Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1 full day to go :)

The time has come ppl. On Tuesday morning I leave the states to continue to follow my heart and go to get my fieance(e). Her interview is on Thursday the 12th and we expect all good things. 6 months and 1 day from filing petition we never need say goodbye again. No more skype and email in our relationship, we are so excited that we will share the same home, same life and same dinner table every day. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks fellow VJ's for the wisdom and support.
Alesya and Dallas

Vika and I both wish you a fast and easy approval! After reading your comments above I would say "never say never", and leave the skype on the computer. As Vika is preparing to leave for a five week stay in Ukraine (then two weeks somewhere with me), we will probably use skype if she can get the in-laws set up with web access. She also taks to her girlfriends in Ukraine on skype often.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-08-08 16:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusHow'd you get married?

Vegas is always an option..... :yes:

Vegas Baby!!!! Worked out fine for us.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-08-17 19:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

True. But it's not allowed to talk about Charles. Or Nessa for that matter. Right now, you are facing a ban for mentioning his name ;) Like I said months ago...Charles getting any kind of "power" is the worst idea ever.
Mr. Ewok doesn't seem to care at all. He always lets Charles do whatever he wants. He doesn't even respond to reports, pms or complaints about Charles's behavior posted through the contact form.

They'll get you my pretty - and your little dog too!!

Posted Image

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 20:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
Mox's 24 hour suspension just got extended, as he threatened to open the "I married a woman, not a country" thread for the tenth time as soon as they let him back in.

Charles was not pleased - here's the update:

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Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 20:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

sounds like's not right.... as TexasTBone says "si man" !!!! :rofl:

Just like Il Douchebag himself

Posted Image

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 20:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I got in too late for that other topic before it was closed. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Maybe you have to be a regular RUB'er to get the humor.

Because they are closed so fast you can't even get in there and thumb your nose at some one properly. Just doesn't seem right.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 20:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
Right, all we want is a little freedom to bait each other and cast the occasional (or more than occasional) insult. We are only in danger of solving the world's problems - or making each other feel bad if we are too thin skinned. DAMMIT! This is AMURIKA!

Wait a minute - what's that? The new symbol for the RUB-specific TOS?

:o :o :o

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Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 20:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I apologise for being the first one to reply to that thread... paranoid poster or what? Anyway, I'm very sorry and I won't do it again :blush: :bonk:

Reported for being too polite and apologetic

so... much... reading...


Not reported - but sent to remedial reading
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

I believe it was the other way around...I believe Charles was baiting Mox....

But yet mox was suspended for irritating mods :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
Not much interest, so maybe 5 pages. Mox says 24 hour ban for insubordinate behaviour, and generally baiting Charles.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!


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End the tyranny
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!

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Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome people are such big meanies!
The fastest lockdown in the history of VJ.

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Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 19:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRussian movies with English subtitles
Our local Russian stores have a pretty good selection of subtitled movies. I never have time to watch them.... just saying.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-01-20 07:54:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved

Thank you all!!!
The questions were standard, like where and when we met, how many times we saw each other, where I work and what I do for a living. The CO looked thru the pictures, said not enough for so many years! Then she noticed a highlighted field in the docs saying that we are half siblings!!! Well, I really have a half sister, she did apply for a visa few years back with my invitation, but she has a different name and birthday! What the hell they were smoking on May Day! The CO did not elaborate this too much, probably understanding the obvious mistake. All was done by about 1 pm.
Good luck to everyone!!! Try to avoid the interview right after any big Russian celebration!!! You might end up be related to your fiance(e) ... or aren't we related anyway?

Wow. One of the strangest stories I have read on VJ. Glad it all worked out for you. :D
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-22 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusVisa Approved
Congats!! :dance: :dance:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-19 06:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

Thanks guys. You've ruined my man moment.

Still aiming to please :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-25 16:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

Can we get on with the girls locker room talk? Personally, I'm tired of blurry hidden webcams and would welcome the "been there, done that" experience brought up by Slim.

Do girls really towel whip each other? Are the showers really that steamy and constantly running even though no one is using them?

What about the ugly side of the equation? Do girls stand around and scratch themselves, and make disgusting sounds while cursing and making dirty jokes? Slim, what do you say, having been there?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-24 19:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

So, Slim, how do you know what the girls locker room sounds like? :)

Enquiring minds want to know :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-23 10:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

Yes, but the "outer space" kind. :)

If you help them hide out until the next goofy amnesty, you should still be reported :devil:

Judge me rude if you will. Judge me "perfect", "amazing", whatever. At least I am not stupid.

JUDGEMENT - not stupid, but one helluva long way from perfect. I won't deal with the rest here.... too easy.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-22 09:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

Are you channeling Mox? :)

Are there aliens in your closet too? :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-21 08:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

I am sorry if calling somebody needy is considered an insult. I guess that I am clueless in regards to Political Correctness. What I meant is that my wife likes to be independent, instead of waiting for me to do everything for her. That is a nice feeling given our large age difference, because as I grow older, there may be fewer and fewer things that I can do for her (do not forget that I am a fat, bald, and old American man married to a very young, beautiful, and smart Russian woman).

Regarding "all those illegal aliens" I pledge the fifth, but suffice to say that I do not have a basement. Therefore, you can report me to ICE because they will find nothing. I am Clueless, but not stupid, like amazing Gary likes to call me.

I am sorry if I implied that you are stupid, rather than just doing an impression of same. My wife enjoys letting me take care of things for her, and I enjoy doing it. It doesn't mean that she can't, or won't. It will be a sad day when I am too old to type or use the phone, and if you are, I am truly sorry for you. And suffice it to say that it makes no practical difference if the aliens hide in your closet or basement, or whatever :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-21 03:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

That is a big difference in my family. My wife does not expect me to do anything for her. Fortunately she is an able individual and can take care of herself. If I do too much for her she gets angry because "she's not a child." (her words). She is happy getting what I give you, but she feels happier when she can contribute and take care of herself. I do not have and do not want to deal with a needy woman.

So now you tell Gary that he is insulting, immediately after telling me that my wife is too needy :rofl: Nice work :thumbs:

Benefit of the doubt that you probably just weren't paying enough attention just then, probably due to multitasking issues. All those illegal aliens in your basement needing your help and all.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 18:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

Alla, like most FSU women, looks to her husband to "care about" such things. It is the man's job.

The OPs planning ahead and asking these questions will help assure his fiancee a smooth POE experience. I will wish him "Good Luck" but as with most people, he realizes he makes his own "luck" and isn't leaving things to chance.

Vika also expects me to plan ahead, and take care of details for her, especially when the situation involves US laws, or a situation where my life experience just makes it easier to deal with. When she applied recently for a UK visa, I did the online application, paid the fee, made the biometrics appointment, took her to the appointment, and sent the information packet (that I compiled) to the consulate lockbox. It makes her happy and our lives easier if I just take care of her in this way. We both understand and agree that this stuff is my job. The only trouble we have with it is that even though she has a limited understanding of how a process works (because I am taking care of it), she still feels a MUCH higher level of urgency than I do :lol: .
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 09:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusPOE Questions.

You will need a lot of patitience and love when she arrives for quite a while, she will be depending on you for everything. Never forget what you did to be together. It gets lots easier as time goes by. Alla has been here almost two years and she rarely needs much from me in the way of daily life. She drives and knows her way around the area as well as anyone else that has lived here two years.

This has been our experience as well. I find that my wife has adapted well to life here over the past eighteen months or so. The first few months in particular were difficult, even though she had been here before. In addition, Ukrainians relate to each other and socialize a little differently (and socialize more) than most of us imo. She reacts to stress differently too. We have some really funny miscommunication sometimes too! Lots of patience is called for early on.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-20 07:48:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIn case you're curious

I'll leave such powers to him. But I have to admit, the stories about multiple Ukrainian strippers occupying his apartment and he was banging all of them except the one that was his wife that was doing the photographer or something...that was over the top. He must write for Penthouse Forum or something...

"Dear Penthouse Forum...You are not going to believe this but I swear it is day, In Kiev..."

No, the funny part was he claimed to be banging NONE of them. And when we started asking questions about that, like were they hot, do they all sleep together, what are they wearing now?, the thread vanished at mcat's request. He is so sensitive.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 19:33:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIn case you're curious

Oh thank goodness! Been waiting for something to get me through to the weekend!

Unfortunately, mcat will probably have the entire thread deleted with his power of dark whininess before you can read it all.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 19:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIn case you're curious

I must have completely missed every post that guy ever made, as it's all French to me. Does this message board have a 'show posts by user' function?

Search by subject under knit-wit. He's all over that one.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 03 June 2010 - 04:09 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-03 16:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSome Kiev Interview Minutiae
I downloaded the packet and emailed it to Vika. You can get it in English or Russian.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 08:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-08 08:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

It's been almost three years since my wife and I have been back to Russia. I was up for a trip there this summer and suggested it to my wife but she said "NO, why would I want to go back there? It's dirty, ugly, and expensive. Let's see some place new." We are traveling to Canada and visiting relatives and my old home town in upstate New York. Next year she wants to visit Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic. After that.......

Still waiting for that part of the journey to "kick in".
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-06 13:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

Alla will need a new bathing suit when she gets back, she has been asking about the water temp. Lake Champlain is not too quick to warm up (some would say it never really does...wussies) :lol: I told her that her "Victoria's Secret" bathing suit catalog arrived and she told to me to find what I like, but them I pointed out the catalog was full of women in bikinis. Silence on the other end of the line. Sometimes I just don;t know when to shut up. :lol:

:no: :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 20:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

Sorry Brad, I tried. It is all true what I said, but Alla is having a good time and seeing all her friends, and going to cafe's and walks at the river. She went to the dentist and had her annual checkup and stocked up on contact lenses yesterday. She will be going to Moscow for a week and some of her friends from here are there now also on vacation. She had a hard time with the time change for the first time in her travels (it never seems to bother me much, except the first day when I come back)

Vika's turn will come.

It is interesting that it seems each time she misses her home here more than the last time and notes some good points. She has said that life in the US "has many good points and only a few bad ones" I think moving to the city took care of most of the bad ones.

Thanks Gary. I agree that things are bound to get easier as her turn comes closer. Keeping busy seems to be the thing. Yesterday she correctly concluded that our every day silverware was dangerously rusty. WallMart stuff I bought before she got here - way before. I would have just thrown out one rusty piece at a time :lol: but she tossed it all and shopped around for something suitable, and a new outfit, and a new bathing suit (vavavoom :D ).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-06-04 18:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

Well here is one to make her feel better...

Skyped with Alla today and she said "The water is horrible, worse than I remember and I had to buy a 10 liter bottle and carry it up the stairs (5 flights) to use for drinking and washing dishes. I asked her why she didn't just boil it like we used to and she said the water LOOKS terrible and boiling doesn't help.

While waiting at the bus stop with her friend Natasha they were approached by a "completely drunk, bad smelling man" who offered them wine from his bottle and then offered to take them to his flat for "hours of wonderful lovemaking" :lol: Um, she said she was tempted but she is so loyal to her loving husband she just couldn't go through with it. The man was seen to stagger away screaming "Yanukovich is MY President!" Hurray for east Ukraine! :lol: She also had to do battle with the internet company to get the internet turned on, even though we paid in advance and had money on our account and she has had hot water for a bath 2 nights out of 9 so far. But it was nasty looking water. And this is a very nice flat in central Donetsk. It is the "good neighborhood".

She also reports that many of the coal mines and steel mills are shut down and "many young girls are on the street offering to do bad things for money" :lol:

Feel better Vika?

Sorry - no dice. She doesn't believe (at this point) that anything in Ukraine could be "bad".

Has Vika been back to visit yet since coming to the USA? For Oleksandra it's been a really great trip. She missed Lviv, her friends, and most of all family, but she's also now missing "home" here in the USA and will be ready to come back. I think next time the plan is that we'll both go back to Lviv, but I'll definately make sure it will be in the middle of summer! I've been 3 times all in the winter months...not doing that again!

There have been a few negatives she had forgotten about by the way: bad roads, expensive food, crappy weather, and occasionally cold showers! Sounds like she's really loading up on Ukranian/Russian DVDs so I guess that's in my future. I sent her with a video camera this time too...she's filled up 6 tapes so far and has 8 more to go.

Yes, she went back as soon as her AP came in and I could make a reservation. She was fine for a few months after she got back, but now anything that reminds her of Ukraine causes no end to nastalgia. Also, her BFF here just went back to Kherson for 10 weeks! Life looks black :lol: All will be well when SHE is the one getting ready to leave, and balloon-headed BFF is on the receiving end :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-25 15:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

bump. anyone?

I don't know if Moscow is different, but in Odessa and Kiev, any VIP service that you can get to from an agency renting apartments and drivers is probably legit. You may find that they share personnel and lounge space, etc. I usually use the agency I rent from to schedule the VIP pick up and drop off, and swear by it.

Just an wife has really been enjoying her time in Lviv despite lots of rain. She said there appears to be many more tourists these days...apparently the major of Lviv has been working hard to encourage this. Lots of souvenir shops now around the opera house and main market square where there were almost none before. Also, the roads around the opera house have no been closed and many benches/tables added making it more and more of a hangout. She said there have been festivals just about every day and there is now a little newspaper showing all of the things that are planned and going no in the city. She's been to the opera house several times already...they now have a translation board above the stage...another sign of catering to tourists. She was, however, disappointed to see that prices on food and many other things were about 3 times higher than when she left 3 years ago. She and her mother are planning to take a 10-day trip to Odessa...I'm sure she'll have more to report about that soon too.

Thanks for the update, although it made Vika get all teary for Ukraine (again).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-24 19:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

My wife and two kids successfully transited to Odessa yesterday/today reasonably on-time on LOT via Warsaw.

Our typical experience - thanks for confirming. Let me know how she finds the road to Kherson, if they take the raod. I have been hearing horror stories, and reports that the roads are being repaired frantically.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-23 12:58:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

I just never had an issue at all with customs in Ukraine. Not in Odessa, Kiev or Donetsk. Go figure. I probably should have for all the stuff I imported and exported but never did. I have been asked about money but just told them I didn;t have any cash and they never checked.

OK, so here is the deal...

Alla got to Donets'k OK. I cannot complain about Aerosvit and must compliment them actually. Her flight WAS delayed leaving, not their fault there is a volcano, but they updated her and when she checked in they changed her to a later flight without being asked and without a fee. In a way, she was glad she got a good long day in New York and she IS on vacation, so what the heck?

Good deal - happy she made it OK.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-18 07:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B
The only problem I have had in VIP was that time I left with two pounds of Turkish Delight in my bag. Apparently the candy looks like explosives when scanned :lol: Lots of hassles in the regular customs area though. I must have one of those weak looking faces. Lots of trouble around currency - and had to take my money out - count it, declare it, etc. even when it was always well below the legal limit.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-17 06:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

I think you told me about this Brad. I never used it but I have been approached by "officials" in Kiev and offered to avoid the line for $40. I never did it, but I watched people that did and the guy took them through an office off to the side and then I saw the people coming out the other side into the baggage area. They didn't seem to hinder anyone else and if you didn;lt know what was going on you would never even know it happened. I guess I have never been in that much of a hurry to get through customs so I never tried it.

Gary, the VIP service in Odessa has separate doors, and a separate building. You won't see the clients after they get into the VIP van for the ride to the VIP terminal. Some one fetches your bags and brings them to you while you fill out the declaration. I even lost my declaration receipt once, and they just laughed and told me to be more careful next time. Same treatment when I brought four bottles of whiskey once. No questions, no hassles. And we talked about the HUGE hassle I had my first time through. It isn't the speed, but the no-hassle entry that I like.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 21:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusTo those about to fly to R/U/B

VIP is $120 now.

A little further explanation,now that Vika isn't hanging over me asking when we are going to run errands :lol:

VIP is a prepay service in most airports in Eastern Europe. I swear by it, and use it most of the time when flying solo. In Odessa and Kiev, the service is around $80 if you pay direct, and $120 if you pay a transport service or rental agency in conjunction with your ride in from the airport. They have a separate waiting area, and VIP employees actually get your boarding passes and check your luggage (or fetch your checked bags on arrival). There is a separate passport control and customs office, and the questions and inspections are minimal. Here is an example of a company in Odessa that does VIP, rents apartments, has an English speaking staff, and provides airport transport supposedly free Odessa Exec. Suites.

In Kiev, you may also be approached by an airline or airport employee that offers VIP check in service for $20-$40. This is not the service I described above, but simply a line cutting for a bribe scheme. As mentioned above it does work, and yes it does irritate the rest of the line. We used it.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 16 May 2010 - 05:42 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-05-16 17:41:00