CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Aww you look fantastic!!!! Baby looks super cute too!! I loved getting the 3d ultrasound will be amazed at how accurate they are! I hope this last trimester goes smoothly and quickly for you.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-14 07:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Wow sitting and about to start crawling that is so exiting. First hair cut should be fun, my oldest was a challenge getting his first one, make sure you save a lock of her hair lol. Alexis pretty much just sleeps, eats, and poops but she does it so well :blush:

Looking for child care when your not sure you will need it can't be easy. Hopefully you find something easily and don't go nuts trying to find work.

Emma did the exact same things when she was that!!

The haircut went really well. She sat on daddy's lap and didn't fuss at all. Although she was none too impressed with the hair falling on her face! The place we took her actually does up a little card for the first haircut, so that was cool. Her lock of hair was about 2" she really needed the cut! I miss the long hair in the back, but now it is all one length back there and it does look better. The top got layered a bit so it no longer looks like she has a donald trump comb!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-12 09:45:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Alexis is a Month old all ready, I'm enjoying every minute.

Hows everyone doing babies, and mommies?

OMG that went by so fast!! Not that I need to be reminding you of that ;) I am glad to hear that you guys are doing well!

Emma is getting so big, she is now able to sit on her own, and rarely falls over. She can look around and not tumble...once and awhile she will go over, but just rolls with it and plays on her tummy or back! She is getting up on her hands and knees as well. It had just been rocking back and forth, but she is starting to figure out how to move her hands and legs to get moving. I think another week or 2 and she will be mobile. We are also going to take her for her first haircut when she gets up from her nap! Her banges are getting so long and get in her eyes!

I have just started looking into child care for the end of the month/beginning of Aug when my mat benefits run out. I will need to go back to work, so hopefully I won't have as difficult of a time to find a job as some have had. It is difficult to arrange for child care when you are not sure exactly when you will need it, but it can be so difficult to find that we can't wait until I find a job either!! I hope that it all works out somehow!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-11 10:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
She is beautiful and so perfect Ontarkie!! It makes me miss my little tiny baby. I can't wait until we can have another one!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-15 07:54:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Alexis is here!!! My water broke at 230 in the morning and she arrived med free at 5:23am Friday June 10th. Weighing 8lbs 8oz 20 and 3/4" long. (Glad I did not make it to my due date she is big enough)And a whole lotta hair, heartburn was worth it.

Congrats Ontarkie....and your family! She was a good size...very long! Emma had tons of hair and she kept pretty much all of it...I get TONS of comments on her hair!!

I hope that everything went well for you and you are enjoying your beautiful baby girl. I am so happy for you guys!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-13 21:50:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I am still guessing when this baby will come, 11 days to go till my due date. Last night was pretty intense with contractions but they died down somewhat after a few hours. They were back this morning but just a few, showing other signs of labour but who knows what this girl will decide.

I have been away for a week so I am just catching up. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. You will have to post some pics of her when you get a chance.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-06-11 12:43:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Had a hard time finding this thread. Anyways, due date is the 19th, plenty of pre labour going on but nothing sticking just yet. Would be a nice fathers day present if she made it to the 19th, but as of now I feel so sick so I have terrible indigestion, heart burn, I can't eat anything without feeling like it is stuck in my throat. She is head down and it seem her hip is pretty much right under my stomach. My husband is getting very excited he wakes up so early cause he can't sleep anymore. Poor guy is going to be so tired when she gets here. Ok just had to complain before I start my day of nesting and dentists for the kids. are getting close. Why does it seem that my pregnancy took forever and it only seems as if you have been pregnant for a couple of months??? LOL My LO is fast approaching 6 months, it is going by so fast. Hubby and I decided we would stop nursing at 6 months, so I have been dwelling on that a bit. Emma is getting really distracted nursing durning the day and it takes me over an hour to get a full feeding done for her. But she will take a bottle just fine. So for my sanity I think we need to switch. And I think hubby is ready to have his wife back!! My last week will be the week that I get back from Canada so I am sure that I will be a bit of an emotional wreck that week!!

I hope these last few weeks go well for you Ontarkie!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-31 13:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I wanted to add this, but VJ wouldn't allow me to edit my post.....grrrr

I would book the tickets for 12 weeks, but make sure that you can change the date if necessary. Oh, and you will have to call and book the tickets over the phone if you are planning on flying with your LO on you lap. This is becauce only certain rows have an extra oxygen mask if it should be required so they need to insure they don't overbook the amount of infants on a flight!! And if flying with LO on your lap, I found that using my moby wrap was the best thing. You are not supposed to have them in the wrap on the plane (If they ever needed to get LO out, it makes it much more difficult if she is strapped to you). But I cheated and only one attendant on 4 flights said anything about having her in a wrap. It was also super easy for getting from gate to gate during my layovers. I had both hands free to deal with luggage/tickets/passports etc.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-10 07:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hey guys... I have a while to go but I have a question.
How does the birth certificate process work here? How long does it take to receive it?
we are already in the process of looking at flights for January to visit my family but the baby will need a passport to fly. I will probably have about 12 weeks in between birth and flight so I am trying to figure out if this is doable right now instead of later on when I have all my hopes up lol.

Holy #######! this child moves all the damn time!

Hey guys... I have a while to go but I have a question.
How does the birth certificate process work here? How long does it take to receive it?
we are already in the process of looking at flights for January to visit my family but the baby will need a passport to fly. I will probably have about 12 weeks in between birth and flight so I am trying to figure out if this is doable right now instead of later on when I have all my hopes up lol.

Holy #######! this child moves all the damn time!

It took me about 6 weeks to get the BC. You will also need to have a SSN for LO before you can get a passport.

As for the BC, they gave me a paper (I think it was called the Mother's record of birth) that I had to fill out and send into the place that does the BC. Then they send it to you once it is ready. I was told that you could go into the health unit and get a copy of the BC right there, but not sure how this works/if it works in every state.

As for the SSN, they send the info in directly to the SSN office. It took about 6 weeks as well to get the SSN. I actually had not recieved the card in the mail, but needed to get her passport ASAP to I went to the SSN office with her BC and asked if one had been generated and they gave the number to me.

It then took the passport about 3 weeks to get here. I think that I had her passport in about 11 weeks after birth.

When I was reading on the passport website about the pictures and the requirements for them (the baby had to be looking directly at camera, eyes open, no one visible in the pic etc, I got kind of freaked out because how the heck are you supposed to get a 6 week old to do that!!! But when I got to the county clerks office where they do passports, they did the photo's right there for me. They had me kneel down, hold LO under the armpits and up against the wall. I ducked my head down so that they could get a clear was easy peasy.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-10 07:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I don't miss that feeling. I felt full all the time, but that just allowed me to sneak in the odd milkshake or "naughty" food to try to keep my calories up. I loved the way I could eat somewhat guilt free while I was preggo!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-03 21:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

That is the most amazing sound ever, every little bit of stress goes away when I hear her heart beat.

My older kids used to see a ped back in Canada, only cause it was my ex who wanted the kids to see the same ped he saw as a child. I never saw a ped growing up that I remember. As for this little one she will be getting a ped too, only cause our GP doesn't have all the vac's for them and such. If we need to take her to the doctors and can't get into the ped we can take her to our GP as his office is like a walk in clinic you never need appointments.

Edit to add: I cannot believe how awesome my husbands coworkers are, they had put alot of effort into our shower. We are just swimming in baby things atm I need to figure out where to put it all.

That is awesome!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-05-02 06:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Is this a new trend to have a pediatrician aside from your regular GP? I don't hink it's a bad idea or anything, my daughter never really had much fo anything when she was little . Mind you we lived in Canada and who really had a pedi, you know?

I thought it was odd to have an OB and a pedi.....I would have used my GP for both of those in Canada!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-28 13:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My husbands work is throwing us a baby shower today, I think they are so sweet to think of us, I really didn't think we would see a shower since this is baby #5 for me but they celebrate all babies at his work its so cool. Its been awhile since I've had to look up baby stuff and their is so much out there now I wont buy most of it some of it seems to be a waste.

I'm starting to feel very much pregnant on some days( not sure if I mentioned this before). Can't believe I have about 7 weeks left to go till my due date. I am really hoping she come on her due date since it is fathers day it would be so cool. But babies have their own schedule.

There are a few things that I can suggest that we really loved. We had one of the Summer Infant Swaddleme blankets and it was really good until about 3 months. It is so easy to wrap them in it and they can't break the swaddle. I think that is part of the reason Emma has slept so well. When we had to move up to the bigger size it didn't work so well. She was able to get her hands out between the flaps and work them up to her mouth...and that meant all the fabric bunching aroung her neck and face, so we obviously stopped using it. We bought one of the Baby Merlin Magic Sleep Suit (they are a bit pricey) and it has worked awesome for us. I think you can only order it on-line from their website though.

We got Sophie the Giraffe for a present, and E loves her. She is expensive (~ $22 at BRU) so I don't think I would have invested in it myself, but I can tell that it is going to be a go-to come teething time.

I am not sure if you plan on breastfeeding or bottle feeding or a combo, but if you do a combo feed (I mostly breastfeed, but I have to suppliment a bit and Si likes to give E a bottle of pumped milk too) and early on the breastflow bottles were really good. I think that they are the closest to the breast, and have a really slow flow. We use the Tommee Tippee ones now, but early on I found the flow a bit fast for E (eventhough they were newborn size).

If you will be looking for a pump at all, I invested in a Hygeia Enjoye pump a few months ago, and really like it. It is a fair bit cheaper than the medela ones and it is also a closed system, so you could sell it (or pass it on) afterwards. The medela's are open system so there is a chance that milk can get into the motor. I do have the medela manual pump as well and do use that on occasion (when I want to be quiet as the electric one is a bit noisey)

I like the Avent pacifiers...they come with little plastic covers so if you keep an extra in the diaper bad or on the night stand, they don't get all dirty.

I have read that a lot of people like the fischer price seahorse for bed time.

When I was at home my mom and borrowed a play mat for E and she LOVED it. It had a flashing blinking light on the top part that she would just stare at forever!! It was the fischer Price Oceans wonder we bought a cheaper one from walmart and she doesn't like it as much, but I am not going to go out and buy another one...especially since she will soon be onto bigger and better things!

I wished that I had done a little more looking at infant car seats when I picked one out. I researched the safest ones and got one of those, but the one thing that it does not have and I REALLY wished it did, is the strap that comes out between the legs that is used to adjust the shoulder straps. Mine just has individual adjustors at the back of the seat, so it is either a pain in the butt to adjust them all the time, or it is difficult to get her in or out if I don't loosen them (it is not so bad now that she is a little older, but as a newborn and a bit more "floppy" it was a bit harder).

That is all I can think of for now.....HTH If you have any questions about some of the new items let me know....I don't have them all, but have done a fair bit of research on a lot of them!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-28 11:19:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

You already found her a pediatrician and shes not even here yet? thought we would have to wait till she/he arrives.. Lol of course i wont call for another 15 weeks :)

Yes, you need to find a pedi before you deliver. It is helpful to find one that does rounds at the hospital you will deliver in or else the pedi on call with examine the baby at the hopital. Your pedi will want to see your LO within 48hrs of being release from the hospital then. I had to do it that way, and it kind of sucked having to pack LO up and take her out at 2 days old to the dr's office.

It is good to start looking now as well...if you go onto the boards on the bump there are local boards for most area's that you can ask for recommendations for pedi's. I had a hard time finding one that accepted our insuance AND was accepting new patients.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-14 22:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I just got a prescription for prenatal vitamins so I can get them free from Meijer. I think I remember that you live in Illinois. They have Meijer over there don't they? Although you can get prenatal vitamins without a prescription (I think), the vitamins are free through the Meijer store pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

I joined a few days ago to get in on some forums for women trying to conceive (TTC) There is a forum thread just for women in their 30's (and ones in their 40's and 20's too). I liked visajourney's forums so much and I have been missing them lately since my husband's AOS. Came back today to deal with tax stuff and wanted to see how the ladies with babies were doing. My husband has almost finished his 3 month probationary time at a company (first job let him go after a month but he wasn't liking the job much, this new one is a better fit). I am a little scared about TTC because I will be 35 in June. No time like the present!

Don't stress yourself out about TTC that is one of the worst things you can do. We just had that attitude if it happened, it happened, and we were not really trying (I wasn't even sure about when my cycle started/ended since I never really paid any and it happened within 4 months.

Good Luck...I hope you get that BFP (big fat positive)soon!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-06 21:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Well I failed the 1hr test just by a bit, so I had to do the 3hr. After a complete panic attack I made it through the night woke up yesterday morning and did the 3hr test. So glad I had a different tech doing the blood test. It still hurt since I was so bruised but she used butterfly needles to help some. Well this time I past :dance: so no more needles :dance: :dance:

That sucks that you had to do the 3hr one. I have always been fortunate to not get gouged while someone was taking blood from me. I think part of it is because my veins are so prominent that they barely even need to put one of those elasticy things on to get it puffed out!!

I am glad that you passed this one. I would have hated to have to be on a special diet while pregnant. I feel for those girls that do. The cravings can be pretty tough to deny at times!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-04-01 13:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
:lol: I was almost 37 when we conceived and while we were not doing anything to prevent pregnancy we were not really trying either. What worked for us was me going to Canada for 3 weeks to have my interview/wait for my visa!!!So I consider myself very lucky. I was very worried because all of my friend who were around my age and became 1st time mom's had a pretty hard time...2 had to do IVF. Like Ontarkie said head to your Dr (OB/GYN would probably be better for this)and have them do some tests to make sure all is working well. You may also want to get Hubby checked as well...if he is about the same age. Men don't tend to deterioate as quickly as women, but it will be reassuring to know that all is good.

Definitely start taking a pre-natal vitamin or at least a folic acid suppliment.

I go on another web forum for all my pregnancy/parenting needs. It is much like VJ and seems to have a pretty good community. I know that they have a board for trying to concieve (ttc). I am sure that you would get a lot of info and support there. They have some over 35 boards as well. I have found it very helpful when I have questions or needed support. They have a very good breastfeeding board that helped me solve a lot of the issues I have had.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-30 15:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I hope the test went well, I was dreading having to do the 3hr test as well, but it all worked out for me. Cdngal...the 3hr test is if you 'fail' the first hour long test. You have to do a longer test to see how your body handles the sugar. I believe you have to fast before it, and have to drink that nasty drink and have your level tested every hour. If you 'fail' that one, then you are diganosed with gestational diabetes.

Congrats on the puppy....I can't be sure that I would want to have to deal with a puppy AND a new born!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-29 20:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

That is definately something...but something good I think not. I mean how much is this thing going to cost? any side effects? They can make a gadget like this but yet my car is not auto pilot? get to it scientists lol

I have been thinking about getting a 3d done around 17 weeks or at like 34 weeks.... Im still think he he . I never had one with my son but things do change and this father is super excited.

I think they reccomend the 3D to be done between 28 and 32 weeks. Too soon and they look pretty freaky looking and too late they get too big and cramped and you don't see as much. I had mine done at 28 weeks, and I think if I were to do it again I would wait until 30 weeks. I loved having it done. They gave me a 3D pic at my 36 week appt and it is AMAZING how much she looked like that pic irl
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-26 16:44:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Here is a new gadget for all you Momma's to be!!! Pre Vue I was all for the 3D/4D ultrasounds, but I think that this is a bit over the top!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-25 18:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I didn't like the glucose test. Needles don't bother me, but that stuff they make you drink is pretty nasty. It seems like your pregnancy is flying by!!

We are doing well. Emma is getting so big, she gained over 2 pounds in the last month! She has regressed in her sleeping a bit...she was doing about 10 hrs straight at night, but since we have been back from Canada, she has been only doing about 8, so that means getting up at 4 :( She used to nurse and go staight back to sleep, but not she seems to be pretty alert after eating, so it can take me over an hour to get her back to sleep. And I am still trying to get us settled into the new place (get everything unpacked etc) so I am pretty exhausted by the end of the day.

The weather here the past few days had been pretty nice....mid to upper 70's so we have been getting out for some strolls, so that has been nice. The fresh air can help to get you going again when you are tired!

I got to play soccer for the first time in a year on Sunday....I felt like a cement block trying to run up and down the pitch. It was kind of depressing to have a body that can't do what your brain wants anymore!! I have to get back to the gym BIG TIME!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-23 16:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My vent about the hospital I was at today.... I had my ultrasound today. It was awesome to see the Heartbeat but I also just finished writing a long letter to the hospital. My husband took off today strictly to be there for me for comfort but most of all to see this first ultrasound.I was called to go to the room and I asked the lady If my husband could come back and she said No as she was doing an internal then told me he could after when she did the tummy one. After the internal she told me I could get dressed again and then told me I was good to go. Not only that but she when I asked how far along I was she told me that when I saw my doctor she would be able to tell me.

It was a long drive home with my extremely angry husband who feels he has been robbed of a part of this journey.

I would be pi$$ed as well. You have the right to have your husband in during and internal if you so choose. My husband came to pretty much all of my appointments, and was there when they did internal U/S's and regular internal exams. It is your choice as a patient who you want to have in the room with is your privacy.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-15 17:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I am getting ready for my trip to Canada with Emma. We leave tomorrow. I had read a lot of good things about the Moby wrap so about a month ago I went out and bought one to use thinking that it would be good for in the airport and in the plane. I decided that maybe I should do a practice run with it today (ya I procrastinate...a lot!!), and it is AMAZING! I put her in it, went and put a load of laundry in the dryer at the laundry center, walked down to the apartment office to put more money on the laundry card, and now she is sleeping soundly all snuggled up to me! I think from now on I am going to use it when I shop rather than the car seat/stroller combo. She hates the car seat and usually has a meltdown when I am about halfway done my shopping. I have to go to H&R block this afternoon to get our taxes done (I found a location that has a specialist that deals with foreign income) so we will see how that goes.

So far, I would suggest to invest in one of these. There are all kinds of different 'holds' that you can do. And it is basically a long piece of fabric, so it doesn't matter what body type you can be wrapped to fit someone who is very petite or to fit a larger daddy! Simon has tried it and it fit him with no problems. I find it more comfy that the Chicco carrier that we have, and I like that you can pull over part of the wrap to support her head (so you don't have to worry when bending over). I have read that a lot of people use them when they are doing housework as well. I think I paid about $40 at babies r us so I think it is a good investment.

I going to try taking the dogs out for a walk with her in it. It has been a pain in the a$$ walking 2 dogs with a stroller, so I think this is going to be much easier.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-03-02 10:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I didn't really look pregnant until about 7 months....I just looked!! I only had a few comments on my belly and thankfully no one asked to touch it!! I only gained about 20 lbs. It pretty much came off right away, but I am still holding onto the last 5ish lbs :( I need to get rid of that and then get onto the extra I had before I got pregnant!!

I ate pretty much what I wanted when I was pregnant, and tried to make healthier choices, but I wasn't super strict about it. It amazes me how some women can gain 70 or more pounds in a pregnancy!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-21 10:39:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Colleens- How did Emma's appointment go?
And mommies how are you doing? Babies/bellies all doing well?

One thing I noticed about this pregnancy its nothing like the other four. I am so bloated, still tired although not as bad, and heartburn all the time. Or maybe I just can't remember what it was like then after all its been awhile. I still love being pregnant and still amazed that I am. I can't believe I'm more then half way there. 23 weeks on Sunday :dance:

So this weekend I'm going to try and get a tour of the one Hospital. It says it has a great support team for natural child birth so its the first one I am going to check out. I've been sorta working out a birth plan, since it seems to be the norm to get IV's and epi's now days. So I have a few things to make clear in my plan. I really don't plan on showing up to the Hospital till the last sec anyways. They will pretty much only have time to catch. I figure if we know ahead of time if their are any complication I have no problems changing things up. But if this baby is anything like the others and boy I pray she is, I should have no problems with waiting till the last min.

Why does it seem like your pregnancy is flying by and mine seemed to take forever???

Emma's appt went well. She was super brave and only cried for about a minute. She didn't have a fever, wasn't fussy and slept well after, so I am glad for that. I noticed this afternoon and tonight that one of her eyes is kind of weepy and after her nap it was a bit crusty, so I think I will have to take her Monday to get that checked out. There is no redness or anything, so hopefully it is just something irritating it and not an infection.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-18 22:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

So today I called the doctor's office to make another appointment since the nice snow storm (that's what they call it) canceled my appointment. They ended up being closed Wed, Thur, and Fri. :wacko: After telling the women that I needed to make up the appointment that I missed Wed due to the snow, she Set's me up with a new one for later today. So I phone my Husband and make sure he can take me to the appointment, he had a meeting but was able to get out of it. SO it looked like it was all good. :whistle:

Well I just got a call back from the Doctor's office and the girl says she noticed that I changed my appointment from tomorrow too today. They didn't even bother to tell me I had an appointment tomorrow when I called. :wacko: I was hoping to keep today's appointment since I already had my husband get out of his meeting, but the Ultra sound tech is not back in the office till tomorrow, :angry: and they don't want to make me come back just for it. I think this is one reason solo doctors may be better you don't go through and appointment person just the Doctors own secretary. :bonk:

Good news is I get to see my little girl again, 3rd ultrasound will be tomorrow. :dance:

I know that full term appt was cancelled because of an inch of snow...the Dr's office closed!! I was able to re-book it for a couple of days later, and that was when I ended up being induced. If my appt had stayed the same, my parents would have had a couple more days to visit with her :(

I loved going for the ultrasounds. Getting to see her and her little heart beating was the best feeling in the world...until I actually got to see her!!

Emma is going to be 2 months already on Wed, and we have her pedi appt to get all her immunizations :( I am not looking forward to that, but I just keep the thought in my mind that it is for her health and it won't be long and she will soon forget it!! I would love for Simon to be there, but he can't get off of work.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-14 17:51:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm preggo!!!! :)

Congrats! I read your other thread, and I hope everything goes well for you. Keep us posted!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-09 17:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm loving all the new ultrasounds and dopplers to hear the heart beat at every visit.

If you have the budget for it, I would recommend doing one of the 3D/4D ultrasounds. I think they recommend that you do them around 26-30ish weeks. We had one done and it was amazing to see her little hands and feet, watching her suck her thumb and such. It was also nice that I could send the video that they made of it to my family so they could see. My mom never had an ultrasound, and I don't think she was ever to any of my sisters appointments to see an ultrasound, so she was really amazed to see it. Mine cost about $150. If it is not in your budget, then I would ask if they can at least give you a 3D pic....if the equipment they have in the office is able to do it. I was amazed at how detailed it was and how much Emma actually looked like the pic they gave me at 36 wks!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-08 10:59:00
CanadaNever Recieved Packet 4 now showing no appointments mtrl

Hey I have a question for you Valliy. They never sent you an email announcing packet 4 release right? Did you include in your packet 3 an email address for them to send it to?


We've been waiting a three weeks and today they finally told us packet 3 was logged and packet 4 "should" be going out soon, but now I'm wondering if we'll get it.


Yes I included my email in packet 3 but I never received packet 4.

It was only after I emailed them that they told me packet 4 had been sent by mail almost 2 months prior.


The best advice I can give is email them and wait...and wait...and wait some more...and then after you get permission or packet 4...develop OCD from checking the website to see if there is any appointments available cray5ol.gif

ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-10 20:02:00
CanadaNever Recieved Packet 4 now showing no appointments mtrl
For specific inquiries regarding your immigrant (or fiancé) visa application, please send an email to Please be sure to put your case file number in the Subject line.
ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-07 15:20:00
CanadaNever Recieved Packet 4 now showing no appointments mtrl
They never gave me an interview date or medical date either because I think I'm supposed to book that myself online.
ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-07 12:39:00
CanadaNever Recieved Packet 4 now showing no appointments mtrl
they said in the email that was sent on August 5th but I never received any emails or a letter.
ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-07 10:17:00
CanadaNever Recieved Packet 4 now showing no appointments mtrl

Hey Guys,


We applied for the K1 back in November of last year. Almost a year and we are still waiting.

I received my NOA2 and sent in packet 3 it arrived at the Montreal consulate July 31st.

I called several times and was told that they could tell me nothing about my case .

After about a month of calling, I emailed them and they got back to me about 3 weeks later.

They told me that my packet 4 had been sent back in August!  AUGUST the 5th.  6 days after they received packet 3, meanwhile I've been calling and they tell me that there is no changes to my case!  That packet 4 has not been sent!


OK so this was Sept 26....and every single time I check to see if I can schedule my interview, as it is stated in the email I received that I says ...




Help *cries*


I suppose the real question I am asking is How often does montreal assign blocks of interviews? Anyone know? or any idea when? I've been checking for about a week and it always says the same thing.

And as for packet 4... do I need it? Do I need a hard copy of packet 4? Should there be an inquiry as to why I never received mine?

All I have is an email with the details of packet 4 and when it was sent to me.  Its not the actual Packet.



ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-07 06:35:00
CanadaAlright... who else is trying to schedule an interview at MTL?

January 9th!  Thank you so much Mireille for telling us!


Its not perfect but I'll take it gladly at least that part is over now.

ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-15 09:14:00
CanadaAlright... who else is trying to schedule an interview at MTL?

Montreal is making me OCD...


I never received my packet 4 but after constantly calling and getting no where I emailed them. About 3 weeks later I received an email from them that said they sent packet 4 AUGUST 5!! ranting33va.gif


Ok ok don't freak... so since then Sept 26th I have been compulsively checking every few mins on my smart phone and computer but only seeing this damn message that there are no appointments available at this time...


Meanwhile one of my other American friends married his phillipine g/f and didn't do any of this stuff ... ranting33va.gif  trying to be happy for them but ... it seems like trying to go about this the right way is only dragging it out for a year...when I could have been with my fiancée this whole time...


On a related note do I need a hard copy of packet 4? does anyone know?  All I have is this email saying that they sent it back in august....


ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-07 08:14:00
CanadaMedical in Ontario?

That pdf you linked to is from 2011. The other 3 you listed in your post are the current ones! You can verify that by going here and selecting your consulate. http://travel.state..../info_3739.html


hmm I got that information from my  Appointment confirmation letter, and that was the only one that was listed

I called and made an appointment for next week 4 hours away and $300


I mentioned that the other Offices I had seen before weren't listed to the gentleman I spoke with on the phone and he seemed aware that Dr. Seidens office wasn't accepting new cases and that montreal was the only one left.

ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-16 14:57:00
CanadaMedical in Ontario?

Ok so I just got my interview date and wanted to book my medical and all of the Dr. offices in Toronto that used to be listed are gone...

even Dr. Seiden is showing as of Oct 1. he is not accepting new cases.

So now I guess there is only Montreal?

There was 3 in the Toronto area according to http://www.visajourn...da&cty=Montreal

Dr. Lyndon Mascarenhas
200 St. Claire Ave. W. Suite 101-W
Toronto, ON M4V 1R1

Dr. Randall T. Lee
2901 Lawrence Ave., East, Suite 201
Scarborough, ON M1P 2T4

Dr. Ian Zatzman
955 Major MacKenzie Dr., West Suite 208
Vaughan, ON L6A 4P9


but on my interview confirmation page it just has this Only the following physicians are designated to perform a medical examination for U.S. immigration: http://travel.state....L-0005-1103.pdf.


And when you click on Dr seiden's webpage it just comes up that he is not accepting any new cases


ValliyNot TellingCanada2013-10-16 13:00:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Hubby home a day early. :luv:

No idea what he has planned. If he's heading to the gym or something then I'll probably bake cookies and/or make BBQ sauce. I get a lot of requests for it so I give them out at Christmas. No way I'm braving the shops the last shopping weekend before Christmas. I don't need that kind of stress. lol

I'm going to make an extra batch of cookies and/or BBQ sauce for our next door neighbour. After the snow we had the other day he came over and shovelled the driveway and walks. He must have noticed that I was home alone. I (L) my new neighbour. He offsets the really weird ones on the other side of me.

I used to have a neighbour like that when I lived in Ottawa. It really makes a big diffence when you have great neighbours! I had bought a bunch of stuff to do baking just they day before I went to the hospital...not sure how much I will get done now!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-18 19:54:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq

Yipes- yes! Double Congratulations! So . . is little Emma going to have "Greene" as a middle name . ? :whistle: :D

Greene did not make the list for middle names....I wouldn't want her name to represent anything that causes that much frustration. I am trying to find where hubby put the lotto ticket we bought to check the numbers...I really want to know if good things always come in 3's!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-18 00:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Part Cinq
Ty must be my lucky day as my greencard was finally approved as well!!

I only wish I could get out of the hospital to go buy a lotto!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-16 18:49:00