K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Thanks for the reply. WOW! 199 days! your doing well!

Yes, I enter via O'Hare normally. The first time I entered via Newark and then flew to Columbus, Ohio. My fiancee has relocated since.

Do you think there should be a certain timeframe i leave between visits? it will be 76 days between the two visits.

I currently live with my dad. My mother passed away last year and he needed a hand, so i sold my house and moved back in with him, knowing about the pending move to the US.

How many times have you visited this year?

There is no set timeframe - you have to leave the US for a non-contiguous country and then your 90 days is reset. Whether or not you are allowed to re-enter the US is at the discretion of US Customs. They will look at how likely it is that you are going to return to your home country i.e. what are your current ties? And have you spent so long in the US that it looks like you're living there.

My trips in the last year have been:

3 - 17 April 2012
31 May - 6 June 2012
18 July - 15 Oct 2012
1 Dec 2012 - 28 Feb 2013

I plan to fly again on 3 April for 2 weeks but will change the return portion of the ticket once I'm in the US if our NOA2 does not come in. There is a strong possibility that I will not be let in this time but will take all my documentation with me to prove I have to come back. Also, I would hope the fact that I've never overstayed and that we will have been waiting over 8 months for our NOA2 by that stage will help.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Well guys,

I love reading all these stories about people visiting! It can be a heart warming read when you in disillusion about the whole process...

So, what do you think my chances are for another visit at the end of April for 3 weeks? History as follows....

April 27th 2012 - May 7th 2012 (POE Newark)
August 23rd 2012 - August 29th 2012 (POE Chicago O'Hare)
November 14th 2012 - February 9th 2013 (POE Chicago O'Hare)

I am a self employed carpenter, with work booked in for a building contractor when i return (letter detailing this).
I have plenty of funds to support myself.
DO NOT HAVE mortgage, rental agreement, car ownership
DO HAVE creditcard bill, shotgun license (only I can open the cabinet, an offense for the gun to be in my fathers house when my license expires), will have a return ticket, my NOA1, K-1 paperwork.

I've never had an issue coming through before, but it's always nice to get the opinion of others.

Do you think i should change my POE?

Thanks in advance!

You've not said what your POE is but I assume O'Hare, which is the same as mine. Some POEs are more difficult than others but often it's the individual officer you encounter that can make the difference.

I have entered the US four times in the last year and stayed a total of 199 days (just added it up - blimey that's a lot - you'd might even think I want to live in the US :lol: ).

I take it that you must live somewhere even if you don't have a mortgage or rental agreement. I rent a room off a friend. What I did was got her to write me a letter saying when I'd paid my rent up to - or rather, I wrote the letter and she signed it! I also got a rent book from WH Smith and got her to complete that.

You say you have enough funds to support yourself? Bring bank statements showing that. They are not interested in credit available on credit cards - just cash in the bank. Last time I had less cash in the bank than usual as I was waiting for funds to be deposited, so I used my credit card for everything in the two weeks leading up to leaving the UK. Then when my funds cleared snd I was in the US, I paid off my credit cards.

49 hours, and picking my fiancee up at SFO for an 18 day visit!! She has a Letter of employment, bank statement, return ticket, and copy of our NOA-1. She packed lightly. I've coached her to answer any question truthfully, but volunteer nothing so as not to complicate things. I'll update a day or two later. Wish us luck!

Very good luck. She'll be fine. Has she got documentation of the type if accommodation she has in Japan?
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 11:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I guess they can see other trips that don't involve entering or leaving the US, too…though, I don't know for sure, it's just what I found online.

Make sure to post about if they let you in this time around - NOA2 or not - and what they asked you please :)

I will certainly post after I get home to our apartment in Illinois (my fiance has to go back to work after picking me up from the airport).

See post 401 in this thread about my last time through passport control/immigration at Chicago O'Hare.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 03:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

So, if you got your NOA2 before April 3rd, would you cancel your flight?

I just did a quick search online and supposedly they know a lot more than they need to know. Apparently they have info about past travels (I would imagine, every time your passport gets scanned it enters into some insane security system), and someone was even talking about credit card expiration dates and how much you paid for your flight, that kind of stuff. So yeah, I would imagine they have info about the K-1 petition/application.

No, I wouldn't cancel my flight as it would still be approximately 6 weeks after that I would hear from the US Embassy - see K1 flowchart here. I don't intend to fly back until i know that the US Embassy actually have my paperwork (assuming I get in, that is).

I realised that US Immigration would have logged each trip to the US - didn't know that they would know how much I paid for the flight! Must ensure I don't say something like 'I got a cheap flight so i decided to come just after Easter'.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 03:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

No worries, I know that that's illegal and it's not what I'm planning on doing after going through all this, preparing all the paperwork, getting all my shots and the whole bs. Trust me, I know, and the last thing I want to do is risk getting my K-1.

I'm still enrolled in school, but I don't really have classes anymore, I have to finish up an online class and my thesis and another paper (works pretty differently in Germany)…I had originally planned to be done with school now, but the frustrations of having to wait for the NOA2 and the drama with having to reschedule our wedding has been taking up quite a few of my capacities, so I didn't get all my schoolwork done as initially planned.

Phone contract is not a real option, and I'm moving back in with my mom next week (all because I thought it would only be 5 or 6 months until our NOA2), so I don't have any proof there either.

Another thing I was wondering about is how much information the immigrations officers at the airport have about me in their computers? Like, when does that show up for them that we are trying to get a K-1 for me? Do they read my passport with their computer and it pops up on their screen that we are waiting for our NOA2 or the interview at the consulate or whatever? Just out of curiosity.

Sorry - I didn't mean to suggest that you would do anything illegal. What I meant was if you entered the US on, say, 15 April with proof of a wedding on 3 June, how likely is it that the Immigration Officer is going to think that you will leave on the date of your 2 week retunr ticket?

I don't know what immigration can see on their computers when they scan our passports. I have often wondered. Some people have said that, because you don't put your passport number on your K1 application, it won't show up. However, you do provide a copy of your passport with the petition, so I would have thought they would link it. I would think it would only say that a K1 application was in process - not what stage it was at. I have entered the US once since we received our NOA1 (it was 4 months after the NOA1) and stayed for 90 days. I am going to attempt to go back again on 3 April.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 03:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm not sure if this has been asked before (couldn't find anything using the search funtion):
How likely am I to get denied entry for a two week visit (with a return ticket, proof that our wedding is planned for a later point in time etc.) at the POE after we receive our NOA2?

We already planned our wedding for June, but since CSC is so slow, it looks like we'll have to reschedule. The problem is that my family already has their ticket to fly to the US and won't be able to get their money back if they cancel (and they can't reschedule they're vacation time), but there is no point in them flying over if I'm not there. So we thought maybe I could visit my fiance and his family along with my family, use the time to make final arrangements for our wedding, then return to Germany and get the K1.

I'm also still in school until the end of July...will a letter from my school be good proof of ties to Germany?

Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing?

Proof of wedding is probably not a good idea especially as it may be within 90 days of your entry to the US this time. Immigration may see that as proof that you are going to marry on the VWP and AOS from within the US (whihc is illegal).

Return ticket is an absolute - if e-ticket, ensure that you have a print-out with you. Offical letter from school on headed paper is good (although if you were marrying in June, how were you continuing at school until July?).

Any other proofs of ties? Phone contract? Your living arrangements?

Edited by Anna Grant, 22 March 2013 - 02:12 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 02:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

in the http://www.visajourn...pplication.html, under section 4.6 it says "Many people visit the US during the Process, but some newsgroupers have reported that once the initial background check is done by the Consulate, subsequent visits to the US required an additional FBI check done by the Consulate, which resulted in a delay in the visa application process. Refer questions regarding experiences to the newsgroup. "

My fiancee is visiting again in one month. she was here for 3 months then she is waiting one month then coming back for 2 months. will she have problems the second time around with a background check resulting in a delayed visa application process?

I notice that 4.6 mentions 'consultate'. That would suggest that it's only trips that happen once your paperwork is with your consultate in the benficary's country. It is less likely that the benficary would travel once you have the NOA2 - it's waiting for the NOA2 which takes the greatest amount of time generally (and don't I know it - 8 months on Sunday since my NOA1 and still no sight of my NOA2).
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-22 02:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Thanks for the reply. No the car doesn't have finance.

One more question, For the car I'm assuming I could take my certificate of insurance.
What would I use for the Phone Contract? As it's all done online.

Yeah, take your certificate of insurance. With your phone contract, there should be something somewhere which you can print off which shows what your terms and conditions are i.e. what your commitment is.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 12:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Has anyone had any experience with George Bush Airport (Houston)?

I'm hoping to visit my fiance soon, but I don't think I'll have anything to prove my ties to the UK. I live with my parents and don't have a job at the moment (I'm not a bum, honest!)
The only thing I really have is my Car (which I've just paid to insure for another year) and phone contract. Could they be used in any way?

Yes, I would use both of those as evidence of your commitment to return. Does your car have finance on it?
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I booked my flight to visit my fiancee in the US! I will be there in the beginning of April and I will stay for a week.
The thing is, she doesn't know I'm coming so I'm very excited to surprise her.
The only person there who knows is her best friend. I'm getting nervous for my enter at POE. Therefore, a few questions:

I own a family business with my parents and the only proof I can bring (besides my return ticket) is a letter from my dad, (co-owner) that states
I will only get to stay for a week and that he expects me back here at that certain date. Will that be enough?
I don't have proof of mortgage or car loans. So I will only stay for a week and my last visit dates from november.

Thank you all for your tips! They are more than welcome!

Where do you live? Is it with your parents or somewhere else? If it's somewhere else, then get them to write a letter saying you're up to date with the rent and are expected back on a certain date. You dad could write a similar letter but a relative may not carry much weight if it's needed.

Do you have anything else? Phone contract? have you bought travel insurance which just covers the length of your stay? Anything else which demsntrates that you will be going back to you home country?

Having said that, you should be fine but it is always good to come prepared.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-18 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I was wondering if there is any way to make the fiancé visa faster.....he's Canadian I'm American ...we have a child together ...and what is the quickest processing time for the visa ? Any tips on filling it out? And is this a complicated process?


The link to the 'guides' at the top is your best place to start. There is no way of making it faster unless one of you is in the US armed forces and is about to be deployed - then it can be requested to be expedited.

Check the link above for 'processing times' to see how long it takes. The K1 (fiance) route has always been seen as quicker but has been very slow recently. You can also get married and then petition your husband on a spouse visa - but it usually takes longer than the K1.

As I say - read the guides above and it will all become clearer.

Edited by Anna Grant, 07 March 2013 - 02:22 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-07 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

What if you stayed the whole 6 months at a time of ur visit in USA last tine bc the person is canadian.....and u re e enter america a week later long as you show a return ticket will u be able to get in.? Reason for travel to see his daughter...and say were just friends.even if my fiancé doesn't go back on his rerun ticket....will it nor effect our fiancé visa as long as border doesn't know he's not rly leavin that soon?
I want my fiancé to keep visiting ...we r young couple and want him to b here for his child...what's the best thing to do without messing up our paperwork and keeping him here while doing it?

You have no timeline, so I can't tell whether you have started the K1 process. :time: , if you have started the process although I do see that you have only joined the forum today. Whether you have started it or not may have impact on this. If you have already started then he can't really get away with saying he's just seeing his daughter.

There are two things that USCIS will be looking at:

1)how likely is it that your fiance will overstay his visa and become an illegal immigrant?

2)is he attempting to live in the US by staying longer in the US than in his home country.

If he only stays out of the US for one week after staying six months, it is quite possible that he will be refused entry. Although that will not have impact on the K1, he is unlikely to be able to return to the US until the K1 is granted (I am more familar with the visa waiver program, so someone who is more knowledgeable about eh US/Canida process might be able to help).

Also, what are his ties to Canada? If he is able to be away for 6 months, return for a week and then come back for 6 months, I take it he has no job based in Canada and no home? This may be a problem getting in to the US also. They will be assessing how likely it is that he will return to the US.

Yes, you are a young couple in love. I am half of an old couple in love. And it's incredibly difficult to be apart (I only left the US a week today after 90 days together and I'm missing my fiance like crazy). However, you need to see the ultimate goal here - to be together in the US for the rest of your lives. This temporary separation is just a time to get through.

Edited by Anna Grant, 07 March 2013 - 08:23 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-07 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm flying into JFK on April 3rd for a month and a half. We're not far away from NOA2 (in theory), so I'm hoping everything will go ok!

It's tricky because I'm renting a room from a friend so don't have any lease.. And I don't have any job ties either. It's so scary! But I'm sure if I take a copy of NOA1, and return flights, maybe a letter from our lawyer it'll be ok..

Any tips? :)

I'm in a similar situation - renting a room from a friend in the UK (that;s the problem - we're trying to cut our ties to the UK in preparation for moving to the US!). I went to WH Smith and bought one of their rent books and got her to compelte it for me. She also wrote a letter saying that I had paid for my rent up until a certain date which was beyond the date I was due to return to the UK.

Having said that, I wasn't asked to provide this proof but I felt better knowing I had it in my folder ready.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-06 08:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
Yes. I visited for 89 days (July to October 2012), went back for six weeks and then came back for 90 days (1 December 2012 to 28 Feb 2013 - my plane ticket was only for six weeks but I changed it once it became apparent that we weren't going to get the NOA2 any time soon). I had a couple of questions the last time - see my previous post - but nothing too alarming.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-05 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
Oh yes. If you have an electronic ticket, you must always travel with a copy of your itinerary. It's to show that you have a return (or onwards) ticket, one of the requirements of the Visa Waiver Program.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-04 17:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I thought I would update people on my experience yesterday at Chicago O'Hare at 3:30pm and hope it helps other people. Before I start the story, just to say I got in.

We are still waiting for our NOA2 and I have come in for 6 weeks. I was made redundant and left my employer on 23 November, so have no job and only have a room in a flat as I have sold my flat in preparation for my eventual move to the US. Better to sell it a reasonable leisure than sell it in a hurry!

So. I brought a folder showing all my ties to the UK and our lawyer provided us with a letter saying that I was only coming for 6 weeks and then leaving again. Our lawyer has constantly told me 'do not come back to the US without the K1 Visa in your passport'. So it was good of him to provide the letter - I expected to only provide one saying that he was acting on our behalf.

I was nervous at passport control but controlled the nerves well.

All he asked me was:

What are you here for?

Answer: holiday

How long are you staying?

Answer: six weeks - I return on 12 January

And then it was the usual - 4 fingers - one thumb routine and I was through.

Collected my luggage and made my way to the customs guy with my completed form. This has always been quick - hand the form and through. However, this time he had questions. As I had bought my fiance's children a couple of London t-shirts and mugs, I declared them although it was under $100, which I know is the limit. I did this last time too. He saw the total on the front and then turned over the form and saw the items.

He asked:

Who are you here to visit?

I was thrown as I didn't expect him to be asking that question - I expected that from passport control.

I said 'pardon?' He didn't repeat the question - he just looked at me.

I said 'My fiance'

He asked 'When are you getting married?'

I said 'March or April, whenever the K1 Fiancee visa comes through.'

He asked 'What visa are you on now?'

I replied 'An ESTA'.

He said 'You know you're going to have to go home, don't you?'

I've said 'No!' and as my heart fell through the floor. My fiance is just yards away from me - waiting for me at the other side of the door I can see.

He said 'You can't stay until April'.

I said 'I don't want to. My return flight is on 12 January.'

He said 'OK. Have a nice day.' and waved me through! He didn't even ask to see my return ticket!

I think my mistake was putting anything on the customs form. Everyone else was being waved through. I only did it as I had left the tags on the presents to give to the boys. In hindsight, that wasn't really necessary as I'm not going to be able to return them as I'm in the US for 6 weeks! I should just have removed the tags and not declared anything.

There's also another possible explanation for the questions. If I did show up at passport control as having applied for a K1 visa, passport control might have tipped the wink to customs whilst I was getting my luggage to ask me more questions. The customs guy did look down at my luggage as if to assess how much was there - I was about 3kg under the 23kg allowed and had my carry on bag and laptop. However, I have a brand new passport, so no stamps in it - I would think their computer system will link my new passport to my old one but I don't know what detail it would show.

I walked out into the arrivals hall and into the arms of my fiance and just wanted to cry. He said 'You're shaking but you're here and that's all that matters'.

That's me above. I flew back last night - at 9pm on the 90th day - gulp! But no problem. I had spoken twice to the agents who deal woith Visa Waiver and they both confimred that I had to leave the US by 11:59pm on day 90. If there had been delays due to weather, then I would have been able to to appaoch an immigration person at the airport for guidance.

Still no sight of our NOA2 - it's been 7 months and 8 days since our NOA1. Therefore, I cancelled my flight on 12 Jan back to the UK and then rescheduled it for 8 Feb when it became apparent that we were not going to get our NOA2 before I left.

Edited by Anna Grant, 01 March 2013 - 02:26 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-01 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

So sitting here at the SEA Airport and crying and thinking.. I already visited 3 times (this was my 3rd) and all of my visits were about 8-9 days each.. they told me that next I will visit it should be with my visa. I don't know if they said that seriously or just you know, kind of wishing me that.. I am sitting here and already miss my fiance, and thinking if this takes AGAIN too long maybe I should visit again. But this would be hard no? Anybody traveled more than 3 times in the us? :/

Yes, I have. Twice before putting in the K1 petition and twice since. The last two times for 89 days and 90 days - 18 July - 15 October and 1 December until 28 Feb (leaving in 2 days).

If nothing moves, we are considering me attempting to come back on 1 April - on a 2 week plane ticket which we can change as required once I'm here.

I know what you mean about crying. I've done it every time at the airport as we're having our last kisses goodbye. Me with tears streaming down my face and my fiance biting his lip and trying to be strong for me. Then he goes back to our empty apartment and cries.

Arinlars - what we have to remember is that we are so very lucky. We have found love in this crazy world. I never believed in love - thought is was made up by Hollywood - and got until the ripe old age of 49 before actually falling in love. That the love of my life is normally 4000 miles away from me is just something we have to get through.

Edited by Anna Grant, 26 February 2013 - 04:14 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-26 16:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Well!!! I am in Seattle.. let me share my experience then.

At least you're in! Have a great time with your fiance and welcome back to the US. Is it raining in Seattle :)

Sorry you had such an awful time with the customs officer but at least you were prepared (annoying, isn't it? Challenged about having too much information but needing to prove your ties to Germany, if required!).
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-18 17:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Me and my fiance are planning her visit here to the US. She has documents showing that she partially owns apartment in Moscow, car, has a full time job and family ties. We are also going to fully disclose our plans to marry and she will bring NOA1 and other documents to the interview. I want her to stay here with me for 90 days. Has any one been successful in staying for such prolonged period of time? We want to approach it honestly and show consular and immigration officer that we can't risk our future and proceeding legally with applying and waiting for K1. The main reason for her to visit me is to make marriage arrangements.
Thank you.

I stayed for 89 days last summer (left on 17 Oct) and am just coming to the end of my second 89 days (arrived on 1 Dec). However, I am from the UK and come in on the ESTA. Movement between the UK and US is easier and the UK is a low immigration fraud country.

Your fiancee has far greater ties to Russia than I have to the UK. Just ensure that she brings documentary proofs of those ties with her. Family ties are not a good tie as she will be leaving her family to live with you permanently eventually anyway - her job and her apartment are her main ones. Can her employer give her a letter showing that she is an approved leave of absence and is expected back at work on a particular date?
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-08 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Dont worry you will be fine, i went to US last semptember and they dont see our luggage when they are checking the passport in the imigration part, she can take as much as chothes she wants too, also the guy asked me what i was gonna do in US and i said visit my fiance for 2 months, he did not ask for anything to prove or return ticket although i had my NOA1 just in case.

They don't see your luggage when you go through Passport Control BUT they do see it when you hand in your customs form as that screening is after you pick up your luggage. They have the right to refuse you entry into the US.

I really, really suggest that people do not bring in loads of luggage for a two week visit. You have already indicated that you want to enter the US permanently by submitting a K1 Visa petition. US Immigration will be trying to ascertain the likelihood that you may want to enter the States permanently on this visit and, if they they have any doubts, they have the right to deny you entry and send you back.

Why bring in too much luggage or unseasonal clothes and give the suggestion that you are staying for more than two weeks? I know what I saw when I entered the US and the US Customs guy did look down at my case as if to say 'Is that reasonable luggage for a 6 week stay?'

And to Laurka who said 'One can't tell a WOMAN not to travel with a suitcase full of clothes for different occasions even if it's a short stay. 2 big bags for 5 days maybe would be suspicious but not if she plans on staying 2 weeks!' You can suggest to a woman that she not travel with a suitcase of clothes for different occasions and explain the reason why. Most airlines will charge extra for a second case (my airline charge $100) - so a second case is likely to ring alarm bells.

Why risk things for a few extra clothes?
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-29 11:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
She should not bring loads of clothes with her for a short visit. That will ring all kinds of alarm bells with customs/immigration. Especially if she brings unseasonal clothes e.g summer clothes when visiting in March.

When I came in for 6 weeks in December, I traveled reasonably light - just under the allowed weight. Customs did look down at my luggage as if to ascertain whether it was appropriate for a 6 week visit over Christmas - see my full report at beginning of December in this thread. I am still here as we still have not got our NOA2 despite it being 6 months tomorrow since we got our NOA1 from CSC.

Edited by Anna Grant, 23 January 2013 - 01:08 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-23 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Really? Well If that's the case then I don't care lol! I was so anxious and I'm in such stress because I thought I will get on the next available plane (any airline any plane) and with lufthansa the return ticket ALONE costs (one way) 3000 Euros!!! But the normal ticket with return costs only 500 so you see why I#m freaking out lol. I didn't know they can use the same and not pay extra.

Can someone who was denied confirm?

I can't find anything official - http://forums.immigr...en-denied-entry

Hopefully someone with experience or expertise will come along to help.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 11:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Found this online. :S

Yes - that is the whole reason for this thread - yes, you can visit but you may have additional scrutiny. It is advised that you don't travel as you (and I) have already made it clear that we want to move permanently to the US by submitting our K1 petition. However, many, many people do travel with little scrutiny or problem.

You said recently about being scared about being refused entry and having to pay for a ticket back to Germany? As far as I am aware, it is your airline's responsibility to get you back and all they will do is use the return portion of your airline ticket to do that. Airlines have to do initial scrutiny at your departure airport to check that you have the correct visa to fly (and a return ticket). At Heathrow, a company called ICTS do the scrutiny.

Others who are more familiar with this particular area may want to chip in.

Edited by Anna Grant, 22 January 2013 - 09:41 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Awesome thanks. I was thinking of having my lawyer(not immigration though) write a letter that I'm just visiting for 9 days. Too much no?

Sorry for the 20 posts lol I just get so scared reading some stories I'm like omg omg omg What if that what if this! :P

I totally understand what you're saying. I went through the same thoughts myself.

My immigration lawyer wrote a letter saying requesting that I be allowed the visit. Again - I didn't need any of these things but it made me feel more confident. However, I was intending to stay for 6 weeks and had stayed for 89 days over the summer. I was concerned that I would not be allowed in after only spending 8 weeks out of the US! I have now cancelled my flight as we still don;t have our NOA2 (24 July NOA1 at CSC). I will rebook it when we know more and I can start booking my medical back in London. Or I have to leave because of the 90 day rule.

Just remember. Only answer the question you are being asked - don't volunteer information e.g. if asked (which you will be) 'what is the purpose of your trip?', just answer 'vacation'. They only expect the answer 'vacation' or 'business'. If they ask who you will be staying with, then you can add 'fiance'.

However, always be truthful. Keep calm - try not to be too nervous. I'm sure you will be fine, just as I was. You are actually in a better situation than I am for coming through customs - you have a job and evidence that your employer expects you to return - an immense tie to your home country. I am unemployed (made happily redundant at the end of November).

Edited by Anna Grant, 21 January 2013 - 10:08 AM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-21 10:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Yes, in Germany we have it too! But in German but still it shows the euros :P

So much fuss over a simple trip sigh :(

Don't worry - it will be worth it - I can testify to that :D
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-16 16:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I have big printed receipts with the company of my landlord for all the months I've been paying. I don't have a contract I just rent a furnitured guest appartment. I will print photos too just in case. So should I print something from the bank to show how much money I have in the bank?

My bank allows me to print statements at the branch which show my UK address. I would suggest that you have a recent statement which shows what fund you have available. From what I've read, these have to be cash funds - not credit available on credit cards. For the last couple of weeks before I left the UK, I only spent on my credit card and used cash for nothing. That maximized the amount I had in cash in my bank account. When I got to the US, I paid off my credit card.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-16 13:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm visiting February , should I pay my rent for March too and keep the receipt to show it to the people there? I'm taking:

-my NOA1
-the whole package except the photos and the evidence (or should I take it with me?
- A letter from my boss that says that I'm working permanently there and I have paid vacation from .. too.. and that I'm excepted to be at work at that date.

Hm. that's it

If you can afford it, I would pay your rent for March and bring the receipt. However, I didn't as I thought it might be more important to show I had a reasonable amount in my bank account to show I could support myself. I had a rent book from my landlady (we didn't have one before - I went and bought one from WH Smiths and got her to complete it retrospectively).

I didn't bring my whole package - just a copy of my NOA1.

I took photos of the room I'm renting with all my stuff in timestamped an hour before I was leaving to catch my flight. I then printed them out and put them into my folder.

I also had a copy of my travel insurance which showed my return date (although I have not returned as planned on 12 Jan as we still haven't had our NOA2 - I cancelled my flight and will rebook it when we've got the NOA2 and I have extended my travel insurance).

Having said all this, no one asked to look at anything - even evidence of my return flight! However, knowing I had all this information to back up that I had to return to the UK did give me more confidence.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-16 12:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

My NOA2 will not come until March or end of February, they say the work on application from 17th July these days. Our NOA1 was on 8th August so I decided I will go and visit my fiance next month since I want to spend my birthday with my love. What must the letter from my boss say and my landlady? I don't pay any bills except from gym and I have a bank account. (Water and electricity bills are in the rent so I don't pay that)

I would suggest that the letter from your boss says that you have a permanent job (although we realize you will be giving that up eventually), have taken paid/unpaid holiday and are expected back at work on aa date.

The landlady's letter should state the terms of your rental agreement and when your rent is paid up to. If you also have a rent book, it might be useful to bring that.

I wasn't asked for anything when I came in on 1 December at Chicago but I did have a folder with everything in it that showed I had ties to the UK just in case.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-10 09:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

This is topic is extremely relevant to our case today. I don't know how entering the States from other countries works, except for Argentina. From Argentina you have to have an approved tourist visa (B-1/2) to enter the States. Do you have to have the same coming from England or Canada? After my fiance gets an approved tourist visa is he going to have to bring proof to customs in the US?

It's easier from the UK as I can come in under the Visa Waiver Program which means I have an ESTA. It is an agreement that the US have with a number of countries - http://travel.state....thout_1990.html It is not a guarantee of entry - that is up to the officer at the POE.

I would suggest that your fiance just brings evidence of ties to Argentina to show that he is going to go back e.g. letter from employer, rent book/mortgage statement, etc.

Edited by Anna Grant, 20 December 2012 - 05:00 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-20 16:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm writing this from my gf's computer. B-)

Went like a breeze. Just the normal questions and that was it. POE was Boston.

was a little nervous but didn't had to.

I'm really glad it was smooth for you. Enjoy your time with your fiancee.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-14 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Yes indeed, some personal experiences would be very helpful.

Yes, this was why I posted my long post earlier. It is to help other people attempting the same thing.

It will be useful to have steveg7003's post when his fiancee has come in through Boston.

All these personal expereinces help prepare other people doing the same thing and gives people reassurance too.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-12 09:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
I thought I would update people on my experience yesterday at Chicago O'Hare at 3:30pm and hope it helps other people. Before I start the story, just to say I got in.

We are still waiting for our NOA2 and I have come in for 6 weeks. I was made redundant and left my employer on 23 November, so have no job and only have a room in a flat as I have sold my flat in preparation for my eventual move to the US. Better to sell it a reasonable leisure than sell it in a hurry!

So. I brought a folder showing all my ties to the UK and our lawyer provided us with a letter saying that I was only coming for 6 weeks and then leaving again. Our lawyer has constantly told me 'do not come back to the US without the K1 Visa in your passport'. So it was good of him to provide the letter - I expected to only provide one saying that he was acting on our behalf.

I was nervous at passport control but controlled the nerves well.

All he asked me was:

What are you here for?

Answer: holiday

How long are you staying?

Answer: six weeks - I return on 12 January

And then it was the usual - 4 fingers - one thumb routine and I was through.

Collected my luggage and made my way to the customs guy with my completed form. This has always been quick - hand the form and through. However, this time he had questions. As I had bought my fiance's children a couple of London t-shirts and mugs, I declared them although it was under $100, which I know is the limit. I did this last time too. He saw the total on the front and then turned over the form and saw the items.

He asked:

Who are you here to visit?

I was thrown as I didn't expect him to be asking that question - I expected that from passport control.

I said 'pardon?' He didn't repeat the question - he just looked at me.

I said 'My fiance'

He asked 'When are you getting married?'

I said 'March or April, whenever the K1 Fiancee visa comes through.'

He asked 'What visa are you on now?'

I replied 'An ESTA'.

He said 'You know you're going to have to go home, don't you?'

I've said 'No!' and as my heart fell through the floor. My fiance is just yards away from me - waiting for me at the other side of the door I can see.

He said 'You can't stay until April'.

I said 'I don't want to. My return flight is on 12 January.'

He said 'OK. Have a nice day.' and waved me through! He didn't even ask to see my return ticket!

I think my mistake was putting anything on the customs form. Everyone else was being waved through. I only did it as I had left the tags on the presents to give to the boys. In hindsight, that wasn't really necessary as I'm not going to be able to return them as I'm in the US for 6 weeks! I should just have removed the tags and not declared anything.

There's also another possible explanation for the questions. If I did show up at passport control as having applied for a K1 visa, passport control might have tipped the wink to customs whilst I was getting my luggage to ask me more questions. The customs guy did look down at my luggage as if to assess how much was there - I was about 3kg under the 23kg allowed and had my carry on bag and laptop. However, I have a brand new passport, so no stamps in it - I would think their computer system will link my new passport to my old one but I don't know what detail it would show.

I walked out into the arrivals hall and into the arms of my fiance and just wanted to cry. He said 'You're shaking but you're here and that's all that matters'.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-02 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

After reading this thread, I am now all sorts of worried about my fiance's upcoming trip! I will be traveling to England for ten days to spend Christmas with him and his family. Our plan was to come back on the 29th and for him to stay out the 90 days of a tourist visa under the VWP. Now I'm wondering if that's too long. I haven't seen him in nine months and we were hoping to spend a good amount of time together.

Another concern is that he will be returning to the UK from Korea a few days before I arrive. This means that he will not have any sort of letter from an employer to show customs that he has to return. He will literally just have finished his employment right before this trip. Could it be played off as a holiday/visiting fiance/leisure? Is a return ticket and our NOA1/Evidence packet enough for this to be legit? :wacko:

What is his housing situation in the UK? Has he ties to the UK which show that he has to go back?

Although it's slightly ironic. I'm trying to break my ties in preparation for moving to the US to be with my love next year but that may be held against me when I try to enter the US on Saturday!
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-26 12:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

hi Anna,
I'm not sure if you should mention you've been made redundant. The CBP might not let you in, since a job is considered something that is tying you back home. Maybe not mention it?
One thing I was told was to just keep your answers short and sweet. Tell what they ask, don't overshare -- I tend to ramble when I am nervous so I was quite worried the CBP might think I have something to hide (i dont).

As for me, I have some money in my bank, but surely not enough to support myself while I'm in the US. So I have that letter from my husband saying that he will support me while I'm here.

The letter was mostly just to be safe, and I also made sure I had copies of the NOA1 and transfer notice my husband got. he scanned it and I just brought that with me, to show that we have filed the petition. I was more worried about the CBP thinking I'd be coming and adjusting in the US on a tourist visa.

I wasn't going to volunteer the information about being made redundant. Just to have it to hand if I am asked if I have a job. I have other ties back in the UK, so should be okay. I will keep my answers short and sweet. Just respond to the questions they ask.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-07 14:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

hi everyone,
I just arrived yesterday, via Chicago O'Hare (ORD). Was quite worried about coming here since our I1-3- is still pending and not sure if the CBP will let me in.
I brought:
- letter from employment, saying i'm here in the US for personal reasons
- bank statement, to show I have enough $ to cover expenses
- letter from USCIS (husband scanned and I printed them to show we've filed and will be doing our interview in Malaysia)
- my flight itinerary, showing I'll return in April 2013
- a letter from my husband, saying once I'm in the US he will bear all expenses and that I'm here so we can get my military dependent ID and on DEERS (military database thg).

Thnaks for this. It's always helpful to hear about someone's experience.

I am coming back to Chicago O'Hare (ORD) on 1 December for my first visit since we submitted our K1 (NOA2 should be here any day please.....). I am coming for 6 weeks but should have enough money in my bank account to show that I can support myself. The reason I can come for as long as 6 weeks is that I am being made redundant. I am wondering whether it's a good idea to get a letter saying that my fiance will support me for the 6 weeks? Just an idea from your list of things you took. I wonder whether I should take the letters showing that I was made redundant (rather than volunteraly making myself jobless)
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-06 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I had the same issue, my passport was due to expire April 2013. I got it renewed before I got my plane ticket so that I could use my new document number. I also got a new esta becauuse of the document number. You can't change the current esta you have, even though it's valid for two years... I actually got my new esta last week and I think its fine.. I wouldn't risk having different document numbers in their files.

I was thinking of flying out at the end of November for Christmas, so would be back in January well in time to update before my passport expired. If I renew my passport now, I wouldn't get it back until just before I'm due to fly. Processing time for renewal of passports in the UK is about four weeks.

I think I will leave it as it is. It might even help with entry because it's obvious that I would unlikely to stay beyond the expiry date of my passport and ESTA!
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-19 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!
This thread has given me hope. Our US lawyer told me that I couldn't come back to the US until I had the K1 visa - I came back on Tuesday from 89 days with my guy. We submitted the I-129F and got the NOA1 on 24 July, so are hoping to get the NOA2 shortly. I am being made redundant in late November and have sold my flat in anticipation of moving to the US. Therefore, I have nothing to tie me here. I will be leaving most of my stuff, so will get a letter from my landlady saying that I have a significant amount of stuff in storage with her to indicate I'm going to return.

I have a question though. My passport is due to expire on 13 March 2013 so I was going to renew it now. However, now I'm concerned about my ESTA as that is linked to my passport expiry date. If I renew my passport now, I have to get a new ESTA. Might I be refused one as their records will show that the is a K1 application in process? Would I be better to hold back on renewing it until I get further into the process? I know that I am supposed to have 6 months left on my passport when I travel but also am aware that the US extend passports for travel from people from the UK by 6 months past their expiry date.

Has anyone had expereince of getting a new ESTA whilst in the middle of the K1 process? Thanks.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-17 22:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalling Each Other Husband and Wife
We just have our NOA2 - woo hoo - after almost 9 months and are finishing up what paperwork we need for the next stage.

I have a bit of a concern about printing out the evidence of our continuing relationship. For the last year, we have called each other 'husband' and 'wife' in all our e-mails. We are not married but we feel like we are. I have heard that if the embassy suspect that we may be married, we will be denied as my fiance has petitioned for the K1. We have lots of other evidence of our continuing relationship since filing - I will have spent a total of 8 months in the US between filing and the interview. Should I focus on that and the Skype logs of our video chats? I don't think I will be able to find a single e-mail between us that doesn't say husband/wife.

Had I realized earlier that this might be a potential hazard, we would have thought twice about calling each other 'husband' and 'wife'.

Edited by Anna Grant, 24 April 2013 - 02:44 PM.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-24 14:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long?

Pah - you're all starters :no:

We first had a relationship 33 years ago <gulp> at college. Took up where we left off in 2008 so to speak. What I find a little sad is how fast the last 5 years has gone and therefore how keen we are to get this move done !

Ah! I thought we were definitely going to be the winners as we first met 22 years ago. We had a long distance relationship for a year which ended due to many different challenges - mainly it just wasn't the right time in either of our lives.

I had wondered how he was over the years - was he happy. In October 2011 I 'Googled' him and he'd recently set up a FB page (I found out later it was a client of his that did it for him). It was definitely him. I sent him a FB friend request. He responded and the rest was Chemistry. I mean History. He proposed by e-mail 6 days later (we hadn't even chatted by phone or video by then although we'd sent each other photos of how we were now).

We often wonder about the timing of my sending that FB friend request - the timing was just right for both of us. We received our NOA2 last week after almost 9 very long months and we hope to get married on his 65th birthday in July. I am 50 and neither of us have experienced love like this before and it just grows and grows every day.
Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-23 10:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresworrying too much



I ll call today and see, i am praying  that everything will be fine , i ll let you know. Either way next week is full of holidays in my country so the paris consulate might not be opened a lot. Thanks for the info and i hope you get out of AP asap as well as the OP. 


Hi.  I've just spoken to NVC (after about 25 minutes on hold - thank goodness I'm currently in the US) and our file is no longer in AP!  She said it should be leaving NVC time now.  I will probably phone NVC on Monday to see if it's actually left.

Anna GrantFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-05-02 11:22:00