K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny filipina same with me?

If your daughter has a US passport (which I believe she is entitled to) how does that prevent her ability to leave Thailand?
I believe if she has a US passport she doesn't need a visa to enter the US.

Reverse psychology:
Does your daughter need her father's consent to reside in Thailand?
No because she is filipina and you are her mother.
The US ignores dual nationality, but should honor a US passport as US citizens can enter without visas
and are permanent residents by definition.
My 2 daughters who are under 21 have BOTH Japanese & US passports.
When traveling, in the US they never show the Japanese one and in Japan they never show the US one.

If she doesn't have an actual US passport yet, you should be able to contact the US consulate regarding
how to go about getting one.

No she doesnt have a US passport thats why the embassy wants me to get her one. And the requirements for getting her a US passport, i cant find. Coz needs the fathers documents.

We are not residing here in thailand but in US.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-19 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAny filipina same with me?
Just want to ask for some filipinas who might have the same situation with me.

I am a filipina but currently here in Thailand.

A single mother of 1 daughter. She is half filipina and american. Her father, signed her birth certificate and shes using her fathers family name now. Applying for K1 and K2 visa but needs fathers consent or CRBA. How did you do that? But cant have them.

Please let me know. Thank you
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-19 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

It doesn't matter if she was from MARS, the father is a USC and she is trying to bring that child, to the US, so he could make more trouble for her here if he chooses to. Before you start shouting and assuming, making as #### your self, she MUST follow the US laws if she wishes to bring that child here.

She didn't interview in the PHIL, so that's a mute point, she interviewed in Manila, and they have made their request.

According to Ann, this jerk has married a cousin in the family, so the family didn't think he was a jerk, They have welcomed him with open arms. Maybe this has something to say about the entire family...LMAO.

Do you know that some families never cared just because of what they can get. Well, thats there family. They knew he was from me but they see the future side of what they can get from him and they do really get it. Commercial building, 1 million car, lands, good life.. thats what they they get.. yes they maybe a relative of ours, i should say like 10 times far.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 11:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

I disagreed with your assertions in that thread and still do but it had nothing to do with transferring a case after interview. Also, in that thread, the OP did not disclose that the child's father was a US Citizen. If you'll read carefully, the issue is that Bangkok won't issue a K2 visa for a child they think is entitled to US Citizenship until a CRBA is denied. If the CRBA is applied for and denied, they will issue the K2 visa without the father's permission, just as I said they would in the past thread.

I have a question for you. How did you know that Bangkok won't issue a K2 visa for a child they think is entitled to US citizenship until a CRBA is denied? Do you know where I can read that? Please let me know. THank you so much for the help.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help
Thank you again specially for those who truly understands what we are going through.

Since its week-ends, its too hard to communicate with people. My boyfriend and I decided to go through this and never give up. The best after all because he is not giving up and he said, we will do this together.

Our thoughts with this since some have different ideas about this issues but one thing could really answer us are immigration lawyers. But we thought maybe we could call:

1. US embassy in Philippines - maybe in some ways, they know of other ways but im not sure if we could communicate with them.
2. US embassy in Thailand - dont know if could call or ask them but I remember so far that when I asked the one who gave me the interview about, what if I cant get hold with the father? She said, just try and if not, they will do it. NOt really sure what it meant as I wasn't able to ask her back because she was a strict and I was nervous at that time.
3. Seek an immigration lawyer.
4. Trying to communicate with my ex. Actually I sent him an email and he did reply now but he was asking for $10,000 dollars for my daughters fathers consent. But still trying to let him think that he will just do it even for my daughters sake. He knows his health and he almost died. So we dont know why he wont give it to my daughter.

Also, reading the instructions for Consular Report of Birth Abroad, it says that:

"Please note that Embassy of Bangkok can approve or deny CRBA applicants only for a children born in Thailand. If a child was born in another country, we can collect the application and supporting documents and forward them to the US embassy in that country for adjudication."

So if ever we file for the CRBA, do you think possible to do it in PHilippines? And if yes, if we just report it only showing the acknowledgement of the father and no other documents? do you think it would be possible even though it would be denied. Coz I remember too that the US embassy in Thailand said that if her application would be denied, we can go back to the K2 visa. I know its confusing thats why we are totally confused now.

Does anyone knows if its possible to call the US embassy here in Thailand or Philippines and ask more information for our situation?
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help
Thank you all for your individual ideas.

First, this would be about my daughters father. If you are a father and mother, you always thinks for whats best with your child, no matter who your ex was, what happened between the two of you, its between the father and the child or the mother and the child. Possible reasons I could think why he wont do it, because he always tell me that we belong to him. For what, he has a wife already and I am not that person who wants to have a husband who has two wives. I also want and need of a loving husband that only have me in my life and of course accept my daughter. If to run for support, I already told him, we can have an agreement. For years already, I take care of my child. Maybe some people don't know how to think of others but only think for themselves. Well, yes, I can't do anything because its his decision.

About my child leaving. I asked that one because we thought of something but figured out still wont work. You know when things go wrong, you have to try to think some other options, some ways, but then trying to research, still wont work. Others may judge me for being bad of thinking or might leave my daughter. Heres one thing I tell you. Do you know how many filipinos work abroad and have their families or children left behind in PHilippines? I came here to Thailand to work and even I know it wont be easy for me to have my child and only me leave here in Thailand without knowing someone or have a family or relatives here, I still bring her here for us to be together. I may not be a perfect mom, but I have been alot with this that I always say, me and my daughter against the world. And one of the many reasons why my boyfriend loves me because how he sees me and my daughter together.

Yes we made some mistakes and I truly admits that. thinking like some other women from Philippines that were able to leave the country with their child without the fathers consent, would make us too, specially thinking that I was able to bring my daughter here in Thailand without the father in the picture. I am not that smart to know every thing in this world.

But anyways, thanks for your posts here. Some were harsh and judgmentals but thats what people think. Do you know what hurts alot, when you knew you found the man you want to spend the rest of your life but only at the end you would know you cant be together. I guess everyone heres are married to someone from different countries. You know that you would do everything for both of you to be together because you love each other and wants to be a family.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-20 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

If you would be willing to abandon your daughter I would break off the engagement...period, no questions asked if you even suggested it.

You need permission from the father, your daughter has claim to US citizenship, which you have not excerised, clearly because her interests are second place to yours. She is not eligible for a visa because she doesnt need one. You should have gotten the letter from the father before your current US citizen petitioner filed the petition. You and your fiance have failed to prepare for your circumstances. Now you have failed to get a is entirely predictable.

At this point, I would say, go back and do this right. I know that will sound cruel and harsh because it is not what you want to hear, but it is what you should have done many months ago, you didn't because you are selfish and wanted this to go quickly. It didn't. It won't. stop wasting time.

Let this visa application die. Say goodbye to this application, it is far too messed up by improper handling.

File the CRBA papers for your daughter. Put your child first like good parents should do, your fiance will go along with this if he is a guy worth marrying. Men worth marrying put children first before thier interest, or I should say...children ARE their interest. Get her a US passport. Get hold of her ftaher and get a permission with it like an adult. Then file another petition for a K-1 visa.

Some point you are right but in some point, you cant judge in that way. We were not selfish that we filed so quickly, actually been many months since we started and we tried to search about her. If I could just get her a US passport, I could have done it since in the beginning, but what can i do? i am not the one with the US citizen that I can just go and file, I need the fathers help and with out his help, theres nothing I can. And if the father cared, he would do it, but he never cared because some people are too selfish. So, i think the next time you judge a person so harsh and cruel, try to know everything first. yes, I asked about leaving my daughter but it wasnt that way coz we thought of another plan. But yes, if I can just give her that one, the requirements, I have done that since the beginning... But theres nothing I can do if the father wont.. SO TRY NOT TO BE HARSH BEFORE YOU HURT SOMEONE...
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-20 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

Ok, I think I get it...

Ann is a Philippine national.

She has a daughter from a previous relationship with a US Citizen.

Baby-Daddy is a real jerk-hole and wants to prevent Ann from getting to the US so he won't cooperate with CRBA or sign travel consent.


Where was the baby born? is she a Philippine Citizen also?

Check the links in my signature. If the baby is Philippine Citizen then you have Sole Custody as she was born out of wedlock.

Return to the Philippines & see if you can transfer your case to the US Embassy in Manila. This won't be a problem there.

Ok to understand more. When my ex boyfriend and I broke up, he was a bit crazy I guess. He is married now to one of my relative but his acting strange. He always tell me that my daughter and I are always his. Yes, even though how many times tried to let him understand but still wont listen. Thats him from that start. But my daughter is using his family name coz he acknowledge her on the birth certificate.

So, I met this boyfriend of mine now and we applied for fiance visa. I even wrote a letter and print and highlighted the one you said but yes, I dont know whats wrong. Last night, my boyfriend and I decided to really work this out but never leave my daughter behind because he knows, this wont make me happy living there.

Coz I asked the consulate what if I can't have the requirements for CRBA, then she said, just try and if you are denied, she goes with K2 visa and dont get US passport. Yes I do understand that she can have her US passport right away, but what if not and just use the Philippine passport?

Where do you think I could find answers on how to change embassy from here in Thailand to Philippines?

Thank you and hope to get more replies concerning this.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-19 21:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

From what you've said, it sounds like you need both items listed on the 221(g) notice.

Your daughter has a US citizen father, so she has a claim to US citizenship. Because of this, she needs a US passport, and not a visa to the US. You don't necessarily need the father's cooperation to file the CRBA. You need to prove who the father is (the signed birth certificate is a BIG help), and you need to prove the father is a US citizen. If you can prove these things, then your daughter's US citizenship will be recognized, and she'll get a US passport.

That's half the battle...

Next, you need the father's permission for her to move permanently to the US, even though she is a US citizen. As far as the consulate is concerned, the father could be living in the Philippines (or Thailand), and may not WANT his daughter moving to the US. They need confirmation from him that this is ok.

If you can find your daughter's father you can probably clear up both of these fairly quickly, presuming he'll cooperate. If not, you'll either have to leave your daughter behind, or give up your own visa and stay with her.

Im trying to see what are the possible solutions before I make my final decision.

If, I leave my daughter, do we have to apply again or what do we have to do if we just cancel the k2 visa. And is there a possible way for her to immigrate maybe years after?
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-19 06:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

you are not Thai citizen? ok.

is only one child? ok.

in order for that child to come with you -
you must get both of these things.

I must assume father is USCitizen, if the Embassy is asking for CRBA for the child.

Yes, father is a US Citizen.

Do you know if i can just go and maybe leave my daughter in Philippines coz I am from Philippines
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-18 22:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

this smells like 2 children -

one with the former husband, that child a Thai citizen,
and the 2nd with current USC husband.

The 2nd child needs CRBA.

The first needs consent from ex-husband.

If I've missed it, then repost exactly what it says on the 221(g) form.

Good Luck !

Thank you. Here it is for you to understand.

I am not married to my daughters father but he signed the birth certificate of my daughter. Then we broke up and after that, i came here to thailand and met my boyfriend now.

It says that this office regrets to inform you that it is unable to issue a visa to you because you have been found ineligible to receive a visa under section 221(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act which prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone whose application does not comply with the provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act or regulations issued pursuant thereto. Further consideration will be given to your visa application after you obtain and present the documents listed below.. And the documents i need to present is this 2.

What do you think?
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-18 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help

Is the child's father the petitioning US citizen or a US citizen? If so #1 applies, as the child is a US citizen and must be issued a US passport before travel. If not, then #2 applies, and it looks like there isn't a way around that. Some do not require the consent of the non-custodial parent, but it seems that this is what the consulate is requesting from you. Are you not able to obtain #2 from your child's father?

No, its not my daughters father who is petitioning US citizen. The father wont give a consent and my daughter is using her family name coz her father signed at her birth certificate too.

No, its not my daughters father who is petitioning US citizen. The father wont give a consent and my daughter is using her family name coz her father signed at her birth certificate too.

What if I cant make the 2 and I would just leave my daughter and maybe try to find a way later. do you think its possible? what would I do to change our papers?
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-18 22:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresurgent help
Hi. I have my interview today and they gave me i think this is called refusal letter and i need to accomplish this one. We were not given our visa because of my daughters situation.

1. Please make an appointment with American Citizen Service to apply for a certificate of report of birth abroad and a USA passport for your daughter.
2. Please have the child's biological father write a statement granting consent for the child to emigrate to the USA.

Does anyone knows what are the possible ways to continue our process without this two?
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-18 21:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Ideas please

I think you mean "abduct".

Yes countries protect the rights of parents. However, this child was born to an unwed Filipina, in the PI. Under Philippine law, the mother has full custody. As a US Citizen, the father might have the ability to sue for certain parental rights and perhaps succeed but since that is not the issue at hand, it really is not relevant at this time.

Consular Officers in Bangkok know the mother has full custody and doesn't need the father's permission to obtain a K2 visa. The issue is all about whether the child is eligible for US Citizenship instead of a K2 visa. They have ordered that this issue be resolved prior to issuing the K2 visa. As Ann earlier wrote in another thread, "2. US embassy in Thailand - dont know if could call or ask them but I remember so far that when I asked the one who gave me the interview about, what if I cant get hold with the father? She said, just try and if not, they will do it. NOt really sure what it meant as I wasn't able to ask her back because she was a strict and I was nervous at that time." which if accurate, indicates Ann can file the DS-2029 indicating her inability to obtain the needed supporting documents from the USC father.

Other data previously posted indicates Bangkok would then send the application to the PI (country of the child's birth and USC parent's residence) for processing. This processing would include the Consulate contacting the US Citizen for the needed documentation. Once the CRBA process is complete the child will either be issued a US passport or found ineligible for US Citizenship. With a US passport, no K2 visa is required. If the child is found ineligible for US Citizenship, the notice indicating this would be presented to the Consular IV unit in Bangkok, where a K2 visa would be issued if the child is otherwise eligible for derivative status through the K1 applicant.

It seems to me that Ann is looking for a way around this. I can certainly understand such a desire, since it is likely to be a time consuming and potentially expensive process. However, it's my considered advice that she's better off getting on with the CRBA instead of looking for ways around it, as Bangkok has clearly stated there will be no K2 visa until the issue of the child's eligibility for US Citizenship is sorted out.

Thank you PUSHBRK for the information.
Yes, we really are going to seek for immigration attorney but since it was week-end, can't help stop thinking of this situation and was thinking to hear some ideas for people who might have the same situations with mine. Who knows, there are billions in this world, maybe atleast 2 or 3 have the same situation of mine.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Ideas please

I'm not at all sure the Consulate is concerned about his rights as a parent. They might be but they are certainly concerned about whether the child is entitled to US Citizenship and want to determine that before treating the child like a foreigner by issuing a K2 visa.

Yes but we are thinking that we can't file the CRBA without his help. All the requirements comes from him, not from me. Thinking that, I cant get to file the CRBA or fathers consent because he wants 10,000 dollars. JUST OUR THOUGHTS. MAYBE WRONG.
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed Ideas please
Okey, I need to put this in a new thread.

YOu know I need to ask for fathers consent and the CRBA.

What would you do if you ask for fathers consent and your ex would reply you by asking 10,000 in exchange for the fathers consent?

Can that be a thing for them to see that he nevered cared for his daughter? Can I just send his email to the US consulate proving what kind of father he is? Or is there other way proving what kind of father he is...
Ann25FemalePhilippines2010-03-21 11:49:00