CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre i go to my landlord office, to find out about the extra 100$ deposit they made my husband pay only to find out they increased the price..and wrote it wrong on my lease...and then i find out my free month rent doesn't apply to my pets..and i find out i pay for my water...when water and heat were supposed to be included. so in the end i ended up paying 910$ deposit for what was suposed to be 600...all because of a new manager that took over and doesn't know her butt from her elbow..argh..

then i make my day worse by calling it's been over a month and i have not gotten my bio notice yet..and i'm told we put in a request please call back in 45 days..i also changed my address with them same time. now i don't understand why they can't forward the info to DHS as well..

then i try and change my address online with my bank, only to be told i'm a non resident and can' now i have to go back in to my bank when it's open and i have the car to update my address.

people are just stupidly dumb today /sigh

from what i hear around these parts, no one gets the security deposit back either which is why i'm upset and frustrated. grr stupid landlords. i miss my regie du logement in quebec :(

I still didn't recieve my Bio appt letter either. I just got one saying my case had been transfered to CSC today. Hopefully the Bio appt letter comes soon....I am getting anxious to start getting some money coming in soon. I haven't had income since I was laid off in November and I am getting stressed out with money only going OUT of the bank account :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-06 20:42:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

Awwwwww. I'm so sorry, Colleens. (F) I hope your sister is doing well. My cousin was diagnosed 4 years ago and is doing great. :) She has new boobies and everything! lol

She is doing well, she had to have one breast removed and will soon be going for reconstruction as well. She is all done with her treatment, and hopefully she will stay cancer free!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-15 11:39:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

My vent is kind of an odd one. I've been in the US now for about 3 months and change... it's going well and I find myself progressing at a nice solid, albeit slow, pace. Everything's great with my husband and family but, my vent is this... since I've lived here, or even before, I have found that I have 'lost' my two best friends. Neither one has said, 'this is a result of your leaving..." but it feels as such. One I lost before I actually moved -- she refused to give me an wriggle room to deal with the fear, anxiety and sheer work that had to be put into this venture. Her theory is/was 'you're getting what you want, you have no right to be stressed or freaking out and I don't have time to deal with you..." Don't get me wrong, I was mostly fine and really, did nothing that I would be ashamed of to her. I basically just needed some room to not give her the undivided attention to her woes that I'd had for so long with no complaint. I dealt with her for the 10 solid years after her dad died and she took to verbal abuse and drinking. I never once told her that I didn't have time to deal with her . I needed her to give me a bit of a boost during my time of stress. Her theory was, I don't want to talk to you about immigration and such as you're leaving me.

The second friendship has always been flakey, flakey person but loved her with all my heart. She wanted me to take a trip to NYC with her into the first month I moved here. I was NOT ready. I didn't have money coming in yet and I just got here -- I needed time to feel my way around and settle. This was not good enough as her theory was, you have your husband, you don't need to worry about money. Uh, no, I do as no one has ever taken care of me and no one will -- that's my job and I need to figure out how to do that here now.

So, now that I'm here and I'm driving and have a car and am actually feeling like I'm settled, I'm missing my two best friends to share this with and am sad that for some reason I just wasn't given the time or space to settle into this new life. I don't care what anyone says, despite the love and happiness of being with yoru partner, this is NOT the easiest thing to do.

Has anyone else had to deal with this? IT's kind of heartbreaking. I think about it a lot especially since now I'm moving forward and stuff and feel like I can take a trip to see people now, that I want to and that I'm ready to. I have good friends still and have made a couple of awesome new ones but it's just really weird that this move has caused me to lose the ones that I thought were going to be there for the long haul.

Thanks for letting me vent. It's my only real issue these days and I wanted to get it out there to people I know understand. People who have not done this sort of thing do NOT.

Thanks, VJ friends.

I am in somewhat the same boat, my friends really thought I was making a mistake moving here, and although they tried to be somewhat supportive, I knew that it was never genuine. It was hard for them because not too many of them really had a chance to meet Si and get to know him. I first came to the US at then beginning of Dec as a tourist while I waited for my interview. It came at the end of March so I planed to spend about 10 days in Ottawa catching up with friends, and although I let them all know well in advance about my plans, many didn't really make anytime to do things. It was pretty hard for me because since we are in a new town for both of us, we know no one. So it has been pretty pretty lonely. I still can't work, and even when I get EAD, I am doubtful that I will find a job when I am 5-6 months pregnant (which is ok because my EI will switch to Mat benefits which will be really helpful). But it has been really hard to meet anyone. I am hoping once the baby comes that I can get involved in some Mommy groups and meet some people that way. My family is coming for our wedding at the beginning of July, so I can't wait for that :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-15 09:58:00
CanadaThe Vent Part Quatre

I am not going to list the many things that have made me want to scream out in frustration this year.

I am not going to list the many things that have made me want to cry.

My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer today.

My heart aches.

I am sorry to hear that Krikit. My sister was diagnosed at the beginning of this year. It is definitely tough news to hear, my thoughts are with you.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-15 09:47:00
CanadaCanada/US Crossing with Vehicle Letter

I called this number last week, the guy that answered told me there was a $101.70 fee to have this letter wrote. Has anyone else been told that they would have to pay GM this amount ?

When I got mine last fall from GM it was $80...I think, so it looks like it has gone up in price. It was never a free service, if you were thinking that.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-08 15:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Congrats to all those who are now expecting. I don't get a chance to get on here very often anymore, but I do try to pop in every now and then to see how everyone is doing!!

I breastfed, but I had some supply issues so we did have to do a bit of supplementing with formula and we found that the target brand formula was just as good as the name brand but half the price.

Some insurance companies will pay for a pump or for the rental so check with your provider. For those of you looking into WIC, I believe they will pay for a pump or rental as well.

For those looking for pumps I tried a few different ones and they didn't last for too long. I came across a brand called Hygeia. They are similarly priced to the Medela ones, but they are a closed loop system, so there is no chance of getting milk or moisture into the pump. One of my pumps died because of moisture in the tubes that was caused by body heat...something that is pretty hard to avoid.

We are still patiently waiting for CIC to do their bit with our sponsorship/pr application. I thought waiting for US immigration was bad...this is soooo much worse. Hopefully we will get a chance to have another little one some time soon. Emma is growing up so fast. We are pretty much potty trained now. Although it is nice not having diapers, it was the last little bit of 'baby'. Before I know it I will be sending her to school :crying:
ColleensFemaleCanada2013-04-26 22:18:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Congrats to everyone....very exciting news. You are all making me have some serious baby fever. We are still holding out hope for having #2 but that will still have to wait. We had some delays with hubby's Canadian PR so it looks like he will be a SAHD for another 6 months or so :(. But it is hard to believe that Emma is already almost 2.5 and is now a little girl. They grow up so fast.

I couldn't eat anything fir the first 4 months of my pregnancy....the smell of any food made me sick. I even had a hard time showering because the chlorine in the water smelled so strong that it made me feel like throwing up! I always heard that feeling sick was a good sign because it was indicating a strong hormonal response which is a good thing. Not sure if that is true or not but it made sense to me.

I hope everyone has a healthy and happy 9 months. I cant wait to see all the cute babies!
ColleensFemaleCanada2013-03-15 14:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I have such crazy baby fever. But unfortunately that has to be put on the backburner yet again. My hubby made another very poor decision and it has put our relationship in jeapordy. He is moving out for a few months and starting treatment for his PTSD since we think this is what is causing the poor decision making. Then it is off for some marriage counseling and hopefully we can make everything work out. We really want another little one but it just seems that bad luck keeps following us :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-12-22 18:26:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Thanks everyone! Sorry for the delay, but it turns out that caring for a newborn baby is a lot of work! :lol: She's precious and I wouldn't trade the sleepless nights for anything. Here she is!

Posted Image

She is beautiful Huggles. I love all her hair! Sleep whenever you can and try to get out of the house alone every now and then...even if it is just to pick up a few groceries.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-10-14 17:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Baby Allyson was born last Saturday September 22nd weighing 7lbs 8oz. Thankfully the doctors were way off on her size and I was able to deliver her naturally. She's a doll, I'll post a picture soon!

Congrats Huggles!!! How very exciting. I am glad everything went the way you wanted. Isn't it amazing how much love you instantly have when you see that beautiful little face. I can't wait to see some pics!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-10-01 21:17:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm all about what is going to be safe for the baby's so I'm keeping an open mind. I decided not to do a birth plan, and just let it be. I still haven't decided on an epidural either... I figure I will see how far I can get, test my limits and go from there. But I was very unhappy with the idea of them not letting me try to deliver naturally. There is still a possibility I'll end up with a c-section, and I'm OK with that if it needs to happen. Basically if she comes out in the next week or so, it should be fine, but if I go to 40 weeks or more maybe not. We'll see! They think she's about 7.5 lbs now, which is perfect, but at week 40 she cold be closer to 9, not that its a really reliable science.

My body looks sooo weird. I'm carrying the baby all out front... my hips, butt and everything else hasn't grown an inch. Just a jumbo gut.... :lol: Things are getting harder... I have a lot of pelvic pain, walking is becoming a chore. If I get much bigger I'm not sure how mobile I'll be. So I'm hoping for an early arrival!

Good luck to you gals and thanks for the encouragement! Trying is the fun part!

I did do a birth plan because there were some things that we did really want to happen and since we were using a care group rather then just a specific Dr we wanted all of them to be aware of what we wanted. I tried to make my appts so I got a chance to see each Dr once so we could talk about things we wanted (since hubby was a medic and has delivered a few babies, he wanted to deliver Emma and thankfully all the Dr's were ok with that provided all was going smoothly)! As for epidural or not I was much like you. I wanted to at least try to do it without one. But since I did have to be induced (I was a couple days overdue and had low fluid) I think it made it a bit more difficult to go naturally....especially since my contractions were less then a minute apart!!

I had an open mind about a c-section as well, and for awhile we thought that maybe I would need one. She was kinda stuck behind my pelvis and after pushing for about 4hrs she stareted getting a bit stressed.....thankfully I was able to deliver. I made sure I did a lot of reading and talked to my Dr's about a c-section just in case. I wanted to be prepared.

I hope all goes quickly and smoothly for you Huggles....I look forward to seeing some pics soon!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-09-10 22:13:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I was lucky enough that my pregnancy happened just at the right time and I was able to collect Mat benefits from Canada when I was in the US. I loved being at home with Emma, but when we had to put her into full time daycare at 13 months, I was amazed at how much she learned there. Being around kids that were just a little bit older really pushed her to develop skills that would have taken her a lot longer had she just been at home with one of us. I think I will be getting a pretty nice raise in about a month so I think if I do we will look to get her into daycare at least one day a week. It will help her development and give Si a bit of a break. Looking after a toddler full time has to be one of the most exhausting jobs there is!

Good luck to everyone trying. I hope you all get pink lines in the near future!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-08-01 22:52:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I turned 39 2 weeks ago so that has really hit home for me. We have been so fortunate that Emma is such an amazing little girl. She has always slept extremely well, has never really been fussy and is easily entertained. I worry that the next one will be the polar opposite and I will not have the energy for it!! We can go out for an hour and a half dinner and Emma is happy sitting in her high chair watching what all the people are doing....that is almost unheard of for a year and a half old!! But I really want her to have a sibling and a 'partner in crime'. I had 3 siblings and although they were all older than me by at least 5 years, it was nice to have someone else around. We were raised on a farm so it was not like we could go across the street and play with the neighbours!! And I know that no matter what my siblings will always be there for me, and I want Emma to have someone like that so she will always have someone to depend on.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-31 22:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I am having a SEVERE case of baby fever, but until my husband can get through his Canadian immigration and get working that is definitely on hold. At least by that time I will have more then enough hours in for mat leave again!!

I just hope that we get settled and into good jobs soon or else I will be too old for a 2nd!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-07-30 23:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Its a girl! :luv:

Yay!! Congrats. You are going to have sooooo much fun shopping :)

We have walker :dance:
She is so cute walking around so clumsy and all.

That is awesome. Emma started "counting" this week. We say One and then she says two! It is too cute.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-22 00:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I was really planning on it taking time. The doctor prepared me for 6 months to a year. Imagine my surprise when I got pregnant 2 months after stopping birth control! I ignored the signs at first, because I didn't think it would happen that fast. It was my husband who was constantly saying , "that's an early sign of pregnancy!"

My mom had me at 22 and I'll be 25, so I'm making my poor mom a grandma at 47. She's excited about it though! She says she'll be the young, hip grandparent. Every now and then someone will make a comment about me being "so young" but honestly, I don't feel young!

I think 25 is an excellent age. You are mature enough and know what you want and you are pretty stable, but you are also young enough to have plenty of energy for a little one!! 47 isn't bad for a SIL was a gma at 36!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-05 08:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ohh that is exciting!! I'm soooo getting baby fever.

Me too! I hope we can get back on track financially back in Canada and we can have a 2nd one. I am inching very close to 40, so unfortunately time is not on our side :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-03 00:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

It seems that number three is On the way :P

Gonna be a busy year, Removal of conditions is coming up in Aug and baby is due around xmas. YAY

Congrats!! We originally wanted Emma and her sibling to be that close in age, but it didn't work out that way. Hopefully now that we are going back to Canada, we can get settled and work on a brother or sister for her!

Her is her day care portrait at 16 monthsAttached File  IMG_0001.jpg   597.52KB   8 downloads
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-05-02 00:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Alexis is 10 months old today

1st Easter pic

Posted Image

What a little beauty. I love the curls! I can't believe how fast they are growing...Emma will be 16 months on Monday. Where has time gone?
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-04-11 15:49:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

WOOOT!!! Congrats!

We are TTC with number 3 now :)

Good Luck!! We sooooo want another one, but we are going to wait until we move back to Canada later this year. That way I can get working and qualify for mat leave again. We originally wanted to start TTC when Emma was aroung 6 months old, but with losing jobs and bills piling up, that just didn't happen. :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-04 11:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hey moms! Were expecting our first baby September 30th. I'm approaching 10 weeks. We had our first ultrasound in Tuesday and it was amazing!

Woo Hoo!!! Congrats to you guys. I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy. The ultrasounds are amazing, and there is no greater feeling then hearing that heartbeat!! I would highly recommend getting the 4D ultrasound done when the time comes.

Make sure you check in now and then and let us know how you are doing!
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-03-03 09:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

was that two weeks regular or did you guys use expedited?

It was just regular.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-10 17:19:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

alright gals,....

i know ive talked about this before but we finally ready to apply for levis passport and im trying to find the best place to get his photos done. The post office said they could "try" to do them but a professional might be better. any ideas?

how long did it take to recieve the passport once you submitted all the paperwork?

I went to the County Clerks office and they did the pics there (for an additional cost....I can't rememeber how much). I was all worried about getting 'proper' pics after reading the requirements on the US passport site, but they said at the county clerk's office that they were not that picky. I faced Emma and picked her up and lifted her up over my head (while her back was against the wall) and I ducked my head down when they took the pic. It was easy peasy.

It took about 2 weeks to get the passport.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-02-09 20:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Happy Birthday Emma! Such a cutie. Beautiful smash cake you made, I love all that icing, how on earth did you do that? I'm not very good with decorating all fancy with icing. IF I put a cake in front of Alexis she would smash the dickens out of it at this point she likes to get into everything. I hope she doesn't get too sleepy when its her turn. So glad your parents made it for her Birthday, will they be staying for Christmas too? I can't wait for my parents to come down they should be here Tuesday. But Alexis probably won't notice all the ppl around she kinda got stuck tight in a army of ppl right off the bat with 4 siblings. At least I hope.

The icing was really easy. I just used a large star tip (the one you get in the Wilton Cupcake kit) and made little rosettes. I started at the top in the middle then just made circles around that.

My parents are going back tomorrow. They were here for Christmas last year (and for Emma's birth) so they want to spend this Christmas with the other kids and grandkids.

Emma had such a rough night last night, we thought she was constipated since she had been having pretty hard poops, so DH tried a warm water enema and that didn't work, so out to Walgreens I went at 3:30 this morning to get some suppositories. She seemed to settle down after that. Then this morning she was still really fussy and we realized that she was cutting her molars!!! Poor kid, she must have wondered what we were doing with her bum when her teeth hurt!! So I sure this probably had a lot to do with her being 'off' yesterday!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-12-18 19:59:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
My baby girl turned 1 yesterday and today we had her party. It was pretty much my husbands family and my parents for the big day, but we did have a few friends drop in for a few mins here and there. She was a bit overwhelmed with all the people because she it pretty used to it just being the 3 of us, but she did pretty well. She got pretty spoiled with a lot of new toys and some really cute new outfits. I can't wait to dress her up in some of them!! I managed pretty well and only broke down once while reading her card from my parents (note to self...let Simon read the cards from now on!!). I made her an awesome 3 tier cake with the top cake being shaped like a cupcake and that was the one she got to smash. She was pretty tired so she didn't get into the cake as much as I thought she would but it was cute to watch none the less.

I can't believe how fast this year has gone by!Attached File  380998_10150429080401828_682791827_9056853_946619653_n.jpg   102.7KB   11 downloads

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ColleensFemaleCanada2011-12-17 21:55:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
She is soooo sweet!! I have been trying to take pictures of Emma like that but she is too interested in the camera and crawls towards it every time I try! We are taking her to see Santa later today. I hope that she doesn't get freaked out by him too much and starts to cry. My parents are here from Canada so I would love to get them a nice Christmas pic to take back with them!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-12-13 03:11:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
How are all the mommies and babies doing....and those mommies to be?

Emma is going to be turning 1 in 2 weeks and 2 days. I wonder where the time has gone. I am amazed at the little person she has become. She is very close to walking and will stand for a few seconds, then realize that she is not holding onto anything, get a bit freaked out and sit down. She love walking behind her push toys and car. She is so happy go lucky, is rarely fussy (except the odd time when she wants mom or dad to keep playing with her!!) and is still a great sleeper. She has 8 teeth now with the last 4 coming in within a 2 week window. She was a trooper tho, and other than a couple of nights where she woke up once or twice, she was pretty good. We are busily planning her 1st birthday party. We were hoping to be able to go to Canada to celebrate with my family but our job circumstances didn't allow for it, but my parents are going to be coming here, so we are really looking forward to that.

Here is Miss E at 11 months!

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ColleensFemaleCanada2011-11-30 03:28:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Levi John Has arrived.

I was induced Wednesday October 12th at 9am and had him that night at 615pm. He was born weighing 6.14 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. Already I miss my belly!!! lol
I had some scares after his birth but I am doing great now.

here he is :::

Posted Image

What a cutie!! I am glad to hear that everything is going well for you now.

I soooo want another little baby!!

Levi John Has arrived.

I was induced Wednesday October 12th at 9am and had him that night at 615pm. He was born weighing 6.14 pounds and was 18.5 inches long. Already I miss my belly!!! lol
I had some scares after his birth but I am doing great now.

here he is :::

Posted Image

What a cutie!! I am glad to hear that everything is going well for you now.

I soooo want another little baby!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-10-18 02:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Such cute babies! Still waiting to see if this is my month to get pregnant. Been trying almost 6 months. I was hoping to have a baby before ROC so I guess I have a couple more tries before that will be out of the question.

I hope it works out for you I will pass on my leftover pregnancy dust to you!! Good Luck!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-28 02:40:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Bern...he is so cute!! Here is Emma at 9 months.Attached File  emma9mos.jpg   48.03KB   12 downloads
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-25 20:02:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I cannot believe I have less than 4 weeks to go. God I feel like sham-moo!!

Posted Image

You have such a cute little baby bump!! I hope you are doing well, and that you have a smooth and easy delivery. Can't wait to see some pics of the little one. I soooooo want another one, but we can't quite afford it right now :crying:
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-23 02:34:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

We caught a cold :angry: so far it's just a stuffy nose a bit of a headache for me also. Had to go grab some saline drops and a humidifier for Alexis, it's been awhile since I had a humidifier. Alexis is handling it pretty well so far, I'm hoping it won't get to bad.

Awww poor Alexis. Have you heard of the Nose Freida? It is used to aspirate the nose (like a bulb syringe) but it works a million times better. It is a bit pricey, but you can get all the guck out with one go, and not have to traumatize baby going in multiple times with the bulb, so it was worth it for me. There is a bit of an 'ick' factor to how it is used, but once you get past that you will love it!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-09-01 02:19:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Alexis is sleeping so good I don't want to wake her up, she has been sleeping since about 3:30 so a bit more then 4 hours. The only problem I'm having atm is my BOOBS hurt :wacko: Hopefully she wakes up soon and helps me out. How is everyone else doing?

As much as I loved breastfeeding...I don't miss those days. It was mostly in the early morning, since I did pump as well, but when she would sleep for 12hrs straight, I would wake up in a lot of pain even when I pumped right before bed.

We are doing well here. Emma is getting so big, she is getting into EVERYTHING. Her favorite thing is the dogs water dish. She gets into that and splashes around and has the biggest smile on her face!! I figure there are a lot worse things she could get into, and if I 'forbid' her going into it, it will just make it that much more fun! She absolutely loves cords of any sort, so I had to go though and re-route everything to get it all out of the way. She is now an expert crawler and is crusing around the furniture now, so I don't think it will be too long before she gets brave enough to try standing on her own. She is getting such a little personality now is such a fun age!! I only wish that we could get stable jobs so that we could get to work on #2!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-26 20:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Glad to see this thread is still alive and well. Came on tonight to start thinking about removing conditions for DH next summer. Wanted to make sure I was getting my ducks in a row. We are TTC right now. I want to be a SAHM, but with the whole "financial affidavit" I signed, I am not sure if our removal of conditions will be screwed up if I decide to stay at home full time once I have a baby. Not pregnant yet, so it isn't a pressing issue, but I was wondering if anyone else here with babies born during the ROC dealt with any funky stuff if you didn't want to work, but your husband, the immigrant wanted to work.

I think that you would be fine with him working. As long as he is not using means tested benefits, you are fulfilling your part of the affidavit of support. You yourself may not be earning money, but as a family you still have an income and are able to provide all that you need!!

Good Luck TTC. Hopefully my husband and I can soon get settled into some permanant jobs and get a bit more financially stable in the next couple of months and will will be TTC too!! Emma needs a little playmate :D
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-18 06:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Big hugs, I hope the change wont be too hard on you. Good luck with the new job, it does sound exiting though. I've been thinking on going back to school and doing all my classes online but I keep stalling cause I really don't know what I want to do. I now have 2 college kids and they are both taking Biology and that is something I was always interested in, and don't think I will ever go back into nursing it wasn't for me.

I would love to go back to school to and get a degree, but like you I have no clue what I want to take. I want something that is going to open a lot of doors for me careerwise, but also something I am interested in and generally the 2 don't go
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-05 12:53:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
This weekend is my last weekend as a SAHM :crying: My maternity benefits have finished up, I had a severance package from my job just before leaving Canada so I only got 6 months of benefits. It sucks, but I am happy that I got to spend as much time as I have with E. Considering most moms here get 8-12 weeks of unpaid leave, I consider myself very lucky.

I am not 100% sure if the job I found is going to be my cup of tea, but unfortunately we need to have 2 incomes to pay our bills, so I am willing to give it a shot. It is a combination of sales (yuck) with project management (which I like) so we will see. The 'worst' part is that the pay is commission based. It is with a roofing company, and after this springs nasty storms, there are over 200000 insurance claims for roof damage, so the work is there....and earning potential to go with it.

My husband was told that he was getting a management job in Nashville about a month and a half ago, but that turned out to be an empty promise, so we are back a square 1. Hopefully luck will come our way soon!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-05 07:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Alexis has acid reflux, we been giving her Zantac and it has made a huge difference. She is still pretty fussy, and last night was a really bad night again, so this morning we took her to my husbands chiropractor and he did an adjustment. She has one disk that was pretty stuck, after we got home it was about 7:30am (she fell asleep in the truck which rarely happens) I placed her in her seat from her swing and she stayed a sleep till 11am, that never happens either. I am really hoping this helps her alot cause after the terrible night we had last night I don't know what else to do.

Now if I can figure out this darn Moby wrap...

Awww, poor Alexis. I have read a lot of stories from mom's with babies with reflux. Definitely try to keep her elevated after eating. I know a lot of moms put a small pillow under one end of the crib matress to make it easier when they sleep. Some give a little bit of rice cereal in the bottle and found that helped (I am not sure on the amount, your pedi would be able to give you that info if they haven't suggested it). I hope the adjustment helps more than just the one night.

The moby really isn't that bad, just remember to wrap it a little tighter than you thing you need because the fabric is a bit stretchy and it will start to sag a bit after awhile. I just searched for youtube video's to find how to wrap it. Once I practiced it a few times it was a piece of cake.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-08-01 22:01:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

this is what confuses me

In Canada.

* Download and read your instruction guide and your application forms
* Complete, sign and date your application forms
* Pay the fees
* Mail your fully completed application to the Case Processing Centre in Sydney, Nova Scotia

Outside Canada. Contact the nearest Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate.


5. Mail the fully completed application form and documents.

If you live in Canada, mail your completed application form and the required documents to

Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Case Processing Centre–Proof
P.O. Box 10000
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 7C1

If you live outside Canada, mail your completed application form and the required documents to the Canadian embassy, high commission or consulate responsible for your area.

This is what it says right near the end of guide

For applicants living outside Canada and the United States

Once you have completed all the sections of your application, submit your application to the Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate closest to your home.

If you are applying for a child who is residing outside Canada and the United States, the application and documents should be submitted to the Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate closest to where your child resides.

Note: Applicants from the United States may apply directly or through a Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate.

So to me what it is saying is that you can either send it in to the Sydney address or send it through a Canadian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate.

This link takes you right to the page where it vaguely states you can send it directly to Sydney
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-18 11:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ok gals Can you guys give me a little more detail on the citizenship certificate for the baby. I got the site but it then goes on to tell me to contact my nearest canadian embassy. Did you guys contact your nearest embassy for the forms? Where did you send the application to? any details or stories on how you went about doing the application please share. I know I have a few months to go but I am trying my best to get everything ready for when he gets here :)

I can't help you cause I have been slacking and I haven't done it yet! I do know you require special citizenship photos, (which are different sized than canadian and american passport photos) and I meant to get E's done when we were in Canada last month, but ran out of time. And right now we don't have the extra cash :(

If you read through the guide when you get to "Step 4 Mail the Package" you will see that they denote that if you are outside Canada and the US you send the application got the Embassy. So within the US you still send it to the Sydney address.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-18 09:33:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Aww you look fantastic!!!! Baby looks super cute too!! I loved getting the 3d ultrasound will be amazed at how accurate they are! I hope this last trimester goes smoothly and quickly for you.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-07-14 07:58:00