CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I think our insurance covered 80% of the delivery as well and our bill was about $2200. I had an induction and an epidural so those cost a little bit more, but I only stayed in the hospital one night....which saved some money.

CBM, I am not sure if it is an option for you, but if you chose to go with a midwife they can be subtantially cheaper than going the traditional OB/hospital route. Most are affiliated with a hospital so if something happens to not be going right, you are going to get the care you require. Some hospitals even employ midwives so that parents have an option.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-12 20:05:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

well, there is some good news.. we are getting some money back from the write off, even after they pay off the car loan.. they valued the car way higher then I thought they would... almost 2000 more then what I found online :unsure:

so they would rather pay out around 5000 dollars then fix the car.. :unsure: I don't think there was that much damage to the car ..:blink:

Posted Image

I had what appears to be similar damage when my hubby had a little accident with my car. It was about $3k to fix, but my car was a GM. When the appraiser came out and did the appraisail I was shocked to learn how much damage that he found underneath all the visible parts..little cracks in the structural metal and such.

Is your car an import? Parts tend to be a bit more pricey for those so maybe that is why the estimate is so much.

At least you are getting a little extra cash out of it.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-28 07:30:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I went today to clean out the car of our belongings and I felt sad.. it really sucks not having a car..

I know it is just a car and I am very lucky to not have been hurt but it still sucks!

Awww...I am sorry to hear that marilyn. I don't really go out too much, but I know that I would be lost without a car. I like the freedom of being able to go where I want when I want.

I am glad that you (or no one else) was injured. Hopefully you will be able to get another car in the near future!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-27 17:16:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
The medical offices here do not hesitate to send your account to collections. However they are generally pretty flexible with working out a payment plan. I would call and see if you can work something out that will be affordable.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-13 11:18:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My experience with the stupid system and insurance has been a crappy one and Ive only been here 6 months. First there was my blood work where they processed it without my insurance sending me a lovely 500 dollar bill (of course I called and straighten it out), then my son had a Speech therapy assessment which I got billed 240 dollars for and yet I signed a sheet of paper that said it was 120 a session. After a few phone calls and 3 weeks I finally got it reprocessed. They cover the initial appointment to find out if there is a problem then your on your own lol. Now I have a lovely 700 dollar bill for my ultrasound as well as a bill for the radiologist, which I am stuck with due to our annual deductible. The great thing is my baby is due October so I will not have to do the deductible again till Jan, however They only pay 80%, thats a few thousand dollars in hospital bills I will see in October.

My insurance paid 80% of my delivery and I ended up with an almost $2500 bill plus $200 for the anestiesologist(sp). I did have to be induced, but my delivery was uncomplicated other than that. I only stayed in the hospital for 1 day but they usually want you to be in there for a min 2 days, so that would have added to the bill a bit if I had stayed.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-29 21:03:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

:lol: Oh yeah, and how many times have you been called 'hon' or 'honey' by complete strangers?

All.the.time I don't mind when my husband does it, but it has always bothered me when strangers called me that. I also get sweetie and sweetheart alot too.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-06 21:53:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Maybe its just me..but i find that "Un Huh" is the rudest thing ever invented phrase wise. When I say "thank you" I expect "Your welcome" in return, not "un huh" me its the same as waving your hand at me to make me go away. who the eff invented that #######?

Try living in the south. You say You're Welcome here and you get looked at funny.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-05 11:31:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Thanks everyone :) We have taken the last 2 days to settle in to the new was a pretty significant downsize so we really had to be creative (on top of re-organizing our storage unit) to get everything to fit. So this weekend we will be working on his resume and he will spend next week doing some serious searching. He is a licenced EMT, but his licence expires at the end of the month. He has applied to renew it, but not having done anything medically means some studying this weekend as well! At least having that will give him some options. I am hoping that this ends up being one of those instances where he will end up with something better!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-18 22:05:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
So while I was on my trip to Canada for my family to meet Emma, my husband lost his job :crying: We were just getting on track and starting to save a bit of money. This SUCKS.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-15 17:19:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

You don't need your Canadian return to do your U.S. one. All you need is the amounts earned and taxes paid. It's easy enough to do, and I felt no need to go to an accountant to do it.

Well...I had all of that, but she told me I needed my return to know what credits I was getting in Canada and not to claim them in the US because you can only claim them in one place. Now I am worried that she is doing it wrong. I HATE taxes, I have never been good at understanding them...I could get through my simple canadian return, but I am TOTALLY inept when it comes to all the US and foreign income stuff. I have a lot of knowledge in many subjects....just not taxes!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-02 17:27:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

When I was doing our Taxes with turbo tax--it even asked if I had RRSP's!! I know that wasnt the case a few yrs back.

I went to another H&R block location and they had someone there who specialized in foreign income and stuff. So I think we got it right. I didn't realized that I would need my canadian return in order to do my US return. I just had my accountant in Canada do that for me, so I am just waiting for him to fax it in. The H&R block agent is done for the night, and I am leaving for Canada (YEAH) in the morning so I am gonna have to wait 2 weeks before we can finish it up :angry:

I have an investment account that I kinda forgot about because I haven't been contributing to it for a number of years. It is still in my old married name so I needed to change that, and I want to cash it in to pay for my medical bills from the baby. I called them to find out what I would need, and they told me a letter and copies of my ID and marriage certificate so I sent those in. 3 weeks go by and I notice that my name still hasn't changed on my account so I call them to find what is going on. They tell me that the document needs to be notarized. So I print off a new one and head to my bank and get it notorized and fax it in like instructed (This was on Monday). I log in today and it is still my old name, so I call them to find out what is up and they tell me that it is the wrong has to be a triangle one not a circle one. They told me that one of my options is to fax the letter to my advisor and he will signature guarantee it. Funny thing is that I have NEVER even met this can he guarantee my signature???? ANd how can that be better that me going into my bank here in person, having to show ID in order to get it stamped. How retarded.

At least with me going to sister works at a bank and I think that she can do it, or know someone who will be able to. I just want to get it cashed in and the cheque sent while I am there so I can deposit the canadian cheque into my canadain bank and save a ton more hassle!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-02 16:44:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Back when I first moved here we went to H&R Block--they set me up with their Cdn/USA tax specialist---and he was clueless! I thanked him for his time and left. There is a whole thread here on taxes and check out

My last yr that I filled out cdn taxes I used an online Cdn tax program, was very easy, can't recall the name of it though, but i don't think their are that many programs and I'm sure they all do a very good job. I could e-file--had to print it off and mail it in back in 2005

I have my accountant/financial planner in Canada that will do my Canadian taxes. He has several clients that are Canadian/US residents so I know he knows what he is doing.

It is just my US taxes and claiming my foreign income.

I have posted a question on serbinski's forums since I just need to know what forms need to be filled out to claim my canadian income on my US taxes. At least I will know what to do next year!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-28 21:36:00
CanadaFor fellow Ontarians

Damn I got my normal ones done at Costco today... wish I had known :(

I just cut my canadian sized ones down to 2x2 for my medical and interview and had no issues with them. Just make sure to take off equal amounts off of each side so that you stay centered!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-28 20:46:00
CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada

I live close enough, but my parents are driving down from northern BC (about a 10 hour drive to where I live). I guess worst case scenario we could just bring him back and drop him at the airport so he could fly home but it would make getting his car back to him a lot more difficult since I can't cross the border.

The CBP link is making me feel a bit better. Hopefully he just sucks it up and asks his lawyer..

Thanks everyone!

It may be more helpful for him to call the US border and ask them directly. His lawyer may be the best option when in front of a Canadian judge, but may not know much about US customs and immigration.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-01 19:23:00
CanadaEI from Canada..And US taxes

You shouldn't be taxed twice on it no. I believe you file the foreign income exemption/credit forms with the taxes.

This. Canada and the US have a tax treaty to prevent double taxation. You will have to file a Canadian return this year....and exit return and that will be the last time you will have to file Canadian taxes. I had EI last year and I cashed in some of my RRSP's (they take the 25% witholding tax on that as well) and I had a 6 month severance package that I had to claim as well and I ended up getting close to $2000 back. I did have some medical expenses that I was able to claim, but without them I still would have got about $1200.

So you may very well end up even or get a small refund!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-04 10:53:00
CanadaWho do I contact for false issues in border crossing?

Hey guys,

So here is the scoop. Last summer I tried to cross over the border on land with my dad (which had an old criminal record) and we were stopped at the border. I got rejected because it looked like I was an intended immigrant because of how much I was carrying and not enough ties to Canada at the time, and I was staying for most of the summer. Needless to say that I was ill prepared to cross over because I never did it before and learned some hard lessons that day.

A few weeks later I decided after gathering the right papers I was going to take a flight over instead. I was brought into secondary screening (which was expected) and they looked at my papers. However one thing that I wasn't expecting was the girl asked me for some court papers that had nothing to do with me. When I got rejected the first time, the girl was talking with my dad who had forgot his papers that day and well couldn't cross. Some how the fact that he needed court papers to come over ended up on my record.

The girl ended up asking me for those papers and I told her there is no such papers for me because I never committed a crime and so there was no court papers stating discharge or I'm clean or whatever. I dunno if she ended up believing me or whatever but in the end I was allowed to cross without those papers, however that doesn't mean I want to go through that again.

I'm planning on making a trip to the states for a week during the Spring Break and so if possible I want to be able to clear garbage like that on my record.

So my question is, is there a place I can call or contact regarding issues like this? I don't see how it's fair for them to screw up and I have to pay for it.

You could call your nearest border patrol and ask them how you would go about getting that cleared up, that could take awhile though. In the meantime if you are planning on travelling you could go to your local police station and ask to have a criminal background check done (when I had one done for my K-1 it cost me $40 and I got it right then and there) that way you would have the evidence that you have a clean record and may help you avoid any issues.

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-05 09:15:00
CanadaWant to or plan to go back?

When we got married, we chose to have my husband come here because he's stuck in a job he doesn't really like and I'm in a funded graduate program with at least 2 more years of studying ahead of me. But we're hoping that we will end up moving back to Canada in a couple years. I'm getting increasingly frustrated by my home country (politics, economy), and my husband wants our kids to speak fluent French (even if that's unlikely in English provinces, it's even less likely here).

So I'm just curious if any of you want to or plan to go back to Canada in the future? Or better yet, has anyone actually gone back and taken their American spouse with them? Experiences? Thoughts?

We are actually going to start the application process for my husband so that we can move back hopefully later this year. We have really struggled to find permanant employment and we really don't have any family support here. Fortunately my husband finally found a decent full time job after going through a year of working temp contracts on and off. Thankfully my sister has been able to help us out financially or we would be homeless.

We will be moving to live near all my family (they will all be within a 15min drive) and we will have a bit more support. We have a 13 month old and we rarely get any time to ourselves (even going for dinner) because we really have no one to watch her. We have not had a night without her yet, and with all the struggles we have had this past year, our relationship could really use a weekend of just 'us' time.

The job market is a lot better where we will be moving to, so hopefully we will be able to get better job and become a little more secure again. My husband would love to go back to school for nursing, so that would be a lot more financially feasible in Canada as well.

If it had not been for him being in the army, he would have moved to Canada in the first place.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-03 19:12:00
CanadaHow to get joint documents

While reading through the checklist for filing the I-130, we notice you have to provide evidence for a bona fide marriage. Seeing how she's canadian, how do I add her to anything so that its joint? How much proof is needed? Wouldn't they require information like a SSN for a bank account? Are affidavits themselves enough proof or the more we can get the better?

Most banks will require a SSN but there are some that do not. There are some old threads here that deal with banking and adding a spouse without a SSN so try searching and reading through some of them. Some other things that you can look into is naming her as beneficary on any insurance policies or investments. If you own a home put her on the title. Add her onto the car insurance. Add her onto your credit card. Also try to have her name added to any utility bills.

I didn't do a CR1 so I am not sure how picky they are about this stuff, but this should give you a good start.

Edited by Colleens, 05 February 2012 - 08:12 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-05 20:12:00
Canadahealth insurance for Canadian children

can anyone tell me in the State of Texas what benefits you can apply for I was working for the state where I had health insurance recently changed jobs and no longer have insurance Husband is usa citizen we have conditional green card which is expire august 22, 2012. I am wanting to know can we apply for medicaid or CHIP here for the children only or not as we all were sponsored by husband to USA, does anyone know the rule on this???? I know that it will depend on our income as well.

Thank you, all comments and any suggestions for benefits that we can apply for would be greatly appreciated

Are the children your husbands or is he the step father? If the children are his biological children he would be able to apply for state medicaid for the kids. If not then you will have to look into some private medical insurance. We recently were having some financial issues with my husband being laid off and we applied for state medicaid for our daughter. We were denied as we made just a few dollars over the income threshold. We did recieve something in the mail for speciality childrens medical insurance, but I no longer have the letter and I can't remember what it was called. Maybe your local health unit can point you in the direction.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-05 20:07:00
CanadaJust wanted to say so long & thanks!

Thanks guys!

Let me tell you, I met two ladies off this board in real life and if it wasn't for them, it would have been so much more difficult. It was such a pleasure to have a few Canadians to tell you how you are feeling is okay and listen to your aches and pains! Thanks Nev and Jill!!!

Kimbear - he still doesn't get the "double/double" thing but I will have to teach him some more! haha

Colleens - we will have to keep in contact to see how the process is going. I'm not thrilled about doing this all over again but what can you do?

I have been over on the road to Canada forums starting to do some research and asking some questions and it seems the Canadian immigration is a lot more straight forward. Still a ton of forms to fill out, but we are all pretty good at those by

There are a couple people over there that are pretty knowledgable and will answer any questions, but the board in not nearly as active as this one is. My username over this is jiggly_jelloo.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-17 20:13:00
CanadaJust wanted to say so long & thanks!
Good Luck!! We are going to be starting the journey back to Canada and my family within the next couple of months as well. I hope all moves smoothly and quickly for you.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-15 13:21:00
CanadaFellow RBCers How was your Transition weekend
I recieved my bank card a few weeks ago and I just logged onto the website for the first time a few minutes ago. It took me a minute to figure out where to select my Canadian account (from the US site), and it seems that I payment that I made on Friday using my old bank card has not yet been posted to my account. I still haven't tried to use my bank card so that will be another adventure!! I will make sure I have another means of payment when I first try it.....just in case.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-20 18:01:00
CanadaEI while waiting for Green card?


I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else...

I POEd on a K-1 Jan 1 and applied for EI Jan 8. They are still "reviewing" my case, but I am sending my cards in. I don't have an EAD (haven't yet applied for AOS).


The last guy at the EI interstate office told me that even though I can't technically be working in the U.S. on my K-1, Canada recognizes it as being able to work for the 90 days that it is issued for. I'm not legal here to be hired, but it seems they're overlooking that. He said as soon as I get my EAD and send it in, I will be back-paid to when I applied (Jan 8).


It sounds as though you have been in contact with an EI officer that is not up to date on the US immigration laws. If they back date that claim to when you POE'd and someone audits your case, I would be worried about having to pay that back. You can not collect benefits until you are legally able to work (when you get your EAD or GC). ANd you can only be back paid to a point where you were actually looking for work. So if you have not applied for any jobs, registered on a website like Monster or with a temp agency and again, your case is audited you could lose your benefits.

I would inform them that you were told you couldn't qualify for EI until you had your EAD or GC and have that person verify that with someone else in the office (that is if you happen to speak with this person again).
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-25 08:01:00
CanadaEI while waiting for Green card?
You can not collect EI benefits until you get your EAD, but I would start a basic job search as soon as you send in your AOS package. In my case my EAD was approved in August, but they couldn't issue my card until I had my biometrics done. That didn't happen until the end of Sept (and that was with the help of our congressman otherwise it would have been mid October), then for some reason my biometrics only got sent to the office processing my greencard so I had to get my congressperson to look into that as well. Once I finally got my EAD card it was over 2 months after the issue date on the card. Had I been doing a job search and could prove it, I could have received retro payments on my EI to the date printed on the card. Because service Canada uses a copy of your EAD card and therefore the date on that card to base your claim on.

Things like putting your resume up on sites such as and even sending off a few resumes and keep track of them just in case you have a similar situation. There are a lot of ASC's that are currently backed up right now, so if your ASC happens to be one of the ones backed up you could find yourself in a similar situation.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-19 22:04:00
CanadaHas anyone received their T4E yet?
I live in TN and I recieved mine last week.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-23 16:47:00
CanadaUS Re-entry

Thank you! That's what I figured would be the case. The last couple times that I have crossed the border to visit my fiance they did give me a bit of a harder time. A few months ago my dad went into the United States Border patrol office right close to here to ask him a couple questions and his best advice was to not give more information than needed. Of course if they ask you if you are visitng a boyfriend you MUST tell the truth and say that you are. It is never a good idea to lie. But you can save yourself a lot of trouble if you say simply visiting friends.

I found I never had a problem when they found out my fiance was in the military. I made sure when they asked where I was going I included that I was travelling to Ft _______ to visit!! The one time I forgot to say that the CBP agent asked me to open my trunk. As he walked around to the trunk he saw my "In love with my army combat medic" bumper sticker. He promptly closed my trunk, asked if my fiance was in the army and told me to have a nice visit!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-06 19:43:00
CanadaMoving, unaccompanied items
I used ABF back in 2010 and I did have to fax my visa and I-94 to them. Your goods can not preceed you so that is why you must provide the I-94, so if the CBP agent asks they can prove that you have already entered the US. Your visa alone does not prove this.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-13 17:06:00
CanadaHas anyone filed a tax return after filing an exit return?
I filed an exit return last year, but this year I recieved maternity/parental benefits and I cashed in some RRSP's. My account things I can still file a return under a special election called a Section 217 Return. Has anyone done this or have any experience with this? Can it be done? I would be getting about $2500 back if I can so it is a fairly substantial amount.

ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-19 15:41:00
CanadaBest US cell phone to text Canada
You can also send SMS messages for free through yahoo messenger (I am not 100% sure whether you get charged a incoming fee though....we never did when we used it). I used to do this with hubby when I was still in Canada. You just need to put the cell number into the persons contact card and then you can click on the "send a SMS message" icon and your message will go to their phone. Their reply will come back to your messenger.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-25 19:56:00
CanadaBest US cell phone to text Canada
We have sprint and have the unlimited plan and it costs us about $140 a month for 2 phones. It inculdes unlimited texts (to canada included) unlimited mobile to moblie calls, unlimited week nights and weekends. There are 200 daytime mins (I think) if you are calling landlines. It also includes unlimited data. Texting is also free when I am in Canada and am texting my husband in the US...this is a bit plus.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-24 19:46:00
CanadaMedical Insurance in the US

I may end looking for a job in Niagra Falls, Canada or St. Catherines once I am able to cross over the border. The commute wouldn't be to bad as we will be living about 48 mins away.

Working in Canada will no help you at all since once you move to the US and become a resident you are no longer a resident of Canada and no longer entitled to healthcare here.

There should not be an issue with getting insurance with a pre-existing condition since you are coming from a country with national health care, it is like moving from one insurance company to another. They may charge you more for your premiums though. Coverage through an employer is your best bet. We had the absolute basic coverage through Blue Cross Blue Sheild and it cost us $360 a month. And we had high dedictibles, co-pays and out of pocket. We now have insurance through my husbands employer and it costs about $550 a month, but the coverage is pretty good. You will have to look at what the plan offers and compare it to other options.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-10 19:59:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes- Exit return

We have to file an extension for my husbands taxes, since my SSN is all messed up :( So, my husband needs to declare my income from last year in Canada then? Even though I wasn't living here? Won't that mean I am getting taxed twice? He is filing using H&R Block home software (once my SSN is fixed). I will have to wait for my Canadian return if he does because my T4 is away with that at the moment.

He will have to report your income on his taxes (If you are filing married filing jointly), but you will not be taxed twice since Canada and the US have a tax treaty. There is a form that he will have to fill out for tax credits, which will take into account the taxes that you paid in Canada on your income.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-11 15:52:00
CanadaCanadian Taxes- Exit return

I can't find a thread that gives me any answersPosted Image
My husband has a simple return..... and we are trying to avoid paying tax prep person to do this ( not sure if I can find one here in my backwards town that knows how to do Canadian taxes)...
Just need to know how he has to claim me.... USC spouse with only US income.
He came here on a K-1 last year, we got married and had his AOS approved last year.

Posted Image

No he does not have to claim your income. In Canada everyone files an individual return (not like in the US where you can file married filing jointly) so he only has to be concerned with his individual income.

Since it is an international filing he will have to mail it in....he can not e-file. He can have direct deposit set up if he still has a Canadian bank account, but it can not be set up with a US bank. The international office also is not very fast. I guess since we are no longer residents we are not a big priority. Last year I didn't get my return until Mid-September and I filed mid-march, so don't count on the money anytime soon!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-10 20:04:00
CanadaUS citizens looking for Canadian PR/Citizenship
You can apply for sponsorship/PR from the US however once you are approved you will be expected to return to Canada. I think you usually have about 30 days once you get your passport back from CIC to "land". In the sponsorship application it will ask to provide proof of your intent to return to Canada with things like a lease agreement, home purchase or job offer. If you want to eventually move back to Canada, you will have to wait and apply at that time. It seems to take 6-12 months from application to approval for most straight forward well prepared cases.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-11 20:45:00
CanadaFBI cannot read fingerprints
When I did my Biometrics for some reason my fingerprints were only forwarded to the office that issues EAD and not the office that issues the GC. My green card didn't come until almost 3 months after I did my biometrics.

So to answer your question you will not be issued your EAD and/or green card until your biometrics are complete. BUT they can be approved while they are just waiting for your biometrics, your card just won't be issued until they get them. I would start looking for a job now or at the very least put your resume on some job sites, register at a temp agency etc. You can't start working until you get your card, but if you are considering applying for EI from Canada they will go by the date that is on your card for the date that your benefits start. In my case the date on my EAD card was 7 weeks before I had my biometrics appt (my ASC was very backed up at the time I was doing AOS so it took forever to get an appt). Had I started a preliminary job search (and could prove to EI that I had been looking for work) they would have backdated my claim to the date on my EAD card and I would have been back paid to that date.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-15 10:41:00
CanadaFingerprints failed twice-Police Clearance Question

Hi All, Well I had a 2nd fingerprinting for Biometrics and it too failed. I tried the Corn Huskers Lotion the week prior etc but it didn't help me at all. I didn't have time to order the ridge builder solution that may have helped. They told me to just wait for instructions as to what's next which is a Police Clearance. QUESTION: I had my RCMP clearance for the original K-1 on Sept 1, 2011 and moved here only 3 months later in December 2011. Having said that.......... will I be asked for another RCMP Clearance from Canada? I've seen a recent thread that it's taking 10 weeks by mail to request this. Or will I simply go to the State Police here in the U.S. for a police clearance? Any help anyone can give me would be much appreciated. I have elderly parents in Canada with failing health and I am wanting to go for a visit ASAP and my early travel rights and work visa are being held up because of my not being able to get fingerprints. Thanks all. :)

I can't help with info about your police clearances but just wanted to tell you that your advance parole does not require you to have your biometrics completed. I am not sure when you applied for AOS since your timeline isn't updated, but my AP took about a month to get. Once you get that you can travel back and forth if necessary.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-19 16:10:00
CanadaQuestion About Vaccinations

My fiance (Canadian) has no records of childhood vaccinations. Apparently his mother took him to clinics for his childhood shots (they did not have a family doctor) and never kept the records. He did some research and found out that once those clincis switched from paper filing systems over to computers (yes...we ARE an "older" finace just turned 50) that they didn't enter them into computers but apparently destroyed them. So his vaccination records no longer exist.

Does anyone else have this experience of having ZERO proof of vaccinations when they arrive for their medical and can you tell us what we can expect? Or, is there anything else that my finace can or should do? Thanks!

Go to your family doctor with the list of all the immunizations that are required for your age group and ask to have titre tests done for those. They will draw blood and test the level of immunity thus letting you know what you have or have not had. I took a copy of the test results to my medical and submitted it to them (it may also be beneficial to keep a copy for your own records). It took about a month for me to get my results and in ON the test was free. If there is anything you are missing you can get the vax from your Dr.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-20 05:07:00
CanadaMoving American to Canada and Dual for both?

Hi there! Eventually my American boyfriend and I will get married, and we will apply for him to move here (have done research on this and think we got that covered) :)

His question was one that I can't find an online answer to; so we know what is necessary for him to get dual (well, add canadian) citizenship; is it possible for me to also get dual?

We are planning to live in Canada. We will be buying a house together in the USA, if that makes a difference. He was born and always lived in the USA.

Is it possible without us living in the USA for me to get my American citizenship? What if we waited a certain amount of time after being married to apply? Later on down the road we would like to split our time between Canada and the USA, and if we have children together, I would probably give birth in the USA and then bring the child to Canada to live with us there.

Is the dual citizenship for me possible? Thanks guys :) If this question is answered in another post please link me there. I look forward to talking with you all :)

In order to get US citizenship through marriage you would have to file for a CR1 or IR1 visa and move to the US. You would have to live in the US for 3 years from the time your green card is issued in order to apply for naturalization.

Can I ask why you would want to give birth in the US when you would have free health care in Canada? I had my baby in the US and despite having good insurance and a non-complicated birth it still ended up costing us about $2000 out of pocket. Your child would have US citizenship through your husband if you choose to have the baby in Canada. You would just have to file for a CRBA (consular report of birth abroad).
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-22 10:54:00
CanadaI have a surprise!
Congrats!! I know your road has been pretty bumpy the past few years, so I am very happy that something is finally going your way. I know first hand how frustrating it is when it seems no matter how hard you try, something always ends up going wrong :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-27 19:34:00
CanadaLets' go BLACKHAWKS Let's go!

Anderson is a 2 year golie. Next year he will suck :hehe: He was our star during the 2010 playoffs and then came out the next season, and was horrible. By the end of the season, he totally gave up on us. I like seeing him play well, but I'm skeptical... and don't even get me started on Elliott in St. Louis! :bonk:

Funny thing is Elliot played for Ottawa last year and he had a really bad season as well and this year he is on fire! Goalies are an odd bunch
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-23 16:06:00