Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

First, I don't think that the second amendment was written as a deterrent to foreign invasion. If you read the works of the founding fathers, the intention was to keep the government in check by giving the populace the ability to overthrow the government.

In regards to who won WWII, I think you are a little off-base, Terry&Tigger. American schoolbooks don't claim that Americans won WWII in a vacuum but rather that the "Allies" won. The "Allies" include a great number of countries although the chief players were the "Big Three" (Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt who was replace by Truman representing The Soviet Union, The British Empire, and The United States). This is well taught in American history books.

My point earlier, thanks.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-08 14:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

thank you America for the guns during WWII. I am sorry your history schoolbooks tell you America won it, though, because it is BS I am not even going to further comment on.

I have never understood this, although over the years I hear it often from Eastern Europeans. I recall history books (at least in college) acknowledging that Allied forces could not have prevailed in Europe without the huge sacrifice of FSU lives - causing a tremendous drain of Nazi war resources.

If there is a gap in history for us, it is the Slavic holocaust. Millions of slavs in Eastern Europe were put to death in the same way as jews, although essentially to free up territory. There is an entire section of the War Memorial Museum in Minsk devoted to this - complete with pictures and nazi documents. There was no mention of this slaughter in our history books during the cold war - a profound lack of truth.

It remains to say that Soviet information control was much tighter. I remeber my ex-partners in Minsk telling me that they were taught in school that Americans were terrible people, who lived horrible lives. They were taught that things were SOO much better in the Soviet Union, that being kept in it by force was all for their own good. Then came the internet I guess.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-08 07:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Okay, I see I have definitely misphrased my question... Let me start by talking some about my own attitude to guns.

I HATE weapons. They kill. And I feel that allowing everyone to buy as many guns as they wish and keep tons of them in their homes is the most irresponsible thing a government could do. It's as if they were saying 'Hey guys, we admit we can not protect you, so go ahead try to do it yourselves', it makes people paranoid. It's what in the end leads to school kids shooting at their classmates etc. Wish you taught your kids guns are dangerous and BAD instead of making them available to everyone and teaching them to shoot. It would give the mankind some hope.

I was asking if any woman really appreciated shooting skills, meaning, do you guys believe women appreciate them so much as to put it onto your list of 'She loves me because...."?? I have read a lot of comments here, like, some FSU woman loves some American man BECAUSE he does not drink etc. FSU women do not love you BECAUSE of something, they love you REGARDLESS something. They love you IN SPITE of things, guys, so forget the lists.

I do not agree that being able to shoot determines how good a father, a husband, a boss you can be. That's too much. If it takes shooting skills to teach some people responsibility and develop their personality enough to be all those, oh well... the nation has serious problems.

I do understand that shooting skills, in ADULTS, are cool, if it's something treated as a sport. Being in charge, being focused and calm are cool, all right.
But I fail to understand it when a man keeps 15 pieces of weapon in his house. You wanna protect your family? Keep one. Okay, two, for each hand. WHY fifteen?? What kind of sport is that? It's paranoia.

OK, my two cents here (about guns). You are entitled to your opinion, and thanks for expressing it in an intelligent and non-offensive way. I disagree with you about the irresponsibillity of the government in ALLOWING us to have guns (saw that one coming right? :lol:) . The government is not allowing us a thing - the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is part of the foundation on which the government bases its legitimacy. The framers intended to allow the populace the ability to defend itself FROM the government - with guns.

And to coin a well-turned cliche', guns don't kill, etc. Personally, I have several handguns, but see absolutely no need to keep a basement full of AK-47s. I also DO NOT want the government telling me that I can't have a basement full if I want to.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-06 19:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Most certainly! Nothing says 'this guys got buttloads of self-esteem' like repeatedly trying to convince a bunch of people on the internet that your life's awesome.

Poiteen - no one without an Eastern European in their life would really get this.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-05 13:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

The Irish and the Darfur tribes do share a common bond...they both seem to enjoy blowing their fellow countrymen up.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-05 09:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I grew up 12 miles from the nearest paved road and lived on a tiny island in Lake Champlain when I met Alla, a full blown city girl of the first order. I have no trouble handling it. We did move from the tiny islad (which I offered to do before we got married but she wanted to "try it") No is Vermont, there ARE no big cities. In an hour we can be in downtown Montreal, see the opera, theatre, even ride a subway (yeee-haaaa)then come back home.

There is a certain satisfaction which I probably can't explain, to having a wife with 3 masters degrees that chooses to marry you. Great satisfaction in knowing there is a fully furnished. lighted. maintained and even internet, apartment in Donetsk she could go to but chooses to stay with me. There is confidence in knowing that your wife has enough cash in her desk drawer to buy tickets for her and the kids any time and enough cash to live several months in Ukraine...but leabes it in her desk when she goes for a visit, for a month, by herself...and leaves her children here with one of only two people in the world she would trust with the children.

What does it mean to have a beautiful, educated, capable wife who chooses to be with you when she could easily, at any time, walk out and not so much as need to leave a note? It means a lot. But I may be generalizing.

Gosh Gary - all eight cylinders firing with this. You should have a pint o' Guiness and relax :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-05 06:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I am curious, maybe my RUB forum co-members can answer. Do people married to FSU women EVER go to forums such as UK, Ireland (if they have a forum)Canada and other sub-forums and make derogatory remarks in drive-by posts about their wives/husbands? I mean, why would we? WE have FSU wives, why would we torment people that don't? I hope none of us ever does. There is no need for that.

I agree. I NEVER do that, mostly because I feel sorry for them.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 20:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Wow, sounds interesting! Sorry I missed it. Where are the archives? :)

So, out of curiosity, how much of these kinds of husband-wife tiffs may be due to the non-USC simply venting some long pent up frustrations/issues/whatever after the complete change of life they have undergone since come to the US? Or, do you think these are just couple-specific issues? But, if the former, is it likely that at sometime many/most couples could expect that?

Oh yes, there WILL be issues :lol: Normally pretty harmless stuff though. Vika also tells me at every opportunity that I spend WAY too much time on VJ. Of course, she can spend eight straight hours on some .RU forum, and that is fine :wow:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-03 15:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Hey...anyone remember that awesome meltdown my wife and I had on VJ once? lol Happy to say that's only happened once or twice in our relationship, but what we lack in quantity we definately made up in quality. Posted Image

Must have been before my time on VJ :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-02 19:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Brad. A Pinto is not a Ferrari, sorry. :lol: But I get the analogy.

Eye of the beholder Gary. How many guys have you known that think they are in a Ferrari (blind or beer goggles or whatever), but you can definitely see an AMC Gremlin in the driveway :lol: Of course there may be reasons - good ones - not to post pics like most of us have.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-02 06:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Brad, you scared the bejeezus out us! :unsure: We're kinda skeered to say anything now.

There are still a few brave-hearted, studly internet heroes among our number though :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-01 20:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the well wishes (from those of you who made them).

Slim, I had forgotten about the vacation posts :lol: You are right, many of us reach a saturation point and need a break, self-imposed or not.

Gary, I think we wind up finding relationships where we spend the most time, don't you? If you live or work in Eastern Europe, you meet people there - or in airports close by :lol: If you are traveling back and forth, learning Russian as you go, you tend to find common ground with Russian speakers.

LL, I hear you, but one man's Pinto is another man's Ferrari, no? What appeals to me are things like a desire for a close family, loyalty to each other, and shared values. Some guys care most about eye color and bust size. All good I guess, but I just never put a label on what I wanted.

After my recent rant, I am pretty surprised by the mildness of most of the responses I got.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-01 19:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Hi VJ peeps! I opted out of VJ for a few days, mostly due to high amount of fatigue over the goofy arguments here. I know, I know, that may well cause a flurry of no-we-weren't-arguing-and-you-are-wrong type posts :lol: I am especially tired of the let's compare women/brag about so-and-so direction. So when we left town for NYC, I left my laptop home and just took a break.

Maybe this constant grinding each other about wives/SOs makes less sense to me because of how I got here. For the sole purpose of drawing more fire, I will say that in the nine years or so that I was single again, I dated around quite a bit. Younger women, older ones, Americans, and a fair amount of Russian speakers the last half dozen years - here and abroad. Some were short, others tall, and to my recollection I had no set "standard" or look, or preset notion of credentials, but one. My ex-wife and I came from such disparate socio-economic backgrounds that we eventually disagreed on just about everything. I wanted very much to not make that mistake again. Then I dated some women from Eastern Europe, and the paradigm was totally changed because the "socio" and the economic and so wildly different than what we have here. That's what you get for having a notion of what a person "should be" before you meet - you meet some ones that totally blows up your nice, preset picture. Or you reset your ideal so that she is that picture.

And I know some of you still can't belive it, but I met Vika totally by chance at a dinner party. I think our relationship works because we make it work, and most of you are in the same boat. No one is perfect, or necessarily better than any one else, so please stop with that bullsh1t. I am happier than I have ever been, and it is definitely the right place for me. My two cents.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-01 06:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Finally back on US soil, almost missed my connection from Chi to Hou last night. Just FYI you can not bring black caviar into US :bonk: , when asked what color I was declaring my answer was red :thumbs: but customs wanted to varify it anyway :whistle: . YES the jet lag sux but to tell the truth it is a small sacrifice to pay to spend even 1 day in her arms for me. Even with the delays the time spent was quality time, that we would not have otherwise had in our life together. No NOA 2 yet but I know we are getting close :dance:

I have been reading some other trheads and it looks like the visa fee increase has gone into effect and currently stands at 350$. Is this true? It was 131$ at interview is it now 350$ :blink: ? If we have NOA 2 at 75 days or so, maybe we can squeek by ;) ?

Welcome back. NOA2 is around the corner.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-28 07:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Nothing quite like listening to Russian while you drive and then they start talking to this poor non-Russian speaker and wonder why he doesn't answer.

Don't get me started. Taking my wife on a trip where we drive more than an hour is almost like driving alone. Chattering in Russian on the phone (Bradik - please, turn radio off so I can hear Vitochka!), then a long nap after the exhausting conversation. :angry:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-25 13:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I guess you missed the old joke Brad...

What are 14 animals that live in a woman's pantyhose?

10 little piggies
2 calves
1 @ss
and 1 fish no one can seem to find. :blink:

Bad joke and absolutely not true of Ukrainian women!

I got the joke - just no WAY I was going to respond to it :whistle:

well the weather the last two days was just beautiful taking the bus back to Odessa tomorrow. I am a little sad to leave again, no NOA 2 while here, bummer :( but the good side is we are getting closer every day and this trip was a bonus. Now back to US and work to wait out USCIS. It looks like some March filers are starting to get NOA 2's :dance: so maybe I will be coming back in 6 or 8 weeks :thumbs: TY to all for local info. I look forward to visiting our family here at least once a year to explore a bit more each time.

You may be surprised. We had the NOA2, and the online status wasn't updated for almost a year. It could be in your mail when you get back. Good for you taking a 1 week trip, I just hate the jet lag too much. I did it a few times to different countries in Eastern Europe, but decided the travel was partly wasted for me.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-24 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

You never can find the fish though, can you?

With a beak the size of mine? Easy! Usually around the hands and mouth. Although with the garlic, almost anywhere.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 23 May 2010 - 10:11 AM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-23 10:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

However Alla insists on fresh milk and eggs and we buy those from a local farmer. If you can find someone in your area selling eggs right from under the chicken and milk right off the cow, you will be GOLD. Fortunatley we have a lot of such opportunity here.

Exactly why the local Whole Foods is our hagout. No farms here in the city, and there is no WAY I am driving around the countryside trying to find fresh produce.

Why the delay in Chicago? I have had great luck with LOT. The connecting flight in Warsaw is only 50 minutes to 1:15 minutes and I always have to rush thru the security point but have always made it. Although the security check point is a nightmare. The people never look to see they need to remove their jackets, belts and other metal objects. Every person has to have private instructions so it takes so long.

I usually see the outbound flight to Odessa or Kiev delayed 45 minutes to get all of us from America on it.

I have never noticed any perfume or beautiful women in Ukraine. I only look at my wife or the ground ;) :whistle:

Er... me too! Tough to do though, as I do find the scent of designer perfume, garlic, and fish attractive on a woman.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-22 16:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Yes, and it is ONLY used for animals. It is not considered respectable to speak to a HUMAN that way! THAT was my point. :rofl:

Our dog is not bi-lingual and only responds to Russian commands. Another one is "Breeese Suda!" which is a way to tell an animal "Get out of here!" I have been warned NEVER to use those commands for people. :lol:

I don't think it was a command, oh silver-tongued oracle. Just a laughing comment about what you said. Indicating disgust, as you saw in Shaun's link. I have heard Eastern Europeans make that sound for years when there were no animals involved. Perhaps any warning was taken too seriously?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-21 03:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Apparently, in addition to the common term for disgust (that Vika intended), fuuu or fooo is also a term used frequently in Eastern Europe to scold animals when they misbehave :lol: Probably because we don't have pets, I was unfamiliar with that use of the term.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 18:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!


Yeah? Well tell HER it isn't the "texture" of that fish that repulses me.

Hey, I tell the dog..."fooo" Thanks Vika. Arf, arf.

She laughed like crazy at that Gary. She had no idea it would be interpreted as a scolding to stop. :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 16:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

No way Brad. Salty fish the same as peanut butter? The girl is sick.

Vika says to tell you fooo!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-19 15:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Alla does not like peanut butter. Pasha and Sergey love it. Alla DOES like peanuts. ?????? That is why "Goober Grape" PB&J is on Pasha's list of "Foods to pig out on while Mom is gone" :lol:

Many more dangerous vices out there for a kid that age. Thank your lucky stars he only wants peanut butter. Vika also likes peanuts - but the texture of peanut butter puts her off. She says it is to her what salty fish is to me.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-19 07:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

I was so happy to read about all the food stuff everyone brings. I thought my Ukrainian family was crazy when we went back with peanut butter. Not just a little but 8 to 10 large jars. As far as clothes, I'm just glad that my wife doesn't go crazy for her friends as I don't relish explaining to some customs official why I have womens dresses in luggage. They might just put me on a return flight and say we don't allow your kind on our country. :rofl:

I'm sure on the next trip back, probably next summer, we will be bringing extra luggage or buying extra luggage for more of my families stuff. At least it's not furniture. As for me, as long as I have room for my caviar and Ukrainian honey pepper vodka, I'm happy.

My in-laws and my wife find peanut butter repulsive. I like some of the other ideas though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 20:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
I sent a PM about where we stay in Odessa. Lots of good restaurants and sights. Now I am starting to get jealous! :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 07:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
Woohooo :dance: Indeed. Vika says she is jealous ;) Take pictures.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-17 18:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnniversary
Congratulations on your anniversary :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-23 15:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending Flowers In Kiev

Thank you Brad and Vika, that's the exact kind of info I needed to know! Are pink flowers okay?

I thought so, but checked with Viktoriya. Thumbs up on the pink flowers :thumbs:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-23 15:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending Flowers In Kiev

Thank you everyone for recommendations!

I have what may be a silly question: Are there any color of flowers that I should avoid? I'm not yet familiar with the traditions yet. The flowers are just a reminder that I love her, so what color should I send? I was kind of hoping to send pink since that's one of her favorite colors.


Yes. At this point, avoid yellow (it signals the end of the relationship - a little stronger than "let's be friends now" in the US).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-22 20:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSending Flowers In Kiev
I used this one unona several times before Vika got here. We sent a women's day gift to her mom too. Same deal, video, pics, etc.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-21 09:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNOA2 petition approved!!!!!!!!!!! SWEEEEET
There you have it - no worries right? Congratulations!!!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-24 20:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusCongrats on Your Marriage
Congrats Alex!! :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-22 20:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine

Not a clearing fee, a cleaning fee. dswann, why are you sending dirty things to Kiev?

Having it cleared means clearing customs - for cleaning, inspection, or what ever the problem was.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-16 16:12:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine

Well, I have made contact with Kiev and they tell me i have to pay a "cleaning fee" which is 46 dollars. I had to set up a fed ex account and they told me they will inform me of the status by 12pm eastern today. They have contacted Kiev for update for the web. Amazing, simply amazing.


That stinks. The problem of course, being the documents. So your choices are to pay to have the package returned, or pay to have it cleared?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-16 08:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine
Sorry Doc, never tried to ship anything. There is apparently a slow service available that is fairly cheap. The Russian stores here offer it - but it takes weeks to get anywhere in Ukraine other than Kiev. If any one is interested I will ask what it's called. Vika's BFF sent a package to Kherson that took a month (it was hung up in Nikolaev for two weeks).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-16 06:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFed Ex And Ukraine
Sorry Doc, never tried to ship anything. There is apparently a slow service available that is fairly cheap. The Russian stores here offer it - but it takes weeks to get anywhere in Ukraine other than Kiev. If any one is interested I will ask what it's called. Vika's BFF sent a package to Kherson that took a month (it was hung up in Nikolaev for two weeks).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-16 06:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlight from E-Burg>Prague>Frankfurt>US

Privilege? We're Americans, we have RIGHTS!

We have the right to do anything we want, anywhere we want, and anytime we want because, dammit, we're Americans!

Exactly the sort of statement that makes us loved and respected by all, around the world :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-07-07 06:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlight from E-Burg>Prague>Frankfurt>US

Exactly, we as Americans can enter the EU (Schengen Travel Area) without a visa.... a privilege not afforded to everyone

What I was thinking, reading the last few posts.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-07-05 06:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlight from E-Burg>Prague>Frankfurt>US
####### :( What a mess! We are both curious now - let us know how it turns out.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-24 16:39:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlight from E-Burg>Prague>Frankfurt>US
I think there are some airports where you can get a transit visa at the airport if you need to overnight. I have spent the night in Warsaw and Frankfort - and met people from non-visa waiver countries (like Ukraine and Russia) that I think got the visa due to the time they would be in layover. Since I didn't need a visa I didn't really pay much attention. The hotels near the airport are not really near anything cool to see - but you can train it to Weisbaden (I think).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-24 06:30:00