Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!

This is a good point. A "standard" prenup is useless. It is very important that you use an attorney who is versed in International prenups. There is a special prenup required in these cases. I had a certified translation made of the prenup, and sent to her. She then needed to find her own lawyer locally who explained it in detail to her in Russian, and then the attorney signed the actual prenup, stating that it was explained and fully understood. This must take place BEFORE she comes to the US on her visa. Then in the US, we both sign before the notary. Without these steps, the pre-nup will most likely not hold up...

Not sure what standard, or special international prenup means. A certified translation, and a copy signed in both languages is always a good idea, as well as translators during each meeting regardless of fluency in English. The power of a prenup and the shelf life vary widely from state to state, but so long as both parties understood and agreed to all the provisions, you are good to go. Then the provisions of the document, facts and circumstances will govern what holds up and for how long. Generally speaking, the more punitive the prenup, and the longer the marriage lasted are the factors that weigh most heavily.

To my knowledge there is no state that requires a prenup or translation for an immigrant to be signed in the country of that immigrants origin (not saying it isn't true, just that I don't know), but arguably signatures, notarization, and witnesses that presumably cannot be examined at depth would be an easy way to blow up an agreement. I imagine the leverage comes in the form of an accusation that the immigrant was surprised by the prenup, and had to sign for the marraige to proceed or go back. That, and the argument that the translation was accurate, but the concept and consequences were so foriegn that the immigrant couldn't possibly have given any informed consent will be raised in any event.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 16:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!

BS! Brad. He is too young, thin and has too much hair. what does she see in him? :blink:

Nobody's perfect?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 07:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!
Nice pic! Vika and I think you look great together.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-15 10:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!

Posted Image

How the heck do you upload a photo???!!!

You almost have it. When you click insert image, the img indicators have to match. So in the above file, delete the [img] from each side, leaving only the [IMG]

Edited by Brad and Vika, 15 May 2010 - 08:15 AM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-15 08:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!

This all seems to be getting a little bit confusing... What exactly is my first step? :blink:

I did not propose to her as of yet. But we do want to get married. And I will absolutely not propose to her online! I will be returning to Ukraine soon. But to get the ball rolling, All I need from her is a signed Fiance' letter of intent? Or do I need the 129F, and the G325A?

Roy, of course you are right! The first step is to actually propose :lol: Doing that in person is the classy thing imo. I was told to have her sign the biographical info and the fiance' letter of intent. If you are getting one signature, might as well get both I think.

Here is an example letter of intent Fiance' letter

Also (and I know this will draw fire), I used a VIP service when I took Viktoriya's engagement ring to Ukraine. VIP service basically rushes you through passport control and customs - rush being a relative term in Ukraine. I did this because I was hassled in customs several times in Odessa, and one of the things they always asked about was jewelery and gifts. The tax on jelewery is HUGE, and the customs agents wanted a bribe. VIP is like paying a stiff bribe up front. Now others here will carry on about not using VIP, it isn't necessary, and Ukrainians don't wear engagement rings, etc. I thought it was important - and getting it through without a hassle was too. Since you will be going to Lvov, you may not get the same trouble as in Odessa. I would check with Lviv Lovers, he been there several times I think.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-15 05:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusMy First Visit To Ukraine!

I recommend staying out of the K-1 forum entirely. Russia has some Russia-specific stuff and you'll either be confused or (unintentionally) misled if you get advice in K-1. Sure, there are folks there who'll help, but you'll get more accurate help here and won't need to post questions like "Can I go with her to the interview?" (You can't.)

Sorry buddy - she is interviewing in Kiev. He can go along - I went right up to the window.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-14 19:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusU.S. denying all tourist visas

My MIL is coming from St. Petersburg to visit see our son that will be born in July. She already had a valid B2 visa since it was less than a year after the wedding. She applied before the old visa expired and was granted a renewal without an interview and with basically no questions asked beyond what was on the forms. I do know that it can be difficult for some, but I have had positive experiences with the process.

Thanks for this. Good to see some one actually winning the ####### shoot. Encouraging for us still at the planning stage.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 10:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusU.S. denying all tourist visas

Having a family member living in the US and willing to provide support for a tourist is a sure-fire way to get denied. The are afraid most tourists want to stay, kapiche? So if the tourist has family and a support member in the US, that's actually proof that they want to stay.

So what do you suggest that MIL or we say or do to get approval?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-13 19:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuys, don't forget May 9

I completely forgot about the egg/smoke bomb incident.
I think if politics had more pie/egg flinging I may pay attention to it more often. I mean if they're going to screw us with our own money, we ought to get something out of the deal.

Only if I could participate personally. I wonder if the guy in that Ukrainian clip was acting on his own, or if he was the parlaiment designated egg chucker.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-08 11:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuys, don't forget May 9

You can incite people to put someone on "ignore" and drive him off the forum and that's not an attack. But any reply to that provocative comment is. Another interesting moderator call.

But I don't own the site. It's all good. I'm a big boy.

Got it by reference. Thanks VV. ;)
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-08 08:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuys, don't forget May 9

Post containing personal attack has been removed

Who was attacked?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-08 05:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGuys, don't forget May 9

Wonder if they use rubber treads on all those tanks.
Otherwise it's going to be hell on the streets.
Maybe that's why the roads are so bad?

The city streets (at least the big ones) must be made for that. I noticed it in Minsk too. Also when I was in South Korea years ago. I remember wondering early on why the cars were so small, but the streets so wide? Then I saw a column of ATVs rolling towards the Z, and understood. The roads there were under constant repair though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-07 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Just decided to share with those who are doing this. My parents, grandmother, cousin and aunt applied for a tourist visa to come to our 1 year anniversary. All 5 of them got denied. I know this is not actually a surprise to anyone, maybe just discouraging.

I got denied the same visa two years ago when I wanted to go see my at that point boyfriend, now husband. At that point they at least looked at the documents that proved my ties to Ukraine, and just didn't consider them enough.

In my parents situation, I filled out their DS 160 applications online. At the consulate, they didn't take any documents proving their ties, the lady just told them the officer will take them if he requests so. Well, they were all interviewed together. Just asked questions from the application (the only thing listed there was employment). And said that they all five are potential immigrants.

All five of them had a lot of documents which I translated. My dad not only makes more than average, he receives special high retirement pension. They have an apartment, a car, both working. Money in the bank.

So maybe for those of you who do it in the future, try to list somewhere on the application other income if possible.

Good luck to those who will be applying for the b2.

Sorry for your troubles. I would guess that the problem was that so many family members applied at the same time. That must raise red flags all over the place.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 10:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Some people are such big meanies, aren't they Kathryn? :lol:

Laughing at our suddenly permissive mods? You are so reported, you meanie.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-23 19:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Shuddup, Beavis, hehe-he-he-hehe-huhuh-hehehe

OK - you're just running wild now. The odd occasion when one or more of us is allowed to do so.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-19 21:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

So much for "Mox's rants" chasing off the moderators.

Be happy that she/they aren't moderating the fartknocker who started it all :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-10 23:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

No, reading between the lines...understanding the subtext, dikweed.

You typically miss the point, but just make one up for laughs, azz-bag, as you did here. By the way, mox's screaming rants apparently are having the desired effect on moderation here in RUB. We haven't been locked or chastened at all yet.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-09 17:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

How much is Mox paying you? Kiss azz! :)

Missing the point much (again) f#cktard?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-08 22:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Heh. :) Feel free to use it. :)

Could be required in all signatures, but still wouldn't help :P
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-07 22:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

We've gone from high school levels to first year junior high. Congrats to Mox and his band of merry posters for some impressive and regressive work to lower the bar to a level similar to a limbo contest.

Every one is entitled to an opinion VV. mox has a band? DUUUUUUDE!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-05 19:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
Quiet! I'm hunting wabbits. :whistle:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-05 18:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

If I want a bouncing #######, I'll just ask him to hit the trampoline. (hey-yoooooooo!)

:no: And you accuse me of stirring.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-05 15:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies! time you talk to Charles, ask him for his bouncing ####### icon!

Nice. Send mox to do a real perv's business :no:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 23:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I only looked at breasts. I am no pervert, Brad!

Then you should have asked for a bouncing ####### icon. Charles has a good one.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 08:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I didnt want a vomit icon that really made me want to vomit!!!!! You can stop looking now.

In the other thread, you indicated that you like the infield at Churchill Downs during Derby Week. You do know that target puking is a requirement for entry out there, right?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-29 18:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!


I tried to find one with lifelike motion, or a scratch 'n' sniff, or something. Short notice and all.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-28 00:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
No this one!

Posted Image
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-27 06:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!


Oh my GOD! We SO need a vomit icon!

There are several. I would respond to Mapts icon with actual vomit-spewing stuff, but he wouldn't acknowledge it anyway :lol: Wait Gary, maybe YOU could resond - then maybe...

Until then I will leave you with this VJ recycled pic

Posted Image

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-05 23:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
So many babushki, so little time :clock:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-05 08:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
:no: tsk
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-03 16:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Good call! I always get those two mixed up. Because really... who cares?

Due to the magic of syndication, I too, at about 12-years-old was wishing Jeannie would head bob for me or Samantha would twitch something on my nose.

:lol: Right, er.... nose
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-03 08:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I'm a huge fan of the head bobbing! No wonder he dreamt of Jeannie!

When I was about twelve, either of them could have zapped us back to the island. Head bob, nose twitch, whatever ;)
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-02 21:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Jeannie could've just wiggled her nose and then poof! all three would still be there. No worries.

But for most of us back then, poof! back TO the island with Jeannie would have been the direction we wanted to go :lol:

Edited by Brad and Vika, 02 March 2010 - 07:54 AM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-02 07:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Will Gilligan ever get off the fuggin' island? The professor can make a radio from a coconut but can't build a fuggin' raft?

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-01 07:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
Will mox and Charles continue this Battle Royale? Will VV accuse the entire forum of being pro-Russian, communist, pinko, sycophants (again?), will slim tell every one to stfu and get off his gun and pie forum? Details at ten on Action Central News! :clock:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

The RUB forum is not like that nor has it ever been. However, if we keep this ####### up... it might become that way.

What, better than tv? No way!

Brad cared, he's the one that brought it up. Whine at him.

I prefer beer over whine
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 01:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Please keep that problem out of RUB.

No fun at all. You totally discount the entertainment... no wait
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-27 21:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Actually, this is pretty much what we try to do right now. The real problem comes, though, in deciding when the line has been crossed. What determines real attacks and baiting and what is playful? What is acceptable and what is over the line? Unfortunately, there isn't a one size fits all and what is perfectly acceptable for some is over-top for others.

Generally, if someone baits and the 'baitee' rises to the thread I will issue a warning. If they continue, both parties will share equally in any administrative action carried out. I have often suggested in private warnings that one 'ignores' any baiting or posts meant to incite a reaction of some sort and refer the posts and poster to the mod team. When this happens, things work well and there is a timely intervention with little collateral damage. Unfortunately, sometimes we don't hear about what is happening until long after the opening salvos have been fired - and return fire is rampant in both directions. It is always a balancing act trying to decide who is right/wrong, what the motivation is (intentional/accidental), the situation (emotionally hurting/psychologically stable) etc. trying to find the right action at the right time. As it is, even with this approach we often get tarred with the 'heavy-handed moderator' label and the forums fill with grumbling and complaints about bad moderation. Interestingly enough, we also get quite a number of thank yous from those who watched the train wreck happening.

OK here we go. Hopefully we are both trying to poke some fun at the issue. I get the sense that there is some friendly "you don't get it, we already do that". All this grumbling is membership trying to say that whatever policy already in place just isn't being applied with an even hand in every case. Clearly recently, we have had a situation where one party rightly gets suspended - but others don't. There have been others (I am not going to go through old/ closed threads to find them) where only the person reported gets suspended - Ewok just said so. All I am saying is that if all participants are given the same boot - and I mean all - then folks might think twice. That's it. Maybe that calls for an even heavier hand, but you won't have to go back and decide who is the real offender. Trying to be constructive, but sometimes people (mods and members both) hate any suggestion that there is something not working. Even Ewok agrees in this case - ask him.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-27 18:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Brad, I want to acknowledge your recent even-handed and good-natured posts. IMO, you've evolved into one of the more sensible and humorous posters and I enjoy reading your stuff. The graphics aren't bad either.

As to Mox versus the guess is Mox dislikes authority figures and, even greater, feels he is the true moderator and town sheriff. How dare anyone question his online behavior. And he has his posse of fellow posters to egg him on...many it seems from outside the actual RUB forum.

I appreciate the kind words VV, and in return give a nod to you for toning down the rhetoric (except with mox and mapt :whistle: ).

I suggested to Charles and I hope Ewok that a new policy be put in place that would greatly reduce our entertainment on vj. I think that when these flamefests get started, it is extremely tough for the moderators or Ewok to really get to who started what, as the first salvo could have been fired weeks/threads ago. To keep from a constant string of corrections and investigation, I suggest that all parties to these battles be given an equal timeout. Member or mod, any one who engages in any sort of "take that beyach!" posting be warned - then ALL participants get suspended even if they didn't start it. The message is - do not participate in personal baiting or attacks period. SO threads will not be shut down because a member or mod gets crazy, but the flamers pay the price for TOS violations.

Ewok may not like that idea because of the greatly reduced site traffic, but who knows?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-27 16:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

Just to clarify - Charles didn't need to tag me to step in - when I signed in for the day I just followed the trail of all of the reports back to RUB and made my own decision. :)

Thanks for the history, though.

Bam! Contact!

No trouble, and for the record, I intend no offence to any one. If mox thinks I got any more of it wrong, we will no doubt hear about it. Thanks for your just-the-facts-sir attitude here. Tempers seem hot enough. Not sure why though - this is the web after all :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-27 15:26:00