CanadaBaby Dilemma

Do you have any links on HIPPA?.Was the 2450 for a month? As expensive as it is it may work for us...We were going to pay midwife out of pocket but if im close to delivery this may be an option...

I don't have the links, it was just what I found out from Blue Cross Blue Sheild when I was searching for insurance. BCBS quoted me $2450/month for basic medical with the maternity rider. This was almost 2yrs ago now, so I am sure prices have increased. And like all insurance the prices are based on your age, smoking/drinking habits and general health.

When I was going through this someone did send me the info on the HIPPA laws here is the link to that thread....hopefully it helps


Edited by Colleens, 21 January 2012 - 04:33 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-21 16:27:00
CanadaBaby Dilemma

One thing to do if you are considering having your child in the U.S., double check with your fiance's health insurance plan. Once married, he can add you to his coverage but some insurance companies won't cover a preexisting condition, pregnancy included. An out of pocket birth in the U.S. would be VERY expensive.

I was pregnant when I moved to the US and when I tried to find health insurance (hubby was only part time at work so he couldn't add me) I found out that because I was moving from a country with a national health care plan that I was covered under the HIPPA laws so they could not refuse me insurance. It was going to cost me $2450.00 but I would be
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-19 19:53:00

i give keeps telling me they are working on May 30th cases.ya..right..i dont think so. now i'm being told i should not have been transferd. and now i'm being told that processing times start when csc receives your file, not when uscis originally receives it. and now i'm being told it's not 4 months it's 6 months i have to wait for before i can call and do a service request.

so mad and so frustrated. every step has been waiting mistakes mistakes no answers and screwups and every possible thing. the only good news is she said there was never an RFE issues..but some times i wish there least i would know ti's DOING SOME THING.

so since may they have done sweet FA with my case....other then screw me over on bio etc...and i can't even get UI as they ROE'S are expired..funny i did not know that could even happen.....

I have never heard of ROE's expiring...hmmm. But I feel for you...I have been having all the same issues :angry: I am just gald to have my EAD now. I have been off work since the end of Nov, and didn't have an issue with my ROE bing "old". There was an issue as to how my former employer reported my severance package income and that nearly affected my ability to draw EI, but fortunatly the verbage they had within my package itself explained how they were going to pay it out and I was able to get my ROE updated. I am calling EI today to find out if my claim can be backdated at all, since I was approved for EAD over 2 months ago...I just didn't have my card. Not being too hopeful about it, but you never know if you don't ask!! Maybe they will at least waive the 2 week waiting period. My clain switched to Mat leave yesterday, so maybe that will make a difference as well :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-18 10:45:00
A small miracle occured today......I FINALLY recieved my EAD card!!! It had been approved on Aug 8th, so I only missed out on 2 months of income because USCIS couldn't get me a bio appt in a timely matter :angry: My mat leave kicks in on Sunday, so I won't be looking for work, but now I can go get my SSN updated with my married name and get my drivers licence...YEAH!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-15 14:56:00
I am just glad that I contacted our congressman. I did eventually get a Bio appt letter in the mail and the appt was for some time in Oct, and if I never had followed up with the congressmans office about my EAD, it would still be sitting there waiting for my biometrics that were never sent to the Missouri office!!!

I suggest for those who have been waiting 2 months + for their bio appointments that you contact your congressman. Election day is less than a month away, and it is amazing what candidates will do to get votes!!!!

usmcwife, I am pretty sure that our congressmans office had a specific contact for military immigration issues, I would look into yours. I know that when my husband naturalized while in the military it happened VERY fast. I know it is a bit different for family members, but they generally try to help out military families when they can.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-14 20:27:00

I wouldn't worry about the emails. I got several emails about the EAD, and then got another email about the EAD after I got the EAD.

I just want Sean's green card! We filed in May and everything was perfect! I must just have gotten in a slow processor's stack. :crying:

I think that I am in that same pile!! I still don't have my EAD card yet (hoping that it comes this week). The last touch on my I-485 was on the 21st of Sept when they got my biometrics, so who knows how long it is going to be since the processing was on hold for 3 months waiting for my biometrics!! I start my maternity benefits next week, so none of it really matters at this point.....except I would like to get a state drivers licence (they only gave it to me for the 90 days that my I-94 was valid for) and need my EAD or GC to get it renewed :( Oh and it would just be nice to be done with all this stuff for a couple of years!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-14 12:36:00

Just got the email that Green Card production was ordered! yayyy!

Wow...that was fast!! Congrats!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-13 16:33:00
My EAD has FINALLY been approved....4+ months from when I submitted my AOS package. Hopefully it doesn't take too long to get my card, but with my luck it will get lost in the
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-05 17:39:00
I got a response back from my congressmans office regarding my EAD. For some reason, my EAD did not get the update that my biometrics had been it is still sitting there waiting. They are looking into it as to why, and hopefully I will hear something back tomorrow. I can't imagine how long I would have been waiting if I never got my congressman involved or followed up with them.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-04 16:11:00

ugh i want to punch someone lol

in the main aos forums there is a member who was told that march 22 aos apps are being worked on at csc..

ummm what the effff????

so that means what..january for a freaking green card??? :crying:

It is least you have your EAD...I am still waiting. I thought I would get an update after my bio appt, but it hasn't been touched yet. I asked the congressmans office to look into it since they did tell me it was approved, but haven't heard back from them :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-01 17:41:00
It took me 3.5 months to get my bio appt...that is how badly backed up my ASC office was. I did contact our congressman to see if the could help me, since I was starting to get worried about having to travel late in pregnancy or with a newborn. I spoke with the immigration rep on a Friday and had my appt last Monday. I did finally get my bio appt letter in the mail this week and my scheduled appt would have been tomorrow....exactly 4 months after my NOA1 recieved date!!

I still haven't had an update on my EAD on the USCIS site, eventhou the congressman said it was already approved and just awaiting my biometrics. I am going to contact her again today to see what is going on. My AOS did get a touch the day after the bio appt, so it seems like the bio's triggered something there.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-30 09:32:00

Weird... Last week my file was transferred to CSC and today I checked the status and it says:

The I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS was transferred and is now being processed at a USCIS office. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made, or if the office needs something from you.

Do you think this means it's been transferred again? Maybe to the local office?

I still can't check the status of the EAD... so frustrating

Mine did the same thing. Usually if it has been transferred to a local office it will specify the office (IE Memphis Office). Mine was at a USCIS office for about a month, then the day I had my bio appt, the status was updated and moved back to CSC. I do know that they have waived the requirement for an interview due to my pregnancy (and getting close to the time I can't travel) so maybe that is why they moved it back to CSC. I guess having a baby is pretty good evidence of a bonafide
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-24 09:49:00

you should get your card in the next week like i did. along with about 3 emails lol

my aos has had no touches on it aside from receipt, transfer, and when my bio was done. it still says Initial review. after this many months. CSC boasts a 4 month approval time but by looking at others who were transffered i'm not expecting it til 6 months so late november.

I still haven't had any movement on-line with my EAD, so I hope it is just one of those cases where the on-line status didn't get updated. The congressmans office did tell me it had already been approved, so hopefully the card is on it's way. I am really getting annoyed not having any money :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-22 15:54:00

Darn.... Did you get your EAD sooner? I would love to go to work soon.... I'm going a bit bonkers. Plus, we haven't bought a car for me yet and we live in a really really small town!!!

Congrats on the expedite and baby btw...

Thank you. It wasn't really an expedite...I have been waiting for almost 4 months now for an appt date for my bio generally only takes 1 month!! After my Bio appt yesterday my I-485 was touched. The update tells me that on June 30 it was sent to CSC. On Aug 27 it had told me that my file had been sent to a local I guess they sent it back to CSC since I won't be needing an interview and forgot to update the date!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-21 07:51:00
Yeah...Biometrics FINALLY done!!!! Nothing like having to drive 3 hrs for a 15 min appointment tho!!! Since they say the office is sooooo backlogged I expected to see several people waiting , but there was only one other person in the office!!! They had a couple of issues getting a good print off a couple of my fingers (I have excema so have some patchy dry skin on my hands) but other than that it was smooth sailing. Hopefully my EAD and GC are not too far behind!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-20 12:37:00
I also later recieved an e-mail telling me that they will waive the requirement for the interview so that we won't have to travel with a newborn!! So it will now just be a matter of waiting!! I am so glad that the Congressman was able to help us out as this was starting to stress me out a lot...on top of all the stress associated with becoming a new parent. It is a huge weight off my shoulders!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-18 06:39:00
So I sent a letter off to the Congressman on Wed about me not having a bio appt yet 3.5 months into my AOS. I just got a call back from them. I guess the Nashville office is SEVERLY backed up, but because of my pregnancy and limited time to travel (in case I need an interview and have a 6+hr drive to Memphis) they have made an exception and will take me as a walk-in on Monday!! WOOOOO HOOOO! :dance: My EAD has been approved for awhile now, but they can't issue it because I have no biometrics, and apparently they didn't recieve any picture with my I-485 (which I know I sent!!!) but I never recieved an RFE nor does my on-line case status state anything about an RFE. So they will take my pics for that while I am there on Monday as well and hopefully I will get my EAD within a few weeks and my GC not too far behind!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-17 14:40:00
Another week of waiting and still no biometrics appointment letter :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-11 21:16:00
My case was transferred to CSC in early July. But when I was looking at the status of my I-485 on-line (since there was a touch last week) it said that it has been transferred and is now being processed by a USCIS office, so I am not sure if that means it has been transferred back to a local office from the CSC. Like I this point I no longer really about 6 weeks my EI claim would be changing to maternity benefits so I don't need my EAD for that. Even if I got my appt letter in the next week it is highly doubtful my EAD would be approved before that. My only issue would be if I have to go for an appointment, and I am too far along in my pregnancy to travel, then I will have to reschedule. I think if an ASC is that backed up then a letter should go out to applicants giving them an option to travel to a center that is able to process their applications. I am sure there are several locations within a few hours that I could easily and happily travel to to get my biometrics done :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-01 22:46:00

I just got an email from USCIS.. I put in a service request 1 week ago for my biometrics appointment letter that i haven't received yet. I'm not sure how i should understand that email:

The status of this service request is:
Your case is awaiting the required Biometrics submittal, and is currently in suspense until you complete this process. Your application information has been entered into the system which schedules applicants for biometrics at their local Application Support Center (ASC). Biometrics appointments are scheduled as slots become available at the ASC. Once you have been scheduled for an appointment, you will receive an ASC Appointment Notice to appear at a certain date and time at your local ASC. You must take the ASC Appointment Notice and photo ID to your appointment.

Basically, it's only saying i'm now in the queue for getting an appointment? And if i was already in the queue (but my ASC was wayyy too busy), am i gonna be put at the begining of the queue again, or do i keep my current position in it? Argggg I want my Bio appointment letter!!!

When I recieved my response from USCIS they said right in the e-mail that there currently is no capacity at the Knoxville ASC and that I am in the queue. I did get a touch on my I-485 a couple of days ago, but still no letters or anything. I have basically given up. I will be switching my EI over to maternity benefits in Oct, and I don't need my EAD for that. I just hope that I don't need to eventually go to an interview because by the time it is scheduled I most likely won't be able to travel the 6 hours to Memphis.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-01 15:54:00
I got a reply from my service request that I put in for my AOS. It said currently there is no capacity at the Knoxville ASC and that I am in the queue for my biometrics appointment. The thing that confuses me a bit is that when I go onto the USCIS site and search for the nearest ASC based on my is the one in Nashville that pops up and not Knoxville. And I live right in Knoxville. So I am definitely going to call again tomorrow to find up what it up. Is there anywhere that you can find a list of the ASC's? And if one office does not have the capacity to fit you in within the processing time, why not give the applicant the choice of going to a ASC that does have capacity? I know I wouldn't blink twice at going somewhere else, even if it means having to drive a few hours, if I can get my stuff processed. It has already been over 3 months since my AOS packet was recieved by USCIS :angry: At least I have my AP and am chilling out with my family in Canada now!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-29 16:10:00
I did put in a service request almost 2 weeks ago. I just got a response awhile ago saying that they are transferring the service request to CSC to investigate. I guess it went to the local office first and when they realized my file was sent to CSC they passed it on. I am off to Canada for a couple of weeks, so hopefully something will be here waiting when I return.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-26 11:36:00

No Biometrics letter yet... I called USCIS yesterday, they put in a service request for me, they told me it could take up to 45 days before i have any news. I hope it's gonna be quick! I need to start working really soon.. :wacko:

I am still waiting for my biometrics appt as well....and I sent AOS at the end of May :angry: It seems it depends on how busy the service center is. I am getting hubby to contact the senator/congressman since next week we will be out of the 3 month processing window, and I still don't even have my appt!!! Hopefully it gets things moving again!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-26 06:00:00
Honestly...I am not too worried about how long it takes to get my GC. I just really need my EAD so I can at least start getting EI. I have been pretty fortunate to be fairly comfortable financially all my adult life, so it is beyond stressing me out, not having that financial stability right now. And with all the things we need to get for baby on top of the everyday things it is pretty tough.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-18 18:22:00
Congtats Ashen!! Good luck on the interview, you will ROCK it!!! I am glad to see that things are starting to go your way :thumbs:
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-17 14:43:00

Thanks for the postcard from the Aquarium of the Smokies. My husband really wants his EAD bad too. He had been playing around with the resume builder on the Michigan Works website and a "talent company" actually called him for an interview. He told them he doesn't have his work permit yet, but the shop that the "talent company" works for has been looking for someone like my husband for a couple of months, and the shop manager was the one that found my husband's resume and wanted the "talent company" to do the initial interview. If the shop would be willing to wait until my husband has his work permit, it would be awesome to know he has a job waiting for him, but who knows what will happen. I make enough to "take care of him here" but there are other bills to be paid and his savings will only last a few months. Ugh. EAD come quickly! I figure he will get it the middle of October (maybe a birthday present for him) but he is hoping in September.

I hope the others still waiting for biometrics letters get them soon. Seems strange that they don't get sent out immediately for everyone. Colleens I hope that biometrics comes super quick for you and that you can find work in something once you have the work permit. Just a few more months until your baby comes! That is exciting.

Hope this is the ticket for you! Government bureaucracy is crazy!

I will look at a few places for a job, but I will most likely be close to (if not past) 7 months pregnant, so I am quite doubtful that anyone would hire me at that point....especially in this economy. At least with EAD I can get my EI started, then have it switched to mat leave ( you can start mat leave up to 8 weeks before your due date). It will be pretty close to me getting mat leave by the time I even get EAD!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-14 22:15:00
We called USCIS and logged a service request for my biometrics, even the girl on the phone was pretty surprised that we had been waiting so long. She said that it can take up to 30 days to get a response, but sometimes you will get an e-mail from the local office within a few days. So hopefully I hear something early next week. Even if my appt isn't for another month or so, I would just like to know when. I want to go home before I can no longer fly so it would be nice to be able to have a time frame so that I can start searching for flight deals!!!

It seems like time is going by so slowly for the pregnancy, I guess because I am home all the time doing nothing. But we have started buying stuff and getting things ready, so I am sure that will make the time go by a lot quicker!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-14 11:34:00

My husband received his biometrics letter yesterday and we took a chance that the ASC would let us do a walk in. The original appointment was for Friday September 3 but I would have been back teaching school and my husband didn't want to get lost driving himself. Now more waiting with no specific tasks.

WOW....that was fast....congrats!! I sent my AOS in at the end of May. It is coming up 3 months now and I still haven't recieved an appointment letter. I am starting to get really p#*@ed off!!! We are starting to get quite stressed financially, and now that I am almost 6 months pregnant I really have no hope in hell of getting a job, so we could really use at least the money I would get from EI. I have had to take a big chunk out of our retirement savings to help pay the bills, and we are just about to the end of that. And with a baby on the way and all the things we need to get for her. It is not like I will be able to count on any shower gifts to help us out. Most of my "friends" from canada haven't even sent me an e-mail congratulating me, I have no friends here, all my family is back in Canada, and hubby's family keeps asking us to help them out financially. The whole processing time is supposed to be 3 this rate I will be lucky to have mine by the 5 month point.....FRIG!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-13 11:27:00
I didn't get my biometrics letter yet...maybe tomorrow since Kimbear got hers today, but I did just get an e-mail that my AP has been approved....YEAH I will get to go home soon!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-09 22:20:00

The only reason i got any reply, is due to 4 service requests i put in. i have called them that many times in the last month alone. As it is my k1 1-129f was started in march of 2009, and i saw all the other filers get their interviews in november while i had to wait over a year for mine :( 377 days from day one to interview, and now this..with so many mistakes by my lawyer who i fired, the uscis, the nvc, etc. with 3 congressman'd think they would realize i'm not someone they should tick off...i just want it all over wonder i decided to get my citizenship..just so i can say STFU to uscis and vote on immigrations laws and try and get something in that system fixed.

We first applied in May last year, and the petition was lost (along with the $455 since hubby didn't keep the money order receipt...grrr) we reapplied in July, so it has was pretty close to a year for us from our initial application. So I feel your pain. I don't really care how long it takes to get my green card. I just want my EAD and AP so I can get some income coming in. I also would like to visit my family before the baby is born, but my window of opportunity is getting smaller and smaller. And since I haven't worked since November...financially it would be nice to have some money coming in as things are starting to get pretty tight :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-05 15:07:00

ok i'm really really pissed off...this is a vent..but in regards to my AOS.

so i've been waiting forever for my bio appt. and today i get a letter from uscis that bascially says: " you case is awaiting the required bio submittal and is currently in suspense until you complete this process"


THEN, it goes on to say my information has just been entered into the system that schedules the applicants for biometrics...OMFG, like they got my aos pkg JUNE 1ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFS!

then it says again both of my applicatons have been entered into the system. so what..i waited this long for some kneejerk efftard to get off his a$$ and put my damn file in the gdmit computer????

meaning i have to wait another month for an appointment..and with the xfer to CSC taking 4-6 months on avg..i'll get my stuff in what..9 months from submission???? JOY watch..i'll get another RFE for a lost medical or some sh1te to boot...

why is it every step of my visa process has been hell from the beginning with all the fu@#ups?? ####### did i do to deserve this? i just want to be able to live a normal happy life..but it seems the usa just wont let me. why do i get subjected to so many damn hoops to go through since the day i was born...i'm so fed up of this.....the only thing holding me together is my husband...

At least you have got a letter explaining what is going on....I submitted the same time and still have not heard a thing!! When I started the whole K1 process everything I read lead me to believe getting the I-129f approved was the longest wait. That happened in 3 months, then I had a 6 month wait for an interview, now I have been waiting over 2 months for a bio appt and have not heard a single thing! I am getting Si to contact the senator/congressman because even if I were to get my bio appt letter tomorrow, there is no way I will be getting my AP or EAD within the current processing time.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-05 14:17:00

good luck ashen, hopefully it's going to be nice easy and not overly expensive..still find it dumb they can't even bother lookking for you medical...grrr.

so today it is 2 months since USCIS got my aos package...and still no bio appt and no touches since june. and i've exhausted all ways of getting info. i can't call back for another 18 days.../sigh. wonder if congressman can do anything about why the hell this is taking so long, at this rate my EAD will be well out of processing times, and hell, i have no idea when i'll see a green card at this rate either! Just really wanna feel like a real person again, not some hobo milking off everyone ya know? :(

I know exactly how you feel, I am still waiting as well. I was hoping that I would at least be able to start claiming EI while looking for a job (not much chance of finding one now at 5 months pregnant!!) to help pay bills. I have had to cash in some of my investments to keep us I was hoping to save so that we could buy a house in the new year. So it really, really sucks. Hubby is in a fast track program for management where he works right now, but that won't be for another 3 months at least and currently he doesn't make enough to cover all the bills alone. With a baby on the is really starting to stress me out!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-02 14:59:00

Contests peachy!

We got our 6 emails and texts today! I got a little hasty and tried to check the status online and our MSC numbers aren't in the system yet. Booh!

Now we are crossing our fingers that we get transferred to CSC.

You might be better off going the interview route. I sent my AOS in June 8, was transferred to CSC and still have not even recieved my appt letter for my biometrics yet :( Kimbear sent hers the same day, and is in the same boat. I hope it goes quicker for you!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-22 21:34:00

Made a mistake, my package was sent in 7/16/2010 and received today 7/19/2010

I sent my AOS package in at the beginning of June and still have not even recieved my biometerics appointment yet, so if you are not able to get an expedite, you will most likely be in for a wait of 3-4 months......It seems that processing for AOS and EAD is quite slow right now :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-19 13:59:00

those of you who got xfered to CSC, how long did it take for your biometrics appt letter? almost a month and a half since they got my pkg and i still don't have an appointment..getting worried..and uscis wont help me since i called last week to change my address etc.

I still haven't recieved mine either, so I wouldn't panic too much. But I do agree that it seems to be taking longer than 'normal'. I did just recieve a text/e-mail that the case is pending at the CSC, so hopefully something comes soon!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-13 10:29:00
Please keep us updated if the RFE was for not having the transcription. I didn't get mine transcribed since I couldn't find a CS to just transcribe them. They all required me to have a full medical.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-01 17:43:00

On June 30, 2010, we transferred this case I485 APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS to our CALIFORNIA SERVICE CENTER location for processing and sent you a notice explaining this action.

Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad

I got the same thing, and have the same sentiments....I hope we luck out and it goes quickly!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-01 09:26:00

Ahh ok yeah i got 6 emails total too! lol ty for making me pay 1.20 in txt charges..doh! apparently it's not free to receive them in the usa with tmobile like it was when i was with telus up in canada.

i just thought it was weird that i had diff numbers but each email referenced form i-765...and ya...i can't see anything online atm..wheee feels like good old i-129f days!....

I got a total of 9 e-mails and 9 texts!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-07 21:37:00

speaking of emails and txts. how long after they receive the aos package do you start getting them? according to fedex they received the package on tuesday. my cheque has not passed yet, and i had to borrow money cuz of the stupid ipass auto refilling grrrr. sigh dont even have money for dog food so i have to cut them down a bit on portion size and add in extra treats. barely had enough for gas this am for david to get to work.

this totally sucks..i feel so freaking useless.. living near chicago is stupid expensive, and i'm still trying to figure out how they say davids income is enough for 4 ppl in the i-864, they need to revise it i think..cuz im realizing depending on where you live it should be different.

hmm maybe this shoulda gone in the vent thread ...doh!

I sent my package on Sat via USPS express and it was recieved in Chicago on Monday....funny that it was faster than fedex? Maybe fedex didn't work on monday and USPS did?
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-03 10:50:00

I added a paragraph on my cover letter stating when my medical was done and that it was within the one year so all i attached was the copy of the medical worksheet as well. *crosses fingers for us both*. At least an rfe at this point wont be a killer for me lol. besides we are so dead broke atm it's not even funny.

I added a letter explaining that I had the medical as well and that the vaccination worksheet would have been included in the package I handed in at POE. I didn't recieve a vaccination worksheet to send in, so I am hoping that it was filled in correctly. I am not even sure if I could have vaccinations done at this point if they were required. Many of them you can't have when you are pregnant. I am going to discuss this with my ob/gyn on Monday and get a note just in case!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-01 11:55:00