K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExpired K-1 Alternative
She would not be doing AOS based on the K-1, that is done and over. She would be adjusting status based on the concurrent filing of an I-130 and I-485 (after they marry). She is subject to a ban so AP would be useless and until the AOS is accepted she could be deported (but unlikely).
belinda63FemaleIran2011-11-20 14:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmarried before entering on K-1
Maybe they won't know at first and will give her the conditional green card, then maybe when she applies to remove conditions (for the 10 year green card) they will discover it and deport her. Or maybe they won't discover it then but when she applies for citizenship they will and then deport her. Or maybe they will find out 10 years from now and then deport her. You getting the point here? If they EVER find out she misrepresented herself for the purpose of immigration benefits she will lose those benefits (green card or citizenship) and will be deported, likely with a life time ban.

Possible out, as I don't know the rules of marriage in your country, could you have a ceremony there that is not registered with the government but only qualifies as a religious marriage.

Edited by belinda63, 08 August 2011 - 10:32 PM.

belinda63FemaleIran2011-08-08 22:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswithin 2 yrs question..plz help
Extending the petition won't do any good if it is determined they did not meet the two year requirement. It must be met at the time the petition is filed or the petition will be denied. Certainly if he meets with her again that will count as having met within two years for a new petition.
Either way, if this petition is accepted or not, the OP really, really needs to have another meeting with his fiance, if not for filing a new petition then for the visa interview.
belinda63FemaleIran2011-12-19 05:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 Affidavit of support
You can't combine the sponsor's income. One sponsor must be able to support their household plus the incoming immigrant.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-05 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConcerning income requirements as the petitioner
If your reported tips are sufficient to meet the poverty requirements then you will be ok. I was in the same situation but made sure what I reported (I reported my tips in the computer when I clocked out) was enough to cover us.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-08 11:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresvisa dates longer then 90 daysI
I suggest you wait a bit to marry her. See how she reacts, does she really push you to marry and file for her green card or is she understanding of your doubts based on her leaving you 3 weeks after she arrived. What reason did she give for just leaving with no note or anything, turning her phone off, and rejecting your emails? That doesn't sound like someone who is have doubts or trouble adjusting, that sounds like someone who says "Ah, I'm in the USA now it's time to dump the idiot who brought me here".

Sounds like she realized she needs you to get the green card. Once you are married, even if you don't support her filing for AOS (by refusing to file the affidavit of support) she can claim you abused her and obtain her green card that way. So give it some time before you make the leap and discover what her real reasons for being with you are.
belinda63FemaleIran2011-12-30 21:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Process using waiver 2 for the eligibility
Waivers are very rarely granted. She will have to prove that not only could she not travel to your country nor you to the US but that also you could not meet in a third country. This waiver is almost never granted.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-23 19:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDecisions regarding K1
If she isn't planning on living in the US for a period of years while you are in Singapore there is no point in filing for a K-1 or a CR-1 visa at this point. She would have to maintain residency in the US to keep her green card. Best to get married wherever it is easiest, move to Singapore, then file for the CR-1 about 8 months prior to returning to the US.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-24 23:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 to K-3
You can't change the visa type, you can only cancel the K-1 and file for the CR-1 which means paying the fees again and starting over in line waiting for approval again.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-22 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedurescase pending review--semantics?
State Department can usually tell you if he is in review in Washington or at the embassy. It can take anywhere from one day to years. Hang in there, a lot of us have been there, and a lot are still waiting. Use the time productively and try not to think about it too much.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-08 17:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPoverty guidelines requirements
None of you currently meet the requirements. ONE sponsor must meet 125% of the poverty level for the household (including the immigrant). For two people this is about $18,388 and for three people it is $23,163. Even if you didn't claim your niece and let your mother do it you still wouldn't meet the requirement for two people. If your mother dropped the niece and let you claim both she would barely make the requirement for herself and the immigrant.
You will always be the primary sponsor even if your income doesn't meet the requirements. What you need is a joint sponsor who's income in and of itself will meet the income requirements for themselves, any dependents, and the intending immigrant. You can't add joint sponsors income together.

You may use any assets you have, specifically with the house you would need a statement from the bank showing how much equity you have in the house. I don't recall if assets must be 3X or 5X for the I-134.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-01-26 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDidnt met my fiancee in the last two years
Suggest you some third country to meet in if she won't come to Pakistan. None of the reasons you provided will suffice for a waiver of meeting. Islam does not forbid meeting in person prior to marriage, it only requires a chaperone for the meeting.
As to you receiving a visitor's visa to the US, sorry to say chances are very slim. A young male from a Muslim country, especially one who has already show immigrant intent, will most likely be denied.

Start picking out a third country in which to meet and be prepared with a camera to take lots of pictures and save all the boarding passes, receipts, etc.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-02-20 18:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDoing K-1 ..I29-F / Convicted Felon
Depends what you were convicted for. Being a convicted felon didn't stop me :whistle:
belinda63FemaleIran2012-03-11 04:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisa overstay advice
You always answer truthfully, so yes she did overstay. If she was a minor the entire time she is no considered responsible for the overstay as minors have no say in what their parents/guardians do. ALWAYS answer truthfully.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-04-18 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWife did not make it past homeland and got k-1 cancelled
Yep it can happen, my fiance was held in secondary for hours in Chicago. He briefly saw his luggage which they would not let him touch, it was the last time he ever saw it, never been found. They questioned him relentlessly, opened the brown envelope, read a lot of the things in it, questioned him about things in it such as copies of our evidence of a relationship, etc. They kept him so long he missed his connection and had to spend his first ever night in the United States sleeping on a bench in O'Hara airport.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-04-25 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPLEASE HELP I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO NEXT
Darnell will be along with the proper procedures to follow but just to let you know, I think she is scamming you and just used you as a ticket to the US. Don't marry her and she will be out of status when her I-94 expires (usually 90 days after arrival). There only way she can adjust status from a K-1 visa is marriage to you. Do not marry her if she has treated you in this manner already, she has made it plain she has no interest in being with you.
Once she realizes she cannot legally stay in the US any other way she may come crawling to you with excuses for her behavior and promises that she has no intention of keeping just to marry you. Then either she will leave when she has her green card (she doesn't need you after that) or if you marry and don't file her adjustment of status she may try to file a VAWA (violence against women act) petition by claiming you abused her.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-05-02 11:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresnot following the 90 day rule for the K1 visa
If it is a benefit of his ex's social security he is referring to, which I doubt since that can't be awarded in a divorce action, he loses all of it as soon as he remarries, doesn't matter if he remarries at 35, 65, or 85, when he remarries it stops. IF he has been divorced (from new spouse) for more than two years he qualifies to draw on his own SS, or any of his ex's, depending which is biggest. (double check on the ss government website).

Since you refer to this being part of his divorce action it is probably her pension it is referring to which is separate from SS. This would be dependent on the terms of the Court Order and if it says he loses it if he remarries, etc. So for this he would have to actually read the Order. In my case there is no reference to me losing the benefits if I remarry since they were something I obtained an interest in from being married to my ex.

To the root of the issue. What he is planning to do to this woman and child is very unfair. To ask them to wait six years or longer (or forever if they have a falling out) to obtain any sort of legal status in the US is wrong. And as stated previously the child will be SOL even if they marry later. This poor woman probably thinks she is going to come here, marry, and live a life of luxury when in fact she will not be able to drive, work, etc., she will have to keep her status secret from any friends she may have, etc. What he is planning to do is selfish and illegal.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-05-20 04:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFingerprinting at the embassy during the interview.
Never buy your ticket or make plans until the visa is in hand. Yes she will be fingerprinted, she will have a print scanned again when she enters, she will be fingerprinted for her AOS, again for her ROC, again for her citizenship. Fingerprints are currently the best available way to insure a person is who they are supposed to be.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-06-06 19:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-134 and I-864 Joint sponsor?
Problem number one. You must meet in person prior to filing the 129-F fiance petition. I don't know of any Muslim law or rule that two people who are considering being married cannot meet with a chaperone present. If you have looked at the petition you have to file it specifically asks for details of when the two of you have met in person. If you do not provide proof you have met the petition will be denied.
An attorney will not be a co-sponsor for a client. YOU must find someone who is willing to be a co-sponsor. You will need someone for both the fiance visa and again when he arrives and you file for his green card.

First step, you must met this man face-to face somewhere, it can be in Pakistan, the US, Greenland, the Antartica, anywhere but you must be able to prove the two of you were physically present at the same place at the same time.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-06-10 13:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting Over from another Country
Have you contacted your representative (like about three years ago?) You will have to cancel the K-1 and start from scratch, this includes any AP. It doesn't matter where he is living when you file or where he interviews he will have AP based upon the country he is a native/lived in for a number of years.
Much better solution would be to get your representative working on this for you and finding out what the heck is going on with your case. Four years is WAY too long to wait.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-06-18 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo money for fees...
Do you meet the requirements for the affidavit of support or, if not, do you have a co-sponsor? You are looking at a good deal of money out of pocket for the visa application fee, medical fee, plane ticket, and supporting your fiance for at least three months after he arrives. It will cost more than $1,000 to file for him to obtain his green card and he cannot work until this paperwork is filed and he receives his employment authorization.
Step back and look at the whole picture, review your options, and proceed from there as there is no waiver for the fees.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-06-20 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresmuch older woman/younger man
I am 9 years older than my spouse and he is from a Muslim country. We only met once prior to my filing the K-1. He did have a very, very long AP but I think that was more due to his native country and his common name. The only things he was questioned about were was he aware I had three children (he doesn't want children so this was ok) and did he know of my criminal record.
A lot of it has to do with the evidence you send and the consulate you go through. We provided snips of yahoo chats from the two years we had know each other and several photos of us together with his sisters and nephew. AP is almost a certainty given the country he is from but I really don't think the age issue will be that big depending on his attitude.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-07-04 19:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk-1 visa but wont stay in the US
Guess no one looked at the country the prospective spouse is from. Certainly apply for a tourist visa but seriously doubt it will be approved. The good news is a legal marriage in any country is valid in the US. When both of you are ready to live in the US you would file for a CR-1 visa for the non-USC.
Best wishes on your marriage and if you can't get the tourist visa try for a marriage somewhere exotic, Thailand maybe, it will be something to talk about for years.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-07-26 19:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresexpedite a visa
Before you worry about expediting the case you need to meet the requirements to file. You MUST have met face to face with him no less than two years prior to filing. The only way to have this requirement waived in your case would be to prove you could not travel anywhere, not Canada, Mexico, anywhere and that he cannot obtain a tourist visa to the US, usually he would need to be refused several times. It doesn't matter where the two of you meet, it can be anywhere, but you must meet or prove without question that it would be impossible.
Do you have the income to file the affidavit of support or do you have a co-sponsor? You require an income of 125% the poverty level or a great deal of assets to meet this requirement.

Look at the requirements for filing before thinking of an expedite, you are putting the cart before the horse.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-07-29 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresReceived a call, but no email/mail/text of NOA1. HELP!
Never heard of anyone receiving a phone call about the NOA-1.I really don't think they have a phone crew to call the thousands of people who apply daily with their office.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-08-31 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 visa problems
If the Philippine government managed to mate the "fake marriage" under a fake name and fake date of birth then what makes you think the US government which has her fingerprints and photo won't mate her prior visa and green card to her current information.
Her story sounds too fake to me. Two men, similar circumstances, always trying to get to the US. Tell her the situation is too complicated and you want to move to the Philippines to live with her. Keep this up for a few months and see how she reacts. Truth is, you will have to withdraw the petition, hire an attorney, obtain an annulment, so you are looking at a few years, if ever, before she might obtain a visa.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-09-10 14:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFile Returned to USCIS
Some suggestions here, and remember each officer is different. I had only met my fiance once prior to him obtaining his visa but we included photos of us together with his family as well as chat logs, etc. I am nine years older than him and have three children which was a red flag as he was never married and no children. I believe it was the fact that we both traveled to Sweden to meet, which required action and money on our part, rather than just me flying to see him with no real action on his part, and my having met some of his family and having been accepted by them that really helped with our case. All I can say is good luck and document as much as you can. Make another trip, as hard as it is, and meet the family, neighbors, city mayor, people down the road,etc. and take lots of photos.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-07-22 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow do I know ??
Guess your attorney never heard of computers? This is how they look up your case, not by pulling the actual file.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-09-13 15:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDS-230 & SSN #
For a K-1 you won't automatically obtain a SSN, you will have to apply for it after you arrive.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-09-20 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere the fiance intends to stay in the US
Remember you have to file to adjust status and that will involve showing the two of you have a life together as a married couple. Going to be kind of hard to do if you live on other sides of the country without a really compelling reason.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-09-20 20:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129F enquiry
Look here and click on the instructions for the I-129F. It states what evidence, forms, photos, etc you need to include with the package.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-09-28 08:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTired of waiting
Unless you enjoy AP I would advise you stick with the K-1. The security checks have to be done no matter if it is a fiance visa or spousal visa being applied for. If you cancel the K-1 you go back to square zero and after many months, when he has the interview, the AP starts again, at square zero.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-10-10 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1 Visa - I29B
When you sent in the I-129F did you include all the supporting documents? Could you list what you sent? Did you send evidence the two of you had met face-to-face in the past two years?
Since he was denied entry on the visa waiver program he will need to apply for a tourist visa. He has shown what was interpreted to be immigrant intent by having a petition for a fiance visa filed and entering with no proof of a return ticket.
Sorry you have to go through this but immigration is not easy nor quick. Maybe the people here can help ease your pain and make the path easier for you.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-10-26 14:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSkipping K-1 and marrying in States
Well assuming she could obtain the tourist visa without lying about her intent, she could enter with the tourist visa, marry you, and adjust status BUT that would be immigration fraud and if, at any point along the way from interview for the tourist visa to AOS interview, she made a false statement, she could be found guilty of lying to immigration or misrepresentation and be banned from the US for life.
Feeling lucky? or want to do it the right and legal way?
belinda63FemaleIran2012-11-07 21:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiance has overstayed Visa
Serious problem. He cannot adjust status inside the US except by the petitioner for the K-1 which is a no go. He will have to leave the country and you file either a fiance petition or spouse petition (if you marry prior to him leaving). He does not have to return to Iran, just somewhere out of the US and establish residency in another country.
Another option is to apply for asylum based on his religious conversion but unless he has made public his conversion there is a slim to no chance anyone in Iran will know about it.
I did have a friend several years ago who went to Austria and applied for asylum to the US from there based upon his being a Christian, might be worth checking into.
Again he cannot adjust status without leaving the country based upon his initial K-1.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-11-07 21:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo Immunization Scars
The only immunization scar I have is from the small pox immunization, which just shows how old I am. :devil: Immunizations normally don't leave scars, a vaccination record or blood titer is the only sure way to know if it was received. BTW another bit of trivia, I am almost certain I had rubella when I was a child, the titer during my first two pregnancies showed immunity, but lo and behold, during my third pregnancy my titer showed no immunity. Explain that one.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-11-22 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion On Back Child Support
Well a few issues to address here. First it is only a bill and is not a law therefore you could not be denied due to it (unless it becomes a law) and according to your link it has about a 2% chance of being passed. Second the arrears would have to be enough to be be certified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and last time I checked only arrears of more than $5,000 fit this category. Third this would required the child support office with your case actually doing the paperwork to send this information to the Federal Government.
So chances, in my opinion, of it affecting your petition are none at this time.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-10-29 15:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Extension
It will say on the visa, usually six months but it could be less depending on when the medical expires. You can't.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-11-24 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMeeting 125% of federal poverty guideline?!
Yes they do, I brought my fiance here using my income as a server. You are most likely required to report your tips at the end of the shift. Make sure you report enough to meet the requirements. :whistle: Remember you are required to report 100% of your tips but no one goes in your pocket to count what you made.
belinda63FemaleIran2012-12-10 22:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFriend Pregnant
Several issues which have been mentioned. Can he actually remain inside the US for several months while he waits for his AOS to be approved? Can she afford to support him and her three children while he waits for approval as he cannot legally work until he has his EAD or green card? Does she meet the qualifications of the affidavit of support or does she have a co-sponsor who does. For her it would be a family of five, that would be an income of $33,763 per year. Do they have the money to pay for AOS, about $1800 for the filing and medical?
belinda63FemaleIran2012-11-21 22:31:00