Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

On a side note... a few us here have a significant age gap with our spouses. There's like a 19 year difference with me and my wife. I still get accused of "buying a wife" even though that wasn't the case....let them think what they want. It could be worse...I could be one of those American chicks in the MENA forums who had to change over to Islam in order to get married. :hehe:

I have the same situation. Usually I don't sweat it, but occasionally use the fact to irritate some one who gets up on the MOB soap box :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 10:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Our (USC husband's) best and most desireable features cannot be revealed by a mere camera...even heavily photoshop'd :lol:

I resemble that remark :rofl:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-27 09:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

my smexy hubby

????? Small but sexy????? :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-22 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Well, the point was that she didn't care if I spent $7.99 or $79.99. But of course $79.99 is better. Same "Oh Sank you" though.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-21 10:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
Sorry guys, but I am pretty sure I could pick 'em out of a field and get a good reaction. Depends on the woman I guess.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-19 22:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
I give whatever the store sells. Never had a problem. Vika says "different country, different tradition". Sometimes Ukrainian practicality works for me! :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-14 07:56:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

This also brings up a couple things that have changed drastically for my FSU wife and I wonder if the same applies to others. A lot of things about life here are " what?" Some very few things are not so good. Some are very good. I can name a couple things that really made an impression on Alla...

1. Tops has got to be the car. She was so anxious about this and before she came would talk about it over and over. "How long would it take to get a license?" "What kind of car will I have?" She had a friend in Ukraine with a car and got her friend to take her one day on all her errands so she could see what it was like! :lol: She started learning to drive the second day here and studied very well and drove everywhere with her permit and had her drivers license in two months. I still cannot believe she has not had an accident with another car (at least that I have heard of). But when we bought her first car she just stared at that title with her name on it, not believing she really OWNED a car. Ditto for Vika

2. Drying machine for clothes. She said she didn't need it and "probably wouldn't use it" Yeah, right. She hardly ever uses her iron anymore. She also has her "work room" in our new house, the "utility room" with her washer and dryer and ironing board all separate from other rooms. She loves that also. Once she understood what "delicates" and "permanent press" meant, it was old hat.

3. Garage door opener! Just put it in a couple weeks ago and she loves it. I think also the "machines for everything" impress her. "machine for cutting grass, machine for digging holes, machine for digging in the dirt, machine for cutting wood" She will have nothing to do with them but has learned that cutting wood takes but a few seconds, for example. At first she laughed at all the "machines", now she loves them. Had this from the jump - so I think she thinks it is normal for us.

4. Cheap clothes. Need we say more? Vika's #1 without a doubt. She also adds things to buy other than clothes

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-13 16:02:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

In honor of this thread's revival, I guess I'll buy some flowers for my wife. Should go over pretty well since it's our anniversary tomorrow. Who knows, maybe she'll think they're for the anniversary!

Whatever works Brad :lol: Happy anniversary :thumbs: This is six years, right?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-13 13:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Tell me you at least bought new flowers! :lol:

It was a good thread, glad to see it is back. I have found that handyman projects are an even better aphrodisiac than flowers, but more expensive, more time consuming and more difficult. If you are planning on sex AND watching a football game all in one day...go with flowers.

The great thing is, the flowers can be almost any kind, from anywhere.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-13 09:06:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
Just a note to revive this old subject. The flowers are still working at least as well as they did a year ago. Maybe better.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-13 01:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

First marriages are usually to Americans or Canadians. It is a learning process. Be quiet and pay your dues. You can have an FSU woman when you are older, fatter, balder and richer...and you have to be richer AFTER your first wife gets done with you! :lol:

Word to the wise - start hiding those assets now!!! :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-07 22:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

AND Shania Twain

Not Jeff Probert
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-05 15:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power


Still shocked and apalled. Googling racist/sexist remarks not already part of the RUB vernacular. No results. Researching pie - distracted by pie.....
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 23:21:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 10:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I wonder what's really the big deal with giving flowers? I mean, it's about as easy as can be (a phone call), not really much money involved, and every Tom, ####### and Harry buys flowers...not at all a unique act. And the super cheapos get them at Walmart or the grocery store.

So why would a sensible, chic, modern woman be so impressed by flowers that she supposedly gives better sex? I can see getting a car or a Caribbean vacation or diamond ear rings...but flowers?

Are women really that cheap to buy off?

Missing the point again. Jewelery, car, Carribean vacation, I did it all. Flowers from Kroger get about the same reaction - they must be magic.

I find this absolutely appalling. I'm sure it violates a TOS somewhere.

Please keep threads to acceptable conversations, like racist/sexist remarks about a specific culture.
And do not make personal attacks, only wide sweeping generalizations about others choices and ideals.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-04-04 07:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I bought Tanya a dozen roses when she arrived here, 11 in a bouquet and 1 on her pillow. A week later I came home to what appeared to be an empty house but after a few minutes of looking I found her provocatively posed in the garden tub with rose petals floating around her and candles everywhere. Did I earn points? Duh! Was it worth it? Double duh!!

She gets roses regularly now... (F) (F) = :thumbs:

My original point exactly! Thanks dude!
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-31 11:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

But Brad, the infield on derby day is something that every man should experience ONCE in life...don't you think?

Not if he is over twenty-five. Unless you like to be rained on, puked on, or other foul things that is. I'll stay in the boxes or the hospitality tent if I have to be there. :angry:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-29 18:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

True, but "Thunder Over Louisville" was worth it. A few years ago they did the "reenactment" of Pearl Harbor and I had to wonder what people driving across the bridge had to think when they saw the Jap Zeros zooming down and bombing the barges/battleships in the river! Imagine some family driving down to Florida from Chicago looking out the window into the prop of a WW2 fighter and explosions in the river. #######!!!!!!!! :lol:

I tried to stay away from downtown projects during that two week period!

I have spent plenty of time at the track during Derby week. Working mostly. I really do try to get out of town during the festivities if I can.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-28 00:22:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

In terms of number of people watching that particular event...all 2 minutes of the race, worldwide, there is no contest. Horse racing is the most popular spectator sport in the world, the Derby is the most popular 2 minutes in sport.

The trouble is that if you live here in Derbytown, that two minutes comes at a terrible cost in terms oof traffic, crowds, and pains in the azz! When people as "what are you doing for Derby?", I always say that I am leaving town if possible :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-11 23:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power


Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-11 12:13:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

But you are from Alaska. Brad is right near Churchill Downs. C'mon Brad. :whistle:

That was my point exactly. Why would any husband in his right mind take THAT position on Women's Day? Congratulations honey, these flowers come from the place that hangs flowers on horses!

OK - here's the deal. I will tell my wife exactly that (above), as soon as you post a picture of you hanging a horse wreath on Alla. Deal?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-10 20:41:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Gary is making a pass at you. :mellow:

:wacko: Time release meds
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-10 18:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

But, Sweetheart, it is the Derby. They are YOUNG horses! Very young. Lean, svelte, sweetheart. Sweetheart? I said "young horses" did you hear me Sweetheart?

Don't get it :blink:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-10 18:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Yes, I do skydive :)

She'll kill me for a lot of things, but this one I can skate through actually, because, it'll just be to f around and she'll still get flowers and a present

Flowers do tend to wash away minor sins.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-08 13:04:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Oh, pfffft, I can totally pull that off in person with her though:)

Do you skydive too? Mapt, you must like to live dangerously :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-08 13:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Show it to your wives, or translate it if you want, but this embodies everything :)

- ???????, ??? ?? ??? ???????? ?? 8 ??????
- ???????
- ????? ??? ????????
- ????? ?? ???????? ??? ???, ??? ???????? ??? ?? 23 ???????!!!

I get the sense of it, and no - I am not showing it to Vika :huh:

Alla says..."Don't buy me a present. You do not need to. I will buy the just PAY for it!" :lol:

Now THAT is flexibility :lol:

why would that not be good enough? Remind Vika it is KROGER that puts together the roses for The Kentucky Derby! Mmmm, on second thought, maybe not. :blush:

You see how that could backfire.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-08 07:43:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
OK - I had a special arrangement created by Kroger for IWD. I realize that I am running all over slims comment about the risk of not having flowers that are good enough, but decided to take my chances. In my case the risk is pretty low I think.

What have you guys arranged? I planned a good part of Vika's day out. Surprise - she didn't even protest when I said no other plans, period. We shall see if I can keep her off the phone.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-07 21:03:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I have an UBeR wife... but she's RUBber.

Probably the case for most of us :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-03-01 19:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-28 09:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I like to sport the Eurofro in the winter time.

What exactky is a EUROFRO? Pics?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 22:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
#######! I wish I could post at work! :pop:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 16:37:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Jolly good! Me work's done then! :thumbs: Pip pip, Old Crumpet!

Why old crumpet? Wouldn't stale crumpet be a real insult?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-26 08:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Also, .38+P is pretty serious for a little lady. While most women can handle a .38 load after some practice, it is still a little large for most without practice. If you get her a gun "that big" make sure she gets plenty of practice. Brad's wife shoots a .38 sometimes, right Brad? Was she allright with it straight away or did she need a little acclimation period?

I'll vouch for that. Vika fired my .357 twice, and almost fell over the first time. The second, she nearly dropped the wheel gun. After two shots she basically said "that hurts, I don't like to shoot". After an "I told you that was too big and loud to start with" we tried some smaller grain .38 loads. It worked ok because of where we started I think.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-25 07:57:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-24 19:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
And time release medication too - thus the ponies can talk :jest:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-24 19:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

More ponies that serve beer.

NoNoNo - ponies that serve beer whilst eating pie and shooting!!!

Charles! You ruined another good pissing contest, RUINED I say. #######! :P
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-24 16:29:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Oh yeah. That's where I hide all kind of evil things, such as:

1. a mullet wig (as I am bald)
2. a picture of Carrot Top
3. a paper discussing, in detail, skin tone and the effects of retinol A on bears
4. a goat-####### necklace I refer to as a "lei" and put on unsuspecting recipients of my evil
5. my camel brush and shampoo for my free time at home, washing his camels

I have a lot of pockets.

You forgot the reserve supply of sarcasm and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-23 20:24:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
I guess we are now adding farts to guns and pie?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-23 18:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Much as I love him, mox is a little sensitive to certain things... and certain people. charles! is on his list.

In mox's defense, there was at least one serious issue where things on VJ jumped off the screen and entered his real life. Not cool at all. So, whenever you start to get that "mox is being kind of a b!tch" feeling, remember that he was forced to take this stuff a little more seriously than most of us, and not by his own choosing. Mox is good peoples, and I miss him when he's gone.

Keep in mind he is a little sensitive sometimes, but also keep in mind that if you treat him with respect he will return the favor. Also keep in mind he's an old fat bald guy who loves pie and is armed. 'Nuff said!

True enough, but it does not detract one bit from the entertainment.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-23 08:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Yeah, CHarles will come in and lock it, but we made it to page 10, so it's all I care about :)
I'm done with this thread.

Sorry, I almost failed to deny this shot from the top of the key.

Some one may lock it but it won't be Charles. He may appear, but not to enter the battle. Every time Charles posts that the sky is blue over the RUB forum, mox sends Ewok 10,000 email, reports, and a spreadsheet citing his lack of objectivity, short-sightedness, and obvious color blindness. The last email said taht Charles should be removed from the moderation team, vj, the entire internet, drawn and quartered, and each piece of him sent into the core of the sun. Not sure what the root is of the conflict, but it is so entertaining that I hope Ewok lets it go on forever :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-02-22 20:26:00