CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Ty must be my lucky day as my greencard was finally approved as well!!

I only wish I could get out of the hospital to go buy a lotto!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-16 18:49:00
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Ohmygoodness. All the best, Colleen!! I hope you have a stressfree delivery and both mother and baby do superb. Can't wait to see the pictures, either! :dance:

Emma arrived at 5:28 this was a long day but we are both doing well. I will post more and a pic on the baby thread for those interested!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-16 13:50:00
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I was just checking to see if you had gone into labor yet..but it seems not.

When do they induce in the states? I know in Canada it was 5days-2 weeks after due date... I was included like a 7 after my due date.

I wish you luck, keep us informed :)

I had a Dr's appt today and they did some testing and I had a low amniotic fluid level, so they have sent me over to L & D for an induction. I had hope for it to happen on its own, but you have to do what is best for baby!! Hopefully we should have our little one late tonight/early tomorrow.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-15 18:26:00
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You're very quiet today, Colleen. :whistle:

Still nothing...I was just busy doing some Christmas baking with my mom today, and our internet connection was kinda flaky today. I had a few contractions that woke me up last night so I was hoping, but they went away :crying:
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-14 21:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

How are you feeling today, Colleens?

I am still hanging in!!! Today is my due date and so far nothing. I was supposed to have a Dr's appt today to do some testing (non-stress test, check the placenta and amnio levels) but with the snow, it has been cancelled. I have been contracting a fair bit, but still nothing regular and the odd one is a bit uncomfortable, but for the most part I just feel a bit crampy.

Mom and I are going to head to the grocery store and pick up some baking stuff and do some baking today instead!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-13 11:07:00
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I was surprised when I saw the walkers for sale too. I couldn't not believe all the things that they still sell here. I'm normally pretty picky too about hand me downs, but when your told that its a new crib and its very high end you tend to think oh well maybe its worth taking a look at it. Just blows me away sometimes still.

Anyways how are you feeling?

I am feeling good. A few contractions, but nothing significant yet. At this point you just wish they would hurry the heck up!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-11 19:26:00
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I have just rediscovered just how different my way of thinking is from some of my new family here in the US. It seems some ppl seem to think its perfectly normal to place a baby in an unsafe crib, and since I don't want it they will sell it off to someone else. I think I should of just kept my mouth shut like I planned too, but I couldn't help it it just came out. Oh well they probably think I'm nuts with a lot of things, such as taking off shoes....

I am surprised by some of the things that they still sell here new that have been banned in Canada for years. The walkers with wheels on them and the wooden baby gates that expand and collaspe. In a way I feel lucky that I didn't have to deal with anyone trying to give me hand me downs....I am pretty picky as to what I will take as hand me downs, and it saves having to 'hurt' someones feelings when you have to say no thanks!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-11 09:23:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

holy smokes already!! wow seems it was not that long ago we were at the consulate eh? lol. Good luck and i hope everything goes good with the babies birth!!

We didn't even know that we were expecting at that point. It was the "I will see you in 3 weeks goodbye that did it" LOL!!

Since i have just been sitting around doing pretty much nothing since I couldn't seems like it has taken FOREVER! And now that we know it is going to happen anytime seems like time has stopped.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-09 18:59:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Oh, how exciting, Colleen! When are you due?

My Due date is Monday!! I had an appt this afternoon and I am making some progress, so hopefully something will happen over the weekend! *Fingers Crossed*
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-08 17:15:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
OMG Krikit!! At least it gave you some humor in your day!!!

I am getting very parents fly in from Canada today to stay for 3 weeks. I am glad baby held off till they got here, but now I hope she comes ASAP so she has as much time as possible with grandma and grandpa!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-08 11:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
My parents will be here in 3 weeks to help out with the baby. I usually find it pretty hard when they leave, but I am sure this time around it is going to be that much worse :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-16 14:06:00
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i got my first credit card approval today!!!!!

i had applied previously for capital one, best buy newegg etc..all with refusals. but what i did notice was the reasons why i was refused had changed.

it went from " you have no credit history etc" to "you have limited recent credit history".

i'm guessing being on all the bills here , electricity, cable, cell phone, finally paid off. since i use my bank account to pay them each month. Been in the usa since April, only took 7 months for my first credit card. :) it was a pre approval special offer one from Capital one as well.

now i get to buy the rest of the parts for my new computer a bit at a time and gain more credit!! woot! this will help immensely since davids credit is ok but not the best. and next year we need a new car and want to buy a house :)

Yeah!! When we opened our joint account we got a secured credit card through that bank so I could start building some credit, and hopefully it would help improve Hubby's credit a bit....since we have pretty much paid off all his debts. I have noticed over the past couple of months that we have both been getting several credit card applications in the mail a month, so I take it that is a sign that I am developing credit and hubbys is getting better We still have a few debts to pay so they just get shredded...if we want more credit we will just add to the card we have. We are also hoping to be able to buy a house in the early spring, since the way the market is now we can get a fairly new 4bdrm house for less than what we are paying for rent. (add in insurance, upkeep and taxes and it will still be a lot less than rent, insurance and storage fees!)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-08 15:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Ohmygosh, Colleen. I'm glad to hear things turned out alright. How scary.

I have happy news!!!!!! My parents are coming next week!! I am SO excited. :dance:

I found out today that although the neighbours were not home, their puppy was and didn't make it out :crying: So last night I had dreams of our dogs being stuck in the apt and not being able to get out....scratching at the doors. Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of sleep.

My parents are coming on Dec 8th and staying till the 30th, and I am super excited already!!! I am not sure Si can say the same thing. I have to give him a lot of credit because I know putting up with in-laws in not the easiest thing in the world....especially for that long. But I tell him it will be nice for him since he won't have to worry about cooking and cleaning much since Mom will help with that, and he can use his time to bond with baby :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-04 15:55:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
We had to spend most of our evening outside in the parking lot tonight as there was a fire in our apt complex!!! The community is made up of several 2 or 3 story complexes with 8-12 apts in each complex. The fire was in our block, but fortunatley it was at the opposite end, and that the fire station is 2 mins away from here. Withing 30 seconds of calling 911 we heard the first sirens from the fire trucks! And they had the fire contained within about 10-15 mins of arrival. No one was home at the time and no one was seriously injured, there were reports of 2 people with minor burns. I think that they were just treated at the scene as the ambulance never left with anyone in it. It was scary for a few minutes seeing all the smoke, then the flames coming out the back and roof. I know that there is fire blocking between all the units, but you can never be certain how effective it is going to be, especially since the apartments are a bit older. We have insurance and for the most part, stuff is just stuff, but there are a few things with sentimental value that could never be replaced.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-02 22:52:00
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so it looks like my brother and my 3 year old nephew might be coming for a visit in 2 weeks or so.. YAY!

now i get to clean my house from top to bottom and I have to clean out the 2nd bedroom that I use for a "catch-all" room :P

I know that feeling....we have had to get our 2nd bedroom ready for the nursery/room for my parents when the visit (baby will be in our room in a bassinet while they visit!!) My husband had several bins of his old army gear in the room waiting to sell was driving me insane because I could hardly move in the room.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-29 16:32:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Hubby and I are doing the local Race for the Cure this weekend, so he wanted to raise a bit of money. He decided to bring in cupcakes to work that people can make a donation for one. So I spent the day baking and icing cupcakes. I think they turned out pretty good....hopefully they will make some money for Breast Cancer.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-27 17:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

I think I mentioned before that I was not able to get pregnant due to blocked tubes. And that was something we wanted even thought I already had kids from my previous marriage. I had a a reversal then was told it would not happen it really broke my heart. Well Recently I broke a tooth its was infected and I was given penicillin and I thought I had reacted to the it. I was so sick, even after I was done the week. Well Monday we fond out I am pregnant. They thought about 2 week, but do to the risk of and ectopic pregnancy I have already had a ultra sound. Turns out I'm like 6 weeks. We are freaking out. This little miracle just saved us 15-20k if we had it to begin with for in vitro. I am so very exited I have been shaking. We were so terrified it might be in the wrong spot but nope every thing is perfect.


Congrats!! I hope you have a smooth pregnancy :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-27 17:31:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Colleens, talk to her all the same. Explain to her - even if you don't think she understands - what you are doing and why. Tell her in words about the baby and about you going away for a few days to have the baby and then coming home again with the baby. Surprisingly, they do seem to pick up on conversations like this as well and it may help to reassure her, even if all she is doing is picking up the tone of your voice and feeling reassured by that.

Thanks Kathryn....I have been doing that, and since it has been a few days since the suitcase has come out and I am still here, she has calmed down a bit. I talk to them (as we have 2 dogs) about the baby coming soon. Sometimes they will have their heads on my tummy and baby will move around so I tell them about it. I have been watching a lot of baby shows lately as well, so when there are babies crying on them, I ask them "what's that" to try to get them both used to it a bit. We started a few months ago not letting them into the bedroooms where baby will be and doing a few other things to try to make the transition easier for them!!! They both have pretty easy going personalities so we are pretty sure that they will be great with baby!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-24 09:52:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

My dog is the same way!! She gets soo upset when she sees the suitcases!! Either means we are going away without her--or its a car drive to RI--both she hates!!

She loves the car rides....she rode shotgun when I moved from Ottawa to Georgia, sat there watching where we were going the whole time. She is always watching where we are going, like she is afraid that she will miss something!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-23 22:11:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I decided to get my bag packed for the hospital tonight just in case baby decides to make an early apperance. And as soon as my dog saw the suitcase come out she was instantly attached to me and has been following me around the house everywhere I go. She is getting older (almost 12) and gets pretty bad anxiety when I go away. I feel so bad for her since I can't explain that I am not going anywhere. Hopefully she soon forgets that the suitcase came out, as it is now back in the closet!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-22 20:20:00
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I am not sure if this email is legit or not.. I am leaning towards no...

I am signed up with that site...

I would say at those rates that something seems fishy.....considering you have seen a lot of ads avertising what works out to $2-$3 and hour!! And why would they care how close you live to will be the one driving back and forth.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-15 08:58:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Sounds like a great deal, have a wonderful time!

I've used Priceline for hotels but never flights. Do you get to choose your airline and approximate times or just the destination?

You basically only get to choose the dates. Your flights can leave anywhere from 6am to 10pm, and they try to get flights that are direct or only 1 stop. Sometimes you can get some pretty lengthly layovers, but I did not too bad...only 2hrs each way in Chicago. I leave a bit before supper time, so that will work out well for me to grab a meal in Chicago. Even with a longer layover, to get the flight for about half the advertised price is well worth it.

That reminds me, anyone who is traveling to Canada ANYWHERE near a border town, and by that I mean 2 hours from the border, or so... I strongly recommend flying to the nearest U.S. border city and then renting a car, or taking an airport shuttle to your Canadian destination. You will literally save hundreds of dollars by not flying to a Canadian destination. I can't remember if we've discussed this on VJ before or not.

It is amazing how much you can save. When I was living in Ottawa and wanted to visit Si, I would drive to Syracuse (about 2.5 hrs), and I generally saved $400-$600 over a similar flight leaving from Ottawa.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-25 20:30:00
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I just got a pretty decent deal on a flight back to Canada to go visit my family. I get to leave tomorrow night......I am very excited. I did a name your own price on priceline...they advertised fare was about $1200, and I got it for $600. I am there for almost 2 weeks. So far only my sister knows about the trip so it will be nice to surprise my family. And hopefully I will finally have a biometrics appt when I get back :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-25 19:29:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Sorry to hear about the accident Ashen. I hope that you get in touch with the guy soon and get things sorted out. I was rear ended a few weeks before I left Canada, then again the week after I came back to the US with my visa. They were both quite slow speed, but it is amazing how much effect they can have on you when you are not expecting a jolt like that. I hope that you are feeling better soon!

Congrats on the job!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-20 10:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
I used to have a garden at my place in Canada, and I used to can all sorts of stuff. I did several different kinds of pickles, relish, and tomatoes. I also would grow several varieties of hot peppers and pickle them and make homemade hot sauce. I would blanch and freeze beans, peas and carrots, dry my herbs. Some years I really looked forward to doing it, but every so often I just didn't have the energy and ended up just eating stuff fresh and giving the rest away to friends. I also had gardens dedicated to growing strawberries and raspberries. I had a few apple trees as well, but they didn't get large enough to really harvest any before I moved :( I can't wait until we can buy a house and have a garden again. I loved going out there after work, picking a few things and add a meat, and in minutes dinner was ready!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-18 20:47:00
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I am just thankful that the timeline for my pregnancy seems to be working out with being able to get my full year of mat leave. I seriously don't understand how people can go back to work with such a young one. I also would like to be able to stay home until the kid(s) are in school.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-17 10:26:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Sounds good, but my husband will be a student. He has a full ride, so no debt there, but I'm the sole source of income for the next few years. Bringin' home the bacon. Haha.

If you are moving to the south eastern states Royal Bank has branches there trhough RBC USA. I think that because the banks are 'connected' that you may be able to transfer your canadian credit score to your US account. I am not sure on this, but it may well be worth making an appt at an RBC branch to check it out.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-09 21:31:00
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my wonderful mother brought me a case of KD, a big bottle of Heinz ketchup and a jar of cheese whiz :D

I had only asked for All Dressed chips and coffee crisps because I have gotten used to the KD down here and I found a replacement for Heinz ketchup but she said she couldn't find a big bag of all-dressed chips :(.. I will enjoy the Canadian KD and ketchup though... and I was pleasantly surprised she thought to bring me Cheese whiz

My family brought me some Ketchup chips when they were down for the wedding. They were HEAVEN. I miss my ketchup chips!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-19 21:06:00
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My boss got fired for her (lack of) performance on Friday, they want to talk to me about taking over on Tuesday. I have a second job interview for a media firm on Monday. Decisions decisions!!!

We're having mojitos and I put too much rum in the shaker and now we're just being PLAIN OLD SILLY!!

Thats my life in a nutshell.

Mmmmmm what I would do for a Mojito!!!! Only about 8 months to go before I can enjoy a few!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-17 18:04:00
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So my Hubby got a promotion to Full time and an award at work yesterday. He has only been working there for 2 months, so we are pretty happy....he can finally add me onto his medical benefits and I get to stop paying for prenatal care out of my pocket!! I only wish it had happened a few days earlier...I just had an appt on Monday that I am pretty sure that I will end up paying for. The billing clerk said that sometimes (but rarely) the insurance companies will cover from the first of the month so she said to wait till next appt and they will try to process the appt. *fingers crossed*
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-10 11:17:00
CanadaLove being back in Canada

I'm glad you and the family are doing well! :) How are your parents enjoying having the little one around?

My parents are in heaven!! We are moving out of my parents place next weekend and my mom is a little bit sad. When Emma wakes up in the morning, I put her down in the kitchen and she runs across the room with her arms wide open to give Grandma a hug and kiss!! It makes my mom's day :luv:
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-06-24 15:05:00
CanadaLove being back in Canada
We have been back now for a little over a month and I am LOVING it. I do miss the hot TN weather a little bit, but it has been pretty nice here.

We are still staying with our parents for the next 2 weeks and then we are moving into a house that my sister rents out. So it will be very nice to have our own space and get into our own routine again. There are tons of parks and running trails where we are moving so I can't wait to get active again. Oh, and having access to the internet again will be nice!!!

My job has been going pretty well. It is pretty physical work, especially since I really didn't do anything physical while living in the US, but I am enjoying it.

As far as the immigration goes, we had a little blip at the border since hubby didn't have any paperwork that said his charges had been dismissed so we got turned back and had to call the lawyer to get the paperwork emailed and we were good to go! We are now just waiting for all his background checks from the FBI and England to come back then we will be able to get his medical and send everything in....then the waiting begins.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-06-17 17:41:00
CanadaABF moving review
I just used ABF for a 2nd time to move back to Canada(edmonton) from Tennessee. I had a very good experience both times, although the local office in TN failed to tell me what paperwork I needed to provide to them so we needed to stop at Staples en route to fax them all the documents. Thankfully I had the documents ready since I knew that I needed to provide them when we crossed the border.

The first time I moved I just used the clip type lashing straps and found that some of them loosened a little and some of my stuff shifted a little. The 2nd time we used the ratcheting type and criss crossed them on every row that we packed and nothing moved.

I would suggest renting moving blankets from uhaul(it cost us $11 to rent a dozen for a week) to wrap any sort of wood furniture. I didn't on the first move and a lot of my pieces had spots where the finish wore off due to the vibrations. I wrapped them the 2nd time around and furniture faired much better.

I can't remember the price on the first move (it was door to terminal from Ottawa to Knoxville and I used 13' in a 28' trailer) I think maybe around $2200. The 2nd move was terminal to door, Knoxville to Edmonton, 11' in a 28' trailer and was $3400.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-16 22:10:00
CanadaTemporary Return Of US GC Holder To Canada


I am a Canadian citizen and have lived in the US legally for 13 years. I was originally a TN visa holder and eventually married my wife and obtained a green card. I just had the conditions removed from my green card a few months back and as fate should have it, I am expecting a very nice job offer in Canada that would require me to relocate there with my wife and two young children for 4-5 years. Our goal would then be to return to the US permanently once the work assignment is completed.

This particular work assignment is very appealing to our family for both professional and personal reasons so it would be too good an opportunity to pass up.

I have read that as a GC holder I can file for a "leave of absence" from the US whereby I maintain my GC holder status but my understanding is this is only for two years (max.) with US visits not more than 2 years apart and that I will have to file a tax return in the US while I am away. None of these stipulations is a problem as my wife has family in the US so we plan to return regularly. Can I extend my "leave of absence" for more than two years?

I will be applying for proof of Canadian Citizenship for my children via the US consulate prior to the move. What do we need to do to get myself, my wife, and kids covered by the Canadian health care system?

As well, are there any other barriers to our move to Canada besides following the required immigration procedures for my wife?

Thanks in advance for your help.


What province will you be moving to? I just moved back to Alberta and went to the registry office the 3rd day we were here and me and my family were automatically covered. Even my husband is covered and he is only here on a visitors record while we apply for his PR. All we needed was ID and something with our Alberta address on it to prove residency (a letter from the bank that had both our names and address on it was sufficient).
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-16 21:52:00
CanadaJust Saying Hello, How Are You, Etc.

Hi Huggles! nice to see you still kicking around!

Colleens..Glad you moved back because I remember you wanting to. It's nice to feel less stressed, isn't it? The process wasn't too bad although it does feel like it's geared more towards newlyweds than people who have been married for long periods of time. Showing phone records and emails and that sort of thing for people who have been married for years is difficult...but I sent it as many joint things as I could including our tax returns so hopefully it will get approved quickly! The nice thing is, there is usually no interview for US spouses so at least he gets to skip that part.

It has been like night and day. We are not completely stress free as we are still living on one income, but thankfully we don't have to pay any rent right now (my sister owns a rental home and they are letting us live in it in exchange for us putting some sweat equity into it for them!!) so we are getting by. And it helps that my family loves to spoil Emma so we haven't really had to buy anything for her since we arrived. I think she has more clothing then my husband and I combined!!

I have been looking at what we will need to submit as well, and I agree that it is geared more for newlyweds. I am pretty sentimental and I have kept a lot of things that they are looking for (and I still have my folder from my US immigration with all the 'stuff' in it) so it shouldn't be too bad to put something together. It has been painful waiting for that FBI check to come back though
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-26 22:53:00
CanadaJust Saying Hello, How Are You, Etc.

Yes, get to hear the Americans point of view now,lol I think in many cases, it depends on where on resides (in canada/usa) if they are happy or not. I'm pretty sure I would not be happy living in Toronto, far too big.

I have been in Saskatoon since June 1st. I was to head back to Nicaragua early July, but my mom passed away very unexpectedly mid June to a ruptured artery/vein in her head. So stayed back to help out dad and of course enjoy more Tim Hortons,lol

While back, rented a car and took off for a small trip to Edmonton, Kamloops and Calgay!! Love driving thru the Cdn Rockies!! Been to many countries over the world, but pretty hard to beat the beauty of the Mountains.

Best of luck with the Cdn immigration. How is that site--roadtocanada?? Is it as helpful as VJ?

I am sorry for your loss flames. I am sure you dad is very thankful that you are there for him.

There are a few posters on Roadtocanada that are very knowledgable, but it is not nearly as active as VJ. I have recieved satisfactory answers to any questions that I have asked...sometimes it just takes a day or 2!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-26 22:47:00
CanadaJust Saying Hello, How Are You, Etc.
Hey Amanda. I completely know how you are feeling. We have been back for just over 2 months and I am so much happier as well as a lot less stressed out!! We are still waiting for Si's FBI check to come back and then we can send everything in. I think he is going for his medical in a couple of weeks so we should have everything in order.

And the Canadian system may take longer up front, but in the long run I think it is a quicker process all together.

I hope that you get a nice surprise and you get a quick appoval.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-24 22:16:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
This thread always makes my mouth water with the mention of all the good stuff. Hopefully by December next year (that is when my cond GC expires) we will be back in Canada so I will get to enjoy all that stuff again!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-04 15:33:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties

We actually have a really good British section here because I live in a very Irish neighbourhood. I am lucky enough to get Crunchie and Smarties if I want them! I haven't seen wine gums though! Need to look harder!

I have seen Arrowroot cookies here, but I wonder if they taste the same. Those are awesome cookies. I totally forgot about them!

Gerber makes an arrowroot cookie here for infants, but it is not quite the same. I love arrowroots too so it is really hard not getting into the box and eating them for myself!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-03 12:02:00
CanadaWhen You Eat Your Smarties
Some of our local Kroger grocery stores have a small British section and they usually have Maynards wine gums in there. I have seen them at World Market before as well. Not sure if you have either of those near you.

I find that the US doesn't have nearly as good a selection of candy/chocolate bars as Canada, and I am really shocked in the poor selection of cookies as well. This may be a regional thing, but here about 50% of the cookie section is some version of oreo's!! I had to get my parents to bring me some boxes of Arrowroot cookies for my LO when they were here recently! I would have loved to have the Dare Bear Paws as well, but they didn't have enough room to bring everything :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-01-03 09:32:00