United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I didn't think it would. I'm 17 stone and losing weight at the moment. Just wanted to be certain. Never had high blood pressure or anything medical.



What was your blood pressure the last time it was measured?  Are you able to monitor it at home?


I was overweight with white-coat hyper-tension last summer when I had my medical in London.  The first reading was above the allowed level - I think the level is 150/95 or so.  I asked the doctor if I could be allowed to sit quietly in an office and have it taken again in 30 minutes.  By that stage, I had calmed down and my blood pressure was 148/94 and I passed.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-09-01 16:00:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

About high blood pressure - note my post from last summer:


Anna Grant, on 31 Jul 2013 - 5:56 PM, said:snapback.png

I am technically overweight but she just said 'You know your BMI is ....'.  I said 'Yes, I know'.  My BP was above the allowed measure for my age and gender - I think it had raised to 158/105 by the end of the medical.  I did feel like saying 'You have prodded and poked me about - no wonder it's gone up instead of down.'  However, I know I get 'white coat hypertension' i.e. it raises when I'm in a doctor's surgery.  I asked her for another chance.  I know if I'm given 30 minutes of quietness, I can get it to go down.  It got down to the acceptable level and I was through.


I suggest that if yours is raised in the medical, to ask for some quiet time to see if it goes down.


However, since moving to the US my 'white coat' hypertension has developed into real hypertension.  I am under an awful lot of stress at the moment - my husband has some serious health issues, I have had employment issues and my mother passed away and I couldn't go back to the UK.  I registered with a doctor and am having some blood tests and an ECG to see what is going on with my blood pressure.  I have put on weight since arriving in the US, so the doctor has told me to lose weight and reduce my salt intake.


Whether this will be covered with health insurance will depend on your health insurance policy and it is wrong of that doctor at Knightsbridge to scare one of you by saying how much it costs to treat in the US.  There are many generic drugs which can help and do not cost the earth.  Most health insurance has a deductible (in the the UK, that would be called an excess).  You have to spend that amount of money a year before you can start using your health insurance.  Luckily, my policy pays out 'per visit' to the doctor - 'per test' for blood tests.  So, by shopping around, I have found that it is covering me fine for the moment.


So.  If you do manage to get through the Embassy medical with 'whit coat', please still keep a watch on your blood pressure when you get the US.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-01-17 15:48:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

My embassy is London, that's why i asked on here. My timeline is showing.


Just be aware that you don't have an official VJ timeline.  You have a timeline showing in your signature but if someone is viewing this thread on a mobile device, then they won't be able to see your signature.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-24 12:35:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors


Hahah! I have that problem too, trick is to tuck the belly in, cant go wrong


In other news: the docs is open for another 3 hours and no news from them about any problems with my medical, have been scaring myself reading the thread about people needing repeat xrays. Think I may call them


What I did was call them and ask 'Could you let me know if my results have been sent to the Embassy yet?'  I thought that sounded better than 'Was anything wrong with my results?'


They said 'Yes, they were sent this morning.'

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-15 08:44:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Phew! Glad to hear it! We're allowed to take bags and stuff in there right? It's just the interview where we can't take a bag?


You can take what you like into the medical.  


For the interview, you will need to take a bag as you'll be taking supporting documentation and your I-134 with you.  What you can't take in with you is anything electronic e.g. mobile phone, iPad, electronic car door opener (I read someone who got caught with that recently), USB stick.  Leave those things at home (as I did) or leave them at at price at Gould's Chemist.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 11:25:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I believe it is for a 'gender check' but whether that is now a requirement since the dismissal of DOMA is a moot point.  I didn't have a check but I did have brief briefs, so maybe it was obvious?  She did have a detailed examination of my breasts (I did feel like asking her 'Shouldn't you buy me dinner first?' but thought better of it).  However, I am 50, so I did wonder if it was age specific. 



Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 16:25:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Just to let everyone know, I phoned Knightsbridge this afternoon. They told me my results are fine and they've sent them off to the Embassy already :) so I passed my medical.

Fantastic news QoB. Shows it's good to be proactive. Good luck at the interview.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-12 10:27:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Dying to know how Queens medical went!


Same here - I know she was going by coach but I would hope she would be home by now.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 11:01:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

My old passport had fluffy permed hair and was longer. Plus it was a very dark picture taken by Walgreens. I'm surprised they even accepted it. Now we take our own passport photos and print them at home. My husband did all his immigration ones. (You know you will need six more for AOS.) I renewed my passport last year and he had to submit one or two with his citizenship application and then again for his US passport. The great thing about taking your own is you can keep trying until you get one you like. tongue.png


I know!  I was shocked that I needed 6 photos for AOS - well, technically, 2 for AOS, 2 for EAD and 2 for AP.  I had to make another trip to Meijers for 4 more.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 18:34:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had to renew my passport last October and I did the fast service at the Passport office. She looked at my old passport, my new photo and then back to me. I had lost 60 pounds and looked very different. I said `It's still me!' She said 'Yes, I can see that but you look very different' .

Interestingly, you are not allowed to smile for UK passport photos (big hair or no big hair!)

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 11:11:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Quick q about the passport photos - how recent do they have to be? From what I've seen on here, UK ones are fine so I was thinking of getting some taken at the store tonight. When I booked my medical, Knightsbridge told me UK or US are fine. So I'll have recent UK sized ones, but for peace of mind, I would like to take some of my US ones for good measure too.


I have all of my passport photos from January that I sent in with my original I-129F. Still have numerous US ones and 3 UK ones. How recent do they have to be for Knightsbridge, and I suppose, for the interview too? Would it be a problem if the same ones were used as the ones on my petition/police certificate?


From what I remember reading about the photos, they have to be taken within the last 6 months.  However, as long as you look like your photo, I can't see it matters how old they are.  I think I used the same photos for the medical as I did for the PC.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 07:43:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

thanks guys - they told 2 other people that too that were waiting...and they said "it happens all the time" - well maybe that one person who is telling people that..he's on a bus back to Wales but I think he should phone there monday and say something. I'm so upset..I'm getting in a car to drive to New Hampshire for the weekend to see my sister and niece about wedding stuff and I'm sick to my stomach about this.. sad.png


Yes, unfortunately they are now closed for the day.


Please don't allow this to spoil your weekend of planning with you family.  That person at Knightsbridge is wrong.  This can be resolved.


I just checked the Embassy website and the link to the medical. It has not been recently updated.  He must phone on Monday morning.  Send him the links I put in my posts.  Tell him to stand his ground.  You are in the right.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 11:18:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

thanks AG - they told him specifically if it was july 10th, he'd be fine. I'm so pissed ..they told him he can email it and sometimes it takes 2 days for them to process and sometimes 2 weeks. I don't understand..has anyone else had this happen?


See FAQ question about length of validity here:





How long is my Police Certificate valid for?

There is no set period of time for which the Police Certificate is considered to be valid. The Police Certificate is only truly accurate on the date of issue. Embassies or High Commissions will usually require you to produce a Police Certificate which has been issued less than six (6) months before your visa interview.


I would suggest you or your fiance phone Knightsbridge Doctors and inform them of their mistake.  You do not need to get another PC.  This will delay you by at least 2 weeks, even if you go for their expedited service.


I got my PC dated 31 October 2012 and my medical was 30 May 2013 and I had no problem.  that is outside for the 6 months that the ACRO website suggests but within the 12 months that the Embassy website says is okay (I had thought I would be having my medical a lot earlier that May!!)

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 11:11:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors



ALso, they told him is police certificate is too old. sad.png It's from April 10th and I guess it has to be not later than 3 months. I asked him recently if he thought he should get an updated one but he said he didn't see that requirement anywhere. He said they were really nice about it and said to just email a new one on Monday but it will delay his results to the embassy. This is just terrible - our Congressman was trying to get him an interview 8/2 or 8/5 to get him to fly out 8/9..doubt it now. I'm bummed. sad.png


Unless something has drastically changed in the last 2 months, they are wrong.


The Embassy website says that the PC is valid for 12 months:




I've just dug out my PC and it doesn't have an expiry date on it, despite what the Embassy website says.

Edited by Anna Grant, 26 July 2013 - 11:06 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-26 10:58:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

My lawyer hasn't been fired but I feel the same way you do...I think there are more knowledgeable people here for sure. smile.png


lol - good deal smile.png

Starting to get a bit nervous about his medical tomorrow...does it matter what you wear to the medical as long as you don't look like a slob? biggrin.png


I wore jeans, a t-shirt and sneakers.  I had got off my flight from the US at 9am that morning, so only had time to go back to the flat I was staying at, shower and change and back out to the medical (no wonder my blood pressure was raised!).

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-25 16:37:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Ok all I really need your advice please! My other half has a caution from 5 years ago about being caught with cannabis while at University. They have since reformed and grown up (as we all do!) though still splashes out now and again for things like a trip to Amsterdam where it is legal - doesn't do anything else at all. Will they drug test at the medical exam in London? Just nervous as one of these VERY RARE occurrences happened just the other day at a Hen party for a friend - they realize this was a stupid thing to do and are very upset that they allowed themselves to stoop so low when drunk and in the party spirit. The appointment is later this week (on the 4th day after incident). Should we reschedule or is it not a problem? Please advise as I'm just sick with worry now - we both are. Thank you


OK.  How were they intending to answer the following questions on the medical questionnaire:


  • Have you ever misused or abused drugs?
  • Have you ever caused deliberate damage to property or had trouble with the law because of a mental condition, mental disorder or while under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

Now the first one is open to interpretation - what is 'misused or abused'?  However, could your fiancee be said to have had 'trouble with the law' whilst 'under the influence of drugs' because of their caution?


Presumably, the caution appears on her Police Certificate or SAR?  She is likely to be asked if she still takes drugs.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-16 13:51:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

i have my medical on wednesday! I hope its quick! I know i will have to do the usual blood test. sad.png just want to get it over with. I hate needles!


The actual time in with the doctor is about 30 minutes - plus the x-ray.  Well, for me it was.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-09 15:10:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I have my appointment tomorrow. Can I pay with card there? I don't really want to go with that much money in my pocket.


Yes.  You don't pay until everything is done in case you need extra vaccinations and you elect to have them.


I paid with Mastercard.  You can also pay with Visa or debit card.  You can't use Amex.  Note - the cost has risen to £235 - the Embassy website has not been updated to relfect this increase.

Edited by Anna Grant, 03 June 2013 - 11:56 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-03 11:53:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

I had my medical today.  It was a bit hairy.  My blood pressure wouldn't go down.  I eventually asked the doctor if I could sit in a quiet place for 30 minutes, after the rest of the medical finished, and she try again.  She agreed and it went down to an acceptable level.  Other than that, it was fine.  It's a lot of money for 30 minutes with a doctor and an x-ray!  It's now £235.


I did have a breast examination but I think it could be to do with age.  I am 50 - maybe younger women don't have the breast exam?  But it was fine - not invasive at all.  She checked my groin - presumably to see that I'm the gender I say I am.  Some reflex tests - some sight tests - some tests where I had to push.  The blood test was fine.  The chest x-ray slightly uncomfortable but nothing in comparison to a mammogram!


At reception they said that if there were any problems identified with the chest x-ray or blood test, they would contact me tomorrow.  Otherwise, the results would be sent to the Embassy by next Tuesday.


OH - BTW - I chatted to about 4 other people waiting for appointments there and they all knew of VJ.  I felt really sorry for one guy.  His fiance is due to go into labor with their child in the next couple of days and he is going to miss it.

Edited by Anna Grant, 30 May 2013 - 01:51 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-30 13:41:00