-May-2014


Edited by Crumulent, 02 May 2014 - 08:28 PM.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-02 20:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reports***Timeline- You are doing it wrong!***

Ok, maybe you're not.  Then again, maybe you are.  Or maybe you aren't doing it at all.... which is still wrong.






Or maybe who cares, because the timeline system is broken and prevents updates for people who got stuck in the process.

Edited by Crumulent, 07 May 2014 - 11:48 PM.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-07 23:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsEmployer Letter- Necessary?

That's a hard question to answer. At my interview they asked me for everything I had. She wasn't specific about what I need (other than the affidavit itself) didn't tell give me any feedback about what was or wasn't needed.


If you have a years worth of payroll deposits up to the most recent one, that would probably satisfy them. I imagine the letter is more pertinent to someone who hasn't held their current job very long.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-12 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers?

Not us.  I called and was told by the nice gentleman on the other end of the phone that the Texas Service Center is getting behind on their work.  Our NOA1 was November 7 and lots of others have already been approved for NOA2's.


Oh well, just another day in paradise (sarcasm intended). ClockWatch2.gif


Reallllllllly behind... At least, I hope that's the problem. I'm beginning to think mine got lost.



But when I got my NOA2 approval, the email came around 6:15pm Eastern time

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-13 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers?

Looking at her posts history they kept checking the interview dates and were able to jump from April to January. That explains part of it. The rest can be explained by the fact that she's from the Philippines, and they've been expediting some of those cases (without being asked) after the Typhoon.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-06 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 filers?

I think they've taken an extended holiday. They haven't been forwarding approved ones on either.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-01-04 15:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2013 Filers

Approved! ! !


Had my interview this morning! I'll post reviews of it all this weekend most likely.

CrumulentMaleCanada2014-05-01 22:01:00