CanadaHow to go about getting the Immigration Physical?
You will need to go to one of the 4 Panel Physicians in Canada for your medical, since you will be dealing with a consulate in Canada. It can't be done in the US. There are 2 in Montreal, 1 in Toronto and 1 in Vancouver (if you look through the Canada fourm you will find thread with reviews for all of them). Many people wait until they have their interview scheduled, then call and make their medical appt. You need about 2 days before you get your results so plan to head to Montreal a few days in advance of your appt.

As for your vaccination records, if you do not have them, go to your family doctor and as to have titre tests done for the vaccinations that you require. You will get a report from the lab stating your immunity levels...if you are not showing immunity, then you haven't had that vaccination and will need to get that.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-17 11:29:00
Canadafilling out cards for e.i., first time

so I filled them out and the question where it states "were you ready and willing...." i put yes b/c apparently on a I94 we are K1 visa holders are eleigible to work until the I94

This is a common misconception you used to be able to get a stamp in your passport, and EI would accept that as proof of being able to legally work....even though technically you were not. EI now knows that you require an EAD or GC in order to work, so you will have to wait for those. You will need to change your answer on you card.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-17 11:35:00
CanadaTravelling with baby

Sorry to highjack your thread Colleens.

How is your little one doing anyways.

No worries!! Emma is doing great!! She has the odd day that she is kind of fussy and doesn't like to sleep during the day, but at night time she sleeps well. She slept for 7hrs the other night!!! Great for her, but I still woke up at 3:30 since that is her usual feeding time :( Most nights she now does a 5-6 hr stretch so I am happy with that! She was 5 weeks yesterday....I can't believe how time flies!

I hope you are feeling well!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-21 10:14:00
CanadaTravelling with baby

During my husbands deployment I travelled to Canada often with our son. There are 2 things you need.

1. Her Passport ( Just have it expedited)

2. Letter of travel consent from the father...... ( Canada has tight rules for traveling alone with a child. In order to stop parent's who kidnap their children, you must have a letter stating that your husband knows that you are traveling to canada between said dates to visit friends and family, and can be contacted to varify at said phone #;s. The letter does not need to be notarized, but lots of folks do, including us. We just went to a local post office and had it notarized there) Every time I have travelled to Canada I have been asked for this letter, at the airline check in the Sates and at customs in Canada.

Have a great trip :-)

Thank you...I will be getting a notorized letter as never hurts to be over prepared when dealing with customs in either we all know!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-20 10:14:00
CanadaTravelling with baby
Thanks guys. I hope her BC and SSN come in soon. They have cashed the cheque for her BC and the SSN was applied for in the hospital. Everyone at home is getting anxious to meet Emma!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-19 19:52:00
CanadaTravelling with baby
So I am thinking of going home at the beginning of March (our lease is up and we are moving, so hubby suggested I go home with baby while he gets us moved...what a sweetie!!) but I am not sure if I need a passport for my baby. I still have not got her BC of SSN so I can't get her a US passport yet and it is taking 4-6 weeks (or 2-3 weeks expidited) to get one.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-19 17:11:00
CanadaBanking system CDN vs. USA

Check to see if the state you're living in has an RBC - I'm not certain, but if you open an RBC in canada, you can open one in the states, and then transfer funds between those two accounts (I think). RBC is only in a handful of states, however - so this might not help too much.

Good luck!

You can still use RBC even if the state you live in does not have RBC branches. You just have to do everything on-line. I have this set up and it is really convieneint since I can transfer back and forth from my Can/US accounts with no fees (I think I pay $4 a month for my account fee), and you get the current exchange rate at the time. You can just set up your car loan as a payee through RBC Canada and make the payments on-line. I get my maternity leave benefits deposited into my RBC account then just transfer as needed. It is also nice because when I travel back to Canada, I can use my interac card from my Canadian account and I don't get charged any cross border fees.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-25 14:24:00
CanadaFiling 2010 Taxes
I am somewhat confused by the exit return. I ceased being a resident in 2010, but I will still be receiving canadian income from my maternity benefits in 2011. Will I have to file another return for 2011 or do I just claim my canadian income on my US taxes next year. What if I cash in RRSP's in 2011? Also does anyone know if you can claim US medical expenses on your Canadian taxes? I know that you can claim excess medical expenses on a canadian return, but just not sure if those expenses have to occur in Canada.

Sorry for the thread hijack, but I didn't want to start another tax thread....I think we need to get a pinned topic for tax questions.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-31 10:13:00
CanadaAOS application sent to CSC..but still no biometrics letter

I called USCIS on Jan. 21st to inquire as to why I haven't received my biometrics appointment letter yet (we filed Dec 21.2010). They thanked me for inquiring about this - I was told keeps them in the loop and they won't assume it's negligence on my part if they don't receive something they need. I was advised that the processing window should be Jan 21st - Feb 5th, and if I don't receive an appointment letter by that time, I should call them again. I live in Houston so I'm not sure if the local service center is just backlogged or what, but I'll keep following up each week after this to try to stay on top of things. Someone suggested I just walk-in with my passport and NOA and ask to be fingerprinted..I may try this.

In the meantime, I got curious and checked my case status on the USCIS website today. Apparently my AOS application has been transferred to the California Service Center. Is that a good thing? I heard that once upon a time it usually meant you won't need to be interviewed for your greencard, but California also sounds like it has slower processing times lately.

It'll be interesting to see how things progress...

I applied for AOS in May and didn't get my Bio appt until the end of Sept (I only got it then because I was getting into the later stages of pregnancy and contacted my congressman because I was getting close to the point that I could no longer was a 3hr drive to my nearest ASC). I did eventually get my appt letter in the mail and it would have been mid Oct for my appt. Some ASC's are very busy and backlogged and it takes months to get an appt. You may want to post in the AOS forum to see how long people had to wait at your ASC.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-31 17:21:00
CanadaJob Interview

Generally all you need is a GED. My position is a Veterinary Assistant. Sometimes called Kennel Attendants or "Pet Nurse" as well. Basically you clean the dogs, clean up after them feed them walk them. Keep the Hospital clean, help the techs or vets when they need help with restraint or carrying an animal. Keep an eye on the animals recovering from surgery to make sure they aren't sitting in their own mess etc.Do laundry help with the food stock for the little store part. All kinds of things like that. Some of the smaller places want someone with experience because you need to do more hands on stuff like be in the surgery room to help etc. But if you can find a large vet place they can teach you how to clean the way they need it done. This place is HUGE! its basically the Emergency clinic that is open ALL the time. They were hiring to fill 4 positions 3 pt and 1 ft!

I have had a hard time finding them because in our state the Assistant job does not come up often, its something fairly new to the USA where as Canada has been doing the assistants for a while in vet places. Keep an eye out for a position tho and if the requirements fit you then no harm in applying for it, they are usually willing to train for the position!

If you are interested in a position like this, maybe volunteering at the local animal shelter might help you. You will get some experience dealing with the animals and most likely all the other tasks as well. I would love to volunteer at the animal shelter, but I know that our apt would soon be over run with animals. The commercials on tv put me in tears and make me want to take every one of the animals home!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-03 12:10:00
CanadaJob Interview
I don't have to start looking for a job for another 4 months or so (I got 6 months mat leave from Canada) but when I do, I am hoping that since my last 2 employers are technically American companies it will look good on my resume. I will just put the name of the employer and not the address, so I don't come across as an "immigrant" and hopefully that will make it easier.

Good luck to all those looking :)
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-30 21:19:00
Canadacustoms paperwork
I shipped my stuff after I POE'd and I didn't have to fill out the country of manufacture for anything. I was looking at the 3299 customs form and I don't see where it is asking for counrty of manufacture?? I just did like everyone else; numbered the boxes and made a list of contents. This actually helped me a lot when it came to unpacking since it was almost 5 months from the time I packed and stored it until the time it shipped.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-14 11:18:00

Hi ya'll

This is driving me Crazy...
I got a email last night saying that my AOS card is in production. I got the same email this morning. Then just a little while ago I got a email saying Decision. Is this normal??? These emails are driving me one point I could not wait for a email from them..and now..well, it's making me nervous.. :wacko:

I might add that I was transferred to CSC and did not get a approved email notice before the card/production notice.

This is completely normal. Congrats on the approval!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-02-17 08:56:00

i'm so happy i'm crying right now.


Your Case Status: Card/ Document Production

On January 18, 2011, we ordered production of your new card.

9 months minus 10 days...i guess my congresswoman shoved and pushed USCIS!!!!!!!!

YEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Finally!! I am glad that your congressperson was able to help you out. It is just stupid that it took that long to begin with. At least now you don't have to worry about USCIS for 2 yrs!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-18 21:18:00

Grats...even if that did make me cry a little inside...

i sent off the letters etc to my congresswoman yesterday, hopefully i'll here soemething by end of week...been married 9 months now..still no aos....

OMFG...This is getting insane. I really feel for you Kimbear. I hope your congresswoman can help you out. Contacting mine helped get my biometrics and EAD, so hopefully you will have the same luck.
ColleensFemaleCanada2011-01-13 17:03:00

That's what I was wondering. I've had my GC since about Thanksgiving and I now have that and an Iowa driver's license with my married name. That's what worries me. Having my passport in my maiden name, but all my US ID is in my married name. I'm just a little frustrated and don't know what to do. :( My Delta mileage account is still in my maiden name as well.

I'm planning on going back to BC near the end of next month, just want to make sure that I'm taking all the necessary precautions in case of something horrible happening, like being stuck at the border. :wacko:

All you need is your marriage certificate and you will be fine. You may want to look into getting your passport in your new name while you are will eliminate any hassles in the future. I think that you can get expedited service to have it back in 24 or 48 hrs.....not 100% sure on this one but I am sure you can find info on the passport canada site.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-28 16:25:00

Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays!!

Just a quick question for those that travelled over the holiday:

how did your experience at the border/customs go if you still have your passport in your maiden name? I'm looking into a flight for next month and wondering if I'm going to get hassled with my passport, marriage certificate and GC.

Arabella, how was your experience?

I travelled to Canada in Aug and my passport was still in my maiden name. I booked my ticket in my maiden name so that it matched my passport, then when I presented my AP I asked them if they wanted my marriage certificate, but they understood that I entered on a K1 and that my name had changed with my AOS. Just book you ticket in the name to match your passport and bring your marriage certificate along and you should have no issues.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-28 10:53:00
My green card came in the mail yesterday :) I got it the same day as my welcome to America letter! I have been having an 'arguement' with my hubby and his mother since they immigrated to the US as well about 25yrs ago (hubby naturalized several years ago when he came back from the UK and joined the US army, but his mom and sister are still just LPR's) about it being a 'legal requirement' to carry your GC on your person. I have shown the law on the USCIS site and they still refuse to believe that you are legally required to carry it (not that I am going to since I can't afford the cost if something should happen and I lose it...but I did make a color copy). Sometime they seem to forget that laws and requirements change every now and then!!

I hope that those still waiting hear something soon......especially you Kimbear. I never had any recent touches on my case...just got the text message out of the blue one day.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-21 11:01:00
My AOS was FINALLY approved today...wooot!!!

kimbear...I hope yours is right behind....fingers crossed!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-16 18:51:00

Ok so i'm confused.

i got a letter from uscis today

it looks like just a confirmation of my phone call back in Novemeber on the 19th, stating that i called and my service request number. and its dated December 1st...umm #######.

it took that long to put in my file that i called? when i called back in November, i was told wait 30 days before calling..i thought that meant not before dec 19th. now this letter is dated december 1st ( which explains my touches) and it says 30 days from that date meaning not til after JANUARY????

Sooo ####### that means over 8 MONTHS ( when january rolls around) so far with NO word AT ALL on my AOS. JFC what the hell are they doing over there???

I hear ya. At least you can take some comfort in knowing that you are not waiting alone. Sigh......
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-09 18:56:00

OMFG its about damn time!!! Woo Hoo Congrats!

So i got another touch today on my AOS...but nothing changed other than the date.

@ Arabella: i have no clue what this means, interview wise. Prolly a bad idea for me to go in person lol. I'll just rip someones head off regardless if its part of the u.s. govt.

Did you update say "a local USCIS office" or just "a USCIS office". I was told my interview would be waived because of my pregnancy. I guess they figure having a baby together is good evidence of a bona fide marriage!! So I am not sure why my case would be transfered from the CSC to a "uscis office".
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-02 14:53:00

Well I log into the USCIS website like every 30 minutes to check on the status. When I made that post, it hadn't been updated. I still hate USCIS, but guess what!

Card/ Document Production

On December 2, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

This step applies to applications that result in an applicant receiving a card (such as a "green card") or other document (such as a naturalization certificate, employment authorization document, travel document, or advance parole). Applications will be in this step from the time the order to produce the card/document is given until the card/document is produced and mailed to the applicant. You can expect to receive your card/document within 30 days of the approval of your application.

If you do not receive your document, please contact our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283.

Yipee! I hope it arrives before we leave for Canada. If not, we have to go to our local office for a stamp in his passport.

Woo Hoo!!! I was just about to reply to your last post to tell you I used my AP in September and I had no issues. I had to go into secondary, but was only there for about 10 mins.....there were no issues. BUT now you won't have to worry about that!!

Hopefully Kimbear and I will get the same e-mail soon.....but I am not gonna hold my breath!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-02 12:11:00

OMFG i hate uscis.

so i had a touch today on my aos...guess what? CSC just transfered it back to the local office..omg almost 7 months of no effing activity nothing and they send it back!! now how long do i have to bloody wait??? And it still says initial review../cry

i think they should just hire monkies..seriously ...monkies would be faster and are probably a hell of alot smarter than the slackjawed dumba$$es they apprently have working there...

Mine was transfered back to "a USCIS office" (it didn't specify local office) at the beginning of Nov, and I still haven't heard anything. I think our cases are sitting under the leg of someones desk to keep it from wobbling!!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-12-01 21:59:00

well since the family decided xmas is at our hourse...i dont think we'll be going anywhere. tree trimming, decorations clenaing cooking baking..then hopefully just

I think we will be doing Christmas dinner at our place too. With the new baby, we won't be up for much travelling. Si's family all live pretty close to us, but none of them can really afford or have the space to put on a christmas dinner. My parents are going to be here to meet/help with the baby, so I am sure my Mom will be more than happy to make dinner!! Hubby mentioned something about wanting to rent a cabin up in the Smokies for a couple of days again, but I am not sure I will be up to that with a ~1 week old baby!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-23 09:50:00

Congrats on the GC!

So today i called uscis, and they confirmed i am definately outside processing dates. they did a service request and sent it to CSC and CSC has 30 days to update my case. if i dont here anything im to call uscis back. same old same old.

so just out of curiosity, how does it work if you want to travel within the usa? like i'm in chicago and we wanna visit davids family in Florida and i have my newfound family in i just use my normal canadian passport if we go by plane ? what other stuff would i use? or bring ?

You can use your passport or if you have been able to get a drivers licence you should be able to use that as well....I think you just need photo ID. I always use my passport since it seems a little more "official" than my DL. And my DL is only temporary, so I don't want any sort of hassle with that. And if you ever run into any sort of issues while you are away from home, you have your passport to go to a consulate with.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-19 18:51:00

Thatnks for all the DL feedback, everyone. I'll just have to wait and see what the DMV says when I go in with my husband when he renews his. :)

Anyways, got the email this morning! GC production ordered!

Congrats!! I wish my file could find its way into the pile yours was!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-12 16:20:00

It's awesome to hear that a few people that applied for AOS at roundabout the same time I did are getting their GC's. Hope mine comes soon. :(

Anyways, my husband and I are thinking about going and getting me a driver's license just so I have a piece of state ID, but he's worried that I'll have to do the whole deal - written exam and a driving exam.

For those that have theirs already, what process did you have to go through? *I know this will vary from state to state, I'm just curious. :)

In Tennessee I needed to show 2 proofs of residency (name on a lease, bills etc), and I needed a drivers abstract (that was less than 30 days old) from my former porvince. I needed my passport as form of ID and my SSN. I originally went in as soon as I had my SSN and got a temp licence valid for the duration of my I-94. Once I had my EAD I went in and had it renewed for the validity of my EAD (~ 1yr). I had to do a little vision test, but no written or driving test. It really varies a lot from state to state, so your best bet is to head down to the DMV and find out for sure. Here is a link to the Iowa DMV website and a section on Foreign Nationals....there should be some info there as well DMV

Good Luck
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-09 17:51:00
I got an update on my AOS today, just saying that it has been transfered to a USCIS office, so I am not sure what that means. I think that usually if you are going to have an interview they will specify that the case has been transfered to a specific office. And since an interview was supposed to be waived due to me no longer being able to travel (and the fact having a baby is pretty solid evidence of a bona fide marriage!!) I have no clue why it would be transfered.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-11-02 15:44:00

aww **...that sucks...i cannot believe how much wasted time this takes just to get a freaking RFE..what the hell is wrong with these ppl? RFE should be done within the first month of them getting our packet. Jerkoffs...

i hope it's not for the medical. although i did the same as you , just send a copy of the vaccination record and quoted their own dumb website stating i did not need a new medical..GRRRR can't even train their own employees better. ya know any other company in the world would not get buy with this shoddy setup. /sigh

I did pretty much the same thing, except I was never given a copy of the DS3025, so I had to contact the Dr's office to find out if it was included in the package they prepared, and I was told it was. I just sent in the same quote about not needing vaccinations transcribed. I hope I don't get an RFE for it since none of the CS's around here will just transcribe the vaccinations....they all want to do another full medical. *fingers crossed*

I also would have hoped that in 5 months they could have at least gone through the packages to ensure everything that was required was included. I am not so worried about needing my greencard, Ihave my EAD and my mat leave has started, so that has taken a HUGE stress off financially, but the clock for naturalization starts ticking from the time the CG was issued, so it makes a difference for that :(
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-29 09:28:00

Still nothing. I'm beginning to think they lost my packet. I don't see how they could have lost it. I went to great lengths to make our packet personalized and stand out.

Posted Image

You are only a few days ahead of me and Kimbear, and we are still waiting as well.....we all must be in the same pile in the corner somewhere!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-26 18:39:00

Congrats Colleens for your EAD and Congrats Slider100 for your GC!!

I went to the Dallas ASC today. I told the guard i have been waiting for more than 90 days for my Biometrics appointment letter, she asked for my AOS and EAD first notice of action, she went into the manager's office... and she came back with an appointment letter!! Woohooo!!! :dance: She said they're gonna send me one by mail, but if i don't receive it, i can use the one i have in hand right now at the appointment and i'll be alright! So the appointment is november 17th, i wonder if i should attempt a walk-in.. i'll think about it. I still have a month before the appointment, but at least now i have the letter. I feel so much better! It's been 3 months since my NOA1...

I bet that your EAD is already approved as well and just waiting for your biometrics to be put on your card like mine was. If you are close to the office, I would give it a try. The worst they can say is no, and you come back in a few weeks.
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-20 19:23:00



Card/ Document Production

On October 18, 2010, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

I have been waiting for this day since forever!!!!

I hope that my good friends Kimbear and Colleens get their I-485's approved too!

KnR aka slider100

Congrats!!! I hope mine and Kimbear's are in the same pile and get approved soon!! I am not holding my breath tho, since my case sat for 4 months waiting on my biometrics :angry:
ColleensFemaleCanada2010-10-19 15:57:00
CanadaCanadian Thanksgiving...Relatives coming over to the USA...
QUOTE (Ant+D+A @ Oct 11 2009, 06:21 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Everyone,

Thanksgiving is coming up! Gobble gobble! So, what are your plans and traditions for this special day? Are you going to have turkey this year? For me, I'm probably going to have two thanksgivings this year, as we celebrate both the Canadian and American thanksgivings. They are both the same really, for us it is celebrated big meals of turkey and other delicious foods, and reflecting on what we are thankful for. The only difference: one is celebrated in the fall-like weather in October with the Canadian relatives, and the other in the winter-like weather in November with the American relatives. Do you like celebrating Thanksgiving in October, or in November, or it doesn't matter to you at all? What are the things you are thankful for during this time of the year?

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all you Canadian Vjers too! May you enjoy this holiday with your family, friends, and loved

As for my Canadian Thanksgiving (lol..which I'm still trying to convince my USC husband that it is Thanksgiving in October), this year, since I can't make a trip over to Canada with my newborn baby as of yet (he's too young for international travel or any long distnace travel), it looks like I'll be celebrating that here in the USA instead...Yup, I'm hosting Canadian Thanksgiving dinner for my Canadian relatives here in the USA.......yikes... blink.gif

I already got the turkey (a small one 3lb't want a turkey bigger than the 10lb baby...), stuffing, potoes, gravy, veggies. Will shop for rolls, dessert, and other food items later this week....

So else what should I do and/or shop for, or ask them to bring over? Any suggestions on how to make them feel more welcomed into the area (it's their first visit here)? What should I tell my Canadian visitors about visiting and bringing stuff over the border (they are travelling by greyhound/bus)? Are there any rules and/or restrictions for what to bring over (is there a website I can find this info, as I can't find such)?

As well, any tips as to how to make this celebration go as smooth as possible, with baby and all?
I want this to be a thankful celebration, not the next family feud! Lol..helpsmilie.gif

Any other thoughts, ideas, suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help, and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone! ....halloween.gif


How many people are you expecting? A rule of thumb is to allow for 1.5lbs of turkey per person, so I 3lb turkey won't get you far....not even sure if you can find a 3lb turkey!! You have to remember that the bones of the turkey take up some of the weight and that it will "shrink" a little while it cooks. Good luck for a great dinner, and Happy Thanksgiving!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-12 12:05:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
QUOTE (Malrothien @ Oct 13 2009, 08:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Colleens @ Oct 13 2009, 04:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It is so disheartening to have your NOA2 and your package gone through NVC, then realize that you are going to have to wait approx another 6 months. Especially when many other countries will be with thier SO's in a little over a month.

Are the consulates seperate from the Embassy? Would there be any benefit in also sending letters to the US ambassador?


Consulate = embassy.

I was thinking that because the Embassy was home to the ambassador it may be a little higher up on the food chain!!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-13 19:41:00
CanadaMontreal taking so long
It is so disheartening to have your NOA2 and your package gone through NVC, then realize that you are going to have to wait approx another 6 months. Especially when many other countries will be with thier SO's in a little over a month.

Are the consulates seperate from the Embassy? Would there be any benefit in also sending letters to the US ambassador?

ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-13 18:34:00
CanadaCanadian Passport rant
QUOTE (Kittyfang @ Oct 19 2009, 12:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ranting33va.gif I'm trying to get my passport (first ever, not a renewal) and passport Canada is being a b****. I've looked up how Americans get a passport and their form is simple! Freaking Canada requires that I find a guarantor! The US doesn't even require that!

Oh, but just to make even MORE sense... If you're a Canadian abroad, you can use the mayor of any city as a guarantor (as long as he's known you for two years)... "Oh great, I'll ask our mayor, he's the one who married us!"... That'll work, right?... NOPE! That's for abroad! Canadians in the US get a special form THAT IS EXACTLY like the one for Canadians abroad, accept for the fact that MAYORS can't act as guarantor...


And that's when I had a psychotic episode, your honor.

/rant off

Thank you for listening... rose.gif

You could send your photos to a friend or family member back home and have them sign them for you. As long as they are a Canadian Citizen, are over 16 and have a passport....they can do it for you. It will take a couple of days to mail them back and forth, but it is doable!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-19 11:50:00
CanadaMy letter to Lee McClenny
What about adding a few suggestions into possible solutions for the problem into the letter. Somthing such as allowing people waiting for K1 visa the option to interveiw in Vancouver. This could be sent out in the packet 3 info. I am fairly certain that a lot of people would glady head to Vancouver if that meant a faster interview. I know it would slow Van up a little, but at least the 2 consulates would be a little more even in the timelines. And moving K1 Visa to Van would free up interview space for the CR1's. I am sure there would be other small things like this that would be relatively easy to initiate and help!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-15 09:25:00
CanadaAll You Need To Know for Your Interview *CHEER*
QUOTE (Rhiann @ Oct 20 2009, 10:47 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Peachey @ Oct 20 2009, 10:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Yeah, you don't get to pick your hotel.

Tsk, that sucks.
I wonder if I can find something as cheap on another website... or at least hopefully get something decent picked for me.

Sometimes you can get a decent deal on expedia as well...generally better than if you contacted the hotel directly or thru their website. And you get to book the hotel you want. The only thing is sometimes you have to pay for it right then and there with your credit card, so you can't cancel if something changes. Also with some hotels you can use your frequent flyer miles....since I assume some of you will have collected some of these you may be able to get a free room!!
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-21 14:29:00
CanadaThings you do with your spouse / S.O. while apart
I have a decent long distance phone plan through Rogers....I pay $20 a month and it gives me unlimited long distance to Can and the US, but neither of us is much of a phone person either. We usually chat on yahoo. Sometimes we play pool or the other games on there. He recently ordered the NHL package on-line so he can watch hockey games with me, which is so sweet since he is not really a hockey fan, but he is trying!!! We will look at the movie listings and find one that is playing at similar times and go to the movies, then come back and talk about it. We are actually pretty lucky since we do get to see each other at least once a month. And now that we are getting closer to getting in interview *fingers crossed* we have started with some wedding plans. We both want to have only one wedding with family and close friends (not a quick legal wedding with the 2 of us to start AOS then a ceremony at a later date), so there is a fair bit that we need to get organized!! We do talk pretty much every day except when he is out in the field on his 24+hr shifts a couple times a week. I use that time to get all my cleaning/errands/laundry etc done, so we have uninterrupted time together when he is home
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-29 14:37:00
CanadaMy Cat
If you can't find the feliway at petsmart, I am pretty certain that is it something that the vet can order for you. It will probably be a bit more $$ than buying it a a pet store, but may be cheaper than ordering on-line and paying for shipping. Call your vet and ask, they should be able to give you a price for it.
ColleensFemaleCanada2009-10-28 14:42:00