K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

4.00am, Wake up.....CHECK
4.40am, Get ready and get leave for work.....CHECK
5.20am, Arrive at work.....CHECK
6am-8am, Wait.....CHECK
8.00am, No delivery yet, slight worry.....CHECK
8.10am, Look around to find a phone number for DX to talk to someone.....CHECK
8.20am, Call and find courier is stuck in traffic.....CHECK
9.03am, Delivery.....CHECK
9.05am, Check that envelope is there and unopened.....CHECK
9.06am, Check that passport is my passport and has the visa in it.....CHECK
9.10am, Big smile.....CHECK
9.37am, Clock watching for online check in for flight at 10.10am.....CHECK

In other words, I have finally held the illusive visa in my hands :D

YAY!!!!! :dance: What a wonderful feeling that must be :) Enjoy your last day of work and the joy of leaving at the end of the day knowing it's the last time because you FLY TOMORROW TO SEE HEATHER!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Tomorrow is the big day! I have to admit, I got pretty excited when I logged onto the VJ homepage and saw Rob and I in the "upcoming interviews" side bar. We've waited so long for this interview. I'm very much looking forward to Rob being approved, and will be relieved when it is over. Shezita, you must be feeling it too! Your interview is just behind ours!

Thinking of you both today :) Looking forward to hearing the good news :dance:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-11 01:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

That's with Columbus day too! It did worry me a little, when I remembered that bank holiday for them.

One thing to remember, when I went to the first window, she asked me when I was leaving for America. I told her next week, October 12th. She wrote it down on a form, so if you're not asked, make sure you tell them is my advice :)

Will do :thumbs: Thanks for the tip! Everything we have booked is either changeable with no cost or little cost...just a headache! :rofl:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 07:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Yep :) Tomorrow and then fly out on Friday morning :)

It's al GO GO GOOOOO!!!!! I'm running on the same schedule...interview on a Thursday and flight out the next Friday so you give me hope!! :thumbs:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 07:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Well I have confirmation from the DX courier that they will deliver my visa and passport tomorrow :-) The only issue is that I went for the pre 8am delivery, which is a 6am to 8am slot - As I gave my work address, looks like I'll be getting into work REALLY early :P


YAY!!! That's worth getting to work early for :dance: When is your last day?
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Did everyone get vaccinations during medical exam for applying for fiance visa? I just want to know that I'm not the only one who got it. My fiance told me that for K-1 visa we don't need to have vaccine during medical exam, we can get it when applying for permanent residence after marriage. I just don't understand why the physician not tell me that it is optional, but they just put me through 3 shots and not even explain me what the vaccine are for and why I need them now. Everyone going for medical check-up experience the same thing?

I took the same approach as Gavin but then at the medical discovered that I still needed a second MMR shot so got it there but was given the option of waiting until I got to the US. I just wanted that side of things all taken care of and one less thing still lingering for the AOS process and possibly more expense!
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-09 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
I had the strangest day mum and myself left with a jammed packed car and went to a car boot sale. We set up and it was so strange to stand with lots of my life on sale and then see it piece by piece walk away from me! It was such a liberating feeling though and just reminded me so so much of the fact that it's all just 'stuff'! It was exciting then to see it going to new owners knowing that it is just part of my preparation for a brand new life with Jason...a life which we have been waiting so long for that will be full of brand new memories and no doubt a lot more 'stuff'!!!!! It will be OUR stuff tho :) The money will also come in useful on our honeymoon!

I pray that all goes well for everyone this week...court dates, NOA2's, interviews, medicals, flights! :dance: xx
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-08 13:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

*slams head into wall* UGH! We got the report from child services today and it's not what we expected. :crying: :crying: The boys were interviewed and explained how they want to live with us and are scared of their mum. The report states that they now have a good relationship with their mother and that I should move to the UK. I want to know what children they interviewed for this report cause it wasn't his! They go to court Monday and we still have 200+ pages of evidence as to why the boys need to live with us in USA. This report just blindsided us and I'm trying very hard to not mope around. Please send good thoughts our way and I'll let you know what happens on Monday.

Will be praying for you tomorrow x
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-07 10:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I'm sorry Mary, I hate to see any of us just 'sitting' there waiting - at this point I think everyone has waited long enough.

For myself, my headteacher has agreed not to ask me to serve my notice (which would be 3 months!!) if I can time an exit around a term break. We return to school on October 29th and I really can't face still being here because that would mean staying until Christmas! Unthinkable! Trying to balance life and major changes within this process has been horrendous and for all of us, that started last February - a time that should have been a huge celebration, offset by stress.

I understand about the word 'soon'.... I didn't believe in it, I've worried that something will go wrong at every step - something that drives my fiancé crazy :innocent: and I am a naturally positive and optimistic person - but that process has driven me to the end of my resilience at times...

For the rest of you waiting for NOA2 or interview, I won't say 'soon' but I will say 'keep the faith'. Believe in yourselves and your own ability to see this through. In a process, we are just a case number - to each other, you are everything.

Shezi x

Thank you for writing such a thoughtful post Shezi! It's so comforting to be able to speak to people in the same situation and experiencing the same feelings and emotional turmoil. I will just be so thankful when we are all finally in the arms of the ones we love and I just know our marriages will all be great testimonies of the strength and endurance we have required through this experience :) We will be able to face whatever lies ahead :thumbs:

That's great about your HT's generosity and understanding and I pray that everything works out for you to make the break in October :dance:

We contacted a wedding planner out in Hawaii this week and after a couple of emails she is calling me today to discuss things further so i'm super excited!!! Jason also has a phone interview today so praying for the right outcome from that :)

Praying for lots of last minute action today before the holiday weekend :dance:

Sarah x
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-05 05:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Rang again, but all we are is eligible. I guess we are just going to be stuck with the short end of the stick on this whole process. I'd call the embassy directly, but I'm not spending another $16. Back to waiting. Posted Image

I understand how you feel's confusing seeing all the earlier interviews coming thru. I didn't put anything on the cover letter about a wedding bad! Just have to trust that God is in control of the timing :)
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 12:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Well that was all bit surreal. I got to the embassy for 07:05, there were two queue points, one for US citizens and one for visa applicants. I was the first there, some other people turned up and a lady come over to ask if any of us had electrical equipment or key fobs etc. Some did, so off they went directed to near by chemists that can store these things for a small price.

The lady then checked my letter and that I was on her list. After that, I was asked to wait by a pillar where I took off my belt and put it, my keys and money etc in my bag - in preparation for security. Security it pretty much the same as the airport, put your bag on the belt and walk through the scanner and pick up on the other side.

You then leave this small building outside the embassy and walk to the right around the embassy to a different entrance. At reception I handed over my letter, MRV and passport. The receptionist then printed off some barcode labels and stuck them on the letter. She directed me up some stairs on the left to the waiting area. I was sitting down by 07:33. At 08:00 the first numbers were called. All N numbers, 1 through 5 and then at 08:03 my number I901 was called (I for immigration I believe).

I went up to window 1, where the lady asked for my letter,MRV and passport. I tried to explain to her that there was a mix up with Packet 3 and I had sent some stuff with it that they hadn't required. She wasn't too sure what I was saying, but we got there in the end and she popped off for a couple of seconds to retrieve my file. I had sent my birth certificate, the I-134 forms for Heather and her father, pictures with the I-156 forms, police certificate and receipts for the engagement and wedding rings.

She worked through the forms and asked when I was planning to leave, I said next week, she asked for a day, so I said October 12th. While she was doing this, I noticed that on the forms I'd sent in that there was writing on them - so I don't know what processing they'd already done on them. She gave me a pick slip of paper and affixed one of the barcode labels to it that I had gotten earlier. She then told me to sit and wait to be called again. I sat down at about 08:15. So 12 minutes work so far. Oh and she came me the CD from the medical.

At around 09:00 my number was called for window 16. There was an American guy there and he said "Hello", asked me to write Heather's full name on a form and sign it. He then asked me to raise my right hand and swear that I'd tell the truth, which I did. He then very quickly asked a few questions. When we met, where we met, how we knew the mutual friends at the engagement party that we met at. I was also ask my age and Heather's age. I barely had chance to answer before the next question was coming. He then flicked through some photos that we sent in back in February and gave them and my birth certificate back to me. At which point he said "Pleased to say you're approved, please take the pink slip to the courier".

That was it, the interview lasted less than 5 minutes!

Wow, stunned at how quick that was. Oh, and my amazing folders of evidence, not needed :P Still, I was glad I had it.

:thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :yes: :D :D :D

YAY YAY YAY :dance: :dance: :dance: Fantastic to hear this new Gavin...can only imagine how you feel right now but will find out soon! Make the most of your last week :thumbs: Did you get an opportunity to request a day for your passport to be delivered?
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 07:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Thank you and I'll post an update about it when I can tomorrow :) Just going through about my billionth folder check! :wacko:

I think this forum is pretty good to keep posting to. There are still NOA2's to come, so nice to keep track of things. Perhaps at some point in the future we'll look to have a Feb Filers 2012 reunion!

Praying all goes well for you tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing the good news :)
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 14:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Why would the start date have to be late November/early December? As long as it's after Nov. 1, I don't see a problem. That would probably be the simplest way to do it, if you don't want the added hassle of redoing all the paystubs/employer letters you've already done. Also, if he's been at his job for a while, it would probably look better to be able to show employment of longer duration at the interview.

We're heading to Hawaii on the 10th November for 2 weeks to get married!!! He's got a phone interview on Friday and will explain all that so they will possibly say to start after that but we're just looking at the 'what if's'!!! :D
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 12:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?
Hey all...i'm hoping someone can give me a bit of advice here but it's a bit of a unique situation so appreciate if no-one knows!!! There is a chance that Jason will have an opportunity to change jobs in interview is November 1st! Obviously our affidavit is based on his current employment. There's no worries about finance. He's currently about 6x the threshold and would be getting an increase but he would obviously not have pay stubs from his current job if he changes and might even be cutting it close to do a new affidavit/employer letter! Should we avoid this happening? He could stay put and give a start date end November/beginning of December but if it's too good to turn down then he can't really wait!

Any advice or thoughts would be welcome Thanks! :thumbs:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Today started out one of the worst I've had in a whlie. I spent from 10am-2pm at the emergency room with a bladder infection that I didn't know I had till the pain knocked me out when I got up this morning. I came home all drugged up and just crashed. Woke up around 6pm and thought "hmm I didn't check USCIS today".....OMG WE GOT NOA2!!! Alan and I had a little freak out giddy moment then ran to tell our families. Now I can take my pain meds and crash to have happy dreams :dance: :dance: (oww, ok no dancing right now)

Happiness...the best drug in the world!!! I'm so happy for you :dance: :dance: :dance: Praying for a quick recovery for you so that you can focus on the journey ahead :thumbs:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

Thank you all for your support guys! NOA2 is here at the 245th day of our wait! :dance:

I've anticipated this day coming so much that I have no idea what to do next haha.

Guess it's back to digging out the right forum to read & learn now :blush:

Oh WOW i'm soooo happy for you...praying for you to speed thru the next stage :thumbs:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 16:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAny February 2012 filers?

I called this morning NVC and told me that they haven't received my approved petition. I called 5 minutes ago and they told me they just received it today and gave me my assigned case number :)

YAY!!! One more step along the road! :dance:
SLMcTFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 16:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOn his way after TWO years!!!

Salaam and peace! My fiance is on his way to me NOW as I type! I'm so excited, I'm beside myself! It's been a bumpy road with lots of pitstops but the payday is finally here. :)


I have some advice for those of you new to this process:


1. Be patient. This, too, shall pass. :)


2. Be thorough. Send in plenty of evidence, make it all neatly contained, and triple check. Signatures, no blank spaces (use "N/A") etc.


3. Be kind to one another. Being apart is stressful but you do not need to take it out on your spouse/fiance. Remember they miss you as much as you miss them. :)


4. Work on your relationship. This is not a time to stagnate. Something as small as sending them a postcard with a little update, emails, text, phone calls... talk about the expectations you have for your life together, figure out where you differ and find some common ground. In retrospect, even though I wish we had been together these past 2 years, I can see where we have learned so much about each other it really has been beneficial. Hard, but helpful.


Insha'Allah (God willing) you all have a memorable journey! Now I'm off to make a yellow layer cake with chocolate icing for my fiance (his request!).

Attached Files

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 08:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsVIsa Approved. Am totally speechless

Oh congratulations! That is awesome. :) It's almost surreal isn't it, after waiting so long? Best wishes for a happy and long life!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-10-09 21:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsGot approved!!!! God did it !!

That is awesome! I felt very badly for you yesterday and thought the people who were ugly to you about not leaving in time were lacking in sympathy. It does no good to kick someone when they are down. Congratulations and best of luck!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-11-27 18:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDecison denial (merged)

We were denied the first time around and I consulted a lawyer. She told us it's more expensive and takes more time to file an appeal. Right now I-129Fs have been getting NOA2s in about 3 months time. I am sorry this happened but they are very picky and the fault does seem to be yours. We were denied for the same reason and we just had to suck it up, refile, and now my fiance is coming here...






So there is light at the end of the tunnel, for the patient and persevering. Refile quickly and completely is my advice!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-12-03 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy baby was approved on second interview :)

That's awesome! Congratulations!

JeannaFemaleJamaica2013-12-18 14:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for NOA1
We sent in our I-129F on May 16th, but still have not recieved our NOA1. It seems odd that it has taken this long.....most people receive it within a week or so. We paid by money order, so I am not sure if there is anyway of checking if it has been cashed. Any suggestions?
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-02 10:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHave to refile :(
QUOTE (HelloWorld08 @ Jun 22 2009, 02:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
you filed May 16, wait a little longer... or call USCIS?

We did call USCIS and they said that our petition has not been received. I have not been able to get a lot of details from my fiance as he is in the army and out in the field right now. So any chance we have to chat is quite short. I will be finally seeing him next week, so hopefully we will be able to straigten things out either way!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-22 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHave to refile :(
After waiting a month for our NOA1 my fiance finally called so see about the status of our application, and they have no record for it, so we are going to have to re-file sad.gif He has also misplaced the paperwork that went with the money order so we have to fork over another $455 as well crying.gif Hopefully the rest of the process will go smoothly for us !!

Does anyone know if there is any other way to track a US money order other than with the serial # on it?
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-22 12:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsactive duty military
QUOTE (itzallgood @ Jul 25 2009, 09:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (bubi @ Jul 25 2009, 05:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well, i tried to look into some information about active duty military whistling.gif but i couldnt find anything precise crying.gif . My fiance is in the US army and someone here said that he may use that in our advantage...Please help me?!?! helpsmilie.gif We are both new in all this rolleyes.gif and we need help with some things.... oops8rh.gif I would appreciate any form of help that you can provide....

thank you in advance for your understanding and support.... luv.gif

We have to help you. You have broken the VJ record for the most emoticons in one msg. I will put you in touch with the VJ'r who got the visa approved in 13 days.

My fiance is also active duty...any info you can find out and pass on would be much appreciated. I am being laid off from my job around the beginning of Oct, so the less time I have to wait the better!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-25 21:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUS MILITARY FIANCEE/S...
I am an army fiancee as well. We filed K1 at the beginning of July so we are patiently waiting. I am hoping to go down there on a tourist visa and wait for my appt at the consulate. My job is finishing in about a month, so it would be nice to spend the time waiting with him!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-09-03 09:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
I finally had my interview at montreal yesterday....after 5 months of waiting since I sent my packet 3 in!! It was easy and we were approved. My POE will be on the 13th of April. We have yet to set a wedding date, but I am sure that will happen in the next week or so!! I hope everyones journey is going well.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-03-31 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
We finally got our interview scheduled. It is not until March 30th, but at least we have an interview date and can start making some plans. It also helps that I have currently been visiting the US since December and won't go back until I leave for my interview. I have had my medical back in Sept and have all my other paperwork done, so it is just a matter of waiting!! :angry:
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-01-25 18:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
We are still waiting for our interview, but I have been lucky to be in the US with my fiancee visiting for the last month. I will be here until we get the interview, hopefully in either Jan or Feb. It is really nice that we can spend the time has been really nice since Simon has been on leave since the middle of December, so we have been able to do a lot of stuff together. I think we are anxious to get my interview so we can get all my furniture down here!!

Happy New Year to all!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-12-31 14:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (itt @ Nov 25 2009, 05:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Ours is also moving along, although it did run into a little problem - see this string:


Carmen's Canadian citizenship (she is very excited!) came up for tomorrow, so she will lose her Can green card and will have to expedite her new Canadian passport. I asked the Vancouver Consulate and they told us that we had to wait until she had her Canadian passport to submit Packet 3. Apparently you can expedite a passport up there and get it in a couple of weeks - I really hope so as we will be travelling to South America at Christmas !

The other puzzling thing is that although we supplied evidence (in our original I-129F) that she was a legal permanent resident in Canada, apparently they did not pass this information on to the Consulate, so we have to do that again.

Hopefully we can get a late January interview - that would be perfect...


I know that I have gone to the passport office with my application, and if you had travel booked and had an itinerary, they could get it to you in 48hrs (I think). It has never taken me more than 2 weeks to get a passport. So you should be fine for christmas travel. Make sure you bring your travel documents to the passport office and you will be fine!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-25 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
I had my medical today in Montreal. It was pretty quick. The doctor asked about 20 basic health questions, then checked my blood pressure, checked the glands in my neck, listened to my heart, lungs and abdonmen. Then they took 2 vials of blood and I had the chest x-ray and that was it. The only thing that was a bit of a pain is that they didn't have a radiologist in the office today, so I had to go to a clinic to get my x-ray. And being my luck I got there just before lunch so I had to wait for about an hour or so to get it done. Then when I came home I had a missed call from Citizenship and Immigration with no message left!!!! I called DoS and they said everything for my case has been recieved and it is just pending an interview.....hmmmmm!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-16 17:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (Batta @ Nov 15 2009, 11:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Thank you Coleen.

I have posted there before.. and just did now again.

Honestly, I am thinking so hard to get married here in the states since he is already here.. and just start the process again based on marraige.
I don't think I cam wait longer and longer..

I felt so bad cause I made him change his mind about going to Afghan with another job, and was crying like a baby because worried about his life.
He already resigned to go there, and when he accepted to come back to usa.. now this waiting game.

All I can ask, is for the lord on this beautiful Sunday, to give me strength to ease my frusturation.


It is only going to be another couple of months, and I know it is very difficult to wait, we are all going thru it. But it will be so worth it in the end. If you get married there and try to adjust status, you may have issues proving you didn't have intent on marrying when he entered the country since you had a pending K1 visa. And going the CR1 route....would give you a lot more waiting apart. And it seems it takes far longer to get a CR1 interview at montreal than it does to get a K1.

Be strong and you will get through it!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-15 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (Batta @ Nov 14 2009, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is Saturday evening ...

There is no news at all.. I was hoping that consulate repond to me like they did last weekend.
I guess must suffer through Sunday and wait to see what will Monday bring.

I guess my only option to see if anything change by calling the DOS and see status of case.

We have only 3 months till the NOA2 expaire.. I started to panic from now, what if I don't have interview date by then?? do they extend the NOA2...

I need to go pray ..

Batta.. all alone

They will automatically extend the NOA2. You don't have to request it or anything. Don't stress about that. If you put questions about this into the Canada fourm you will get more accurate responses since at the Consulate stage, each consulate has a different way of doing things. As much as we want to remain as a "July 09 VSC" group....there are some things that are consulate specific at this stage and you will get more accurate answers there. I have learned so much by reading the Canadian group over the past few months that I am already totally prepared for my interview. There are several posters there that have successfully been through the K1 process and they are more than willing to help you along the way!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-15 01:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (Batta @ Nov 12 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Today just been a day from hell.. at work

I wish I can quit at this point and sit at home.. Yes I can quit.. but then I look at the future and thing I will have to support us while he wait for his papers.

Montreal still did not answer.. and now it is close to 8 PM and I am about to burst in tears cause I don't know what else I can do.
Should I call DOS and complain? will that help?

How can I found out if Montreal requested our file to transfer from Baghdad.

I wish I can find a person working in Montreal that can help..

Lord.. please I pray you make things goes in order..

I sent them an e-mail in mid October and it took 5 full days to respond. And I know that the last few weeks that they have been doing a blitz on interviews to get the backlog cleared up a bit. I would wait until Tues am and if you haven't heard anything e-mail again. There is no way you can phone the consulate in Montreal.....corrospondance is via e-mail only.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-12 21:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (kitty23 @ Nov 11 2009, 03:25 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Oh, EasternDe! I am so sorry it's taking so long for you! I know we all hope to spend winter holidays with our loved ones! Just hang in there. You never know. wink.gif

Azra is even more beautiful than Musho! And I totally agree with Russ&Rachel that we should call each other with our real names. I think we should make a list, something like:

Simon & Janet -
Russ& Rachel - Russ & Rachel
Kitty23 - Ileana & Pablo
Musho - Azra &
Pdcvcm -
EasternDe -
Coleens - Colleen and Simon
Oldahmed -
Peruvy&Gringa -
JewelX -

Feel free to add to the list. tongue.gif

Hugs to all,


ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-11 15:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (Batta @ Nov 11 2009, 11:48 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello folks,

I hope you are all doing great. I am sorry for not being able to be here most of time.
The hubby went to Arizona today and left me all alone freezing in Chicago...but will look at the bright side. Cause I will be heading there for thanksgiving

ON Saturday afternoon we received an email from Montreal indicating we need to submit proof of his current status in Canada and then they will start requesting our file from Baghdad. Since they did not indicate what the required proof is, I had to Google it. I found some stuff, and we sent his landing card, citizenship and passport copied via email.

Now it is been since Sunday when we sent it out, yet no response from them sad.gif I don't know why they are so slow on answering email
For the love of God, they don't even take phone calls. I just want an answer if they are ok with document or not.

My energy is draining now. Need some recharge to boost my put down expectation?

Glad you are almost there. I wish I can be 20% down the road where you are sad.gif

Batta = Mariam
Bobo = Sam

It can take Montreal up to 5 business days to respond to an e-mail, so you have to be patient. I don't know if you have been on the Canada forum much, but there is a ton of info on the consulate in Montreal. They are A LOT slower in assigning interviews than many other countries, so plan on some waiting for the interview. There are people there who had their NOA2's in July and are just getting an interview this month.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-11 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 6 2009, 03:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Musho @ Nov 6 2009, 07:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Our case was touched on 5 th NOvember.. so I suppose that it was sent to NVC like you said Rachel!

I dont know what to do after NOA2? I suppose that we need to call NVC after about 7 days? And when our documents arrive to our country, we should get packet 3 right?
I dont know which forms does benificiary needs to have?

I know that there is lot of work to do to get a visa, but I feel so much better after we got NOA2.. It is much less stress?!

And Ileana.. My name is not Musho.. My name is Azra smile.gif!


Aww Azra! Its so good to put a name to your face. Even Russ was saying the other day, we should call you by your real names, but Musho is so cute! star_smile.gif

I definitely agree about all us sticking together. I don't know what we'd do without you all either. In fact I doubt we would have got this far without VJ! When I think about applying for a Social Security number, marriage licence and AOS my head goes wacko.gif But you're right, it feels soooooo much better now knowing we have completed the longest wait and the biggest obstacle. It feels so good to know that we may have our visa's in 2 months or so... Fingers crossed. blush.gif

The way I understood the next step is:
1. We call NVC to check they're recieved our case (?), then
2. Once they have it gets forwarded to our local embassy (?) then
3. They send out packet 3 (isn't that the checklist of things we need to compile for the interview and info about the medical??) I have already got everything together more or less - Russ's payslips, 2008 tax return, employers letter and medical records from my doctor. I also mailed off my police certificate application last week, so I should have that soon. Then when you have all that, you send it back to them and wait for packet 4 with your interview date. (I think this is all right, but not sure wacko.gif )

The other thing I don't understand is, how do you 'track' your case with DHL? Ive heard about a few couples being able to do this... And also, can we book our medicals now we have our NOA2's??

I was able to book my medical with just my NOA2, although they did ask me if I had my appt date yet. But it may vary by clinic

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-06 16:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 6 2009, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (EasternDE @ Nov 6 2009, 08:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NVC # is 603-334-0700 press 1 then 5.

Rachel, you should call NVC on Monday, it may be a little early but oh well. tongue.gif
Well, you make Russ to call.

NVC # is 603-334-0700 press 1 then 5.
NVC hotline is opened only from 8am to 12 (not sure about the schedule but it's only in the morning)
The line is always busy, so you have to try until you reach someone, but then NVC agents seem much more efficient than USCIS ones.

You have to give you case number and both of your birthdate.
The important information you need is your new case number because you'll need it to fill your packet 3.
We are actually supposed to get a letter from NVC but not many people get one...
Then you want to know when it arrived and when it left so you can proudly file your VJ timeline.

Once you know which day it left you may be able to track it on DHL site but it's a bit tricky, and probably not accurate since there are many cases for London.
Explanation about how to track your package is in the NVC section on this forum.

Et voila smile.gif

Ohh thankyou Eastern DE! Thats an amazing help. Only one thing... where do we find our new case number. We havent had the actual NOA2 yet, just the email... Do NVC need that during the call?

You can give them your USCIS number that starts with EAC and they will find your file that way. You can get your case number when you call.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-06 16:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJuly 2009 Filers
QUOTE (RUSSandRACHEL @ Nov 6 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone! good.gif Hope you're all doing well. Haven't heard any news from Itt. We hope they get their NOA2 soon. It is so great that we all recieved our NOA2 on the same night on the 4th! It makes the experience even better! Thanks to everyone for their continued support. We were starting to go a bit crazy towards the end.

About starting a new thread, I think we should stay on this thread and stick it out to the end. Wow, we're going to be together for a while. yes.gif Aww its nice to have a VJ family star_smile.gif

Ahhh... so anyway, we have kind of calmed down now after being super, super excited for a couple of days and now to the next step...

What do we do now? Can anyone give us a bit of advice?

Aren't we supposed to call NVC to check on our case? When should we do this? What are we supposed to find out from them and what happens after then? Also what info do they need from us when we call?

We have been so focused on getting the NOA2, we didnt even think to look up the next step.

I waited about 2 weeks before I called NVC (603-334-0700) to see if they had recieved my case and had forwarded it onto the consulate. When I first called I was told that we had been put into AP )administrative processing) and there was no timeframe for that. I called about 4 days later and was told my case had been forwarded!! I think that because there were so many petitions being processed at that time AP may have been used as a holding area. There have been several people who have been held up for a couple of months in AP, so just be aware of that. Once it has been forwarded to the consulate you can start to call the DoS (202-663-1225) to see if the consulate has recieved it. I waited about a week or so before I called DoS. About a week after that I called again to see if my packet 3 had been sent out which it had. It took about a week in the mail, so in the mean time I had prepared all the forms I was required to send back. I found this information in the regional fourms. I have also already requested any documents that I will be needing for the interview (long form Birth Certificate, Police check etc). I was able to send my packet 3 back the same day. Now I am just waiting for the consulate to log my packet 3 and schedule the interview. Unfortunately, the consulate in Monteal is quite backed up (although they seem to be on an interview biltz the past month) so I am doubtful for getting and interview and my visa before christmas sad.gif

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-11-06 14:52:00