CanadaPOE Edmonton

Most airports POE's (and check in at desk)dont open up before 0500,thus maybe thats why you were not let in before that.

In Edmonton you have to wait in a waiting area until your flight number is called into customs, and they don't call your flight number in more than 2hrs prior. I called CBP at the airport when I was POEing to ask. I know that it can take longer to process the visa and wanted to make sure I left enough time fo that (and I also didn't want to get to the airport too early and find out customs was not open!!!). And I was told not to be there any earlier than 2hrs because they will not let you into customs before that. I guess each airport has different policies, because I have flown out of Ottawa before and there was nothing like that.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-27 19:30:00
CanadaPOE Edmonton
I did my POE at Edmonton and it was quite smooth. I originally wanted to get there a bit more than the recommended 2hrs prior for international flights, but they will not let you into customs before that, so just plan on getting there 2-2.5hrs ahead max. After you check in you will be taken to a waiting area and will then be called into customs by your flight number. When you are in that waiting area you will have to fill out the arrival/departure record, so make sure you bring a pen with you. Once in customs you will wait in line, and when you get up to the border agent booth tell them you are activating your Visa. They asked me a few questions like how we met, when we were getting married etc, took my fingerprints and a photo, then took me back to secondary. They called me up in secondary asked me a few more questions both about my relationship and if I was bringing any food alcohol, tobacco etc. They attached my I-94 into my passport....make sure they don't forget this as it has happened to a few people here. Then I was sent on my way to baggage screening and security. I had no problems and everyone I dealt with was friendly....even at 5am :)

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-26 11:43:00
CanadaWeight loss support
Si and I just joined a gym in town here on the weekend, so we are aiming to go pretty much everyday for at least an hour. It looks like they have some pretty good classes, so I can't wait to try some of those. My back has really been bothering me (and my knees) so I think I seriously need to get into some yoga to help with my flexability because I think that is a big portion of what is causing my pain. I have my first of 6 personal trainer sessions hopefully that will help out a bit too!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-03-14 21:49:00
CanadaWeight loss support
I am in for this!! My short term goal is to lose 10lbs by the time of my interview at the end of March. My long term goal is to lose 35lbs. My goal date is the beginning of June. I find that if I watch what I eat....cutting out the drive thru's and little snacks and by running I am able to lose weight fairly easily. The only thing is that it is so HILLY here that I have a hard time getting out and running. There is no such thing as going out for a short easy run in N. Georgia!!! I have been going to the gym 3-4 times per week and working out with a trainer 2x per week, and going swimming once every other week (the pool is about 30mi from here, so not too convienient). I am also used to running with a group of friends, and that helped motivate you on days you really didn't feel like it....I think we ran for as much of the social aspect as the fitness!! But I haven't really been able to meet too many people since I have been here, and it is not like they have a local Running Room where you can just pop in for a group run!!

But with my interview, POE and Wedding coming up in the next 3-4 months....I need to get my butt in gear!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-02-16 17:12:00
CanadaCanada Day, Washington, DC

Aww. I wish I lived in DC. I think Ill bust out my Canadian Flag T-shirt on the first of July. x)

I was thinking of doing the same, but I am not sure if I will fit into it come July :crying:
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-05-26 00:52:00
Canadabringing dog with you at poe
When I crossed into the US (just as a visitor not a POE) with my pets in Dec, they never asked to see any papers, and I had dog and cat food with me, just enough for a few days of traveling and to get settled, and I never had any issues with that. Because I was going to the US for several months, the CBP gaurd did look through my car and did see the food and never asked anything about it. I guess because it was a smallish amount he figured that it was just for the trip :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-27 19:37:00
CanadaHappy to be back home for 5 days
I hope to get home this fall before I get too preggo to travel. My parents wanted to host a wedding reception there since not very many friends/family were able to travel for our wedding, but Hubby can't get anytime off work, so it will be a solo trip. I guess it will be some "me" time before baby arrives!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-06 19:55:00
CanadaHappy to be back home for 5 days

OMG - I went back and bought more...they have a new fit for 3 :D And a few more tops....always love their jewelry...not expensive so I don't feel bad if I hate it a year from now.

I love their jewelry as well, and it is usually on for buy one get one free!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-04 20:35:00
CanadaHappy to be back home for 5 days
I really miss Reitmans too. Their clothes always seemed to fit me well, and I have yet to find anything that compares to it here :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-04 13:21:00
CanadaTime frame for EI
If you want to leave early you and you have a good relationship with management, you could ask to be laid off. This way EI won't ask about quitting early. I lucked out doing this as my company was downsizing anyway.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-15 18:31:00
CanadaVisa from US Consuate in Montreal
I would give it give it at least 2 weeks before you book your flight. Most people get it within a week, but there have been cases where it has taken 2 weeks or more. Sometimes Montreal is on the ball and gets it out of the consulate in 2 or 3 days, but occasionally it can sit in the mailroom for more than that. Make sure you write down your expresspost tracking number so that you will be able to track your envelope.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-06-24 15:08:00
CanadaZipped up binder OK to bring to MTL consulate?

I used an accordion folder, but there were others with binders and they didn't have a problem. They will probably want to take a look inside of it, but nothing to be concerned about.

A random side note, one of the girls interviewing in Montreal when I was there tried to bring one of those hallmark cards that plays music through security, and they took it! Apparently a card that plays music is an electronic device. I found that pretty funny!

I had one of those cards as well, and they made me 'check' it. They gave me a ticket so that I could pick it up on my way out!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-25 20:11:00
CanadaUS Banking with Canadian Banks
I use RBC/RBCusa. It was good when I was in Georgia since there were branches near me, but now that I am in Tennessee, no so good. However, I have had no issues with calling and having money transferred out of investments, and it is really easy to transfer funds from your canadian account to your US one. I also figure it will come in quite handy when I get my EAD and can start recieving EI (and then maternity benefits in October) so that it can be direct deposited and then transfered. Some people have had a hassle getting a US bank account set up without a SSN, so this is one thing that you can get done and set up prior to leaving Canada, and you will save yourself a lot in fees by having a US debit card rather than using your canadian one for the first little while!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-07-28 08:40:00
United KingdomShipping items between US and UK
My husband is originally British and has several friends still in the UK. We sometimes ship little care packages back and forth, but I am wondering if there is a more affordable shipping option than USPS. If anyone has any suggestions they would be very much appreciated! He will be shipping most stuff to London.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-09-27 14:21:00
United KingdomNeed England Recommendations
My husband is a dual UK/US citizen and after me (a canadian) emmigrated to the US we decided to return to Canada and due to the poor job market in the US. We have had some marriage issues and we have decided that a seperation is our best option. He has decided to return to England during this time since he has no status in Canada (our PR application is still pending)and thus no way to support himself. I do not currently make enough to support 2 households.

Can anyone give me some recommendations for places that he may be able to get room and board or leads to places to rent. He is looking at finding a place with his best friend(and that friends teenage son) so it would need to be in the Windsor or Datchet area for the sons' schooling. But if it were just a room and board....anywhere near that area would work. He needs to be close to his friend as it is his only emotional support right now.

Also if anyone knows of any places that are hiring in that area, any leads would be very much appreciated.
ColleensFemaleCanada2012-12-11 23:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPolice Certificate in Canada
I have lived in a few different places in Canada, and not sure which agency I need to get police certificates from. In Alberta will I need to get them from the city police and the RCMP? In Ontario is it the OPP, City Police, RCMP or all?

Thanks for the help,
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-04-06 22:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionItems required packet 3
I am starting to get the required items together for my packet 3 and for the interview. My finace is in the US army. Will he require a letter stating that he is in the army, or will submiting his paystubs (Defense finance and accounting service military leave and earnings statement) be enough? If he requires the employer letter, who does he request it from?

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-07 20:46:00
CanadaConsulate to apply for Visa
We are about to submit the I129-f and when asked about the location of the consulate or embassy that I will apply for the visa, I put Ottawa (as that is where I live). But when reading on the fourms, they do the interviews in Montreal. Is this where I should be putting that I intend to apply for the visa?
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-05-11 12:00:00
CanadaBuilding Credit in the US
I have been reading on a lot of posts about issues with getting and building credit in the US. On a shopping trip to the states a few years ago, I applied for a store credit card and got approved. It used my canadian address and info, but since it is an american store will this help me with credit when I move there in the future?
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-08 11:29:00
CanadaChanging your Name after Marriage
I have always been told that you should never change your SSN to your married name. Unless you complete a legal name change your maiden name is alway legal to use as it is what appears on you birth certificate. I never changed my name on my SSN when I got married the first time and had no issues with filing taxes etc under my married name. When I divorced and returned to using my maiden name I did need to get a new passport. Your can continue to use your passport with your maiden name once you marry, but just carry your marriage cert with it when you travel. I did have a friend who was questioned about it and luckliy she had the certificate with here!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-11 14:07:00
CanadaHave to have surgery...UGH
You could also look at doing the MRI at a private clinic...if it is in your budget. It would cut your waiting time by the 2 months. Now I am not sure where you are from, but I know that in Ottawa you can ask to have your MRI done at the Children's Hospital. They only use the MRI for kids during the day time hours, so if you are willing to go say at 3am, you can get in quite quickly. You might want to check if your local childrens hospital has the same option.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-04 21:10:00
CanadaHow often to you get to see your fiance/spouse?
We see each other every 3-4 weeks. The last time we were together was the beginning of May, and I won't see him until the 30th of June....that will be our longest apart. But he will be on leave then, so I will go to the US for a week, and he is coming here for a week. It really all depends on what the price of airfare is. If going one weekend later is going to be $300-$400 cheaper, then it is worth the wait. We talk pretty much daily, either on the phone or on yahoo, but sometimes he is out in the field and it will be 2-3 days without talking. Also where he is living has NO cell signal, so that really sucks sad.gif
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-12 11:22:00
CanadaShort Term Insurance for Canadian in US
We are definitely very lucky in Canada not to have to pay for the majority of our health care. What I wish our govenrments would do tho is send out a statement of some sort indicating what the you recieved actually costs. Especially when people go to emergency rather than to their doctor or a walk-in clinc for a sore throat or non-life threatening injury. I am sure that treatment at an emergency ward is much more costly than going to your GP or clinic. A cost comparison between an emerg visit and going to see your doc would be neat to see as well. Maybe it would reduce the financial stress that our medical system is under, and enable better and faster care for everyone.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-16 12:16:00
CanadaDepartment of Health
I grew up in rural AB and although we never had a milkman, we did have a fruitman who came around selling fresh fruit and veggies. And of course a few snacks for the kids. I always got rosebuds or smarties!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-19 11:55:00
CanadaSomeone to help you in your home
Definitely a housekeeper. I love gardening and cooking, and there is generally quite a mess after I prepare a large meal for friends, so I could do without that cleaning!!! And since I am by myself, I pretty much do a daily walk to the grocery store for the items I need for my next few meals. This gives me a chance to get a bit of exercise, walk the dog and decompress from they day all in one!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-18 11:28:00
CanadaWhere are you from in Canada?
Born in Edmonton, and lived in Alberta until I was 19. I moved to Ottawa in 93 and have been here ever since. Love this city!!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-05-19 12:02:00
CanadaLose weight Canada
I can't wait for my move to the states and not being able to work for a few months. I hope to really focus on getting fit. What else will I do with my time!!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-25 11:51:00
CanadaUS travel websites
I frequently use websites such as itravel2000, belaire travel etc to book trips south in the winter, but as far as I can tell these sites are only for Canadian departures. Does anyone have any links to similar travel sites in the states? I only know of one so vacation, but would like a few others to compare prices.

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-10 09:42:00
CanadaVisiting US while waiting for visa
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Jul 14 2009, 06:53 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Usually having a letter from your employer is the first line of "defense" in providing evidence of ties to Canada when visiting. You don't say when you applied for the visa, what Consulate you will be interviewed in. When you are being laid off, and when you are going for your extended visit. If it's only going to be a month or two before when you think you'll get your interview, having your visa application package with you might help in terms of evidence of your returning to Canada for the interview. You might have some problems with answering questions if you're going for a lengthy visit and you've already left your job and have your things in storage. If you have letters or appointment cards for future Dr.'s or Dentist appointments, perhaps some up-to-date utility bills, bank statements...that might help.

We originally applied for the visa in May, but the application was never received, so we sent the application in again at the beginning of July. I will most likely be laid off at the beginning of October and plan on heading down to GA where my fiance lives mid Oct. He is active military, so he is going to call to see if we can get an expedite. I will be interviewing at the Montreal Consulate.

I do have a plan "B" just in case, but it would be nice to spend my time waiting with him smile.gif
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-14 10:36:00
CanadaVisiting US while waiting for visa
QUOTE (flames9 @ Jul 13 2009, 12:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Keep in mind, if u asked to be laid off, well ahead of getting approved for ur visa, most likely no EI for u!!

I did ask to be laid off, but found out that I was on the chopping block anyway and there is going to be a fairly significant nymber of people laid off at the same time, so hoepfully I shouldn't have an issue with getting EI. Because I will get a faily decent severance package, I don't think I will be able to claim EI straight away.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-13 20:44:00
CanadaVisiting US while waiting for visa
I am planning to go for an extended visit with my fiancee while I wait for my visa to be processed. Right now I have no worries as I own a home and am employeed full time, so visiting on weekends etc is easy. I have asked for a layoff from my job and will be selling my house to prepare to move to the US. I was going to time my house sale with my layoff date, and then just go to the US and stay with my fiancee until I have to go for my interview. The problem I can see facing is not having strong ties to Canada. Is having the K1 process started and the requirement of attending the interview going to be enough? I plan to put all my household goods in storage until I am able to import them as well. Will this help in any way? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-13 10:50:00
CanadaWhere are you moving/living in the USA?
I am from Ottawa and will be moving to a small town in Northern GA....Dahlonega. It is about an hour NE of Atlanta. My fiance is in the army and has just moved there, so I have yet to visit. It sounds quite nice, but I think I will miss some of the creature comforts of living in a larger city, where everything that I need is only a 5min drive away.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-06-10 10:53:00
CanadaHow often do you clean??
I clean the bathrooms and dust once a week, Vacuum twice a week, and sweepand mop daily. Bed sheets get done at least once a week...sometimes twice. Towels go into the laundry every other day. I also do spring and fall cleaning where I wash all the walls and windows. Growing up my mom cleaned the bathrooms and did laundry every day, swept at least 3 times a day and mopped every other day. That on top of raising 4 kids and working full time. To this day I still don't know where she ever found the energy!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-08-09 22:46:00
CanadaBanking and Building credit in the US
So I went to the RBC last week and I was able to open a us funds canadian account as well as an account at the US branch of RBC Centura. I will be able to apply for a credit card there, and since they are linked to a Canadian branch, they can take your canadian credit into consideration when applying for credit. The only drawback to this is that they only have branches in some of the states on the eastern seaboard.

Another benefit is that I will be able to set up my finace's bank account as a payee in my on-line banking and transfer funds to his account this way for FREE!!! No more western union fees!!! He is going to look into if he can set his account up the same way to transfer funds to my account if necessary as well.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-29 11:32:00
CanadaBanking and Building credit in the US
I am going to an appt at RBC tomorrow to open a US account there. Since they have branches in some of the states it looks like it will help build credit and such in the US. At the very least it will help cut down on the fees when traveling to the US and having to exchange money. And it will give me a US funds acct to deposit to when the exchange rate is good. Anyway to save a bit of cash during this time helps!! I am also hoping that it will give us an easy way to do money transfers back and forth without having to use western union, custom house etc.

I will post more info tomorrow after my appt.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-07-20 15:23:00
CanadaWhat if we decided to do the reverse?
I have been looking into the possibility of moving to Canada instead of the US as well (but since we are almost near the end of the US process we decided to stick with it). I found this forum http://www.immigrati....asp?FORUM_ID=6 and found it to have a little more info then the Road2Canada forum. The nice thing is that while you are waiting for you application to be processed your spouse get a visitors record which will allow your spouse to stay in Canada for a year while your application is being processed. although they won't be able to work at this time at least you get to be together!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-09 10:24:00
CanadaMoving from Montreal Consulate to Vancouver
QUOTE (Flames9_RN @ Oct 14 2009, 12:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
A few yrs back a few manage to get it done, but ibelive one had to have a "reason" believe they used the "reason" they they were moving to BC. In actuality, i don't believe they actually moved. But to go that route,one needs a mailing address in one of the western provinces!!

The mailing address is no parents and all of my siblings live in AB, so I have a variety to choose from!!! I will "move" out there at the end of Nov, but from some of the threads I have read on this is a matter of a few weeks from submitting packet 3 (which can be done by fax to VAN) to getting an interview. I already have everything I need except my medical....just waiting for my blood titer results from my Family Doctor that I can take with me to my medical. So in theory I could be done by the time my job ends *fingers crossed*

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-14 12:10:00
CanadaMoving from Montreal Consulate to Vancouver
QUOTE (Carlawarla @ Oct 14 2009, 12:18 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I posted something about this in another thread...maybe it was the Montreal awaiting interview thread? There was a Canadian poster here a few years ago, might have even been two posters that transferred their files to Vancouver because of the waiting game. By all means, go for it.

Has your file left NVC? If so, then just email Mtl. with your case number and don't ask them, tell them, you're moving to Alberta, supply the new address, and tell them you want it transferred. Vancouver will then send you the Package 3 and you'll be set to go. I'd definitely do it before you get the package 3 from Montreal. If anyone can remember the posters names, help me out.


It was my post in another thread that you replied to (thank you) but I didn't want to end up 'hijacking' that thread, so I started another one. I called NVC on Oct 6th and was told my file had been forwarded to MTL that day. I have not called back as of yet to see if it had been received. I was giving it the suggested 2 week timeframe to be shipped and logged in Montreal before calling!!

I have also just sent an e-mail to MTL asking that my case be forwarded to VAN. I won't be moving there until the end on Nov, so hopefully by that time I should be close to getting an interview.

Will it matter if I get my medical done in Montreal (I am currently in Ottawa, so it is not too bad of a trip) and bring it with me to Van? I am thinking that as long as it is done by a panel physician the location of the exam doesn't matter.

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-14 11:47:00
CanadaMoving from Montreal Consulate to Vancouver
With montreal being backed up so much I am considering trying to move my file to Vancouver. I am being laid off from my job at the end of Nov, and was hoping that I would be done with the K1 process within a month or 2 of my layoff. But now that it looks like it could be an additional 5+ months my hopes have gone down the drain!! I was hoping to keep as much of my severance package to use for the move, AOS and to have some money while I wait for EAD and finding a job.

Now all my family lives in Alberta, so I know that I could move out there and have my file transferred to Vancouver, but I have a few questions. I am still waiting for my packet 3, so would it be best to request the file be moved before I get packet 3? Will I have to wait until I am actually in Alberta to request that it be transferred? I assume that the transfer is something that will take a bit of time and not happen overnight...(not like anything in this process could ever happen that quickly!!).

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-14 10:05:00
CanadaProof of ongoing relationship
You could also take a few trips within the US that you would have to fly to get to. You would have itniraries and boarding passes for those trips. I think it would be good as well if it were somewhere that you were meeting up with some family and could include pics with the 2 of you and family together.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-15 14:21:00