Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix

it doesnt just end at RUB ,i have been reading some regional discussions since the day i joined ( again scams interest me,i dk maybe i should become a scam detective?)and it just surprises me how people close their eyes to language and communication problems,again while not all communication issues lead to scams,but i mean for crying out loud if you cant ask your wife she is eating for dinner,how you think you can discuss finances,unless you speak her language?
another common scam here is,well in this case USC is the scammer,they come back to the country,of course looked upon as royalty ,common knowledge is america is better than iran ( when the truth is you really can find jobs,decent paying jobs here,if you look for it )tells a couple of desperate young girls/boys he/she can file for a k-1 with no strings attached for a free ( like 30,000 ).the USC gets half of the money up front and leaves the " beneficiary " running.i think people are dumb enough to think taking part in a fraud makes their lives better deserve it tho.

I want to agree here that communication is important. Vika spoke excellent English when I met her, so I didn't have to deal with that personally. Some couples do get around the initial language barrier somehow, but I think in many cases it is, or should be, a deal killer. IMO most successful scams are successful because the victim is willfully blind to the evidence right in front of him/her. Wanting to move forward with a visa before being able to communicate at all would seem to me a huge flag. Asking for money at any point before rings are exchanged is another, not wanting to be at all physical, ditto. No one of these alone is necessarily an impossible barrier, but we read about people all the time on vj that ignore things like this. Friends and vjers tell them, and can see the train wreck coming - but the recipients of the message sometimes believe that they have so much invested that the truth cannot possibly be true. Sometimes the College of Hard Knocks teaches them - sometimes not.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 31 October 2010 - 10:22 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-10-31 22:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix

This whole scamming thing is very interesting, and now very personal to me. My 22 year old step daughter is here visiting for a few weeks. Things have been difficult for her in Russia as the only jobs she can get are the ones that pay nothing, zero, just a promise that there may be some money in 3 or 4 or 6 months. She survives on the small money we send her. She is well educated with 2 masters degrees. She has been feeling a little lonely, and embarrassed that we have to support her.

A few months before arriving here she put her profile on Elena's models and is getting a lot of responses. As I said she is 22, but going on 15, and looks like 15 or 16. She is specifically looking for guys 40+ that are well established (have a lot of money). I can tell you that I do not believe she really wants to get married, but she is looking for someone to take care of her and to spend lots of money on her. OMG, my step daughter is a gold digger......but not a scammer! Hell, she even met a few guys on Elena's models that are from our town and surrounding area and they keep calling and one has come by the house a couple of times. One of her guys is a 65 year old doctor from Chicago.....unbelievable! I want to know if he will let her call him grandpa. She did meet one 42 yo investment banker from London in Istanbul, but she insisted on separate rooms at the hotel.

I don't understand this whole thing, and I have given her my 2 cents and ridiculed her some, but it continues. Oh well.....

All I can say is "use your big head, guys"

My wife has two cousins (twin girls) that are in their mid-twenties and investment bankers in Kiev. They are really analysts for the bank. One of them has been working mostly on IOUs for about a year. Neither wants a foreign husband, claiming that my wife was just lucky - but they cannot imagine matching up culturally with a western guy. They would starve before registering with an intro agency too. This seems to be the norm, from what I observe, and most people in Ukraine don't ever want to leave the country for any length. Both of the gals are still young though, and well educated - from a pretty well-to-do family. Maybe that makes a difference.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-10-31 21:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusUkraine K-1 initial denial - next steps to fix

Without going back and reading the whole thing, isn't B-man the one that had been supporting her since Jan this year plus all the extras (like 2 PC's, etc.)? Granted she probably can't retire from what he sent her, but if she's running the same scam on 10 or 20 other guys, she's putting some serious cash away.

I don't know if it would take even 10. And to some, the art of the scam IS an honorable profession. There do seem to be a few goofs that will remain willfully blind to every red flag - mustapha kahem gheena sha (a sucker born every minute). One ugly story spread gives all the good folks in the process a bad name.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-10-30 10:46:00
Russia, Ukraine and Belarus1st Anniversary
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-01 19:08:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

I think it is clear I have missed a whole lot by NOT drinking. Figures. Dammit. :angry:

At last... Methinks you FINALLY GET IT... but not really :lol:

I don't drink anymore. I don't own any guns either.

I have to call bullsh1t here.

Oh #######????????? Everything is not right with world, and HOW am I supposed to sleep tonight?

The same way you've been. Don't worry though, Alla will tell you how to roll (we all get it).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-05 19:17:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

I think it's clear that Slim is too much man for just one woman. Acceptance of this fact is an important step in the healing process.

I think it's clear that slim drinks too much ;)
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-03 19:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

you guys are always leaving me out :crying:

Not intentional at all - but you have to admit that you don't fit the MOB stereotype.... or there is no MOH stereotype.... you know what I mean.

Good to see you again.

And if there was a forum for chicks who would make me go American, you could be there. It would be a boring forum though, what with the three of you in there and all.

:lol: :no:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-02 12:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore


It is a show about...nothing!

RUBfeld :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-01 09:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

Guess they'll have to put it on Lifetime or We.

I won't be watching it then (insert barf icon here)
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-30 23:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

When are they going to do a TV special on the "alternative" to foreign wives?

Couldn't sell much advertising to men there :whistle:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-30 09:50:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusIgnore

I'll bet she was American. And can you imagine they tell us to be careful of these foreign women scammers? :whistle:
:lol: You've got that right!! I refer to my ex as the 'ex-from-hell' and that is an understatement!

I prefer the term robo-b1tch.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-30 09:44:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

Agreed. We get some horrible looks from women that I know when we go out...whether it be dancing, or to the grocery store. It used to bother Kira at first, and now she thrives on it. She actually ordered a leather outfit a few weeks ago including those black over the knee boots with the heels. She would never wear that in Belarus, but she's copt an attitude of late.

I got a; "At least I didn't buy my wife" remark from my brother...someone I least expected to say something like that, and I replied with; Thank god you didn't, because I would want my money back if I ended up with something that fat and dumb". So he replies with; It isn't about looks, it's all about personality", and of course I told him if that was the case he really got screwed.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-30 11:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

Ask them why they're married to an ugly old fat woman. Usually shuts 'em up pretty quick.

Most of the worst bashers (and therefore most easily provoked) are women.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-30 10:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

I always feel somewhat obligated to play the part of a stupid rich guy being taken advantage of by a hot foreign woman. :lol: It is my right! You could always say your wife was a former KGB agent that defected to you when you were in the CIA. :lol: This stuff can be just too much fun!

True, you can play with a MOB basher's "shocked and offended" attitude for a looong time. I am only limited by the length of time I can keep from laughing.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-30 09:01:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???
A warning about baiting was given above. Baiting posts removed, administrative action taken.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-29 08:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

So a Apostille is a stamp, or seal, that says her documents and diploma are from Russia? It sounds like it's almost a notary seal or something. I never heard of these things, but looked it up and found an explanation. Looks like one of those gold seals I used to get as a kid when my Publisher's Clearinghouse mailing came. ha ha.

So tanya should contact her academic institution in Russia saying she needs her transcripts and a copy of her diploma with an apostille (or seal of approval so to speak) attached? then get everything translated. This makes sense, I just hope her university understands what she needs.

Essentially though we really only need this if Tanya intends on going back to school for something, right? I think it's still a great idea to have this taken care of when she is still home, but then again these are Russian degrees she already has which may be different than American. Getting a job here she probably would not need. just a thought. either way it would be worth getting the apostille and translated.

You might need the evaluation for certain jobs too. And yes, an apostile is a stamp, kind of like a notary. Make sure you need it before you pay for it though.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 16:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

Do they have a website or something for this? I have a list of things (that keeps getting bigger and bigger) we need to do before, after and when Tanya arrives, and this definitely makes the list. I imagine she should bring her transcripts and diplomas to have this done as well. And of course they charge a fee I imagine.

The service was called EPI I think. They do have a web site, and charge a fee. The toughest thing was for Vika to get transcripts with the original seal on them from all institutions. I think her mom had to order one from high school (my memory is murky here, as I wasn't directly involved).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 15:18:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

That's an idea too. Anything can help her feel more comfortable, maybe meet some people and learn something about US history, among other things. Probably help with that citizenship exam later down the road.

Tanya has a degree in economics and accounting, so we are both hoping this will transfer over here for her. I forgot to ask about this as well. How does something like this transfer into a degree here in the US. I am just curious for things like writing a resume. In the jobs I have had I have not had to show proof of my Bachelor's or Master's, but I am curious to know how that would translate, no pun intended, here. I am thinking she will be OK, but have any of you dealt with foreign education degrees for working here in the US?

There is an evaluation service, where her transcripts (with apostile) can be translated and compared to American curricula. Vika has the equivalent of a M.A in accounting, according to the eval. Any college can give you the service they want you to use (I think there are several).
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 15:00:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusBridal Shower??? English classes???

As for classes. I also have the Rosetta Stone English courses as well. this will most def help her since I am using Russian, and they have helped me. Although I know I learn better when in a class. not to mention we may meet some great people in class, or it might be 3 of us in there too, the teacher, Tanya and I. ha ah.
Thanks all.

Vika took a couple of semesters of ESL at a local community college, and has now registered for US History I and Psychology with American students, just to see if she can follow. I am positive she will have no problems, other than being shocked at the slow pace and the lack of attention paid by her classmates :lol: My point is that she says the classes and conversing in the classroom helped her develop vocabulary and get comfortable with lots of expressions she already knew, as her English was fluent when she got here.

Edited by Brad and Vika, 28 December 2010 - 02:20 PM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 14:20:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusQuick'n'Easy AOS question :)
I seem to recall some lag time too. Sit tight.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-11 09:47:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusNo love for Valentine's Day in Russia

They could not understand all this emphasis on ghosts, ghouls, death and other morbid characters.

How can you ward off the evil eye if you invite all those nasty things into your life?

Diamonds. That'll shut her up.

For at least an hour.

But yes, logic does not always enter into her thinking and it may be that she is Ukrainian or may be it is just that she is a woman (some of each I think)

And so? Voowat?
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-11 16:23:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Yes, best to get those in the fall when they are selling them on clearance at Lowe's. Alla has all this figured out. :lol: She actually is using some cheap plastic 4 tiered shelves, 3 feet wide and about 6 feet tall for the plants. They snap together and can be easily taken apart. They were about $19 each at Lowes if I recall. We take them apart in the spring ans she "gets her room back". But her room is all glass on three sides and faces south, so where else to put plants? She also uses one of the shelving units with "ventilated" shelves (wire shelves) in the utility room as a drying rack for her sweaters, lingerie and other stuff that she doesn't put in the dryer.

Heading to Lowe'
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-13 23:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

three walls are lined with shelves for plants all in front of the windows.

We have been looking for a couple of those small metal free standing shelves for all the plants. Wrong season I guess. All the table space near the windows is gone, and Vika complains that there aren't enough windows or light. She wanted to get rid of my big screen because she wanted the window behind it for plants :rofl: You can imagine how that conversation went.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-11 14:16:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Yeah, of course. :whistle:

Not to define fun (don't want to go there). :ot2: What are you all doing for Valentine's Day? Vika will no doubt see flowers, but honestly Women's Day will be a much bigger deal. Our anniversary is a week after that. I really didn't think the dates through I guess :rofl:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-11 09:45:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

It's on YouTube?

The second link abouve was to YouTube. We watched a couple of long clips.

But....but...????? What are saying....about me...????

I have a MOB......I think so?????

The propaganda is all that mess about the young lawyer/nurse taking support for years from the retired mailman because she really wants to marry him (but just has a few years of school left - that will be totally useless immediately after). We watched one clip where it looked like a really pretty girl in Odessa was going back and forth with a guy at a social. There was a dinner scene where she apparently turned him down, and he drops his silverware and starts crying at the table. Vika says "wow, that's attractive". There were some sensible clips talking about why people use agencies, but lots of fantasy marketing propaganda too.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-06 09:38:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

OK! This time I'll set the DVR.

Knock yourself out.. the YouTube was hilarious though :rofl: Even Vika laughed, but she said only idiots would believe the MOB propaganda :rofl: :rofl:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-05 19:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Why does it smell so bad? Is it just a natural deal or is it due to pollution, sewage, trash...?

It is definitely not a natural odor.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-02-01 14:30:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

For an extra $20 they'll install a cup holder.

Pass. Nobody needs a cup holder that badly.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-30 23:28:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

If she had a flat head, she'd be perfect.

I hear that is considered a product defect in the MOB catalogue.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-30 09:53:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I think some of those are a little off since it'd be mostly old fat guys watching.

KFC, BK, Pepsi, Beer of all sorts - those would be the major advertisers. Lowes/Home Depot would be next and then Super Cuts would round out the usual suspects. Probably a Valvoline or Jiffy Lube in there somewhere but eventually they'd figure out any man smart enough to buy a RUBber MOB is going to change his own oil as well.

No doubt :lol: A total return of those Swedish bikini team type of commercials where the guys crack a beer and they are immediately surrounded by models. The guys who tune in believing they are getting information would absolutely start drinking the brand and waiting for half naked female genies to appear with food :rofl:

And for those tuning in only for entertainment - I think Home Depot would clean up with the specials on new flooring and paint.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-26 20:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I can vouch for the Crimean beaches! Mostly gravel/slag rock, but very little trash. Is there an FSU city that is NOT full of hotness? Doubtful. :dance:

Tough to tell if you are watching the MOB channel or just looking out the window.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-25 10:14:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

You know I don;t have TV! Now what can I do? I was counting on you guys to tell me what they said about FSU MOBs, now I will never know! :whistle:

You have the real thing anyway, so who cares? :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-22 17:51:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

But how can we be sure it would be about FSU women, it could be about ...oh, NM.

Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-16 14:05:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
I am sure there will be a rerun :lol:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-16 09:35:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

Just a little reminder that MOB show is on tonight - We network, 2:00 Eastern. Don't forget to set your DVR or stay up late.

Past my bedtime. Also, I refuse to watch We on general principle.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-14 21:07:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

This woman KNOWS her beaches! :lol: There are good beaches in Crimea and in the Sea of Azov...and in the Black Turkey. But around Odessa is awful.

Agreed. Turkey is great. I have never gone to a beach(?) near Odessa, but I understand that it is like sunbathing near an open sewer.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2011-01-14 08:25:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power
To be honest, you tend to see more posts that talk about the physical, but the real reasons we enjoy our situations are are more than that. I found that most American gals that were dating had lots of emotional baggage, and really were not into the concept of a strong family. Many also wanted escape valves built in (is your pension vested?). Some of those things are age related, but some are just cultural.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-30 10:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

The American feminists did it to themselves. An attractive woman here has been enabled to be a superstar throughout her whole life. She gets paid more, has an easier life, and typically has nicer things. Women enabled this to happen, not men.

In FSU, where women are typically attractive as the rule - not the exception - they're not entitled to the same benefits.

In relation to MOBs and the standoffishness of women here when encountering them it's almost the same as "I can't believe she got that promotion." They've been putting up with the same thing their entire lives yet do nothing to stop it. I'm just thankful I don't have to take part in it anymore. I'm no longer complicit. "No, that dress doesn't make you look fat. Your @ss makes you look fat."

Er.. That really sounds like men had a hand in it :lol:

The way I look at it, it's just like anything else...when the local market ceases to be competitive, you outsource.

Rational - I like it :thumbs:

When I got off the plane in Minsk I went to the nearest "wife store" and asked for the red head w/bad attitude section, and this is what I ended up with. Low maintenance, low mileage, low payments, and drives/handles like a dream. :hehe:

Exactly what I was talking about! No matter how you meet - that sort of statement drives the MOB bashers into the red zone. Very nice. :rofl:

My Russian investment pays back in big ways but not at the waistline.

I heard that :blush:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-30 09:10:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

I've gotten the MOB thing a few times as well, especially since we found each other on a website. I'm convinced in our case it was really just fate though...a repetition of my family history, only with a modern twist.

My great grandmother grew up on a farm in Kentucky in the late 1800s. One of the things they sold at this farm was eggs, and for some reason, she wrote her name and address on one of these eggs. It ended up at a hotel in New York City where it was found by the head chef who got curious about it and decided to write. Long story short, after corresponding for many months, they decided to meet each other, fell in love, ended up getting married, and gave birth to my grandfather.

We were into MOBs before MOBs were cool! :D

Although we met in person first, I usually tell MOB bashers who don't know us that there was a web special price on women her age that day, and I couldn't pass it by. VIka is not fond of that sort of humor.
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 15:15:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusFlower Power

On a side note... a few us here have a significant age gap with our spouses. There's like a 19 year difference with me and my wife. I still get accused of "buying a wife" even though that wasn't the case....let them think what they want. It could be worse...I could be one of those American chicks in the MENA forums who had to change over to Islam in order to get married. :hehe:

I have the same situation. Usually I don't sweat it, but occasionally use the fact to irritate some one who gets up on the MOB soap box :devil:
Brad and VikaMaleUkraine2010-12-28 10:50:00