Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

VIP is $120 now.

A little further explanation,now that Vika isn't hanging over me asking when we are going to run errands :lol:

VIP is a prepay service in most airports in Eastern Europe. I swear by it, and use it most of the time when flying solo. In Odessa and Kiev, the service is around $80 if you pay direct, and $120 if you pay a transport service or rental agency in conjunction with your ride in from the airport. They have a separate waiting area, and VIP employees actually get your boarding passes and check your luggage (or fetch your checked bags on arrival). There is a separate passport control and customs office, and the questions and inspections are minimal. Here is an example of a company in Odessa that does VIP, rents apartments, has an English speaking staff, and provides airport transport supposedly free Odessa Exec. Suites.

In Kiev, you may also be approached by an airline or airport employee that offers VIP check in service for $20-$40. This is not the service I described above, but simply a line cutting for a bribe scheme. As mentioned above it does work, and yes it does irritate the rest of the line. We used it.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 16 May 2010 - 05:42 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 17:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

You can try that. I the past I was approached by them. DO NOT tell them you will be happy to pay $100. The going rate in the past was $40 tops and that was on a busy day. IF you want to initiate it, do so with a $20. Go from there.

VIP is $120 now.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 16:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

OK...latest update.

Alla's flight out was delayed from 7pm until midnight before it left. They DID tell her early enough that she got to enjoy a day in NYC. The plane was late arriving at JFK so she did not get stuck waiting in the airplane. Due to volcanic ash, the flight was delayed leaving Kiev to NYC.

Alla was re-booked on the late flight to Donetsk tomorrow night for no additional fee. seems that way anyway. She did get a seat assignment and boarding pass for the next leg of the trip on the late flight to Donetsk. I think the difference is that she is flying Aerosvit all the way. she is not taking the Delta flight to Kiev. The Aerosvit plane to NYC was delayed and the reason she was late leaving is bercause Aerosvit did not have a plane there.

At any rate, we will see what happens tomorrow, she is in the air now.

Safe travels to Alla - and party at Gary's house :dance: :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 01:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

Is exactly why I booked summer travel back in November

We typically do that too, six or eight months out. I have found that tickets to Europe really rocket up in the summertime. WHen tourist season starts, the market can really drive the price into the stratosphere.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-14 06:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

In addition to delays because of the volcanic ash cloud are other people seeing ridiculous prices on flights? I'm trying to schedule a trip to Ukraine and just started looking at flights and they are the highest I have ever seen!!

I just checked on expedia. Vika's ticket in September would be about $150 more than when we bought it three months ago. Seems pretty typical to me. When are you going?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-13 19:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

Tell her the filter really doesn't do anything anyway, the lights are just fake to get you to buy more filters. :lol:

Cocoa Puffs...oh #######...the cocoa puffs....

She doesn't care about how it works, unfortunately she has been completely sucked in by the advertising.

And definitely get rid of the cocoa puffs, then go straight to confession.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

Those chemicals are good for her immune system. :lol:

Really, Brad, if you want to take out the chemicals you need the 3 stage charcoal filter. The "media" filters only take out rocks and birds and stuff.

When Alla arrived she made me drink tap water in front of her and stared at me like she expected me to drop over dead...then said "we will see later if you vomit" :lol: THEN she said it was some unexplainable North American hardiness because we were all descended from people who lived in the wilderness. :lol:

Probably just part of her act as a spy.

That's just it. The filter IS a three stage charcoal. The issue is not being able to tell red and yellow apart - or just not caring.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 18:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!
OK - here's another one. Vika was very concerned about all the chemicals in our tap water here. We use a filter attached to the kitchen sink spigot (brand name PUR). There is a little indicator light on it that goes from green to yellow, then red when the filter is bad. We have never seen the red. When the thing turns yellow, Vika runs up one side of me and down the other to replace it, saying that it is red, red, RED!! :lol: I want to show her what red looks like, and even showed her the package - that has pics of the indicator lights for those who presumably can't read. She will have none of it, and asks why I want her to poison herself with the terrible, chemical water :rofl:

Yellow light is now red, blue sky is green, red car is white - whatever you say :lol: :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 15:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

Nope, I will trade that for being with a woman that doesn't wear tennis shoes and sweatpants.

I actually like Vika in a gym outfit. Cute, sexy (although rare). She only wears one to the gym though, or once in a while for a long drive.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-28 07:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

I think that is her plan, which is why they go for the old, fat bald guys (except I am not fat)so they are sure they can outrun them.

Now see, a bear in the house (unlike a possum) would make a great case for keeping a hand cannon near the bed. No running involved, and bear meat for weeks too. :thumbs:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-25 12:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

:rofl: Entrapment!!!!!!!! Brilliant. As good as your idea to get the Canadians to subdue Iran for donuts!

Happy to help :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-19 07:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

:rofl: The seat thing ^^^^

We also have that other stuff to do. New hardwood floor in her office, paint the walls, etc.

Pasha is not afraid to do any of that stuff, he just has a big moutn and has to blab about everything. Oh well, it is nothing she won't get over anyway and I do not think she is naive enough to think I am cooking like she does. I thought about building some new living room furniture from pizza delivery boxes, with two liter Pepsi bottles for legs, but that may be a bit too obvious.

I like the furniture idea Gary. You might also try a little misdirection, since you seem destined to catch hell anyway. Go look at another house in the country, and tell Pasha you are having trouble adapting to city life - do not draw conclusions for him. When Alla goes ballistic, just tell her you don't know what he's talking about. I am kidding of course, but it would be a blabbermouth lesson.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 20:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

It will be my duty to teach Pasha the "man code" and keep his mouth shut. :D He's still at that "I-did-it-and-have-to-tell-everyone" stage. Where as I am at the "do-it-and-keep-quiet-about-it" phase.

But one thing Alla appreciates is that she knows he isn't doing anything "really bad" and won't be getting in trouble. He may get double polio from eating tater tots, or whatever it is you get from eating junk, but other than that he will be out of trouble. Shooting is good clean fun, she just doesn't like all the noise in the house, she thinks outside is for shooting, but she can't hear it in Ukraine.

I understand the man code is a LITTLE different in Ukraine. Good luck with changing him. You can do it! :rofl:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 07:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

I think I will write a country music song about it. What's Merle Haggard doing these days?

Whatever he is doing, he is probably dressed. :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 21:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

But it is important you KNOW it is a FREE STATE and I COULD drive around naked except for my gun and holster without a permit if I wanted to! I could even go to the grocery and push my cart around wearing nothing but a gunbelt! THAT is freedom, my friend! THAT is a TRUE liberal state for you!

God Bless America!!!!!!

There would be a revolution. New laws passed to ban naked shopping, naked frisbee, naked dining. Think of the state budget man!!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 21:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

And if it is nice tomorrow, I am driving Alla's car to work!!!!!!!!

Also naked? Now there's a picture :rofl:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 20:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

The scarey thing was I heard a blurb on the radio last night that they were considering closing "European airports" again for several days "after today" Oh well, she got out. I am going to presume she is in Donetsk by now, I will here for sure in the morning. She called me briefly just as she was getting on the plane in Kiev.

I never heard if they closed any airports today.

I think Dublin is scheduled to close tomorrow.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 20:42:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

and let it be known that currently, gary can't claim to sleep naked next to alla. :hehe:

I don't want to read any more posts about Gary naked :bonk: Reported to the nudity police.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 18:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

OMG!!!!!!!! I fogot about pizza! Tonight Chinese buffet...tomorrow...PIZZA!!!! We are going out in Alla's car, with the top down and eating pizza! we are SOOOOOOOO bad. Pasha wants a party in which windows get broken., I have to pay for the windows Pasha. I think we are going to shoot GUNS in the basement. It has been SO long since I have done that. Telephone books in a box for a backstop and .22s at 10 paces! That is what basements are for!!!!

I miss Alla though.

No doubt, that first few days can be cool. Thanks for the volcano updates too, we are watching the situation and hoping it won't delay any of our travels. It helps to show Vika that some one she has actually talked with made it.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 17:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusYeah Sure!

Pasha: Dad, can you atke me up to the school to see my friends?
Me: Yeah sure
Pasha: Can I drive? (he has his learners permit now)
Me: Yeah sure
Pasha: Can I drive MOM's car?

Me: :o

TOP DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Zip me around Mallets Bay,kid! :D

we got to school and he says...

I am not going to lie...THAT was intense! :lol: I hope Alla is having a good flight to Donetsk.

:lol: As long as everybody is OK.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 16:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarusinterview in kiev
Congrats :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 20:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAPPROVED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sweeeet :dance: :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-11 19:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPolice report before NOA2

You can pay a extra fee and it does speed things up. It cost about ten dollars US.


I told Vika to go ahead and pay the "expedite fee" too. She refused, and said she would rather stand in the line. I don't remember if she actually did it or not though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-12 08:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTaking a break from RUB forum

That's a Felony-3 charge (here in Ohio) that applies when someone who is "under disability" (meaning they've had their right to bear arms stripped) is found to be posessing a firearm.

Typically, someone under disability has either a prior felony conviction, misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, certain drug charges, drug dependency or is a chronic alcoholic. I mistakenly assumed they'd be able to associate the CHL in my pocket with me never having been placed under disability... but, that's asking a lot of public officials.

That charge really messed me up too because from start to finish they looked at my case as a felony case instead of a misdemeanor. Even the judge said, "Oh, I remember this one, it started off as a felony." Not cool at all.

Sorry to hear it Slim. Does this mean that your CCW is void now?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-14 18:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTaking a break from RUB forum

I'll be honest; I didn't really like it either. But, most UB folks were coming to the R forum anyway and, in truth, most of the folks coming here are either ethnically Russian or lived in Russia so the only thing that's not really "Russia-specific" is questions about the differences in embassy policies. The culture is similar enough that they should be here.

Plus, they add a whole lot more than they take away! (Unlike some other foreigners....)

Edited - Totally forgot to address the "who has the hottest women" statement. Uhh... if they're all "the same" then aren't they all hot?

I see several of you R guys posting about not liking the merger - and never really understood it. I usually say Eastern Europe anyway, because I just don't see any stark differences. Lots of subtle stuff, but like you say, most of Belarus and a good bit of Ukraine are russified, so it made sense to me. Any one who doesn't want to read Minsk specific stuff (for example) can just ignore it. Honestly, I don't even mind the drive by stuff. Keeps the discussion interesting, and we all come together to critique the goofy drive by posters.

Seems to me that there needs to be enough tension and conflict on a forum to keep the non visa specific posts interesting, but not so much as to turn members off. I thought the addition of UB to RUB just made it official, and for awhile we did a good job of balancing the different personalities. We did go some distance off the reservation recently, and I would like to see things retro back a bit.

Mox says that he did intend to leave permanently, due to several VJ specific issues. Constant baiting by a particular poster (not Slim) was a minor thing. The TOS circus contributed, as did some of the other repetitive themes that bore some of us. Some of you may recall that mox was pursued through VJ by a real idiot (and several sock puppets) with constant baiting before, so he would no doubt find a repeat of that activity a total snooze-fest. He did say "never say never" though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-13 16:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine I'll Be Coming Soon!!!

And by slowing things down you mean less than 6 months for NOA2????????? :rofl: I do not believe it could be any slower to tell you the truth. And if it does, then we will know someone has looked at our petition in the last 95 days. S**T!!!!!! give us an RFE, I really do not care at this point if we got one I would know we were about 20 days from approval. If I put evidence of our second meeting in the mail tomorrow it would be there by Tue. and in our file by Wed. It would prompt an update, at the very least make someone work on it. We should have NOA2 any day now and if we get that between now and when other evidence arrived then no harm done.

Do you know anyone who ever tried doing this, or is it speculation that prompts your response? Just curious :)

Pure speculation. Of course, reading posts here about ANY alteration or correspondence causing confusion or delays at USCIS helps me form an opinion (it is the government after all). But hey, who am I to say. Send them the NYC phone book if you want - all overkill. Good luck in any event.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-11 19:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine I'll Be Coming Soon!!!

Congrats Eddie and Liana,

But I am FN going crazy here to see this, another approval after Mar 11th. I know where you and Liana met because my fiancee and I met through the exact same agency several months before.

I wish you and Liana good fortune and happiness in life.

I'm about to go NUCKIN FUTS with this VSC thing. I think I will go pro-active and send in a suppliment of primary evedence of my second trip just to make sure our petition is still there. I spoke to USCIS on phone yesterday and he said if I had not heard anything by NOVEMBER :rofl: then they could put in a service request.

Dallas :innocent:

If you try to add information to your petition, you run a serious risk of slowing things down. If you have already sent evidence that you met in person during the past two years - I would just wait it out.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-11 17:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine I'll Be Coming Soon!!!
Congratulations, and you are welcome for the entertainment :thumbs:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-10 00:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruscase delivery from NVC to the Embassy

Thanks for the tip. I tried doing it and there were some cases that were shipped to Moscow around June 4th, but I am not sure if my case is there, too.

That is my understanding. You can in fact see that a shipment was made, but cannot really verify that your file was in it. Kind of a waste of time.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-17 05:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belaruscase delivery from NVC to the Embassy
We found that the embassy had our file for some time before logging it into the computer. Until your file appears in the system, the people who schedule appointments can't see it or schedule you. Don't worry just yet - it may just be a few days of administrative backlog.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-16 08:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusAnyone heard this?

Pasha gets on his computer and skypes his friend in Donetsk. Is it true? "Yes, but the kiosk on the corner still sells us beer, but the cops want more bribe if the see us with it now!" They have determined the law was passed to give the Ukrainian police a raise! :D

Did he think grandma was pulling his leg? Gary, I think this falls into the "well, it IS Ukraine" category, don't you?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-13 14:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUniversity Diploma translated/Apostille in Ukraine

Yep! Don't be leaving any important "life documents" in Ukraine. You can translate them here or there, that isn't important. Just make sure she keeps all her original documents with her.

Also, some colleges here require a TOEFL exam, usually not for just taking courses, but for a degree program, yes, often they do. You can google "TOEFL" and read about it. The test is available all over the world. Sergey took it in Russia, Alla took it here. It was (I thought) surprisingly difficult. For an immigrant who speaks English as a second language it is difficult. I would guess that a good number of US born 12th graders would not get a qualifying score if they had to take it to enter college.

I think Vika took the TOEFL too, for placement purposes. Then the document races began.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-18 13:36:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUniversity Diploma translated/Apostille in Ukraine
We used ECE too, and they did the course-by-course thing. Translated copies of everything, degrees, transcripts, and I think something to do with high school too. That was all to get into ESL classes here. Make sure that whatever she wants to do with her education (teach, take classes, be certified for something else) that you find out what all the documents needed are, and get them all translated.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-14 18:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce

Thanks. Seems like Vermont is issuing NOA2 much quicker this months. I see a lot of approvals from April filers.

Kind of goes in cycles, with files periodically moving from one center to the other, and backlogs building up then winding down as the pace picks up for a certain type of visa.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-18 18:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce

Got it. I guess NY/NJ issue "Final Judgment of Divorce" rather then "Divorce Decree".

Good luck to you, in any case.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-18 13:55:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusDivorce Decree/Judgment of Divorce

What is the difference? Which one did I have to sent with my I-129F? I only have "Judgment of Divorce".

It may be the same thing, depending on where you are. Judgement, decree, and certificate of divorce are used interchangeably I think. If it is a file stamped copy signed by a judge, I think you are good. You might call the court that issued it and ask if there is any other document.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-17 05:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Probably a good idea not to, yeah.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-18 13:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Brad, I am sorry you disagree with the First Amendment as it is written. I never said, nor intended to say, you nor anyone else here were compelled to agree with any point of view. Please understand this, I support the Constitution and will defend it with my dying breath. This is a free country and like everyone else here you have the Right to be wrong any time you may so choose. You also have the Right to misunderstand my meaning; to twist whatever I may say; take things out of context; make assumptions; and to generally make an @$$ of yourself based entirely upon your understanding, or lack thereof. The choice is yours. Life is full of choices and we are all free to make those choices and accept the consequences of decisions made. :thumbs:

I was simply stating, I find it very disappointing, instead of asking for understanding and clarification on a contrary belief, comment or statement EVERYONE seemed to jump to the defensive. Instead of providing facts on ALL sides in support, it all got carried into splinters and tangents in heated emotion. Here was an opportunity for EVERYONE to keep their composure, discuss the topic intelligently and to LEARN from each other. My question is simply this; is it asking too much of "reasonable and prudent men" to request clarificaton and/or further explanation on another person's position or stance on a topic before actually responding? We all have the Right to make ASSUMPTIONS. Wouldn't a truly wise man remove all doubts? In a question of ignorance, even a fool will open his mouth and remove all doubt.

Before I go shoving a loaded gun in my waist band, I'm going to make double damn sure its not loaded, so it doesn't take off my nads because an engineer made a "mistake" in designing the safety. :oops: Might be just my youth, but I'd really prefer to keep my equipment in good working order.:rofl:

Now, if I have offended anyone by sharing these thoughts.... perhaps they should ask questions for clarification before running off "half-cocked" ;) ..... of course the ASSUMPTIONS are entertaining as well. :pop:

:protest: To whom are you writing here? I was quite civil in my posts above - and never mentioned the 1st Amendment. Maybe SMR is also Brad? Maybe you confused his response with my post above it? Seriously, when in doubt use the screen handle :ranting: :bonk:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 15:32:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Gee guys.... thanks for all your help and input in defending my guns....

I do find it rather odd in your haste to defend the Second Amendment your eagerness to trample the First Amendment. Even though I may not agree with Tigger's thoughts on firearms, I do believe she has the right to her own opinions and to express those opinions in an intelligent manner. Many men gave their lives in defense of the Constitution in its entirety..... not just one or two Amendments. Did her comments really warrant the level attacks? Did you honestly (sitting there with your pistols cocked and locked) feel threatened? Really nice way to make someone feel welcome to a new and strange place.

Thanks a million!!


Hey now! See my post (#162) above.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-09 06:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusGoing to Odessa to see my SO WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

First, I don't think that the second amendment was written as a deterrent to foreign invasion. If you read the works of the founding fathers, the intention was to keep the government in check by giving the populace the ability to overthrow the government.

In regards to who won WWII, I think you are a little off-base, Terry&Tigger. American schoolbooks don't claim that Americans won WWII in a vacuum but rather that the "Allies" won. The "Allies" include a great number of countries although the chief players were the "Big Three" (Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt who was replace by Truman representing The Soviet Union, The British Empire, and The United States). This is well taught in American history books.

My point earlier, thanks.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-08 14:44:00