CanadaK1-NOA2- NVC: Call or Wait for notice (Vancouver)
K1 beneficiary in VANCOUVER overloaded with information from all over the world...

NOA2: Received 10-May-2012 CONSULATE: Vancouver

Question: Wait for NVC notice or call?

Answer: Wait or Call (Please explain why that's your answer)

*My fiance, the USC, is unable to make any calls do to his job. *

Before you answer, understand that I DO search this site (every forum, portal, etc...) before I post, but sometimes I just can't find the answers I'm looking for.

Hoping to hear from K1-CANADIANS in Vancouver. People in the exact same boat. Don't be offended if this isn't you, and I do appreciate all that share. It can be a little overwhelming when information is filtered in from all over the world, and you just want to hear from people that have been there done that. Walked in your shoes.

I've messaged a few "peeps" regarding this questions. Now I'm putting it out there for the rest.

Be gentle. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't bother replying.

Cheers & Happy Journeys
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-05-21 13:49:00
Canadaafter NOA2

Hi There
I have everything ready go, forms filled out all vaccinations done , police certificate done. Just was wanting to know what we can get done as soon as we have our case number. I have read the guide but was looking for the little details not listed as to when and what we can do.
Hope this one goes along without a hitch of the infamous
keep in touch with your progress.

Hi Terri...

Today my fiance, the USC, received a letter from the NVC & I received a letter from the US Consulate in Vancouver.

Coincidence we got letters on the same day? In any case, I'm happy we both got them.

My letter from the VANCOUVER Consulate, instructed me to download packet 3.... VANCOUVER: Packet 3 (2012-June-07)
It's basically the same as what I downloaded months ago, HOWEVER there are *changes.
(Better to go with whatever site they tell you, because things change & they're in charge).

*Photographs: Three (3) ..... previously was five (5)

*Medical Examination and Visa Interview: Due to the changes in Department of Homeland Security procedures, the medical exam should be completed on a date close to the actual visa appointment in Vancouver. Details on how to schedule a medical examination and a visa interview will be provided to you as soon as we receive notification that you have collected all of the required documents.

The above are the only real changes I saw. So really, I don't think there is much you can do before you get your NOA2.

Hope this was helpful.

Enjoy your sweetie.
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-07 19:48:00
Canadaafter NOA2
Posted Image If you haven't already had a look at the K1-Guide-VANCOUVER, it ROCKS and is very helpful.


CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-05 16:09:00
Canadaafter NOA2

Hi There Fellow Canadians

As you can see by my timeline we have an NOA1 date of February 24 2012. I will be interviewing in Vancouver.
Here is where my confusion sits.
I am currently visiting my fiance for the summer. I have until Aug 27 when my 6 months across the border is used up.
We want to be able to do most of the steps from here and hopefully go back for the interview and medical together.
Anyways I know the steps after the NOA2 but when we get our new case number what exactly can I get done with just having that number?
How do I know when the Consulate has our file?
Can I book medical or interview? I know I have to fax info to consulate but do I have to wait for them to contact me? How do I request all my packets by email only? All my mail is being held until I return. I have my forms and everything ready to fax and my account is set up to book interview.
What I would appreciate is someone giving me the detailed steps and when and how I can start things going.
Thank you very much.

Hi Terri,

Lucky you spending the summer with your honey. I sent you a PM response.

But for others that might read this, that are waiting the LONG wait between NOA1 & NOA2 (hopefully no RFE) you're waiting.
I will be doing my interview in Vancouver as well, and while waiting in between NOA's, I looked at packet 3. Did what I could do, and did what I needed to get done. (photos, renew passport, send away for LONG Birth certificate...etc...etc...)

Print off the packet 3 'check-list', and start checking things off.

Enjoy your time with your honey.

Happy Journey!
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-05 16:05:00
CanadaVancouver Coastal Heath: vaccine for Tenus/Tdap FREE for some...

Appointment for 'shot' was at London Drugs, on Cambie & Broadway in Vancouver.

Scheduled for 2 pm, I filled out the standard 2 page form.

--- your info,
---name & number of your doctor,
---Personal Health Number (aka MSP# / Medial Service Plan card # )
--- many simple yes & no questions.

*one question, was 'have you had vaccinations in the past 30 days*

If that applies to you.... best ask about it. I'm guessing you might have to wait to get it.
Just a guess...

The tech helping me asked casually, 'How did you hear about getting the shot?'
My reply, 'Online... Vancouver Coastal Health'.

Anyway, after I did the form, I had to wait because they were really busy, plus tech that was going to give me the 'shot', had to tidy up the 'shot-room'. I waiting for 10 minutes, then met the tech in the 'shot-room'. He read over what I was getting... and a bunch of other stuff that they legally have to read you. I got my shot and that was it. I had to hang around, and check back in with them in 15 minutes, just to make sure I didn't have a reaction (legal thing), but that was it.

In my case, I was eligible to get the 'shot' for FREE because of my occupation. The tech never asked me at anytime what I did, never asked for proof of my occupation. So, who knows? Maybe other people can get it for free, if they can find a way to be eligible.

*Read the links I've listed in the original post for details*

AND if you are eligible, DON'T wait! Get it FREE now.
Who knows how long this offer is going to last.
(For the medical, you have to have had it within 2 years).

That's all for now...

*Medical booked for July 11th & Visa Interview July 20th*

"The Journey continues...."Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-18 20:54:00
CanadaVancouver Coastal Heath: vaccine for Tenus/Tdap FREE for some...
Oops *my bad for spelling TETANUS incorrectly a few times*Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-18 20:26:00
CanadaVancouver Coastal Heath: vaccine for Tenus/Tdap FREE for some...

That's great that you're eligible for the shot. If you get it now, you'll be current enough for your medical in the fall.
It has to have been done within the past 2 years. I'd say get it now while it's free. Plus it's one less thing for you to do later.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-18 20:02:00
CanadaVancouver Coastal Heath: vaccine for Tenus/Tdap FREE for some...
*Monday June 18th, 2012*: Vancouver and Lower Mainland

Free TETANUS Tdap shot (ADACEL) vaccine for those eligible available through family doctors' offices, VCH puplic health clinics and some pharmacies. (ADACEL or BOOSTERIX)

See link for more details Vancouver Coastal Health

**THIS vaccine IS required for your medical if you are 10-64 years old, and it HAS to be current!
See link for more details WoKing Medical Vancouver: Required Vaccines

*I'm eligible, as I work in healthcare & directly with children.*

I looked at the Vancouver Coastal Health website, found the closest pharmacy to me, called them regarding the FREE vaccine for 'whooping cough', mentioned that I work in HealthCare & made an appointment for this afternoon.

(FYI: They didn't ask me any detailed questions about my work, or to bring proof... I'll report back on how that goes)

The pharmacist at 'London Drugs' will give me the shot right on the spot for free, due to the recent outbreak of the 'whooping cough'. (see Vancouver Coastal Health link above for more details on that).

*If your eligible, call ahead to see if they have the vaccine in stock.*

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-18 14:02:00
CanadaCase Number, no letter. Now what? (VANCOUVER)

Congratulations! You're well on your way to American soil!

My petition is still with USCIS since April 30th and finally (June 11) "in transit" to National Records Center before it'll go to NVC. Just called NVC and they STILL don't have the petition, said it should have arrived within 15 business days! Sigh pie! Another waiting game, this is unreal!


Hang in there.

If phone calls aren't getting you anywhere, send an email to the NVC & perhaps the consulate/embassy where you're interview is going to happen.
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-22 13:07:00
CanadaCase Number, no letter. Now what? (VANCOUVER)

I think I have read somewhere you can email the Embassy in Vancouver and ask them to email you P3?(Someone correct me if I am wrong)!

Thanks, not worried about it now.... we BOTH got letters today ....Moving on to 'Packet 3' process

Petitioner received letter from NVC today (June 7)


Beneficiary received letter from US Consulate (Vancouver) today (June 7)

*... I already had P3 info printed off. I just didn't want to fax anything off or do the online forms until I got my letter from the Consulate. *

And now... we're moving on....


Edited by CANbirdUSman, 07 June 2012 - 06:38 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-07 18:35:00
CanadaCase Number, no letter. Now what? (VANCOUVER)

I was asking this same thing yesterday but received no replies. A little disappointing but we will find our way. I still don't have an NOA2 so still time to prepare. BUT when you get some answers would you send me the info?
would really appreciate it.

I sent you a PM, and I will let you know.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-05 13:28:00
CanadaCase Number, no letter. Now what? (VANCOUVER)
Hello from Beneficiary in Vancouver CANADA.

NVC (National Visa Center) gave me my case number over the phone. What can I do with it?
They advised me that my petition was sent to the consulate in Vancouver, Friday May 31st.

Any suggestions? Besides the obvious; wait for the letterPosted Image

If you've dealt with the US Consulate in Vancouver, I'd LOVE to hear from you peeps.


Posted Image

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 05 June 2012 - 12:49 AM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-05 00:47:00
CanadaVancouver Interviews
Yes, we do have awesome sushi here. Posted Image

Medical & Consulate are both downtown, within 15 mins 'walking' distance of each other.

see map-----> WoKing Medical to Us Consulate Vancouver

(A) WoKing Medical Services: 250-1144 Burrard Street
(B) U.S. Consulate General Vancouver: 1075 West Pender Street

*Vancouver, Canada*

From the airport, you can take the 'Skytrain' anywhere. MUCH cheaper than a cab. And you use the same transfer to ride the bus!
Vancouver's public transit system, 'TransLink' is pretty good.

Wherever you decide to stay, is a personal choice. That goes for sushi too.Posted Image

Best wishes & Happy Journey
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-23 10:59:00
CanadaVancouver Interviews
Hello to all who are interviewing in Vancouver.

Medial July 11th

Interview July 20th.

I actually live in Vancouver, (over 17 years), so if anyone has any questions about the area, feel free to ask.

Cheers and good luck to everyone!

-ps- Looks like we might actually get some nice weather this week!

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 19 June 2012 - 11:43 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-06-19 23:41:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical
Zentaco: BP is fine. Saw my regular GP today, got it checked again and the reading was 'text book'.

Duke&Duchess: Absolutely will let you know how the interview goes. Glad my honey will be here for it.

Cheers ladies!
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-12 11:18:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical
Additional Notes from last posting:

Picked up my results @ 1:30 pm. ( Broke my 'flip-flop' on route. Fixed it 'McGyver' style with electrical tape) Posted Image

Apparently I have high-blood pressure. Bob (aka Dr. R. Puddicombe) wanted to talk to me about it, but I had left.

Funny thing, as the doctor was taking my reading, I was going to mention, 'It might be high... I just finished a coffee'.
Interesting that he didn't mention anything WHILE he took the reading... anyway... nice guy.

Hopefully it's a one time thing... (blood-pressure readings are usually HIGHER in the morning. Add caffeine & a little nerves...)
I've got an appointment with my regular GP tomorrow.

Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-11 17:03:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical
Hello again...

Just thought I'd comment on my examination experience at Woking Medical : Easy, Fast & Friendly.
(Have to go back to pick-up results later of course).

*Only special note is for the Ladies: Know your 'cycle'. mm/dd/YYYY ( Glad I always keep track! )

No other details to add. I'd be repeating what's already been written by others.

Side note:
Since I was already downtown, I decided to swing by the US Consulate, see exactly where it is.
(Interview next week, Friday July 20th).

It was 10:15 am, so many people lined up outside. Reminded me of security at the airport, but ..outside.
Fingers crossed this nice weather holds up for next week!

Cheers & Happy Journeys!
Posted Image

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 11 July 2012 - 01:55 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-11 13:50:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical

... what?

I had to have a new one done and had to pay $280 for it. USCIS acknowledged that I'd had my vaccinations (I'd sent them proof when I filed for AOS) but they had absolutely no record of me having a medical exam back in Canada. I called Montreal to see if I could get another copy, but I was coming close to my year mark after the medical and they wanted to charge me over $100 to mail it. I said forget it and paid for another and sent off the results.

It's very irritating to pay for someone else's inability to do their job, so I highly suggest covering your butt and getting an extra copy! :lol:

I agree with your 'What' comment... lol... what's up with that ? Someone was board or in the wrong forum EH?Posted Image

Posted Image

I agree. Absolutely going to cover my butt, and thanks for sharing what happened.

BIG thanks to Terri ( long last ) for bringing this information to light.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-10 17:52:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical

As someone who went through the ordeal of having their medical lost by USCIS, I only wish this option had been available to me. Well worth it, in my opinion.

Thank you for sharing. I'm definitely getting a copy. These responses have been very helpful.

Off to the bank today to get that $50 bank draft. Then tomorrow, off to my medical.

So, do you mind me asking, what happened with the USCIS losing your medical?
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-10 11:06:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical

I had posted about this and someone sent me a message that they were one of the unfortunate ones who had their envelope lost so they wished they had done it. I know I will be doing it for a fact...
How long did it take for the consulate and interview stuff?

Hi Terri,

Your original post about this information was very helpful. I think I will get a copy too. Piece of mind Posted Image

My medical is this Wednesday July 11th & consulate interview is Friday July 20th. (I'll let you know how it all goes)

Thank you Terri & thank you everyone else for the additional feedback.

Cheers & Happy Journey

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 10 July 2012 - 12:59 AM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-10 00:55:00
CanadaVANCOUVER WoKing Medial: Extra copy of Medical
HELLO to my fellow Canadians from the 'currently' sunny Vancouver!! Posted Image

*I am a Canadian-K1-Beneficiary* (just so ya'll know that eh)

My medical in Vancouver, at 'WoKing Medical' is this week. I've already got my bank draft and all the other stuff ready.

I know you can pay an extra $50 for a copy of your 'sealed envelope' for your AOS. Is this advisable to do? Has anyone actually done it, and used that 'copy' for their AOS?

Insert from Vancouver Consulate info...( which also included "WoKing Medical" info..)
*If you would like and extra copy of your sealed envelope just in case yours gets lost within the immigration system, you can bring an extra passport photo and $50.00. this is only if you want it for AOS which you tell them at the start of the medical*.

Looking forward to advice from CANADIANS ... and anyone who went through 'WoKing Medical', in Vancouver.

Posted Image

Thank you & Happy Journeys!
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-09 17:51:00
CanadaLots of questions for Vancouver interview
I'm sure 1 for the total amount is fine. (You'll save a few bucks too. There's a charge for each draft you do). @ TD

I did 2 separate (just did it that way....)

When I went to pay they said, "Oh... you've got 2..?." In my mind that translates to, "Hey, you could've paid all in 1 ..." Posted Image

As long as you have the right amount it's all good.

*I wonder why they don't advertise on their site that you can get an additional copy for $50?*

ANYWAY..... Good luck!!!!
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-21 11:41:00
CanadaLots of questions for Vancouver interview
Approved: See consulate review for details.

Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-20 18:16:00
CanadaLots of questions for Vancouver interview
Hello benoi027,

I have my interview tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

*Re: Woking Medical: $50 (bank draft or money order) to issue another copy for AOS (adjustment of status).
After you've filled in their forms & hand them back, let them know you'd like a copy of the medical for your 'Adjustment of Status', ...*

Piece of mind....

Cheers & Happy Journeys!Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-19 12:11:00
CanadaVANcity: K1-interview @ US Con. Fri. July 20th, Anyone?
Thanks Terri ...

For full interview details, see link for review INTERVIEW by CANbirdUSman @ Vancouver U.S. Consulate

Posted Image
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-22 15:24:00
CanadaVANcity: K1-interview @ US Con. Fri. July 20th, Anyone?
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-20 18:19:00
CanadaVANcity: K1-interview @ US Con. Fri. July 20th, Anyone?

I'm sure it will be good luck (its my Birthday :D )

Posted Image

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 13 July 2012 - 08:34 AM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-13 08:30:00
CanadaVANcity: K1-interview @ US Con. Fri. July 20th, Anyone?
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-13 08:27:00
CanadaVANcity: K1-interview @ US Con. Fri. July 20th, Anyone?
VANcity: Upcoming K1-VISA Interview @ US Consulate FRIDAY JULY 20th, 2012

Anyone else have their interview in VANCOUVER on this day? (Friday July 20th, 2012)
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-12 12:21:00
CanadaWho to ask?
This posting by 'dukeandduchess' may be helpful.

Medical Insurance

Thanks D&D

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-24 14:06:00
CanadaWho to ask?

So glad you're asking about taxes.... dreading them for this year. I'm definitely going to using an account.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-23 10:17:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?

Jealous!! :P

From Welland, ON to Colorado Springs, CO for me.

WELLY! I grew up in Welland Posted Image Currently reside in VANCOUVER, BC.
Final destination, HAWAII.

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 09 May 2012 - 08:47 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:42:00
CanadaAny VJers from South Western Ontario?

Husband (Canadian), Me (American) living in Port Colborne going to California, whenever I get it all figured out and start sending in the paper work that is!!

I was born in Port Colborne! Posted Image(grew up in Welland) Now live in VANCOUVER BC

My fiance was born in California (Torrance). Our destination is Hawaii.

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 09 May 2012 - 08:45 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-05-09 20:40:00
CanadaWoking Medical is CLOSING
So sorry to all that have to go to Surrey. At least the cost of the examination makes up for it. ($350 at Woking to $275).

*Difference of $75 ... geez ... *

I'd email or call the new place about getting an extra copy, to find out that price.

Good luck... all
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-07-30 17:24:00
CanadaEmployment Insurance
So in the grand scheme of things, is it worth it to apply for EI ?

I'll be making my move to the U.S. November 1st. MAUI wedding Nov. 16th

... (last day of work October 17th)

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 11 October 2012 - 03:40 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-11 15:40:00
CanadaPOE information please


I have no information for you but would love to know too. My finace is hoping to POE thru YVR at the beginning of Dec....if all goes well with the interview.

November 1st: YVR will be my POE

Let you know how that goes....

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-22 14:58:00
CanadaVenting about EI (2012)

Info here:

Just the piece of information I needed. At the rate I've been working over the last 52 weeks, I don't think I've accumulated enough hours.

Thank you kindly for opening my eyes.
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-22 18:45:00
CanadaVenting about EI (2012)
YES another thread about EI.

I've gone on EI before and understand how it works.

At this point I'd be starting a new claim, requested ROE from 4 different employers, that I've had over the past 52 weeks(1 year).

I work part-time, casual, temp. Once a week mostly. Once a month I might work more than 2 days in a week, maybe 3. The whole point being, that what I've contributed isn't really a lot. Seriously, I'd say $300 max. It's been a rough year, and there was a time when I didn't work at all due to a death in the family.

So, I need some vj advice. I know I paid into it, but really? Is a few hundred worth it? Has anyone just said 'Forget it'... ?

Edited by CANbirdUSman, 22 October 2012 - 06:16 PM.

CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-22 18:14:00
CanadaBC Driver License

Just FYI, when I moved to the US and I got my US drivers license. They returned it to Canada for me, and Canada issued me a refund. I would check and see if they still do this.

Interesting... will do.
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-22 17:44:00
CanadaBC Driver License
Just got my driver's license renewed, took 2 weeks. Had no idea that in BC, you can renew your license 6 months in advance!

Had I know that, I would have done it earlier. At least I have a valid license, as my departure date is approaching SOON!
CANbirdUSmanFemaleCanada2012-10-22 15:29:00