Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Congrats Charles & Nessa!! kicking.gif
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2009-04-15 11:55:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
Hello Subbies.
My first time to post here
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2009-04-01 12:25:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
rose.gif God's with you and your family during this time. Take Heart.
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2009-03-20 11:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanUS Embassy Nairobi Interview Experience
Congrats. :thumbs: She is here that is all that matters
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2010-10-21 07:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanI asked him to leave. Best decision ever...

I'm utterly shocked ! Be strong MAO. It takes courage, strength and deep conviction to walk out of a loveless marriage. Hope you find peace and strength

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-11-16 15:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanIt's over


shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2013-06-19 22:16:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

@Aus077 Good Luck !!

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2014-01-01 16:30:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Hi Aus077,

I think you if your fiance(e) says it was part of the engagement ceremony , you will be fine. This is just my opinion .. Thanks

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2013-12-15 22:02:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

True.... It's your month mrsaloto. I'm positive that all will be well and soon you'll be together



Very helpful, thank you so much. David is traveling to Nairobi on the 14th, medical scheduled for the 16th, and interview on the 24th. July is our month! I can't wait to have this month fly by and then my hubby will be home in my arms! Good luck on Wilson's interview Wednesday. I'll be praying for you both.


shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2013-07-11 15:00:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

Congrats !!


I am so happy.....yeah smile.png)))))) dancin5hr.gifjust called NVC...and do I have the greatest news to share..... Case complete as of yesterday per the operator ....Alhamdulilah (Thank you Allah)..........Now just waiting for the CC email...then it is onto waiting for an interview date...Nairobi embassy ... please give me an august interview...(Please Allah make this happen In shaa Allah)......Good luck to everyone on their journey. 


shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2013-07-11 14:57:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hongera!! :dance:


I'll post a longer review from Aaron soon, but in general, it went really well. He got a (the?) blonde lady, and said that the interview lasted only 3 minutes and that she never looked at any of the documentation/photos he brought (i.e. she seemed to have already decided before seeing him). We are so relieved & happy!

:star: :dance: :star:

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-11-16 15:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Karibu Nyumbani!!
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-10-21 22:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

* First, you'll want to make sure that your beneficiary has all his/her paperwork in order (passport, police certificate, birth certificate) and that you have a good start on gathering your own paperwork for the I-134 (tax records, employment records).

* Then (optional: you'll get a notice in the mail eventually if you wait), about a week after your NOA2 notice, start calling NVC to ask whether they have your case now. They will want your receipt#, and if after you provide that, if they start asking for your and the beneficiary's names/DOBs/etc., then they have it and will give you the case # (NRB______) and also maybe tell you when it will be sent to Nairobi. (They may also tell you it's not there, in which case ignore what NVC says about 1 month or whatever and call back a day or two later.)

* Once they've sent it, (also optional! the embassy will contact the beneficiary when they have the petition, but it can take a while, or they can claim they emailed and yet no one ever receives anything) you can try to locate and track your probable petition package through DHL (search VJ for "DHL tracking" to find a thread that explains this) so that you'll know when it arrives at the embassy.

* If you are able to find out when it arrives (or if a week or two go by and you haven't heard anything), then you can email the embassy to ask whether they have it (provide both of your names and birthdates along with the NRB_____ case number).

* When they confirm, you can pay the visa fee, which will then give you access to the online scheduling system.

* After you schedule the interview date (warning: when we scheduled in mid-September, the earliest available dates were November, and I saw an IR-1/CR-1 applicant on VJ yesterday saying that there were no available dates at all at this point [not sure if they have the same pool of appointments as K-1 people, though], so something weird is going on with interview dates right now), you can email the people who schedule the medical exams to ask for a date 3+ days before the interview. (And that's as far as we've gotten, so I'll let someone else chime in for the rest.)

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-09-30 20:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
:thumbs: Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference - Winston Churchill

Thanks all for your support!

The blonde lady isn't so ugly after all, I'm actually liking her. lol. She expedited the visa pickup! And I got it today :dance: :dance: , 3 days after the interview. The things you can do with a huge smile and good attitude.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-09-14 16:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Good luck Cotton Candy. You will be fine .

Congrats Anne & Nick :dance: :dance: :dance:
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-09-07 15:43:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congrats G & Oxy!!

:dance: :dance: VISA APPROVED on August 22, 2012 :dance: :dance:
Everything went well :thumbs: Below is an overview of my medical exam (August 9 and 10, 2012) and interview.

Day 1 – After a brief counseling and once you have signed a consent form, your medical/vaccination history will be taken to enable them determine the requisite vaccinations. On vaccinations, the doctor/nurse at IOM will determine the ones you'll need based on your age, gender, country and any prior vaccinations. If you have any vaccination record/letter, bring it with you.

Medical examination costs $138 or Kshs 11,476 exclusive of vaccination fee. The lady recommended 4 vaccines for me as I couldn't trace my childhood vaccination/immunization record. MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) - $26 or Kshs 2,162, Influenza ($28 or Kshs 2,328), Varicella ($54 or Kshs 4,491) and Dultravax ($32 or Kshs 2,661). The total costs for medical examination plus vaccinations = Kshs 23,119 (approximately $280). Once payment is made at their cash office, you will be called to the laboratory for a blood test. You will then be taken (in batches in IOM van) to the nearby ‘The Nairobi Hospital’ for an x-ray. After the x-ray, you are free to leave. You may ask the IOM driver to drive you back to IOM or you can find your way home/to the hotel from The Nairobi Hospital. Day 2 appointment is at 7.30am.

Day 2 - A nurse will take your detailed medical history/information and perform the usual body weight and height measurements, heart beat rate/blood pressure and eye test. The doctor will then do a body exam and he’ll let you know the outcome of your medicals. You will then be given your x-ray – they confirmed that you do not have to carry this for your visa interview. It must be carried as hand luggage as it may be required at POE. You will thereafter have the prescribed vaccinations and a Vaccination Documentation Worksheet issued to you.

Your medical results will be sent by IOM to the Embassy. I inquired from the doctor how long it takes for the results to get to the Embassy and he said that it may take at least between 24 hours to 3 days or more in some cases.

We were scheduled for Wednesday, August 22 at 7.15am. Although my fiancé was in the country, we decided that he would not accompany me to the Embassy but he would be on stand-by in case something came up. I did not want to get worried about him being outside the gate in the event that he was not allowed to accompany me inside. It really helped that he was just a stone throw away. My fiancé’s presence and support really boosted my confidence :luv:

I went through all security checks and eventually picked a number inside the consul area. You must have your Appointment confirmation email and passport to pass through all the security checks. There were not so many people inside so I was lucky to find a seat inside the consulate area as it was freezing outside. The people who came in after me had to wait outside for their numbers to be called out through the intercom. My number was called to Window 5 where a pleasant lady asked for the following documents, one by one: Two DS 156, two DS 156K, two DS 230 Part 1 only, 3 passport pics, Affidavit of Support (without any supporting evidence), original and a copy of my birth certificate, police certificate. She confirmed to me that she did not require our I-134 supporting documents, letter of continued support/updated letter of intent or any additional documents. We were well prepared just in case and we even had an extra copy of everything including our petition to USCIS. Ensure that your police certificate has a fingerprints report from the police attached to it. Another interviewee who did not have her fingerprint report was told to send the fingerprints form by DHL.

I was then called to Window 1 for fingerprinting. At 10.15am, my number was called and i went to Window 10 (a male consul officer – very nice and friendly). I agree with Jill’s earlier comment that by the time of the interview, the consulate has already made its decision and the interview is just a formality which can either confirm or revoke their decision. When I went to Window 10, the CO had stepped out for a minute and our file was open on his desk (I could see the document on top had been stamped approved! :yes: I do not think this is the NOA2 approval as the documents that I submitted at Window 5 were filed below it). The CO returned and on top of my folders and binder, was Robert Allen's Crazy Laws Lawsuits which I was reading prior to being called to the window. The CO was so pleasant, he saw the book and asked which book it was and then he told me he was also reading something on law - Mediocre/medieval law. :wow: We had something in common – we were both reading crazy legal stuff! He asked what kind of work i did and i told him i'm a lawyer, then he laughed and jokingly said 'ummmh, yours will be tricky because I cannot tell when to believe a lawyer...' I took an oath and confirmed to him that '...we lawyers understand the consequence of any statements made on oath and the dire consequence for any he better believe me.' I guess I was asked very simple questions because my fiancé had neatly arranged and frontloaded everything with our petition. The CO didn't ask to see any of the I134 supporting documents I had with me or any other documents.

1. When did you meet your fiance?
2. Where does your fiancé work?
3. How old are you? Your fiancé?
4. How many times has he visited you? fact he is currently in the country!! He actually believed a lawyer without asking me for any evidence of my fiance’s presence!!

He asked to see our photos. As he flipped through our album, one pic of my fiancé and I specifically caught his has the background of the beautiful Shimba Hills Lodge and the CO inquired which part of Kenya that was as he had never seen such a beautiful place.

He then told me that I was approved and handed me a green letter/slip with instructions on how to collect my visa from DHL in a week. The interview took less than 10 minutes. We are so excited to be done with this stage. My experience was a pleasant one.

Thank you all for your support and advice. To all those going through this process, do not hesitate to ask any questions. My fiancé and I wish you a smooth process in your visa journey.

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 29 August 2012 - 08:49 PM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-08-29 20:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!

:dance: :dance: VISA APPROVED on August 22, 2012 :dance: :dance:
Everything went well :thumbs: Below is an overview of my medical exam (August 9 and 10, 2012) and interview.

Day 1 – After a brief counseling and once you have signed a consent form, your medical/vaccination history will be taken to enable them determine the requisite vaccinations. On vaccinations, the doctor/nurse at IOM will determine the ones you'll need based on your age, gender, country and any prior vaccinations. If you have any vaccination record/letter, bring it with you.

Medical examination costs $138 or Kshs 11,476 exclusive of vaccination fee. The lady recommended 4 vaccines for me as I couldn't trace my childhood vaccination/immunization record. MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) - $26 or Kshs 2,162, Influenza ($28 or Kshs 2,328), Varicella ($54 or Kshs 4,491) and Dultravax ($32 or Kshs 2,661). The total costs for medical examination plus vaccinations = Kshs 23,119 (approximately $280). Once payment is made at their cash office, you will be called to the laboratory for a blood test. You will then be taken (in batches in IOM van) to the nearby ‘The Nairobi Hospital’ for an x-ray. After the x-ray, you are free to leave. You may ask the IOM driver to drive you back to IOM or you can find your way home/to the hotel from The Nairobi Hospital. Day 2 appointment is at 7.30am.

Day 2 - A nurse will take your detailed medical history/information and perform the usual body weight and height measurements, heart beat rate/blood pressure and eye test. The doctor will then do a body exam and he’ll let you know the outcome of your medicals. You will then be given your x-ray – they confirmed that you do not have to carry this for your visa interview. It must be carried as hand luggage as it may be required at POE. You will thereafter have the prescribed vaccinations and a Vaccination Documentation Worksheet issued to you.

Your medical results will be sent by IOM to the Embassy. I inquired from the doctor how long it takes for the results to get to the Embassy and he said that it may take at least between 24 hours to 3 days or more in some cases.

We were scheduled for Wednesday, August 22 at 7.15am. Although my fiancé was in the country, we decided that he would not accompany me to the Embassy but he would be on stand-by in case something came up. I did not want to get worried about him being outside the gate in the event that he was not allowed to accompany me inside. It really helped that he was just a stone throw away. My fiancé’s presence and support really boosted my confidence :luv:

I went through all security checks and eventually picked a number inside the consul area. You must have your Appointment confirmation email and passport to pass through all the security checks. There were not so many people inside so I was lucky to find a seat inside the consulate area as it was freezing outside. The people who came in after me had to wait outside for their numbers to be called out through the intercom. My number was called to Window 5 where a pleasant lady asked for the following documents, one by one: Two DS 156, two DS 156K, two DS 230 Part 1 only, 3 passport pics, Affidavit of Support (without any supporting evidence), original and a copy of my birth certificate, police certificate. She confirmed to me that she did not require our I-134 supporting documents, letter of continued support/updated letter of intent or any additional documents. We were well prepared just in case and we even had an extra copy of everything including our petition to USCIS. Ensure that your police certificate has a fingerprints report from the police attached to it. Another interviewee who did not have her fingerprint report was told to send the fingerprints form by DHL.

I was then called to Window 1 for fingerprinting. At 10.15am, my number was called and i went to Window 10 (a male consul officer – very nice and friendly). I agree with Jill’s earlier comment that by the time of the interview, the consulate has already made its decision and the interview is just a formality which can either confirm or revoke their decision. When I went to Window 10, the CO had stepped out for a minute and our file was open on his desk (I could see the document on top had been stamped approved! :yes: I do not think this is the NOA2 approval as the documents that I submitted at Window 5 were filed below it). The CO returned and on top of my folders and binder, was Robert Allen's Crazy Laws Lawsuits which I was reading prior to being called to the window. The CO was so pleasant, he saw the book and asked which book it was and then he told me he was also reading something on law - Mediocre/medieval law. :wow: We had something in common – we were both reading crazy legal stuff! He asked what kind of work i did and i told him i'm a lawyer, then he laughed and jokingly said 'ummmh, yours will be tricky because I cannot tell when to believe a lawyer...' I took an oath and confirmed to him that '...we lawyers understand the consequence of any statements made on oath and the dire consequence for any he better believe me.' I guess I was asked very simple questions because my fiancé had neatly arranged and frontloaded everything with our petition. The CO didn't ask to see any of the I134 supporting documents I had with me or any other documents.

1. When did you meet your fiance?
2. Where does your fiancé work?
3. How old are you? Your fiancé?
4. How many times has he visited you? fact he is currently in the country!! He actually believed a lawyer without asking me for any evidence of my fiance’s presence!!

He asked to see our photos. As he flipped through our album, one pic of my fiancé and I specifically caught his has the background of the beautiful Shimba Hills Lodge and the CO inquired which part of Kenya that was as he had never seen such a beautiful place.

He then told me that I was approved and handed me a green letter/slip with instructions on how to collect my visa from DHL in a week. The interview took less than 10 minutes. We are so excited to be done with this stage. My experience was a pleasant one.

Thank you all for your support and advice. To all those going through this process, do not hesitate to ask any questions. My fiancé and I wish you a smooth process in your visa journey.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-08-29 20:48:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Goodluck Afoyaswa
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-08-23 22:06:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Goodluck Katie & Sifa

Welcome Jean & Sam! :)

Started pulling out all of our accumulated stuff for Removal of Conditions tonight...uggggh. I'm out of practice with all of this! Haha. Hoping for a smooth process :)

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-07-20 17:31:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Welcome Jean & Sam

Hey guys, am new in this thread and found it great. we still on our noa2 and we're going for CR1. embassy is nairobi. am from rwanda. How much cost the medicals in nairobi?

Congrats Cotton :dance: :dance:

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 16 July 2012 - 11:43 AM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-07-16 11:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
You will be approved soon. Just hang in there.The process is quite stressful but its worth it!


It's quiet here. We are still waiting for NOA2. 159 days since NOA1. :(

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 26 June 2012 - 10:52 PM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-06-26 22:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congrats G & Oxy :dance:

Hi all,

We received our NOA2 on June 8, 2012 (email and text) :dance:

Well, i've read all the posts here from page 1 and really appreciate the invaluable information and detailed accounts of interview experiences. I guess I am now equipped with the requisite information for the next process :thumbs: I feel encouraged by your unwavering support for each other (especially to us newbies/junior members) and i'll not hesitate to ask any questions i may have.

Thank you for the great wealth of information.


shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-06-12 15:49:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Cotton Candy

Good luck and as others have said be well prepared!

Thanks for the encouragement. I really want this to be over. NOA2 will be around this week. God willing.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-06-06 17:18:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congrats Nyatelo!!

hi guys,im sorry i went missing for a while but iam back,not empty handed but with a good news,GOT MY VISAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can somebody help me scream.i love you guys and thx for everyone who has been following my story i really appreciate your emmotional help,especially to Jill.will be travelling on 5th june cant wait days are not moving whats going on!

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-06-01 21:15:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Welcome Anne.

I am sure you can do it as long as you have all your documents to support your case. Don't be nervous because that will work against you during the interview. I suggest you read through your petition and think through some of the questions posted here. Keep us posted and good luck in your visa journey :yes:

Hello Nairobi Embassy Thread,

My name is Ann and I just got to know about this about 2 weeks ago. I didn't know that a Nairobi thread existed before but I am so happy it does because it seems like the toughest embassy there is...

WOW! I have been reading this thread from the beginning and the emotion here is overwhelming, its like I was there with everyone every step of the way and it is awesome how you can feel so much for people on here. Thank you everyone for the support you have given each other and I hope, you guys can be there for me as well...

We filed our petition in January this year and are hoping for approval in mid June. So we have started looking at what we need for the next step that's why I ended up here and I must say,i'm officially scared. My heart is in my mouth literally with this whole process especially for this step coming up...I think we have all we need but i can't help but feel something is missing...

I don't think my fiance will be able to make it for the interview because he has work and school...I am really scared of the blonde woman and I hope she doesn't interview me at all...I must say, before everything was a bit easy if i may use that and there were more approvals back then compared to today...There are approvals but with more hoops to jump through...I guess I'm just scared and since my fiance wont be here, makes my nerves a wreck...I am looking forward to the NOA2. I know this is the only way we get to be together but I wonder why they have to make it so hard on people who love and care about each other :(

Anyway, i will keep you posted on my journey but for now, we are waiting, waiting and hoping and waiting that our NOA2 comes on time as we gather all the paperwork/documents we will need...this is a great thread and thank you all for helping each other out. God bless each one of you and God see me through and others yet to come on this stressful and emotional roller coaster ride. We all should keep trusting him and hoping for the best.

Glory to God for everyone who has made it through this journey and Good luck and God speed on our side for those of us who are atill in this journey and those yet to come.

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 21 May 2012 - 06:01 PM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-05-21 18:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
wonderful :dance: :dance:

hi,friends my fiance got an email from the embassy stating that my visa will be ready for collection next week thursday iam so happy,and already parking as im posting this............................thax to you all who help in anyway they could through this journey i will keep in torch.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-05-21 17:47:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hold on there and be patient! I belive they are working on your case

thax to you guys,but do you think iam denied?i got an email today saying my visa is still processed so i should check at my applicant summery for the waybill this a green light?

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 14 May 2012 - 04:23 PM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-05-14 16:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I have been missing in action, but i am still here. Welcome to all newbies.Congratulations to all approvals. I know and still can remember that wonderful feeling of being approved. :yes:
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-04-15 12:41:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congratulations to KelseyGrace :dance:
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-02-21 15:42:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Dora sorry for the denial.
Have you fiance contact them by emails and phone calls. If that fails I suggest you consider other options such as marrying in Africa and filing(wife petition). If you need any further help, don't hesitate to contact us.

Intresting as i was looking at the dreaded 221G denial,it appears that the they wrote a wrong date on the slip.please advice me,i could still have another chance to reschedule based on this fact.

Guys what do you think?

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-02-05 10:22:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Dora Sorry to hear that your interview did not go well.

Stay calm, have your fiance contact the embassy immediately,( calls and emails).If you don't achieve any success, you two can go ahead and marry in Africa and have your fiance file for you as a wife. It may take an additional 6 - 12 months, but i think its worth it.

Intresting as i was looking at the dreaded 221G denial,it appears that the they wrote a wrong date on the slip.please advice me,i could still have another chance to reschedule based on this fact.

Guys what do you think?

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-02-05 10:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Happy New Year to all!
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2012-01-03 14:29:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
:dance: :dance: :dance: Ben and Jill
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-06-22 08:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I envy you, how i wish i could take time off( books), I'm done with the biometrics and i'm hoping all goes smoothly. Good luck and have a safe journey home.

Hi Shefellfromheaven,

We are getting old too! :) We applied for ROC at the end of May and received a receipt notice on Monday saying his resident status was extended for a year. We hope everything goes smoothly, but honestly, ever since going through all that stress getting the K1 visa, everything else seems so much easier! (L) (just the hole in the pocket-- they really hit you in the wallet don't they???) :angry:

We are also traveling back to Uganda next month for a visit with our 6 month year old daughter. I haven't been back in 2 years. So excited!!!

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-06-09 15:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
We are praying!! AMen

I am SO frustrated. We had our interview on May 26th and we STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR DHL PACKAGE!!!! I know there were two holidays since our interview (May 30th and June 1st, but STILL...)This is just heart-wrenching. I don't understand what is taking sooooooo long. I had to fly back to the states alone and changed my flights twice because we wanted so much to fly home together. And here we sit....waiting, and waiting, and WAITING. I am SO through with these people and this process!! It's pure torture. I have called the new call center, and they are of little help. I sent the Embassy an email yesterday inquiring about it and am still waiting to hear back. I am a very positive person, but I am really losing my patience at this point. They treated us TERRIBLY on the interview and now we are made to wait yet again. Please pray for us that we get our DHL package like NOW.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-06-09 15:51:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Thanks Nyosh

Hey Shefellfromheaven, surely time goes by fast. I wish you all the best in your ROC.
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-05-31 15:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congrats Ben and Jill
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-05-28 13:09:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Hi I Hope everyone is well.
It is time for paperwork again!It's startling how time flys! 2 years are gone ( I'm getting older).

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 12 May 2011 - 03:03 PM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-05-12 14:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
I think the embassy works Monday - Thursday.

Edited by shefellfromheaven, 14 April 2011 - 11:22 AM.

shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-04-14 11:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNairobi Embassy Thread!
Congrats xmasters and it nice to hear your friend from Mauritius got her visa! The Lord is faithful
shefellfromheavenFemaleKenya2011-04-14 09:25:00