K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Congratulations AmazingLove! So glad to hear this, and I'm still praying for the rest of you as well.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-25 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Congratulations, justinandoksana!!!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-21 07:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Ohh I've always wanted to go to Breyerfest... :)

I've actually never been - even though it looks really cool.

Oh that's soo cool!! Never imagined that there was someone else here in Louisville that would apply for K1 :)
Hope to get approved soon like you !! haha

I hope all of you get approved soon, too. In all honesty I have been including each of you in my prayers for approvals soon.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-20 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Oh Tigerflower!! You lucky :) Seems to be pretty there! Kentucky for me right now. But I actually like the city (Louisville) So Im happy too :)

Wobbafut - you are coming to my city! Been in Louisville all my life.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-20 14:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Oh God! Thank you so much! I just got approved a minute ago! I can't believe it.. I'm still shaking right now..Finally after 6 months and 11 days of constantly checking the site the blue dot has finally moved to another place! Tigerflower yours will really be soon!!!

Congrats neobe!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-20 12:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Congrats CatSam!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-19 08:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
@ justinandoksana and islandgal - Thank you all so much! I hope your time is very soon!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-19 07:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Wow...congratulations to you. I'm happy for you. Hopefully to hear more of your report at NVC, and when your fiance apply for visa at embassy.

Yes, hope is all we have for now, maybe this week or next month....but at this time I feel like it's taking forever....

Thank you AmazingLove. I know that saying that I know how you feel seems very distant, but I was feeling exactly like you do now literally just a few hours ago. Keep the hope - you will be approved very soon. :)
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 21:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Wow congratulations! yea sounds about right. As long as you get the noa2 in the mail. Did you even receive the noa1 in the mail?

Yes, NOA1 did come in the mail - and I was surprised at how quickly I received it, too. We'll see how long it takes to receive the paper NOA2.
CONGRATS again! Enjoy!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 21:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Finally Approved!!! Odd thing is I didnt receive any emails or notifications but when i check the website its in Post-decision activity. Hopefully its for real and we receive our noa2 in the mail soon. Thank you Lord

Congratulations! I did not receive the email notice either. I also did not receive the email notice back in March for NOA1 even though I attached the G-1145 form to the top of my packet. Go figure.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

My fiance has a better said than me since he's a native speaker and has submitted the whole package, I only went through all the paperworks with him to see if we missed something, I almost forgot what we sent. He has no time to come on VJ since he is always busy with his PhD program, so I'm the only one who use our VJ account. When we filed the petition we did not know about VJ. We just discovered it later on.

Here I'm talking about passport stamps as proof of having met in person within the last two years prior to filing the petition. Just because I don't mention everything else as proof of having met in person doesn't mean that we did not include those (like photos of our engagment ceremony with the whole family and guests, photos from our trip together....). Though the instruction didn't mention exactly about passport stamps, but it did mention proof of having met in person within the last two years, and passport stamps is one evidence among other evidence to prove that the two have met in person in a certian place or country, so it is required.

I understand you, I don't even think that you were starting an argument with me, because we're all here to support one another and not to bring anyone down for this long waiting game sucks!

I want to quote part of what we read on VSC newsletter Volume 1, Issue 6, September 2011:

I-129 Petitions for the K Fiancé Classifications

As a part of USCIS’s efforts to establish consistency and standardization, the Vermont Service Center announces the
following changes to the adjudication of the I-129 K petitions:

- Validity dates on approvals will now be 4 months minus 1 day instead of the previous 90-day validity period.

- There has also been a change in the manner that the petitioner must demonstrate that the couple has met
within the last two years. Previously we would accept a statement from the petitioner that the couple had
met within the preceding 2 years. We will now be requiring evidence to demonstrate that the meeting has
occurred, such as passport stamps, dated photos, airline tickets, etc. A statement alone will not be acceptable
proof of meeting.

Ahh, I see what you're saying now! At first I thought you meant that passport scans were the required form of primary evidence (as opposed to anything else that could be considered as primary evidence), and it scared me since I didn't send passport scans (and thankfully I did end up being approved later today without those scans). I had never read the VSC newsletter before finding VJ, so I had not heard of using the stamps as evidence until I came here. It all worked out though.

Thank you for your response, AmazingLove. I hope that your approval is coming very soon!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 20:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

CONGRATULATIONS Starflyer! :thumbs:

Thank you neobe! I appreciate it. Don't lose hope - that blue dot at USCIS will soon change over to "post decision activity".
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Yay!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Thank you, Tigerflower! You are soooo close - hang in there!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Thank you so much, Vroum7 and Wobbafut!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I guess I will join the party tonight, too. I got home from work and my status at USCIS was changed to post decision activity for approval. I just got off the phone with my fiancee, as I wanted to let her know about it before posting here. Thanks for everyone's support. So many of you are literally only hours away from your approvals now. Stay strong - it is coming and I'm very excited to watch the rest of your approvals roll in!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Awesome! Happy for you, nargie!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 15:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
WOW! Congrats, M_&_R!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 15:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
You know how after staring at an image for so long you can still see it very clearly even after closing your eyes? Well the image that is burned into the back of my retinas that I still see when I close my eyes to sleep at night is a blue dot overtop the words "Initial Review". Hahaha.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 14:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I agree with you. I honestly think it depends on the person who is reviewing it, and their mood that day. They are so inconsistent, it must be that. We can only hope. And because this delay is so long, it makes all of us bonkers and rethink things and worry!

Absolutely! The longer the wait gets, the more I second-guess my packet. All I can really do is try to relax and be prepared to handle any potential RFE quickly.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

It is for petitioner, it is required on the I-129F instruction form to prove that they have met in person. If they have met in person somewhere other than the beneficiary's country, beneficiary need to also provide his/her copies of passport.

The thing is, it is never mentioned on the instructions of the I-129F as a requrement for proof of having met (In fact the instructions are very vague in this area). It is only listed as an alternate way of proving citizenship when no birth certificate is available. I understand why a lot of people do submit it as evidence of having met because the stamps are good primary evidence, but is it really required if one has submitted other great evidence?

I don't ask this to try to start an argument, I only ask because my fiancee and I have been discussing this a lot lately. When I mailed my I-129F packet I had not yet discovered VJ, so I did not know what others were submitting as evidence of having met in the past two years. So I submitted my boarding passes, photos of us together and photos of us with her friends & family. In one of those photos is both of us and a Philippine newspaper with a clear date of Feb 9th, 2012. Is that not irrefutable evidence? In my mind it is good evidence. When assembling my packet the thought of the passport stamps never crossed my mind since I had not found this site yet, and since I submitted the front & back of my my birth certificate as citizenship evidence.

Anyway, only time will tell if the adjudicator finds my boarding passes and photographs with newspaper to be compelling enough. In the meantime, after discovering this site I have since scanned in all pages of my passport and am prepared to send them if an RFE is issued. The thing that my fiancee and I have been discussing is that if it is an absolute requirement to have passport scans as evidence of having met, then the I-129F instructions should say so. It would cut down on a lot of RFEs from people that filled out packets on their own without the help of VJ.

Edited by Starflyer 59, 18 September 2012 - 11:39 AM.

Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-18 11:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Hey guys, just a warning to you to not be looking up case numbers on the USCIS site that don't belong to you, it's a federal offence, we had one of ya pop into our thread and post that they checked the number before their's and it was approved. When you go on that site you are agreeing to the rules that you will only use it for information that you are entitled to have, and you don't want to be breaking any federal privacy laws by accessing sensitive material from the government that you are not allowed to access.

I will no longer be dong this. I had not thought about it as a misuse of the system (I guess the reason it never occurred to me is because there is no personal information shown on the cases), but I do hear what you're saying and there is no reason for us to jeaopardize our cases. Thanks for pointing this out. :thumbs:
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-16 05:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

how did u do that?how did u get that receipt numbers with other members?

When you check your case status at the USCIS website you can change the last digits of the case number and it will display other people's cases. By doing this over and over hundreds of times you can find the numbers that correspond to all the I-129Fs in your general NOA1 date range. Doing it from scratch, you would have to weed through all of the other types of petitions, but fortunately, the hard part is already done! Nargie has compiled a list (that she posts in this thread regularly) which contains a lot of the I-129Fs at VSC for several days in March. By typing those numbers in periodically at the USCIS site, you can track where the movement is at any given time (i.e. what dates are getting the most attention).
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-14 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

The question is, will it be before the weekend?

Exactly! Hahaha. I sure hope so.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-13 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

done that... still on

Me too Anita, me too. The two cases below mine were issued RFEs - the case after mine was approved. Lots of movement though - it's very close.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-13 16:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I just ran the March 7th cases again over at the USCIS site - Five more March 7 approvals just this afternoon at VSC. Everyone check your numbers.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-13 13:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

are they done with March 7?????

No, they're not done. Out of the 65 March 7th cases I know of, 9 of them have been approved and 10 of them are in RFE.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-13 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Update for March 7th cases: So as I mentioned earlier there were 6 approvals of March 7th cases yesterday (9/12). Today (9/13) there have already been 7 RFEs issued. Seems odd to me that it can be all approvals one day and all RFEs the next. Anyway, the case just before mine got an RFE, and the case just after mine was approved yesterday. Getting nervous... (pleeeease no RFE) :innocent:
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-13 09:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

"Here's the nifty part. While seeing the same "Initial Review" appear on your screen (or hopefully Not!), you'll notice your case number is displayed in the upper right corner. It's not sound programming, as it is displayed in a text field, not just text. But because of the way it is displayed, you can click in the box and change the last digit (or two or three) to see other petitions status. It doesn't reveal anything personal about the other petitioner, but you can see the date and their status to compare against yours."

WOW..had no idea you could do that! I only checked the 10 around my number but found out that there was movement on all applications just 3 numbers ahead of mine! Of course, there is no rhyme or reason to how they do this but it makes it more exciting than nothing happening at all! lol Thank goodness there isn't a limit to how many times a day you can check that site. I swear I check at least every 2 hours.

Also, nargie has posted her awesome list of numbers in this thread. By viewing those numbers at USCIS you can jump right to the I-129Fs without having to look at all the other types of applications. She's done a great job putting that list together.

Edited by Starflyer 59, 12 September 2012 - 12:06 PM.

Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-12 12:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
I just checked all of the March 7th case numbers over at the USCIS site. SIX approvals just today! Wow! And one of them was the case # right after mine.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-12 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

Yes baby...6 months of waiting and not seeing each other is so hard. And I admit, if I really don't know what's going on...if we haven't known VJ, perhaps am crying here already day and night. But knowing that we're not alone in this journey just keep us stay composed. And I want to thank you also for your patience hon. Truly, our undying love just keep us encouraging each other to be patient. :)I always feel blessed to have you...a truly understanding person...the best man on earth. Always remember that my love for you gets stronger each day no matter what happen. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, my wonderful, beloved fiance! (L) (L) (L) Missing you soooooooo muchhhhhh!!! Mwahhhh!!!

Thank you for your sweet words, hon. I agree that if we hadn't discovered VJ we would be wondering what is going on right now. I'm very thankful for this community that helps keep us going. I love you and miss you so very much, too!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-08 07:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I know it's not much help, but have you checked the other numbers around yours?

None of mine have been touched, save one RFE back on Aug. 28th.

I check all of the March 7s on USCIS obsessively every day. Hahaha. There hasn't been any movement since the first time I began checking them a couple weeks ago. It still shows 4 in RFE and one approval out of 65 case numbers. :-(
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-07 12:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Today is our 6 month waiting anniversary.... :whistle: :clock:
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-07 11:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Wow! Congrats to heylimes and joy&nong! Glad that there are some approvals coming out!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-06 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

That is truly exciting honey! :):):) I love you dearly and I miss you soooooooooo much, already!!!

I love and miss you very much too, sweetie. We'll be together soon!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-06 07:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

I say chimp as I was venting to my two sons last night over dinner. I said I'll bet if someone went postal and slammed the door open on Vermont, all they would find is a chimp eating cupcakes, throwing papers and pushing buttons randomly. :rofl: Yes, I've lost it...

Bwaaahaahahahaha! This made my day! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-05 13:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
If it makes you feel any better, I've noticed a trend where there are very few VSC approvals showing up during the daytime hours and then people start getting home from work, checking email and coming here to update their timelines - and the bulk of approvals for each day seem to take place in the late evening and overnight hours. So don't be surprised to see several 09/05/2012 approvals later tonight/tomorrow morning. Of course this is just a passing observation - not a hardfast rule. Now, CSC on the other hand....I have no idea why they've started crawling.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-05 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...
Yes, I think VSC's list looks much better than CSC's at the moment. I can't complain at all - especially when you consider that Igor's list only includes members of this site. There could be a lot more approvals that we don't see on any given day. Even checking numbers at USCIS only unviels slightly more of the picture. I think there are still a ton of case numbers out there that we have not discovered. It's happening everyone, and our time is coming!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-05 07:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

we are a 26 march here...any estimate answer? :unsure:

Hi e.iorgu, if you fill in your timeline informaition Visa Journey will give you an estimated adjudication date. It is only an estimate and is based on the data that everyone on this webiste inputs, but it seems to be pretty accurate lately. If you want to see what it looks like, click on my "timeline" link (to the left) and scroll down to the bottom of the page where the bold dates are listed. Good luck to you!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-02 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...


No problem. I'm a march 7, too. Our day is coming - hang in there!
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-01 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMarch (2012) filers...

What does your list mean?

The cases highlighted in red are currently in RFE status - the ones in yellow are approved - the one in blue is nargie's case.
Starflyer 59MalePhilippines2012-09-01 15:22:00