Middle East and North AfricaI had my interview today!
AP is just a killer. it drains u, its like u get sooo motivated for the interview and at the end, the CO tells u with a smile, that evrything seem to be in order and than u breath and then he goes BUT we need to do some further checks! and thats when the pain starts. its like ur put in a doctor's waitin room full of people and Dont know how long each one will take to get treated! but we just have to wait and wait.
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-16 07:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaI had my interview today!
My fiance's Interview was in London, as he's currently working over there! wud that make any difference??

QUOTE (star_dragon @ Sep 15 2008, 08:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Wait, was your interview in Casablanca, or somewhere else?

My fiance's interview was in london! would that make any difference?
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-15 14:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaI had my interview today!
My fiance got a blue slip today, because his application requires further processing. This is what has been said.

" Your immigrant visa application requires additional administrative processing bfore a visa can be issued. This processing cannot be waived and we cannot issue a visa until the processing is comlete. When the admnistrative processing is complete, we will advise yoy by phone/email. We regret that we are unable to provide you with any guidance as to how long the processin of your case will take. While the visa is being processed, there is no mechanism for "status check" "

What really worries me is how long the administrative processing will take. Its not like we need to provide an extra documents, its just the embassy's thingy.

Can anyone help/advise on this occasion? did anyone go under the same process?

Many thanks
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-15 10:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview update!
Hi guys my fiance went for his interview on Monday the 15th of Septembre, and he was told that he was put on AP. That did not bother us because he was not really planning to come over until the second week of December. Yesterday Thursday the 25th he recieved a letter from the embassy stating that his AP has been cleared and was asked to forward his passport to the Embassy via the courier. Roughly it took us 7 working days in AP. He was a bit worried as he had 5 police certificates from different countries, so that was not really a problem.

Have a nice day people!!!
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-26 03:16:00
Middle East and North Africavisa through amman jordan
OMG! is it taking this long?? my fiance went for his interview in london yesterday! and they said hes in AP too. I hope that it won't take long! ths is really worrying and whats killing me is that u can do nothing about it! its homeland security procedure!
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-16 05:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaIs your spouse the jealous type????
some people define jealousy as a true sign of emotion and love not just another of way of control! arab men if they re in love they do get jealous about their wives! and they want their wives to be jealous too!! its the culture, and i guess if u wanna marry someone from this kinda of culture u kinda need to embrace it! as it is essential. one more thing if ur husband/fiancee isnt jealous at all it only means too things, whether he trusts u an incredible amount or he doesnt love u at all! or doesnt care and hes just using u! i know those words must be harsh! thats my experience anyway... I thought my simo was controlling by his jealousy and i remmeber once we were walkin in the city centre in london, and this guy winked at me, and simo saw it, he got really red and angry he went back pushed the guy in an empty alley and was about to break his teeth, while saying you!! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY GIRL!!! to be honnest i got scared, but at the same time i knew only one thing that if he didnt love me he wudnt do that, he'll just ignore it.... few months down the line, i complained to simo about his jealousy, he understood it, and he gave me EXACTLY what i wanted, and guess what, i wasnt happy i wanted his freaky jealousy back, bcoz he was tooooo damn protective and sexy at the same time! Jealousy is not a mean of control, is just that arab guys take too much pride in their women and they just cant stand if other men around them!! Jealousy is another way to express love....well at least in arab men's dictionary!!

peace alllll
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-10-23 16:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaMena meeting S/O
Well we met in Scotland! mmm was soo romantic!
thebigyardFemaleMorocco2008-09-28 08:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaLike the cat...meow!
But the link is forbidden by the filters in Iran My fiance could not watch it
belinda63FemaleIran2007-05-15 10:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaAnd speaking of jealousy....
ok, major dog fight going on here.
People are people and they are a product of the culture in which they are raised whether that is middle eastern, european, or whatever. When two ppl who are in love marry they have to learn to compromise, and that means both of them give and take.
My mother is German, I was raised having access to beer from the time I can remember and with partial nudity being no big deal. Not that she ran around the house naked or anything, but seeing children nude at the pool or women topless was no big deal.
My fiancee, who is from iran, has been to sweden several times, the last time I was with him. Of course at the beach some women were topless, some children were nude. Yes he was shocked, but he dealt with it as being a part of the swedish culture. No I did not go topless, not only out of respect for him but also because well, i'm shy.

Please stop trying to portray all ppl from certain areas as the same. some are more open minded than others, some have had more strict upbringing, some have outgrown their culture. Just remember to relate things to how they were raised and understand why maybe they are shocked by some things they see or we do. It takes time to understand a new culture and time to adapt to things you have never experienced.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-08-09 09:33:00
It is technically a non-immigrant.
It only grants to SO the right to remain in the states for 90 days, then he must leave unless he/she marries and AOS, which is a whole new process.
but because it is done with the intent to immigrate, stay in the us permanently, it is processed as an immigrant visa.

Yes, very confusing
belinda63FemaleIran2007-08-31 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaMarrying a Muslim
from my side: He is a terrorist, he will sell u into sex slavery, he will plant a bomb on you (when I went to sweden to visit him). he is just using u to get to the us, he will make you quit your job (i work in a restaurant as a server), never go to his country or he will never let you come back, don't take ur children (if we have any) to his country his parents can take them,

from his side. He is terrified to tell his mother that he is going to marry his "american friend". She says you cannot trust american women, they do not stay married for long, they do not value the family, she will cheat on you, she will get tired of you, she is too old, she is not a virgin, she is not muslim (neither is he but his mother is),

My family says they don't want to ever meet him because they don't associate with terrorist, his mother hates me and has not even met me. Luckily his two sisters who live in Sweden approve of me.

Follow your heart, I am, I found my best friend and I don't plan on losing him no matter what anyone else says.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-09-04 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for work... Driving me crazy!!!!!!!
ok, now I don't feel so bad. My man is in iran (still waiting on security checks). He has asked me over and over why he cannot work when he gets here. I have explained but he still does not get it. He wants to go straight into a really good job or open his own business, buy a house, get a car (BMW), etc.
I just told him (jokingly) that he was going to be the caretaker of the house until he got his paperwork done.....he did not like that at all.
We have been through all the opening his own business thing. For God's sake he is a veterinarian, what does he know about a bakery?
I think it has something to do with the mindset of the man supporting the family mixed with the beliefs about America and the stories they hear.
The scariest thing is I could get him a job in the restaurant where I work after he gets his papers, but I do not think he would last a day.
In his mind work is serious, and where I am....well...let's just say, in the dining room we are professional, behind the line.....ever seen the movie "Waiting"?
In the first hour he would run out screaming "All Americans are Crazy"
He has a lot to adapt to and a lot to learn about the American way before I would trust him on his own.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-07-26 07:15:00
Middle East and North AfricaAll the couples in AP/AR with a spouse/fiance named Mohamed (or any form of this name)
My fiance has one of the most common names in his country Ali Reza Mohammidi. Plus he is Iranian. And worked for the Ministry of Agriculture in Tehran at one time. Oh and he fought in the Iran-Iraq war. So plz, we are so scr***d with the clearance. His interview was in April and they still tell us it is pending,
Maybe one day before he is all gray headed he will be here.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-09-17 09:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally
I am in such a panic, after so long his check is done. Now he must go back to Ankara to get his visa. Fantasy has become reality.
For all of you who are waiting, hang in there. We were both so ready to give up. This will be the best birthday present he ever got. I can only say God has watched over us, no RFEs, no hard interview, the process just took forever it seemed.
Now I am in a panic. I have to clean the house and clean out the closet, and buy some new sheets, and and and omg I can't believe it is almost done

Thank you everyone for letting me know i was not the only one waiting and for providing support when we became depressed and wanted to give up.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-09-25 07:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaInformation on AP
My understanding is that when he went to the embassy to pick up his visa they ran one last check on him. I guess in the week since the clearance was done some "new" information indicated a "serious hit" on his name. According to DOS because they are constantly updating their "lists" this could happen to anyone.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-12 07:56:00
Middle East and North AfricaInformation on AP
Yes we have met last year in Sweden at his sister's house. He really does not want me to come to Iran until we are married because of the issues it would cause and the limitations on us. I do plan to go after we marry for certain to mmet the rest of his family and see all the wonderful olc places.
I guess, now that I have cooled down a little, what really upsets me is that the embassy knew like the next day he would be sent back to DOS for more checks and never bothered to tell us. His email, sent after almost a week was responded to with "due to heavy caseload we are still processing your case". We made jokes about how long can it take to put a visa in a passport.
If he had not managed to get through, the phones are only answered for 1 1/2 hours each day and this week they were only open Tuesday and Wednesday, he would still be sitting in Turkey wondering where his visa was. I mean how long were they going to let him stay there and keep his passport without updating him?
That was $1500 down the drain as far as I am concerned for his flight, hotel, missed work, etc. and no one seems to care.
But I will try to be positive no0pb.gif and hope this "serious hit" is resolved quickly. helpsmilie.gif
Thanks for letting me vent and all the support. Maybe one day I will be able to fill in the visa received part of my timeline
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-11 20:44:00
Middle East and North AfricaInformation on AP
i have not been to iran, yet, but it is looking like if this takes much longer I may be going after christmas. I am just so angry at the money he wasted. They didn't even attempt to contact either of us, by phone or email, to let us know he was being sent back to DOS. If he had not managed to get through by phone he would still be sitting in Ankara wondering what was going on.

I pray this will be resoved soon, don't give up hope, but don't buy the plane tickets either no matter what the embassy says, until visa is in hand.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-11 11:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaInformation on AP
Sorry but I am pretty angry right now. My fiance's clearance was completed the last week of September, he travelled to Ankara to get his visa, gave them his passport on October 1 ( a week after the clearance was complete) and waited. He emailed, I emailed, finally he got through by phone and was told it was being sent back for another clearance. This was not even three weeks after his clearance was complete. And no one bothered to contact him or return his passport until he called. He could have been stuck in Turkey for weeks not knowing what was happening with no passport.

I just called DOS who stated it is not uncommon for a clearance that is complete to be redone several times because of hits that may occur between the completion time and the visa issuance time. In other words it was complete but when he went to get his visa less than a week later some hits had come up. Now he must go throught the entire clearance process again. And when that is complete and he goes to get his visa if there are hits that have happened in the interim he will be rejected and have to have another clearance done yet again. And this can go on forever.

Maybe this explains why some ppl have such long AP, just as the clearance is complete a new hit comes up and they must start all over again.

At this point I am writing my congressman. I know everyone says it does no good but he wasted a lot of time and money going to Ankara and waiting for nothing.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-11 08:21:00
Middle East and North Africaround trip ticket
There is a good reason to consider a round trip ticket. For those of you who read of my recent problem (fiance went to get visa and instead must have a second security check) When your SO arrives at the POE they run his/her name again through the system. If any flags come up they will be denied entry. So, as in my case, if they have a common name a round trip ticket may be the best insurance. Otherwise, if they cannot buy a ticket they may be "locked up" and deported.
A visa is not a guarantee of entry into the US, that is at the discretion of the POE officer.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-15 10:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaIran
Hmm given about 30% unemployment, housing so expensive the normal person can't afford it, and inflation at astronomical rates, I wonder who we are really hurting. When next I told to my SO I will ask him what he thinks.
BTW still waiting for his second security check to be completed. mad.gif
belinda63FemaleIran2007-10-25 19:41:00
Middle East and North AfricaAP/AR INFORMATION
so a long explaination that really explains nothing. All we know is the security checks are a black hole where no one can obtain any information. we were told two different stories as to why he was sent back for additional checks, not even the senator could find out why his case had been sent back.
Contacting the embassy just results in a generic response and all DOS says is "his checks are still pending".
There needs to be someone somewhere that has oversight of this process, who must be made to answer as to why it takes months or even years for the checks to be complete.
Ankara has had his full 10 fingerprints since April. The began his security checks in February, he has no criminal record, has a masters degree in vet. medicine, has only had two jobs, and has lived at the same address all his life. So the only problem we know of is his tour, with an offical tour group in 2001, or the fact that he has a very common name. He gave full details of the tour including countries and dates so what is taking so long?
The "zero tolerance" policy is what is causing us to have millions of illegal immigrants. If we had been dishonest he could have been here more than a year ago but because we decided to follow the law it may be years before he gets here.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-11-05 10:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecurity checks
From the letter my senator got from the embassy, the checks are started as soon as the DS 230 and other forms are received. When u go for the interview they will take the fingerprints, photos, etc, and send them for checks also. It is my understanding this takes only a few days. It is the name checks/job checks/prior travel checks that take forever.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-11-09 09:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaI need your advice
I think the answer to all would be yes
If you marry, something we have considered but we are so close, you would have to cancel the K1 since it is for a fiance only and refile as a spouse, ie. start the entire process over again.
I think, but double check, that if you marry you must file for the visa in the country where you married.
Best advice is unless there are major problems where you don't think the K1 will be approved or unless you are very early in the process, is to just stick with the K1 and wait it out.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-11-17 13:16:00
Middle East and North AfricaInterview December 11th, husband in Dubai now
Best of luck rose.gif But i will be so jealous devil.gif
Good luck and i will say a prayer for both of you.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-12-06 18:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaHaha
I had an now ex boyfriend who did this on a yahoo chat board. He used two computers, one dsl and one dial up and had a "conversation" with himself to impress a woman. Hard to do but possible and two different ips would show.

But......what was the point of the original post? Just to fire some ppl up?
belinda63FemaleIran2007-12-07 13:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaUPDATE FROM NUTTY
Congrats on a successful interview and hope the co-sponser thing works out. I am pretty sure SS income will be counted since it is the same as retirement income and they know she will get it since it is US Government money being sent to her.....but then looking at the current state of our government....
I am glad it went well, plz give details.
belinda63FemaleIran2007-12-11 23:10:00
Middle East and North AfricaIN FREAKING HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kentucky?? With California Service Center?
Itsmeitsmeitsree!FemaleWales2006-12-30 23:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaIN FREAKING HAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know what you mean about the emotional catharsis, Jean. For me it always comes much much later. I can remember standing in the consulate during the interview and actually hearing the words of the approval, and being pretty much amazed and relieved but non-emotional. I was the same with all the other steps - the trip back to America, the marriage ceremony and everything.

What gets me sometimes still is when he phones from somewhere, we talk and then hang up. I can still remember feeling very alone and empty as I would put the phone back in it's cradle. I have to pinch myself that I will see him when he gets home from work and not some uncharted date in the future.

Same here. I was in the consulate as well and heard "approved." I was excited, but not overly emotional. Now, I get emotional by that very same thing rebeccajo. A phone call from work saying he's running a couple of minutes behind brings floods of memories of those times when I would go to bed holding the phone in case he might call. Now I go to bed holding him.

And Jean, congratulations! We've all been pulling for you.
Itsmeitsmeitsree!FemaleWales2006-12-28 19:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaSaturday YEAH
Warm, beautifully sunny day here in Kentucky. I wish I were able to go out and enjoy it. However, I had surgery on my ankle yesterday and don't think I'll be doing anything today except enjoying some nice prescribed narcotics!
Itsmeitsmeitsree!FemaleWales2007-03-24 11:19:00
Middle East and North Africa221 (g)

I have been going through and through the mess of links to the acts and ammendments, and have found some interesting bits in the adjucators manual "i'll paste them at the bottom"... But I can not find the part that specifically deals with denials and this 221 (g) Has anyone else ever found it or by chance have a link for it? I'll kep looking in the meantime and if I find it i'll post it for anyone else who wants to read.

I did find this section on the CO asking names of previous spouses and other alarms they find but these are in reference to the I-130. I'm assuming it may apply to the I-129 as well:

Although the I-130 petition asks for the names of all prior spouses, the response to the question is sometimes inaccurate. The reasons given for an inaccurate answer are numerous, but the most common reasons are:
• Desire to conceal prior marriage(s) from spouse;
• Separated for many years and unsure if legally divorced;
• Even though legally divorced, not in possession of the divorce decree and unwilling to take time to get it;
• Not divorced because divorce is not allowed in the person's country of origin (e.g., the Philippines).

On the other hand, a marriage which was contracted solely for immigration purposes does not confer benefits under the Act. A number of factors may raise questions about the intent of the marriage, and therefore necessitate more in depth questioning (see Chapter 15 regarding interviewing techniques), or even a field examination (see Chapter 17) or an investigation (see Chapter 10.5(d)). Some indications that a marriage may have been contracted solely for immigration benefits include:
• Large disparity of age;
• Inability of petitioner and beneficiary to speak each other's language;
• Vast difference in cultural and ethnic background;
• Family and/or friends unaware of the marriage;
• Marriage arranged by a third party;
• Marriage contracted immediately following the beneficiary's apprehension or receipt of notification to depart the United States;
• Discrepancies in statements on questions for which a husband and wife should have common knowledge;
• No cohabitation since marriage;
• Beneficiary is a friend of the family;
• Petitioner has filed previous petitions in behalf of aliens, especially prior alien spouses.

You have done good! Do you mind podting the link where you found this?

Have you read Ellis's postings?


Don't mind at all, but be forwarned, from what I can tell, there is no order rhyme or reason to this Act or Manual. I spent hour after hour just wandering lost from one page to the next skimming whatever seemed halfway relevant. In the searching though, it does give insight into the mindset, philosophy, technique etc of interviews and CO's. I would love to find the part directly concerning the 221 (g) though... it's a mission now. I don't think I know of Ellis's case no, i'll search, thanks.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-07-24 15:55:00
Middle East and North Africa221 (g)
I have been going through and through the mess of links to the acts and ammendments, and have found some interesting bits in the adjucators manual "i'll paste them at the bottom"... But I can not find the part that specifically deals with denials and this 221 (g) Has anyone else ever found it or by chance have a link for it? I'll kep looking in the meantime and if I find it i'll post it for anyone else who wants to read.

I did find this section on the CO asking names of previous spouses and other alarms they find but these are in reference to the I-130. I'm assuming it may apply to the I-129 as well:

Although the I-130 petition asks for the names of all prior spouses, the response to the question is sometimes inaccurate. The reasons given for an inaccurate answer are numerous, but the most common reasons are:
• Desire to conceal prior marriage(s) from spouse;
• Separated for many years and unsure if legally divorced;
• Even though legally divorced, not in possession of the divorce decree and unwilling to take time to get it;
• Not divorced because divorce is not allowed in the person's country of origin (e.g., the Philippines).

On the other hand, a marriage which was contracted solely for immigration purposes does not confer benefits under the Act. A number of factors may raise questions about the intent of the marriage, and therefore necessitate more in depth questioning (see Chapter 15 regarding interviewing techniques), or even a field examination (see Chapter 17) or an investigation (see Chapter 10.5(d)). Some indications that a marriage may have been contracted solely for immigration benefits include:
• Large disparity of age;
• Inability of petitioner and beneficiary to speak each other's language;
• Vast difference in cultural and ethnic background;
• Family and/or friends unaware of the marriage;
• Marriage arranged by a third party;
• Marriage contracted immediately following the beneficiary's apprehension or receipt of notification to depart the United States;
• Discrepancies in statements on questions for which a husband and wife should have common knowledge;
• No cohabitation since marriage;
• Beneficiary is a friend of the family;
• Petitioner has filed previous petitions in behalf of aliens, especially prior alien spouses.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-07-24 06:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaGood news!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Jamals interview is Aug. 22nd !!!! :dance: Thanks for all the advice here it made the first steps seem so easy and smooth. Any advice on the interview process in casa :luv:

soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-05 06:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCHIQUITA'S COUNTDOWN!



Been so crazy this week!! Can't think, can't do much except cry. Been a weird week for sure.

Everyone is asking what are we going to do? Heck I don't know. What does everyone else do?

I think on the way home from the airport we will stop and have dinner. It will be rush hour and if one has ever driven Woodward Avenue in Detorit one knows how bad that can be!!! I live a few hours north of the airport so stopping for din din will be nice I think.

I want to take him swimming since it is my favorite thing to do in the summer and the winter (pool). Hmmm...maybe a midnight swimm. He can keep me safe from the fisheys.

Then take him to Great Lakes Mall and let him he likes to shop.

Let him cook!!!! I bought some really good steaks for him to well he will just have to learn to use the grill!

I am planning a trip to Cedar Point too. I think he will really like that!!!

Perhaps a little quiet time up north would be nice. Around Lake Huron are some real quaint cottages and we would be all alone. A quiet reunion of sorts.

Those are my ideas, not sure how it will all pan out, but I don't care as long as he is here!!!!


I had to smile reading your post. I can feel the excitement, joy and nervous energy pouring out. Congratulations, you deserve this happiness and no matter what you do, it will be the best time in your lives.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-09 05:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaDreams... Do You think they're telling you something?
Ya'll want to hear a strange dream? Well, ok...

First, my sweetie keeps his computer and our chats open through the night while I sleep. When he is finished with his work, he sends me a "Good Morning Beautiful" message to find when I wake up. Thursday night, while sleeping, I had the most intense dream.

I dreamt that I got a phonecall from a number I did not recognize. I answered and it was a guy from immigration who said he was working on our petition, but he needed me to come into the office right away and clarify something. I said of course and immediately the dream scene changed to me in his office, opposite sides of a desk, he had our papers spread out in front of him. He had a wicked grin on his face, I could tell I didn't trust him. He said "Why do you want to do a fiance visa? Why not do some other type like a student visa?" I replied "Because we are in love and we want to be married and live our lives together, he doesn't have any interest in returning to school." The man "Well, there is just no way I can approve this visa on any grounds but furthering education so I have to deny the K-1" I started to cry hysterically and beg and plead ... I remember saying to him "Please please look at our pics, look at our letters and chats he loves me soooooooooo much" He laughed and said "Oh, I have no doubts about your love, I have read it all and the sap is enough to make anyone sick, but I can't approve him on any basis other than furthering education. Sorry denied." I was a wreck crying sobbing, they made me leave his office and outside the door, i woke up.
When I woke in my bed, i was truly crying and shaking... sat up, trying to shake off the emotional dream leftovers. Saw the computer and that my sweetie had logged off, decided to read his sweet message and hoped it would make me feel better. It did... then I saw I had email alerts, clicked them, and guess what I found?

Two emails from USCIS... we were approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BTW in dreams, a telephone = telepathy
So pay EXTRA attention to those phone calls in your dreams, someone is trying to tell you something.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-12 06:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaDreams... Do You think they're telling you something?

As long as we are turing this into an everybody dream thread....... While I was in Morocco the first time in Dec. 2004 [right before I married Atif] I had a dream one night about my father [ he died in 1989]. In the dream I was in heaven and I saw my dad talking with some people-Oriental people, showing them a house and speaking with them in their language. And for some reason I understood what he was saying. Anyway, he noticed me and came over to me and gave me a hug and then told me everything was going to be alright, and that he had to go. I awoke crying, scared Atif to death because I was crying. I haven't dreamed of my dad in YEARS. And the wierd thing to me was that my dad in life worked in textiles, not real estate, and he didn't speak a foreign language.

An hints as to what it meant?

An important factor in determing what level of consciousness a dream occurs in, is the color of a dream. Dreams will be in either black and white, living color, pastel, or white and hazy. Do you recall the color you dreamed this in?

I will tell you this dream by symbolism. 99% of dreams are symbolic only and that tiny percentage which has a meaning or glimpse beyond that still follows symbolism but has aditional meaning as well. Because I have no idea what your religious views are, and those can be controversial for some, I will leave the potential for further meaning in this dream, off this public forum.

Heaven = superconscious mind level. The level of mind that is closest to your soul.
Your father, is your inner divinity, that voice inside you that is not quite your own and is that of God speaking through you.

Dreams are in direct relation, telling us of our life experiences directly before the dream occured. In this time of your life, you were following your souls path, hearing the divinity inside you lead you to your destiny. Previous to this time, you had not understood that inner guidance or heeded to it, it was a "foreign language" to you. Just then you recognized and realized that this is your path, where you were led to be and it was your destiny. You submitted to it and all those nagging little voices of doubt within you, dwindled. Your dream was a message of love and nurturing from your divinity.

When I have a dream I wonder what it means... I know it means something. Some of them are SO vivid that I am amazed... Do you believe your dreams are telling you something?

Yes, your dreams are telling you something. A dream is your daily progress report on the events of the day directly before the dream.

Does anyone know how to interpret dreams? I am curios to know...

I taught dream interpretation for 10 years

So here is a dream that I had about 3 weeks ago:

I was in middle of nowhere with hills all around me... I'm alone... I wasn't afraid I was just waiting for something...

The outdoors, nature = the area of your subconscious mind that is fertile, ready to encounter new ideas, concepts or lessons.

I hear planes and I'm thinking they are fighter planes...

The planes are organizations, circles of friends or family, church, school, possibly work... anywhere you are involved with a large group of people working toward a common goal. You would have had thoughts or interactions with these people this day. It seems there is some discord amongst them.

Then there is this woman, sort of looks like me,

In dreams, people who are of the same sex as the dreamer, represent conscious aspects of yourself. Members of the opposite sex in dreams, represent subconscious aspects of yourself. This woman, is the conscious aspect of you, that is always urging you to delve deeper, examine further.

she takes my hand and takes me to a very small one room cabin. Inside, she leads me to a small narrow door, made out of metal. The door is closed shut. There is no handle, no key hole, no key, nothing… Just shut tight…

Any house, is representing the current (that day) state of your mind. That day, you were not examining all the possibilities and were feeling closed off to new ideas and concepts. Perhaps someone in that group was trying to convince you of the rightness of an issue you were closed to and set against. (just an example, you will have to recall and see exactly where for yourself these symbolisms fit into your day)

She tells me here is the door that you need to open. I look at her and say, but there is no key how do I open it… and it’s so narrow if/when I open it how do I get through… She says I’m showing you the door… it’s your job to open it… You’ll find a way to get through the narrow passage…So I’m thinking (in my dream) how to open a keyless door… and when I do I have to walk sideways through it…

Whatever the inner compromise you were not embracing was that day, you did acknowledge to yourself, that although it does not seem possible, there might be some slight way of encompassing all sides. Possibly a way you would be comfortable compromising in, with work.

when I look back to ask her another question she is gone… the room is stuffy I can hardly breath… I see a window right across from the close door that I haven’t notice before I break the window with my elbow… air rushes in… no sounds of airplanes anymore… everything is quiet… I am standing in front of the door and trying to figure a way to open it…

When you opened the window, and gave access to the possibility of it not being impossibly closed off, the discord within the group(airplanes) ceased.

Then I slowly wake up… I’m not panicky or distraught about my dream… just thoughtful and sort of relaxed…

Yes, it is so much harder to resist or be closed off to anything than to at least admit to the self, that the possibility of examining options might not be so impossible. Even in situations we are against.

What do you think?

Soul encounter, thank you for interpreting this dream... what you said is so interesting and makes a lot of sense... I often dream of airplanes... And there has been something in my life that I refused to consider before but lately I'm considering it and thinking is not all that bad...I knew my subconscious was telling me something... and what u said was very close to what I was thinking...

I have dreams like this every so often that are this detailed and I know they mean something... one I had a while back that I am very interested to know what it meant since my dad was in it... My dad past away 17 years ago today...

Thanks again and to everyone who read this and shared their dreams...

You are welcome. Dreams are a pleasure for me. I will tell you and anyone else here though, I do feel a bit hesitant to post these interpretations on a public forum. Most of us here try to keep (with good reason) personal tidbits of our selves and personality anonomous. Dreams are extremely personal and reveal the most intimate bits of our personal lives and selves. If anyone wishes me to give further dream insights, you are welcome to pm them to me.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-12 06:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaDreams... Do You think they're telling you something?

I have been having the same dream for the last 24 years. I have it about 2-3 times a year. In my dream I am 5 years old and I am running and playing in a meadow full of those flowers (the white kind that you blow). Then I heard loud noises and vibration of the earth. I am surrounded by giant men. They are happy but so loud I can feel the vibration of their voices in my body. Then I wake up.

They are not saying anything I can understand, actually there is never talking in my dreams. Most of my dreams are very weird. One scene jumping to somthing totally unrelated. :huh:

Recurring dreams are repeated messages from your subconscious. Some life experience you keep replaying. Sometimes in this life, we encounter situations which make us feel small, unequiped to handle or understand or know how to deal with them.

Scenes in dreams may be unrelated to the previous dream scene, as in not following a script, but if the symbolism is interpreted, it will stay to a common message or theme for the dreamer.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-12 05:28:00
Middle East and North AfricaDreams... Do You think they're telling you something?

Well I have been having dreams that I am pregnant or that I just find out that I am. I also have a reocurring
dream where I am at this theme park and it seems everytime I am on a different ride and it breaks and I go flying. It's pretty fun!

A pregnancy symbolizes your unmanifest creations. You have this dream frequently so you are always full of new ideas, creations. Giving birth, is implementing and manifesting those ideas into being. Roller coasters, amusement park rides are swiftly changing emotions. Emotions can be utilized as tools for moving things in certain directions in our lives. When they break, they are out of control, not necessarily a bad thing, if you will reflect, you will probably realise that at the times in your life that your emotions have run to the greatest extremes, have been followed by a period of unexpected and quick changes or surprises in your day to day life.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-11 18:08:00
Middle East and North AfricaDreams... Do You think they're telling you something?

When I have a dream I wonder what it means... I know it means something. Some of them are SO vivid that I am amazed... Do you believe your dreams are telling you something?

Yes, your dreams are telling you something. A dream is your daily progress report on the events of the day directly before the dream.

Does anyone know how to interpret dreams? I am curios to know...

I taught dream interpretation for 10 years

So here is a dream that I had about 3 weeks ago:

I was in middle of nowhere with hills all around me... I'm alone... I wasn't afraid I was just waiting for something...

The outdoors, nature = the area of your subconscious mind that is fertile, ready to encounter new ideas, concepts or lessons.

I hear planes and I'm thinking they are fighter planes...

The planes are organizations, circles of friends or family, church, school, possibly work... anywhere you are involved with a large group of people working toward a common goal. You would have had thoughts or interactions with these people this day. It seems there is some discord amongst them.

Then there is this woman, sort of looks like me,

In dreams, people who are of the same sex as the dreamer, represent conscious aspects of yourself. Members of the opposite sex in dreams, represent subconscious aspects of yourself. This woman, is the conscious aspect of you, that is always urging you to delve deeper, examine further.

she takes my hand and takes me to a very small one room cabin. Inside, she leads me to a small narrow door, made out of metal. The door is closed shut. There is no handle, no key hole, no key, nothing… Just shut tight…

Any house, is representing the current (that day) state of your mind. That day, you were not examining all the possibilities and were feeling closed off to new ideas and concepts. Perhaps someone in that group was trying to convince you of the rightness of an issue you were closed to and set against. (just an example, you will have to recall and see exactly where for yourself these symbolisms fit into your day)

She tells me here is the door that you need to open. I look at her and say, but there is no key how do I open it… and it’s so narrow if/when I open it how do I get through… She says I’m showing you the door… it’s your job to open it… You’ll find a way to get through the narrow passage…So I’m thinking (in my dream) how to open a keyless door… and when I do I have to walk sideways through it…

Whatever the inner compromise you were not embracing was that day, you did acknowledge to yourself, that although it does not seem possible, there might be some slight way of encompassing all sides. Possibly a way you would be comfortable compromising in, with work.

when I look back to ask her another question she is gone… the room is stuffy I can hardly breath… I see a window right across from the close door that I haven’t notice before I break the window with my elbow… air rushes in… no sounds of airplanes anymore… everything is quiet… I am standing in front of the door and trying to figure a way to open it…

When you opened the window, and gave access to the possibility of it not being impossibly closed off, the discord within the group(airplanes) ceased.

Then I slowly wake up… I’m not panicky or distraught about my dream… just thoughtful and sort of relaxed…

Yes, it is so much harder to resist or be closed off to anything than to at least admit to the self, that the possibility of examining options might not be so impossible. Even in situations we are against.

What do you think?

soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-11 17:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasa finally emailed me back!

They told me that for a K-1 visa, they don't need the i-134.
Here's the direct quote:

"Please be informed that no affidavit of support is required for your type of petition."

I've already sent my fiance my paperwork, but it seems like it's not necessary? woo-hoo! now I can stop obsessing!! :dance:

We recently got our NOA2 and I called the attorney and asked if I should come in and get our support papers together now and ready. She said, for us to wait until he gets his packet from the embassy listing exactly what he needs. If they want it, they will ask for it then, if they don't, it is not required. The checklist they send him, is exactly what the officer checks off at interview.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-08-16 05:49:00
Middle East and North AfricaDocs to translate

Ok ladies, quick question. Getting ready for interview in Casa, the attorney did all the paperwork, medical was fine. But I know we need certain docs translated. We have the birth record translated, the police report, but what about the passport? Does it have to be translated?

We had the birth certificate and police report translated, but not the passport.

Thanks everyone, one less thing to worry over is good.
soul_encounterNot TellingMorocco2006-10-01 16:38:00