CanadaFirst day back to work

Aww - it will be great for you guys all the way around. You get to talk to adults!!! Your daughter gets out and about and socializes without you and your hubster has alone time with her while you're at work!

sounds really great - try not to speed home from work too fast!

I try not too, but I live about 1/2 a mile from where I work, so it is hard to not get home too
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-08 15:15:00
CanadaFirst day back to work
I went to a job fair last week and ended up with an interview the next day and getting a job!! It is working as a project manager for a remodelling company whose primary focus is on roofing. With the huge storms we had her this spring, there is no shortage of work from insurance claims! The job involves, sales (which I am NOT looking forward to), supervising the crew while the repairs are being done then dealing with the homeowners for payment. I have never done any sort of sales, and personally I am not too fond of people who come knocking at my door trying to sell something, but unfortunately I have a family to help provide for and it is what came up. The first month is a training period and they give a small salary + commissions, but after training it is all commission based. Fortunately there is a fair bit of money to be made with it and even just 1 sale a week would over quadripule what I was making with my maternity benefits.

It was very sad and a bit tough to leave Emma with a sitter this morning. I have not been away from her for more than about 4-5hrs since she was born, but I take comfort in the fact that the socialization will be good for her. Si is working a weekend night shift, so he will be a stay at home dad for Tues, Wed and Thurs, so that means that we only need Mon, Wed and Sat care, and once I am done training that may change to just 2 days as I will be able to set my schedule.

I am glad to be interacting with adults again, it has been almost 2 years since I left Canada, so I think this opportunity will be very good for me.

Wish me luck!!

Oh, and if you happen to live in the Knoxville, Tn area and know someone who needs roof repair from the storms, please
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-08 11:17:00

What's the MMR booster? (is that the one that is 4 shots in 1?) I know im missing one that im suposed to get every 10years. and i plan on asking the doctor i see if im missing any. and i have my mom back home asking my family doctor about the ones im missing (if any) because back home (small town) it can take over 3 months just to get an appointment. So thats why im getting it in advance (just to be safe)... I just want to do this now, so that at my medical i wont need any. But if im missing some, im hoping it's not 6 hahaha... that would suck :P

thank you for everyone that posted on here. It was a great help. with all the lists that are out there, i wasnt sure which one was the good one. :) ive had all the regular shots needed growing up. so i doubt im missing much. (except from what my mom told me, there were some shots that werent given out when i was a baby) so those are the ones im looking into.

Happy journey to everyone!!!

If it is going to take 3 months to get to see the Dr back home, it will be quicker to go to your Dr where you live now and get the titre tests done. They test the immunity levels in your blood, so you will know for sure if you are lacking in any of them. I had mine done in Ontario and they were free. Just had my Dr do up a lab req for them, went to the lab and had a bit of blood drawn. Had the results back in about a month. No worries, no hassle!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-22 09:44:00
I went to Dr. Seiden in Montreal and I didn't receive a copy of the DS-3025 (I am not sure if they over looked it, or it is just the way they do it), but I contacted them and asked if it was also included within the sealed package and they confirmed it was. I did not get my vaccinations transcribed onto an I-693 for AOS and I did not recieve an RFE.

So if you don't get a copy of the DS-3025 don't freak out!! You will be fine!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-21 09:23:00
The link that pocheros supplied has the list of immunizations that you will require. You will need to supply either your immunization records, or titre test results at your medical, so I would start looking into getting either of those....unless you already have them!

I made a couple of calls to try to track down my immunization records, but wasn't getting anywhere, so I decided it was much easier to just get the titre tests done.

If you need the TDaP booster, I think it is called Adacel (sp) in Canada.

Your medical is only valid for a year, so most people wait until just before your interview to have it done, that way it will still be valid for when you do AOS.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-20 18:22:00
CanadaPre-marriage jitters

Thank you Udella & Inky for the helpful information. Being from Quebec, I am used to the up to 25 weeks parental leave in which you get paid for at least 55% of your base salary. And you can split it between both parents. Even if it's up to 3 unpaid months in the U.S, it's still a big adjustment for me. I guess not paying as much taxes makes up for it.

I lucked out with my timing of getting pregnant. I was visiting hubby in the US while I was waiting for my VIsa interview, I went home for my interview and stayed for 3 weeks to visit family and friends. When I returned to the US we found out we were expecting!! Since I couldn't work and I couldn't draw EI while I was waiting for my EAD I was able to get 15wks mat leave and 25wks parental leave (I would have had 50 wks of parental, but I was laid off just before moving to the US and got a 6month severance package, so that affected my claim). And since I had my baby in the same year that I left I was able to get my maternity benefits. I have just started back to work the past few weeks after 7.5 months at home with my baby. The majority of moms in the US get 6weeks -3 months of unpaid leave. I couldn't imagine having to take my baby to day care at that age.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-19 15:02:00
CanadaI-693 for AOS
Yes, I went and had my titre tests done to ensure that I was up to date on everything since I could not track down my vaccination records.

I know that the panel physician took a copy of this info so I imagine it was either included in the package or that they transfered it onto the DS3025 that was enclosed in the medical package that we turned in at POE.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-19 15:04:00
CanadaI-693 for AOS
I did not have a copy of the DS3025 and did not have the I-693 filled out and I had no problems with AOS. I did include a highlighted exceprt from the I-485 instructions that states that we do not have to have the I-693. Not sure if this made a difference or not, but I had no RFE's.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-19 14:51:00
CanadaSponser, Fiance, or Spousal Visa?

Hi, My boyfriend lives in Canada and I live in the US. We know we want to be together and are planning a visit in September. Just wondering what is the fastest way to legally be together in Canada. We believe it would be better for me to go there.
Thank you

There is no fiance(e) visa in Canada, only a spousal visa. Here is the link to Canada Citizenship and Immigration they have a lot of good information on there.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-25 20:30:00
CanadaBetter/Faster to go for K1 or CR1?

I'm not going to initially quit, rather take a leave of absence. Can you still collect EI?

PS- Posted this question in the EI thread and hasn't yet been answered.

I don't think that you can with a leave of absence, but I have never really looked into that. You may want to contact the Out of Canada EI office, since that is who you will need to deal with. They # is 1-877-486-1650. I have got an answering machine every time I have called, but have left a message and they have always returned my call....usually that day but once or twice it was the next day.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-27 16:20:00
CanadaBetter/Faster to go for K1 or CR1?

Yes you can. Just apply online once you are in the US to find out if you qualify.

As long as you are in the US within 4 weeks of leaving your previous job. You only have a 4 week window from the day you leave your last job that you can apply for EI.

Also if you are quitting your job make sure your HR dept notes that you are quitting to be with your spouse in the US on your ROE. If they only put "quit" on the ROE you may be out of luck when it comes to collecting.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-26 16:44:00
CanadaBetter/Faster to go for K1 or CR1?
The CR-1 takes a little bit longer to process up front, it was around a month or 2 more when I was going through my K1. However, if you went the CR1 route, she would receive a stamp in her passport that would allow her to work immediately. With the K1 you have to adjust status and although it usually takes ~3 months it can take much longer (it took me 6 months to get my EAD, and another 2 months to get my greencard).

I am not sure about going the route of the student visa, but I am sure someone will chime in. You may want to contact the school that your girlfriend plans on attending and find out about residency requirements. If she goes the student visa route she will definietly pay international student rates, but if you can return to the US and re-establish your residency, some schools will allow her to claim the full time that you have been living there once you are married. So for instance if you have lived in the area for 8 months, once she is here and you are married they will consider her being a resident for 8 months as well. Not all schools do this, but some do.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-25 20:22:00
CanadaMy Observations Back in Canada
Warlord, you now have me craving a New York Fries Poutine....I loved their poutine!!

I am glad that I moved from ON before the HST came in. When I go back to Canada it is usually to visit my family in AB, so we only get hit with the 5% gst, which is significanlty lower then the 9.25% state tax in TN. But most things are more expensive there. The one thing that I have always been surprised about is the cost of produce where I live in TN. It is sooo expensive. I used to be able to go to one of the many large farmers markets in Ottawa and buy all my produce super fresh and for very little. Here the farmers markets are very small, and the stuff you buy in the grocery store is never very fresh and $$$$. I miss having a garden for fresh veggies :(

The cost of living in Canada is higher, but compared to where I live, the salaries are much higher in Canada as it somewhat evens out!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-22 09:32:00
CanadaWe decided to buy a house
We have our insurance through Safeco. We had an upgraded Sam's club membership and it was one of the offers there. Granted we only have renters insurance right now, but it is pretty affordable. We have had 1 accident claim (which I think we are ending up being sued over :wacko: ) and they are taking care of it and keeping us informed. They have been available to answer any questions we may have. We also had a comprehensive claim for both our vehicles when we had a crazy hail storm in April...again very good service. We were with Geico for both and we are now saving $1200 per year on our vehicles and renters insurance since we switched.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-05 20:06:00
CanadaHurricane Irene

I bought emergency supplies like flashlights wine and water beer.

I like how you prepare!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-26 20:22:00
CanadaApplied for new Canadian passport today.

ok i have a question, does anybody know how long it takes to get a US passport? we need to get one for my husband, he has never had one before.. we are thinking of going to Canada next month..

they say 4 to 6 weeks on their site but i am hoping it is quicker... wish we would have taken care of this sooner...

When I applied for one earlier in the year for my baby, I think I had it in just over 2 weeks.

If I remember correctly there is an area where you can put date of travel on it so they get it back to you in time.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-10 12:37:00
CanadaIf you went back to Canada, would you live in the same place?
We are actually seriously considering moving back to Canada. And as much as I loved Ottawa, and all my friends are there, my family is in Edmonton, so that is where we will move to. We would get a lot of support from my family...helping with child care etc. And my sister and her husband recently bought a 2nd home, and they have offered their 'rental' to live in for free until we get settled with jobs etc.

I am actually waiting for a response from CIC to see if my husband would be admissable right now (he made a really stupid decision this past spring and stole something from work and got caught. He now has a record of 'charges pending" that will be expunged next April.) It is only a misdemeanor charge, but I don't want to go through the whole process and pay out all the money to find out he is inadmissable!!

We really want to have another child, so it would be nice to get back, work a bit to qualify for mat leave again, but I am also torn if I should wait until I get my citizenship in case we ever want to come many decisions!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-30 08:39:00
CanadaMaiden Name on Passport Question on International travel

Yes - bringing your marriage cert along with you will be sufficient to prove the difference between the passport and your GC.

There has been a trend lately that the Canadian border guards do ask about your status and may ask to see your GC - be prepared to show it.

This...I was asked for my green card (along with my passport) when I entered Canada back in June.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-04 20:15:00
CanadaOpen Work Permit or Visitor Record for spouse of PGWP holder

Hi guys,

I am about to apply for a three year Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP). My spouse currently lives with me in Canada. I know in the old days, spouse of PGWP holder usually can get a open work permit (OWP) even if I, as the holder of PGWP, does not have a job offer. Now, I heard this is no longer true as many spouses' OWP applications got rejected.

My question is:

1. Is there anyway to allow my spouse legally stay in Canada besides an OWP? In my application for PGWP, can my spouse apply for a visitor record?
-> Will the visitor record be as long as my PGWP?
-> Can my spouse use the visitor record to apply for an entry visa (TRV) and return to Canada with TRV and the same visitor record? (i.e. is the visitor record still valid if the holder leaves Canada and return)
-> What should be the reason to apply for the visitor record? My spouse wants to accompany me while I'm working in Canada?
-> What documents are we supposed to provide? Marriage certificate, bank statement, and anything else?
-> If we want to apply for a three year PGWP, how much money should we prepare in the bank statement?

2. According to cic website, my spouse may apply for an OWP if my work is NOC OAB. If I have a job offer from an employer now, and the job title is NOC B, can I supply the offer letter in my PGWP application to apply for a OWP for my spouse? Besides the job offer, are there any other required documents (e.g. some letter from Service Canada?)

3. If my spouse apply for a visitor record with my PGWP application, can my spouse apply for a work permit or study permit on her own in the future?

I know there are a lot of questions. Please please help me. Thank you very very much. I highly appreciate your help.

This forum is actually for people immigrating from Canada to the US! You may want to try Road to Canada http://www.roadtocan...orums/index.php and you will get more relavant answers there.

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-05 13:18:00 sale
$1180 sounds like a pretty good deal! Have you ever tried using Pricelines name your own price? I have used it for my last 2 trips from Tennessee to Edmonton and got the flights for $500 or less (with taxes and fees)! It is only good if you have a somewhat flexible schedule and you don't mind having a bit of a layover since your flight can leave anywhere from 10am to 10pm.

I haven't tried it around christmas at all but might be this year. We want to have E's 1st birthday party in Canada with my family this year (Dec 16th), but we have both just started new jobs so it will depend on what kind of time off we can get.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-05 19:18:00
CanadaSometimes I relate to those chauvinists in the other forums
My ex didn't have the beard et al, but loved the lumberjack lifestyle. That is all that he wanted to do on the weekends was go in the bush and cut wood and stuff like that. I on the other hand liked being social and doing a variety of things. It was a bit part of our downfall.

I tried dating a lot of Canadian guys, but never met one who enjoyed the same things I did and had the same goals in life. I really didn't have anything other than a job and house holding me to Canada, so I decided to broaden my horizons, and luckily met Hubby!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-24 06:29:00
Canadasponsoring parents to canada

hi guys
i want to know how much i need to show ti sponsor my parents to canada from pakistan and how long it will take?
after applying for them would they be able to visit me as they usually spend 6 months with me every year?

other thing is

as visit visa say "cannot stay more than six months after which they come to usa to my brother (as weare their only kids and dont want them to be alone back home)

i want to know this 6 month restriction is for usa and canada separately or this restriction is for north america.i mean they can live only for 6 months either in canada or usa and after that they have to leave north america? is this true?

This forum is for Canadians immigrating to the US. For information for immigrating to Canada try the CIC website or post your question in the forums on Road to Canada http://www.roadtocan...orums/index.php

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-07 02:21:00
Canadamedical results
I had mine done and Dr Seidens office in Montreal. I had my medical done in late Nov 2009, and picked it up at the end of March 2010. I was laid off from my job at the end of Novemeber (while I was awaiting my interview to be scheduled) so I sold my house put my stuff in storage and came to the US to visit my fiance while I was waiting for my interview. I lived in Ottawa, so it was a fairly quick and easy trip to go to Montreal before I left the area and get the medical out of the way. This way I did not have to spend the extra couple of days in Montreal waiting for the results. I just let them know what my plans were ahead of time and I had to call them a few days before I was coming in to pick up the results. I had no issues with it. You may want to touch base with them before hand since they may have changed their proceedures since then.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-09 03:37:00
CanadaHealth Insurance - Preexisting Condition
And your wife will be covered under the HIPPA laws. Since she is coming from a country with a national health care plan it is like she is moving from another insurance, so she can't be denied for pre-existing least that is how BCBS explained it to me!!

I don't think that health care legistation comes into effect until 2014 Inky...I thought I read that somewhere recently, but could be wrong.

Good luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-16 03:29:00
CanadaAOS/Medical Question!

Hey all, since I will finally be moving in a few short weeks and AOS is the next step of the process to wrap my head around, I'm trying to get a head start on things...

The only part of the process that somewhat confuses me is the medical. I know here on VJ, it tells me that I only need to fill out an I-693 if my medical is marked as incomplete.

I just checked my DS-3025 that came with my medical results and the box marked "Vaccine history incomplete" is checked, however so is a box that says:

"Applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver(s) because vaccination(s) not medically appropriate (as indicated above)"

So, does this mean that I have all the vaccinations I need and I won't need to fill out a form for AOS?

Thanks guys. Sorry if this is a stupid question. :lol:

I think most people have that (I didn't get a DS3025 so I can't compare it with mine). I didn't do the I-693 and completed my AOS with no rfe's

I know there are several people here who didn't do the I-693 and had no issues. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a civil surgeon who will just fill out the I-693 and not require you to do another full medical.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-27 20:39:00
CanadaGetting a US visa as a Canadian GC holder

She lives in Canada. No need to check out Jamaica's guidelines. She needs to request US visa from US officials.

Now what documents?

Sorry...I replied to this when I had been up for nearly 24hrs so my brain wasn't quite functioning properly

Here is a link to the US dept of state and the FAQ's for visitors visa' should provide you with the information you require. Unfortunatley as Canadians we do not need a visa to visit the US, so we really are not aware of the process that is required to get a visa.

ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-20 13:57:00
CanadaGetting a US visa as a Canadian GC holder
Here is a link to the Canadian Visa office in Kingston Jamaica, you can send them an e-mail explaining the circumstances and they should be able to give you the information you need.

I understand that your friend is in Canada, so would not be using this office, but they will be able to get the information you require.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-19 13:49:00
CanadaRenting A Moving Truck for self move to USA

Hi Everyone,

My husband has his interview next week and we are STILL working out moving his goods to the USA. He doesn't have much stuff, essentially a studio apartments worth of stuff, which would all fit in a small moving truck or trailer. We looked into companies like ABF upack etc, but many of them won't deliver to our home in San Antonio TX. So questions: 1. What companies are okay for moving trucks with drop off in the USA? 2. What forms would we need at the border? I know there is the 3299 for the unaccompanied goods, is there one for items that you bring with you?

I have heard from some people that it is just easier to deal with movers rather than the hassle of going through the border with all your stuff and a rental truck etc. Just looking for some imput and suggestions.


Did you just look into the relocubes with ABF? I used them but used an actual trailer instead of a relocube and I had to option for delivery to do with that (their warehouse wasn't that far away so we ended up picking my stuff there to save a bit of money). They drop the trailer off for 3 days, you fill it and they come pick it up and you get 3 days to unload it as well. They will also do storage if required (I had to store my stuff for 4 months and there were no issues. It cost a bit more, but it was way cheaper than keeping my house for that time and making mortgage payments when I wasn't living there!!)
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-09 17:44:00
CanadaEffect of US Green Card on Canadian PR?

Hi all,

I've completed my POE and have now gotten my Green Card/SSN etc. I still have my Canadian PR though. I have to visit Canada sometime in the near future for 1-2 days. Can I travel with my Canadian PR? Is it still valid?

Thanks in advance!

I may be woring about this, but from what I have read on the CIC website I believe that you are still considered a PR of Canada as long as you are witin the 730 days in 5 year rule. To maintain Canadian PR status you must maintain residency for 2 years within a 5 year period. Until you are at the point that you do not fulfil that time, you would still be considered a Canadian PR.

If you are travelling to Canada, I would bring your Canadian PR card, your green card and your passport. The last couple of times I travelled back to Canada, I was asked for my Green Card when I was entering Canada as well as entering the US, so be prepared to show it going both ways.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-25 19:46:00
CanadaDS-3025/I-693 (Canada K1-->AOS)
I did not recieve a copy of the DS3025 at my medical but I did call the Dr.s office and they told me that it was included in the package that we turned in at POE. I did not get my vaccinations transcribed onto an I693 and I had no issues. As long as you have all the vaccinations that were required you should have no issues.

I considered getting mine transcribed onto the I693, but there was not a civil surgeon in my area that would do that without redoing the full medical. So I decided to save myself $300 and chance it. I am glad that I did.

I know that there are several Canadians who did not do the I-693 and had no issues.

Good Luck on a speedy AOS!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-27 11:01:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
Costco (in Canada) sells a brown gravy mix that they use for their poutine in the cafeteria there, and I think it is pretty good....definitely better then the St.Hubert sauce. And since it is a pretty big package it lasts for awhile.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-24 06:19:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians

She's proud to be Canadian, and I am proud to be married to a Canadian :) (soon anyway). I got her a full sized Canadian flag, several miniature Canadian flags, miniature provincial flags, Canadian flag lapel pins, Canadian/American flag together lapel pins, and Canadian flag car decals/stickers. I think most of these things will be used to decorate the basket. When she gets it she can take it apart and use them as she pleases.

The only food things I am missing now are Ah Caramel, Tim Hortons coffee, Ketchup chips, and Shreddies. I think I can get the ketchup chips here in the states. Have any of you Canadians tried both the US, and Canadian version of ketchup chips? If so, can you comment on the difference, if any?

Thank you for the feedback :)

All of the positive feedback I've gotten in this thread really has helped motivate me to find this stuff. Thank you all :)

I thought I was going to be in heaven when I found some "Terry's" brand ketchup chips at my local food city, my mouth was watering the whole way home. But when I opened the bag and bit into that first one....I was sooooo disappointed. They didn't taste anything like the Lay's back home. I have also tried the Heinz brand ones and they were not much better. So if she really like ketchup chips, I would suggest getting someone to send you some Canadian ones!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-26 11:08:00
CanadaQuestion for Canadians
What a sweet star for you!! Here are some of the things that I try to bring back with me when I visit Canada. A lot of it will depend on what your wife likes...I am a bit of a candyaholic so a lot of mine is based on the 'comfort' foods. And like Inky said it depends on the area you will be moving to what may or may not be available

Ketchup Chips (I am partial to Lays)
Smarties (unlike the american smarties these are candy covered chocolate similar to M&M's)
Mars Bars
Any form of Cadbury chocolate (The Cadbury chocolate you get here is not the same)
Swedish Berries
Wine Gums
Glossette Raisins or peanuts
Shreddies Cereal
Kraft Dinner (it is called Mac and Cheese here but they taste quite different)
Heinz Ketchup (again same name but very different taste)
Licorice Allsorts
Peek Freans Lifestyle cookies ( I like the blueberry, brown sugar and flax)
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-16 20:07:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving
We can't afford to go back to Canada for thanksgiving, so I will cook a full thanksgiving meal here. I ask my in-laws to come over and celebrate with me. My MIL works shift work in retail so it is hit or miss if she will be able to come, and my SIL has some health issues so it depends on how she is feeling if the come or not. My husband works weekend night shift so for him it will be a get up, try not to eat too much and go to work :( so that part kind of sucks.

It will be Emma's first thanksgiving, so I will definitely go all out!!! And I love turkey and all the fixin's so it doesn't bother me that we will have 3 turkey dinners 3 months in a row!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-30 02:23:00
CanadaImporting my bike

That's great news! I won't be driving it in the winter months in any case, so that gives me a few more months to save up for it, and figure it all out. What with the wedding plans and needing money for the AOS and maybe covering a few months of mortgage till my house sells, every little bit helps. My biggest fear was having it confiscated at the border and no money to ship it home...

The compliance letter is the thing the guy at the dealer had no idea what to do about it. I have no idea where to go for that... I have an email into the company, and hopefully they can send me something, but as to being on letterhead, I'm hoping an email will do.

When I was waiting for my K1 appt I was laid off from my job. So I decided to sell my house and pack up and go down to the US to visit with my fiance while I was waiting for my interview. I drove down so that I would have a vehicle for the time (I was pretty sure it was going to be about 3 months). When I finally got my interview, I flew back to Canada and then flew back to the US. Since my car was already in the US, I just went to a CBP office and did the import. It only took a few minutes and had no issues.

Good luck on getting that compliance letter. I have a friend in Canada that has a vespa...I will ask her where she got it. Maybe that dealer can point you in the correct direction.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-01 19:32:00
CanadaImporting my bike
If you do not plan on driving it right away you can bring it with you an import it later. That will give you some extra time to worry about all the paper work when you are not so rushed. You will need to get the compliance letter and import it before you will be able to register it.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-01 16:27:00
Canadamoney and banking, before and after moving
I forgot to add, that I added my sister as a joint account holder on my Canadian account and got her a debit card so that if I should happen to get any Canadian cheques I can send them to her and she can deposit them for me. My parents generally just give us some cash for Christmas and birthdays so now they can just give it to my sister to deposit for us.

This will come in handy when you move since you will most likely get some refund cheques from your utilities, insurance etc if you are moving inbetween billing cycles.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-05 02:44:00
Canadamoney and banking, before and after moving

I already have a US RBC Bank Account that I opened because of a thread on here.

I opened a Canadian RBC Account and they did up the paperwork to fax down to the US account people. I can transfer money to and from the US account without fees. I have a Check Card for the US account and a debit card for the Canadian one.

Right now I'm planning to keep my Canadian account open for a while after I finally move down there and give my mum a bank card for it. If I get any cheques in Canadian funds then I can just mail them up to her for her to deposit.

I did this before I moved in 2009, and I have loved it. It was very easy to get my maternity benefits direct deposited into my RBC Canada account and then just transferred the funds online to my RBC USA acct (and if you plan on claiming unemployment when you get here it is the same thing). You will be able to get your tax returns direct deposited into it as well.

And when you travel back to Canada, you can do the opposite. You will have seperate debit cards for each account, so you can use the canadian one in Canada and the US one in the US and avoid all the service/exchange fees.

The only downside is that they only have branches in the southeast so it can be a pain in the a$$ if you need to go to a branch for something, but most things you can work around.

I already have a US RBC Bank Account that I opened because of a thread on here.

I opened a Canadian RBC Account and they did up the paperwork to fax down to the US account people. I can transfer money to and from the US account without fees. I have a Check Card for the US account and a debit card for the Canadian one.

Right now I'm planning to keep my Canadian account open for a while after I finally move down there and give my mum a bank card for it. If I get any cheques in Canadian funds then I can just mail them up to her for her to deposit.

I did this before I moved in 2009, and I have loved it. It was very easy to get my maternity benefits direct deposited into my RBC Canada account and then just transferred the funds online to my RBC USA acct (and if you plan on claiming unemployment when you get here it is the same thing). You will be able to get your tax returns direct deposited into it as well.

And when you travel back to Canada, you can do the opposite. You will have seperate debit cards for each account, so you can use the canadian one in Canada and the US one in the US and avoid all the service/exchange fees.

The only downside is that they only have branches in the southeast so it can be a pain in the a$$ if you need to go to a branch for something, but most things you can work around.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-04 03:01:00
CanadaHappy (Canadian) Thanksgiving!
As much as we have struggled this year, I am thankful that we have been able to always have food on the table and a roof over our head.

I am thankful that I am going to be hired on full time for the company that I am temping with at the end of the month and will finally have decent medical benefits that won't cost an arm and a leg.

I am thankful that I have a job that pays enough for us to make ends meet.

I am thankful for my husband, he is a great father and partner.

I am thankful for my baby girl and that she is healthy and happy. Whenever I am feeling down or having a bad day all I need to do is look at her smile and everything is good again.

I am thankful for my friends and family and for their love and support.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-08 21:27:00
CanadaImmunization Translations - Edmonton

Hi all,

In anticipation of an approval and preparation of our interview packet, I need to get my fiancee's immunization records from Dubai translated into English. She's in Edmonton, so I'm hoping for something close. I do have a couple questions.

Is it generally recommended that I get a certified translation from a company? I don't know if it's a requirement for Woking Medical, but would hate for an RFE for that minor thing. I know that any translator could write a certification note, but would using a company bolster the accuracy?

If I'm using a company, do you have a recommendation as to whom? Are we allowed to list some on the boards? I found Cilfo Translations - who work via email - that will do the translation for $150 (their flat fee), but wondered if anyone has had a good experience otherwise? This would obviously be from Arabic to English.

Thanks for your input.

Save yourself $150 and have your fiancee go to her doctor and get titre tests done for the required vaccinations. They will draw a few vials of blood and test the immunity levels to see if she has had that vaccine. She will have to ask her dr for a copy of the results to take to her medical.

Getting the titre tests done is free (at least it was in Ontario). And with the titre tests you are 100% certain that the proper vaccinations were recieved.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-09 03:47:00