CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

Anderson is a 2 year golie. Next year he will suck :hehe: He was our star during the 2010 playoffs and then came out the next season, and was horrible. By the end of the season, he totally gave up on us. I like seeing him play well, but I'm skeptical... and don't even get me started on Elliott in St. Louis! :bonk:

Funny thing is Elliot played for Ottawa last year and he had a really bad season as well and this year he is on fire! Goalies are an odd bunch
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-23 16:06:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!
The Sens continue to surprise all. How about Stone....getting his first NHL point on his first shift in the NHL!! Gotta love that. And Anderson turning away 41 shots for a shutout. Looks like Ottawa finally has a goaltender who got hot at playoff time!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-22 10:47:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

No, Sens, NO! ;)

(haha, sorry, it's a Toronto rivalry thing... even though I haven't cheered for the Leafs - aka Laughs - in years)

It's not like the Leafs have given anyone a reason to cheer in
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-17 11:02:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

GO SENS GO!!!!!Posted Image


Considering they were predicted to finish around 30th in the league this season, they are giving the Rangers a run for their money. I say Sens in 6!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-16 15:55:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul
We have decided to go with ABF again, it will cost about the same as UHaul or even less depending on cost of gas, and we don't have to worry about driving all the stuff.

Thank you for all your responses!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-28 15:42:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul

You might want to look into POD service. These are like large truck-type cargo boxes that you have dropped off at your current location. You fill it like a regular move. Then they put it on a flat bed with other PODS and ship it via road or rail. I'm told its very cost effective. Perhaps others have more information on this and perhaps experience. I know one fellow who did it to move from Canada to Costa Rica and was delighted at the cost.

Good luck. Sorry to hear you've had such a rough time.

Thanks!! I used AFB upack when I moved down here, and I am just trying to do a cost comparison when you factor in the cost of gas with uhaul to see if there would be very much savings.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 18:11:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul

in Dec 2004 when I moved to DC from Nova Scotia, I had a 17 foot truck and I think I got like 10mpg!! But I bagged it, I was doing 75 mph a lot of the time, could have done a lot better if I babied it,lol On U-hauls website, it even states 10 mpg,lol

Enjoy the drive, I drove from DC to Saskatoon last May!! Just me, my dog and my Honda CRV!! Great time! Think it was almost 2100 miles 1 way.

Thanks Flames, I generally love the drives as well, but this one will be a bit more challenging now that we have a 1.5yr old along for the ride!! Oh, and the 2 dogs :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 18:04:00
CanadaRecent cross country move with U-haul
Has anyone recently moved cross country (approx 2500 miles TN to AB) using a uhaul truck? We are going to be moving back to Canada soon and wanted to know approx how much it cost in gas? we are looking at either a 17 or 20' truck.

ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 17:18:00
CanadaLetter from USCIS

Hi everyone, it has been a long time since I have been on here but just received something strange in the mail and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen. I had my application for the removal of my conditions approved in Nov/10 and received my 10 IR1 Permanent Resident card in the mail shortly after, then just received a letter dated April 17/12 stating that the FBI can not process my fingerprnt card and that before they continue processing my I-751 removal of conditions application, I have to have my fingerprints re-taken. That is so weird after I have had my 10 year card for over a year and half now! I have written them to see if it is correct that I have to have them re-taken after all this time or the letter was sent in error. Hopefully they answer me because I do not want to have to take a day off work and drive two hours each way unnessarily.

If they do not respond to your letter in a timely manner, I would contact your congressmans office. They have people who deal directly with immigration and can quickly get in contact with the proper office.

When I contacted my congressmans office for an immigration related issue I had a response within 3 days!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-01 09:52:00
CanadaCanadian Favourites
In just over 2 weeks I will be able to hit the grocery store and indulge in all of the things I have missed!! I may end up in a food induced coma for a few days, but it will be soooooooo good. I will be sure to take lots of pics and post here :P
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-03 00:23:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate X Divorce Certificate


I just realized that I don't have my fiance Marriage certificate to bring to the interview and it is was the list, I thought it was about me and i have never been married before, thats why I didnt worry about it.

My fiance gave me his Divorce Certificate.He DOES NOT have a marriage certificate. Is this enough? Would they ask for marriage certificate at the interview?

I am going to Montreal Tomorrow morning, its kinda late now but I was wondering if any one can post here your experience or have any input in case we will be asked for this doc and how I could act.

Thanks a lot,

I had my original marriage certificate just in case and they never asked for it. If they ask for it you would just have to tell them you don't have it and if they really need it, you would have to get one and mail it in. He should be able to get a copy from where he was married (I got mine from Ontario and my hubby got his from TN). I am not sure why they would have this on the list (I think it is more CR1 related) since if you have a divorce decree, you have obviously been legally married before!! I have only heard of one person who was asked for it, and that was several years ago.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-05 19:40:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I had double chocolate fudge ice cream! I wasn't very hungry tonight, but had a sweet tooth!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-25 20:26:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight I think I am making taco salad. I have been craving salad like crazy, but hubby doesn't like it that often and I hate buying all the veggies for just a couple of salads for myself because they end up going bad before I can eat them all, and I hate wasting food like that.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-20 12:28:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
We ordered pizza!! It is early, but Si works a 12hr night shift that starts at 6, so in order to eat together we have to eat fairly early on the days he works.

I used to cook so much stuff on my BBQ and I loved cooking, but we are not allowed a BBQ where we live, so I find myself struggling lately to get insipred to cook. And the fact that a lot of the things that I liked to use when cooking I can not find here....and I am usually too lazy/too busy to make it from scratch.

I think I need a visit from the "Take Home Chef" lol!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-19 15:08:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

That is awesome. My husband surprised me with a new mixer.... a Kenmore Elite. We took it back because it leaked gear oil through the part where the attachments lock into and it was super loud and smelly. The reviews had convinced him to buy one of those because he was originally going to get me a Kitchen Aid. Those make me purr. lol

I've been trying to find a replacement for my old Black and Decker handy steamer. They've changed the design on the new B&D's and the reviews aren't good so I don't know what to get now. I really miss my steamer.

I love my steamer, I used it the other day to make a ton of baby food. I love it for that because you can use the water that has dripped out of the veggies to put back into the puree so that you don't lose any nutrients. I made enough food for over a month for about $7. But I do have a jar full of halr pureed green beans in the fridge because my blender died halfway through :(

ETA: I have had such a lack of creativity when it comest to dinner the last few months since Si is working evenings and is never home I can't be bothered to cook for myself. I have been eating a lot of weight watchers meals to get rid of my baby

Edited by Colleens, 14 June 2011 - 12:55 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-14 12:52:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

No, just made the sandwich. lol. I like to put it on a slice of bread and then stick it under the broiler. Yum.

There is nothing like putting cheeze whiz on a fresh homemade bun right out of the just melts right in!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-19 18:48:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

Looks good, I like the idea of turning them into cupcakes. Cupcakes seem to get eating more in our family then cake.

I was looking forward to our 2nd Thanks Giving this year, but now I'm so tired I don't know how I will pull it off. I have already informed my husband he may be doing it all on his own, but just watching him is going to tire me out. I am going to try and get most of the prep work done the day/night before. Also I think I will use the slow cooker to keep the mash potatoes warm too. I love that Idea glad you posted that Marilyn.

As for our turkey I have to change the way I baste it. I have been using a nice white wine/or blush mixed with melted butter to baste it and then make the gravy from the drippings but i can't do that now being pregnant.

I know how you feel!! I will be at 38 weeks when I do thanksgiving dinner. We were going to do it on the Saturday since Hubby and his mom both work in retail and both have to work on thanksgiving day. Then we got given tickets to the Vols/Kentucky football game, and neither of us has been to a college ball game before. So we decided on doing it on Sunday so hubby could help me with the prep and such, but he found out yesterday he has been scheduled 7-4 for that day, so it looks like I will be on my own. I will do some of the prep on Saturday as well, so it will just be the cooking on Sunday. As much as it tires me out, I love cooking and entertaining, so I am sure I will make it through!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-17 13:29:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I made a couple of Quiches the other night, so we had some leftovers last night. Today I am not feeling 100%, it is kinda cloudy and rainy out, and I am feeling too lazy to cook anything so it is Pizza night....YUM!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-04 15:57:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I have been having a HUGE craving for poutine ever since the chipstand post, so I think I will need to make some tonight. It won't be quite the same without the curds and having to use cheese instead, but I am sure it will suffice.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-11 11:25:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux

Don't know what to call what I made tonight :D! I sauteed half pound of hot Mexican sausage, added in a chopped onion, a chopped Anaheim pepper (from the garden), a chopped medium/large yellow squash (also from the garden), added a can of tomatoes and green chilies, cooked it all together until the flavours blended, then stirred in steamed rice and heated it through. Yummy!

I so miss being able to have a garden. It was so convienient to come home and just pop out to the garden to get fresh veggies to make dinner with. I ate most fresh, but I always planted a lot of tomatoes to can and cucumbers to pickle. I also liked that I knew that there were no pesticides used (I did use a little fetilizer on my tomatoes and peppers) and you didn't have to wash things for 20 mins to get rid of that icky taste!! Sometimes when I wanted a snack, I would just go our to the garden, pick a few carrots, wipe them off and eat them fresh. YUM!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-10 14:57:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
Tonight is homemade lasagne night...YUM! Now if I could only eat more than a few bites before I feel sick. Darn you baby!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-29 14:27:00
CanadaWhat's For Dinner - Part Deux
I made homemade perogies tonight. We went to Sam's club yesterday for the first time and they had the little mini smokies that I was able to get back home in canada. So I picked some of those up and decided to make perogies to go with. Hubby has never had perogies before, so I am hoping that he likes them. I made potaoto and chedder cheese ones. YUM!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-27 17:57:00
CanadaI-129F/K1 Request For Evidence: What's your experience?

I was just wondering about on-line airline tickets, which I've been doing for years... I've got some of those. I'll see my fiance in a few days, and how many stamps he has. Actually, we both have Nexus cards, I'm sure that'll be helpful somehow.

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated.


They do prefer the boarding passes, since you can technically purchase a ticket and then not travel, but if you can match the reciept up with the passport stamp then that will solidify the evidence a bit.

Good luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-23 16:08:00
CanadaI-129F/K1 Request For Evidence: What's your experience?

Got the notice/letter via scan/email. Sounds similar to the one you got.

* We both have to provide 'Intent to Marry' letters (which we already submitted with the I-129F package).

*..."Have Met in Person" have met in person and/ or have been in each others physical presence at any time during the two years (2009-2011) immediately preceding the filing of the petition. (I did submit one time stamped photo with the I-129F. Oh well, do it again).

Under Have Met in Person: Circumstances of meeting:.... to establish the relationship & Last Personal Meeting (2009-2011)

Circumstances of meeting: We will both do letters. As advised above, have them notarized.

Last Personal Meeting (2009-2011)... whatever evidence we have, we'll provide. Thank goodness my fiance, (the petitioner) has credit card receipts with his name & year/mm/dd. Unfortunately, we don't have airline stubs during the time period they're asking. Everything is done on the internet these days, we print, travel, and toss. Oops. My favorite receipt is the one for my ring which he purchased in Vancouver/Canada 2010. Other favorites items to submit are time stamped photos. One from Disneyland, California 2009, and another from the 2010 Winter Olympics CAN vs USA game.

My fiance will be here for a visit in less than a week. Haven't seen him since Valentine's Day!
Life happens. It tears you apart, but brings you closer together.

Posted Image

If you ourchased airline tickets on-line through some place like priceline that you have an account with, you should be able to go back and at least get the itinerary/reciept that you purchased those tickets. I know sometimes when I flew from Canada, US customs did stamp my passport so you could inculde copies of those passport pages if you have the stamp.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-22 15:33:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

Glad you made it alright! Just curious, they didn't have any problem with your husband moving across the border without an immigrant visa? That seems so radically different from going the other direction (moving into the US).

No they did not. Unlike the US process they let you stay together while your application is processing. When you cross you have to go into the building and see an immigration officer. They look you up in the computer and make sure you have no criminal record. Then they issue something called a Visitors Record that is valid for 6 months. If you have not already submitted your applications (which is the prefered method, but since we moved so quickly we didn't have the opportunity) they tell you you have to submit them within the validity of the visitors record. When you approach the expiry of the visitors record you can apply either online or at a border crossing to have it extended for another 6 months. It seems to be taking about 6-12 months for an applicant to be issued PR in Canada once all the paperwork is submitted.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-22 11:05:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....
We are finally back in Canada. I don't have internet access at my parents place where we are staying, so that is a big adjustment. We had a bit of an issue at the border and actually got turned back. My husband was arrested last year for a shoplifting charge, but since it was his first offense he qualified for something called judicial diversion and after a year of a sort of probation his charges were dismissed and his record was expunged. But he didn't have any court records to show at the border. We called his lawyer and got the documents and had no issue the next day....thank god!!

It was a long 4 days, but thankfully Emma was sooooo good and hardly fussed at all thanks to an ipad and sesame street downloads!! The dogs are so happy to be out on the farm and having unlimited areas to run an play!!

We are starting the immigration paperwork tomorrow! Will keep all updated
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-22 01:07:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....
Day 1 is down and we did a little bit better then expected. We made it a little past Chicago (we wanted to get to the west side to avoid the Monday morning traffic) so considering we didn't get started until almost 2 yesterday.....we made out pretty good. Just getting packed up and day 2 will be underway!! Hoping to get close to Fargo today :)

Emma has been awesome and we didn't have a single fuss out of her in the car so we couldn't have asked for more there!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-14 07:51:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

Good luck with your trip back. I hope everything goes smoothly!!

We are all packed up!! We headed out to a town about an hour away for the night, then tomorrow we are having a Mother's Day/goodbye BBQ for lunch then we will officially be off!! I don't think my car has ever had so much stuff in is amazing what you need to bring when you are travelling with a baby!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-12 19:19:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

I thought I had read that applying for permanent residency from within Canada actually takes longer than doing it from outside? This link says inland can take 1-2 years: http://www.canadavis...95.0.html;wap2=

You can apply outland from within Canada. The file gets sent to the consulate of your country (in our case to Buffalo) and it processed there. You may have to travel back to the US for an interview if it is required, but I think you have a choice of 4 or 5 cities to do your interview at.

Inland does take A LOT longer and IMO when it you are so close to the US it would not be worth it. You also get no right of appeal when you apply inland.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-10 16:10:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

I may have to track you down in a few years from now!
We're keeping our options open, and may eventually move back to Canada after a few years in the USA. My family is definitely bigger and more close-knit than Tom's (it's only his dad down there, and one uncle who he sees every few months... whereas, I see my super huge Italian family pretty much once a week. But due to other circumstances, it definitely makes more sense for us to start our lives together down in the US)
Is there a board similar to VJ for people making the move to Canada that you've found? How did you find the process, as compared to the US visa journey?

There is a similar board called Road to Canada but it is a pretty slow board compared to VJ. There are some very helpful people on there though.

We have not actually started the process. Canada allows your spouse to stay with you while are are going through the process, so we will apply once we arrive. From what I understand the paperwork is a bit more work at the very beginning, but you send everything in all at once and then you wait for approval. Not like the US where you have several stages. You do the police check and medical right at the beginning and send that in with your sponsorship application and PR application. Currently it seems it is taking about 8-9 months for everything to be completed for a straight forward case.

I will definitely be back and keep you all updated on the process!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-10 13:38:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

Have some Timbits for me! :P

I'm excited for you Colleen's! All the best to the 3 of you. I'm impressed you were able to pull this move off so quickly!

I have moved 5 times in the past 3 years....I am getting pretty efficient at it!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-10 07:01:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....

Ohmygosh, how exciting for you, Colleens! Have a safe journey, and all the best. Will be very interested in your experiences with the Canadian immigration system if you care to share with us. How did you manage to get a job lined up? That is awesome.

Keep in touch! (F)

A family friend runs his own business and has offered me a position! We will be staying with my parents for a few months until we can get all of our medical bills from here paid off. My sister has a rental home and they are having issues with their current renters being able to pay the rent on time. So in the late summer/early fall we will be able to move into there and have our own place :)

I will definitely keep you updated with our Canadian journey. And I will be sure to come back and post lots of pics of me enjoying all our beloved "Canadian" foods :rofl:
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-09 21:16:00
CanadaOnly 3 more sleeps.....
I am getting so excited to be heading back to Canada. We are hopefully going to be able to start the drive Sunday night (we have a 1.5yr old so are trying to drive at night while she sleeps).

I am sad in a way because this is where we got married, started our family and Si's family is here, but going back to Canada is the best choice for our family. I have a job lined up there and hubby will be a SAHD until his immigration journey in Canada is complete (hopefully it is faster then coming to the US :P )

My family is a bit more tight knit then hubby's so I am looking forward to all the family things we do and having Emma be a part of that. Things like holiday dinners, camping trips and just getting together for dinner during the week.

I will still come on here to chat it up. You all have been a great support system during this journey and I thank all of you for your advice and support. I couldn't have done it without your help!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:45:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

Krikit, I had to laugh at your border crossing experiences!

I flew to Syracuse October 20th and rented a car to drive to Kingston. I have dual US and Canadian citizenship and mentioned that to the Canadian border guard. He still really grilled me and wanted to know things like how long I was going to be in Canada, my Dad's full name and address, the reason for my visit - and he didn't stop the grilling when I explained Dad was going in for surgery and I was to be there to help him get settled in a nursing home afterwards. He wanted to know how long ago I had left Canada, and wanted the exact date and time and airline of my flight back to Atlanta. It felt like he was also itching to say 'well, you had better be on it!'. I finally just reminded him that I am also a Canadian citizen, and he stopped the 'grilling'.

Coming back into the US was really easy. I have a passport card and the border guard noted that I had Canada as my birthplace. He asked me about how I came to the US and then where I met my husband (and said, 'gee, did they have computers back then?" - he was kind of young :blink: ), and asked if the car was rented in my name. When I explained the reason for my visit and handed him the list of items I was bringing back, -my Dad died while I was back home from complications during surgery and the things I was bringing back related to his estate - he became sympathetic, offered his condolences and passed me through. He asked a number of questions, but it never came across as a grilling, more like a casual conversation.

That was the first time I have ever been grilled by the Canadian border guards, though. I crossed at the Ivy Lea Bridge at the Thousand Islands Parkway. Both times there was absolutely no traffic so I didn't have to wait at all.

Sorry to hear about your father Kathyrn (F) My thoughts are with you and your family.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-11-08 04:03:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
I have about a year to go before I have to worry about ROC, but since we have a child (and hopefully another one at least on the way at that time) that tends to help. I think that is a big reason why they were so quick to waive my AOS interview...being 8 months pregnant is pretty good evidence that we are 'together'!! I am not sure if we will have a house by that point either, so I am sure you will be fine with what you have.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-30 08:45:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

I'd be up for it...nice to see some 'older' faces still about the place!

I am a weird case here I guess (I am everywhere I go) timeline reads NZ because I was there for 17 years before I came here. But, I am from Ontario. I have a married son who has a lovely husband, and they live in Vancouver.

I was posting in the Kiwi thread, and before I left for the USA I used to meet up with a couple of Kiwis also getting K1's. Once everyone got their two year GC ...*poof* no more conversation there to be had. Now the same group are going to be going through ROC, but no one's come back to the thread in ages.

I'm not really sure where I belong here. I'll likely post in the September filers thread when I get that far, but that's not really a chit chatty place either.

And I'm homesick for both places. They just had snow for the first time in Auckland in 79 years, and I wish I could have been there for it. I'd like to get up and see my son in BC. He's clever, the first place he always takes me is to Tims. Traveling right now is just not an option.

We started off in VA, and I quite liked it there. In May of 2010, my Mother in law asked if we could come here to AR for a time. She was 79 then, and going in to hospital to have a shoulder replacement, and needed someone to stay with my Father in law, who was 95 at the time. He had dementia, and you couldn't leave him alone at all. We were planning on staying for a couple of months, until she was mended.

He went into a rather rapid decline though, and passed away a week before Christmas last year. Two weeks later we had a mad dash in the middle of the night to ER with her, and she ended up in CCU for a week. She wanted us to stay a bit longer. In May just past, my husband's younger brother passed away at 57. Then we found out my husband has terminal liver disease and we are now waiting to see if they deem he is a suitable transplant candidate. Rosanna Rosannadana was right. If it's not one thing its something else.

I was working for a short time, but had to give it up when they changed my hours from evenings to nights. There's just to much for me to do, looking after the husband and his mother and her gigantic house. I couldn't be asleep all day and working all night. So. I'm back to job hunting. I do want to work, even if only just to get out of the house for a few hours a day.

Oooo..this is a bit long..I'll stop nattering now :blush:

Wow, you have had a lot going on. I hope that your husband will qualify for the transplant and that a suitable donor will be found quickly. (F)
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-22 09:39:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
I am amazed at how receptive most people are, but I guess when everyone has damage and it is taking months to get a contractor out to do the work, they are hoping someone can get it done faster....especially if their roof has needed to be tarped, or they have leaks. We are a local company with very good reputation, but are also members of a national network. This allows us to pull crews in from other parts of the country to do the work. We are getting our jobs done in 2-3 weeks where most companies here are 2-3 months.

Edited to add: When doing the door to door stuff you just have to look at that you are most likely are only going to see that person once, so if they are not is no big deal

Edited by Colleens, 20 August 2011 - 12:26 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-20 12:24:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
I got some good news on my job today. A big part of my job (at least for the first couple of months) was going door to door seeing if people wanted a free roof inspection, with the hopes of them eventually selecting us a their contractor (there was a HUGE hail storm here this spring....apparently the biggest storm in the nation and there are over 200000 insurance claims). Once you get a few jobs signed and completed, you start getting referals and don't really need to go door to door as much.

I HATE doing the door to door thing. As a former homeowner, I despised when someone came to the door trying to sell me something (but understood they were just trying to earn a living as well), so I feel a bit hypocritical doing this job. But at the same time it is a service the majority of homeowners in this are need, and many don't actually realize that they can have damage.

But there is one guy in our office who is SUPER busy, and hardly has time for all of his appointments and such. Since I was able to pick up all the paperwork stuff pretty much as soon as I was shown it, our office manager talked to him to see if he wanted help doing his paperwork. So I will be able to work a couple days a week, and make a portion of his commission (he has made $100 000 in just over 4 weeks!!). I should be able to make pretty decent money by working those couple of days a week. And if I get any calls from referals from friends, then I can still do those jobs as well. I am very happy!! The office is about a 5 min walk from where I live, so it is perfect!!

It seems that finally, something is going our way :thumbs:
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-20 09:23:00
CanadaThe Way We Were

Me too. I am guilty of enjoying everyone else's news and not sharing any of mine.

My update.

Last week my oldest son drove down for a very quick 4 day visit ; two of those days were travel days :(

First full day we hit two outlet malls where he bought most of his new wardrobe for his student teaching this year. Good-bye jeans and t-shirts.

The next day we went into NYC for dim-sum in Chinatown (yummy dim-sum), shopped up and down in Soho, checked out the new location of NY Ink (thank goodness no time for a tattoo, one is enough for Mom!), then lovely ride on the subway to watch the Yankees play.

Next day he left to go back to Canada. Posted Image

That sounds like an awesome visit OBX!! I have done something similar where I have just showed up at my parents place for a few days and surprised everyone, and as nice as it was to do is still very hard to go back home!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-18 20:41:00
CanadaThe Way We Were
I have been thinking the same thing for a little while. I know people get busy and have lives, but it seems like almost everyone who was a regular poster when I joined is now gone. :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-18 16:41:00