K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWord of warning on foreign divorces:

Salaam and hi all. My fiance was thankfully approved but I wanted to give a word of warning to anyone else with a foreign divorce. My divorce was done in India; since there are several religious groups in India the government recognizes the right of each religion to handle their own affairs such as marriages, divorces, etc. Now they have to be registered at the appropriate government office but they are legal and binding.


I had a divorce from Mumbai, India in 2009. I was not present as the woman is not required to be present in an Islamic divorce proceeding. My paper was stamped by the head Qazi's office (Islamic judge) in Mumbai and on letterhead but was hand-written. I simply had it translated per USCIS requirements and didn't think anything of it.


When my fiance went for his interview he was temporarily denied based on this divorce. They were saying it was not proof of divorce and I needed a paper from the US as well. Understandably we were crushed! I sent the embassy an email showing that on the State Dept website they said they accept foreign divorce decrees but it took the embassy a week to accept it.


my thoughts to you is to contact a lawyer in your home state and make sure your foreign divorce is accepted there. Had I know it was a potential problem I would have paid to have it adjudicated here in the states. I know sometimes one little thing can tip the scale the wrong way and I don't want anyone to be apart longer than they have to. Just be sure you double check with an attorney that your state accepts the foreign decree and if, like mine, it is an Islamic court divorce and you were not present or it is in a different format than a "typical" American divorce decree, you might want to consider getting it adjudicated or whatever your local attorney suggests.


We were really afraid he would be denied and I just shudder to think what could have happened had the CO not been in a good mood that day or didn't like us for some reason. :(


Hopefully my fiance will get his visa within a week or two and he'll be on his way!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-12 14:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsReceived my NOA2 in 21 days!

You just got your NOA2? For us, after that, we were transferred to the NVC and then they sent it on to our embassy after about 3 weeks, give or take. Then our embassy didn't set an appointment or send packet 3 so we had to email the embassy and they were very fast; we had our appointment 3 weeks from when we emailed them. So for us, from NOA2 to interview, was 3 months. It might go faster for you but I wouldn't get my heart set on Christmas. Even after your interview, they have to process your visa which in itself takes one to two weeks in general.


Best wishes for you both!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-11 20:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch '13 Filer, Interview APPROVED!!!

Awesome! I was just wondering when we might expect my fiance's visa; we had a temporary denial while they decided if a form I submitted was ok. They accepted it and had him return yesterday to drop of his passport. I'm hoping ours will go as quickly! Best of luck!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-13 08:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE Atlanta, GA any recent K-1s?

Thanks so much for all your well-wishes and advice! I'll definitely let our mutual friend pick him up. :) It's my fiance's best friend and they haven't seen each other in several years so they can catch up for 3.5 hours then he can deliver him to ME to keep!!! I'll be pretty selfish for a while. ;)


I am afraid with a flight arrival of 4:00 pm there will be a lot of people getting through immigration. I also finally figured out how to see the POE reviews and it was a relief. We don't need warm and welcoming, just get him to me!!! :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE Atlanta, GA any recent K-1s?

That's weird cause it's all in one block and looks like it should be one link. :) Thanks!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE Atlanta, GA any recent K-1s?

Wow, that's good to know! I tried to look at the POE reviews but I didn't see an option once I clicked on the heading. I just saw options to check out Consulates and Local Offices, not POE. Is there a tab somewhere I am not seeing?

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-17 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE Atlanta, GA any recent K-1s?

Thanks ya'll, that was what I was thinking. :) I've travelled through ATL before; it's a monster!!! I like to be very conservative on my times and give lots of leeway. My fiance's best friend lives here (he married MY best friend!) and he offered to drive down to pick him up. I'm right beside the Knoxville airport and my car would make it there but not to ATL. ;) Good to know, we'll just go ahead with our original plan then. For once I don't have to do any of the traveling! lol


Thanks again. :)

Sukie, just read your timeline and congratulations on FINALLY getting the right to bring your spouse here. :) It's frustrating for anyone but I can't imagine being told I could NOT bring my spouse/partner/fiance here. :( Best of luck for ya'll!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-17 10:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPOE Atlanta, GA any recent K-1s?

Salaam and peace, ya'll. My fiance's K-1 visa was approved and we are just waiting to receive his passport. He will be flying into Atlanta, GA from Mo'bay, Jamaica. Most planes from Mo'bay arrive in Atlanta no earlier than 4:00 pm. If I want my fiance to catch a connecting flight to Knoxville it's gonna be tight.


In ya'lls experience, how long does it take to make it through immigration and customs in Atlanta? I know every case can be different, I'd just like to hear your experience to help us make an informed plan. :)


Thanks all!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-17 09:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed HELP understanding my visa status

So you do you still not have your visa?? I dont' understand why the Kingston Embassy is so slow! Other places let them pick it up at the embassy the next day. :( After all the blood, sweat, tears, and money we spend you'd think actually getting us the visa would be the easy part! So frustrating...

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsneed HELP understanding my visa status

Congratulations! We are waiting on my fiance's passport/visa to arrive at DHL; his interview was Nov. 1st but they had to make a decision about my foreign divorce decree. They had him bring his and his son's passport back in on Nov. 12th. I keep checking CEAC every day. As all ya'll have experienced, it's been a LONG time and we are more than ready to be together. :) Praying it comes sooner than later...


If ours goes like yours, I'm guessing it will take the full two weeks. This waiting is hard! :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-15 10:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long for Kingston embassy to update CEAC?

oh my, this is the black hole many of us have experienced with the US embassy at Kingston. CEAC is updated when they touch your case file. Could be an email response, could be they are actually processing the visa? You can always contact the Department of State to get limited info on you case.


This is part of why I am worried. He dropped off his passport on Nov. 12th but his case was last updated on Nov. 7th. Shouldn't they have logged in that they received his passport thus touching his case file and resulting in an updated date in CEAC if not an actual change of the status message?


It's not that I can't bear the wait I am just always afraid someone isn't going to do their job and I'll be sitting here in a month thinking, wow I should have called/emailed/tried something.


Thanks ya'll!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 14:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long for Kingston embassy to update CEAC?

Salaam and peace, ya'll. Was wondering how long it takes before they update the CEAC website? My fiance turned his passport and his son's in on Nov. 12 but the website is still saying "Ready". It also states to check back after 2 business days for an update.


When our file was first transferred to the embassy something went wrong and it languished there for a couple of months until I emailed them and suddenly we had an interview date set! So I just like to stay on top of things and make sure nothing is slipping between the cracks. Thanks!



JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-15 10:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

Yeah another VJer's fiance got a green stub in November. :( But my fiance said the day he was bringing in his passport a lot of other people were dropping off things and nobody had anything green. Maybe they were just bringing in proofs, though. Oh well, I emailed the embassy to check since they updated his son and not his on the 12th so God willing they will respond and put my mind at ease.


JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

I asked him yesterday if they gave him anything and he said no, he just dropped it off. He said his name was on the list and they let him in and then he dropped it off with an American inside, not a Jamaican. According to him, it's only Americans who do the visa processing and he said Jamaicans are more support staff. I was surprised he didn't get some sort of paper or confirmation, though. Ahhhhh the stresss!


I'll ask him again; it might ease my mind a bit.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-19 15:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

Yeah that's frustrating but my worry is that my soon to be stepson's case in the CEAC was "updated" on Nov. 12th while my fiance's was not. Both passports were turned in at that time. :(


Just wanna be sure they haven't misplaced a passport. I would not be suprised. :(

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 23:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

Do you have a child travelling with you? Any difference between the two? It's always these small things that stymy us; if they just had one way things were done it would go a whole lot smoother.


JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 15:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

I went ahead and emailed the embassy; last time when our packet didn't arrive I kept waiting to hear from them but as soon as I emailed, bam! We got packets and an appointment date. I'll update here if they tell me it's nothing to worry about for just one case to update and not both or, conversely, if there was an issue just in case any one else experiences it.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsStepson's case updated in CEAC but not fiance's?

So I went onto the CEAC website again and my fiance's case still says last updated Nov. 7th. He turned in his and his son's passport on Nov. 12th.


When I click on the case id for his son, it says last updated Nov. 12th. I wonder if they didn't log my fiance's passport? Just another thing to stress about. I think I should email the embassy but I really don't like to contact them too often because I know it probably annoys them. Just want our case finished and the visa in his hand.


Any info is helpful. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-18 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGetting frustrated with differences between embassies

Thanks Jawaree! I'm glad we didn't go ahead and buy tickets, make plans, etc. assuming a quick turn around. We just don't have the money to waste. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 07:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGetting frustrated with differences between embassies

Thanks so much to all of you who responded! After two years, a few weeks isn't unbearable but it's the NOT knowing or understanding the reasoning behind things which gets frustrating.


We have a saying in the southern US, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch". It definitely applies to this journey!!


Thanks again for the input, it has put my mind at ease. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-19 19:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGetting frustrated with differences between embassies

Salaam and peace, ya'll. I'm getting annoyed with the differences between embassies. Some K-1 visa holders can go the next day and pick their visa up at the embassy and others (like my fiance in Kingston, Jamaica) have to wait 2-3 weeks to get it delivered via DHL. There is no other option.


Is there something I'm missing here? I don't understand why the services offered aren't equal between embassies. They are all US government installations and USER funded entities so it's not like it's dependent upon the host country to determine the level of service.


I'm so happy we are approved but lack of info from Kingston coupled with their history of lagging behind makes me very uneasy. I just want an assurance from them that they are indeed processing it and not on "island" time, either.


It's been 5 business days and there have been no updates on my fiance's status. Nothing entered since Nov. 7th even though he dropped off his passport Nov. 12th. Just want to know they are doing SOMETHING.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-19 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFor those stressed out by waiting, read on...

I just saw a K-1 that went a little under 4 months from NOA1 to interview; it's amazing how fast they are moving now! This has been ridiculous and I really feel for ya'll.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 10:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Yes, he's only 10 and he is a very sweet and kind of shy boy so I would definitely NOT want him to travel alone nor would his father of course. Hoping his doesn't take long, just trying to be patient but the closer you get, the harder it gets!!! :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 10:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

great jeanna.....check it again around 4 pm to see if it changed....that's weird....why does your stepson have a different case from you step kids file is with my fiance and all 3 of them is under one case number and updated at the same time....did you file them separately? just curious....

thanks beboybeboy....



Extreme, when you entered your case number on the main CEAC page and the status box comes up, does it show all 4 of them separately? Like sub-cases with the same NVC# but then a 01, 02, 03, and 04 afterwards? Did you say they were all updated at the same time? Curious...his son's still says AP and he's just 10 so I don't know what they would be checking on!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 09:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

We too were ISSUED today! More waiting.....



I swear I get excited everytime I hear of someone else getting a step closer :D Congrats!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 08:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Definitely! Sooo happy! :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 22:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Shuss, I am so sorry to hear that! :(  I cannot IMAGINE how frustrating that is.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Thanks all! Extreme, it's under the same case number KNG********** but then when you go into CEAC on the status page it has a 01 and a 02 and each has it's own status. So same NVC number with a 01 for my fiance and a 02 for his son. My stepson (to be) still has AP on his but my fiance's changed late to "Issued" so I think he might change tomorrow. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Extreme that is AWESOME! So happy for ya'll... MINE SAYS ISSUED TOO!!! I just checked! Well alhamdulillah and praise God!!!!!




My step-son to-be however still says Administrative Processing. iA (God willing) they just haven't gotten to his yet. Ohhh so excited!!!!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

My fiance wasn't asked for anything; we had all of our papers in order. The only issue was the embassy wasn't familiar with Islamic divorces from India which is what I had. It is absolutely legal and recognized by the Indian court and thus, allowable by Department of State standards. So they just had to research it and they realized they were incorrect to temporarily deny our visa. So there was no burden of proof or RFE on our part, they just needed to do their due diligence and make sure everything was in order. :)


God willing, Extreme, we'll both be united with our fiances soon. :) Happy that ya'll are through yours after 10 long weeks Mimolicious. I can imagine how hard that was.

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 13:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

We always prepare for the worst but pray for the best. :) One thing in our favor, even though alhamdulillah we are Muslim, is the fact that my husband does not live in one of the 26 mandatory additional administrative processing countries nor has he traveled to one in the last 15 years so insha'Allah that will work in our favor.


However, we surely are not buying a ticket until he has his passport in-hand! Thanks for your input. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Thanks, you too!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 10:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Also, is there anyway to add CEAC data to our timeline? I didn't see it, was curious. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 10:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCEAC updated! :)

Salaam and peace, ya'll! Here is our CEAC timeline for those interested (we are via the embassy in Kingston, JA for our K-1 visa)



*Nov. 1 Interview at embassy

result: temporary denial while they decide validity of my foreign divorce


*Nov. 7 CEAC case created (for fiance and his son)

 My fiance was called, told the case had been decided, please bring passports in on Nov. 12


*Nov. 12 Fiance dropped off his and his son's passport at the embassy was given no paper or confirmation


*Nov. 12 His son's CEAC was updated on that day but still said "Ready"  My fiance's was NOT. :(


*Nov. 20  Here is what I just saw:



Application ID or Case Number: KNG********** Case Creation Date: 07-Nov-2013 Status Updated Date: 20-Nov-2013    


Your visa case is currently undergoing necessary administrative processing. This processing can take several weeks. Please follow any instructions provided by the Consular Officer at the time of your interview. If further information is needed, you will be contacted. If your visa application is approved, it will be processed and mailed/available within two business days.


So, insha'Allah (God willing), it looks like we are nearing the end! I think this is the standard message when they are processing your visa, yes? Just wondering if everyone's says "this processing can take several weeks"?


Thanks ya'll, I'm feel positive!!!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-20 10:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa issued

Wonderful! Giving hope that ours is almost over as well. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 09:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsexcited to see my love in 24 hours!

Congratulations! You are blessed to get to travel with your fiance instead of all those hours alone. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 09:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBOTH visas issued!!! Quick turn-around time

Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!!! dancin5hr.gif  Thanks for the timeline on your turn around time.  I have been trying to mentally "guesstimate" the time after the interview in regards to plane tickets & time off. 


Monique, I read ya'lls timeline and I saw where you are in your journey. A couple of words of advice (which you probably know!) DON'T buy a ticket until the visa is in your hand! So many little things can go wrong; it's not the end of the world but it can make you miss a flight. :) If money is an issue then wait before making wedding plans, buying a ticket, etc.


Also, I never heard from the Kingston embassy and I emailed them at  That is how I got my appointment set adn we finally got our packet 3. Just be really proactive; I waited TWO months and didn't realize the embassy had our papers that entire time! Nothing happened until I emailed so I think we had slipped through the cracks.


Of course now with the online DS-260 I think the process is more streamlined but it's still confusing and hard to follow at times. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBOTH visas issued!!! Quick turn-around time

Thanks for all the well-wishes! We are very excited! I'm glad my CEAC timeline was a little helpful but I wish we could actually update our timeline on VJ with it. This is a frustrating journey at times and the more knowledge we have, the more power. :)

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 20:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsBOTH visas issued!!! Quick turn-around time

Salaam and peace, ya'll! BOTH of their visas were issued as of today! We are anticipating them being ready for pick-up by early next week. There is a possibility they could come here before Thanksgiving even or directly after; I don't think they should travel during the Thanksgiving weekend due to the volume of traffic.


So happy! Our CEAC timeline:


Nov. 1st interview, CO gave temp rejection while they adjudicated my foreign divorce

Nov. 7th created our account in CEAC, switched to "Ready"

Nov. 8th Called fiance to tell him to bring in passports for visa issuance

Nov. 12th Dropped off passports at embassy in Kingston, no paper or confirmation given

Nov. 12th his son's status was updated, kept at "Ready" but fiance's was not

Nov. 20th  both put into AP... getting close!!!

Nov. 20th fiance now updated to "Issued" but son kept at "AP"

Nov. 21st his son is now updated to "Issued" as well


Allahu akbar! Thanks to everyone who has helped us with moral support and advice, wish I had joined this site sooner!  "Someday" by the Supremes

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-21 16:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvisa ready for pickup

That is amazing! :) Happy for you guys!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-23 21:34:00