CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
Some of our local Kroger grocery stores have a small British section and they usually have Maynards wine gums in there. I have seen them at World Market before as well. Not sure if you have either of those near you.

I find that the US doesn't have nearly as good a selection of candy/chocolate bars as Canada, and I am really shocked in the poor selection of cookies as well. This may be a regional thing, but here about 50% of the cookie section is some version of oreo's!! I had to get my parents to bring me some boxes of Arrowroot cookies for my LO when they were here recently! I would have loved to have the Dare Bear Paws as well, but they didn't have enough room to bring everything :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-03 09:32:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties

I just saw the Maple Leaf cookies at our local Ingles Grocery store as well - it's too bad I have never been particularly fond of them :( . My husband likes them though - they are the Dare brand.

I used to use the Smarties for lipstick and paint as well - you could make cool designs with all of the colours. I used to divide them into colours and then eat all of the same colours at the same time. I saved the red ones for second last - I saved the brown ones for last - I just thought they looked more chocolatey and I love chocolate :D. I used to love Crunch Bars too - and Burnt Almond bars were one of my favourites - I miss them probably the most along with Mirage bars which I liked better than Aero. Oh, and Turkish Delight bars and licourice nibs (the black ones). Hmm - good thing I'm going to Canada soon - I can stock up on all of these things. I was so disappointed when our local Dollar store stopped carrying coffee crisps :( .

I think we must be twins Kathyrn....I love all the exact same things. I have a couple of burnt almonds hidden away, as well as a couple of the fruit'n'nut dark made with the dark chocolate...YUM.

I used to be able to bring a lot more stuff back, but with E, my suitcase is packed with all the goodies my family buys for her, and I only get to fit in a few of my own things.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-13 16:16:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties

I just discovered imposter smarties :o My hubby was headed out to the grocery store a few weeks ago and asked if I wanted anything, apon thinking for a second I said "Yummy... a box of smarties" So he says "A box?" and I said ... "yeah a box of smarties".. so he said "Well ok".

He gets back from the store and says "I couldnt find smarties in a box, so I got a whole bag". Im thinking OMG.. A WHOLE BAG OF SMARTIES.... ALL FOR MEEEEEEEE!!!!!(hubby doesnt eat chocolate)... and then he pulled the bag out.... :crying: They werent canadian smarties at all....and of course my poor hubby was left wondering why I was in the throws of a mini meltdown when all he did was get what he thought I asked for in the first place.

I googled canadian smarties and showed him and his words were... "we'll you should have just asked for M&M's".... :bonk:

They just don't get that although they appear somewhat similar, smarties and m&m's have a different taste. I find the chocolate in M&M's to be very 'waxy'. They are especially yucky when they are in something like a McFlurry and that yuckyness leaves that nasty coating on the roof of your mouth!! I miss my smarties blizzards!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-11 12:28:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
I just got back from Canada this week and I now have smarties and passion flakies!! I also picked up some cadbury bars and some Mars bars for Si. I had to hide it all cause he has a bit of a chocolate addiction and he would have it all gone in a week. This way I will bring them out for special
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-10 20:14:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
I like to make little designs with my smarties, then eat them from there. Like I will make a pyramid with each row a differnt color, then eat all the 'spare' ones first, then I will eat a few rows of the pyramid, and make a different design!! I guess I never listened to my mom when she said not to play with my food!!

I am hitting up the bulk barn when I go home. I really miss it as well...I used to do a fair bit of cake decorating when I was in Canada, and the stuff there was a lot cheaper than at michaels. I want to bring back some passion flakies for Simon to try. We were grocery shopping the other day and he wanted some snacky things to keep in his locker at work for break time, and I got thinking about the passion flakies. I am also going to stock up on Milupa baby cereal. Everyone has always raved about how their LO's loved it so much and right now E is not totally sold on gerber of beechnut cereals (she does LOVE carrots tho!!).

Simon is british (and a chocoholic) so I usually bring him back some Mars bars (his fav), smarties (my fav) and some cadbury bars as well. I have tired some of the cadbury bars here, and they taste nasty. I love me a burnt almond every now and then!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-25 09:30:00
CanadaHave ya'll told your boss about your US immigration??

as they say....look out for #1--urself!!! I told mine, but I was in the Cdn Air Force....But if I had a civie job, prob would not as you never know what they would do.....round of lay offs coming up; who are they going to lay off. But saying that, I would give as much notice as I could

Sometimes the layoff thing can work in your favor. In my job I knew that there were layoffs coming, so I volunteered myself (saving someones job by doing so) and I got myself a nice big severance package :thumbs:
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-26 22:42:00
CanadaWe are moving back to Canada

Congrats on the move back. Wishing you all the best. I know your family must be very excited to have you closer.

We haven't told my parents yet...we actually just decided today and they are not home!!! It is going to be a whirlwind move and we will have a lot of decisions to make in the next few weeks

I wish we could have waited until I could get my citizenship here, but with all that has happened over the past year I don't think I could take much more of this!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 18:42:00
CanadaWe are moving back to Canada

Sorry to see that. I wish u well.

Thank you. There is nothing to be sorry about it is a good thing. We were planning on moving back later this year anyway. There will be more opportunities for us and we will be closer to my family. We have a 1.5yr old and my family is ready to spoil her rotten!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 18:03:00
CanadaWe are moving back to Canada
We were planning on going back later in the year, but Simon lost his job yesterday and my job is crappy so we decide that we are going to move back and appy for his Canadian PR from there. We have had a pretty rough time with employment since we have been here and we will be able to stay with my parents in Canada until we get back on our feet. Hopefully we will be on our way back by the middle of May!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-24 17:21:00
CanadaConsidering moving back to Canada - what to know

Thank you, Colleens!! This is a HUGE help, especially coming from someone who has recently gone through the process. It's great to have an idea of the steps involved, and that the process can be started at the border if one desires. Should we find ourselves in a similar situation, it's reassuring to know that we wouldn't have to wait out the processing here in the US if we wanted to just head home to Alberta on shorter notice as you and your hubby did.

I really appreciate your offering to answer questions also.. it's very kind of you, and I just might take you up on that!

How are you and your husband enjoying being back in Canada so far? I hope y'all are happy and that it has been an easy transition so far :). It's definitely the best time of year to move (Spring/Summer). The healthcare and employment part is surely much better! My husband and I haven't yet started a family, but the idea of having a decent maternity leave when the time comes is certainly attractive!

We are enjoying it....and the reduced stress that is going with being back. My husband is finding it a bit difficult not being able to work. He stays home with our year and a half old daughter, so that can be pretty exhausting......she is go, go,go and into everything!! It would have been ideal if we could have at least go the process started while in the states, but it didn't work out that way. But deep down we know that in the grand scheme of things a year really isn't all that long. It was like when we were waiting for our seemed to take FOREVER but now that we look back on it, it is hard to remember.

I meant to add into my post yesterday that we also moved back to Alberta. We qualified for AHC immediately, and even my husband is covered since he is my dependant. All we had to do was go to the registry office with the proper paperwork. In 48 hours we could call and get our AHC #'s and we got our cards in the mail within a week.

Funny enough getting my car re-registered and my drivers licence was a bigger hassle then getting health care......go figure!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-05 22:24:00
CanadaConsidering moving back to Canada - what to know

I apologize if I'm posting this in the wrong spot, but if there is a more appropriate thread please let me know.

My hubby (US citizen) and I (Canadian citizen and US LPR) have contemplated the idea of moving back to Canada. He loved Alberta when he used to visit me there, and I feel like such a fish out of water here that a return to Canada often sounds like a wise choice. We'll want to start a family in the next few years, and with the economic prospects here not looking especially promising, the idea of repatriating doesn't sound half bad!

My question is, what would we need to know and/or do to make sure my husband can enter Canada to live, work and apply for Permanent Residence? I'm heard different things from various people... some have told me that if you're a Canadian citizen, you can basically just show up at the Port of Entry with your spouse, say that he intends to immigrate and they'll admit the spouse and start the PR application process at that point. Perhaps it IS that easy with the spouse is a USC?
Others have told me that it's best to apply here in the US as returning residents and that he would go through medical, etc on this side of the border.
As a USC, I know he can visit for up to 6 months but of course we would a) want to be forthcoming and honest upon entry, and b) be prepared and know for sure that he can enter and live while he awaits his PR.

Any information my fellow Canadians can provide - for those of you who are going through the process or have been through it - would be GREATLY appreciated :).

I have just returned to Canada with my husband and daughter. We had planned on moving later in the year and wanted to start his PR application while still in the US. But my husband lost his job and we were tired of the stress of not having decent employment and health insurance so we decided to move back ASAP. 3 weeks after he lost his job we were back in Canada!

We did just show up at the border. When going through I told them I was a returning resident and that I would be sponsoring my husband for PR. We had to go inside and speak with a immigraition officer. They asked questions about any criminal history etc and since he did have an arrest on his record he had to produce the court records showing that the charges were dismissed. He was given something called a visitors record. It is valid for 6 months, but you can apply to have it extended for another 6 months. You have to prove that you have applied for PR within that first 6 months before they will grant you the extension.

Once you get here your husband would have to get a medical and his background checks before you can send in the application. In Canada you send everything in at once and then wait, unlike the US where you have to send it in in bits and pieces!! I would suggest if you know a time frame that you may be moving that you get the FBI check done before the move since it can take up to 4 months to get it (ours took 2 and a bit).

If you have any other questions just let me know and I will do my best to help you out!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-04 21:41:00
CanadaAnyone travelling to the US soon

Hmm - too bad it can;t be used at the Batha nd Body works in Canada - I guess it's not quite the same store? Silly question I know ;) THere's now one in the Fairview Park Mall in Kitchener, I was surprised last time to see it.

I was in one in Edmonton this weekend and asked and they said that they don't work. It even says on the back of the card that it is for US stores only....guess MIL didn't look at the back and just assumed that if they had them in Canada it would be ok.

I will buy it off you for cash if you want. I go down every other weekend pretty much and have shopping to do for the house we just bought. I could drop money in the mail or do an email money transfer if you wanted to and you could mail it to me.

That would be great!! Send me a PM with your address and I will stick it in the mail.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-14 20:48:00
CanadaAnyone travelling to the US soon

Can't you order on line using it? They ship to Canada.;jsessionid=KBbcQyTCL6WNNVLRyy1hh4SWWxdYcgjn4ppwPJbvpmg5Y2hzQ7c2!-920608209?display=ship&subdisplay=availability

The giftcard is for $25 and they charge $20 to ship to Canada, so it really isn't worth it....I would only get $5 worth of stuff!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-12 21:08:00
CanadaAnyone travelling to the US soon
My MIL sent me a giftcard for bath and body works for my birthday. But since she bought it in the US, I can't use it in Canada. If anyone is travelling to the US and would be willing to do a trade for canadian giftcard of equal value ($25) please let me know.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-12 19:30:00
CanadaFiling Taxes after filing an Exit return

Is that from filing another return after you returned to Canada? Would you have gotten that money back if you had remained in the US? Not sure I'm understanding...and I'm wondering if my husband will get that 25% back on his EI given that he'll be filing his exit return in early 2013.

No, I filed this return while I was still in the US and I would have still got this money back had I stayed in the US. When you leave Canada the government takes 25% off of any of your Canadian earnings. They figure that amount will cover your tax bruden. But depending on how much you earn (you have to claim your US income and taxes as well) 25% may have been more then your fair share.

Many people recieve EI after the file their exit return and not many are aware that they can file a "special" return even after filing an exit return and possible get a refund. I was not aware of this at all until my accountant mentioned it. And like I said I got just shy of $3k it can be fairly significant.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-15 22:10:00
CanadaFiling Taxes after filing an Exit return
So last year I was able to collect my maternity benefits for the majority of the year. I filed my exit return the previous year for my last year in Canada. My accountant advised me that I should be able to file a return under a special election called a section 217. I ended up getting just shy of $3000 back!!!

So if you collect EI, cash in RRSP's or have any sort of income that the canadian govt witholds the 25% witholding tax it can be very beneficial to file another return.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-14 20:56:00
CanadaWe're FINALLY home!!

Wow what a trip! I'm sorry I haven't been around. I really didn't want to be one of those that gets done with the interview then abandons the site! We've been so busy!

We arrived home around midnight last Thursday (9th) It was a crazy three day drive, most of which was done on Mr. Sheeshka's birthday. Weand had to deal with issues and get everything unpacked and find where to put it. Our closet and shelf space is definitely unequal, and I'm not on the winning side lol.

Here is our POE review: Emerson/Pembina Crossing

Today Mr. Sheeshka's Social Security Card arrived in the mail. It surprised us both. He still hasn't received the welcome to the USA letter yet! Tomorrow we're going to the DMV to get his Tennessee license and to register his motorcycle. I had to get my license renewed on Friday, and we asked then what was needed for him to get his license and the woman had no clue. I printed off the list of things needed from the state DMV site. I'll be sure to post about that fiasco!

I needed to have a drivers abstract from Ontario that was less than 30 days old for my TN license
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-17 00:43:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
Anybody have any good recommendations for any good new books? I will be flying to Canada in a few weeks and would like to pick up something for the plane. Hopefully Emma will sleep on the plane and let me do some reading!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-19 14:28:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
I have just started reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I am busy with my family right now before my POE so I am only about 20 pgs in!! It will be good for the trip back to TN on the 13th :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-04-06 19:06:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Oct 15 2009, 07:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm reading Astraea by Jane Stevenson. So far, it's hard to get into... it takes place in the Netherlands in 1640.

When I was in Canada, I picked up five books that I'm salivating to read! laughing.gif

The Flying Troutmans by Miriam Toews.
The Birth House by Ami McKay
Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden
Moral Disorder by Margaret Atwood
The Outlander by Gil Adamson

I LOVE Canadian authors. There are never any books in the stores here, but you can order them. It's not the same though, unless you know what you want to get. It's not like browsing in the store, reading bits and pieces, and actually physically touching them, which I love to do.

I recently read the flying Troutmans and really enjoyed it.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-15 11:17:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
Since many recommended The Book of Negro's, I picked it up....EXCELLENT recommendation. I couldn't put it down. I had to read thru one eye at one point because I was so tired but totally addicted!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-09-22 15:19:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Aug 21 2009, 08:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Colleens @ Aug 20 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Aug 18 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I read in the last week:

The Stones Cry Out
Daughter of the Ganges
The Love Season
The Fifth Woman
Faceless Killers

Nothing really notable. The last two are mysteries written by a Swedish man. They take place in Sweden as well. So, the characters, description of police procedures and scenery are very interesting. Different.

I just started yesterday The Time Travelers Wife. I've got about half way, and while it's interesting, I don't know if I like it yet. I know many people on here rated it as one of their favourites, so I'm still plugging away on it. I also note that it's an upcoming movie as well in theatres shortly. I've never liked movies made from books however, so I highly doubt if I would go. BUT going to a movie where I didn't like that book that well might be something different! We'll see...I'm still only half way done the book....

I read the book and enjoyed it, but wen to see the movie on Monday and although I am usually somewhat disappointed in movies that were made from books....I think this one takes the cake!!! I definitely wouldn't recommend the movie. I did read and go see My Sisters Keeper last month, and although the movie was not as good as the book....I would recommend both. And a box of kleenex to go along with them!!

QUOTE (Krikit @ May 29 2009, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I couldn't get into Patricia Cornwell and her Kay Scarpetta series. I found myself getting annoyed at the character. laughing.gif

Lovely Bones was a really good book. Very different.

Wow. A bookmobile that stops a block from your house! ohmy.gif That is awesome.

I read Lovely Bones as well....Very good. And it is also coming out on movie soon.

I'm an avid reader Colleens, and have read all of Wally Lamb's books. I agree that I was shocked when I first read She's Come Undone, and realized it was a man that wrote that as well! This Much I Know Is True, is my all-time number 2 favourite book.

I read the Time Travellers Wife, and finished it on Wednesday. WOW. I was almost half way through it when I last posted, and it seemed that right after I posted, I was SO into the book I just couldn't put it down. I think it's an incredible book, and love story. crying.gif I LOVED it.

You wouldn't recommend the movie Colleens?

Now I'm reading Escape. It's written by Carolyn Jessop who at eighteen became the fourth wife of a fifty-year-old man and had eight children in fifteen years. She was part of Warren Jeff's compound of FLDS's. She escaped with all her children. This is her story.

I didn't like the movie that much. So much was left out of the book (as usually happens) that it just was not the same. And I didn't think the acting was all that great either, which is a big reason why I didn't like it either.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-08-21 09:45:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Aug 18 2009, 08:49 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I read in the last week:

The Stones Cry Out
Daughter of the Ganges
The Love Season
The Fifth Woman
Faceless Killers

Nothing really notable. The last two are mysteries written by a Swedish man. They take place in Sweden as well. So, the characters, description of police procedures and scenery are very interesting. Different.

I just started yesterday The Time Travelers Wife. I've got about half way, and while it's interesting, I don't know if I like it yet. I know many people on here rated it as one of their favourites, so I'm still plugging away on it. I also note that it's an upcoming movie as well in theatres shortly. I've never liked movies made from books however, so I highly doubt if I would go. BUT going to a movie where I didn't like that book that well might be something different! We'll see...I'm still only half way done the book....

I read the book and enjoyed it, but wen to see the movie on Monday and although I am usually somewhat disappointed in movies that were made from books....I think this one takes the cake!!! I definitely wouldn't recommend the movie. I did read and go see My Sisters Keeper last month, and although the movie was not as good as the book....I would recommend both. And a box of kleenex to go along with them!!

QUOTE (Krikit @ May 29 2009, 03:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I couldn't get into Patricia Cornwell and her Kay Scarpetta series. I found myself getting annoyed at the character. laughing.gif

Lovely Bones was a really good book. Very different.

Wow. A bookmobile that stops a block from your house! ohmy.gif That is awesome.

I read Lovely Bones as well....Very good. And it is also coming out on movie soon.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-08-20 15:40:00
CanadaWhat Are You Reading?
I have become addicted to Wally Lamb. I recently finished reading his latest The hour I first believed. It is fiction but part of it takes place at the Columbine school shootings. I kept having to remind myself that it was not a true story, he portrays the events so well that it seems like it may have happened just like that. His book She's come undone is a great read. I had to keep reminding myself that it was not written by a woman. It amazed me that a male author was able to portray the issues a female teenager would go through so accurately. I have also read This much I know is true, and very much enjoyed that as well. I just finished a book I grabbed at the airport on my last trip. Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. It was about the vel d'hiv round up that took place in Paris during WWII. A very sad story.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-08-20 15:34:00
I was born in 73 as well, and Beachcombers and Disney was a ritual in my house on Sunday nights as well! Mind you we only had 2 channels so it is not like we had a large selection of quality programming :rofl:
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-09-05 23:03:00
Canadawahh... just venting

We worked together last night to fill out a form/write a letter to his senator. It will be faxed off today. Fingers crossed. I've seen so many mixed reviews -- some people get quick results from congress involvement and others say there's nothing that can be done once its at the consulate stage.

We'll see. Thanks for the advice and nudges in the right direction.

I think you need to direct that letter to the congressperson and not the senator. When I was having issues with my AOS I sent letters to both and I got a reply back from the Senators office that they were not able to help and to contact our congressperson.

I had my issue resolved within 3 days of sending an email.

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-09-08 20:37:00
CanadaEmployment Insurance
I think it is a completly different ball game with tax rates when it comes to an interstate claim. I know that they took a 25% flat rate withholding tax from my claim (I just finished with it at the end of June). If you have a Service Canada location near you it might be worth stopping in and clarifying this for yourself.

When you get to the US and apply for AOS (for a K1) I would suggest starting a basic job search (putting resume up on Monster, sending in a few resumes, etc) about a month after you apply for AOS. I had a very long wait to get my AOS biometric appointment. My EAD had been approved in August, but they had to wait on my Biometrics (which I didn't get an appt for until the end of Sept). I finally recieved my EAD card mid-Oct. Had I started a job search earlier I would have been able to get EI payment retroactive to the August date printed on my EAD card (that would have given me about 8 weeks of retro pay).

Not saying that this will happen to you, but I would have loved to get 8 weeks of back pay had I known to start my job search early.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-10 17:46:00
CanadaUS Car seats for sale
If you are moving to the us soon and are thinking of having children soon(or already have young children) I have 2 almost brand new convertable carseats that I would be willing sell for a very reasonable price.

Eventhough the seats are made by the same companies each country has their own saftey standards and approvals. And although the seats are safe to use, if you were ever in an accident and there were injuries involved your insurance company could refuse to pay because the seat didn't have the right approval.

I would prefer to sell to someone in the Edmonton area so you would be able to come see them and I could drop them off and not have to deal with shipping!!

Let me know if you are interested as I would love to get them out of my house. I feel bad throwing brand new car seats in the garbage so if someone can use them I would be happy!!

One is a graco my ride 65 in grey with light green color link, and the other is a Cosco Scenera in a pink pattern

Edited by Colleens, 13 October 2012 - 12:16 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2012-10-13 12:14:00
CanadaWhen to transfer money?

I was reading the post about selling the house and started wondering - when is the best time to transfer money down. I am moving down this December assuming my visa appointment goes well, and I was hoping to avoid having to file taxes for the year of 2013 in Canada and just deal with 2012. However I'm not getting married until January, and I assume earning interest in my account in January means I would have to file taxes for 2013 (I will definitely be earning interest - I get a T something slip for that each year for taxes).

My other question is how to transfer the money - if I am understanding correctly I can't open a bank account until I have an SSN - and I also can't be added to my fiance's account without the SSN as well (we met with his bank and they said they would let me be added on after the SSN) - and I won't be applying for that SSN until after I move down about a week into December... do you think it is likely there will be enough time to transfer the money before the new year? Especially since it's the middle of Christmas season? For the SSN do they give you the number you need right away? What I mean is, if I file for an SSN will I be able to tell the bank the information they need that day or do I need to wait to hear back from the SSN people... sorry, I'm just a bit confused on all of this.

Go to an RBC branch and open an RBC USA account (which is an american bank, although it doesn't have branches...much like PC banking, but it does have online and mobile banking options). You can open it from Canada without a SSN. And if you open a canadian RBC account you can link the 2 online and transfer money back and forth with no fees. It works out well if you have things like tax returns. You can have it direct deposited to your Canadian account and then simply transfer it waiting!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-10-16 22:54:00
CanadaAm I Eligible to Collect EI When I Move to the USA

Ok.... so I just read on the Service Canada website that I may be eligible to receive EI after I move to the USA for up to 36 weeks. I have been working full-time for the same company in Canada for almost 10 years now. So I called my local Service Canada office (keep in mind I live in a very small town and the lady I spoke to may have never come across this subject before). She told me - no i can't apply for EI because I won't be eligible to work in Canada. I then read to her the statement on the Service Canada website that says that you can apply. Then she snobbily said 'well then apply.' If anyone from Canada that has moved to the USA on a CR1 Visa has applied and received EI benefits can you let me know if you were approved. Thank you so much to anyone who can answer this question.

Yes, you can claim EI when you move to the US. Like the previous posters said, don't quit your job too early (I think it has to be within 4 weeks of leaving to the US, but the closer the better) and make sure you apply within the 4 week window. Your claim will be processed in the interstate office. They have a different # then the regular service Canada number and no one ever answers the phone, you will have to leave a message and they usually call back within a day or 2 (that is if you ever have any questions). You can apply online, just make sure you do so within the 4 week window.

You will be expected to be looking for employment just like in Canada, so make sure you keep a record of all the jobs you apply for etc just in case EI asks you.

Good Luck!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-17 20:38:00
CanadaConsidering moving back to Canada

Unfortunately the results of the election last night have put my husband's job in jeopardy. We are seriously considering moving to my hometown in Canada but not sure how we go about it. We were married Oct. 2011, have my green card (May 2012) and have yet to file for our AOS.

Any links or info you all could provide regarding this would be very helpful.

Thank you.

I have recently returned to Canada with my husband (as huggles stated). You can start the application process from the US if you like, or you can do the whole thing once you are in Canada. Unlike the US, Canada will allow your spouse to stay with you during the process.

If you are not living in Canada and applying 'outland' you will have to provide proof that you intend to reside in Canada (so a lease agreement for when you plan on returning).

As previous posters stated that there is no income requirement for sponsoring your spouse, but they do ask for financial information. We applied 'inland' and I had to submit my last years "option C print out" (basically a tax transcript) and all my t4's w2's etc. I also had to submit a letter from my employer that gave my income details and how long I have been working there.

There is a quite a bit of paperwork, but unlike the US, you submit everything all at once and then wait!

Currently it is taking about 14 months for approval via outland. If you choose to apply inland it is taking about 16 months, however once your sponsorship application is approved they will issue an open work visa while the PR application is being processed. It is taking about 5 months for sponsorship to be approved via inland. (it is about 3 months via outland, but you don't get the work permit when you apply outland).

There are some really helpful folks over on the roadtocanada site, but it is not nearly as busy as VJ so you may have to wait for a day or so to get a reply to a question.

If you need any more info just send me a PM

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-11-07 22:34:00
CanadaConsidering getting immigration medical done in Montreal & do not have Immunization record
I would get on getting that titre test for immunity ASAP. I had that done and it took about a month to get the results back. I was in Ontario and it was free when I went to my family Dr. Had I been missing anything I would have got it through my Dr as the shots would have been free as well.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-11-07 22:41:00
Canadamaternity leave

Hello all,

quick question, I'm moving to the US sometime in May or June. Im keeping my job in Canada and will go back and forth. Will i be allowed to be on maternity leave and still get 90% of my pay even if my permanent residence is in the US? Keep in mind I work in Quebec for the federal government.


Yes you will be able to recieve mat benefits. I suggest that you keep a Canadian bank account so that you can have them direct deposited rather then cheques mailed as it can take awhile for them to get to the US.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-12-22 18:14:00
CanadaTraveling to Canada with Baby

Hi everyone!

We are starting to plan baby girls first trip to Canada. If all goes well, we'll be making a trip mid-February. She'll be almost 5 months then. A couple of questions for those of you with experience travelling with a youngster:

First, if i'm understanding correctly since we will be driving across the border, not flying in, she won't need a passport, correct? We will be getting her once sooner rather than later, but the fact she needs to have a photo taken makes me want to wait. A 3 month old posing for a picture can go one of two ways, one of those ways being very bad!

Regarding car seats. I know that Canadian laws differ from US laws on car seat safety. My initial plan was to check her car seat on the plane, and then install it in a rental car and drive to Canada (from the airport in Buffalo). Would this pose an issue if the car seat is not "Canada safe"? Anyway for me to know if her car seat meets Canadian standards? The alternate plan would be to have my dad pick us up from the airport and borrow a Canadian car seat from a family member.

Any tips to soothe a baby in an airplane? I was always one of those jerks that would cringe when I would see a baby board the plane, because there is nothing worse than hearing a screaming baby all flight. She is a pretty calm and happy baby, but if she is uncomfortable she lets you know! We took her to a family members house in the mountains the weekend before Christmas, and I think her ears popped... she lost it. I would like to avoid a similar melt down if possible. She won't take a soother either.

How about airport travel? Anyone bring a stroller and check at the gate? Or should I just suck it up and carry her? Another idea would be to strap her to me (or daddy) in one of those baby carriers.

That's all I can think of for now. Your advice is appreciated as always :)

I got Emma's passport when she was only 2 months old. I got it at the county clerks office and they did the photo there. All I had to do was kneel down facing the wall then pick her up under her arm pits, hold her up and duck my head. I was very worried about the photo after reading the passport website and all the info and restrictions about the photo but it was easy peasy. I would really suggest getting it done since it will just make everything that much easier.

You are allowed to use US carseats when travelling in Canada. If you know someone that you trust that can lend you a carseat once you get to Canada that might be a better option since it will be one less thing to pack around the airport with you. I would never check a carseat since you don't know how they are thrown around etc, and you risk it potentially being damaged without you even knowing.

Definitely try feeding during take off and will make a world of difference. If you have a few months you may be able to start to
adjust her feeding schedule little by little now so that it will fit in with your travel plans if she will not top off or take a paci. Also try to get as close to the back as possible. If you are travelling with her as a lap child that may be difficult since there are only a few rows of seats taht will have an extra oxygen mask if needed, but there is a bit more movement in the back so it tends to be soothing (and there are less people there to get upset if she should be fussy).

I travelled with Emma on my own twice and I didn't take a stroller with me. I used my moby wrap while in the airport so that I had 2 free hands. It was a lifesaver. On the plane you are not supposed to have baby in a carrier of any sort in case of an emergency so that the can get to the baby, but I did stick her in there to sleep. I have seen these infant 'slings' on pinterest that seem kind of cool My link and I think there are other brands and styles out there if you do a google search.

Do you have any connections to make or will it be a direct flight? If there are connections make sure to pack plenty of extra diapers since you never know if there may be a delay or cancellation. I once travelled to Atlanta from Syracuse NY and it took me nearly 24hrs because of delays. One lady had 1.5yr old and only packed enough diapers for what the trip was scheduled to be and a couple of extra's. By the time we got to Atl that poor baby's diaper was in a sad state :( Also if you use a store brand diaper (eg target) that you can't get in Canada you may want to try some of the brand names that you may be buying in Canada to ensure that she won't react with them....this goes for wipes as well.

That is all I can think of right now. Let me know if you have any other questions.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-12-31 21:30:00
CanadaMoving to Canada for Spouse with Intent to Immigrate?

Hello! I know this is a US immigration-based forum but I thought I would just shoot out this quick question to those who might have experience with/as Canadian spouses. So far my Canadian spouse and I intend to move to the U.S. and then immigrate back to Canada after several years, so the question isn't immediately relevant.

I know, as a spouse, you can apply for status in Canada either from INSIDE or OUTSIDE the country. My question is, how exactly do you start the process for applying from INSIDE? Are you allowed to move up there with your spouse with the intention to immigrate? Or would they deny you entry and demand you go back and do the process from outside like the U.S. does?

Basically, if you want to apply for Canadian status from inside Canada, what is the process for getting there in the first place? And are there certain restrictions?

I have just moved back to Canada with my us spouse this past year. You can move back to Canada with the intent to immigrate.. It actually helps if you already have your forms filled out and fees paid.

We went to the border and I told the agent I was a returning resident and I was sponsoring my husband for PR. We went inside and sat with an immigration agent and they issued a visitors record that was good for 6 months. We were told you must submit our application within
That 6 months.

You can not work while the application is processing, but you can apply for an open work permit at the same time as your PR and that will be approved once your sponsorship is approved (about 6 months).

You can also apply Outland while you are still in the us and move to Canada while it is processing. You don't have to be outside of Canada to do Outland.
ColleensFemaleCanada2013-03-15 14:40:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Ewww Flames, no... :lol: I can't stand it.

Milk of magnesia works OK, but I didn't realize they make it in pill form. I'll look for that, thanks Ontarkie!

Usually I can fight through the heartburn, so its not that bad. I think the hardest part of sleeping is waking up every 2 hours to pee...

I'm only just halfway- 20 weeks. Its not THAT bad, but its not really fun either. I just think I have the right to be bitchy without having to explain myself. I'm usually pretty good, but I have my moments... just let me have them. And then if I decide I was to mean I cry after because I feel bad. What the heck is that all about?! Its weird because I'm not an emotional person in my normal form...

Try Zantac for the heartburn. Tums worked for the first 20ish weeks for me, then I needed something stronger. I took one 150mg zantac daily and no more heartburn. You can get the generic stuff at walmart for pretty cheap.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-12 19:12:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I"m sure it will get sorted out - we were hit from behind at a red light just like you've described while wer were stopped - the lady behind us accidentally hit the gas instead of the brake...we bumped forward and back and may have bumped our heads on the head rests, but not hard...the speed just isn't enough to do anything....I had a headache that night and that was about it. I'm sure the insurance companies will straighten it out...if the air bags didn't deploy they can calculate how hard the car was actually hit...were they wearing seatbelts? If not and it's the law they can't really complain about it can they. If it goes to trial and they lose - will they not have to pay your court costs as well?

Americans appear to be sue happy because there isn't enough legislation in place to cap the ability to make these types of claims.... and our society generally is trained to blame and take advantage instead of taking responsibility for themselves.

I hope this works out.

From what is written in the summons they are trying to say that we didn't stop at all, but they also said that we were following to close, so in effect saying that should make their case weaker since the closer to them we were, the less the impact would have been!!

I am not sure if they were wearing seatbelts or not. When we called 911 to report the accident, they told us ambulances were already on the way and to stay in the vehicle. But if they were wearing seatbelts, then they should have injuries from the seatbelt if the impact was as great as they are stating. If not, seatbelt use is the law, and by not using them, they were negligent in providing for their own safety.

My husband was not issued a citation of any sort for the accident, so hopefully that should work in our favor.

The insurance company is covering the litigation for us (so providing a lawyer and such) so I don't know if they insurance company would go after them for court costs if they lose. Maybe I should be going to the doctor for all the stress this is casuing me. If we win, then we could file a countersuit on them for the undue stress that they have caused.....LOL (I am kidding)
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-19 10:35:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
Thanks everyone!!

The insurance company has already done a lot of investigation, and had turned down their original requests because our insurance company did not think their demands were reasonable.

The airbag on my car did not deploy. In the summons they stated that we "failed to stop and struck them" which is not true. We had stopped, thought the light had changed and had just started rolling forward. Had we failed to stop the airbags would have deployed in my car.

One of the occupants of the vehicle admitted that one of the people taken in the ambulance had just had neck/back surgery a week or so ago for degenerative issues, so it was pretty clear that the injuries were already there.

I am pretty sure that if they don't settle with the insurance before it goes to trial, that they will not get the settlement they are looking for. At least I have all my fingers crossed!!

I am definitely calling tomorrow to change the coverage on our policy. I always carried $1 million liability in Canada, and had assumed that hubby would have been set up better then he was. I should have done more research I guess, but with all the immigration/AOS/Wedding/Baby stuff that went on last year, that was the last thing on my mind :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-18 21:04:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
So back in Jan my husband and I were in a very minor car accident. We were stopped behind someone at a stop light, and hubby thought the light had changed and started rolling forward and ended up rear-ending the vehicle. There was a bit of damage to my car (more due to the fact that we hit a SUV so it hit kinda under their bumper). Since we were stopped and not even a car lenght behing them it would have been near impossible to be going more than about 10km/h. The airbags did not deploy on either vehicle either. We have just recieved 2 lawsuits from 2 of the passangers in the for $275 000 and the other for $235 000 they are claiming that they can no longer work, earn a living or have quality of life because of this accident!!!! I have been hit in the exact same situation a couple of times before (and a couple of times much harder) and I couldn't even imagine how they can claim they have the injuries they have.

Why are americans so sue happy??? I never really paid attention to what insurance coverage my husband had, and I was just added onto his policy and we don't have the best coverage (I am to blame since I should have looked into this more) so I am getting pretty stressed out that if they don't reach a settlement and it goes to trial we may be up the creek. We are struggling to make ends meet as it is, and this is definitley one more stressor that we did not need :crying:
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-18 18:17:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre
I think our insurance covered 80% of the delivery as well and our bill was about $2200. I had an induction and an epidural so those cost a little bit more, but I only stayed in the hospital one night....which saved some money.

CBM, I am not sure if it is an option for you, but if you chose to go with a midwife they can be subtantially cheaper than going the traditional OB/hospital route. Most are affiliated with a hospital so if something happens to not be going right, you are going to get the care you require. Some hospitals even employ midwives so that parents have an option.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-12 20:05:00