CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I gave birth to my little boy on December 3rd at 11:42am <3

OMG!!! Congrats!! I hope both mom and little one are doing well!!

I had my 39wk appt today, and have finally started making some progress, so my fingers are crossed that it won't be too much longer before I get to meet my little girl!

Edited by Colleens, 08 December 2010 - 05:10 PM.

ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-08 17:09:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

where In canada are you from? Most the people I have know far out beat me to having children, Most the people I knew or knew of in high school had children between the ages of 14-17. My best friend had her first at 14, second at 15 and third by 17.Maybe it is the area I am from but the low income was far more of the usual than the middle class. In my opinion I would say there was Low income and "high imcome".In my opinion I would say the opposite about Canada and USA But It is probably just the area I was from.

I was in Ottawa. Pretty much all of my friends are about the same age or older than I am when they had kids. I really don't know of any one of the people I new...even those who were just casual aquaintances that were any younger than their mid 20's when they started having kids. I guess it has a lot to do with the region you are in.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-02 18:48:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I seem to notice that a lot of lower income families seem to have kids at younger ages as well. To me it seems that in America the "middle class" is smaller than in Canada, and there seems to be more disparity between lower and middle income families. In my experience it seems that the middle to higher income families tend to wait a bit longer to have kids. It could also because lower income families do not have as easy access to affordable birth control, or maybe they don't receive the education on preventing pregnancy. I know that these are generalizations, and it may just be in the area that I live in, but I see a lot of it. I know that in my husbands family, his mom had kids quite young, his sister had kids at a young age and his 16yr old niece has a 2yr old son. And I seem to see a lot of people who seem to be in similar situations.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-02 12:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

This thread is exciting to read, even if I'm an outsider looking in!

The baby decision is a tough one for us. On one hand, we've come to lead very stable lives. We're pretty financially sound, own a home, 2 cars, steady jobs, all the things people tell you to establish before thinking about kids. And then on the other hand, I'm not sure I could handle it. Am I mature enough to make the necessary sacrifices? I'm not really sure. I guess we should be sure first? There are just a million things to consider. I feel like I'm still young (23) but the husband is almost 26 and is starting to feel "old." For every reason to have a child, there are 5 reasons to put it off. It's just crazy! The way I over think things, I'll be going over the same pros and cons 10 years from now. How did you guys make the decision to start a family?

Since we are a bit older (I am 37 and Si is 36) we don't really have time on our side when it came to kids. We both knew that we really wanted them, and have been waiting a long time to have them, so the choice was pretty easy. I stopped using BC pretty much as soon as we decided to start the K1 process (not that we had great odds of getting pregnant when we only saw each other once every month or 2!!) There will always be a million reasons to put off having kids, and I don't think you are ever 100% ready, and no matter what stage of life you are in there are always things that you are going to need to sacrifice. We could have waited a bit longer and paid our last little bit of debt, waited until Si got a promotion and we could have bought a house first, but it didn't happen that way. There have been some tough times, but we have made it through, and things are getting better every day. I had hoped to be able to go back to school for a career change, but with a little one that is going to be a bit harder (especially since we do want another and probably won't wait too long before starting to try again). But I am sure somehow it will work out. It may take a bit longer, but I will get there eventually.

Huggles, I don't think you are ever sure when it comes to making all the sacrifices, it has been hard for me to give up a lot of things, but having a family opens a lot of opportunities for new experiences as well. I wish I could have had my kids earlier...I hate the thought I am going to be close to 60 when they graduate from high school, and at times I worry that I am not going to have the energy for 2 little ones (should we be lucky enough to have a #2). And now that my parents are 68 & 73, I know that my kids are not going to get much of an opportunity to get to know and enjoy them, and that makes me a bit sad. Unfortunately no one can tell you when you are ready, only you can make that choice. It was like making the choice to get married. I am sure that a lot of things in your life changed when you made that choice, and it will be the same with having kids.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-30 20:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hopefully smooth sailing is headed my way too! All my other pregnancies were pretty easy, but that seems so long ago, and at 37 seems there is more for me to worry about. I was surprised to see this little one with the ultrasound since we thought I was only 2 weeks along. They want to check my tubes since they were blocked so had to make sure it wasn't ectopic. That was the best surprise ever, besides the pregnancy test lol. Is it normal to have 6 ultrasound here? When I had my other kids back home I got one and that was it. So far from the first doctors appointment I found they do alot of things different.

I am 37 as well...I am now more worried about having the energy to keep up after she Usually they don't do that many ultrasounds. We had our first at 8 weeks to confirm the pregnancy, then we had a miscarriage scare at 13 weeks, so had one in the ER. 2 weeks later I had my reg appt, and they couldn't get the HR on the doppler, so they did one to check the hr. Then we had the normal 20wk one where they check all the organs and growth. We chose to do one of the 3D/4D ultrasounds at 28 weeks, then they did one at 36 weeks to check the head postion to make sure she was head down. So only 3 of those were "routine". I would highly suggest doing the 3D/4D ultrasound if it is in your budget. It was $150 and we got a ton of rendered images as well as a dvd that was about 20 mins long. It was pretty cool to be able to show my mom and my sisters since they are so far away and haven't been able to share the experience with me. If I was to do it again, I would have waited a few more weeks to do it so she was a bit chunkier!!

At home I would have just gone to my family doctor and she would have done my prenatal care as well as been the primary care provider for LO afterwards. It was odd having to choose an OB and now a pediatrician for her. Back home we had such a doctor shortage you were lucky to have a family doctor, so this being able to choose is a whole new ball game!! It has also been a learning process figuring out all the insurance stuff...what is and where you are covered and having to make your choices based on that. It was so much simpler at home!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-29 18:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I know what you mean. Being pregnant was such a special time for me. I had super-easy pregnancies with both girls and loved the newborn times as well. I think we are going to start officially trying this summer. I want to aim for having a baby in the spring of next year so I can have the summer off as well (I work in a school). I had an easy time getting pregnant before, but now that I'm 32 I am not sure if it will be so easy!

I was worried about having troubles getting pregnant since I am 37. A lot of my friends had to go through fertility treatments or IVF and they were all pretty much the same age as I that worried me a little. We really were not trying to get pregnant (although we were not doing anything to prevent it....if it happened it happened) and it happened pretty much right away. It was when I came back from my visa interview/chilling with friends and family trip that we found out. So if you had an easy time before....hopefully it will be smooth sailing again!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-29 16:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Colleens and Bern I hope the time flies for the both of you. Babies first Christmas yay!!
I haven't looked at the forms for Canadian citizenship yet, I have a long way to go before having to get set for it.

I'm now 11 weeks, the nausea has started calming down this past week which is nice cause I felt sick all the time. My 2nd doctors appointment is next week and I can't wait, I've only had the one appointment when we first found out I was pregnant and its been 5 weeks since that appointment. I know there really isn't much more to check on since that appointment since I had to have the Ultrasound done right away and everything was good. But I'm being paranoid and just want to get to the doctors again so they can tell me all is good. Its crazy cause I've been through all this 4 times and never worried like I am now.

We are pretty excited for our little chirstmas present to arrive!! I am glad to hear that your m/s is starting to calm. Mine seemed to wane around 13 weeks and it has been smooth sailing since then. I hope that you have the same sort of experience as me!! I always looked forward to my appointments even though they have all been pretty easy (thankfully no bp issues or gestational diabetes etc). But is was always amazing to hear that heartbeat or see her on the ultrasound. I had 6 ultrasounds throughout my pregnancy so I had a chance to see her a fair bit, but nothing will compare to actually seeing her in a few weeks!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-29 16:42:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

She's not head down yet? Aww. My son has been headdown and ready to go since week 30 @_@ I guess he's ready to bust out of there. Yeah, I've been looking at the forms and they ask some really odd things. When I was in Calgary this past August, I went to a Canadian Citizenship and Immigration office and they told me that since the baby will be considered a Canadian citizen by birth, that I only have to apply for PROOF of citizenship...>_< But yeah, if you find out, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it. (:

She is head down, but has not engaged yet, so hubby just tries to get her to migrate that way while telling her to move down and hurry up!! I did a bit of looking today I found the applicateion for proof of is a lot more straight forward. Here is the link to the instructions and form. It looks like you will need a certified copy of the babys' and your long form BC, 2 forms of personal ID (I am assuming you will be able to use the SSN and passport for an infant)and 2 citizenship photos. These are different than passport photo's and there is a document that gives the guidelines for it linked in the instruction packet(the critera is a little more forgiving for infants under 12 months age). The cost is $75. So it looks like it won't be that bad after all.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-28 16:56:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Why will your baby be considered Canadian by birth? Are you having the baby in Canada, or that is because one of the parents is Canadian?

Because I am Canadian my child will automatically have canadian citizenship. Just like if I had the baby in Canada, she would automatically have US citizenship because her father is American. But you have to apply to get a citizenship card since she won't have a Canadian birth certificate. We are also thinking of applying for her British Citizenship since Hubby was born in England. He is a naturalized US Citizen. She would have a lot of options later in life (work, school etc) with the 3.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-28 16:41:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Wow, how exciting! I have..3 1/2 weeks to go! I've had a dreadful pregnancy, which is why I want it to be over with. I can COMPLETELY relate to not being able to be comfortable at night, I can ONLY sleep on my left side. It hurts to sleep on my right, and obviously I can't sleep on my back or stomach. Have you started researching on how to get your daughter Canadian citizenship? I've been looking and I'm so confused.

Every night now Simon is rubbing my belly trying to encourge her to move His BD is next weekend so he would love to have her as a BD present!!
I looked a little while back for the citizenship and there is a form to fill and send in, but it asks some odd questions. I think it is more geared for people who were permanant residents then got citizenship as it asks several questions about that. I will look into it next week again, and make a few phone calls and let you know what I find out. I definitely want to get it for will make travelling back and forth a lot easier, and we have discussed the possibility of moving back to Canada at some point, so it will be less hassle if that happens.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-28 10:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Just under a month to go, yeah, I'm pretty much done with being pregnant. :P

I have about 2 weeks to go and I am ready for her to get here. I have had a pretty easy pregnancy, but now I find that I am having trouble getting comfy at back and rib cage kill me by the morning. Everyone seems to think that I am going to go early, but something in my gut tells me I will be late. Only time will tell!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-27 21:15:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm going to add myself to this group. We just found out today that we are PREGNANT!!! I am scared, stressed, happy, sad and nervous. My birthday is nxt Monday so this is my birthday present this year. I can't wait to tell my mom that her baby is having a baby =].

I am looking for some advice, if any of you can give me some.
I just started a job on Sept 15, 2010. I'm on probabtion until Jan 15, 2011... When should I tell them I pregnant?


Congrats!!! It is a very exciting time, but can be overwhelming at the same time.

I would suggest that you wait until you get through the 1st trimester before you tell your work....unless you happen to develop really bad morning sickness, then you may find you need to tell them sooner. I go on and they have really great forums there (just like VJ). I have found it to be a good resource to ask questions like that. Unfortunately I get the feeling from reading posts on the bump about work and pregnancy, that US companies are not as willing to work with mat leave requests and such as Canadian companies are, but there are exceptions to this and hopefully the company you work for is one of the exceptions!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-17 13:47:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I'm hoping it goes away about the 12 week mark, the only thing that helps now is sleep and Mr freezes.

I had a thing for banana popsicles!! I also drank a lot of apple juice since I really didn't have much of an appetite for food, it helped me stay hydrated and gave me some calorie intake. And the natural sugars helped perk me up a little.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-08 21:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I would of added myself to the list, but when I tried I got lost on what to do, atm it doesn't take much to make my head want to explode.

I'm too early too know the sex just 8 weeks now, and due June 19Th.

I'm so nauseous and tired its crazy. But it is a miracle so I'm trying not to complain.

For me the first trimester was the worst of all. I was nauseous pretty much 24/7 for the first 12 weeks and also exhausted all the time. As bad as it was at the time, now at 35 weeks, I really hardly remember it. I know that it is not all the comforting at the moment, but hopefully you will have the same sort of experience!

We have our 2nd prenatal class tonight. I find it a bit stressful going because Si doesn't really want to be there, he only goes for my benefit, and it makes me feel guilty. He is an EMT and part of the army training he had was labour and delivery, and he has delivered a couple of babies while he was in Iraq. He knows all the medical stuff so the class is pretty long and boring for him...especially after working all day :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-08 15:35:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Yeah i guess i'll have to make a few phone calls hehe! I miss the Canadian health care, less stress, less complicated. Anyways, thanks for your help! :)

I miss it as well, nothing like just going to your doctor for appointments deciding what hospital you want to deliver in, and going. Here you have to make sure your Dr accepts your insurance, and the hospital he/she works out of is in your network, or covered by your insurance. Becoming a parent can be stressful enough without learning all this other stuff!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-03 17:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hey guys!

I just want to know if any of you has some thoughts about what i could do. I have my biometrics appointment on november 17th, so i don't have my GC yet, and i don't know when i'll have it. I'd like to become pregnant, but my husband might change job this year, so i'm not gonna be covered anymore by his health insurrance at work. Does anybody know a good company for getting maternity coverage? That is not too expensive? I'd like to give birth with a midwife, but i still want to be covered if there's any major complications :blink: Anyone has an idea?

I was not able to get on my husbands insurance right away when I found out we were expecting, so I did a little bit of research in getting private health insurance. For most companies you need to have the policy with the maternity rider for 10 months prior to getting pregnant. Since I was already pregnant, but I was coming from a country with health insurance under the HIPPA laws they could not refuse me the insurance based on a pre-exisiting condition (it would be the same as you being covered by your husbands insurance then no longer having any) but the price I was quoted was $2450.00 per month!!! It would have been cheaper paying for all my prenatal care and delivery out of my pocket (providing we didn't have any complications). I would suggest contacting a few insurance brokers and seeing what sort of policy they can find for you. I would think that it will be a fair bit more for the insurance than you are paying now due to the fact that the employer is not paying any portion of premiums.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-03 12:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hi everyone!

I'm finally ready to update, though this will be brief as I have to head to bed soon.

I had a baby *girl* on Sunday, October 17--7lbs, 4oz, 21.25 inches, very healthy. She's pretty much bald, but in a cute way. I had a c-section in the end, and I wasn't very happy about that (6 nights in the hospital really messed with my mind), but 2 weeks later it no longer seems important.

I did have to reschedule my immigration interview :( It had been set for October 28, but that was impossible once surgery (and recovery, etc) was in the mix. So it's now rescheduled for January 19, 2011. I could feel bad about this delay, but I feel like I can't afford to do so: I have to focus on the baby.


Congrats on your little girl!!! I am sorry to hear that you had to have a c-section, but we all know haivng a healthy baby (and Mommy) is what is important in the end!

The delay would be frustrating, but it will just be that much better once it happens!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-02 10:03:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Hubby came across this site tonight. It has some cute Can-AM infant onsies, and some maternity t's. The onsies are kinda pricy at $15 a piece, especially for the amount of time that they wear them, but having a couple would be kind nice. link
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-18 18:16:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hello ladies! Hope you all are doing well! Love the baby pics on this thread--so adorable!

Sorry for the late post. I'm finally caught up in my sleep (sort of) and things are slowing down. My baby is dozing in her bouncy chair so I have time to catch up on VJ. Better late than never!


1) Unhappy baby just after birth

2) Baby after her first bath a day after birth

3) Baby on my Breast Friend pillow on my lap at home

4) Dad changing baby's diaper

5) Dad dries her bum with a hair dryer

6) Baby in a basket after a professional newborn photo session


Sat, Sep 4 4:00 AM - Woke up due to tummy pains, took a long shower to help ease the pain. Hubby sleepily called out from bed wondering if I'm OK. I suspect I'm in early labour, didn't worry about it since I could still walk and talk. Called the midwife to give her the heads up.

Spent the rest of Saturday running errands with hubby.

Sun, Sep 5 10:00 PM - Contractions unbearable. Called midwife for some guidance. She told me to keep labouring at home and try to get some sleep. I couldn't sleep--too painful, so I surfed the net.

12:20 AM - Water broke as I got up from the chair. I scrambled to the bathroom to slap on a maxi pad. Called the midwife who gave me the OK to head to the hospital. Hubby and I packed and headed out. Ride to the hospital was brutal.

1:46 AM - Checked into the hospital, met the midwife there and was assessed. 5 cm dilated. I was in so much pain they gave me laughing gas. Did nothing for me--still in pain and light-headed from the gas.

3:20 AM - Midwife ran the water in the jacuzzi tub and told me it might help with the labor pain. I got in for about 5 mins, got back out and asked for an epidural. She checked me again--6 cm dilated. Prep work started for the epidural. IV put in.

6:00 AM - Anesthiologist gives epidural. 30 mins later...HEAVEN! 8 cm dilated. Midwife told me to get a couple hours of sleep, which hubby and I happily obliged.

8:00 AM - Still at 8 cm.

10:00 AM - Still at 8 cm. Midwife was concerned at the lack of progress.

10:30 AM - Midwife instructed to push despite of only being at 8 cm. She said this was a very unorthodox practice but we did it to see if I can get to 10 cm. I did.

11:00 AM - Active labour for the next 3.5 hours. Baby crowned with lots of hair. Got stuck in the birth canal with little progress. I got very tired and OK'd assisted birth (vacuum or forceps).

2:00 PM - OB-Gyn showed up with team & vacuum. Pulls baby out @ 2:26 PM.

ANGELINE, born in Vancouver, BC on the 5th of September, 2010, weighing 8 lbs 5 oz, measuring 21 inches long, bloodied, with one nasty conehead for being stuck in the birth canal for so long.

Hubby was going to stay at my head and not watch the events happening down there--but he ended up seeing everything, being part of the the birthing activities, even touching the baby's head as she crowned. He was also adamant about not cutting the umbilical cord--but ended up cutting the cord. OB-gyn said it's just like cutting through calamari, lol. He said it wasn't as bad or traumatic as he thought, lol.

Yah, I think this will be our only child. The labour and birth was pretty brutal--don't ever want to go through that again.

Congrats Reven...sorry you had a tough delivery :( But the important thing is that she got here safely!! Your pics are so sweet!! I can't wait for Emma to get here!

I know hubby has talked to all the OB's at the clinic we go to and he has asked all the Dr's so far that he wants to be as involved in the birth as possible. He delivered a few babies while he was deployed, so he is all excited to be able to deliver Her!!!!

I have bought mostly sleepers, and a few outfits, but I don't think I have too much newborn stuff. So far she is measuring a little bit small (only 38th percentile for weight) so hopefully(for my sake) she stays that way!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-05 09:38:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Ok, so my due date is Sunday! Wish me luck! I have no clear signs of labour yet...but any time now would be good...It's so weird knowing it could get started at any moment! I just hope I don't go way overdue...

Has anyone heard from Revenesque? She *must* have had the baby by now...


Good Luck, I hope that everything goes smoothly for you and your little one doesn't take too long to make an appearance!! Get lots of rest in the next few days and save up your energy.....make sure Hubby spoils you!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-01 09:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?


Any more updates?

Or any other baby/child chatter?....

Good luck to all your pregnancies and babies....:)


Nothing really new here. I do find that I am starting to get a lot more tired. I am lucky that I get to sleep in in the mornings, and I am going to thouroughly enjoy them because I know they are becoming limited!! I am starting to have issues getting comfy to sleep as well, and have spent a few nights in the guest room so that hubby can get a good nights sleep. I also have the nesting thing going on big time!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-25 12:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
We had our 3D/4D ultrasound was pretty amazing to see her moving around sucking her hands, rubbing her eyes, sticking her tongue out and lots of other stuff!! Here is one of the pics we got today!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-13 18:14:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I hope that there are no surprises when it comes to gender of our little one. I have done some shopping, but my sister has been buying a TON of stuff for us, and it is all very girly. I have a huge duffle bag that is almost bursting to take home with me. We should be pretty well set for clothing!! She has been smart tho and bought a good variety of sizes, so we are pretty much set up until 18 months. That is one nice thing about living in the south....there is not as much change with the seasons, so you don't need big snowsuits and heavy winter stuff. We have our 3D/4D ultrasound on the 13th, so we should be able to confirm gender without a doubt on that one!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-05 01:30:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

What kind of maternity benefits are you talking about here? Is this specifically a military thing?


Does anyone know if you need your EAD in order to start collecting your Maternity Benefits? I am still waiting for my biometrics appt letter (and it has been 3 months since I sent my AOS in...there is no capacity at the knoxville ASC apparently). I will be able to start drawing my mat benefits in early October, and at the rate I am going I may not have my EAD by then.

I am talking about the Maternity benefits that you can get from Canada. It is part of the EI program. Since I still qualify for EI, I will be able to switch my EI benefits (if I ever get EAD to begin collecting them) to maternity benefits. I was wondering if you need EAD for the maternity portion, since unlike the EI benefits, you are not expected to be looking for a job.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-30 23:24:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Good Luck Raven....I hope she doesn't wait too long to make her debut!! I was to the Dr. on Wed and had my glucose test done.....NASTY!! I am still waiting for the results, I should have them by Tuesday. I have gained 8lbs so far and I am at 24 weeks, but all 8 of those have been in the last 8 weeks!!! I was a bit overweight before I got pregnant, so I am really trying to keep the weight gain to a minimum, but it is getting hard with all the cravings now!! I am good in the morning an afternoon, but after supper....I think I need hubby to put a lock on the cabinets and I am also in Canada right now, so I am getting my fill of all the foods that I can't get back in the states!!!

Does anyone know if you need your EAD in order to start collecting your Maternity Benefits? I am still waiting for my biometrics appt letter (and it has been 3 months since I sent my AOS in...there is no capacity at the knoxville ASC apparently). I will be able to start drawing my mat benefits in early October, and at the rate I am going I may not have my EAD by then.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-29 16:20:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Hi! Update on us...

Our #2 arrived on July 16th, 2010 at 7.15 AM. He is one month young today.

My water broke at 4.15 AM, so from start to finish it was only three hours.

Crazy story: I walked to the hospital in between contractions, not knowing I was THIS close to delivering. My husband had to stay home with #1 and wait for his nanny to arrive. By the time I checked in, I was 10 cms, and 100% effaced. I knew second deliveries are usually faster but not this fast! Good thing though, I was allowed to get an epidural. Actually I got double dosage because the first dose did jack all for me. :yes: I love that drug! Husband made it to hospital before my second dosage of epidural.

In hospital for two nights then walked home with BB #2.

I'm filing for I-751 this week which is just in time because we will get #2's birth certificate this week so I can send that in with our evidence package.

Good luck to everybody!

Ps-it's like winter in SF this month! My poor kid gets no sunshine.

Congrats on the little baby boy!! And WOW...what a fast delivery, but glad to hear you were still able to get the epidural.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-08-16 14:31:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Colleens-Good to hear that your 20 week U/S went well. And congrats too, in finding out that 'slim' is a girl!
So "Emma" it is...Sounds like a great for a girl, indeed! :star:
How was the 3-D ultrasound? Did you enjoy having that done?
Sorry though, that you found out that the placenta is anterior...Not a good position to be in for you or the baby...:(
Are they taking extra steps and precautions for you and the baby? For example, tare they planning a c-section?
Nevertheless, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and congrats again. Hope all goes well for you and Emma..:)

Our 3D/4D u/s isn't until Sept, as they told us between 26 and 30 weeks is the best time for it, so we still have to wait awhile for that. But it was definitely neat to have the ultrasound tech point out all the organs and an explanation about the stomach appeared black so that shows that the baby is swallowing. She gave an explanation for each major organ.
As for the placenta being anterior the Dr said that there really was no issue with it except because it is across the front of the uterus it will be a bit more difficult to feel movement. But I already feel a fair bit of movement, but it may be a bit longer before daddy can feel it too :( It is not like placenta previa where the placenta is covering the cervix, and that makes vaginal delivery pretty much impossible...unles the placenta moves.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-28 19:57:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
We had our 20 week u/s today and so far everything looks good. All the organs and such are developing normally and the weight is in the 38th percentile. I found out that the placenta is anterior, so I may not feel the movement as much, but I am feeling it quite a bit now. I just can't wait till hubby is able to feel it too!!! And although Slim wouldn't co-operate at first with legs crossed, we were able to go back to u/s after seeing the Doctor and Slim is is now know as Emma :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-28 14:07:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
Unfortunately, the office was too booked up today to have a sex-determining us done, so we have to wait another 3 weeks until the 20 week mark. We decided to the the 3D ultrasound, but we have to wait until September for that since the best time to do it is between 26 and 30 weeks. They give a dvd of it so I thought it would be something nice to be able to send my family since many of them will not be able to see the baby for awhile. My mom never had ultrasounds when we were born, so I was really hoping that I could have had one today so that she could see it.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-06 16:58:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I just passed my 17 week mark and have decided to start buying some maternity clothing. All of my regular clothes still fit, but because I am starting to show a bit, the waist always gets pushed down and I feel like my shorts/pants are falling off my butt!! I bought a couple pair of shorts and some t-shirts last week, and now that my mom and sister are here, they took me shopping for some more. The only part I am hating is that I feel like a tank when I wear them. I am a bit disappointed in myself that in the past year I let myself gain some weight. I was all set and on track when I got back from Canada and my interview in April to drop that weight to get ready for our formal wedding this weekend, but instead of losing it I have become "rounder". I am feeling a bit down because of it. I know that it is natural and healthy to gain some weight during pregnancy, but I am struggling with coming to terms with it. When I turn to hubby to try to get a little moral boost, I get more of the "you're pregnant...what did you expect" sort of thing. Did any of you have troubles coming to terms with the weight gain/body changes? What did you do to help get your mind past it?

On a more positive note.....we have our next appt today and we are going to try to see if we can find out the sex of the baby. I don't think they usually do it until 20 weeks, but since my family is here and anxious to shop (they brought us some cool maple leaf/canadian outfits already!!!) it would make it much easier to find out then have to try to find all unisex stuff!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-06 08:04:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I am so glad that I am finally feeling better, still a bit tired, but I am not sure if that is from just not really having a set schedule and being lazy some We are holding off on buying anything until we find out the sex. I am hoping I can do that at my next appt (17 weeks) since my family will be here for the wedding. They are pretty anxious to buy some stuff for the baby, which we are very grateful for since money is tight without me working. We have a girls name picked out, but still working on a boys name.

Has anyone had a 3D ultrasound done? I saw one being done on a tv show, and it was pretty cool to see all the detail. I know that you have to pay extra for it so I was just wondering if you found it was worth the cost.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-24 15:04:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I baked some chocolate chip cookies the other night for hubby, so I have been sneaking one or two of them! I am having avresions to anything that contains BBQ sauce. I used to LOVE BBQ sauce, now even seeing a bottle of it, or a commercial on tv with food dipped or covered in it makes my stomach turn like crazy!!

We have a girls name picked out....Emma, no middle name yet (I like Grace, but hubby think it sounds too "redneck" like bobby sue or billy When one of my nieces was about 3, she told me that if I ever had a girl that she thought that I should name her Emma, and ever since that day I have loved the name. Hubby ac tually hopes it is a girl because he likes the name so much!!! Since I came up with the girl name, it is his job to make a list of boys names that he likes so we can decide.

At first we decided that we were not going to find out the sex, but once hubby saw the baby on the first ultra-sound he very quickly changed his tune!! Also my family are coming out in July for the wedding and are looking forward to spoiling the baby, so we sort of want to find out so that they can buy the things they want.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-26 11:10:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I am finally starting to feel better. Now I only feel sick after I eat, which really sucks. I try to put off eating as much as possible, but I know I need to eat for Slim (Someone Living Inside Mommy...our little nickname!!!) It doesn't matter if I eat small or larger portions, and no matter what I eat I still get that queasy feeling. I am 11 weeks now so hopefully it should be getting better soon!!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-26 00:21:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

My first trimester was like that--nauseated, tired and sleepy. I'm not sure how much of it is due to pregnancy or low-iron level. But since my iron level has been corrected and I'm in my second trimester, I feel great! Sexy too cuz I'm wearing some really fashionable maternity clothes that my sister gave me.

Ant, are you using a breast pump? I want to breastfeed too and am undecided whether to spend $280 on them.

Prior to pregnancy my iron level was actually quite high...actually higher than the normal range, which is odd for a woman. So I am pretty certain that I am not anemic, and it is just pregnancy tired.

Have you asked if they rent pumps at the hospital you are delivering at? All of my friends that breastfed did that in Canada and apparently the hospital pumps are much faster then most of the personal ones that you purchase. And with a new baby...any time that you can save will be much needed!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-14 19:00:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Im actually not very emotional and my morning sickness is now non existant. I wonder if this is normal. I do sleep a lot however...xD

Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I still feel a bit queasy at certain points of the day, and there are certain foods that absolutely make my stomach turn just by thinking about them (anything with BBQ sauce is a biggie!!!). I am always feeling sleepy and I can sleep for 10hrs a night get up for a couple of hours and be ready for a nap!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-14 11:27:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

I was reading this expected-mom's experience with sudden fetal death of her baby at 24 weeks and bawled my eyes out--at work! Geez, so emotional lately.

I can only imagine....I bawl my eyes out watching commercials on tv!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-13 15:36:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Posted Image

UserName..............Due Date........Boy/Girl......Name.........BabyBorn.....Weight........Length

Team J and B..........01/25/09..........Boy.........Monkey.......01/14/09.....7lbs04oz......19.0inches
Team J and B..........07/25/10

ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-06 16:06:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?
I got the opportunity to speak with someone at Blue Cross Blue Sheild today and found out that since Canadians are covered by a national health care plan that we qualify under the HIPPA laws, that means that an insurance company can not deny you coverage when you have a pre-existing condition (such as pregnancy)!!! Yeah!! The rates were absolutely INSANE from BCBS ($2450 a month with the maternity rider), but at least now I know I am covered under that law and I have gone to a broker to find me something a bit more affordable. At $2450 a month, you would be better off just paying out of your would be cheaper!!

I have my first Dr's appt tomorrow, so I am looking forward to that :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-05 17:08:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Yeah. I'm just as surprised as you all probably. :P It was pretty instant, which SUCKS. But what can you do? On the bright side, we're together now. We have an apartment together, healthcare etc, so that's the yays. On the downside, morning sickness hates me. All I can down are crackers.

Someone help? D:

I hear you on the morning/all day sickness thing. I can't help you but at least we can suffer
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-03 20:23:00
CanadaGot Baby? Avez vous un bebe?

Colleens-Thanks for updating your information on the list..:thumbs:

Hope you are feeling better...Don't worry, the morning/all-day sickness will be better soon...

Sorry that you are having trouble finding health insurance. As for finding other healthcare alternatives, you can try looking at local community health clinics, that offer free and/or lower "sliding scale" payment services (such as paying at a lower cost, or in installments, or not at all), based on your financial situation. As well, you can try looking into other programs (some government based, some non-government based) that also offer health insurance too. For example, here in New York State, they have a state-wide health insurance program called "Family Health Plus" and "Child Health Plus", which is different from medicaid and are for people that have higher incomes than medicaid guidelines but have lower incomes that cannot afford private expensive health insurance. These programs are not means-tested benefits too, and that if they have this program or other similar programs in your state that you can apply for that as well.

Regardless, I hope you do find good healthcare for you and your baby, as that's very important for everyone to have indeed!

Hope this helps. Good luck with the rest of your immigration journey, and good luck with your healthcare situation too.


Thanks Ant, I think the Tencare is something similar to what you are talking about. I spoke to an insurance broker this morning and he give the info to me and said that his wife came from the Phillipenes and that is what she used when she arrived, but I am not sure how long ago that was and if anything had changed rule wise from that time. I briefly looked at it and it seems to have some income guidelines on it and such. I am also going to call planned parenthood to see if they can point me to any resources. It is not that we can't afford to have the insurance (to some limits!!) is just finding it. Regardless, I will still go to the Dr even if I have to pay out of pocket, because I know how important pre-natal care is.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-03 12:29:00